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Part – I
Question 1
a) Name the present chairman of the Rajya Sabha. [1]
b) Which union territory enjoys maximum number of seats in both Lok
Sabha and Rajya Sabha? [1]
c) Who was sworn in as the prime minister of India after the 12th Lok
Sabha elections? [1]
d) Name the bill that cannot originate in the Rajya Sabha as per the
constitution of India? [1]
e) What is the maximum gap allowed between two parliamentary
sessions? [1]
f) What do you understand by revisory jurisdiction of the supreme court? [1]
g) Who is the current chief justice of the supreme court? [1]
h) Who appoints the judges of the supreme court? [1]
Question 2

a) What was the reason for the discontentment of Italy after the treaty of
Versailles? [2]
b) Name the alliances that were formed in Europe before World war 1? [2]
c) What was the immediate cause of World war 1? [2]
d)List any four foreign policies of Germany under Nazi rule. [2]
e) Write about the causes of the rise of dictatorial rule in Italy and
Germany? [2]
f) Describe two principles of fascism. [2]
Part II
Section A
Question 3
with reference to the supreme court, answer the following:
a) A court of record. (3)
b) Appellate jurisdiction (3)
c) Original jurisdiction (4)
Question 4
With respect to the results of World war 1, answer the following:
a) Name the treaty that concluded the World war 1. when and where was it
signed (3)
b) Name the persons who played an active role in framing the terms of the
treaty (3)
c) List the main provisions of the treaty with Germany (4)
Question 5
Answer the following with respect to Nazism:
a) Economic crisis as a cause for the rise of Nazism (3)
b) anti-Semitic propaganda (3)
c) Germany under Nazi rule (4)

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