FGD Male: MGD Project-Communique - Unit-L2 - Male - Age-35-40 - Sec-A2 B1B2 C - Lucknow - 14-03-2021 - Audio.m4a

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Project Name Transcription 8

Name of the audio  MGD Project-Communique _Unit-L2_Male_Age-35-40_Sec-

A2 B1B2 C_Lucknow_14-03-2021_Audio.m4a

Date of Submission 17/3/2021

Methodology (FGD, DI, EGD, MINI FGD


Gender Male

Duration of the audio 1 hour 52 minutes 7 seconds

Transcriber done till 1 hour 0 minutes 1 seconds

R: I can hear you.

M: Perfect, okay. So, my name is Utsha. I work for Dragonfly Market Research company.
And today we are meeting because I have some ads which I want to show you. After that,
the conversation will be basically on them. How do you feel Or What you liked or what
you didn’t liked? That type of thing, okay?

R: Yes, Ma’am.

M: So, first will be… what I will do is I will be sending you the links of all these ads in the

R: Okay Ma'am.

M: You just have to click on the link and see the ad, okay?

R: Okay.

M: But before that, let me ask you a few questions. Sanjay ji, could you please tell me
your age?

R: I was born in March, 1984. I mean thirty-seven.

M: Thirty-Seven?

R: Yeah Ma’am.

M: Okay. Have you ever played on Dream11 before?

R: Yes Ma’am.
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M: You have played before.

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay. So, when you hear Dream11, what comes to your mind?

R: Ma’am, its like a little contribution to earn money. Its like a game…

M: Okay.

R: Where you can make your team.

M: Yes.

R: And in that you can invest small amount, like 20 or 30 or 49 rupees, as much as you can.

M: Yes.

R: Then if your team wins, you will get the rewards.

M: So basically, it is a game where you get rewards.

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay. Anything else comes to your mind on hearing Dream11?

R: Dream11 is just sponsoring the IPL.

M: Yes.

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: You remember IPL as well.

R: Last year, Dream11 sponsored IPL.

M: Correct.

R: In 2020.

M: Correct.

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay. So, now I will send you, one-by-one, the links of all the ads, okay?

R: Yes.

M: You watch the ads and after that we will talk about it more, okay?

R: Okay.

M: So, this is the first ad.

R: Okay Ma’am. I will see it.

[No conversation from 02:12 – 02:51]

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R: I have seen it.

M: Have you seen it?

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay, this is the locked out one, right? which was…

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay, this is the ad with Pandya, right?

R: Yes Ma’am, Hardik Pandya one.

M: Hardik Pandya’s ad, perfect.

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: So, now I will give you the next link. Yes, I have sent it to you

R: Okay.

[No conversation from 03:20 – 03:39]

R: Yes, I have seen it.

M: Have you seen it?

R: Yes.

M: Sorry, give me one second.

R: That’s it.

M: Have you seen it?

R: Yes Ma’am, I have seen it.

M: Okay. This was the one where they lost the bat, correct?

R: Yes Ma’am, the bat gets lost.

M: Correct.

R: Shreyas Iyer.

M: The one with Shreyas Iyer, correct.

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay. I am sending you the next one…yes, I have sent it to you.

R: Yes, I have got it.

[No conversation from 04:28 – 05:00]

R: Yes Ma’am, I have seen it.

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M: Which one is this?

R: This one is with Mahendra Singh Dhoni, the one with the lights, the light…

M: The light one, right. The one with Dhoni.

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: I have sent you the link of the fourth ad.

R: Okay.

[No conversation from 05:13 – 05:46]

M: Have you completed this one?

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: This was Rohit Sharma one, right?

R: Yes Ma’am, Rohit Sharma one.

M: Perfect, Okay. Now, I will… one second please

R: Okay.

M: Yes, I have sent you the next one.

[No conversation from 06:07 – 06:42]

R: It’s the right one.

M: Done?

R: Yes done.

M: This was the bricks one

R: Yes Ma’am, bricks one.

M: The one with Pandya.

R: Yes, with Hardik Pandya.

M: Okay. And this is the sixth and the last ad.

R: Okay.

[No conversation from 06:55 – 07:24]

R: Yes, done.

M: Have you seen it?

R: Yes, I have seen it.

M: Okay. So, I will do one thing, since there are six ads which will be difficult to

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R: Yes Ma’am.

M: So, I will write you the names of all the ads that you have seen.

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: There was night time cricket, you have seen water log one, after that…

R: Yes Ma’am, and there was one with the bat, the bricks one…

M: Correct, the one with the bricks.

R: and the one…

M: The last was the clothesline one, correct?

R: Clothesline one, yes Ma’am.

M: So, these are the six ads you watched, correct?

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: So, you tell me how will you rank these six ads? Which ad will rank first?

R: First rank will be… Ma’am I think… all ads are good. So, first rank will be…

M: Which one you find was the best?

R: The clothesline one.

M: The one with the clothesline?

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Why did you liked it the most?

R: Because, in that, they made wickets out of the pajamas.

M: Sorry, one second.

R: Yes Ma’am. Okay Ma’am.

[No conversation from 08:40 – 09:13]

M: I am so sorry. Yes, you were telling me why you liked the clothesline one so much…
Sanjay, I can’t hear anything. Absolutely no sound is coming…Hello?... No, the sound is
still not coming. Absolutely, no sound is coming… Hello?... Could you do one thing,
could you take out your headphones?... No, its still not coming… Hello?... Absolutely
cannot hear your voice, Sanjay.

R: Hello?

M: Yes, now it is coming.

R: Is it coming?

M: Yes. Finally, what were you saying about that clothesline ad?

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R: Ma’am, I actually thought it was funny at the end where they made wickets out of the

M: Yes.

R: I liked it.

M: Okay. So, you find it funny.

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay, that’s why it is in the first place.

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay, which ad will come in second rank?

R: Ma’am, the one with Mahendra Singh Dhoni.

M: Okay.

R: The light one.

M: The one with the lights, why?

R: Ma’am, it is because of Mahendra Singh Dhoni.

M: What?

R: It is because of Mahendra Singh Dhoni, because of Mahi.

M: Right.

R: Yes.

M: You like him a lot?

R: I like him very much.

M: Okay. Is there anything more in that ad which made you liked it the most?

R: The thing in that ad was when the batsman said that there is no light, he cannot see
anything, then suddenly headlights of all the bikes were turned on.

M: Correct.

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay, right. Which ad will be in third rank?

R: Ma’am, the water line one…

M: The water filling…

R: The one where the house was filled with…

M: The one where the house is flooded with water.

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R: With water, yes Ma’am.

M: Okay. Why is that?

R: In that team effort is shown. It is shown that at first, to play, they are clearing the ground…

M: Yes.

R: but at the end the bucket gets filled again.

M: Right. So, at the end that water falls off once again.

R: Yes Ma’am. All the hard work gone again.

M: Okay, right. Then which ad will be in the fourth rank?

R: The fourth is the locked out one.

M: Locked out means one where the gate was closed?

R: Yes Ma’am, that one.

M: Why that one?

R: Ma’am, because in that the spirit is very good for playing. They even break the locks and
jump over the wall in order to play.

M: Yes.

R: That brings back childhood memories when we used to do that. To play on the ground we
used to jump over the walls and go there to play.

M: Right, okay. Is there anything else you liked besides this?

R: Actually, at the end, they all jump over the gate while the fat kid just breaks the gate and go
to the ground.

M: Right.

R: The gate’s lock gets broken.

M: Right, okay. Which ad will come on fifth rank?

R: Bricks one.

M: The one with the bricks, you mean Hardik Pandya one.

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay, which is that fifth?

R: Ma’am, in this as well, to make wickets, they all work hard. At last, Pandya comes to bat, and
the wickets fall down by itself and he was declared out.

M: But if you found this one funnier, why is it not ranked higher? Why is it ranked second
to last?

R: Ma’am, actually whatever I understood I have told you that.

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M: Yes, that’s fine. What I am asking…

R: That is, I am telling you.

M: So, what was it lacking?

R: Ma’am, compared to the other ads, I found it less funny. That’s the thing.

M: Okay, right. So, in the last rank which one is coming, the one…

R: The bat.

M: The one where the bat is lost.

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Why is that the last one?

R: I didn’t like it that much.

M: Okay.

R: Everyone in that was looking for the bat.

M: Yes.

R: Embarrassing.

M: So, what you didn’t liked about it?

R: I liked it, but at the end, the bat… I didn’t understand it.

M: What you didn’t understand, could you please tell me?

R: Ma’am, at the end, it’s a matter about choice. That one, I understood less, that’s why I didn’t
liked it more. That’s the reason.

M: Okay, right. So, in overall, what do you think? What these ads want to say or what
messages they want to give?

R: Ma’am, the message it is giving is that teamwork is the best thing.

M: Okay.

R: If you doing any work in a team, if there is teamwork there, then everything will be perfect.

M: Okay.

R: It is better to do the work in team rather than doing it alone because it could be done more
quickly in a team. So, that’s the right thing.

M: Got it, great. So, Sanjay, please give me some time, I will talk with others, one-by-one,
as well, and then we will have the group discussion, okay?

R: Okay Ma’am

M: So, please leave this chat room and then we will do the group discussion, okay?

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R: Okay Ma’am.

M: Thanks Sanjay.

R: Thank you, Ma’am.

R: Mishra ji?

M: Its Mitra ji.

R: Okay, Mitra ji.

M: Can you hear my voice clearly?

R: Yes, Mitra Ma’am, I can hear your voice clearly. How are you?

M: Perfect. So Neeraj ji, we are meeting today because I have some ads which I want to
show you, and…

R: Okay.

M: I want to take your opinion about them, and what you liked about them, and what you
didn’t liked about them, okay?

R: Okay.

M: So, one-by-one, I will be showing you the six ads. It’s a lot of ads, but they are small
ads, so I hope you will feel good and have fun. So, one-by-one, I will send you the links,
you just have to click on the link, watch the ad and come back here, okay?

R: Okay.

M: Before starting, I have some questions for you.

R: Yes.

M: Could you please tell me your age?

R: I am 40 years old. I am married.

M: Okay, and have you heard of Dream11 or have played on Dream11 before?

R: Yes, I have been playing on Dream11 for the last one and half years.

M: Okay.

R: [says something, but the voice breaks up, from 15:37 – 15:46]

M: Sorry Neeraj ji, I cannot hear you clearly. Your voice is breaking up.

R: Hello?

M: Okay, I think your network is weak.

R: No, your voice is breaking up but the video is okay. The video is clear.

M: Okay. We will try again. So, you were telling me about what comes to your mind when
you hear dream11.
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R: When I hear Dream11, the thing that strikes my mind is…

M: Please keep the mic near you. Keep the mic close to your mouth…Hello?

R: Yes.

M: Please move the mic little forward.

R: Move forward…

M: Yes.

R: Okay.

M: So, you were telling me, what comes to your mind when you hear Dream11?

R: Excitement, fun, games.

M: Excitement, fun and games.

R: At mobile.

M: Okay. Anything else?

R: And the prize is very attractive, but often we get small amount as a prize.

M: Okay. So, now I will share six ads with you, one-by-one. Let’s start with the first ad.
Have got the link in the chat box?

R: Yes, it came down.

M: Please click on the link and…

R: Should I click on it?

M: watch the ad on that link and come back.

R: The link that you have shared got removed.

M: Dhiraj ji, your network is too weak. I cannot hear you at all.

R: Should I change the network?

M: Yes, could you please sit somewhere else?

R: Wait a second.

M: Thank you so much.

R: says something, but the voice breaks up, from 17:42 – 17:56] … Now I am near the balcony,
now here can you hear me?

M: Let’s try again, but it still is weak. But let’s try it.

R: Okay.

M: If your network is low… could do one thing, could you turn off your video, then I think,
maybe, the audio would get clearer.
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R: Okay, one second. I have stopped the video.

M: Okay, now let’s try it.

R: Okay.

M: So, you have got the link, on the side, right?

R: I got the link but it disappeared. I saw it on the screen but it went away.

M: Okay. Wait, I am sending it to you once again. Give me one second.

R: As soon as it will appear, I will click on it.

M: One second, I am sending it to you. Yes, I have sent it to you. Sorry, give me a
second…yes, I have sent you again. Have you got it?

R: I have clicked on it.

M: Yes.

R: Mitra ji, the link came on the screen and suddenly disappeared.

M: You do one thing, Neeraj ji, at the bottom you will find there is a chat icon. Can you
see it?

R: Chat icon… it has mute, start video, share participants and more.

M: Click on more.

R: One second, I have clicked on more.

M: There you will find chat…

R: It is written chat to read, send and meeting settings. These three things are written.

M: Yes, open the chat, you will find the link there.

R: Okay. Yes, I have got your link here in the chat. I have clicked it now and YouTube is
opening, right.

M: Yes.

R: Just a second, YouTube is opening.

M: Okay. Please watch the ad.

R: I will…

M: Yes.

R: Ad… Okay.

[No conversation from 19:44 – 20:06]

R: The ad is completed.

M: Have you watched the first one?

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R: Yes.

M: It’s the one where they were locked out of the cricket ground, right?

R: Yea, it is the one where some people come by jumping the fence and at the end, one guy…

M: Correct.

R: opens the door and comes

M: Okay. Now, I have sent you the second link.

R: One second, I have gone back. I have gone back from YouTube. Yes, I have got the second
link. I am playing it now.

M: Okay.

[No conversation from 20:43 – 21:02]

R: “Dream Hai to Majaa Hai”.

M: Completed? Have you watched the second ad?

R: Yea, I have watched the second ad. I am going back again. Okay, I have watched two ads.

M: This is one the where the bat is lost, right?

R: Yes, the bat gets lost. “Jane Kaha Mera Jigar Gaya Ji”, that song is there.

M: Correct, brilliant. Now I will send you the third one.

R: Okay, I have got the link for the third ad. I am just clicking it.

M: Yeah.

[No conversation from 21:33 – 21:58]

R: Yes, I have watched the third one also.

M: Okay, this one is with Dhoni where they play cricket at night, is it that one?

R: Yea, some boys are playing with Dhoni and they turn on the headlights of their bikes for

M: Correct.

R: I was more concentrated on the visual. So, I couldn’t hear the song.

M: Okay…

R: Then the link came to me.

M: Okay, one second, you didn’t hear the third song?

R: No, in the third one, my mind was focused on the visual.

M: Okay.

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R: I heard the song but forgot it immediately.

M: Okay.

R: I was more focused on the visual.

M: Okay, not a problem. Please see the fourth ad.

R: So, I am clicking on the fourth link.

M: Yes.

R: It is opening. Yes.

[No conversation from 22:39 – 23:02]

R: Yes, I have watched it. This one was with Sharma ji.

M: Yes, the one with Rohit Sharma.

R: They are playing cricket at the courtyard. They are taking out the water.

M: Correct.

R: Okay.

M: This is the fifth ad.

R: Yes, I am clicking on the fifth one.

[No conversation from 23:19 – 23:43]

R: Yes.

M: Done?

R: I have completed the fifth one. It was the one with Shikhar Dhawan.

M: Yes.

R: The fifth one is also over.

M: Sorry, which was this one?

R: This was Shikhar Dhawan one where they make the wickets by using bricks. “Jaha Char
Yaar Mil Jaye”

M: Was it Shikhar Dhawan or someone else?

R: It was Shikhar Dhawan, Ma’am.

M: Please watch the ad again, Neeraj ji.

R: One minute.

M: Yes.

[No conversation from 24:15 – 24:42]

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R: Yes, I have watched it again, but I couldn’t recognise the cricket player, who is playing the
central lead. Is it okay?

M: Okay, that is Hardik Pandya.

R: Okay, he was looking different here.

M: Okay. I am sending you the last ad now.

R: Okay, I have got the last one. I just clicking on it.

M: Yeah.

R: Start.

[No conversation from 25:14 – 25:38]

R: Yes, I have seen it. This was the one with Shikhar Dhawan. The boys were removing the
clothes on the terrace to play there.

M: Correct.

R: That was the situation.

M: Correct. So, you have seen these six ads. Now I will write you the names of all these
six ads in the chat, so that you can remember it easily and you don’t have to stress over
it. So, now tell me, according to you, which one did you liked…

R: Let me open the chat section.

M: Out of all these six ads, which one did you liked the most?

R: Out of these ads, the funniest that I found is the one where they made the wickets out of
bricks by carrying them. That was a funny situation between the boys.

M: Okay.

R: So, the one with the bricks, which is the fifth one was the funniest.

M: Why was it the funniest according to you?

R: It is because in that the boys have the spirit to play cricket which also reflected my childhood.
We also used to play cricket by making wickets out of bricks. That’s why I got a funny feeling
watching the boys trying to play by making wickets out bricks and having fun.

M: Right, okay. And which one will be on second rank?

R: The second rank will be the one where they play cricket at night. Then they turn on the
headlight of their bikes for lighting and Dhoni plays the central lead in that. Then the boy got out
and they made fun of him. So, they made a fool out of him and had fun. That’s I liked the night
cricket one very much.

M: Okay.

R: So, it will be on second rank.

M: Sorry, I didn’t understand. Why do you feel it is the second best?

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R: It is the second best because whenever I watch an ad…

M: Yes.

R: How much that ad relates to me or how much funny elements is in it or how much
entertainment quotient I am getting out of the ads. Then I like those ads.

M: Correct.

R: So, I found the one with the bricks really funny. That’s why it got the first rank. And in the
night time cricket one, there was a surprise element that on Dhoni’s call, they turn on the
headlights of their bike, and try to play cricket, and get that boy out foolishly.

M: Right.

R: And in that they have fun.

M: Correct, understood. After that, which will be the third one, Neeraj ji?

R: The third rank, according to me, is where they took out the bat from the bushes. They try to
find it in the mud. So, it had a funny element according to me, because they were panicking in a
naughty way to find the bat so that they can start playing cricket.

M: Okay.

R: So, the storyline in that was funny and attractive to me.

M: This was the one where they lost the bat.

R: Yes. You have written water logged in its place.

M: The water logged one, okay. The one with Rohit Sharma?

R: Yes.

M: Okay. So, you found the storyline funny in that. Is there any other reason that you
liked it?

R: Pardon, I couldn’t hear your question.

M: I am asking you, other than the story being funny to you, is there any other reason
that you liked it?

R: See, the element in that is, they don’t care about their hygiene. They will go in the mud
places, in water, in bushes, even in the ground which is muddy and watery. They were getting
dirty but the spirit of playing cricket was showing in them. So, they were trying to find the bat.
The slang language that there were using was also common with us when we used to play
cricket in my childhood. So, these are the things that attracted me.

M: I am getting a little confused. The one you are telling, is it the one with Rohit Sharma,
where they clear out the water or is it the one where they lost the bat?

R: No, sorry. The water logged was the one where they were clearing the water out of the

M: Yes.

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R: The lost bat will be number two.

M: Yes. So, according to you, which one is the third rank, the water logged one or the
one with the lost bat?

R: The third rank will be the lost bat.

M: The lost bat, okay. I was thinking that.

R: Yes.

M: So, in that one you found the story funny.

R: Yes, I found the storyline funny.

M: Everyone in that, just to play cricket, were ready to do anything.

R: Yes.

M: And they were using slag language and having fun together.

R: Yes.

M: Okay. Now next, which one will be in fourth rank?

R: The fourth one I chose was the one with the bricks. I have also chosen night cricket, and I
have chosen water logged…

M: You chose night cricket, yes, water logged…

R: So, for the fourth rank which I liked will be the last one, the one with clothesline.

M: Clothesline, okay.

R: In that, to play on the terrace, the boys were removing the clothes to set a field. There was a
character in that who got irritated in a funny way. As that was his mom’s sari, so he greets him.
So, the activities of the boys, to tease someone, or greeting the clothes, but at the same time
they removing the clothes in order to set a field to play cricket. So, with this story mode and
visual, the clothesline is fourth for me.

M: Okay, great. Which one is fifth?

R: The fifth one is… It is fifth because…

M: Sorry, which one is fifth?

R: The courtyard, flooded with water.

M: Okay.

R: So, everyone is using buckets to clear the water out of the courtyard so that they can play
cricket there.

M: Yes.

R: The overall situation is very funny. They are not afraid to get wet, or to get dirty. To play
cricket at the courtyard, they are taking out the water and having fun. They are having a funny

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spirit of a boys, like its not challenging spirit, but like a young spirit of boys who are ready to take
out the water in order to play cricket at the courtyard.

M: Okay.

R: And obviously, the last which is the sixth one is the locked out one.

M: Why did you liked the locked out one the least?

R: See, I have kept that at the sixth place that doesn’t mean I don’t like. Out of these six, that is
number six. That is also a very good ad, but if I compare it with the other five ads, then one of
them will obviously be at sixth place. So, locked out is also very good. It has good visuals and
the song used is also good, and the punchline “Dream Hai to Majaa Hai” was common in all,
that’s why liked it. But if I compare the story mode, concept, visual and funny elements, then it
will go in the sixth place.

M: But why is that, that is what I am asking you?

R: Why is that locked out, I have to see the ad again, because the funny element that I recall in
my brain, according to that I did the ranking. So, locked out… shall I watch it again?

M: No, it’s okay. When we will talk later, we will discuss about it in detail.

R: Okay.

M: Now you tell me, what these ads are trying to say? What kind of message they want to

R: The message is its punchline or tagline, that is “Dream Hai to Majaa Ha”, this is denoting that
playing cricket and having fun in it comes when we play together with our friends. It brings funny
element, playing spirit and sportsmanship. The one thing that is common in all these six
Dream11 ads is that they have used all the old songs in the background. I think they have used
two to three songs are from Satte pe Satta movie, one song of Johnny Walker which is my
favourite. The overall opinion is that cricket is funny, exciting and adventurous with all your

M: Got it, great. Okay Neeraj ji, now please wait for a moment, I will just talk with other
two people quickly, and then I will talk to you again, okay?

R: Okay, thank you Mitra ji.

M: So, for now, please leave this group session, we will call you back again, okay? Thank

R: So, Ma’am, should I continue this call or disconnect it?

M: No, you just leave this from this group.

R: Okay, leave the group.

M: Right.

R: Okay.

M: Thank you.

R: Okay, thank you.

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[No conversation from 34:09 – 34:38]

M: Ashish, give me two minutes, okay?

R: Okay.

M: Hi Ashish, can you hear my voice?

R: Yes, Ma’am.

M: Perfect. So, Ashish, my name is Utsha. I work for Dragonfly Market Research
Company. We are meeting today because I have some ads which I want to show you. So,
there are six ads. I will be sending you the links, one-by-one, of all these ads. You just
have to click it and watch the ads. After that, we will discuss about the ads, okay?

R: Yes.

M: So, before I show you the ads, I want to know something from you. First, can you
please tell me your age?

R: My age is thirty-six.

M: Thirty-six, okay. Have you played on Dream11 before or have you heard about

R: Ma’am, I have heard the name but I haven’t played on it.

M: Okay. What come to your mind when hear Dream11?

R: Ma’am, it’s a cricket game where during the live matches we can make teams and play. But
in this we have to invest money because of betting.

M: You have to invest money, okay…Okay, cool. So now, one-by-one, I will be sending
you the links in the chat, okay?

R: Yes.

M: One second, I am sending you the first one…. Have you got the link?

R: Yes Ma’am, I have got it.

M: Perfect.

R: What I have to do with this link, I have to watch it?

M: You just click on the link, it will open YouTube, then you will see the ad.

R: Okay Ma’am, please send the link again, it is gone.

M: Sorry?

R: Ma’am send the link once again, it is gone.

M: Okay, on the bottom you have options, there click on more.

R: Yes Ma’am, I have clicked on more.

M: There you can see the chat option.

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R: Yes Ma’am, I got it.

M: Click on that…. you have got the link, right?

R: Yes Ma’am.

[No conversation from 37:04 – 37:36]

M: Have you seen it?

R: Yes Ma’am, I have seen it.

M: Perfect, okay. This was the locked out one, right? where…

R: Yes Ma’am. The stadium was locked and they were hanging up.

M: Correct, okay. Now, I am sending you the next one…. Have you got the link for the
next one?

R: No, I haven’t got it yet.

M: You go back… Sorry, one second… Sorry… Yes, have you got it now?

R: Yes Ma’am.

[No conversation from 38:21 – 38:59]

R: Yes Ma’am, I have seen it.

M: Seen it?

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay. The next one… The second one that you have seen is the one where the bat
gets lost, right?

R: Yes.

M: Okay. This is the third ad I have send you.

R: I have seen the third one.

[No conversation from 39:17 – 39:48]

M: Have you seen it?

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay. This is the one with Dhoni where they play cricket at night right?

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay. This your next ad.

R: Okay.

[No conversation from 40:03 – 40:36]

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R: Yes Ma’am, it’s also done.

M: Have you seen it, this one is with Rohit Sharma where the water gets filled, right?

R: Yes Ma’am, right.

M: Okay. Fifth ad.

R: Yes.

[No conversation from 40:49 – 41:22]

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Have you seen it? This was the one with the bricks, with Pandya, right?

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Perfect. The sixth ad.

[No conversation from 41:32 – 42:07]

M: Have you seen it?

R: Yes.

M: So, you have watched all the six ads. I have also messaged you there about the ads
that you saw so that you remember it easily, okay?

R: Yes.

M: Now you tell me, out of all the ads that you watched, which one did you liked the

R: The one ad that I liked the most is the one with Dhoni.

M: Dhoni one, why did you like it the most?

R: Because in that he was saying that he couldn’t see. So, he made all the bikes there turn on
their headlights, and didn’t said anything before bowling with the ball. That’s why the batman got

M: Okay. So, you found it funny as well.

R: Yes.

M: Okay. So, which ad will be the second rank?

R: The second one will be the first ad. The one with Hardik Pandya, where they go to open the

M: Okay, the one where they go to the ground by jumping over the gates.

R: Yes, jumping over the wall.

M: Okay. Why is that on second rank?

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R: Because in that, Pandya and his players are standing over the stadium while some in the
ground are trying to open it. So, some players goes inside while the last one opens the door to
go inside.

M: Okay. So how did you feel after watching the ad?

R: The ad was nice.

M: Nice means… what else was there? Nice is okay but anything more you felt after
watching the ad.

R: The fat person there was not able to climb, he couldn’t climb at all.

M: Yes

R: That’s why he was standing there hoping that the lock will open. So, all his players had come
but he came at last.

M: Yes, okay.

R: I found that interesting.

M: Right. Which ad will be on third rank?

R: Ma’am, the third will be the one with Shikhar Dhawan…

M: The last one where you…

R: Yes

M: They are removing the clothes on the terrace, that one…

R: Yes.

M: Okay, why will that be on the third place?

R: In that, when they were removing the sari, he was like this is my mom’s sari. Then he said
“Sorry, Aunty ji”. I found it funny.

M: Okay, right. Which one will be on fourth?

R: The fourth will the one where they lost the bat in the jungle and went to find it.

M: Okay, why is that?

R: In that, there was a team member who was trying to find the bat, and then he is struck by
something in the bushes. So, he thought maybe some insects have climbed on top of him.

M: Yes.

R: So, his friends tell him to keep searching and, in the end, they find the bat in the mud.

M: Okay. So, the night time… In the one with Dhoni, you also said that it was funny. It had
some funny moments. In this ad also there are funny moment. So, why you liked Dhoni’s
ad more than this?

R: Because, the batman said that he cannot see anything.

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M: Yes.

R: Then Dhoni said he will turn on the lights. As soon as he turns on the lights, the bullet
bikes that were there all turned on their headlights. When the headlights were turned on,
there was so much lighting that they were able to see everything. Then he threw the ball,
in the direction he was holding it.

M: Got it, okay. Which one will come on the fifth rank?

R: The fifth rank will be the one with Rohit Sharma.

M: Okay, why is that fifth?

R: Ma’am, that on is fifth because when they went to play, there was water everywhere. So,
they managed to clear out all the water but there was one bucket of water left which they totally
forgot about. So, when the player goes to remove it, all the water falls down from it again.

M: Okay. And at the sixth rank will be the one with the bricks.

R: Yes Ma’am, the bricks one.

M: Okay, why did you like it the least?

R: Because in that, there were taking the bricks and keeping it on top of their players, and then
they were saying that it feels good, then they were dusting off. So, I didn’t like it that much.
That’s why it is sixth.

M: Okay. In overall what do you think this ad is trying to say, what message it wants to

R: The message that it is giving is you play cricket on Dream11, and you make your team and
play here.

M: Okay. Anything else…So, this ad is telling one thing only, to play cricket on Dream11.

R: I mean they are doing promotion for Dream11, all the players.

M: Yes.

R: So, the message they are giving us is to download Dream11 and play it once.

M: Okay. Did you notice the tagline in the ads?

R: No Ma’am, I didn’t notice the tagline.

M: Okay. So, Ashish, please wait for a moment, I will talk with the last person, and after
that we will do group discussion, okay?

R: Okay.

M: Thank you.

R: Okay.

M: For now, you can leave the group, Ashish.

R: Okay Ma’am.

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[No conversation from 47:10 – 47:24]

M: Hello Sir.

R: Yes, Good Evening Ma’am.

M: Good Evening. Can you hear my voice?

R: I can hear it clearly.

M: Okay, great. So, Kawaljeet Sir, my name is Utsha. I work with Dragonfly Market
Research. I am meeting you today because I have some ads that I want to show you, and
I would like to have your opinion on those ads, okay?

R: Okay.

M: This is how we will do this; I will send you the links of all the six ads, one-by-one, in
the zoom chat section.

R: Okay.

M: You just have to click on the link, then it will go to YouTube, watch the ad and come
back here, okay?

R: Okay.

M: Before I send you the ads, Sir, I would like to ask two-three things from you.

R: Okay.

M: First, can you please tell me your age?

R: Ma’am, Thirty-eight years.

M: Okay. Have you heard about Dream11 or have you played on Dream11 before?

R: Ma’am, I haven’t played on it but I have heard about it, I know about it.

M: Okay.

R: We have to make teams according to us by selecting the players, then invest money on
them, get the reward and win money.

M: Okay. So, select the players, make your own team, play on there and you can win
money as well.

R: Yes,

M: Okay, great, got it. Now, let’s start with our first ad. I am sending it to you. Yes, have
you got it?

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay, you click on the link, watch the ad on YouTube and come back here.

R: Okay Ma’am.

[No conversation from 49:10 – 49:39]

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M: Have you watched it?

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay. This was the locked out one, where they were all outside the playing field.

R: Yes.

M: Okay. This is the second ad.

[No conversation from 49:54 – 50:25]

M: Have you seen it?

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay. This was the one where they lost the bat, correct?

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay, the third ad.

[No conversation from 50:33 – 51:07]

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Have you seen it? This was the one with Dhoni, where they play cricket at night.

R: Yes, the cricket one.

M: Correct. The fourth ad.

[No conversation from 51:14 – 51:43]

M: Have you seen it?

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: This was the one where the water is logged, right?

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay. The fifth ad.

[No conversation from 51:54 – 52:23]

M: Have you seen it?

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: This was the one with the bricks with Pandya, correct?

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: Okay, this is the sixth ad.

[No conversation from 52:31 – 53:03]

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R: Yes Ma’am.

M: So, you have watched all the six ads now.

R: Yes Ma’am.

M: I will do one thing; I will write down the names of all the ads so that you can remember
them easily. Okay, now you tell me, according to you, which ad will be on first rank?
Which ad, out of these six ads, did you enjoy watching the most and like the most?

R: Ma’am, I liked the one where the water was logged. I liked it the most.

M: Okay.

R: Because in that, it had the thinking and mentality that if we want to do something or play,
then we will do it. And, the part at the end, where they clean all the water but when they pick up
the bucket, all the water pours out again.

M: Yes.

R: So, I found it interesting and good. It was shown in a friendly way.

M: Okay. Which ad will on second rank?

R: The second rank will be the first ad. I liked the ad because, even though everything was
closed, they had passion and motivation to play. It’s like when you are determined to do
something, you will do it. So, we have that friends, when they want to do something, they will do
it whether they have to steal, jump over something, or do something legal or illegal for it.

M: Okay. Why did you like watching it, what was in this ad that you were enjoying while
watching it? Because I was noticing you, after every ad when you came back, you had a
smile on your face.

R: Yes.

M: So, what was in this ad that you found funny and good?

R: Ma’am, the first thing is that whenever we watch some ad, we always have a first impression
of it. So, with that impression when we watch the movie or ad, we then have a certain mindset
based on the type of the ad. The first thing was that all the ads were friendly, and also the ads
was talking about the stud life which is quite relatable. That inspire us to think that even we used
to do that. So, we can relate it to ourselves. I found that interesting than the others.

M: Okay. Which ad will be on the third rank?

R: The third rank will be, you can say the one with the bricks.

M: Why will that be on the third rank?

R: Ma’am, this ad was showing teamwork, the one with the bricks, that’s the reason.

M: Okay. So, there was no teamwork in the water logged one, the one with Rohit

R: No Ma’am, there is teamwork. In fact, there is teamwork in all the ads. If I talk about the
bricks one, the clothesline one, they also have teamwork. Without team there is no work and it
will not work without the team.
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M: Correct.

R: But the thing is that, we are a team. Like when we go to play a match, but it starts raining,
then we go to eat Samosa.

M: Yes.

R: It’s like, we have come to play, so we will play, it doesn’t matter if it is muddy. Then after that,
it was the one where the bat was lost.

M: Yes.

R: The bat was lost, so it not like it’s over. They try to find the bat so that they can start playing.
It means that they have come to play so they will play no matter what. With the team, they had
that motivation and determination.

M: Got it, okay. Which ad will be on fourth?

R: I have told you that, the one where the bat is lost.

M: Okay, the bat lost one will be fourth.

R: Yes, the bat lost one.

M: And fifth?

R: Next was the night time one, that was also good.

M: Okay, why did you like the night one?

R: The thing is that, when we want to have team, we can go to Hazratganj to have tea, I am
giving you an example. So, it’s like when we want to play cricket, we don’t give any excuses. If
the thing is not available, if you don’t make any excuses to leave it. If we have the
determination, and we have our team and support, then our mind is focused on how to do that

M: Okay. So, at the last, in the sixth place will be the clothesline one. Why is did you like
that the least?

R: Ma’am, that was common. If we go to play on the terrace, it is natural there is wheat and
chilies spread out everywhere, so we remove them aside to play. That was, to my
understanding, was very common.

M: Got it. What does all these ads want to say? What is the overall message that it gives?

R: Ma’am, the first thing is, it is showing the ad for Dream11. The most importing thing it was
showing is to have passion in something. Second thing that I know is that the team should be
friendly, then it will be a lot of fun. It’s like when eight people go to play, four of them are of one
mindset and the other four are of different mindset, they cannot make a team. If four of them will
be like, we can’t play at night, who will play with the headlights on, so with those four you cannot
make team coordination. So, the team coordination, in the ads, was very good, and inspirational
and motivational. The second thing is that it had passion, the determination to do something.

M: But whenever we watch an ad, we see a message in them. Whenever someone makes
an ad, they want to pass on a message to the people through that ad. So, with these
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R: Message…

M: What is that message that Dream11 wants to pass on to the people?

R: The message, that I think, is everything is possible. It means if we want anything, it is

possible to get it. In that, nobody gave up anywhere, whether the bat was lost, or during the
water flooding, or the clothes were hanging or anything, they never gave up.

M: Okay. Now Kawaljeet ji, please wait, we will call all the other people, then we will start
the group discussion, okay?

R: Yes.

M: Please give me two minutes.

[No conversation from 59:19 – 1:00:01]

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