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Project Name Transcription 9

Name of the audio Pj Create Impact 2.30 PM_16-03-2021.mp3

Date of Submission 18/3/2021

Methodology (FGD, DI, EGD, MINI DI


Gender Female

Duration of the audio 1 hour 2 minutes

Transcriber done till 1 hour 2 minutes

[No conversation from 00:00 — 00:17]

M: Okay, Nidhi, are you comfortable in Hindi or English? Which on will be more
comfortable to you?

R: English is fine.

M: Okay. Firstly, I would like to thank you for joining in our research. Nidhi, there is some
background noise, is it from my side or your side?

R: No, I am sitting in a close room.

M: Okay, the same here. Now it is gone.

R: Okay.

M: Great. So, Nidhi, I will just give you a quick background about us as to what we do.
So, I am Payal. We work for Kantar which is an independent market research company.
We do research, and today we have certain advertisement with us, wherein we would like
to have your feedback, okay?

R: Okay.

M: So, let’s say, if there is anything confusing in the advertisement, do feel free to share
with us, okay? It’s not that you don’t understand it, it is the reflection of the product.
Like, there is some development or repetition required, or things like that, okay?

R: Okay, sure.

M: Yeah. So, to share your honest responses, as we are recording this session, you have
to be cautious about answering, there is nothing like that.

R: Okay.

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M: What happens is that we discuss at a very fast pace. So, whatever we discuss is very
important for us, we don’t to miss out on a single insight. That’s the reason, for our
internal reference, we are recording it.

R: Okay, fine. No problem.

M: Yeah. So, can you help me to learn a little bit about yourself as to what you do, your
name, age, your profession?

R: I am working. I work in the institute, Milap. It is my institute. I have completed a course. It’s
regarding teaching banking management, and all

M: So, you teach banking management.

R: Yes.

M: How you started? Okay, before that, let me know your educational background.

R: I am a graduate. I have done a course in CFA.

M: Okay, and your age?

R: I am thirty-eight.

M: You belong to which city?

R: Calcutta.

M: Calcutta, okay. Tell me more about your nature if service. Your institute provide what
sort of services, who are your customers?

R: It is regarding how to manage… means banking… you have to… means how the laws go in
that, how to arrange all the finance, how to invest in mutual funds and all. It is regarding
financing management and banking procedures. It is for the one who wants to learn it
accordingly and get a job in banking institutes.

M: Okay, great. So, your customers are only from Calcutta or from outside also, like
within the city, help me understand your customer’s base.

R: The majority are from Calcutta when it was offline. But now, as it is also online, I have
customers from different states.

M: So, previously before COVID, you used to provide offline services, but now you
provide online coaching as well.

R: Yes.

M: Okay, great. Is it all about banking, finance management or is there any other topic?

R: Laws regarding that.

M: Okay.

R: These things.

M: Sure. So, Nidhi, help me understand this, how do you market your services, how do
you do the advertisement for it?
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R: It is through the Google ads, Instagram, Sulekha, Facebook. Some are paid and some are

M: Okay, sure. Any other?

R: Any other… means it is door to door also, for what we give, by advertisements in the local
area. We also give leaflets and brochures regarding that.

M: Okay. So, tell me what is the agenda when you do door to door distributing leaflets
and brochures, what is the goal?

R: It means I can get the local public and nearby students, and they can also come to know,
about the topics, that we are including in that, what are the main things and courses that come
in that. So, they get a brief idea about our institute. Certain times, we like to highlight the
professor’s name, the one who holds the highest degree, so that also have an impact on them.
They also come to know that we have quite high educated professionals with us. So, it
increases the reach

M: Okay.

R: The short summary of the whole institute goes to that.

M: Sure. And, what do you do on Sulekha?

R: It is just an ad given over there, that this is oir institute which is providing all these courses
and all. In that way.

M: Okay. Is it the paid one or the free one?

R: It’s a free one.

M: Okay, and is it helpful?

R: Yes, I get atleast… I come to know that people are reading and coming in aware of the things
I am providing. So, atleast, I can understand that people are aware about my institute. One who
takes admission and then continues the procedure, that’s a totally different matter. But at least,
people come to know, and I also feel very happy in knowing that my institute is getting a

M: And, what do you like about Sulekha?

R: What I like?

M: Yes.

R: I don’t have any idea about it, like that.

M: Okay. Anything you don’t like or can be improved in Sulekha?

R: No idea.

M: Okay. Tell me what you do on Facebook? How do you market and advertise on

R: It’s a paid one.

M: Okay.
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R: Yes, so, they give an ad. There are many series and all, going there. So, the ad come up in
that, and people do watch it. So, we advertise in that way.

M: Okay. So, how much do you pay at Facebook?

R: For Facebook, it is around, I think, 33000 or something.

M: And you pay 33000?

R: Yes.

M: Okay, and how do you target your customers over there?

R: When the queries come, we have put up a page on Facebook for that. They have to visit the
page to register. They fill up their details and requirements, and then we revert back to them
with the answers and all.

M: So, in general, based on your experience, whatever you had with Facebook, since how
long you are using Facebook?

R: That is, might be…. I think, it will be one or two years. For two years I have been using it.

M: Okay. So, what did you like, so far, about advertising on Facebook?

R: Facebook is a thing which is been observed and seen by all the people. You don’t have to tell
someone to just go and watch Facebook. By hook or by crook, they will click on it. It means that
none of my customers will be missing that aid. I mean not my customers, but I can say my
future customers.

M: Okay. Anything that you dislike about Facebook, or something, that could be
improved about online advertising on Facebook?

R: Online advertisement improve by…. I feel that, how they are having a topic this thing…

M: Nidhi, your camera has shifted aside. Can you keep it in center?

R: Yeah, sorry.

M: Yeah, sure.

R: At the top, in the ribbon, they have the tab for image, for shopping, for videos and all,
similarly they should have a tab for advertising with a commercial logo. In that way, you can give
out different varieties of fliers and things could be done well.

M: Okay.

R: How the ads are popping from down to up. So, same way, they can have a tab for that as

M: I didn’t get you actually. On Facebook application, when you open it, you are saying
there should be a separate section for commercial, right?

R: Yes.

M: Okay, how would it make a difference?

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R: It will make a difference. The people will be able to compare between different things. They
have many things in front of them, they have good choice of options. So, with that comparison,
they can choose what is right for them. The advertisement will also have an impact on them, so
they can compare and shortlist them.

M: Okay, noted. Now, tell me, what do you do on Instagram? What is the purpose of
using it?

R: The student of ours, who performs well, their photos are updated over there.

M: Okay.

R: And also, if something new is added in our institute, it is also informed over there.

M: Okay. So, I understand you did this over there, but why are using it, like who do you
want to target, what do you like about Instagram?

R: For Instagram, I feel, it is more for the teenagers and the younger generation who uses it a
lot. So, I feel that I will get a new crowd with innovative ideas. They will come, and we will have
a good crowd also, and they will learn something new with us.

M: Okay. And, are you paying on Instagram or it’s a free one?

R: Free one.

M: Okay. How about Google ads, what do you do on Google ads?

R: It’s a paid one.

M: Okay. How much do you pay over there?

R: It is 42000.

M: Okay, and what made you invest 42000 on Google ads, and since how long have you
been using it?

R: I have been using it from last year which I started during the lockdown period. Nowadays,
Google is very popular, because there are Google meetings going on, Google classrooms are
going on. So, I get a wider area where my ad can come out.

M: Okay. So, what do you like about Google ads?

R: Before this Instagram, Facebook and all, there was Google. Thinking at the back of my mind,
Google has everything in it. Everyone, if anything clicks in their mind that I want to search for
this thing, then they think of Google only.

M: Okay.

R: I have got many customers and clients through Google.

M: Okay. So, how do you target your clients on Google or how you get your clients or
how your clients are targeted?

R: There are certain commercial sites, or whatever is there, where the popups come. I have told
that, in the top 10 search list, my name should be at the top. So, in that way.

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M: Okay. So, that is about… your details… your company’s detail should show up in the
top list, right?

R: Yes.

M: But it is shown to whom, how do you get to know?

R: How do you get to know…

M: Okay. What do you want to achieve by investing on Google ads, what is your goal?

R: My goal is to get more people from all over the world. Now, we have online and offline
studies going on. Previously, it was just offline studies. So, with online studies, I can teach not
only in India but abroad also, that means on a wider scale.

M: Okay. Any challenges or anything that you dislike in Google ads?

R: Yes, at the beginning, I found a lot of difficulties in accessing with my details because before
I was not good with computers. Now, slowly and gradually, I am learning. I have my assistant
who can operate the computer, but I need to learn it before that.

M: Okay. So, if you could improve something at Google ads to make your life easier, then
what would you change over there?

R: Through Google ads, I would like some of my tutors, to give a brief and short view of our

M: Okay.

R: So, that I would prefer.

M: Okay. And you would like to do it on your own or would you like Google ads to assist
you to do this?

R: I would like Google ads to assist me because that has helped me a lot, and I feel it would
have better area and better tools to put up these things.

M: Okay. Any other challenges online or on any platform that we have not covered, are
there any challenges you face online? Yeah Nidhi?

R: No.

M: Okay, to summarise, what benefits do you get by advertising online?

R: I am getting a wider area covered for my advertisement. A lot of people are able to know
about us, even after a certain time. So, after sometime, when I open my franchisee, I can see
people from another state, who are still aware of us. So, that is a positive thing for me, that the
ad still there for all these years and people are still opening it still. So, that creates my
background strong.

M: Okay, noted. Any other benefits that you get that you get offline, that is not available

R: Offline…I am getting the same teacher and all here, in my institute in Calcutta. So, in the
other place, that I open, it’s not a negative thing, I can put my students there as the teacher, as I
have learned from my father. I don’t think so, I don’t think so.

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M: Okay. Now, Nidhi, you can refer the message option, the in-call messages on this
meet platform, in that I have shared a link. It’s a video link. So, you have to open it
through Chrome that will make your task easier. You have to watch the advertisement
and again I will be playing it on the screen, and then we will discuss about it. Do you
remember I told you, at the start, that there are certain ads which we will be going

R: Yes.

M: Can you the link in the call messages?

R: Yes, I have just play… I have just clicked on it.

M: So just watch it and let us know.

[No conversation from 15:18 – 16:24]

R: Hello?

M: Hello.

R: I saw the ad.

M: Okay. Are you using laptop or mobile phone?

R: Mobile.

M: Okay. I will be sharing this advertisement on my screen as well. Let me know once
you are able to see my screen. Just give me a while.

R: Yes, I can see it.

[No conversation from 16:49 – 17:12]

M: Hi, Nidhi. Give a while for the reconnection.

R: Yes.

[No conversation from 17:19 – 17:29]

M: Just wait, if I lose the connection then.

[No conversation from 17:34 – 17:44]

M: Yeah, are you able to see my screen now?

R: Yes.

M: Is it audible to you?

R: Yes, both.

M: Okay. So, I will play this ad.

[The ad for Google ads plays from 17:57 – 18:41]

M: You have seen this ad only, Nidhi?

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R: Yes, this one.

M: Okay, just give me a while.

R: Yes.

M: So, now tell me what do you think about this advertisement?

R: The advertisement is showing the things that you need the most. The buyers and the sellers
are getting directly connected to each other.

M: Okay. So, what do you like about this advertisement?

R: It is very prompt. When you clicking for something, it’s very prompt, it gives you the choice of
selection, and you are directly selecting that thing, and effectively your ad.

M: Sure. And, what was your feeling…

R: Through phone calls, through websites.

M: Okay.

R: And other sources.

M: Sure. And, from where do you get this message?

R: The video is only showing that both the things are connected, and the popup is coming up,
that is showing other options which you can opt, then you can get the thing you want.

M: Noted. So, the popup shows the advertisement, the popup messages, okay. Tell me,
what was the feeling when you were watching the advertisement?

R: It is like, in future if I need something, I am thinking about it, where I will get this particular
thing I need as per my requirement. So, you just put on it and you getting the answer for it
through Google ads saying this is the place where you will get those things, either through True
call, or through websites, whatever source you want.

M: What Google ads wants to convey over here, what do they want to say?

R: Bringing the buyer and the seller together. The buyer is connected to its client, and the client
is connected to the seller, directly.

M: Okay. How easy was it to understand?

R: Very easy.

M: Very easy, okay. So, what did you like about this ad? Like, in every ad, there is
something we like and something we don’t like. What did like about it?

R: In this, the tagline “Kharidar ko laye” …I forgot… means “Apke Pass Kharidar ko Laye”, that I
really liked. It’s true.

M: Okay. Is there anything that you didn’t like?

R: I didn’t like…

M: Yeah.

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R: No, nothing as such. All the options and everything are very much clear in it.

M: Okay. Is there anything that you found confusing?

R: If I feel, it is showing a website for that, in that website if again I have to search for many
other options and select one of them, then it will become too much confusing for me. Now, if the
website is directly connected to my thing, like I have to buy this thing only, like for pickle I have
this customer who is directly connected to me, then it would be straightforward and easier for

M: Okay. How do you think it works?... This service.

R: I can say, just like Amazon and Flipkart, who are providing door to door services, this is also
providing us with options where you can straight away put your requirements in front of them,
and if they are fulfilled, then you can make a very prompt decision, that yes, this my requirement
and I am done with it, so we can move ahead.

M: Who are they targeting? For whom this ad is made?

R: They have targeted both the buyers and the sellers, so that they can approach each other
very easily.

M: Okay. I didn’t understand this door-to-door thing. Could you please explain it, what
you mean by it?

R: If we order something online on Amazon, before we have to go ourselves to get it. Then we
try to find the shop, where it is…

M: Yes.

R: Now they are providing it at the door.

M: Got it. So, like E-Commerce, they are providing their services.

R: Yes.

M: Got it. Now, if you have to explain this ad to your friend, what would you say? What is
the story that is shared in the advertisement?

R: My friend, the one who just had to start new business, she needs many sources, and she
wants to approach many people from different area, I can just tell her to go to Google ads, put
your requirements, then all the things will be available in your doorstep.

M: Okay.

R: You will get a direct approach from the customers. You don’t need a mediator or a person
who communicates in between because sometimes, it creates miscommunication. So, you can
clear your confusion directly

M: Okay. What do mean by all the things, we will get everything from Google ads, what
do you mean by that?

R: I can say, for example my friend, who is starting a home business on a small scale. So, she
must need one person for packaging, one person for other things, one person for delivering. So,
for all these things, she doesn’t have to go to places and find out who can package the food for

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me or who can deliver the things for me. She can just make a call and find out whether this
person will do the job or not, what are the prices. In that way, comparison can be done.

M: Okay, right. And, there were three stories in the advertisement, could you recall them?

R: Yes, one was for pickle, one was coffee, that person’s coffee which was over…. And the third
one was for a tutor.

M: Which one did you like the most?

R: All three were from different areas, so I liked it. The tutor can explain you anytime, when you
have misconceptions.

M: Okay. So, which one do you like the most, among these three stories, which one will
you choose?

R: The pickle one.

M: Why you like the pickle one the most?

R: Because that is showing the closeness between the parent and the child. She is going to be
a mom, so her mother, who is also a mom, is giving her homemade pickles. The feeling is quite

M: You like the emotions, okay. So, if I talk about your business, which story is more
relevant? There is a matter of choice, right?

R: Right.

M: So, if I talk about business then…

R: The tutor.

M: The tutor one, okay. What makes you say that is more relevant?

R: Sometimes, it does happen that, there are some concepts which we try to explain to our
students, but many of the times they are not clear. So, sometime, I may need a specialised tutor
or someone, but I cannot arrange for a class or session directly. So, at that time, the online
teaching helps. I can get help from another person also, for the teaching part.

M: Okay, noted. So, tell me, why they have kept this lady, why they have showcased this
lady selling pickles in the advertisement, what they want to depict with it?

R: They want to depict that now, on a small scale also, a female staying at home can sell her
products. She doesn’t need to build a shop, and invest in that. She can do it from her home as
well. The shop gets the advertisement on its own, that there are things you will get here. If I
made something, then no one will know. If I put it on Google ads, then everyone will know that it
is homemade, fresh, pure, from home, no mediator, no person is involved in malpractices or
anything. So, by sitting at home, my products are getting advertised.

M: Okay. How does the pickle story end?

R: She calls and places an order for it.

M: Okay. So, second story, the one with the coffee, what did you understand, what does
it want to say?

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R: In the second story, he was trying to make coffee by himself at home. He wanted the real
taste of the coffee beans. But it was not possible because the warm water was not available or
whatever. So, he decides to approach the coffee shop online. Then he gets a message from the
website, then he orders and gets it.

M: So, what is its message at the end?

R: Online also… means… You can place an order online also. So, there is no issue in ordering

M: Okay. And the third story.

R: The third story… means the tutor… At any time, day or night, she can explain. Suppose if I
consider, if I am in India or out of India, if there is a huge difference in the time schedule, then
also I can get the explanation.

M: Okay. So, you could get a slot of your choice, you are saying.

R: Yes.

M: So that the customer can get the slot of their choice, right?

R: Yes.

M: Okay, noted. So, the message is same in all three or they are different?

R: They have told that you are getting different things from different choices. You can talk
directly with the buyer or the seller. You can trust that the things you are giving and selling
online is not malpractice, you are not getting cheated. Whatever they are showing, they are

M: Okay. So, correct me if I am wrong, you are saying that it is connecting the buyer and
the seller, however, in all three stories, there are three different modes of connecting,

R: Yes.

M: Okay. So, did you learn something new in this about Google ads?

R: Yes, it is approaching for a small-scale industry person as well as to a large-scale industry

person. There are no ups and downs here, that only large-scale industry persons can advertise
their products on Google ads, it is open for everyone.

M: Okay. And, you said it is for buyers and sellers both, and is targeting. But, is it more
relatable for buyers or sellers?

R: The services are more relatable for buyers, like what are his demands. It is a good marketing
place for the sellers.

M: Okay. So, it’s in both contexts, you are saying.

R: Yes.

M: But for which one it is more? It has targeted both, but for which it is more or are they
equal for both?

R: It has targeted for the buyers.

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M: For the buyers.

R: Because there are too many sellers. The buyers are getting the selection from their choice.
So, that’s the reason.

M: How are the buyers getting the selection, and they are targeting the buyers more, it is
coming from which element, this message? From which part of the ad?

R: The first and the last ad, I feel, it is coming more from both. The are many options, like there
are many such industries you can opt for a tutor at any time. For the homemade pickles, you
can approach many of the small-scale industries of women who are working from home. You
can approach to them. So, in that way.

M: Okay. And, from which part of the ad, are you getting the message, that it is for the

R: The website one where you can order. There are many options where the sellers can come
to know that the things are getting accessed from so many different areas, and they are
approaching you. It has no area restriction, that if I am staying in Calcutta, I will get customer
from Calcutta only. I will get from many other areas also.

M: Okay. So, why do you advertise on Google ads, what is your goal on Google ads?

R: I want more clients to be aware of my institute and I want more students to get knowledge
about this. There are certain times where the people are not aware about the courses also.

M: Okay.

R: Through this Google ads, they come to know that this kind of courses does exists and there
are institute which are teaching them.

M: So, it’s like you wanted them to go through your website, or you want to connect with
them through call or what exactly?

R: Both, because after looking through the website, there are many queries which are yet to be
fulfilled. So that, I do get calls according to it.

M: Okay. So, what the brand wants to convey over here, what are they trying to do for the
audience, what are they doing for the buyers and sellers? What Google ads are doing?

R: Easy marketing access for everybody, for both of them.

M: So, what impression does it create for Google ads?

R: Very good. Before we were having wardrobes and all, but they were having years of loyalty in
them, which shows premium class in them, that they are superior to everyone.

M: Okay. So, there were many lines in the ad, do you remember any of them?

R: I forgot the last tagline, that was “Good Kharidar ke liye”, I forgot that one.

M: “Jaha Uski Nazar Ho, Wahi Nazar Aao”, what does it want to say with this?

R: It means if I am searching for something, there only the thing comes out. It means you don’t
have to hunt for the things a lot.

M: Okay. “Ad interested Kharidaro ko Dikhaye”.

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R: Definitely, it’s a right tagline.

M: What does it wants to say?

R: It means the one I am interested in, not all the ads coming up. The thing I am interested in,
the buyers are interested in, it is showing that thing to them, like areas and other things.

M: Okay. “Business bhi chalti jaye”, what it means?

R: Yes, this was also a good line. It means business is for… I mean for example I can say, if my
institute is in Kolkata, now due to lockdown I am not getting my customers, my clients and my
students, but my business won’t stop…

M: Okay.

R: My institute won’t stop. I will get customers from abroad or from other states, the continuity is
going on.

M: Okay.

R: It is not restricting you.

M: So, is it beneficial for you?

R: Definitely.

M: “Interested kharidar, laye harbaar”

R: “Interested kharidar, laye harbaar”, it is very true. The one who is interested is brought
to you.

M: Okay. Is it believable what they have claimed, is it possible?

R: Yes.

M: And why do you think it is possible?

R: Experience, it is because of experience that all these things are happening to us.

M: Okay. Do you have any example to share?

R: For example, the one in Assam, where a girl approached us. We don’t think and go to places
like Assam. But she approached us, our institute, and inquired, and she took online admission.

M: Okay.

R: She also took an online admission and she had a very good experience.

M: Okay.

R: She also said that, through this ad, she came to know about this institute, about this course,
about the teachers, what are the courses and in detail she understood everything. The language
bar was also not there, so that was also more convenient for her.

M: Okay.

R: She found it comfortable.

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M: So, if someone likes these advertisements, and wants to know more about the ad,
then which elements of the ad will create curiosity in that person?... Think of someone
who doesn’t use Google ads, he wants to use Google ads by seeing the ad. So, what do
you think, from which part of the ads they will get motivation?

R: By showing some of the experienced people in that field or in that area.

M: No, no, in these advertisements, in these advertisements which elements create

curiosity to know more?

R: The name of the courses because now the courses are going in with so much detail, means
for banking finance also, if I am saying auditing….

M: You didn’t get my question. Let’s say you are using Google ads, right?

R: Yes.

M: If someone sees this ad, the one that I have told you about, they are watching it. So,
they like the ad and they also think to start advertising on Google ads. So, from which
part of the ads they will get the confidence to advertise on Google ads?

R: So, as soon as I type, I get the options, to approach in a certain way. That is showing the
prompt reaction of the ad, that means as you are searching and you type, you will get a prompt
reaction. So, this will create a curiosity that it is reacting very quickly for what we say.

M: Okay. So, is there any similar provisions available online?

R: There we have to go and search what options sources are available here, you find that, and
then you put up your queries, and then you will get comments and whatsoever.

M: So, here the prompt comes first, you don’t have to go deep to search for the options.

R: You don’t have to.

M: Okay. So, these options are available on which platform?

R: Which platform?

M: I mean you said that here you are getting the options promptly.

R: Right.

M: It is available on another platform, but you need to go and check. You need fill the

R: Then you have to explain how the things popup, you have to go in that, the procedures, you
have to sign in, you have to registers, those are the procedures.

M: Okay. Anything new you learned?... Is this for you?

R: The ad is definitely for me.

M: Okay. Which story relates the most with you?

R: The last one.

M: The education one.

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R: Yes.

M: What will you do last, after watching this ad?

R: What I will do last, meaning?

M: Means your next step of action.

R: I will access it more; I will get the detail. If I need a tuition, for example, for someone, and
through this ad I am getting that person. I will inquire more, get the profile of that person, and I
will come to know the experience, like who all have gone through that. So, I can assure myself
that I have made the right choice.

M: Okay. So, Nidhi, after watching an ad, what happens is that, we do something. Either
we ignore the ad or we try to find more about it, right?

R: Right.

M: So, we do directly choose it. So, after watching this ad, what are your feelings, what is
the next step you are going take?

R: I will access things more, like what more things are still available, in whatever area they are

M: So, you want to know more about the offers and what more services are available
within this facility, and how it works, right?

R: Right, yes.

M: After seeing this ad, will there be any changes in the way you do marketing?... For
your advertising.

R: It did build up my confidence. Like, I do get approached from different places. By marketing, I
can get more and better tutors or teachers. I can approach to different states. So, it will increase
my marketing. There will be many teachers who will cone and approach me, and I can flourish
my business more.

M: Sure, okay. Now, I have put the link if the next ad in the in-chat messages. So, you can
watch the ad and let me know once you are done. After that I will play it on screen.

R: Okay.

M: Yeah.

[No conversation from 40:10 – 40:06]

R: Saw it. It was the same.

M: Same?

R: It was the tutor one again.

M: But in the first one there were three stories. In this, how many stories are there, three
or four?

R: One only.

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M: Okay, I am sharing the screen. Just watch it and tell me whether it the same one that
you have seen. Just give me a while.

R: Yes.

M: Is it this ad you have seen?

R: Yes.

M: You are able to hear it, right?

R: Yes.

M: Okay. SO, let’s play it for you.

[The ad for Google ads plays from 41:37 – 41:52]

M: Have you seen this only?

R: Yes, I have seen this only.

M: Okay. Now, tell me how do you feel about this advertisement?

R: This advertisement is more precise. There are coaching classes, and in that coaching class,
you need tuition for a particular subject. So, that is also available to you, and that is on one-on-
one basis.

M: Okay. How is this similar or different from the previous ad?

R: It might be precise note was not there. The heading was given on the ad, like classes and all,
and for math classes, the one-on-one session and other option was not there in the previous ad.

M: And, was this easy to understand?

R: Yes.

M: So, which one would you say is easier, the previous one or this one?

R: The previous one was just giving you an idea that it has this. In this one, they went in more
details, like for math’s, there are one-on-one teacher available, who can teach you. In the
previous ad they were talking about all the subjects, but here they are just talking of math.

M: Okay. Any other message or any other element that you could register now but not in
previous ad? … We haven’t spoken about it.

R: The word it was saying, that was…

M: Do you recall the wording?

R: No.

M: No?

R: I can’t.

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M: Okay. What would you say, do you require a longer ad or a shorter ad will do to
communicate the message?

R: If it is precise, the shorter one is good. You can make out the message from that.

M: Okay.

R: Again, if you want in detail, you can go, for your need.

M: Any benefit of Google ads that got to know in this ad, which you couldn’t register in
the previous one?

R: No.

M: Is this advertisement for you?

R: Yes.

M: Okay. And, is it targeting the buyers or the sellers?

R: It’s targeting the buyers. His needs are looked for more here, and the seller is provided
accordingly. All the sellers are not open, but as per his requirement, this seller is open.

M: Okay. And, what made you say that it is more for the buyer and less for the seller?

R: See, I can say it more the buyer because the buyer has more questions in their mind that are
answered. The seller is quite open in his thoughts and views, he is giving to other people. That
is very open and clear. But the question comes from the buyer, what he needs, like where the
food has to be served. If one needs food, where it has to be served accordingly.

M: I see.

R: My hotel is open completely.

M: And…

R: Where I can serve all the things.

M: What is the next thing you are going to do after watching this 15 second ad?

R: What I am going to…I will approach. I will call to that person and know about his availability,
details and more…

M: So, here you are saying, you will act as a customer.

R: Yes.

M: No, from your marketing point of view, is there any changes?... From online
advertising point of view, are there any changes that you would do?... Will your way of
advertising change or it will remain the same?

R: No, it will not change

M: It will remain the same, as it is.

R: Yes.

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M: Any particular reason, why it will not change?

R: Because it is very clear and it doesn’t require anything more.

M: Okay.

R: Sorry.

M: So, any dislike in this advertisement?

R: No.

M: Which advertisement is conveying more clearly, the 15 second video ad or the 45

second video ad?

R: The 45 second video ad.

M: Okay. And, what makes you say that conveys message for clearly?

R: In that, the seller is very clear, from his point of view, that these all things are to be provided
to the person. And, it is very clear what the person needs.

M: Okay. So…

R: If the product is fully opened up to the buyer, like this is the thing, this is how you will get it,
and this is available to you.

M: So, this is not available in the 15 second ad?

R: That has nothing from the seller’s point of view, it is more from the buyer’s point of view.

M: Okay, from buyer’s point of view. So, from seller’s point of view, what should have
been here?

R: In the big ad, the seller’s point of view is very clear. If you are asking for it, one-on-one
session are given to you, that is from the seller’s point of view.

M: Okay. What should be done for sellers, means…as a seller, which one is more
relatable to you? You like the first one more, right?

R: Yes. But for sellers, the second one is good, because from the seller’s point of view, it is
talking about the things that it is providing. So, it is completing all the buyer’s questions and
satisfying the customer.

M: Okay. So, from the first ad, you are getting the message clearly and it is more
relatable to you, but you liked the second on more.

R: Because in the first one, they are just doing the ad, that these are the things which are
available online on Google ads platform. But in this, they showing that in this coaching class,
these are things provided individually, means…

M: Okay. Now, I will share banner with you, and that is the last advertisement, then we
would be done. Just give me a second.

[No conversation from 48:07 – 48:30]

M: One minute…Just one second.

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[No conversation from 48:38 – 48:51]

M: Just one second, the window is taking a little time to start.

R: Okay.

M: There is some notification which is causing problem.

[No conversation from 48:59 – 49:25]

M: Are you able to see my screen?

R: Yes.

M: There is a power point slide, is it visible?

R: Yes.

M: Okay. Just a second. I am trying to make it visible in full slide, but it is not
happening…just give me a second.

[No conversation from 49:43 – 50:08]

M: Is the slide visible to you?

R: Yes, it is.

M: Okay. Just one second, just give me a while, there is a notification which is causing a
hurdle… Okay, can you tell me what did you understand from this banner, this
advertisement…go through this ad and let me know.

R: The tourist banner is showing is that you can get a good quality of customers. The one, who
are approaching, are from proper background. They are genuine buyers or sellers.

M: Okay.

R: It is for the sellers where you can come and add your things.

M: And from where you are getting this message?

R: The written content that they are showing down.

M: Okay, can call it out?

R: “With Google ads, keep quality customers coming and your business going”.

M: Okay. So, what they want to say with this?

R: It means you will have good quality of customers. The people who are accessing the ads are
also good customers. It is also saying to keep your business ongoing; it won’t stop, you will get
a lot of customers on these online platforms.

M: Okay. “Then advertise with Google ads”, what they want to say with this?

R: It means that, you do come and we assure you that Google ads will give you good customers
and keep your business going.
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M: Okay. So, what did you like from the overall advertisement?

R: Pardon?

M: Why do you like in this overall banner?

R: In this banner I liked that old lady. It is showing that the lady does not need any proper
marketing expense to be incurred, that she has to go door to door or anywhere else at this old
age. She can just click an arrow on Google ads and sell her products.

M: Okay, Nidhi, the marketing expense will not be incurred, from where you are getting
this message that the lady doesn’t need to invest?

R: Not that, the expense will not be incurred more.

M: Okay.

R: And she will get customers from far away.

M: Right, okay. What where you saying about far away?

R: The customers, that she will get, will be on a larger amount and larger scale. So, that will
help her out to sell the products also, and to get a propaganda of things.

M: Sure. So, any dislikes over here or anything that’s confusing?

R: Nothing, it is very much clear.

M: Okay. How about the colour combination and the pictorials?

R: It should be a bit brighter; it is too dark. Even if she is an old lady, maybe she is from a small
background, but the things could have been shown in a brighter way. If the things are brighter it
doesn’t mean that it is from expensive area of products, but it should have been brighter.

M: Any other changes?

R: You can show about the concept of money transaction or you can…

M: Yeah?

R: Good value for your money, or something like that, you can show.

M: Okay.

R: Through Google ads.

M: Okay. So, correct me if I am wrong, you saying that there should be more description
as to how one will get value for money.

R: Yes.

M: Like using Google ads. So, this communication, and this banner is targeted at whom?

R: For the buyer…seller, seller.

M: Okay. And, what makes you say it is for the seller, where are you getting this message

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R: It is creating a market for them. So, they are very happy and satisfied for the customers they
are getting for their sales.

M: Okay. To summarise, what is the key message of this banner ad?

R: It is for the sellers who can’t visit certain places yet he can sell his product at that place.

M: Okay. So, is this believable?

R: Yes.

M: And what makes you say so?

R: As it is online, that’s why it makes me say so because it can be approach from every way.

M: Okay. Any other changes, which we haven’t covered, that you would like to make in
the advertisement? Let’s say you have a free choice, any changes you would do, to make
this advertisement crisp and clear?

R: That monetary one, I felt so.

M: Okay. And, how relevant is this for you, from your business point of view?

R: My personal experience is saying that it is relevant for me. During this lockdown, when I have
to pay salaries to my clients, at that time this has helped me out with my expenses and all.

M: Okay.

R: So, it has kept my business going, and I was utilising my sources that I have kept for that.

M: Okay. So, Nidhi, you already have experience with Google ads, right?

R: Yes.

M: Let’s say, someone who doesn’t have experience with google ads, how will they feel
on looking at this banner communication?

R: Definitely, that will bring a curiosity in them, that they should atleast give it a try. They can try
it, if they are providing it free for a week on a trial basis. Then they can feel the difference and
change that it will bring them and they will go.

M: Okay, superb. So, I have made a note of the suggestion that you gave, however, by
looking at whatever is available in this banner, what message they will get? What will be
their reaction to this advertisement? Will they believe it? How will they fill?

R: The world has now become completely e-commerce. There is one add on step to it, where
the ads are provided and the products are marketed, so you will get a good customer for that. It
means that the upgrading of the things is done, and are approached to the customers easily.

M: Sure, noted. So, Nidhi, we have gone through three advertisement. One was 45
second ad, one was 15 second ad, and this was the banner ad. So, now you tell me,
which one among these three ads you like the most?

R: The second one as it was more precise from the seller’s point of view.

M: Seller or customer’s point of view?

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R: The customer had a query, but the seller promptly replied to all the queries. It means that the
options were available, from seller’s point of view, through this ad.

M: In the second one or first one?

R: In the second one, as it has shown one on one basis teaching by the tutor.

M: Okay. And, which one did you like the least among these three ads?

R: The coffee one.

M: No, I am not talking about the stories…

R: Okay.

M: I am talking about the advertisements, about their formats. One was 45 second ad,

R: Okay.

M: The second one was 15 second. The first ad has three stories.

R: Right.

M: The second ad has only one story. And, the third ad was banner.

R: I didn’t like the banner.

M: Banner, you didn’t like. Why you didn’t like it?

R: The communication is not there in the banner. The message is not given properly.

M: Why do you think that the banner is not giving the message properly?

R: If in the banner, they could have shown that both of them, like if she wants something, the
other have it. Then the message would have been clearer. Here, from a seller’s point of view,
she is giving this material from a small scale, she is able to provide it.

M: Okay.

R: But the customer who is searching for it, you have to tell them as well.

M: Okay. So, the buyer element is missing from the banner which is reducing its
effectiveness, that what you are saying.

R: Yes, because I have to do this according to my customers. So, we have to tell the customers
about its importance.

M: Okay. So, you liked the banner one least. Which one did you like the most, the 45
second ad or the 15 second ad?

R: 45 second one.

M: Why did you like the 45 second one more?

R: In that, they have explained different areas, and different modes. So, you can come to know
that this ad is providing a lot of options for whatever is required.

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M: Out of these three ads, which ad is communicating the message really well?

R: The second one.

M: The second one, okay. Why do you think that the second one is communicating
message in a good manner?

R: It is giving the inner information more precisely, about the things that are available.

M: With which you are connecting more, the 45 second one or the 15 second one or the
banner one, as business owner?

R: The 45 second one.

M: And what makes you say so?

R: Through different sources, I am available to my customers.

M: Now if you have to choose between these three formats, we have talked about your
liking, which one will you choose, the 45 second one or the 15 second one or the

R: The 45 second one.

M: Okay. Why would choose the 45 second one?

R: Because of the three different areas of communication, it is providing.

M: Okay. So, Nidhi, here I am done with the discussion. Do you think, anything to the
context I have missed out, that you would like to suggest?

R: No, nothing as such.

M: Okay, Nidhi, thank you for sharing your valuable feed back with us. Have a nice
evening ahead. Thank you.

R: Thank you.

M: Thank you. Yeah, bye. Take care. Bye.

[No conversation from 1:01:21 – 1:02:00]

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