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Human Resource

Telecom Industry
(Telenor Group)

Team Members

207 – Chandni Dev

210 – Devarsh Mapuskar
215 – Karan Shetty
217 – Kunal Pradhan
250 – Vindhya Kundnani
Company Profile

Telenor ASA is an international provider of high quality telecommunications,
data and media communication services. It ranks as world’s 7th largest mobile
operator with a total of 164 million subscribers in its mobile operations.


Telenor Pakistan is 100% owned by Telenor ASA and adds on to its

operations in Asia together with Thailand, Malaysia and Bangladesh.

Telenor Pakistan launched its operations in March 2005 as the single

largest direct European investment in Pakistan, setting precedence for further
foreign investments in the telecom sector. The company has crossed many
milestones and grown in a number of directions, making Telenor Pakistan a leading
telecom operator of the country.

Telenor is the fastest growing mobile network in the country, with coverage
reaching deep into many of the remotest areas of Pakistan. In the most difficult
terrains of the country, from the hilly northern areas to the sprawling deserts in
the south, at times Telenor is the only operator connecting the previously

It is keeping ahead by investing heavily in infrastructure expansion. With

USD2 billion already invested, it has extended agreements with its vendors for
network expansion and services until 2009. The agreements, with a potential to
result in USD750 million worth of orders from Telenor Pakistan, are some of the
biggest of their kind in the industry. Telenor is spread across Pakistan, creating
2,500 direct and 25,000-plus indirect employment opportunities. It has a
network of 23 company-owned sales and service centers, more than 200
franchisees and some 100,000 retail outlets.

Vision of Telenor
Telenor’s vision is simple

“We're here to help”

It exists to help its customers get the full benefit of communications services in
their daily lives.
Core Values
Make it easy
We are practical. We don't complicate things. Everything we produce should
be easy to understand and use. Because we never forget we're trying to make
customers' lives easier.

Keep Promises
Everything we set out to do should work, or if it doesn't, we're here to help.
We're about delivery, not over promising, actions not words.

Be Inspiring
We are creative. We strive to bring energy to the things we do. Everything
we produce should look good, modern and fresh. We are passionate about our
business and customers.

Be Respectful
We acknowledge and respect local cultures. We do not impose one formula
worldwide. We want to be a part of local communities wherever we operate. We
believe loyalty has to be earned.

Telenor's main goal is to create value for shareholders through the serving of
customers, employees, partners and the general public interest.

In a long-term perspective, a strong market and customer focus, as well as

a strong commitment to our employees and to society, will provide the best
platform for creating incremental value. Values shall be created through profitable
and robust growth. Such growth shall be based on the development of solutions
that simplify the use of, and strengthen the usefulness of, advanced
communications technology. Telenor shall contribute to give customers greater
freedom of choice and more options. Telenor's solutions shall simplify people's
workday, make businesses and activities more efficient, and increase their
competitive powers.
Department and Functions
Major Departments within Telenor

 Finance
 Customer Services
 Commercial
 Technical
 I.T
 Human Resources
 Administration
 Legal Affairs

Human Resource Department

Regardless of the size or type of the business, any organization’s most

important asset is its Human Resources. Human Resources management strives
to achieve organizational goals and goals of the employees through effective
personnel programs, policies and procedures. Personnel management program
varies from organization to organization. If there is good performance of
personnel department, then the employees of the company will be motivated
and satisfied. The department manages and mobilized the human resources.

Functions of Human Resource Department

Commonly for the human resource department the main functions are
performed only the selection. Recruitment and employee’s training. No doubt these
practices are also performed by the human resource department, this is not
end of the game, these functions are the part of the activities performed by the
human resource department. In Telenor human resource department also performs
various functions on its side. The main functions of the human resource department
is to play with,

 Recruitment of the employees

 Selection of the employees
 Placement of the employees.
 Proper job planning for the employees
 Career planning for the employees
 Proper guidance for the current employees
 Making relationship within the organization among different department and
outside the organization
 Performance evaluation of the employees
These are few listed functions/activities performed by the human resource
department in Telenor Pakistan. The further elaboration of these points will be in next

Human Resource Planning

Like other organizations Telenor Pakistan also has a skilled human resource
planning department. As we know that each human resource department in any
organization play key role and operate like an eye of an organization, like wise in
Telenor Pakistan they are performing their functions and fulfilling their
requirement of the organization by matching the organizational needs with the
employee’s skill, knowledge and ability whether these needs are identified or being
demanded by any department of the Telenor Pakistan.

Human resource planning in the Telenor is basically performing different

kind of functions which are as follows,
 Whether there is need for recruitment in the organization.
 If there is demand from any department, they (HR department)
identifies. the need of the that department.
 Placement of their employees.
 Convenience to their employees.
 Work for employee’s motivation.
 Check on employee’s performance
 Developing career plans for their employees.

Recruitment and Selection

Telenor Pakistan as it is said that they are new here in Pakistan market and
they are facing too many challenges, in which the hiring of the people is very
important still the activity of hiring the people after its establishment of 6 months
is going on, the most acceptable reason for this, it is on the growth stage of its
product development, we know that with the establishment of the its network they
have to hire more and more workers/ executives and managers on their side,

Different methods they are using for hiring their employees are as

Internal recruitments
Internal recruitment stands for the recruitment within the organization, as
they are newly established business they do not have any kind of internal
recruitment still they are focusing on hiring the people from outside.

External recruitment

External recruitment stands for the recruitment of the employees

from other source/externally. They perform different kind of steps in this category,

For the external recruitment first the need for the new employment is created
or if it is being demanded by any department. Human resource department first
identifies the need of that job, particular its expenses in hiring that employee(s),
time required for its training and orientation in Telenor Pakistan. After the approval
of the manager of human resource department, different methods they adopt for
the external recruitment are as follows

 Advertisement through news paper

 Advertisement through net (official web site of Telenor Pakistan)

Selection Procedures

After a substantial amount of applications have been received, the HR

managers again work together to shortlist the applications. This is done by carefully
going through all the application and by giving different weightage to the following
 Quality of early schooling
 Grade obtained
 Extra Curricular activities
 Overseas travel and education
 Age
 Target University
 Relevant experience

The HR Department then issue call letters to the short listed candidates
along with blank application forms by Date, time and venue for the preliminary
interview is advised and candidates are asked to bring along completed application

Panel of HR and line management carries out competency-based interviews

focusing on functional skills and managerial and supervisory skills.

After the preliminary interview is cleared people applying for different jobs are
tested in different ways. The following management competencies are assessed
by a panel of cross functional assessors In the case of management selection:
 Communication skills
 Resource management
 Rational decision making
 Influencing
 Creative thinking
 Business development

The HR department is responsible for overall administration of the

assessment centre including training of the assessors. The HR department provides
details of remuneration package and terms and conditions of service. The HR
department also prepares appointment letter, service agreement and finalizes
other documentation for service record.

Socialization &
After the recruitment and selection of the employees socialization and
orientation of the employees has started firstly the new comers or new employees
have to report to the line manager of their particular department and he is then
introduced with the current values, beliefs and code of the conduct of the

Code of conduct in

 Telenor has a professional and positive workplace with an inclusive working

 People have to behave with respect and integrity towards anyone comes
into contact with through your work.
 They have to create an environment free from any discrimination, be it based
on religion, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, race or
 They also have to create a working environment free from bullying,
harassment or similar. We do not tolerate any behavior that can be perceived
as degrading or threatening.

Human resource department also believe that most of the things employees learn
with the passage of the time, main reason for that is there is always problem in the
adjustment at new place of employment.

Orientation of the

Orientation of employees at Telenor Pakistan includes with the introduction

with the organization, a brief introduction about organization and as well their
placement, policies, rules, regulations, safety, health and some other basic issues in
the organization. During the orientation of the employees they are introduced
with the supervisors, coordinator and other employees working with him/her. they
are introduced with their job and working conditions and other initial information is
delivered to them during orientation.

Equal Opportunities

Telenor has traditionally had a gender-divided labor market. This has

gradually changed as a result of the changing organizational structure, specific
equality initiatives by the company and, not least, as the basis for recruitment has
changed. Occupational groups with technological backgrounds (chartered
engineers, engineers and technicians) have been dominant and there was a major
predominance of men with this education and these skills. At the same time, units
such as the directory enquiries services and customer services had a clear
dominance of women.
During recent years, this has evened out, due to increased awareness
in recruiting personnel in the various disciplines and due to changes in the basis
for recruitment. Telenor's efforts to strengthen the Groups position as an
attractive employer have resulted in an increased recruitment of highly skilled

Customer Services, which was originally dominated by female employees,

now has almost the same number of men as women. The average salary for women
has increased, and this unit now employs male and female personnel on equal pay
conditions. The average annual salary in the whole organization for women is lower
than for men. This is mainly due to the number of men in senior positions outweighing
the number of women.

Training and Employee Development

The principles relating to the development of the working environment

are made available on the learning portal Learn at Telenor in the form of
separate e-learning programmes for both employees and managers.

Telenor believes that each individual is attributed with potentials,

which can be maximized by enabling conditions favourable to their growth.
It is recommended that staff gets an opportunity to engage and learn
through active involvement in HRD interventions, which could include trainings,
workshops, learning exposures, conferences, exchange visits etc. The staff training
needs will be identified through performance development program plans in
consultation with respective line managers and individual staff.

Line managers will be fully responsible for ensuring their staff receives access
to training and development events in areas that have been identified for them. The
national HRD budget will be located. The employee upon return from local HRD
event will submit detail report outlining key learning’s and use of training received
in the organizational work set.

Telenor Pakistan is providing the training to its employees at level

where the organization feels about the performance gaps especially in engineering
department and

IT division and level of technology does matter too. Telenor at present

providing the training to its employees when they introduce any kind of new
technology and further more they also provide training to their employees in the call
centre division.

Most important thing to note that Telenor Pakistan is still employing the
experienced people for jobs and at start they don’t have any kind of formal training.

Planned process for training & development

Training needs analysis

Telenor Pakistan identifies the training needs at different levels and

provides them to their employees in sense to enhance their skills, the training
needs are provided at various levels like whenever they introduced the new
technology and when they entered in the new place, they provide training to them.

Method of training
On job training
Telenor provide the on job training during the duty hours, which is totally
about the job instructions.

Telenor provide the coaching facility to its employees for their training like
training in the call centre and in other official matters.

Training implementation

During the training they are provided with the specific environment in which
learning aspects are there. Before providing them training one important element
is considered that how much information these people already have, whether the
further information which will be given will be fruitful or not for employees. They are
first introduced with the training purpose and introduced more with the specific
environment they are being provided for the training mode. In this regard the
training room arrangement is very important and this helps in the learning aspects
and improves the leaning skill and ability of the employees. The training rooms for
the employees are located in the respective department and each training room is
U-shaped and equipped with the white board and multimedia. Sitting
arrangement is very proper.

Training evaluation

After providing the sufficient training to employees they are evaluated on the
basis of the different criteria, first they are assessed through their behaviour
whether after providing the training they have any kind of change in their
behaviour and along with the leaning purpose that whether they get the sufficient
information from their training and they also have to take tests through these
training programmes to confirm, there must no any kind of performance gap after
having the training particularly in their field. And afterwards the employees are also
evaluated through their output level.

Managing Performance

Performance management has three parts

 Defining the performance

 Measuring or appraising performance
 Feedback of the performance.

Performance Management System

The Performance Management system of any company is to check whether the

employee performance is aligned with strategic goals. Telenor claims to be value
leaders in the Mobile Phone industry and future goal is to transform Telenor to
perform with speed flexibility and enterprising spirit of being an innovative, consumer
focused company. Furthermore, the employees who perform well are given
opportunities to further develop themselves. Normally the weak points are pin
pointed so that the employees can improve themselves.

Process of Performance Management

At Telenor, the process of performance management starts by defining

performance. Performance cannot be defined without a clear knowledge of the
job that is to be performed by the employees. At the managerial level, it is
very difficult to define performance of the employees keeping in view their
quantitative aspects. Due to large variety of managerial jobs at Telenor, the
performance of managers is analyzed on a qualitative measure.

At Telenor, jobs are analyzed after particular time or whene ver there is a
need of job analysis and performance is defined. After that, this definition of
performance is communicated to all the employees and it is made sure that they
work on these measures as they are also appraised on the same measures.

After performance has been defined, all the required behaviours for the
managers are studied in detail and some indicators are developed which are
necessary to judge whether the employee is performing good or bad. The indicators
that are in favour of the required performance are called “Positive Indicators” and
the indicators against it are called “Contra Indicators.” Given below are the
behaviours with their required performance for managers Telenor

Managing work

Manages own work in the most efficient and effective way plans and
prioritizes own work, breaking down the task. Uses available resources effectively
(own time, systems, finances, people, information) Prepares well and has everything
at hand. Has an organized approach to work.

At a supervisory level:
 Delegates tasks effectively
 Coaches subordinate(s) to achieve tasks

Analyzing and understanding

 Understands own role, responsibilities, and tasks and solves problems.

 Seeks clarification by probing, questioning and challenging
 Anticipates and thinks around problems / issues
 Recognizes own limitations and other resources - knows when help is needed.
 Considers and evaluates all options - is able to weigh things up
 Makes sound judgments and decisions.
 Is able to be discreet and maintain confidentiality.
Processing work

 Processes and produces work to meet all the deadlines.

 Follows appropriate procedures in a methodical and systematic way.
 Seeks appropriate approvals and authority
 Maintains routine tasks and systems - filing, info systems, diaries, etc...
 Monitors and reviews own tasks, makes appropriate checks
 Is accurate and pays attention to detail.

Is flexible and responds positively to changes.

 Accepts changes enthusiastically

 Is willing to learn/change
 Is open to new / other ideas
 Is able to perform under pressure
Uses initiative and seeks improvement
 Is curious and inquisitive
 Generates ideas
 Develops and makes improvements
 Learns from experience
 Is able to work with minimum supervision / direction
 Has a good working relationship with others, both within and outside the
 Builds informal working relationships
 Co-operates with others, is a team player
 Understands and is sensitive to the needs of other people
 Persuades and negotiates - is able to gain commitment
 Confronts problems and is assertive when necessary

Communicates confidently and clearly with others
 Is clear and concise in communication
 Effectively communicates own needs
 Liaises and consults with others
 Is able to communicate effectively in writing

 Displays commitment and self-motivation
 Completes and finishes tasks, not giving up
 Is conscientious and takes pride in their work
 Works to high standards
 Is reliable and consistent - not letting others down
Performance Appraisal

Reviewing performance and taking positive steps to develop employees

further is a key function of management and is a major component in ensuring
the success of the company through effective employee performance.

A review is about ensuring people know what levels of performance are

expected of them and then taking action to ensure they are trained and
developed to perform effectively.

Objectives of Performance

 To measure the work performance

 To motivate and assist employees in improving their performance
 And achieving their professional goals
 To identify employees with high potentials for advancements
 To identify employees training and development needs
 To provide a solid path for career planning for each individual

Appraisal Policy

The intent of these appraisals is to review current job performance and

responsibilities, set goals and discuss further opportunities with reference to past
performance at Telenor.

At TELENOR a review is intended to be an open and frank discussion
between an employee and their Team Leader/Manager. Generally there are two
elements: first is the element in which discussion takes place over the strengths
and areas which need to be developed as displayed by the job holder over specific
time period. The performance is of course judged comparing the performance
against the core indicators of Job. The second element is concerned with discussing
the training needs/inputs activities that are considered to be appropriate to help the
jobholder overcome some of development areas discussed in the review and also
those activities that are deemed appropriate to build upon their current strengths.
Sources of Performance
At TELENOR the primary sources of performance appraisal are the
managers and secondary sources are employees themselves. Though the peers
also give their opinion but it usually does not have any weight age unless a conflict
arises between the manager and the employee.

Workers at Telenor are informed of their performance and given the
opportunity to express their opinion over their own level of performance against each
competence. This serves the following two main purposes:

It enables the reviewer to redefine whether the initial assessment was

correct, as circumstances may exist that the reviewer is unaware of.

By asking the worker what he sees to be his own strengths and development
areas often help to reduce negative responses and makes planning training
needs/inputs activities easier if the person is able to express for himself the areas
in which he feels he can improve.

Following the review the final grades are allocated and the issues/points
that were discussed at the review are included in the sheet. When the sheet is
complete, at the first instance it is sent to the immediate manager who if required
adds his comments, and then it is sent to Employee Relations Department.

All job holders are entitled to have a copy of their sheets if they so wish
and this is encouraged to ensure that the system is perceived as being ‘Open and

Performance Measurement System

Though the management claims that their Performance Measures are
congruent to strategies, reliable and acceptable but they emphasized that the
main strengths of their systems are the validity and specificity.
The performance measurement systems used at Telenor are valid. As
stated by the management, the core job areas extensively. They are not only
aligned with the company’s strategic objectives but are also free from
deficiency. Contamination is acceptable as a few things extra from the actual job
requirements are expected.

The performance measure used at TELENOR has a very high specificity

because it guides the employees as to where they lack and how can they improve.

As we know Telenor is highly aware of how to motivate its employees in the
best way. This can be judged by the enthusiasm and good spirit that people show
in performing their jobs. There is a well-devised system that Telenor follows for
the purpose of motivation. It includes both financial and non-financial rewards
along with the major Motivators and Dissatisfies.

The company recognizes the importance of making people drive towards their
goals and the basic step towards this is made through recognizing the value of
importance that the company gives to its employees. Telenor has a set of financial
rewards, medical, dental, vision and life insurance, retirement plan, paid vacation
days, family and work life balance benefits and profit sharing plan, Annual bonus
opportunities, company cars etc. other ways in which employees are motivated are:

Employee Consultation
 Everyday residence issues (remodelling, repairs, house-sitting, etc.). Legal
 Financial issues Education and schooling.
 Parent and child care.
 Resources for seniors and eldercare issues Emergency dependent-care
 Adoption assistance

Employees are safe in knowing that they will be rewarded for any exceptional
This reward is not only monetary. It is accompanied by the employee
being given recognition and greater empowerment. Employees are given a very
beautiful and healthy work environment. Special attention is given to make the
physical environment most productive. This is why Telenor offices are
considered to be the most well decorated and organized. As we know Telenor
has a desire to promote the high achievers from with in the company. Positions are
given on merit and are transparent and fair in nature. There is no special treatment.
Therefore each employee knows that he can aim for the top and actually get there.
This has proved to be a great source of motivation for the employees of Telenor.

Career Management
The ability to keep up with the changes that occur within the organization
and industry and to prepare for the future.

Organization’s Roles

 Providing job information

 Implementing effective placement process
 Supporting human resources system
 Offering education and training

Employee’s Roles
 Self assessment
 Gathering data
 Setting goals
 Working with supervisor
 Developing plan
 Checking telephone “bulletin board”
 Applying for openings

Manager’s Roles
 Appraising performance
 Coaching and supporting
 Guiding and counseling
 Providing feedback
 Supplying information
 Maintaining integrity of system

Career Planning
Personnel activities like screening, training, and appraising serve two
basic roles in organizations. First, their traditional role has been to staff the
organization-to fill its positions with employees who have the requisite
interests, abilities, and skills. Increasingly, however, these activities are taking on
a second role of ensuring that the long-run interests of the employees are
protected by the organization and that, in particular, the employee is encouraged
to grow and realize his or her full potential. Activities like personnel planning,
screening, and training play a big role in the career development process.
Personnel planning for example can be used not just to forecast open jobs but to
identify potential internal candidates and the training they would need to fill these

Similarly, an organization can use its periodic employee appraisals not just
for salary decisions but for identifying the development needs of individual
employees and ensuring that these needs are met. All the staffing activities, in
other words, can be used to satisfy the needs of both the organization and the
individual in such a way that they both gain: from improved performance, from a
more committed work force and the employee from a richer, a more challenging

Roles in Career Development

The individual, the manager, and the organization all have roles in the
individual’s career development. Ultimately it is the

(1) Individual who must accept responsibility for his or her own career, assess
interests, skills, and values; seek out career information and resources; and
generally take those steps that must be taken to ensure a happy and fulfilling
career. Within the organization the
(2) Individual’s manager plays a role, too. The manger should provide timely
and objective performance feedback, offer development discussions, for
instance. The manager acts as a coach, appraiser, advisor, and referral agent, for
instance, listening to and clarifying the individual’s career plans, giving feedback,
generating career options, and linking the employee to organizational resources and
career options.
(3) The employer plays a career development role. For example, it should provide
career-oriented training and development opportunities, offer career information
and career programs, and give employees a variety of career options. Ultimately, as
we’ll see, employers need not and should not provide such career-oriented activities
purely out of altruism. Most employees will ultimately grade their employers on the
extent to which the organization allowed them to become the people they believed
they had the potential to become. And that will help determine their commitment to
their employers and their overall job satisfaction.

Here are a few tips on how to go about developing a career management


Factors that affect career


The first step in planning a career for yourself or someone else is to

learn as much as possible about the person’s interests, aptitudes, and skills.

Identify the person’s career stage

Each person’s career goes though stages, and the stage you are in will
influence your knowledge of and preference for various occupations.

Identify occupational orientation

Career-counselling expert John Holland says that a person’s personality
(including values, motives, and needs) is another important determinant of career
choices. For example, a person with a strong social orientation might be attracted to
careers that entail interpersonal rather than intellectual or physical activities and to
occupations such as social work.

Identify skills
Successful performance depends not just on motivation but on ability too. You
may have a conventional orientation, but whether you have the skills to be an
accountant, banker, or credit manager will largely determine which specific
occupation you ultimately choose. Therefore, you have to identify your/employee

What Do You Want to Do ?

We have explained occupational orientations, skills, and the role these play in
choosing a career. But there is at least one more exercise you should try that can
prove enlightening. Answer the question: ‘If you could have any kind of job, what
would it be ?’ Invent your own job if need be, and don’t worry about what you can do-
just what you want to do.

Identify High-Potential Occupations

Learning about yourself is only half the job of choosing an occupation. You
also have to identify those occupations that are right (given your occupational
orientations, skills, career anchors, and occupational preferences) as well as those
that will be in high demand in the years to come.

Career Management
Responsibilities of the manager and employer

Career management guidelines

Along with the employee, the person’s manager and employer both
have career management responsibilities.
(1) Avoid reality shock

Reality shock refers to the results of a period that may occur at the initial
career entry when the new employee’s high job expectations confront the
reality of a boring, unchanging job. Perhaps at no other stage in the person’s
career is it more important for the employer to be career development-oriented than
at the initial entry stage, when the person is recruited, hired, and given a first
assignment. For the employee this is a period during which he or she has to develop
a sense of confidence, learn to get along with the first boss and with coworkers,
learn how to accept responsibility, and most important, gain an insight into his or
her talents, needs, and values as they relate to initial career goals. For the new
employee, in other words, this is (or should be) a period of reality testing during
which his or her initial hopes and goals first confront the reality of
organizational life and of the person’s talents and needs

(2) Provide challenging initial Jobs

Most experts agree that one of the most important things you can do is
provide new employees with challenging first jobs. In one study of young managers
at AT&T, for example, the researchers found that, more challenging a person’s job
was in his or her first year with the company the more effective and successful the
person was even five or six years later. Based on his own research, Hall contends
that challenging initial jobs provide ‘one of the most powerful yet uncomplicated
means of aiding the career development of new employees.’ In most
organizations, however, providing such jobs seems more the exception than the
rule. In one survey of research and development organizations, for example, only
1 of 22 companies had a formal policy of giving challenging first assignments.
This imbalance as one expert has pointed out, is an example of ‘glaring
mismanagement’ when one considers the effort and money invested in recruiting,
hiring, and training new employees. Some firms ‘front-load’ the job challenge
by giving new employees considerable responsibility.

(3) Provide realistic job previews in recruiting

Providing recruits with realistic previews of what to expect once they begin
working in the organization-ones that describe both the attractions and also
possible pitfalls-can be an effective way of minimizing reality shock and
improving their long-term performance. Schein points out that one of the biggest
problems recruits and employers encounter during the crucial entry stage is getting
accurate information in a ‘climate of mutual selling’. The recruiter (anxious to
hook good candidates) and the candidate (anxious to present as favorable an
impression as possible) often give and receive unrealistic information during the
interview. The result is that the interviewer may not form a clear picture of the
candidate’s career goals, while at the same time the candidate forms an
unrealistically favourable image of the organization. Realistic job previews can boost
the survival rate among employees who are hired for relatively complex jobs like
management trainee, salesperson, or life insurance agent.

(4) Be demanding
There is often a ‘Pygmalion effect’ in the relationship between a new
employee and his or her boss. In other words, the more you expect and the more
confident and supportive you are of your new employees, the better they will
perform. Therefore, as two experts put it, ‘Don’t assign a new employee to a ‘dead
wood’ undemanding, or unsupportive supervisor. Instead choose specially trained,
high-performing, supportive supervisors who can set high standards for new
employees during their critical first year.

(5) Provide periodic job rotation and job patching

The best way new employees can test themselves and crystallize their career
anchors is to try out a variety of challenging jobs. By rotating to jobs in various
specializations- from financial analysis to production to human resource, for
example-the employee gets an opportunity to assess his or her aptitudes and
preferences. At the same time, the organization gets a manager with a broader
multifunctional view of the organization. One extension of this is called job
patching, which means selecting carefully sequenced job assignments.

(6) Do career-oriented performance appraisals

Edgar Schein says that supervisors must understand that valid performance
appraisal information is in the long run more important than protecting the short-
term interests of one’s immediate subordinates. Therefore, he says, supervisors need
concrete information regarding the employee’s potential career path-information, in
other words, about the nature of the future work for which he or she is appraising
the subordinate, or which the subordinate desires.

(7) Provide career planning workshops and career planning workbooks

Employers also should take steps to increase their employees’ involvement
and expertise in planning and developing their own careers. One option here is to
organize periodic career planning workshops. A career planning workshop has been
defined as ‘a planned learning event in which participants are expected to be
actively involved, completing career planning exercises and inventories and
participating in career skills practice sessions.’ It discusses what is career
planning, self assessments, environmental assessments, goal setting for self, and
developing career action planning.
A career planning workbook may be distributed to employees either as
part of a workshop or as an independent career planning aid. This career planning
workbook is ‘a printed guide that directs its users through a series of assessment
exercises, models, career directions, discussions, guidelines, actioning planning
and other information to support career planning. It is usually self paced, so that
the employees can complete the exercise at their own pace.

Wages, Incentives and Benefits

Telenor wants to reward the efforts of qualified employees through bonus
schemes, wages, options and shares programmes as well as other forms of benefits.

The incentive systems at Telenor are part of the effort to motivate

employees to meet Telenor's principal goal of optimising shareholder value. The
system has both a short- term and long-term perspective, through introducing
annual bonuses as well as share and options programmes. In addition, the incentive
systems also contribute by helping to retain and develop the strategic expertise in
the Group and attract new expertise. The incentive systems for managers and key
personnel at Telenor are based on an overall compensation principle, where
wages, bonuses, options and other benefits are comprehensively evaluated.

Extra holidays are a benefit of all employees at Telenor. Additional to the

stipulated five weeks, employees of Telenor also have Christmas holidays, Eid
holidays and two extra days off. Telenor also offers benefits for maternity leave,
additional to those stipulated.


To establish core competence and to bring competitiveness,

Telenor should implement numerous effective plans to improve the
performance of its various departments. Supervisors must manage employee
performance well in order for Telenor to accomplish its mission and achieve
its goals. Following are some recommendations for Telenor, which we
personally feel can be useful for the organization, its employees and the

Effective Performance Management

Performance management is one of the most important parts of a

Supervisor’s or team leader’s job. Developing skills in performance Management is
wise investments that will help Telenor achieve its Goals.

Managing employee performance includes

 Planning work and setting expectations

 Monitoring and measuring performance
 Developing the capacity to perform
 Periodically rating performance in a summary fashion
 Recognizing and rewarding good performance


Establishing and maintaining effective communications with each Employee

not only requires good oral and written communications Skills, but it also includes
the ability to establish good working Relationships. To communicate effectively
with employees, Supervisors must establish an environment that promotes an open
Door atmosphere, the sharing of ideas, and employee involvement in decision making


Setting long and short-term goals with employees gives focus to Employee
efforts. When goal setting is done correctly, employees strive to accomplish
those goals and feel confident in achieving them. When goal setting is done
poorly, work does not progress as desired. Knowing how to set goals effectively is
an important part of Performance management. To do this well, supervisors need to
be able to clarify expectations and to set realistic standards and targets.

Measuring Employee
Credible measures of performance that employees understand and accept
are critical for achieving high level performance. Measuring employee
accomplishments, using both qualitative and quantitative measures, provides the
information that supervisors and employees need in order to monitor performance.
Giving Feed

Feedback should inform, enlighten, and suggest improvements to employees

regarding their performance. Supervisors should describe specific work related
behavior or results they observe as close to the event as possible.

Coaching &

Using their coaching skills, supervisors evaluate and address the

developmental needs of their employees and help them select diverse
experiences to gain necessary skills. Supervisors and employees create
development plans that might include training, new assignment, job enrichment, self
study or work details.

Effectively recognizing employees is another performance management
competency. Being able to genuinely acknowledge a job well done is critical
for strengthening employee’s commitment to do their best. Supervisors should be
skilled at using formal awards programs as well as using informal recognition
techniques, including personal thank yours and voicing verbal appreciation.

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