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 Demographics- Is categorizing a group based on race, gender, age, religion,

education, income, nationality, and others

 Psychographics- Is the study of a certain individuals’ values, interest, beliefs,

lifestyle, and opinions. For example,

1. Resigned- They are usually an elder having rigid and authoritarian values that
are set on the past, more specifically how things used to be.

2. Struggler- Most Likely someone in dept. with very few resources and skills.
(May be an alcoholic, play lottery and consume junk food daily)

3. Mainstreamer- They are Domestic, conformist and part of the mass. They like
anything that would be part of the mass audience for example Britain’s got
talent or large brands like McDonalds or Nike

4. Aspirer- This group is materialistic and are interested in airing anything

affiliative, so they place importance on brands (fashion), their image and

5. Succeeder – This group are strong goal orientation, confidence, and they like
stability. They would like anything confirming their position or status

6. Explorer- They are energetic, they go after experience and challenge. They
like anything associated adventure, difference, and sensation. They are usually
young possibly a student and like an instant effect.

7. Reformer- They personally value growth, social awareness, and value for
time. They are curious and support new product category growth. However,
they are also anti-materialistic. They are usually from a higher education
background and like things that challenge them and build in some way

 Standard Occupational classification – all jobs are put into a class category

1. High-ranking managers – usually in the law or medicine industry

2. Middle managers- usually in companies or public services for education and
3. Junior managers supervisors in industry or public services
4. Skilled manual workers – like carpenters or electricians
5. Unskilled manual workers
6. The Unemployed or others on very low incomes from casual work

 Baby products: Pampers
This advert focuses on the Demographics of male and female parents in their 20s with
toddlers, mainly towards the later of the two while the other is secondary. The
individuals are likely to be mainstreamers as they are more likely to be the struggler
but most likely the mainstreamer as they focus on products that affect a larger
audience as well as family. However, it is likely the mainstreamer as their standard
occupational classification would at least have to be a skilled manual worker as they
have a somewhat stable income while the struggler would be in dept. and may go after
another product due to their situation and cost of the product.

The advert itself appeals more to mothers as in the advert as the main actors are a
happy mother with an equally happy child as they must create the sense that their
product is suitable for both the parent and child hence why they also included a
childlike song in the background to add to that sense.

 Household cleaning products: Flash
Flash adverts are more towards the Demographics classification as the
woman would be a representation of the targeted gender in the audience as
well as the age group as she is possibly in her 20s and potentially older.
Like the pampers advert this product Psychographics class that is most
likely associated with this product are Mainstreamers as they must have a
stable income for them to even consider their Standard Occupational
classification would Junior managers or supervisors in public service. A
Mainstreamer focuses on popular and big products like coke or McDonalds, so flash
is likely to appeal to them.
Looking at the adverts itself, it has been presented in quite a dramatic way as during
the advert. I believe that they have remade the lyrics of the Queen song Flash and I
believe they did this because with a catchy song their product wouldn’t be that easily
forgotten from the audience, which would later cause them to buy flash products. This
was also accompanied by special effects, which added to that effect.

 Expensive car- Ferrari Roma
The Ferrari Roma advert straight away presents that the Standard
Occupational classification for their product are High-ranking
managers in industries like law or medicine and that their
Psychographics class are succeeder as they have a strong work
ethic and anything that confirms their position such as expensive
products like the Ferrari. However when it come to the Demographics it could be
anyone from the age of probably 18 and older. As they adverts shows us a series of
different age group both being male and female, as well as one woman and man
driving the cars individually. They pass others the camera shows them having a
lingering gaze as the car goes by so they main focus would be on their standard
Occupational classification as that group would be able to afford to buy such a
The advert itself as said before shows different ages and genders having a lingering
gaze of the car as it passes them. This is accompanied by a smooth easy-going music
that plays in the background as the two cars drive around Rome, likely to emphasize
just how much of a luxury it is having this car.

 perfume or aftershave: Dior J’adore

The Demographics that this advert is focused on the female gender mainly
those in their 20s and to emphasize that it is for the female group in the advert
there are no men seen in this advert. When it comes to the Psychographics, I
believe since this is directed more towards female trends this would fall into
the aspirer class as they focus more on the latest trends and products like
makeup and fashion. The standard Occupational Classification this product is focused
on are High-ranking managers and possibly Middle managers depending on where
they work. I believe it is their classes as the product is expensive, I believe this
because the celebrity Charlize Theron is the main face of the product to further its
expense as well as to deliver to the audience a sense that with the product they’ll be as
successful as her.
The advert itself is to memorise the audience as the camera follows as she walks
closer towards the camera, she is speaking you can hear her say “infinitely” woman
which could be a way of showing that there is no limit with the new product as a
woman which further place that idea that the audience need the product.

 Life insurance: Smart insurance


When it comes to demographics the adverts are directed to all genders and
specifically states specifically that it is for those aged 18 to 64 but judging
from the advert it may be directed to those in that specific age group that
are planning to or already have a family. The Psychographics I find that
there are only two categories that would suit life insurance that would be
the struggler and reformer. For the struggler I find that with the amount of debt they
have they would like some form of life insurance, even if it isn’t that much so that
upon their death their family can pay of the dept. and for a reformer is more of them
being aware of certain thing that other don’t and they may take precautions for the
unexpected. However, having said this dept. It is not the only reason for it. When
concerning Standard occupational classification anyone (high ranking managers,
middle managers, junior managers, and skilled manual workers) except the
unemployed and unskilled can use life ensures because they can afford it while those
unemployed wouldn’t be able to pay every month for it making this advert useless to
them until they get a stable income or job.

 Dating site-
The demographics of the advert are directed towards both male and
female audience from the age of 25- 44 as at that age finding a partner
may be hard for them and they need an advert like this to push them in
the right direction. However, the Psychographics could go to anyone but for this
specific advert I would say that an explorer would use this advert as they have more
curiosity to explore different things and I can see them going for this advert for the
experience of it. For an advert like this, anyone in the Standard occupational
classification could have this advert directed at him or her as there is no restriction on
it apart from the age making it free to everyone.
The advert itself is short and has a girl stumbling over a text when she is meeting up
with a boy. The scene is short and simply shows us a nervous girl going on a date.
This appeals to the audience as it would likely feel like a real experience that they
have or will experience and because of its calm presentation it does not really stand
out but give the audience something to think about.

 Charity/awareness- Four Paws
The demographic of this advert seems to be directed to those 18 and above but
it can also apply to teens as well as they would be the ones to go around
asking to raise money and spread the word threw volunteering. However, the
psychographics that would be interested in this is an explorer due to their
interest and curiosity and new things as well as the fact that they seem quite
outgoing so helping a charity make be within their interest. The same could be
said about standard occupational classification. Each class have different
interest so it is a junior manager and middle manager would take interest as a
junior manager mangers public service, which will cross with charity while a
middle manager would have a direct tie to it due to managing companies, or public
services like education and health.
The advert has a calm song playing in the background while a man talks about
suffering to the audience. I believe what makes the advert appealing is simply the
choice of word given and nothing more because it mainly about giving the audience
information and leaving them to figure weather they help or not because they cannot
be forced.


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