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HKDSE English Language 2022

Module 5: Volume 2
Paper 2 – Writing
The Magic Three
Student name: _______________
HKDSE English 2022 – M5V2 – Paper 2

Food for Thought

Theme: Environmental Protection

Warm-up: Read the following article and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs

10 Reasons to Be Cheerful about the Environment

by Environmental Technology Online
The news _________________ (fill) with stories about the apocalyptic state
of our environment – the earth __________________ (warm) up, things
__________________ (die) in droves, and we’re all basically
__________________ (doom). It’s not all bad though, as we
__________________ (make) progress on many conservational and
environmental fronts. So, __________________ (give) yourself a pat on the
back, humanity – it __________________ (turn out) you’re not completely
terrible. Here are 10 reasons to be cheerful about the environment…

1. The Ozone layer is showing signs of repair

The Earth’s protective layer would appear _________________________ (heal / slowly) itself. A ban of
chlorofluorocarbons in 1987 (9)__________________ (appears) (10)__________________ (be) the reason for this
increase in sunblock.

2. Effects of banished pesticides are being reversed

The harmful pesticide DDT – __________________ (use) to control mosquitos and other insects –
__________________ (find) its way into waterways in the 40s and 50s and (13)__________________ (poison)
bald eagle populations through their fish-based diet. Since this particularly nasty pesticide
__________________ (ban) in 1972, bald eagle populations (15)__________________ (be) on the rise, with at
least 9,789 pairs currently __________________(nest) in the USA – compared to only 487 at their lowest

3. We’ve made steps to clean up our air

Although there is far more that can be done in this respect, countries around the world have started to make
steps towards cleaning up our air. According to the EPA, aggregate emissions of the six worst offending
greenhouse gases (17)__________________ (fall) by 62% in the United States between 1980 and 2015.

P.1 EDFLOW English 2022

HKDSE English 2022 – M5V2 – Paper 2

4. More countries are committing to sustainable energy

By 2024, the world __________________ (become) an altogether more sustainable place, thanks to the
commitment of countries around the world to clean up their acts. __________________ (realise) that fossil
fuels __________________ (be) finite – but wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power
__________________ (be) here to stay – energy companies (22)__________________ (slowly/turn) green, in
a good way.

5. Endangered animals are on the rise

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! It’s good news for some of the world’s most endangered animals, as many
(23) (24)
are slowly returning and __________________ (inch) towards __________________ (remove) from the
endangered species list. Nepal’s tiger population __________________ (increase) by 60% in the past five
years, while humpback whale populations in Brazil (26)__________________ (triple) since 2002.

6. Acid rain is on the decline

Sulfur dioxide emissions have fallen by 60% across Europe, with the United States’ Clean Air Act
__________________ (achieve) similar results.

7. Protected maritime areas on the rise

There has been a global increase in (28)__________________ (protect) areas, with 12% of the land and 6% of the
seas now under protected status.

8. Open air nuclear tests are on their way out

The 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty __________________ (bring) into play when the world
__________________ (get) wise to the ramifications of nuclear fallout for civilian populations. Between
1945 and 1963, the USA (31)__________________ (carry) out 434 nuclear tests, and it (32)__________________
(decide) this number __________________ (be) not sustainable. A complete ban in the form of
the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty came into play in 1996 – although China and the US
__________________ (have) yet to sign it.

P.2 EDFLOW English 2022

HKDSE English 2022 – M5V2 – Paper 2

9. Leaded fuel is a thing of the past

Thankfully we (35)__________________ (grow) wise to the risk of adding lead to our fuel, and now the number
of children with __________________ (elevate) levels of the heavy metal in their
blood (37)__________________ (fall) from 88% in the late 70s to just 1% in recent years.

10. Deforestation in the Amazon is slowing down

Often __________________ (describe) as the lungs of the world, the Amazon rainforest
(39) (40)
__________________ (suffer) huge losses as a result of largely __________________ (regulate)
__________________ (log). From 2002 to 2012, Brazil (42)__________________ (cutting) their deforestation
by half. Hurray, Earth!

P.3 EDFLOW English 2022

HKDSE English 2022 – M5V2 – Paper 2

DSE Idea Bank

Causes and Consequences of Air Pollution

Learning English through Social Issues

You are Chris Wong, chairperson of the Environmental Society of EDFLOW College. A recent survey revealed that junior
students are unaware of the alarming air pollution problem in Hong Kong. You are therefore asked to write an article for
the school magazine to explain the general causes of pollution and its adverse consequences.

Step 1: Question Analysis

Controlling Idea

The GREAT approach


Step 2: Brainstorming
Brainstorm ‘causes’ using the FI$HER Approach.

P.4 EDFLOW English 2022

HKDSE English 2022 – M5V2 – Paper 2

Brainstorm ‘effects’ using the FI$HER Approach.

Additional Practice: Use the Stakeholder Approach to suggest solutions to the air pollution

Brainstorm ‘solutions’ using the Stakeholder Approach.

P.5 EDFLOW English 2022

HKDSE English 2022 – M5V2 – Paper 2

DSE Writing Sample

Pollution undermining Hong Kong’s international standing

Learning English through Social Issue

Hong Kong is said to be so severely polluted that further deterioration will significantly undermine its position
as an international financial center as well as a cosmopolitan city.

As the Chairperson of the Environmental Society of EDFLOW College, you are asked to write a feature article
for the school magazine to share your views on the topic. Provide at least three reasons in support of your

Save our Clean Sky; Save our International Standing

Have you ever visited the famous wishing tree in Lam Tsuen? I guess the answer
for the majority of you would be positive. Sadly, having stretched itself to its limit
catering to mankind’s rapacious desires for decades, this once majestic trees has
now withered away, leaving a soulless plastic substitute in its stead. Like this tree,
Hong Kong, initially endowed with rich natural resources, seems to be suffering
from the same dire outcome. The ever-growing number of high-rises forces us to
live with clouds of fine dust. The constantly flowing stream of traffic makes us
breath in toxic pollutants. The never resting plants of power leaves our city
shrouded in smog. All these are ringing the knell for the city as we know it but
most Hong Kong citizens still turn a deaf ear to it. Few realize that, its effects, like
mercury, seep into key areas of our society, not just on our health. Decent air is in
fact instrumental to underpinning our status as an international financial center as
well as a cosmopolitan city.

Hong Kong has always prided itself on being an international culture hub that
attracts people from all over the world. Yet, an increasing number of overseas
specialists now decline to visit, let alone work in Hong Kong out of health concern.
Should Hong Kong become notorious for substantial air pollution, professionals
will be deterred from organizing any international conferences, including academic
seminars and economic forums here. How can Hong Kong live up to its name
without access to global vision, dynamism and new thinking flowing through our

Furthermore, pollution undermines the sound basis of business environment by

siphoning profits. On one side, the contaminated air easily triggers respiratory

P.6 EDFLOW English 2022

HKDSE English 2022 – M5V2 – Paper 2

illnesses, resulting in not only lowered productivity caused by fragile health, but
also heavy medical bills. A vicious cycle would then be formed – with the
increasing need for public health care service comes extra profit tax on businesses.
In other words, the private sectors in Hong Kong would be earning less but paying
more tax. These execrable factors would drive away existing investors and
specialists, who are equally indispensable to an international financial centre.

Worse still, the economy will be dealt a further blow when tourists cease to visit
Hong Kong. Obviously, the above-mentioned fear for their own safety would be an
issue but more importantly, pollution impairs ecosystem. Hong Kong, the Pearl of
the Orient, has unparalleled harbor view which appeals to countless visitors day
and night. The worsening water quality is already turning visitors away from Hong
Kong. Deteriorating air pollution will render our city downright undesirable to
tourists. The hazy harbour view, misty peak scenery and stuffy streets with
congested road traffic are nothing but nuisances. If you were to argue that Hong
Kong would still be a shopping paradise, think. Would Hong Kong really be
conceived as a joyful shopping centre when tourists had to brave toxic fumes
emitted from vehicles and trapped between the tall buildings to get to a mall with
shops not unique to Hong Kong? If the air quality continues to degrade, there is
nothing the Hong Kong Tourism Board can do to promote our city.

The impacts of pollution cannot be distilled naturally. Unfortunately, little has been
done to raise awareness of the alarming problem. So far, all we have seen from the
government’s approach is very piecemeal, without long-term goals and substance.
It is high time the government abandoned this bombastic style and be more
resolute in curbing pollution. It is also our duty as responsible citizens to work
shoulder to shoulder in our battle against worsening air quality if we do not want to
see this vigorous dragon dispirited and lifeless.

P.7 EDFLOW English 2022

HKDSE English 2022 – M5V2 – Paper 2

Language Focus
Persuasive Language: The Rule of Three

The rule of three is a powerful technique that you should learn, practise and master. Traditionally, it’s usually
used in speech writing but it also comes in handy when it comes to persuasive writing or capturing readers’
attention. It allows you to express concept more completely, emphasize your points and increase the
memorability of your message. That’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________________________

More examples
1. To turn a blind eye to air pollution is unwise, _____________________ and _____________________.

2. The future of our beloved world depends on how _____________________ we act, how
_____________________ we plan and how _____________________ we strive on.

3. To tackle the root of air pollution, the key is to _____________________, _____________________ and

4. We cannot turn a blind eye to the despair of dying sea creatures. We cannot _________________________
to the ______________ of ________________________________________________________________.
We cannot ___________________________ to the ______________ of our_________________________.



P.8 EDFLOW English 2022

HKDSE English 2022 – M5V2 – Paper 2

Exercise 1: The following sentences are from drafts of speeches. Use the rule of three to make
them sound concise, forceful and punchy.

1. Many people have lost their homes. They suffer from job lost as businesses close.

2. Education is a simple solution.


3. Be open-minded all the time.


4. This is the truth.


5. Friends understand you. They are people who can comfort you. In some cases, they will inspire you. That’s
why they are friends.

P.9 EDFLOW English 2022

HKDSE English 2022 – M5V2 – Paper 2

DSE Advanced Language

Development Patterns in Argumentative Writing

Furthermore, pollution undermines the sound basis of business environment by siphoning profits. On one
side, the contaminated air easily triggers respiratory illnesses, resulting in not only lowered productivity
caused by fragile health, but also heavy medical bills. A vicious cycle would then be formed – with the
increasing need for public health care service comes extra profit tax on businesses.


Have you ever visited the famous wishing tree in Lam Tsuen? I guess the answer for the majority of you
would be positive. Sadly, having stretched itself to its limit catering to mankind’s rapacious desires for
decades, this once majestic trees has now withered away, leaving a soulless plastic substitute in its stead.
Like this tree, Hong Kong, initially endowed with rich natural resources, seems to be suffering from the
same dire outcome.


P.10 EDFLOW English 2022

HKDSE English 2022 – M5V2 – Paper 2

Few realize that, its effects, like mercury, seep into key areas of our society, not just on our health.


Should Hong Kong become notorious for substantial air pollution, professionals will be deterred from
organizing any international conferences, including academic seminars and economic forums here.


If you were to argue that Hong Kong would still be a shopping paradise, think. Would Hong Kong really
be conceived as a joyful shopping centre when tourists had to brave toxic fumes emitted from vehicles and
trapped between the tall buildings to get to a mall with shops not unique to Hong Kong? If the air quality
continues to degrade, there is nothing the Hong Kong Tourism Board can do to promote our city.


P.11 EDFLOW English 2022

HKDSE English 2022 – M5V2 – Paper 2

Theme: Environmental Protection

Proofreading Correct the errors in the following article. Lines (a) to (d) are examples. No line
has more than one error and some lines are correct. Changes to punctuation
should not be made. Do not make unnecessary changes. If you think there is no
error in a line, put a tick () at the end of the line (example a). For questions 1 - 18
corrections MUST be done EXACTLY as follows:


1 Chek Keng was used to be a remote, beautiful and

2 tranquil bay in Sai Kung, and providing an excellent
3 natural retreat for city dweller in Hong Kong. Over
4 the past few years, however, it has become heavily pollute.
5 A lot of plastic bags and other unsightly rubbish
6 have dumped on the shore. There is a
7 disgusting smell in the bay caused the refuse.

8 Chek Keng illustrates the multitude of problem

9 facing our natural environment, which being ruined
10 by greed and ignorance. The only responds we
11 have see over the years from the Hong Kong Government
12 has been empty words and breaking promises.

13 Chek Keng is die and, unless prompt action is taken to

14 clear up the mess, it will beyond saving. If we don’t
15 act now, our remaining areas of unspoilt land end up
16 being completely and unnecessarily destructed.

17 Hong Kong people seem to unaware that they are

18 wasting one of their best resource - the environment.

P.12 EDFLOW English 2022

HKDSE English 2022 – M5V2 – Paper 2

Themeatic Progression Correct the For questions 1 - 11, the statements in Column B can be paired
with those in Column A so that the second statement follows naturally from
the first. The two correctly-matched statements from Column A and Column
B form a pair; but if all the statements in the exercise are put together, they
DO NOT form a complete passage. Write the letters of the statements from
Column B in the spaces provided in the Answer Column as shown in the
example. Each letter should be used ONCE ONLY.

Column A Answers
1. A Japanese multinational company has produced a vehicle which it claims 1. __________
does not give off any pollution at all.

2. At the Earth Summit meeting in Brazil in 1992 pressure groups were busy 2. __________
developing an agenda to tackle the world’s environmental problems.

3. A Canadian scientist thinks he has found a way of controlling deadly algal 3. __________
blooms which plague bathing waters all over the world in the summer

4. Not even the ever-expanding environmental industry has been protested 4. __________
from the recession.

5. A Greek islanders have come up with a novel way to combat the huge 5. __________
amount of plastic waste littering their island’s coastline.

6. Satellite pictures which point the finger at ships which pollute should now 6. __________
be available to anyone who wants them.

7. Pedestrianised cities may soon become a reality thanks to a new European 7. __________
Commission initiative.

8. Deadly airborne chemicals which can cause cancer and other health 8. __________
problems are present in Hong Kong, some at levels which exceed
recommended safe readings.

9. Consumers will have to rethink their buying habits if environmental 9. __________

problems are to be solved.

10. The greenest companies in Hong Kong are unlikely to be based in the 10. __________
territory at all, it has emerged.

11. The Wai Chi Post Office recently reopened its doors – as Hong Kong’s first 11. __________
environmental resource centre, containing books, newspapers, videos and a
simple computer system to inform people on environmental matters.

P.13 EDFLOW English 2022

HKDSE English 2022 – M5V2 – Paper 2

Column B
A. The issues discussed ranged from debt to pollution-free vehicles and alternative economic models to

B. The materials cover popular topics such as green consumerism and creating a green household, as
well as more impact assessments of major projects.

C. A feasibility study has demonstrated that car-free environments could be between two and five times
cheaper to live in than the present car-choked urban areas.

D. Some recent reports which assess firms’ efforts in cleaning up their environmental act have
demonstrated that branches of overseas-owned firms are easily the leaders.

E. It is believed that the toxins come from industrial sources like electroplating and are released either
by burning or by the disposal of fume-producing solvents.

F. Residents are gathering up the bleach and drink bottles and then using them as net floats.

G. This first-ever working version of a hydrogen-powered model should go into full production within
eight years.

H. In a pilot project off some Greek islands, filer-feeding creatures such as sponges and mussels are
being used to clean up the sea bed naturally.

I. The heavy dependence in electrical appliances and other such goods in developed countries creates
burdens on energy output which add to global warming.

J. The Toronto Conservation Trust has recently had to make four members of its staff redundant.

K. A government centre in the UK produces images via Synthetic Aperture Radar, which can see
through cloud and detect changes on the earth’s surface.

P.14 EDFLOW English 2022

HKDSE English 2022 – M5V2 – Paper 2

Collocations Circle the most suitable words.

Grey Sky Makes Us Blue

The Asia's world city has long been plagued by its poor air quality, which not only threatens citizens’ health,
(1) (2)
but also (frights / sends / scares / encourages) tourists and potential investors away, (resulting from /
resulting in / resulted from / resulted in) immeasurable economic loss. In view of the serious air pollution in
Hong Kong, the Chief Executive pledged to (3) (reduce I relief /
readdress / remedy) the problem with a 'blue sky’ policy
during his election campaign. After the signing of an emission
control pact with the Guangdong government, the amount of
air pollutants from the mainland has declined, but its
effectiveness has been (cancelled / balanced / offset /
equated) by transport emissions.

A series of measures were announced as the updates of the Air Quality Objectives. The most significant one
is that the measurement of Hong Kong's pollution is going to follow the air- quality (benchmarks / levels /
results / rules) of the World Health Organization (WHO). Among seven types of emissions, sulfur dioxide,
nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and lead will be monitored (6) (with reference to / according to / subject to /
due to) the strictest standards of WHO. Other solutions include setting up car-free zones, constructing more
railways, getting (less / out / rid / zero) of old vehicles that emit air pollutants and planting new trees. The
objectives will be under (8) (control / amendments / review / consideration) every five years.

The Secretary for the Environment said the environmental impact reports for the government's construction
projects will follow the latest standards. He also added that what (9) (matters / relates / concerns / affects) most to
the implementation of the standards are clearly (10) (defined / set / planned / enacted) goals and effective methods
agreed by the public.

While the business sector is in favour (for / to / of / at) the policies, some critics are dissatisfied with the
government’s acts that do not go far enough. Anthony Hedley, an (honorary / honouring / honoured /
honorific) professor from the University of Hong Kong, has criticised the measures as ‘lax and interim targets’
but not long-term solutions to the problem.

End of 2022 HKDSE Module 5 Volume 2

P.15 EDFLOW English 2022

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