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Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry April 2006

ver. 1.1

Pandanus tectorius (pandanus)

Pandanaceae (screwpine family)
ajbwirōk, anewetāk (Pingelap Atoll, Pohnpei), binu (Kapingamarangi Atoll, Pohnpei); bōb (Marshall Islands);
choy, fach, far (Yap); deipw, fach, far (Chuuk); deipw, kipar (Pohnpei); épo (Nauru); fa, fafa, laufala, falahola, kuku-
valu, lou‘akau (Tonga); fala, lau fala (Samoa, Tuvalu); hala (Nukuoro Atoll, Pohnpei); hala, pū hala (Hawai‘i); kafu
(Guam); mweng (Kosrae); ongor (Palau); pandanas (Vanuatu: Bislama); pandanus, vacouet (French); pandanus, screw
pine (English); te kaina (Kiribati); vadra, voivoi (Fiji)
Lex A.J. Thomson, Lois Englberger, Luigi Guarino, R.R. Thaman, and Craig R. Elevitch
photo: C. Elevitch

Pandanus growing along the

southern coast of ‘Upolu, Samoa.

IN BRIEF Growth rate  Stem growth is slow to moderate, 2–80 cm

Distribution  Native throughout the Pacific islands and [0.8–31 in] per year.
parts of Southeast Asia and northern Australia. Main agroforestry uses  Coastal protection, windbreak,
Size  Reaches  4–14 m (13–46 ft) in height, with about the
Main uses  Food, weaving, thatch.
same canopy diameter.
Yields  10–300 leaves per tree per year or 8–12 fruits.
Habitat  Usually elevations of sea level to 20 m (66 ft), but
can grow at elevations of 600 m (1970 ft) or higher. Intercropping  Often planted in and around mixed agro­
forests in the Pacific.
Vegetation  Associated with species of coastal forests.
Invasive potential  Naturally spreads into coastal plant
Soils  Adapted to a very wide range of light to heavy soil communities. Since it is native to Pacific islands, the tree is
types. not considered to be invasive.
INTRODUCTION wild plants in Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. These
have sometimes been widely planted as aboriginal intro­
Pandanus (P. tectorius) is a large shrub or small tree of im­
ductions to many islands. Additionally, new variants may
mense cultural, health, and economic importance in the
be selected from seedling progeny or mutations in culti­
Pacific, second only to coconut on atolls. A highly vari­
vated varieties.
able species complex, it grows wild mainly in semi-natural
vegetation in littoral habitats throughout the tropical and
subtropical Pacific, where it can withstand drought, strong
winds, and salt spray. It propagates readily from seed, but
it is also widely propagated from branch cuttings by local Preferred scientific name
people for farms and homegardens. It grows fairly quickly,
and all parts are used, from the nutritious fruits of edible Pandanus tectorius Parkinson
varieties, to the poles and branches in construction, to the
leaves for weaving and garlands. The plant is prominent Family
in Pacific culture and tradition, including local medicine. Pandanaceae (screwpine family)
Hundreds of cultivated varieties, collectively recognized in
the Pacific but specific to numerous independent cultural Non-preferred scientific names
traditions, are known by their local names and character­ In this treatment, P. tectorius is recognized as a highly vari­
istics of fruits, branches, and leaves. At present, there is able species complex that is widespread on strandline and
evidence that this diversity is declining, with certain va­ coastal forest communities throughout the tropical and
rieties becoming difficult to find. The reasons include less subtropical Pacific Ocean. Numerous, often minor, mor­
replanting, deforestation, fire, flagging interest by the new phological variants of pandanus have been recognized and
generation, and rapid population growth leading to urban­ formally described as species, mainly by St. John. Some
ization. Planting pandanus should be promoted in both of the more widely used and important synonyms encom­
rural and urban areas. For example, small shrubby varieties passing entities within the P. tectorius complex include P.
could be planted along boundaries or borders. Plantings pedunculatus R. Br., P. pyriformis (Martelli) St. John, and
should be encouraged in protected areas and in well main­ P. spurius Miquel. The concept of variety is useful to des­
tained public areas. For example, in Hawai‘i plantings of ignate socio-economically important, and/or striking and
pandanus on hotel grounds were utilized and greatly ap­ unusual forms.
preciated by local weavers, due to good access and ease of
harvesting. Special attempts should be made to collect and Common names
replant endangered varieties that are valued for their edible ajbwirōk, anewetāk (Pingelap Atoll, Pohnpei)
fruits and other uses. binu (Kapingamarangi Atoll, Pohnpei)
bōb (Marshall Islands)
choy, fach, far (Yap)
deipw, fach, far (Chuuk)
deipw, kipar (Pohnpei)
Native range
épo (Nauru)
Pandanus tectorius naturally occurs in strandline and near- fa, fafa, laufala, falahola, kukuvalu, lou‘akau (Tonga)
coastal forests in Southeast Asia, including the Philippines fala, lau fala (Samoa, Tuvalu)
and Indonesia, extending eastward through Papua New hala (Nukuoro Atoll, Pohnpei)
Guinea and northern Australia, and throughout the Pacif­ hala, pū hala (Hawai‘i)
ic islands, including Melanesia (Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, kafu (Guam)
New Caledonia, and Fiji), Micronesia (Palau, Northern mweng (Kosrae)
Marianas, Guam, Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall ongor (Palau)
Islands, Kiribati, Tuvalu, and Nauru), and Polynesia (Wal­ pandanas (Vanuatu: Bislama)
lis and Futuna, Tokelau, Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga, pandanus, vacouet (French)
Niue, Cook Islands, French Polynesia, and Hawai‘i). pandanus, screw pine (English)
te kaina (Kiribati)
Current distribution vadra, voivoi (Fiji)
Many traditionally recognized and named varieties have In the atoll island countries of the central and northern
originated through selection and vegetative propagation of

  Pandanus tectorius (pandanus) 

Pacific, several hundred traditional varieties (many used by in racemes or branched in clusters, with large white showy
people for food) are recognized and given individual names bracts. Male flowers only last for about a day, with the in­
in the local languages and maintained largely through veg­ florescence decaying within 3–4 days (Brink and Jansen
etative propagation. 2003). Female flowers are pineapple-like.

Size and form Leaves

Pandanus tectorius is a stout, branching, often multi-stemmed, There is considerable variation in leaf shape and size, both
large shrub or small tree (2–) 4–14 (–18) m ([6.6–]13–46[–59] on and among trees. Leaves are spirally-arranged in three
ft) in height, with about the same canopy spread. Plants of rows and clustered at branch apices, dark green, 1–3 m (3.3–
most varieties have numerous aerial and prop roots and thick, 10 ft) long by 11–16 cm (4.3–6.3 in) wide, V- to Y-shaped in
forking, often spiny trunks. Wild seedling-derived plants section, with spiny/prickly margins and midribs. Marginal
often have a single bole or trunk for 4–8 m (13–26 ft) before prickles are usually 0.8–2.5 mm (0.03–0.1 in) long. A few
forking. Maximum stem diameter is 12–25 cm (4.7–10 in). traditionally recognized and named varieties have leaves
with smooth margins, e.g., ‘Tutu‘ila’ in Tonga, ‘Nei Naobua’
Flowers in Kiribati, ‘Lau fala’ in Samoa, and at least one variegated
The species is dioecious—there are separate male and fe­ form in Fiji.
male plants. Flowers are borne in heads at the shoot apex. In fully expanded leaves, the midrib is bent, and the up­
Male flowers are fragrant, tiny, white, pendant, arranged

Top left: Male inflorescence. photo: C. Elevitch Top right: Female inflorescence. photo: C. Elevitch Bottom: Fruit heads
comprise an aggregate of many tightly bunched wedge-shaped phalanges or drupes; these are also called “keys,” as removing
one will allow the rest to come apart easily. photos: L. Thomson

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  

per third (or so) of the leaf hangs down, giving pandanus mesocarp is fibrous and fleshy, about 10–30 mm (0.4–1.2
plants their characteristic drooping appearance. in) long. This is the portion of the fruit that is chewed and
eaten in edible varieties. At maturity the color of the basal
Fruit section of the phalanges varies from pale yellow to dark
The multiple fruit head displays considerable plant-to- yellow, orange, and orange/red. For intact fruiting heads
plant variation in morphology, size, and color, and many of the visible apical portion of the phalange is typically green
the traditionally named varieties (females) are recognized with brown markings at maturity, turning yellow with age,
by their particular combination of fruit head characteris­ after falling. In some varieties the apical portion may be
tics (Hiyane 1971). colored dark orange at maturity, e.g., ‘Fala‘hola’ in Tonga.
The shape of the fruit head may be ovoid, ellipsoid, sub- The apical profile of individual phalanges ranges from
globose or globose, with overall dimensions of 8–30 cm (3– truncate and sub-truncate to convex. There are 1–15 carpels
12 in) long by 4–20 cm (1.6–8 in) diameter. Fruit heads are per phalange, and these are arranged either radially or in
made up many (38–200) tightly bunched, wedge-shaped parallel rows. The central apical sinuses range from 1–28
fleshy phalanges or drupes (also referred to as keys). mm (0.04–1.1 in) deep.
Individual phalanges are narrowly oblong to ovoid and
2.5–11 cm (1–4.3 in) long by 1.5–6.7 cm (0.6–2.6 in) wide (at
widest point). The endocarp (internal tissue surrounding The seeds are obovoid, ellipsoid, or oblong; 6–20 mm (0.25–
the seeds) is dark reddish-brown, hard/bony, and 15–35 mm 0.8 in) long; red-brown and whitish/gelatinous inside. The
(0.6–1.4 in) long. The mesocarp comprises apical and basal small (10 mm [0.4 in] long) white seeds of pandanus found
sections. The apical mesocarp formed in the apex of each in some varieties have a coconut-like taste.
carpel comprises an elongated cavern with aerenchyma of Phalanges are widely dispersed by ocean currents and can
a few longitudinal fibers and white membranes. The basal float for many months, during which time the seeds main­
tain viability.

The bark is grayish- or reddish-brown, smooth/flaky, with
characteristic undulating leaf scars and rows of prickles.

Rooting habit
The root system of pandanus plants is dominated by thick,
slightly spreading prop roots originating from the lower
part (1–1.5 m [3.3–5 ft]) of the trunk. The prop roots pen­
etrate and are mainly concentrated in the surface soil layers.
In some plants, there may be a few aerial roots hanging
vertically from branches.

Similar or look-a-like species

Pandanus odoratissimus L.f. is another highly vari­
able Pandanus species that is taxonomically very close to
P. tectorius. It is widely distributed along Indo-Malayan
coasts from India and Sri Lanka throughout Southeast
Asia to Taiwan, the Ryukyu Islands, and western parts of
Micronesia. The main morphological difference is consid­
ered to be the larger white or very pale leaf spines in P.
odoratissimus, compared with smaller greenish spines in P.
tectorius. The two species are thought to hybridize readily
where they co-occur and are possibly better treated as sub-
species of P. tectorius.
Phalange split lengthwise to reveal a seed (cut in half ). pho­ The following Pandanus species occur naturally and/or are
to: L. Thomson

  Pandanus tectorius (pandanus) 

Left: Characteristic ring pattern on bark left after older leaves fall off. photo: L. Thomson Right: Prop roots descending into a
thin substrate over lava rock, ‘Upolu, Samoa. photo: C. Elevitch

cultivated in near-coastal locations in the Pacific islands which is oblique to vertical on the distal, outer face of the
and are sometimes confused with the P. tectorius complex. phalange apex, compared with apical on carpel summit in
Pandanus dubius Sprengler grows in coastal forests, in­ P. tectorius. The multiple fruit heads are subglobose to el­
cluding beaches and rocky shores in Southeast Asia and lipsoid, up to 25 cm long by 22 cm diameter (10 x 9 in),
the Western Pacific region, including Palau, Northern and the basal section of the phalange is bright red when
Marianas, Guam (local name pahong), Kiribati (local name mature.
tekaureiko), Federated States of Micronesia (local names
mweng kaki, kipar-n-ai), Papua New Guinea, Solomon
Islands, Vanuatu, and Rotuma. It is occasionally cultivated GENETICS
for its edible seeds and thick leaves for basket making and
floor mats. It is distinguished from P. tectorius by its long
Variability of species
penducles, 60–80 cm (24–32 in) in length, and large, white, Pandanus tectorius is a geographically widespread and an
edible, and tasty rounded seeds (1–1.5 cm [0.4–0.6 in] in exceptionally morphologically variable species or species
diameter) situated at the base of the phalange. Its trunk is complex. Female plants within a geographically localized
covered with sharp prickles (lenticels), and the roots are population, such as on the same stretch of beach, may ex­
covered in vertical rows of lenticels. hibit distinctively different fruit characteristics (fruit shape
and size, number of phalanges per fruit, phalange shape,
Pandanus whitmeeanus Martelli is a female clone that
color, size, texture, nutrient content, carpel number, shape
probably originated in Vanuatu. It is now widely cultivated
and appearance, edibility, taste, seed shape, etc.). Such
near sea level in swampy, grassy areas in Fiji, Wallis and
variants have sometimes been described as different spe­
Futuna, Samoa, Tonga, and the Cook Islands for its leaves,
cies, but in a biological sense they are part of the same in­
which are used to make fine mats and handicrafts. It is
terbreeding population and, furthermore, it is not possible
distinguished from P. tectorius by the position of its stigma,

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  

to designate male plants to such “species.” Morphological are apparently widely recognized on Tarawa. Some bota­
variation is also evident in plant form, trunk, and branch nists have named morphologically distinctive varieties (or
thickness, presence and number of prop and aerial roots, morphotypes) of P. tectorius as separate species, but these
leaf characteristics and spiral arrangement, and extent of may be extremes of a continuum or else only identifiable as
spines on different plant parts. Varieties may represent geo­ female plants and thus do not fit into the accepted biologi­
graphic races or provenances, morphologically distinctive cal definition of species.
individuals, vegetatively propagated clones, polyploids, and
interspecific hybrids. Variation within populations is gen­ Culturally important related species in the genus
erated through recombination during sexual reproduction Some entities within the P. tectorius complex may prove
and long-distance dispersal by ocean currents of buoyant to be taxonomically and biologically valid species, and
phalanges. The mating system is expected to be highly out­ culturally important in the areas in which they occur. An
crossing (due to separate male and female plants) or facul­ example might be P. odoratissimus L.f., which naturally in­
tative apomictic (in the absence of male plants) (Brink and tergrades with P. tectorius in Southeast Asia/western Pacific
Jansen 2003). Variation in economically important charac­ rim, presumably through interspecific hybridization.
ters is also maintained through people vegetatively propa­
gating individual plants with preferred traits. For weaving,
plants with strong, flexible, non-spiny leaves are preferred, ASSOCIATED PLANT SPECIES
while for human consumption, female plants with sweet, Pandanus is common in littoral habitats throughout the
soft-textured fruits, low in oxalates, and with small keys Pacific (Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia), including
that fit better in the mouth for chewing are favored. on atolls. In all parts of its natural range, pandanus is a
frequent component of strandline and coastal vegetation,
Known varieties including grassy or swampy woodlands, secondary forests,
Hundreds of traditional varieties of Pandanus tectorius have and scrub thickets developed on makatea (raised fossilized
been recognized, named, and propagated by local people coralline limestone terraces). It commonly occurs on the
in different parts of the Pacific islands. An individual plant margins of mangroves and swamps. Pandanus also occurs
may have originally been identified as having value for a as an understory tree in plantations and forests on atolls and
particular use, such as fruits for human consumption or larger islands (either planted or naturalized).
leaves for weaving fine mats, and then vegetatively propa­
gated and widely planted. An important botanical variety Associated species of native habitats
for weaving is P. tectorius var. laevis (synonyms include P. In strandline communities, associated species include creep­
spurious Miquel, P. laevis Kunth, and P. inermis Reinw.). This ers such as Ipomoea pes-caprae, Canavalia sericea, and Vigna
variety has spineless (or near spineless), fragile leaves and marina. Other coastal thickets and forest associates include
is known as ‘Kie’ in Tonga, ‘Lau Fala’ in Samoa, and ‘Lau Acacia simplex, Amaroria soulameoides, Tournefortia argentea,
Hala Kilipaki’ in Hawai‘i. Useful varieties or clones may be Barringtonia asiatica, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Calophyllum
propagated vegetatively and cultivated on many islands in inophyllum, Casuarina equisetifolia, Cerbera manghas, Chryso­
different countries, either under the same or similar name, balanus icaco, Cocos nucifera, Cordia subcordata, Excoecaria
or a completely different name. For example, on Kiribati agallocha, Guettarda speciosa, Hernandia nymphaeifolia, Hi-
the traditionally recognized variety ‘Antinakarewe’ or ‘Te­ biscus tiliaceus, Intsia bijuga, Morinda citrifolia, Podocarpus
antinakarewe’ is prized for its flavorsome, edible fruits and neriifolius, Santalum insulare, Scaevola taccada, Schleinitzia
is cultivated under the same name on many islands, in­ insularum, Terminalia catappa, T. littoralis, Thespesia populnea,
cluding Abiang, Butaritari, and Tarawa, but has a different and Vitex trifoliata. Peat swamp associates include Sphag-
name elsewhere in Kiribati. Within this variety, there may num cuspidatum and various sedges.
be two types distinguished on the basis of key/phalange
size and bunch size; the form with big keys is very simi­ Species commonly associated as aboriginal intro-
lar or the same as the variety ‘Ļōjokdād’ in the Marshall
ductions in Pacific islands
Islands (Englberger 2004). More frequently, traditionally
named varieties have limited distributions, for example, on Pandanus is frequently planted or protected in garden areas
one or just a few neighboring islands. In Kiribati, there and homegardens, sometimes in monocultural patches or
may be up to 200 different traditionally recognized, named as border plantings. Associated species include Artocarpus
and cultivated varieties of pandanus, many of which may altilis, Colocasia, Citrus spp., Polyscias spp., and a host of
be exclusive to a village or family, although only 16 names other food crops, fruit trees, and ornamentals.

  Pandanus tectorius (pandanus) 

Species commonly associated in modern times Elevation range
It is planted in homegardens with many different recent 0–20 m (0–66 ft). It may be cultivated at higher elevations,
introductions, including ornamentals, fruit and nut trees, e.g., up to about 600 m (1970 ft) in Hawai‘i (Little and
and timber trees (e.g., Swietenia macrophylla and Agathis Skolmen 1989).
robusta in Tonga).
Mean annual rainfall
1500–4000 mm (60–160 in)
Rainfall pattern
Pandanus is adapted to climates with summer, bimodal,
Climate and uniform rainfall patterns.
Pandanus grows in maritime (usually less than 20 m [66 Dry season duration (consecutive months with <40
ft] above sea level), tropical, humid and subhumid climates. mm [1.6 in] rainfall)
The species is very well adapted to exposure to strong, often
Long-term average rainfall data suggest that across its
salt-laden winds, including buffeting from moderate to se­
range there is a short (less than 3 months) or no dry sea­
vere tropical cyclones, over a large part of its range.
son. However, in some locations, especially in the central
Rainfall varies considerably across its range, both in amount or equatorial Pacific, there may be a dry season of up to 6
and seasonal distribution. Rainfall may be distributed more months, or longer, in some years.
or less uniformly throughout the year, bimodally, or with a
peak over 4–6 months at any time of the year, usually dur­ Mean annual temperature
ing the hottest period. Pandanus mainly occurs in localities 24–28°C (75–82°F)
with 1500–4000 mm (60–160 in) annual rainfall, and with
no or a short dry season (i.e., no or a few months receiving Mean maximum temperature of hottest month
<40 mm [1.6 in] on average). In near-equatorial Pacific re­ 28–36°C (82–97°F)
gions there is considerable year-to-year variation in annual
rainfall, such that plants may have to tolerate extended dry Mean minimum temperature of coldest month
periods of up to 6 months. 17–25°C (63–77°F)
In its native habitats, temperatures are warm to hot Minimum temperature tolerated
throughout the year and show little variation, both season­
ally and diurnally. 12°C (54°F) (absolute minimum temperature recorded in
its native range)

Left: Typical littoral forest community including beach heliotrope (Tournefortia argentea) and beach she-oak (Casuarina
equisetifolia), Houma, Tongatapu, Tonga. photo: L. Thomson Right: Pandanus often grows on shorelines exposed to salt spray
and wind, ‘Upolu, Samoa. photo: C. Elevitch

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  

Soils 0.5 m (20 in) tall and 5 cm (2 in) stem diameter. Low- to
Pandanus naturally occurs on various coastal soils, espe­ moderate-intensity fires may be important for long-term
cially sandy and rocky beaches, including raised coralline maintenance of pandanus populations, as pandanus is
terraces and recent basalt (lava flows). It is adapted to an more fire-tolerant than many of its larger, and competing,
extraordinarily wide range of light to heavy-textured soil woody associates.
types, including brackish/saline soils, light-colored, in­ Frost
fertile coralline atoll sands, alkaline sands, thin soils over
limestone, and peaty swamps. Its frost tolerance is unknown but likely to be limited,
with plants expected to be damaged by low temperatures
Soil texture (e.g., <10°C [50°F]) and killed at temperatures approaching
The tree grows in light to heavy soils (sands, sandy loams, freezing.
loams, sandy clay loams, clay loams, sandy clays, and Waterlogging
The species generally tolerates waterlogging well and is
Soil drainage often found in swampy localities with impeded drainage.
Pandanus grows in soils with free or impeded drainage, in­ However, in Kiribati, it is recommended that planting in
cluding seasonally waterlogged soils. swampy areas be avoided in order for pandanus plants to
be healthy and give high fruit yields. Pandanus is likely to
Soil acidity tolerate waterlogging for at least 6 months and possibly
It grows in acid to alkaline soils (pH 6–10). indefinitely in suitable soil types, such as peat. It occurs on
the margins of saltwater mangroves, and it evidently toler­
Special soil tolerances ates periodic saltwater inundation during unusually high
The tree grows in shallow, saline, sodic, and nutrient-poor tides and storm surges.
soils, as well as peat swamps.
Salt spray
Tolerances The species is exceptionally tolerant of salt winds, with
plants often colonizing the most exposed seaside loca­
Drought tions.
The species is tolerant of moderately long droughts, e.g.,
3–6 months or more, which are experienced infrequently
in the central Pacific (and which are masked by long-term Pandanus is tolerant of strong, steady winds, such as south­
climatic averages). It also frequently occurs on thin soils of east trade winds, and is capable of surviving gale force storm
low moisture-holding capacity, which also indicates good winds associated with category 1–2 tropical cyclones. Cy­
drought tolerance. During very dry periods it will usually clone damage includes bent leaves, fruits broken off, bro­
continue to bear fruit, albeit smaller and fewer in number, ken branches, and broken stems. During the most severe
and it is considered more drought tolerant than coconut in cyclones (category 3–5), about 10% of larger individuals (>6
atoll environments (Stone et al. 2000). m [20 ft] tall) in more exposed sites may be broken and die.
Stem breakage typically occurs just above the prop roots.
Full sun
The species is very well adapted to growing in full sunlight, Abilities
and it predominantly occurs in open, exposed sites.
Regenerate rapidly
Shade Under suitable conditions, the plants will regenerate fairly
Pandanus also grows well at intermediate levels of shade rapidly from seed in fallen fruit segments.
(e.g., 30–50% shade). The range of shade tolerated is 0–70%.
At higher shade levels plants cease flowering and fruiting.
Pandanus plants display a form of self-pruning. In older
Fire plants (>30 years of age), the rate of branching is equaled
Pandanus naturally occurs in grasslands that are regularly or exceeded by the rate of branch death, such that the total
burned. Older plants are tolerant of low- to medium-in­ number of branches stays about the same or declines.
tensity fires but are killed by high-intensity fires. Mod­
erately intense fires mainly kill juvenile plants less than

  Pandanus tectorius (pandanus) 

Left: Trees grow in very harsh, windy conditions such as here on east coast of ‘Eua, Tonga. Right: Pandanus colonizing lime-
stone pillar in Ha‘apai, Tonga. photos: L. Thomson

Coppice venile phase, followed by an erect trunk growth phase of

The coppicing ability of pandanus has not been well inves­ 5–12 years, and then a sexual/flowering phase of 40 or more
tigated. However, plants in which the main stem is broken years. Male plants are usually more branched, up to about
by cyclones fail to regrow. Accordingly, single-stemmed 30 branches (maximum 60), than females, up to about 15
plants are likely to have limited or no coppicing ability. branches (maximum 30). The rate of stem growth varies
Multi-stemmed, shrubby individuals, propagated from from very slow to moderate (2–80 cm [0.8–31 in] per year).
cuttings, may have some limited coppice regrowth ability, Branch diameter is usually reduced by 10–30% at each
especially if some live stems are retained. branching, and branching ceases when branch diameter is
less than about 3.5 cm (1.4 in) in males and 4.5 cm (1.8 in)
Pollard in females. The life span of established pandanus plants is
In general, pandanus plants do not respond well to typically about 50–80 years (but longevity may be much
pollarding, with limited regrowth occurring after branch greater, as long as 100–150 years in some environments).
cutting. The productive fruiting life of vegetatively propagated
plants may be only 20–25 years. Senescence is associated
with a gradual decline in branch diameter, leaf size, and
GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT number of live branches. Branch death is due to the death
of the apical meristem, mainly due to insect damage or
Growth rate breakage.
Growth and development varies with sex of plant (male Plants developed from branch cuttings usually grow much
or female), variety, and types of planting stock (seedling or faster in earlier years than seedling-derived plants, e.g.,
branch cutting). elongating about 50–80 cm (20–31 in) per year, and branch
For seedling plants, there is a 4–9 year semi-prostrate ju­ from a lower height.

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  

Flowering and fruiting
First flowering in seedling-derived plants commences at
about 15 years, while plants derived from branch cuttings
typically flower in (2–) 3–4 (–6) years. Seasonality of flow­
ering varies greatly among countries/localities, and among
varieties. In Fiji, male plants usually flower once per year
(March–May), although flowering plants may be found at
any time of the year. Female plants flower heavily every
second year; anthesis and fertilization typically occur in
March–May, with fruits reaching maturity about a year lat­
er, during the following February–April period. In north­
ern Australia, the main fruiting season is April–August.
In Kiribati, Marshall Islands, and the Federated States of
Micronesia, there are two main fruiting seasons, around
December–March and later in July–September. Varieties Branch cuttings for propagation; note aerial roots are still
vary in seasonality, some known to come early or late in the attached and leaves are trimmed. photo: L. Thomson
season. Plants may fruit occasionally during the off-sea­
sons throughout the year. In female plants, the period from Propagule storage
flower initiation to fruit maturation is about 2 years. It is preferable to plant cuttings immediately or shortly after
collection. If being transported to another locality, they may
Reaction to competition be kept in shaded, cool conditions in sealed, moistened plas­
Pandanus plants react fairly well to root zone competi­ tic bags for several days.
tion from grasses, sedges and woody plants, but growth is
Pre-planting treatments
slowed and flowering ceases if plants are overtopped and
become shaded. None.

Growing area
PROPAGATION During the wet season, cuttings may be planted out into
their final position in the field, usually in full sun (or up
The tree is mainly grown from branch cuttings, as plants de­
to about 25–30% shade). In Kiribati, depending on type of
rived from seeds do not usually reproduce the same qualities
cutting material and other factors, one or more of the fol­
of the parental plant. Numerous cultivated traditional vari­
lowing practices may be adopted to increase rooting and
eties (or clones) exist on atolls; most have been selected for
improve survival and growth:
their superior edible fruit qualities and are propagated from
cuttings. The wild varieties reproduce from seed in their na­ • Planted cuttings in a swamp taro pit until roots de­
tive habitats and are preferred for timber due to their longer, velop.
straighter boles. • Plant cuttings late in the afternoon on rainy days (and
during the new moon phase).
Propagation by branch cuttings • Water cuttings daily during prolonged dry spells and
Propagule collection during dry season.
Branch cutting material is carefully selected; typically, • Include organic matter (especially coconut husks) and
shorter laterals including one or more aerial or prop roots rusty cans in the planting hole.
are chosen. The length of cuttings is about 30–40 cm (12–16 • Mulch with dried leaves of pandanus, coconut, and
in). breadfruit.
Where early fruiting is desired, the practice in Kiribati is High survival and rooting of cuttings is likely to be achieved
to select branches already with fruits for cuttings. Prior to in shade houses with low to intermediate shade levels (up
planting, the existing flowers/fruit are removed. to 50%) and enhanced with misting and/or regular water­
Propagule processing
The leaf area is reduced by about 70% by cutting and trim­
ming the leaves.

10  Pandanus tectorius (pandanus) 

Media Propagation by seed
A sand bed is recommended. On atolls, excavated taro pits
Seed collection
are often used.
Collect intact phalanges (keys). Larger fruits may contain
Time to outplanting some seedless keys. The average number of seeds per pha­
Cuttings rooted in the nursery or a taro pit are transplant­ lange is about two (with a maximum number of eight).
ed once they have developed several roots.
Seed processing
Approximate size To speed germination, keys may be soaked in cool tap wa­
Rooted branch cuttings are usually about 40–60 cm (16–24 ter for 5 days, changing the water daily. Viable keys will
in) long at the time of field planting. float.

Guidelines for outplanting Seed storage

The survival of branch cuttings may vary greatly depending Seeds are probably recalcitrant, meaning that they lose vi­
on the material used, the variety, handling prior to planting ability if dried. However, because seeds are thought to re­
and planting location. Cuttings with several pre-existing main viable after floating on ocean currents for some time,
aerial roots will usually give high survival, and the pres­ storage of clean keys for weeks or months may be possible.
ence of pre-existing aerial roots is essential when planting
Pre-planting propagule treatments
directly into more exposed, beach-side localities.
Phalanges may be mashed against screens to remove the

Left: Propagation of pandanus seedlings in Forestry Division Nursery, Vava‘u, Tonga. Right: Volunteer seedling ready for
transplanting. photos: L. Thomson

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  11

soft pulp and extract the seeds, although this is not neces­

Growing area
Phalanges may be sown directly into their final location or
propagated in full sun (or part shade) in a nursery. Direct
sowing is a less expensive method and would generally be
preferred, except where seed is in short supply or planting
sites are weedy and/or subject to disturbance or burning.

One source recommends planting phalanges at a depth of
two times their diameter (NTBG 1996), and another rec­
ommends removing the fleshy part of the key, laying it on
the planting medium, and burying it half-way (Bornhorst Pandanus planted in understory of mixed garden, American
2005). Seedlings usually germinate within 4–10 weeks when Samoa. photo: C. Elevitch
intact phalanges are planted in moist soil/sand. Up to eight
shoots (individual seedlings) may emerge from a single pha­ DISADVANTAGES
lange, and many or all may survive, aided by the initially
semi-prostrate growth habit, which reduces crowding. It may be hard to obtain planting stock of preferred variet­
ies of pandanus in significant quantities. To obtain edible
Media/containers fruits, vegetative propagation is necessary. Also, cuttings
A well drained, sandy, or coralline medium is recommend­ are best taken only after the fruits of a tree have been har­
ed. Larger sized plastic bags, e.g., 15–20 cm (6–8 in) diam­ vested. There may be a lag of several to many years before
eter, are preferable. planting stock can be bulked up for large-scale plantings.
A further drawback is the difficulty of moving preferred
Time to outplanting varieties between islands and countries, due to the tech­
nical difficulties of either producing apomitic seed and/or
The nursery duration period is not especially critical for
the logistical and quarantine issues associated with moving
pandanus seedlings. It is recommended that plants be field
planting stock in the form of large branch cuttings. Breed­
planted when they are about 4–12 months old.
ing for improved sex-specific traits, such as edible or per­
Approximate size at time of outplanting fumed fruits, is problematic in a dioecious species, with
separate male and female plants.
The approximate height at outplanting is 30–40 cm (12–16
Potential for invasiveness
Guidelines for outplanting This species naturally colonizes and spreads into beach and
Seedling survival will normally be very high, except for littoral plant communities throughout much of the Pacific
mortality arising from extreme events such as erosion by islands (where it is highly valued for providing diverse prod­
tidal surge for beachside plantings, or wildfire. ucts and services). It has a low potential for invasiveness
beyond its natural habitats. Non-preferred genotypes, such
In atoll environments the following factors are consid­
as those resulting from volunteer seedlings, are sometimes
ered important for healthy growth and fruit yields of
considered weeds and cut down.
• Avoid planting in swampy areas. Diseases and pests
• Provide windbreaks during establishment phase. The most important pests in the central Pacific are sap
• Roots of other plants close to the base of the plant sucking mealybugs that may weaken plants. Rats and her­
should be cut to increase yields. mit crabs may feed on green and ripe fruits. In general,
• Apply ash from cooking fires (at rate of one coconut pandanus appears to suffer only minor damage from pests
shell-full) around base of mature specimens. and diseases. There is a serious scale affecting pandanus
forests in Hana and the entire east Maui region in Hawai‘i;
this pest was first noticed in the early 1990s and is spread­

12  Pandanus tectorius (pandanus) 

of aroid root crops, including taro, and Pandanaceae (Tay­
lor 1998).

The plants provide a wide range of environmental services,
including control of coastal erosion; windbreak, including
protection of food crops from salt spray; improvement of
soil fertility and organic matter levels; shade for humans;
and shelter and nesting sites for birds.

Mulch/organic matter
On atoll islands of Micronesia all parts of pandanus may
In many areas, pandanus forms dense stands, such as here in be used for production of compost, as well as in mulching
Kaneohe, Hawai‘i. photo: C. Elevitch and raising fertility and organic matter levels in sandy, cor­
alline soils. In Kiribati pandanus leaves are used for mulch­
ing along the coast. Leaves are yellowing and trees are now ing in giant swamp taro pits.
in very poor health.
Recorded arthropod pests include Aspidiotus destructor Soil stabilization
(coconut scale), Aspidiotus nerii (oleander scale), Graef- When grown on the seaward slopes and crests of frontal
fea crouanii (coconut phasmid), Oryctes rhinoceros (coco­ dunes, pandanus helps to bind the sand and prevent wind
nut rhinoceros beetle), Pinnaspis strachani (hibiscus snow erosion.
scale), Pseudococcus giffardi, and Pseudococcus perforatus
(mealybugs). Crop shade/overstory
Pandanus is rarely used as crop shade as the crown is low,
In northern New South Wales (Australia) dieback
interfering with tending of crops, and the asymmetrical
of Pandanus species is caused by an infestation of the
branch habit results in variable, often heavy, shade levels.
pandanus planthopper (Jamella australiae). The insects pro­
duce a sticky substance called honeydew, which encourages Alley cropping
mold growth. This makes leaves drop and kills the tree’s
Due to its size and habit, the species has good potential
growing points, eventually causing death of the tree. In its
for inclusion in alley cropping systems, especially in near-
native habitats in North Queensland, Jamella is controlled
coastal sites where it can act as a low to mid-level wind­
by natural predators, including wasps.
Recorded fungal species on pandanus include Asteromella
sp., Coniothyrium pandani, Dothidella pandani, Glomerella Homegardens
sp., Lembosia pandani, Macrophoma pandani, Melanconium Pandanus is commonly planted in homegardens in coast­
pandani, Melanconium sp., Meliola juttingii, Microcyclus al areas, because of its ornamental appeal, hardiness, and
pandani, Oxydothis pandani, Phomatospora cylindrotheca, ability to provide a wide range of products, including leaf
Phomatospora pandani, and Volutellaria fuliginea. Recorded material for weaving into everyday products, edible fruits,
nematodes include Helicotylenchus dihystera. Erwinia caro- flowers for perfume, and traditional medicines.
tovora subsp. carotovora has been recorded as a bacterial
disease of Pandanus. Living fences
Pandanus is commonly planted along fence lines and as
Host to crop pests/pathogens a boundary marker, especially in near-coastal sites with
Pandanus is a host for several insect pests of coconut (see sandy soils.
Other disadvantages or design considerations When established at close spacing on or near the crests of
Members of the kochi group of Aedes (Finlaya) mosquito beach frontal dunes, pandanus plants function as a wind­
species breed almost exclusively in leaf axils, such as those break, protecting less tolerant dune plants from the dam­

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  13

Left: House thatched with pandanus in Butaritari, Kiribati. photo: R. Thaman Right: A boundary hedge of pandanus to-
gether with sago palm (Metroxylon warburgii), ‘Upolu, Samoa, which serves as a cultural resource for craft materials. photo: C.

aging effects of salt-laden winds. Pandanus is often planted plant and is a useful species for planting on exposed frontal
as a windbreak in atolls to protect crops from salt spray. dunes that have already been partly stabilized against wind
Pandanus is recorded as providing fodder for animals such Ornamental
as pigs and horses. Pandanus is widely planted as an ornamental in home­
gardens, especially as a boundary along front fences in Pa­
Woodlot cific islands. Both female and male plants have ornamental
The plant is sometimes grown in block configurations for
production of leaves for weaving. When these plantations
have matured and are no longer producing high yields of
easily harvested leaves, they can be harvested for timber. STORIES AND LORE
Pandanus is one of the Pacific’s must useful plants and
Native animal/bird food is featured prominently in Micronesian and Polyne­
The fruits are eaten and dispersed by crabs, birds, and fruit sian creation mythology, cosmogony, proverbs, riddles,
bats. songs, chants, and sayings (e.g., Grimble 1933-34,
Thaman and Whistler 1996, Meilleur et al. 1997, Na­
Wildlife habitat take and Kairo 2002, Kayser 2002). For example, one
Pandanus provides nest sites for birds, especially in atolls. legend in Kiribati tells of a man from Makin Atoll
who awoke from death and asked that the ‘Teara­
Bee Forage bukitaba’ variety of pandanus be planted (Englberger
Honeybees have been observed foraging on female flowers 2004). A legend from the Marshall Islands describes
and fruits. how two people from Bikini Atoll stole the fruit of
the variety ‘Robijen’, and how they went to Kwajalein
Fish/marine food chain
Atoll and stole pandanus fruit of the ‘Anberia’ variety
Pandanus undoubtedly provides benefits for marine eco­ (Downing et al. 1992). Another legend tells of a tra­
systems and food chains, through its role in beach protec­ ditional leader’s young infant, who was washed away
tion and stabilization. to another island by a big wave; parts of the legend
mention pandanus, including a game using pandanus
Coastal protection
sticks and the woven mat used for burial woven from
The tree is tolerant of foliar salt spray, sand blasting, ex­ pandanus leaves. These stories emphasize the cultural
posure to strong winds, and high levels of solar radiation. importance of pandanus and illustrate the specific use
It is considered to be a secondary sand dune colonizing of variety names.

14  Pandanus tectorius (pandanus) 

potential. Variegated cultivars are being increasingly plant­ toys, and other plaited wares. The leaves are also used for
ed in Fiji and elsewhere. thatching (both walls and roofs), and for making compost,
including special composting baskets woven around the
base of giant swamp taro, cigarette wrappers, balls for chil­
USES AND PRODUCTS dren’s games, and ornaments. They are used for traditional
Different parts of the pandanus plant are used to provide a medicines and as a cooking aid in some recipes. The young
myriad of end products throughout the Pacific islands, espe­ leaves are used in traditional medicine and for lancing boils,
cially on atolls. The trunk and large branches are commonly making fans, decoration, and pig feed.
used for building materials in house construction, and for Throughout the atoll island countries of the central/north­
ladders. They are also used to make headrests/hard pillows, ern Pacific, the fleshy keys of the fruits of many traditionally
vases, and fish traps, as sources of glue or caulking for canoes, selected, named, and cultivated varieties are consumed fresh
to extract cream from grated coconuts, and as an aid in mak­ or made into various preserved foods. The fruits are also
ing string. Trunks and branches may be burnt for fuelwood consumed in Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. In
or used to make compost. Prop or aerial roots are used in Polynesia the fragrant, ornamental fruits of different variet­
fabrication of house walls, and as supports, basket handles, ies are strung into leis or garlands and used to make perfume.
paintbrushes, and skipping ropes. They are also used to pro­ The fibrous, dried, mature drupes are used as paint brushes
duce dyes and in production of traditional medicines. for painting tapa, for fuel, compost, and as fishing line floats.
The leaves of selected varieties are treated by soaking in In Kiribati the fruit may also be used as bait for catching
the sea and/or boiling or heating and dying and are then lobster. The fragrant male flowers are used to scent coconut
used to make mats, baskets (including for ladies and to oil, perfume tapa cloth, and make garlands.
keep valuables), hats, fans, pillows, canoe sails (formerly),

Left: A village leader in Mand Village, Pohnpei, displays an open bunch of the cultivar ‘Aspwihrek’, prized among Pingelapese
for its edible fruit. photo: A. Levendusky. Right: A key of the edible cultivar ‘Enewedak’ is happily held by a boy in the Pinge-
lapese village of Mand, Pohnpei. photo: L. Englberger

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  15

Staple food
Pandanus fruits are a staple food in parts of
Micronesia including the Marshall Islands,
Federated States of Micronesia, and Kiribati
providing up to 50% of energy intake (Miller
et al. 1956, Englberger et al. 2003). They are also
widely consumed on Tokelau and Tuvalu (Engl­
berger 2003). In some places the consumption
of pandanus has decreased in recent decades
due to the availability of imported foods; e.g.,
pandanus was formerly a major staple food in
Nauru (Kayser 2002). In Micronesia adults may
commonly consume 20 fresh keys or about 1 kg
(2.2 lb) of fruit per day. The fruit pulp is pre­
served in several different ways. A paste, which
is compared to dates in taste, texture, and ap­
pearance, is made by boiling and baking the
keys, followed by extracting, processing, and Keys of the edible cultivar ‘Enewedak’. photo: L. Englberger
drying the pulp. Cultivars with large amounts
of pulp are preferred, and the taste differs low amounts of calcium oxalate crystals, are consumed
among cultivars. On average, 100 g pandanus paste pro­ raw or cooked. Juice and jam may also be prepared from
vides 321 kilocalories, 2.2 g protein, 134 mg calcium, 108 mg the fruit. In parts of Micronesia, chewing pandanus keys
phosphorus, 5.7 mg iron, 0.04 mg thiamin, 2 mg vitamin is usually done outside of meal times and is a pleasurable,
C (Murai et al. 1958, Miller et al. 1956, Dignan et al. 1994) highly social activity. Adults may typically consume 20–50
and from 390 to 724 µg/100 g beta-carotene (a carotenoid keys daily during the main fruiting seasons (Englberger et
that is a precursor to vitamin A), depending on variety al. 2003).
and coloration (Englberger et al. 2006a and 2006b). Fresh
pandanus is an important source of vitamin C. Preserved A 100 g portion of edible pericarp is mainly comprised of
pandanus pulp mixed with coconut cream makes a tasty, water (80 g) and carbohydrates (17 g). There are also sig­
sweet food item. Pandanus can also be made into flour that nificant levels of beta-carotene (19 to 19,000 µg) and vita­
is consumed in different ways, usually prepared as a drink. min C (5 mg), and small amounts of protein (1.3 mg), fat
(0.7 mg), and fiber (3.5 g) (Dignan et al. 2004, Englberger
Fruit et al. 2003, Englberger et al. 2006a and 2006b). The ed­
The keys of selected edible cultivated varieties, those with ible flesh of deeper yellow- and orange-colored varieties

Left: Drying pandanus fruit paste in the sun, Kiribati. photo: L. Thomson Right: Roll of preserved fruit paste , as traditionally
packaged in pandanus leaves, Marshall Islands. photo: L. Englberger

16  Pandanus tectorius (pandanus) 

and cancer, while the roots are used in a decoc­
tion to treat hemorrhoids. In Hawai‘i the main
parts used in making traditional medicines are
the fruits, male flowers, and aerial roots (Meil­
leur et al. 1997). These are used individually or
in combination with other ingredients to treat a
wide range of illnesses, including digestive and
respiratory disorders. The root is used in Palau
to make a drink that alleviates stomach cramps,
and the leaves are used to alleviate vomiting
(Del Rosario and Esguerra 2003). The root is
also known for its use in traditional medicine
in Pohnpei (Adam et al. 2003).

Animal fodder
Leaves, particularly young leaves, are recorded
as providing fodder for domestic animals such
as pigs and horses.
This photograph, taken around 1897, shows the huge size of preserved
pandanus rolls as presented to the chiefs in the Marshall Islands. source: Masticant/stimulant
Kraemer 1906
Male pandanus flowers have been credited with
contain higher provitamin A carotenoid levels. The fruit aphrodisiac properties in Marshall Islands.
of these varieties has considerable potential for alleviat­ Beautiful/fragrant flowers
ing vitamin A deficiency in Micronesia (Englberger et al.
The highly fragrant male flowers are widely used for deco­
2003). As carotenoid-rich food may protect against diabe­
tes, heart disease, and cancer, the consumption of pandanus
may also alleviate these serious emerging problems of the Timber
Pacific. Pandanus fruit is also a useful source of vitamin C
The stems are used in house construction and also for
(ascorbic acid), thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin (vitamin B-
making ladders, especially on atoll islands. Male trees have
3) (Murai et al. 1958, Miller et al. 1956).
hard, solid trunks with a yellow interior containing dark
The fruit of wild forms of pandanus contains oxalate crys­ brown fiber bundles. The male wood is very strong, but
tals that irritate the mouth unless broken down by cooking. brittle, meaning that it can suddenly break under a heavy
The ripe fruit of wild forms may be consumed following load. It is also a difficult wood to split. Trunks of female
cooking and straining the pericarp, but they are not espe­ trees are hard on the outside, but soft, pithy, or juicy in the
cially palatable or sweet. interior (Little and Skolmen 1989). Slats made from the
clean, dried aerial/prop roots are used for walls of houses
and food cupboards.
The small seeds of a few varieties of P. tectorius are eaten. A
similar species, P. dubius, has larger seeds that are eaten. Fuelwood
In the northern Pacific, the discarded, dried keys are highly
prized as fuelwood for cooking because they are slow burn­
Juice pressed from the fruits is sweet and slightly acid with ing and therefore preferred for barbecues. The trunk and
a pungent flavor (Miller et al. 1956). It is being produced branches are occasionally used as fuelwood where other
commercially in the Marshall Islands. fuelwood is scarce, such as on atolls.
Medicinal Craft wood/tools
Pandanus is a very important medicinal plant, with cer­ The wood has many craft uses, such as headrests/pillows,
tain varieties sometimes preferred for particular treatments. vases, and as an aid for string making and extracting coco­
Leaves, especially the basal white section of young leaves, nut cream. It was formerly used to make weapons (lances
and roots are used. In Kiribati, pandanus leaves are used and batons). When the flesh is removed from the inner
in treatments for cold/flu, hepatitis, dysuria, asthma, boils, end of a dried key, fibrous bristles are exposed. The bristle

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  17

Body ornamentation/garlands
Leaves, often neatly cut, fragrant fruits, and flowers are
used in making garlands or leis.

A black dye used in weaving is prepared from the roots
in Kiribati. Charcoal from pandanus was used in various
mixtures to dye and waterproof canoes; the beaten aerial
root tips were used to apply the mixtures.

Harvesting of leaves for thatch on building structures. Misi-

misi variety, Wainidoi, Fiji. photo: L. Thomson

end can be used as a brush for decorating tapa, with the

hard, woody outer end acting as a handle. Fish traps are
made out of the aerial roots in Kiribati.

Canoe/boat/raft making
The trunk of one variety in the Marshall Islands is used to
make the masts of traditional canoes. In Hawai‘i pandanus
leaves were the traditionally main material for making ca­
noe sails (Meilleur et al. 1997).

In many Pacific countries pandanus leaves are used to
weave traditional items of attire, including mats for wear­
ing around the waist in Tonga, as well as hats and various
types of baskets.

The roots are made into skipping ropes and basket handles.
String or cordage is made from the cleaned and dried prop

The leaves are used to wrap tobacco/cigarettes in Micro­

Pandanus leaves are used to weave traditional floor mats
in many Pacific countries, as well as in the construction of
traditional houses (thatch for walls and roofing). A roof
made from pandanus leaves is said to last about 15 years,
while one of coconut leaves may last only 3 years (Little
and Skolmen 1989).

Top: Thatch wall. Bottom: House side panel made of
The trunk is a source of glue or caulking for canoes. pandanus slats. photos: L. Thomson

18  Pandanus tectorius (pandanus) 

Left: Colorful phalanges are often used in personal adornment, such as here in Cook Islands. photo: L. Thomson Top right:
A local expert teaches pandanus leaf weaving, Kealakekua, Hawai‘i. photo: C. Elevitch Bottom right: Children in the Pinge-
lapese village of Mand in Pohnpei enjoy the shade of a pandanus tree bearing edible fruit. photo: L. Englberger

Cosmetic/soap/perfume Other
Male flowers picked from uncultivated pandanus are used In Kiribati and the Marshall Islands the leaves are formed
alone or in combination with other flowers to perfume into a ball for use in a kicking game. The trunks of female
coconut oil in Polynesia. An exquisite, uniquely Pacific trees are hard on the outside but soft or juicy in the inte­
perfume is made from the aromatic fruits of selected tra­ rior. The female trunks have been used as water pipes after
ditional cultivated varieties in the Cook Islands. In South removing the soft interior (Little and Skolmen 1989).
and Southeast Asia, the male flowers and preparations
derived from them are used to scent clothes and incorpo­
rated into cosmetics, soaps, hair oils, and incense sticks. In URBAN AND COMMUNITY
Hawai‘i, the male flowers were used to scent tapa. FORESTRY
Ceremonial/religious importance Pandanus has a striking appearance and is very suitable
for planting in urban areas. As an ornamental, pandanus
Pandanus is sometimes considered to have supernatural
is as characteristic of the lowland tropics as coconut but
and magical properties in parts of Micronesia and Hawai‘i.
does not have coconut’s dangerous large falling fruits and
In Kiribati it may be used as a ceremonial food, while in
fronds. The tree is salt, wind, and drought tolerant, and
Indonesia the male flowers are used in ceremonies.
requires little care.

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  19

Size in an urban environment Products commonly used in a Pacific island
Pandanus typically reaches 6–9 m (20–30 ft) in height with household
a similar canopy spread in urban areas. The rigid prop roots The pliable, strong, durable leaves are used throughout the
may extend out 1 m (3.3 ft) or more from the main trunk, Pacific for plaited mats, baskets, and other domestic wares.
and aerial roots off branches often dangle from further The ripe and fragrant fruit segments are used for person­
out. al adornment (e.g., in leis) and are consumed as a staple
food in certain areas. Plant parts were used medicinally for
Rate of growth in a landscape thrush and other childhood diseases, chest pain, and dif­
The growth of seedlings is slow to moderate, 2–80 cm/yr ficult childbirth (Krauss 2001) (see “Medicinal” above).
(1–32 in/yr) in height. Trees grown from branch cuttings
grow faster, about 50–80 cm/yr (20–32 in/yr). Light requirements
Plants grow well in full sun and also will thrive in 30–50%
Root system shade.
The subterranean root system is concentrated in the sur­
face soil layers. Apart from the aerial and prop roots, the Water/soil requirements
tree’s root system is unlikely to interfere with maintenance It grows best in well drained soils; however, it can tolerate a
or recreational activities, lawns, or structures such as side­ wide variety of substrates, including coral sand, young lava
walks or foundations. flows, and peaty swamps. Pandanus can grow in areas with
up to 6 months of drought, although it typically grows in

Left: Variegated plant, Ho‘omaluhia Botanical Garden, Kaneohe, Hawai‘i. Right: Growing in mixed garden together with cit-
rus and breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) at 460 m (1500 ft) elevation, Kona, Hawai‘i. photos: C. Elevitch

20  Pandanus tectorius (pandanus) 

areas with less than 3 months of dry weather. It thrives in
areas where groundwater is near to the surface.

Life span
The tree typically lives 20–80 years and can live over 100
years. Individual trees selected for desirable qualities can
be vegetatively propagated to extend their lives indefinitely.
In some atoll environments the productive fruiting life of
cultivars may be only 20–25 years, and regular replanting is
needed to maintain good yields of larger fruits.

Varieties favored for use in homegardens or public

Numerous local varieties are found throughout the Pacific,
where they are propagated from stem cuttings in order to
keep them true to type. A sought-after variety for weav­
ing is P. tectorius var. laevis, which has leaves that are free
of prickles along the edges and midrib. Possibly hundreds
of locally named varieties have been selected for edible
fruits. For ornamental use, striking variegated cultivated
forms exist, such as ‘Baptistii’, which has 1–4 white or yel­
low stripes a long the middle of the leaves, and ‘Veitchii’,
which has lengthwise stripes along the edges of the leaves.

Seasonality of leaf flush, flowering, fruiting

Vegetative growth occurs year-round. It is likely that male
trees flower once a year, while female trees flower heavily
every second year. However, both male and female plants
may be flowering during the off-season any time of year. It
takes fruits several months to ripen.

Exceptional ornamental values

Pandanus presents a bold image in the landscape with its
spirally arranged leaves, prop roots, widely forking branch­
es, and smooth trunk and branches. The bark is covered
with leaf scars that give a ring-like pattern. The tree is of­
ten used singly or in small groups as an accent tree in lawns
or mixed gardens. Both female and male flowers are visu­
ally striking, and the male flowers are very fragrant.

Use as living fence, hedge or visual/noise barrier

Grown close together, young plants form a barrier of inter­
twined, prickly leaves. As the trees grow older and trunks
form, the usually prickly prop roots can take over as a form
of physical barrier in a dense planting.

Pandanus is used as a nesting tree for certain birds, includ­ Different fruit types. Top: ‘Antinakarewe’ (Kiribati). Middle:
ing seabirds such as noddy terns. Unnamed variety (Kiribati). Bottom: ‘Fala‘hola’ (Tonga).
photos: L. Thomson

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  21

Other comments about this species in urban envi-
Fruit color variations recognized by Hawaiian ronments
lei makers (adapted from MacDonald and
Trees can be grown in containers in smaller garden areas or
Weissich 2003)
on terraces, although their usually spiny leaves make this
• hala—the common yellow to red fruit segments problematic in small spaces.
• hala ‘ikoi—lemon color at base, bright orange in
outer half
• hala lihilihi‘ula—bright yellow at base, changing COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS
to bright orange-red on the outer part of the fruit The main commercial products from pandanus are woven
segment products, often of high value; e.g., individual mats may be
• hala melemele—bright yellow fruit segments worth more than US$500 in Tonga, Fiji, and Hawai‘i. In
Tonga mats made from thin strips of leaves with intricate
• hala pia—small, canary-yellow fruit segments designs (fala) are important gifts and indicators of wealth.
prized for leis and medicinal purposes Simpler designs using wider strips (lotaha and papa)
• hala ‘ula—Entire fruit segments red-orange are used as everyday floor mats. Ta‘ovala mats are worn
around the waist (Evans 2003). In the Ha‘apai group, 80%
Maintenance requirements of women are involved in handicraft production, mainly
using pandanus and some paper mulberry (Broussonetia
The tree requires little maintenance aside from removing papyrifera). Most traditional handicrafts made from
the fallen leaves and fruits. Although the tree grows on nu­ pandanus are produced for home use, as gifts, or are in­
trient-poor soils, moderate fertilizer or compost applica­ formally exchanged for other products, including other
tions are beneficial. Surface mulching around the tree adds handicrafts. Because the commodities are locally produced,
nutrients to the soil while helping to retain soil moisture non-perishable, and can be processed a number of ways,
and reducing erosion. Pandanus tends to regrow poorly or there is a wide range of opportunities for producers and
not regrow at all after heavy pruning. However, for larger processors to enter into the handicraft marketing chain
trees with many branches, a small number of branches may at any stage. Pandanus is an important income generat­
be pruned off without undue harm to the tree. ing plant in Ha‘apai (Thaman et al. 1997, Tupoulahi-Fusi­
malohi 1999), and the islands are well known as a producer
Special considerations regarding leaf, branch, and of all types of mats known as fakaha‘apai and salusalu (Ika
fruit drop 1996). In Tonga, producers and sellers report that prices
Year-round drop of the long, prickly leaves can be a nui­ of pandanus products are relatively stable, indicating that
sance in public areas or gardens and will require regular supply is matching demand.
clean-up in frequented locations. The large fruit segments In the atoll islands of the central Pacific, the fruits are of­
fall from female trees and can be unsightly. If not removed, ten sold fresh in local markets, and preserved food items
the scattered fruit segments will attract fruit flies and rats. are occasionally sold.
Nuisance issues Spacing
Dead leaves that accumulate in the branch crowns can be In Tonga most farmers grow some pandanus (Evans 2003).
used by rats to build nests. Pandanus may be either grown in lines, especially borders,
with 3–5 m (10–16 ft) between plants, or less commonly
Hazards in block plantings at a spacing of about 5 x 5 m (16 x 16
The prickly leaves and aerial roots could be a hazard in ft). Plantations usually consist of a rather small number of
public areas where people might rub against them. plants, e.g., 20–100, as most of the leaves are used for weav­
ing by family members and/or the limited land is needed
Common pest problems for cultivating food crops.
Mealybugs and scale insects are minor, occasional pests,
both of which can be controlled with insecticidal soap or Management objectives
oil. Other pests include ants and whiteflies. Plantations need to be kept well weeded both for main­
taining good growth and for access purposes when har­
vesting leaves or fruits.

22  Pandanus tectorius (pandanus) 

Processing leaves for weaving

Plant from which leaves have been harvested. Paongo variety Drying leaves. Ha‘apai, Tonga. photo: L. Thomson
(syn. P. whitmeeanus), Vava‘u, Tonga. photo: L. Thomson

Soaking leaves in sea water. Kie variety (syn. P. spurious), Weaving of mat, Butaritari, Kiribati. photo: L. Thomson
Ha‘apai, Tonga. photo: L. Thomson

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  23

Advantages and disadvantages of growing in the Pacific islands. These include beautifully crafted and
polycultures expensive items such as fine white mats and hats from the
Cook Islands and Tonga, respectively. Preserved pandanus
Pandanus is well suited to growing in polycultures, because
paste (mokwan and te tuae) is marketed in the Marshall
of its low stature and tolerance of variable light levels. It
Islands and Kiribati, presented both in the traditional
has excellent windbreak function in more exposed sites
manner (wrapped in pandanus and tied tightly with coco­
near the coast.
nut cord) and in plastic.
The main products from pandanus (depending on variety) INTERPLANTING/FARM
Leaves (for mats, handicrafts, traditional huts)
Example system 1 (Thaman 1978)
Harvesting of leaves usually begins at about 3 years of age.
Leaves can be harvested every 3 months for a period of Location
5–10 years, but leaf size and accessibility for harvesting di­ Tonga
minishes over time. Outside the Pacific islands, leaves have
reportedly been harvested from much older specimens, e.g., Description
50–60-year-old trees. Published information on yields is Pandanus trees, mainly the variety ‘Paongo’ for weav­
limited. Mature, healthy plants in full production are likely ing, are planted along roadside borders of yam (Dioscorea
to yield about 10–90 leaves per year on less fertile sites and alata) gardens. These are often cooperative or commu­
150–300 leaves per year on optimal sites. nal yam gardens, known as toutu‘u ufi. These gardens
are planted in yams, then interplanted with giant swamp
Stems (for building/construction)
taro (Cyrtosperma chamissonis), plantains (Musa spp., often
Larger stems for building poles and construction take including ‘Maia Maoli/Popoulu’, Pacific plantain), and
about 15–20 years to develop. sometimes taro (Colocasia esculenta). In the past, bunching
Fruits (for human consumption and perfume) onion, corn, and even cabbage were also planted among
the yam mounds. Pandanus is grown along the fence line
Sexually mature plants produce about 8–12 fruits per plant and serves not only as a boundary marker and living fence
every second year. The total weight of individual fruits for but also as an important cultural resource. After the yams
edible varieties varies from about 7 to 15 kg (15–33 lb). There are harvested, possible succeeding crops include cocoyam
are typically 35–80 phalanges per fruit in edible varieties, (Xanthosoma spp.), sweetpotato, and cassava. Sometimes
and the weight of the edible portion is from 30–75 (–100) g paper mulberry is planted after the yam or succeeding
(1–2.7 [3.6] oz) per phalange. crop.
Male flowers (for garlands)
Example system 2
Sexually mature plants typically produce 10–40 male flower
spikes (about 1.5–5 kg [3.3–11 lb]) per plant each year. The Location
potential yield of these products on a per-hectare basis de­ Kiribati
pends on planting density. Density in native stands varies
widely; typical planting density for final crop spacing is Description
about 100–500 stems per ha (40–200 stems/ac). In Kiribati edible pandanus is often seen planted around
giant swamp taro pits. Other trees planted or protected
On-farm processing nearby include coconut, breadfruit, and papaya. There
Pandanus leaves need to be dried and wrapped into bun­ are also trees that are important as sources of leaf mulch,
dles prior to sale in local markets. Certain varieties may such as beach heliotrope (Tournefortia argentea), Guettarda
need to be bleached in seawater, e.g., the kie variety (syn. P. speciosa, and beach hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus). In addition
spurious), for production of fine white mats in Tonga. to being used as mulch, the leaves of pandanus are woven
into baskets around the bases of the largest ceremonial gi­
Markets ant swamp taro plants into which fertilizer is placed.
There is strong local and overseas demand (including by
tourists) for woven pandanus handicraft products from

24  Pandanus tectorius (pandanus) 


Extension offices for agroforestry and forestry in

the Pacific: <

Genetic resources
where collections exist
In Kiribati, the Division of Agriculture (Min­
istry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural
Development), with support from SPC/FAO/
SPRIG/USP, has established a field gene bank
of traditional Pandanus tectorius varieties. The
gene bank is located in Bikenibeu South, South
Tarawa, and included more than 60 varieties in
2003. It is strongly recommended that other Pa­
cific island nations undertake similar programs
to conserve pandanus diversity and the under­
lying cultural knowledge that has fostered and
maintained this diversity. The National Tropical
Botanical Garden maintains a modest collection
of Pandanus species and cultivars at its Allerton
and McBryde Gardens on Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i. A
small genebank of nine varieties of pandanus
from Pohnpei atolls have been planted at the
Pilot Farm collection in Pohnpei, FSM. A list
of morphological descriptors has been devel­
oped by the SPRIG project.

Access to selected papers and color photographs:

(☛  indicates recommended reading) Top: Boundary planting of pandanus around mixed agroforest, Tongatapu,
Tonga. photo: C. Elevitch Bottom: Woven basket of pandanus leaves in
Abbott, I.A. 1992. Lā‘au Hawai‘i—Traditional
which fertilizer and mulch is placed around the bases of the largest cer-
Hawaiian Uses of Plants. Bishop Museum emonial giant swamp taro plants. photo: R. Thaman
Press, Honolulu.
Aboriginal Communities of the Northern Ter­ of Economic Botany, New York Botanical Garden, New
ritory of Australia. 1988. Traditional Bush Medicines: An York.
Aboriginal Pharmacopoeia. Greenhouse Publications, Ash, J. 1987. Demography, dispersal and production of
Northern Territory of Australia. Pandanus tectorius (Pandanaceae) in Fiji. Australian Jour­
Adam, I.E., M.J. Balick, and R.A. Lee. 2003. Useful Plants nal of Botany 35(3): 313–330.
of Pohnpei: A Literature Survey and Database. Institute

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  25

Bornhorst, H.L. 2005. Growing Native Hawaiian Plants: A of pandanus fruit cultivars and other foods of the Repub­
How-to Guide for the Gardener (Revised Edition). The lic of Kiribati. Public Health Nutrition.
Bess Press, Honolulu. Englberger, L., W. Aalbersberg, J. Schierle, G.C. Marks,
Brink, M., and P.C.M. Jansen. 2003. Pandanus Parkinson. M.H. Fitzgerald, F. Muller, A. Jekkein, J. Alfred, N. van
In: Brink, M. and R.P. Escobin (eds.). Plant Resources der Velde. 2006b. Carotenoid content of different edible
of South-East Asia 17. Fibre Plants. Backhuys Publisher, pandanus fruit cultivars of the Republic of the Marshall
Leiden, The Netherlands. Islands. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis.
Catala, R.L.A. 1957. Report on the Gilbert Islands: Some Englberger, L., G.C. Marks, M.H. Fitzgerald, J. Schierle, W.
Aspects of Human Ecology. Atoll Research Bulletin 59: Aalbersberg, and K. Chand. 2004. Analyses for provitamin
1–187. A carotenoids in the Pacific region: banana, taro, bread­
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources fruit, and pandanus. In: Cunningham, J., and L. Trevisan
(CTAHR). 2002. Growing Plants for Hawaiian Lei: 85 (eds.). Proceedings of the Sixth OCEANIAFOODS,
Plants for Gardens, Conservation, and Business. CTAHR, Brisbane, Australia, 8–9 February, 2002. Food Standards
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu. Australia, New Zealand.
Del Rosario, A.G., and N.M. Esguerra. 2003. Medicinal Evans, B. 2003. Marketing opportunities for tree products,
Plants in Palau. Volume 1. Publication 28/03 (3.0C). Palau especially non-timber forest products (NTFPs) from
Community College, Koror, Palau, Ha‘apai Conservation Area, Kingdom of Tonga. Consul­
Dignan, C.A., B.A. Burlingame, J.M. Arthur, R.J. Quigley, tant’s report to SPRIG Project, CSIRO Forestry and For­
and G.C. Milligan. 1994. The Pacific Islands Food Com­ est Products, Yarralumla, Australia.
position Tables. Noumea, New Caledonia, South Pacific Grimble, A. 1933-34. The migration of a pandanus people.
Commission. Memoirs of the Polynesian Society 12: 1-185.
Downing, J., D.H.R. Spenneman, and M. Bennett. 1992. Hensley, D., R. Stibbe, and F. Rauch. 1997. Hala. Ornamen­
Bwebwenatoon Etto: A collection of Marshallese Leg­ tals and Flowers OF-17. Cooperative Extension Service,
ends and Traditions. Republic of the Marshall Islands College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources,
Alele Museum, Majuro Atoll. University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu.
Elevitch, C.R., and K.M. Wilkinson. 2003. Propagation Hiyane, J.T. 1971. Pandanus in the Marshall Islands. Agri­
protocol for production of container Pandanus tectorius S. cultural Extension Bulletin No. 10. Trust Territory of the
Parkinson ex Z plants. In: Native Plant Network. Univer­ Pacific Islands. Bridge Printery Pt, Ltd, Sydney, Australia.
sity of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Re­ Ika, V. 1996. Handicraft industry in the outer islands of
search Nursery, Moscow, Idaho. <http://www.nativeplant­ Tonga: A subsector analysis. Tonga Development Bank,>. Nuku‘alofa, Tonga.
☛ Englberger, L. 2003. Are Pacific islanders still enjoying Kayser, A. 2002. Nauru, one hundred years ago. 1. Pandanus.
the taste of pandanus? Pacific Islands Nutrition 58: 10–11. (trans: A. Blum). University of the South Pacific, Suva,
Englberger, L., and Kiribati National Nutrition Committee. Fiji.
2004.  Te Tou, Kanam Ni Kakakibotu Ao Ni Kamarurung Koch, G. 1986. The Material Culture of Kiribati. (English
Ngkoe Te I-Kiribati (Pandanus Varieties of Kiribati Post­ translation by G. Slatter). Institute of Pacific Studies.
er). Food and Agricultural Organization of the United University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.
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Marks, and K. Chand. 2003a. Provitamin A carotenoid eder, Stuttgart, Germany.
content of different cultivars of edible pandanus fruit. J. of Krauss, B.H. 1974. Ethnobotany of Hawaii. Prepared for
Food Composition and Analysis 16: 237–247. University of Hawai‘i, Botany 105. Unpublished manu­
Englberger, L., M.H. Fitzgerald, G.C. Marks. 2003b. Pacific script.
pandanus fruit: an ethnographic approach to understand­ Krauss, B.H. 1993. Plants in Hawaiian Culture. University of
ing an overlooked source of provitamin A carotenoids. Hawai‘i Press, Honolulu.
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 12: 38–44. Krauss, B.H. 2001. Plants in Hawaiian Medicine. Bess Press,
Englberger, L. 2004. Nutritional values of Kiribati Pandanus. Honolulu.
Unpublished report on visit to Tarawa, Kiribati, May 17 to Little, E.L., Jr., and R.G. Skolmen. 1989. Common Forest
June 3, 2004. Trees of Hawaii (Native and Introduced). Agricultural
Englberger, L., W. Aalbersberg, U. Dolodolotawake, J. Schi­ Handbook 679. USDA, Washington, D.C.
erle, J. Humphries, T. Iuta, G.C. Marks, M.H. Fitzgerald, Liyagel, P. 2005. Propagation protocol for production of
B. Rimon, and M. Kaiririete. 2006a. Carotenoid content container Pandanus tectorius plants (3 l [1 gal] polybags);

26  Pandanus tectorius (pandanus) 

Yap Forestry, Yap Islands, Federated States of Micronesia. Polunin, I. 1979. A study of local medicinal plants, Tarawa,
In: Native Plant Network. University of Idaho, College Kiribati. Assignment report. Regional Office of the West­
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Idaho. <>. Small, C.A. 1972. Atoll Agriculture in the Gilbert and Ellice
Luomala, K. 1953. Ethnobotany of the Gilbert Islands. Bul­ Islands. Department of Agriculture, Tarawa, Kiribati.
letin 213. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. ☛ Snowdon, W. 2003. An introduction to pandanus. Pacific
Manarangi, A., 1992. Agricultural research in the atolls Islands Nutrition 58: 8–10.
of the mid-Pacific on tree crops other than coconut. In: ☛ Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC). 2006.
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A review of agricultural development in the atolls; invited St. John, H. 1975. Revision of the genus Pandanus Stickman.
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mae: The Treasured Lei. University of Hawai‘i Press, Ho­ Science 30: 249–315.
nolulu. St. John, H. 1979. Revision of the genus Pandanus Stickman.
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side landscaping. The Bulletin of the Pacific Tropical Bo­ University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu.
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☛ Murai, M., F. Pen, C.D. Miller. 1958. Some Tropical Tonga, the New Hebrides, and Niue. Proceedings of the
South Pacific Island Foods. Description, History, Use, Biological Society of Washington 80: 47–59.
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28  Pandanus tectorius (pandanus) 

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (

Pandanus tectorius (pandanus)

Authors: Lex A.J. Thomson1, Lois Englberger2, Luigi Guarino3, R.R. Thaman4, and Craig R. Elevitch5
1. South Pacific Regional Initiative of Forest Genetic Resources (SPRIG) Project, SPC Forestry Program, Suva, Fiji (current contact
info: IPGRI, Via dei Tre Denari 472/a, 00057 Maccarese (Fiumicino), Rome, Italy; E-mail:
2. Island Food Community of Pohnpei, PO Box 2299, Kolonia, Pohnpei 96941 FM, Federated States of Micronesia; E-mail: nutri­; Web: .
3. Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), Plant Genetic Resources, Private Mail Bag, Suva, Fiji; E-mail:;
Web: .
4. Geography Department, School of Social and Economic Development, The University of the South Pacific, PO Box 1168, Suva,
Fiji; E-mail: .
5. Permanent Agriculture Resources, PO Box 428, Holualoa, Hawaii 96725 USA; Tel: 808-324-4427; Fax: 808-324-4129; E-mail:; Web: .
Acknowledgments: The authors and publisher thank Alfred Capelle, Dale Evans, Heidi Johansen, Kana‘e Keawe, David Lorence,
Brien Meilleur, Diane Ragone, and Nancy vander Velde for their input. A photo contribution from Amy Levendusky is greatly
Recommended citation: Thomson, L.A.J., L. Englberger, L. Guarino, R.R. Thaman, and C. Elevitch. 2006. Pandanus tectorius
(pandanus), ver. 1.1. In: C.R. Elevitch (ed.). Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry. Permanent Agriculture Resources
(PAR), Hōlualoa, Hawai‘i. <>.
Sponsors: Publication was made possible by generous support of the United States Department of Agriculture Western Region Sus­
tainable Agriculture Research and Education (USDA-WSARE) Program; SPC/GTZ Pacific-German Regional Forestry Project;
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA NRCS); Kaulunani, an Urban Forestry Program of the DLNR Division
of Forestry and Wildlife and the USDA Forest Service; State of Hawai‘i Department of Land & Natural Resources Division of
Forestry & Wildlife; USDA Forest Service Forest Lands Enhancement Program; and Muriel and Kent Lighter. This material is
based upon work supported by the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
and Agricultural Experiment Station, Utah State University, under Cooperative Agreement 2002-47001-01327.
Series editor: Craig R. Elevitch
Publisher: Permanent Agriculture Resources (PAR), P.O. Box 428, Hōlualoa, Hawai‘i 96725, USA; Tel: 808-324-4427; Fax: 808-
324-4129; E-mail:; Web: This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Reproduction: Copies of this publication can be downloaded from This publication may be repro­
duced for noncommercial educational purposes only, with credit given to the source. © 2006 Permanent Agriculture Resources. All
rights reserved.



Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  29

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