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By: Unai Palenzuela - Alejandro Reyes –
Unai Rodríguez -Josu Viana
ENGLISH 2010-11
Peak oil is the point in time when
the maximum rate of
global  petroleoum  extraction is
reached, after which the rate of
production enters terminal
decline .

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What did we do?

 Classroom work:
 Watch videos:
 “the end of suburbia”
 “the power of community”
 Comment on the videos
 Prepare a group manifesto
 Present the group manifesto to the
rest of the group.

ENGLISH 2010-11 3
What did we do?
 At
home: (using
 Write summaries
 Write a glossary of
 Write the
 Post our opinion
on the FORUM

ENGLISH 2010-11 4
The forum
 With moodle we have
had the opportunity to give our opinion on a forum. There
students gave their opinions about the work we have done
and about the topic

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What our classmates think
about this project
 The students have posted some interesting opinions about the
activity and the issue of peak oil.

 One of them:
- “If you ask me, I personally think that this project about
Peak Oil is very interesting because of the topic, which is a
problem that everybody is speaking about nowadays, and
because doing that we are improving our English”.

 Another one:
-”Planning the solutions one of the most important steps is to
make people aware of their consumption range and become
more efficient. Another main point is to start recycling to
conserve our resources instead of wasting them. And how can
we forgot the use of public transport and bicycles as a
alternative to the personal individual car?”. 
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What have we learnt about
the topic?
  That we all spend and have spent too
much of everything
  That everything needs oil directly or
  That the actual system is not
ecologically and economically
  What Cuba did during the, so called,
SPECIAL PERIOD, in the early 90’s
to survive the oil crash.
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  We think that it has been a really useful

  It was interesting to work with this issue

because it is a current topic.

  We have learned new important things

with it, too.

  We have improved our English.

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