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Ewan and Sonny

Production title: Who’s There?
Prepared by: Bright Light Productions v3.0

Production group: Bright Light Production v3.0

Date: 04/04/2022

Introduction (Introduce job roles and why you have chosen each person for that role):

For Job Roles, Sonny will be the editor as he has years of experience in editing videos for social
media, and he has a pretty good understanding of what camera angles and what shots would
work best.

Ben will be the Director of this short film project. He has been given this role due to a mutual
agreement from the rest of the group and we believe he works best with this role. Ben is also a
co-writer for the script!

Ewan is the Producer as he has great organization skills and we decided as a group that this
would be the best role for him! He is also the other Co-writer for the final script along with Ben.

Josh will be the Assistant Producer in this short film project as he works great with Ewan and
can also provide extra support and help during organization.

Charles is the Sound / BTS guy that will be in charge of getting the best sound quality while
shooting as possible.

Synopsis/Tagline/Elevator pitch (sum up your idea in 21-25 words):

2 people split off, one of them dies, the other walks up a hill to a church to pray, the doors slam
shut, he is trapped, then a figure stands in the church with him.

Introduce your concept (tell us your idea & show your moodboards etc to assist):
Ewan and Sonny

Our plan is to have a Short Film that revolves around the theme of horror while adding the idea
of hope as stated in the client brief. We chose this idea because we must link this to 'hope', and
the way this links to that, is because the character is hoping that their friend comes back to life.
This short film will also be between 6-10 minutes long.

USP (Unique selling point):

We believe this idea is very unique as when it comes to creating a short film such as this, it's
quite hard to tell a full story that everyone will understand, and the fact that we can bring
"hope" into the "horror" genre without it taking out the Horror film is a very skilful thing to be
able to full off if it's done correctly.

Inspiration & Research – Take your time to explain the following:

Coming up with a unique and understandable concept was difficult at the start, but one we had the
basic storyline down, we added a few details such as how the short film was going to end, how we were
going to link both Hope and Horror together, and many other things, the concept really started to come
to life, and writing the storyline down helped everyone to understand the types of ideas we were
thinking of.

In order to get some more inspiration, we looked up some other short horror films on YouTube as well
as googling some other popular horror and hope genre films. While doing some research some other
similar short Horror films we were able to find were titled "knock knock" and "knock knock 2".

For our primary research, we were looking at locations near us that we could go and investigate to see
whether they'd be suitible for filming in, we also checked to see what time of day it starts to get slightly
dark (but not too dark) so that we are able to get those spooky, gloomy shots that you see a lot in
Horror films.

Target Audience Research:

For the target audience, we are targeting people who enjoy Horrors and Thrillers as our film is
based around the Horror Genre. As far as age goes, we'd be hoping to target teenagers and
younger adults between the age of 15-65, we chose this age because we feel that you should at
least be old enough to watch the short film at its legal rated age, and we chose for up to 65-
year-olds as statistics from sources such as as it show that people aged between
15-65 are usually invested in watching Horror Films.
Ewan and Sonny

Location research/where you shot:

We decided to shoot near ‘Uphill Church’ as this is where the Church is located that we will be
using during our film week.


In conclusion our horror short film story is about 2 characters who split off and one of the
character dies. The other one walks up a hill towards the church to pray. The doors slams shut
He is trapped, then a figure stands in the church with him.Also our horror short film is
connected to hope

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