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A Project Based Learning Report


Web Based Blood Donation System

Submitted to the
Savitribai Phule Pune University
In partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of
Bachelor of Engineering
Information Technology
Yash Birajdar(S190088528)
Suhas Kaminwar(S190088566)
Tejshri Kute(S190088577)
Dhairyashil Pawar(S190088608)

Under the guidance of

Mrs .Nitisha Rajgure

Department Of Information Technology

D. Y. Patil College Of Engineering

Dr D.Y Patil Educational Complex, Sector.29, Akurdi, Pradhikaran, Maharashtra, India

This is to certify that the Project Based Learning Web Based Blood Donation System

being submitted by

Yash Birajdar(S190088528)
Suhas Kaminwar(S190088566)
Tejshri Kute(S190088577)
Dhairyashil Pawar(S190088608)

is a record of bonafide work carried out by him/her under the supervision and guidance of
Mrs.Nitisha Rajgure in partial fulfillment of the requirement for SE (Information
Technology Engineering) – 2019 course of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune in the
academic year 2021-2022.


Place: Akurdi, Pune.

Guide Name Dr.Preeti Patil

Mrs.Nitisha Rajgure Head of Department

This project based learning report has been examined by us as per the Savirtibai Phule Pune
University, Pune, requirements at D. Y. Patil College of Engineering on date.

(Name & Signature) (Name & Signature)

Internal Examiner External Examiner

We have taken efforts in this Project Based Learning. However, it would not have been
possible without the kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. We
would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

We are highly indebted to Mrs.Nitisha Rajgure for his guidance and constant
supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project & also
for his support in completing the Project Based Learning. We would like to express my
gratitude towards my parents & Head of I.T. Department Dr. Preeti Patil for her kind co-
operation and encouragement which helped us in completion of this Project Based

Furthermore, We would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role
of the staff of DYPCOE Akurdi, who gave the permission to use all required equipment
and the necessary materials to complete my project-based learning.

We also are deeply grateful to the Principal of DYPCOE, Dr. Mrs. P. Malathi and our
parents for their financial and logistical support and for providing necessary guidance
concerning project’s implementation.

Name of students
Yash Birajdar(S190088528)
Suhas Kaminwar(S190088566)
Tejshri Kute(S190088577)
Dhairyashil Pawar(S190088608)
Table of Contents

Abstract ............................................................................................ i
Introduction ..................................................................................... 1
Objective ......................................................................................... 1
Introduction ..................................................................................... 2
Literature survey ............................................................................. 3
Problem Specification. .................................................................... 5

Proposed System ............................................................................. 7

Entity-Relationship Diagram .......................................................... 9
Implementation/Execution ............................................................ 10

Conclusion..................................................................................... 12
References ..................................................................................... 12
List of Figures
Sr. No. Figure Name Page No

1 Block Diagram 8

2 E-R Diagram 9

3 Website Interface 10

Blood Bank Management System (BBMS) is a browser based system that is designed
to store, process, retrieve and analyze information concerned with the administrative
and inventory management within a blood bank. This project aims at maintaining all
the information pertaining to blood donors, different blood groups available in each
blood bank and help them manage in a better way. Aim is to provide transparency in
this field, make the process of obtaining blood from a blood bank hassle free and
corruption free and make the system of blood bank management effective. Our client
is not interested in blood stocking instead we are stocking blood donors information.
The donors who are interested in donating blood has to register in the database. There
is no storage of blood so no complications in the project. The software is fully
integrated with CRM (customer relationship management) as well as CMS (content
management system) solution. It is developed in a manner that is easily manageable,
time saving and relieving one from manual works. The requirement of the blood has
to be requested and we supply the information of the donor. The donors can update
their status whether they are available or not.
1. Introduction
Blood donation is required during an organ transplant, accidents, cancer treatmentetc.
This online blood donation management system maintains the list of blood donors
and also helps the recipients to track and search the right donor easily. It has two
modules namely Admin and User. Users can register and make a request. This project
aims at maintaining all information regarding blood donors, different blood groups
available in blood banks as wells as blood camps and help them manage in a better
way. Through this project any person who is interested in donating the blood can
register himself in the same way if any organization wants to register itself with this
site that can also register. Moreover if any general consumer wants to make request
blood online he can also take the help of this site.

1.1 Motivation
• For blood donation, one needs to check for a donation camp or needs to visit
• The Manual Blood donation system has many disadvantages which includes, it
is too time consuming, consumes lot of manpower, lacks donor information,
retrieval ofdata takes a lot of time, percentage of accuracy is less.
• In the time of emergency, it becomes difficult to approach the right donor.
• Rare blood groups are not available all the time at all blood banks and recipients
find difficulties to track the right blood donor.
• There are many blood donation management systems, but these systems only
maintain the information of blood banks and donors.

1.2 Objective
• Recipients can get blood easily. Users can also register as a donor.
• In case of emergency, if the blood group is rare, he/she can find for the certain blood
group donor.
• Donors can also donate blood easily by checking the list of blood donation camps.
• Admins can add hospitals having blood banks and can also add various blood
donation camps. He/she can also view the list of donors of a particular area with
proper Blood cross match. He/she can also check for blood requests and in case of
emergency he/she can send notifications to blood donors as per the requirements.
• Donors can check for Blood camps and hospitals for blood donation and will be
getting notifications in case of emergency.
1.3 Introduction
This project is aimed to developing an web based Blood Donation Information.
The entire project has been developed keeping in view of the distributed client server
computing technology, in mind. Through this application any person who is interested
in donating the blood can register himself in the same way if any organization wants to
register itself with this site that can also register. Moreover if any general consumer
wants to make request blood online he can also take the help of this site.
Admin is the main authority who can do addition, deletion, and
modification if required.The project has been planned to be having the view of
distributed architecture, with centralized storage of the database. The application for the
storage of the data has been planned, Using the constructs of MS-SQL Server.
2. Literature Survey

Blood is a fluid that carries oxygen and is a connective tissue that carries other substances
because of its volume. Now that we understand the importance of blood, we see that it not only
carries oxygen to the tissues but also clears the air between them through the heart and blood
vessels. The average volume of blood donation is 470ml per person, which is only 8% of the
adult volume. When blood is needed in a hospital, it is usually not available in time, leading to
inconsistencies. Both patients and sponsors are unaware that the donor is being hospitalized
due to a lack of communication and other services. A system like this is needed to close the
communication gap between hospitals, blood banks, donors, and receptors. The main purpose
of a web-based blood donation program is to ensure compliance with blood stock. In today's
system, first and foremost the hand system, and when a person needs a blood type and that
type is not available in that blood bank, it takes time to process blood from another blood bank,
which may adversely affect the patient's health because time is critical in emergencies.
Therefore, a web-based blood donation system is a good place to monitor whether a particular
type of blood is available in a stack or not, as well as to provide a place where blood can be
Today’s a large number of blood donation management systems fall short in providing
traceability, immutability, transparency, audit, privacy, and security features. Also, they are
vulnerable to the single point of failure problem due to centralization. In this paper, Author
propose a private Ethereum blockchain-based solution to automate blood donation
management in a manner that is decentralized, transparent, traceable, auditable, private, secure,
and trustworthy. The proposed solution stores non-critical and large data off-chain using the
decentralized storage of the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). Author present the system
architecture, sequence diagrams, entity-relationship diagram, and algorithms to briefly explain
the working principles of our blood donation management solution. Author evaluate the
performance of our solution in terms of efficiency and effectiveness through performing
security analysis.Author make their smart contract code publicly available on Github.
The immediate availability of blood can save other lives in case of emergency needs. Blood
transfusion is a continuous demand, as it is widely required for many medical surgeries and
critical operations. Therefore, there is a need to manage the whole process of supplying blood
from blood donors to the hospitals and transfusion centers as well as matching the blood
compatibility between the donors and patients. This comparative study reviews the existing
approaches for blood donation and blood assignment management systems which aim to
provide a continuous supply of blood products to transfusion centers and hospitals by
optimizing the process of blood donations and predicting the future behavior of blood donation.
The optimization process of blood donations is based on minimizing the wastage of blood units
with regards to expiration. It also aims to reduce the additional importation of blood units from
external sources by managing the critical blood shortage levels and monitoring the expiration
of blood units. A discussion is proposed in this study as well, to highlight the main findings,
limitations, and the unexplored issues of the existing approaches for blood donation
management systems. Lastly, a set of suggestions is also presented to address the main
limitations of these systems in order to point out alternative perspectives and the potential
future work opportunities in the blood donation management domain.
A blood bank plays an important role in a hospital as well as in a country, ensuring safe and
timely blood transfusions. However, there are several challenges faced by blood banks around
the world, specifically when securing the blood supply chain. Reducing the supply-demand
imbalance, protecting the data privacy of donors as well as receivers, are some of them.
Therefore, there is a timely requirement for an effective and secure management system for
the blood bank. We have proposed a management platform for the blood bank operations with
the following modules: (1) forecast blood demand, (2) suggest blood donation campaign
locations and (3) secure blood supply chain. The proposed platform has been implemented
using techniques such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), k-means clustering, Geographic
Information Systems (GIS), and blockchain. Our results show that using our proposed
modules, we can minimize the imbalance between supply and demand of blood, find the most
suitable donor in an emergency, and enhance the privacy of data.
Blood availability in hospitals is of high humanitarian importance, thus blood shortage is not
desired at all. High wastage rate of blood in hospitals is an important issue, which becomes
more important as the standards of health care services becomes higher. In order to address
blood shortage and wastage issues in a hospital, this paper develops a new inventory
management model as a decision making tool to help making tactical and operational level
decisions for a Hospital Blood Bank (HBB) inventory management. These decisions include
issuance and ordering policy and the aim of the model is to reduce blood wastage and shortage.
For this purpose, a multi period, multi-product inventory problem is proposed that performs
double cross-match of blood units, with a newly developed issuance policy for an HBB. Using
the cross-match ratio, it determines core demand of each patient, as well as reserve demand.
Then, an assignment problem is solved to determine patients whose reserve demands are
shared. Once the decisions are made on the assignment of shared reserve at the end of each
period, blood units are assigned to the patients and the inventory status is updated (as it deals
with aging products, in a multi period setting), using the new hybrid issuance policy. An
illustrative numerical example is developed to describe the mechanism of the proposed model.
Since using younger blood units is preferred for quality of care purposes, the proposed issuance
policy also helps improving the quality of care.
An L-resonator based chipless RFID tag has been introduced in this paper for tracking and
identification purposes in a blood bank management system. Four bits of data are being
encoded in the unlicensed band between 5.1 to 5.9 GHz, where the first three bits are used to
identify the blood group and the fourth bit is used for verification purposes. The compact size
of the tag make the overall tag suitable as a smart label in a blood bank management system
for use in blood bags and patients.
This paper presents an efficient method for a smart blood management system, called
Intelligent Blood Management System (IBMS) that intends to provide a efficient and a real
time coordination of blood management within a blood bank as well as to establish great
communication amongst multiple blood banks. This system uses an unique and a economical
concept of using the weight detecting sensors along with image processing that can efficiently
track the quantity of the different blood groups (using colour coding mechanism) in all the
associated blood banks, using Cloud connectivity. It uses an internal management analytic that
always takes care of the availability of blood and using predetermined logic that can pre
populate a blood bank based on the highest frequency of the need of a certain blood in an area.
This system has an integration of user interaction also, where users and even hospitals can
make requests for blood through the app (including app verification). The mobile application
helps users to connect with the system including the fastest way to reach the blood bank and
even live tracking if the blood is to be delivered from the bank to the hospital and more.
3. Problem Specification
3.1 Problem Statement
1.Personal Profile Accessibility:
The donar information can only updated by the Administrators of the blood bank. A donar
can update their information by call, fax or email but not by themselves. this is just waste of time.

2.lost or damaged card:

A typical membership card easily get damaged when it is exposed to sunlight or water
and this caused to ruin the bar code of the card which is very important for retrieving records. If
card lost then donar must keep replacement card to keep their membership at the blood bank.

3.Donation record accessibility:

The donar card is the only valid evidence that contain donar’s recent donation record, if
the card get lost then donor may find difficult to schedule his next appointment since they don’t
know their last donation record

4.Blood Result Notification:

After process of blood donation, the donor will receive card that contains only donor
name and their blood type. They do not notify blood result until they request for it from blood

5.Blood stock management:

Blood banks required to maintain of blood bags in inventory. This increases with blod
donation and decreases as they check out as per requirement. System needs to keep updated
information to ensure correctness of the inventory.

6.Mailing by postal system:

Blood bank will only mail donor when the donatated blood is disqualified. However this
mail sent through the postal system to the donars given address. If donors address is recorded
incorrectly, the mail will be sent to the wrong address and donor will never notified that their
blood is rejected.
3.2 User Requirment
There are two internal users involved in the system. The user requirement is consider as

i. To be able to view their donation records, including where and when they made
donations, and the blood results for each, to learn of their donated blood quality
and schedule their next donations. (Solving P3, P6)
ii. To be able to view and update their personal information, including name,
contact address, and phone number,to keep their donor's information record up
to date with the blood bank. (Solving P1)
iii. To be notified of the blood results of their previous donation by e-mail, to know
the success of their donation. (Solving P4)

i. To be able to create, update, delete, and query donor's records in order to manage
donor information.
ii. To be able to create, update, delete, and retrieve donation records to manage
information about donations made
iii. To be able to withdraw blood from the inventory and keep a record of blood stocks
to always keep count of the blood bags. (Solving P5)
iv. To be able to deposit donated blood into inventory when donations are made.
v. To be able to create, update, delete, and retrieve request records from hospital to
manage hospital requests for blood.
vi. To be able to create, update, delete, and query hospital's records in order to manage
hospital information.
vii. To be able to send e-mails to donors for their user account and blood results
through the system. (Solving P6)
viii. To be able to send email responding to hospitals for their blood requests through
the system. (Solving P6)
4. Proposed System

To debug the existing system, remove procedures those cause data redundancy, make
navigational sequence proper. To provide information about audits on different level and also to
reflect the current work status depending on organization/auditor or date. To build strong
password mechanism.

¨ To remove the procedures in previous system which causes too much of difficulties, this
system makes over process of blood donation much easier and flexible.
¨ User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls.
¨ It also provides high level of security with various controls.
¨ The entire project has been developed keeping in view of the distributed client server
computing technology, in mind.
¨ The entire project has been developed keeping in view of the distributed client server
computing technology, in mind.
¨ The database connectivity is planned using the “SQL Connection” methodology.

• User friendliness I provided in the application with various controls.
• The system makes the overall project management much easier and
• Readily upload the latest updates, allows user to download the alerts byclicking
the url.
• It provides high level of security with different level of authentication.
5. System Block Diagram
6. Data Flow Diagram or ER Diagram

7. Result and Conclusion:-



8. Conclusion

This project provides the practical knowledge of programming in web based application
and Windows Application and SQL Server, but it also provides all handling procedure
related with “Blood Donation Banks”. It also provides knowledge about the latest
technology used in developing web enabled application and client server technology that will
be great demand in future. This will provide better opportunities and guidance in future in
developing projects.

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• D. Hawashin et al., "Blockchain-Based Management of Blood Donation," in IEEE Access, vol.
9, pp. 163016-163032, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3133953.
• S. AlZu’bi, D. Aqel and A. Mughaid, "Recent intelligent Approaches for Managing and
Optimizing smart Blood Donation process," 2021 International Conference on Information
Technology (ICIT), 2021, pp. 679-684, doi: 10.1109/ICIT52682.2021.9491125.
• P. A. J. Sandaruwan, U. D. L. Dolapihilla, D. W. N. R. Karunathilaka, W. A. D. T. L.
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• A. Bozorgi and M. Najafi, "Improving Blood Bank Inventory Management Using Double
Cross-match and Hybrid Issuance Policy," 2020 IEEE 7th International Conference on
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• V. Sharma and M. Hashmi, "Blood Bank Management based on Chipless RFID," 2019 8th
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• M. Sarode, A. Ghanekar, S. Krishnadas, Y. Patil and M. Parmar, "Intelligent Blood
Management System," 2019 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC), 2019, pp.
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