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Power: 2 Soak: 2 Initiative: 2

Finesse: 2 Phys Integrity: 10 Speed: 4
Resilience: 3 Size: 5
Vulnerability: Damage to the head.

Hunger: Zombies are driven by a need to consume living flesh. They gain a +3 bonus to Finesse + Resistance rolls
to perceive living creatures.

Pack Instinct: Zombies can relay the location of living prey to other zombies within 1 mile.

Lunge and Tackle: May move twice its Speed and gains a +2 to Power rolls made to tackle or grab an opponent.

Bite: Power + Finesse - Defense. 1(B).

Contagion: Whenever a character takes lethal damage from a zombie, or a character with lethal damage comes in
prolonged contact with a zombie, player must roll Stamina + Resolve – 3. Success indicates that the character is
not infected. Infection manifests as a high fever and deals 3(B) damage per hour, which may be negated by a
Stamina + Resolve check with a penalty equal to the number of hours that have passed. However, promptly
removing the affected limb of a person bitten will ensure survival.

Roaming Dead: Storyteller determines “Threat” of the scene (0 = safehouse with guards, 6 = in the open near packs
of zombies). Roll the scene’s Threat rating whenever one of the characters takes any action that could attract
attention (for example, any physical dice pool exceeding the character’s Dex + Stealth or using a firearm).

Death’s Voice: Anyone who hears the zombie’s moans for more than (Composure) consecutive hours must roll
Resolve + Composure. Failure means the listener loses one Willpower. If the character has 0 Willpower or gets a
dramatic failure, he instead immediately gains a derangement. Must roll for each day the character is exposed to
the zombie’s moans, but for each past failed roll the player receives a -1 modifier. One full day without hearing the
sound negates this modifier.

1. Attributes.
2. Skills.
3. Skill Specialties. Stacking specialties (Mirrors pg 19): a single specialty may be taken up to three times.
4. Profession (From Hunter).
5. Determine Advantages.
6. Select Merits. Choose Age, Appearance, and Quirks (Mirrors pg 21).Choose Skill Tricks (Mirrors pg 54).
Finding Improvised Weapons: Wits + Melee. Success: Weapon deals 1-2(B) damage. Exceptional: 1-2(L) damage.

Dehydration: A character can last for 12 hours per dot of Stamina without water (2 pints per 12 hrs) before
becoming Dehydrated. Dehydrated characters take one point of bashing damage per day and at the end of any
scene in which the character takes strenuous physical action.

Starvation: A character can last for (Stamina + Resolve) days (4 pounds per day) before becoming Starved. A
Starved character takes one point of bashing damage per day. A character can add her dots in Survival to his
Stamina + Resolve.

Exertion: After a character spends Willpower on a Strength, Athletics, or Brawl roll, he suffers a -1 penalty to all
Physical rolls until he rests for 10 minutes.

Encumbered: A character can carry 25 pounds per dot of Strength without penalty. For every 25 pounds over that,
Physical actions suffer a -1 penalty and reduces his Speed by one.

Fatigue: For every 6 hours your character remains awake beyond 24 hours, make a Stamina + Resolve roll. If it
fails, he falls asleep. If the roll succeeds, your character remains alert and active. For each six-hour period in
excess of 24 hours in which he forgoes sleep, his dice pools suffer a cumulative -1 penalty. The longest he can stay
awake is a number of days equal to the lowest of his Stamina or Resolve. In order to offset any existing penalties,
he must sleep for 8 hours, plus an additional hour for each six-hour period (in excess of 24) that he forced himself
to remain active.

Scavenging: Intelligence or Wits + Survival (Extended). Each success = two pints of water or two pounds of food.
Using Intelligence requires 20 minutes per roll. Using Wits requires 10 minutes per roll, but is not as thorough.
Modifiers: Unrestricted access (+1), Vehicle to help with carrying (+2), Quality of location (-3 to +3), Time (-1 per
month), Competition (-1 to -3).

Sealing a Vehicle: Intelligence or Wits + Craft (Extended; 1 minute per roll; successes equal to ½ Size). -3 penalty to
find occupants.

Hotwire: Wits + Larceny (Extended; 5+ successes [varies by car]; roll = 1 minute).

Shelter: Wits + Survival or Streetwise (finding shelter) or Craft (making a shelter). Abundance of shelter (+1 to +3),
Character is not particular (+1), Special requirements (-1 to -3).

Farming: Stamina + Crafts (Extended; each roll = 1 week; every 10 successes produce 4 pounds of food per day).
Modifiers: Lacking appropriate specialty (-2), Land unworked (-1 for each week), Tools (+1), Water supply (-3 to +2)

Hydroponics: Intelligence + Crafts (Extended; each roll = 1 week; 30 successes per person fed). System reliably
creates enough food to consistently feed one person. Expanding it requires another extended roll. Finding
required equipment is an extended Wits + Science roll in appropriate locations needing 15 successes.
Stacking Specialties: You may buy the same Specialty up to three times (cost is new dots x2).

Lethal Weapons: Attacks are made using the Attribute + Skill. Weapon damage rating is automatically added to a
successful attack roll.

Critical Hits: Whenever a hit in combat deals more damage than the opponent’s Size, any damage in excess of Size
is upgraded to the next most severe damage type.

Hit locations: Roll when appropriate- 1-2 Left leg. 3-4 Right leg. 5-7 Torso. 8 Right Arm. 9 Left Arm. 10 Head.

Severe Wounds: When you suffer lethal damage, first determine the hit location (above). Any actions using that
part of the body suffer a penalty equal to half the damage taken until the end of the next turn. When you suffer
aggravated damage, first determine the hit location (above). The body part is crippled until healed. If the head is
the target, this unconsciousness. If the target is the torso, the character falls prone and suffers a -3 to all Physical
actions. If the target is the legs, the character falls prone and Movement is reduced by 5. If the target is the arm,
that arm can no longer be used.

Dramatic Failure: Any failure (no successes) that has one or more dice come up as a 1. Can be turned into a normal
failure by spending a point of Willpower.

All or Nothing: Spend all of your remaining Willpower to make roll an Advanced Action. If it fails, it is dramatic

Hurry: Spend a Willpower to cut the ‘per roll’ period of an Extended action in half (for one roll).

Second Wind: Instant Action; character cannot move, attack, or employ Defense. Spend Willpower and roll
Resolve + Stamina. Every success recovers one point of bashing damage. May use (Resolve) times per day.

Pushing It: Once per scene. Spend 1 Willpower and take a point of Bashing Damage. Take an extra Instant Action.

Risking Willpower: Once per scene, add three dice to dice pool, gain 9-agains, or roll counts as exceptional on 3
(rather than 5) successes. On success, regain one Willpower. On failure, lose one Willpower and roll is Dramatic

Rote Actions: Keep successes, but re-roll any dice that fail the original roll. Only one re-roll is allowed.

Advanced Action: Make an extra roll and choose the most beneficial.

Extra Talent: Add an additional Attribute to the dice pool.

Virtue: If Chapter reflects Virtue, regain all spent Willpower. Vice: If Scene reflects Vice, regain 1 Willpower.

Degeneration: Roll number of dice determined by severity of sin (2-5, may gain 1-3 dice bonus for Virtue or 1-3
dice penalty for Vice); Failure lowers Morality by one. Roll the new Morality rating; Failure gains a Derangement.
Aiming: +1 per turn to a max of +3.

All-Out Attack: +2 to Brawl or Weaponry; lose Defense.

Autofire (Long): 20 bullets. -1 per additional target. +3 bonus to each attack roll. (Med): 10 bullets. Up to 3 targets.
-1 per additional target. +2 bonus to each attack roll. (Short): 3 bullets. Single target. +1 bonus.

Breaking Weapons: If the damage rolled against target is less than target’s Durability but greater than weapon’s
Durability, any successes in excess of the weapon’s Durability are suffered as damage.

Called Shot: Torso -1. Limb -2. Head -3. Hand -4.

Drawing: Spend an action to draw weapon. If weapon is hidden/stowed, you lose your Def on the turn you draw.

Going Prone: Reaction. +2 Def vs Ranged. -2 Def vs Close Combat.

Knockout: Damage to the head greater than Size knocks target out for number of rds = damage. Stamina to resist.

Shooting into Combat: -2 for each combatant whom your character tries to avoid hitting. -4 for grappled.

Action Aspects add special rules to a specific action or attack. Each Aspect has a positive or negative rating in
parentheses, representing the maneuver’s relative value. The total must equal 0 or less.

Defensive (+2): The action is actually a form of defense. If the attacker fails to hit, roll your character’s Defense to
attack. Example: Blocking a punch with a blade.

Difficult (-1 to -3): This action is inherently difficult. Example: Called shots.

Explosive (+1 or +2): When this action succeeds, it succeeds exceptionally well. +1 grants the 9-again property. +2
grants the 8-again property. Example: A haymaker swing.

Limited (-1 or -2): -1 removes the 10-again rule. -2 1s subtracts from the roll. Example: Shoddy weapon.

Predictable (-1): Cumulative uses impose -1 penalty. Example: Poke in the eye.

Rapid (+2 or +3): The action can be performed more than once, with a cumulative -1 for each additional action.
Either one additional (+2) or a maximum number of actions equal to your Dexterity dots (+3). Example: Jab/cross.

Risky (-2): If your character scores no successes, he experiences dramatic failure. Example: Somersaulting over
cover while shooting.

Setup (+2): Every two successes give you an additional die on next action. Example: Left jab followed by big right.

Severe (Variable): Apply a Condition Aspect.

Undamaging (-3): This action inflicts no damage. Example: Feinting.

Vulnerable (-2): He can’t use Defense on the turn in which she executes it or against the first attack in the next
turn, and ranged attacks gain a +2 to strike him in that same period. Example: Calmly walking forward in a firefight.
Weak (-2): Halve all successes (rounding up). Examples: A backhand slap.

Blinded (+4): Target is blinded for one turn per success on the attack. Example: Eye gouge.

Deafened (+1): -1 to Defense and fails all checks related to sounds. Example: Slapping both ears.

Disfigured (+2): Until the injury heals, damage is applied as a penalty to Social pools. Example: Acid to the face.

Disarmed (+2): Target drops a handheld object. Subtract size from total successes. The result is how many yards
the object flies away. Example: Slashing a weapon hand so your target drops his gun.

Lame (+3): Damage reduces speed by half the number of successes until healed. Example: Busting a knee.

Hindered (+3): Damage penalizes actions using the targeted arm by half the number of successes until healed.
Example: Shooting target in the shoulder.

Painful (+3): Penalty to all actions equal to successes for one turn. Example: Kidney punch.

Unconscious (+4): Lose consciousness for number of turns equal to successes. Example: Club over the head.


Concealment: -1 (barely concealed) to -3 (substantially). Or completely covered (all shots hit the cover
automatically). From concealment: Suffers his concealment penalty -1 on shots.

Fighting Blind: Chance roll. May roll Wits + Composure to reduce penalty to -3 concealment (-2 on exceptional).

Cover: Deal damage normally to the full cover. If successes exceed the cover’s Durability, the attack passes
through the cover and hits the first target behind it. Any successes rolled in excess of Durability are also taken by
the object as Structure damage. Damage that exceeds the cover’s Durability is then rolled as a new dice pool
against the target. Once Cover’s Structure has been exhausted, the object provides no more protection.

Falling: 1 Bashing for every 3 yards. Max 10 damage (30 yards or more is terminal velocity; becomes 10 lethal).

Successes in an attack roll must exceed item’s Durability before any damage is inflicted to its Structure (Durability +
Size). Once its damage exceeds its Durability, it malfunctions and incurs a -1 penalty to operation. When damage
exceeds its Structure, it is destroyed.


1 Hard Plastic, Glass 1 Pistol
2 Aluminum, Wood, Thick Glass 5 Door
3 Stone 10 2-Seat Sports Car
4 Steel, Iron 15 SUV
+1 Per Reinforced Layer 20 Dump Truck

Repair is an extended action using the Crafts skill and requires the necessary parts and tools. Each success repairs
one Structure point. Time per roll varies based on the complexity of the item.
Reinforcing doors: Strength + Stamina added to door’s Durability Rating (which also increases Structure).
Reinforcing character receives half of any damage that exceeds the total Durability. No more than two people can
reinforce a normal sized door.

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