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Sys Prog = Activity of programming computer system software

Application software ---used to perform a specific task for the user eg…

We always write smaller versions of applications programs. You cant write the excel program,
but you can write a component of excel … adding two numbers (sum)

System software ---- used to operate and control the computer hardware e.g. OS, device
O.S interface between the computer user and the h/ware
Manage the computer and its resources
Systems Programming === writing a smaller version of the known System program …eg a
part that handles or manages i/o

O.S. functions

- Security management
- Device management
- File management
- Memory management and processor
- Job scheduling
- Control over system performance
- I/O processing
- Allows other programs to operate
- Controlling peripherals


1- What is system programming? The study of...

2- Explain briefly the functions of the O.S.
3- Differentiate between Application program and system program
4- Differentiate between Application programming and system
5. Why do we use Linux and C to write application programs?
6. Why prefer Linux over windows as your operating system?
7. Look for 20 commands in Linux and explain their meaning (what they
8. Look for the purpose Proc, mnt , bin sbin,

Linux file system

-Hierarchical like uprooting a tree and invert it

- top we have the root
- next we have bin boot mnt sbin dev opt proc etc dev home

- how to navigate the file system

Commands are used eg cd ls lpr mkdir ….


Relative path is a specification of the location of a folder or file starting

from the working directory. Such a path does not start from the root
Eg cd main/blockD/Level2/Room8

Absolute path is a specification of the location of a folder or file starting

from the root directory. Such a path starts from the root.
Eg cd /Ndejje/main/blockD/Level2/Room8
We change or navigate the file system of linux using commands like:
pwd that prints the path to the working directory
cd this changes directory


Cat file name

Cls clears the screen
ping …. checks connectivity status to a server
rm filename deletes a file
cp copies a file from one directory to another

Pwd … prints the path of the working directory
● Touch …. creates a file
● Mkdir … create a directory

Mv moves a file
● rmdir deletes directory

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