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Main Campus II, Bajumpandan, Dumaguete City


(Midterm Exam – 2nd Sem. (A.Y 2021-2022)

Specialized Crime Investigation – 2 with legal Medicine


(CDI 201)

Direction: From the given choices, select and underline the letter of the best answer for each of
the following questions/statements.

1. A venue or place where the alleged crime/incident/event has been committed is called

● Crime C. Scene
● Venue D. Crime Scene

2. Latin for the “body of the crime” is also called as;

A. Corpuz Delicti C. Corpus Delicti

B. Corpus Delecti D. Corpuz delecti

3. Evidence is admissible when it is relevant to the issue and is not excluded by the rules on

A. Real evidence B. Secondary evidence

C. Admissibility of evidence D. Relevancy of evidence

4. The process of ascertaining whether two or more objects of evidence have a common origin.

Identification B. Comparison

Testing D. Recognition

5. The physical evidence includes but not limited to the following, except

a. Blood and bloodstain c. Fingerprints and footprints

b. Firearms and other deadly weapons d. All of these

6. Are people who examine crime scenes with distinct specialties such as forensic photography and

a. Crime scene specialist’s c. First responder

b. Police investigator d. None of these

7. In cases where the evidence encountered needs special processing due to significant or sensational
cases, the __________ specialists of the crime laboratory shall be requested.

a. PNP SWAT c. SOCO Team

b. PDEA d. None of these

8. What pillar of the criminal justice system is responsible in evaluation of evidence?

a. Law Enforcement c. Court

b. Prosecution d. Correction

9. Who decides if someone is qualified as an expert witness?

A. Prosecutor B. Supreme Court

C. The judge. D. Defense lawyer

10. The investigation of cases that are unique and often require special training to fully understand their
broad significance refers to

A. Special Investigation C. Special Crime Investigation

B. Special Crime D. Specific Crime Investigation

11. The collection of facts in order to accomplish the three-fold aims – to identify the guilty party; to
locate the guilty party; and to provide evidence of his (suspect) guilt is called;

A. Investigation C. Crime Investigation

B. Inquiry D. Criminal Investigation

12. The key to any successful criminal investigation and prosecution is the ___________________
obtained at the crime scene.

A. Quality of evidence B. Minimal evidence

C. Scene analysis D. Scene assessment

13. The objective of the entire course of investigation of course, is to arrive at the truth of the situation
specifically with the following; except?

a. Provoke the guilty to confess

b. Allows the investigator to narrow down the list of suspected criminals

c. To identify the facts and know the circumstances surroundings the crime

d. Rehabilitation of criminals

14. If there is a reason to assume that a crime has indeed been committed, further investigation is
undertaken using more ___________________ and techniques.

a. Scientific method c. Experimental method

b. Theoretical method d. None of these

15. By installing police line or other available materials like ropes, straws, human barricade, wood and

a. Crime scene survey c. Cordon off the crime scene

b. Sketch of crime scene d. None of these

16. The final goal that is increasingly set for the investigators is addressing the many and varied problems
the citizenry feels the police should resolve.

a. Controlling crime c. Pursuing justice

b. Addressing problems d. None of these

17. The investigator must procure testimony and physical evidence that will admissible-evidence that will
withstand the attacks of the ______________________ and be understood by the court.

a. Prosecutor c. Defendant

b. Defendant’s counsel d. None of these

18. The simple friendly questioning of people who have the information officially needed by investigators
is called;

A. Interrogation C. Instrumentation

B. Interview D. Information

19. The vigorous or aggressive questioning of person suspected of having committed an offense or a
person who is reluctant or willing to make a full disclosure of information in his possessions, which is
pertinent to the investigation of a criminal case is called;

A. Investigation C. Interview

B. Interrogation D. Inquiry

20. Interrogation of suspects is one of the most important functions of whom?

a. Criminal Investigator c. Judge

b. Prosecutor d. SOCO Team

21. A person arrested for a crime is called;

A. Accused C. Suspect

B. Criminal D. Prisoner

22. A person who is convicted by final judgment is called

A. Accused C. Suspect

B. Criminal D. Prisoner

23. An express acknowledgment by the accused in a criminal prosecution of the truth of his guilt as to the
offense charged, while admission refers to statements of fact not directly constituting an acknowledgment
of guilt is called;

A. Confession C. Declaration

B. Admission D. Testimony

24. The basic reason of investigator on case for utilizing interview or interrogation is to obtain?

a. Information c. Evidence

b. Confession from suspect/s d. All of these

25. The modern successful investigator must be skilled in obtaining information
from__________________ and the testimony of those concerned with a crime.

a. Physical evidence c. Testimonial evidence

b. Tracing evidence d. None of these

26. The following are the three fold aim of criminal investigation except:

A. Identify the perpetrator C. Locate the Perpetrator

B. Convict the Perpetrator D. Provide evidence

27. The principle on the rights of a suspect from forced self-incrimination during police interrogation is

A. Golden Doctrine C. Miranda Principle

B. Cardinal Doctrine D. Miranda Doctrine

28. An act defining certain rights of person under custodial investigation is known as

A. RA 7348 C. RA 7843

B. RA 7438 D. RA 7834

29. The warrant of arrest is to be served within a statutory period of

A. 5 Days C. 15 Days

B. 10 Days D. 20 Days

30. The evidence consist of writing or any material containing letters, words, numbers, figures, symbols
or other modes of written expression offered as proof of their contents.

A. Object evidence B. Secondary evidence

C. Documentary evidence D. Testimonial evidence

31. The declaration of an accused acknowledging his guilt of the offense charged, or of any offense
necessarily included therein, may be given in evidence against him.

A. Confession B. Admission by silence

C. Admission D. Admission by privies

32. The simple act of killing of a human being gets classified as ____________. It does not require the
intent of the criminal to be taken into account.

A. Homicide c. Infanticide

B. Murder d. Parricide

33. There are three different types of homicides called justifiable, excusable, and;

A. Self –defense c. acting in a reckless

B. Criminal d. negligent in manner

34. When a person is charged with ___________, the prosecution has the burden of proving that the
victim was killed by negligent, reckless, or illegal actions taken by the defendant.

A. Infanticide c. Homicide

B. Parricide d. Murder

35. Cruelty includes the situation where the victim is already dead and yet, acts were committed
which would decry or scoff the corpse of the victim. The crime becomes what offense?

A. Homicide c. Infanticide

B. Parricide d. Murder

36. Can be defined as a crime being planned in advance, with the intention to kill or grievously
harm another individual.

a. Malice aforethought c. Deliberate

b. Corpus delicate d. wilful

37.“A specific intent to kill” or as a specific intent to kill, purposely, or express malice. This
statement means what?

a. Willful c. Premeditated
b. Deliberate d. None of these

38. Any defense against the underlying crime in a charge of justifiable homicide is a defense
against charges for the killing itself.

A. Severity of Negligence c. Negligent in manner

B. Accident or Self-Defense d. Reckless

39. Homicide is the killing of a person without prior intent, but which happens during the
__________________. This means that, during a circumstance that would likely cause any
reasonable person to become so severely emotionally distressed, as to act without thinking,
resulting in the victim’s death.

a. Heat of passion c. Heat of the moment

b. Distress d. None of these

40.Homicide is, according to the revised penal code, punishable by ____________________ or a

minimum of 12 years and 1 day up to a maximum of 20 years.

a. Reclusion perpetua c. Prision mayor

b. Reclusion temporal d. Prision correctional

41.X killed B, mistakenly believing that she was his wife, upon surprising her having sex with
another man in a motel room. What is the criminal liability of X?

None since he killed her under exceptional circumstances.

None since he acted under a mistake of fact.



42.Out of spite and simply intending to put Gina to shame for breaking off with him, Ritchie
emptied a gallon of motor oil on the school's stairway where Gina usually passed. Gina, unaware
of what Ritchie did, used the slippery stairway and slipped, hitting her head on the stairs. Gina
died from brain hemorrhage. What crime did Ritchie commit?

A. Murder c. Homicide
B. Reckless imprudence resulting in homicide d. Impossible crime of homicide.
43Any person who shall kill his father shall guilty of what crime?

a. Murder c. Homicide

b. Parricide d. Paternicide

44. The husband will be held criminally liable for a crime of ___________ if he intentionally killed his

A. Murder c. Homicide

B. Parricide d. a & b

45. Donald Bright an illegitimate son of Peter Bright and Lou Wang. Peter Bright shot Lou Wang with a
revolver resulted to the latter’s death; Peter Bright is liable for what crime?

A. Homicide c. Parricide

B. Murder d. Sorroricide

46. The killing of a human being by the act, procurement or negligence of another shall guilty of what

A. Homicide C. Murder

B. Infanticide D. Parricide

47. Kanto Boy a 23 years old killed a 3 years old boy, kanto boy is liable for what crime?

A. Infanticide C. Homicide

B. Murder D. Fraternicide

48. The following are the elements of the crime of homicide except:

A. That the person was killed

B. The act of killing attended with threachery, superior strengths, and premeditation

C. That the accused killed him without any justifying circumstances

D. That the accused had the intension to kill, which is presumed

49. The following are categories of modes of death except:

A. Suicidal death C. Artificial Death

B. Homicidal death D. accidental death

50. The following are the elements of the crime of robbery except:

A. That there must be personal property

B. That personal property belonging to another

C. That the taking must be with intent to gain|

D. That there be no violence against or intimidation of person or force upon things

Prepared by:


CCJE - Instructor

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