Lesson Plan Artifact 10

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Name of the Lesson Compare and Contrast Beauty and the Beast to East of the Sun and West

st of the
Grade Level 2nd Grade
Group Size Students will be in small groups of 4
Subject English Language Arts: Reading
Standard CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.9: Compare and contrast two or more versions of the
same story (e.g., Beauty and the Beast stories) by different authors or from
different cultures.
Objective Students will learn how other cultures have very different, but similar traits to
our own and how they can determine what they are.
Materials .Handout of Beauty and the Beast and East of the Sun and West of the Moon
.Number 2 Pencil or
.Black or Blue Pen
.Handout (2) pages of Lose Leaf Paper to every student for note taking and
Rough Draft
.Handout Compare and Contrast Worksheet to the groups for the Final Draft
Procedures (1) Pass out a single loose leaf paper to all the students so that they can take
notes for the assignment
(2) Explain to them that they will be finding the differences and similarities in
two fairy tales from different cultures based on a similar premise
(3) Pass out the handout that will have the Beauty and the Beast and the East of
the Sun and West of the Moon
(4) Make sure that everyone has a number 2 pencil or a black or blue pen to
write there notes (if not they will receive a handout pen or pencil)
(5) We will have a read-a-long to go over together with the students the
Handout of Beauty and the Beast and East of the Sun and West of the Moon
where the students will be taking notes
(6) Make sure they take notes of the key differences and similarities in both tales
(7) Split the students into groups so that they can become acquainted with
different individuals in the classroom
(8) Pass out the single loose leaf paper so that the groups can start taking what
they wrote in their notes and choose 5 similarities and 5 differences from the
tales to put in their rough draft
(9) A single student from each group will come to me with the completed rough
draft so that they may receive the Compare and Contrast Worksheet for their
final draft
(10) Once the groups have completed their final draft they will turn in both their
rough and final draft to the completed assignment bin (if they borrowed a pen or
pencil that is to be returned as well) and go back to their assigned seats
Assessment Students will be graded on their proper grammar on their Final Draft and make
sure that all different and similar elements are placed correctly in the Final Draft
Amanda Scott

EDU 201

Lesson Plan

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