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Khanh Tran
740 - 788 - 2618

Denison University Aug. 2017 – Dec. 2021
Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science, Minor in Mathematics GPA: 3.65/4.00
Honors: Cum Laude | Upsilon Pi Epsilon International Honor Society | Dean’s List
Relevant courses: Data Privacy | Software Engineering | Algorithm Design and Analysis | Data Structures |
Data Systems | Computer Systems | Programming Language | Combinatorics | Statistics

Proficient in: Python, C++, MySQL, Selenium WebDriver Libraries: behave, pandas, requests
Familiar with: Java, HTML, CSS, C, R Tools: Git, JIRA, Trello

Got It AI Hanoi, Viet Nam
Test Automation Engineer Intern Aug. 2020 – Jan. 2021
● Mastered Page Object Model, Behavior Driven Development, API and database testing in 3 weeks
● Implemented new tests using Python and Selenium WebDriver and enhanced existing Regression
Test suite, increased automation test coverage from 50% to 80% in 3 months
● Assisted TPM define new feature by providing insights on current automation architecture
● Executed and debugged tests on 3 testing environments; stabilized company’s first AWS Chatbot
24/7 monitoring system
Math & Computer Science Department, Denison University Granville, OH
Teaching Assistant Jan. 2019 – Dec. 2019
● Led weekly hours to help 15 students in Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science course
● Took initiative to give feedback on students’ common misconceptions and contributed to
redesigning course material
The Lisska Center for Scholarly Engagement, Denison University Granville, OH
Research Assistant May 2019 – Aug. 2019
● Developed a pipeline to identify and analyze segments of viral DNA in 31 GB mosquito genomes
● Collaboratively wrote 2 Python programs to detect unmapped DNA reads in mosquito genomes and
compute similarities between unmapped reads and known viral genomes

Benchmarking Data Privacy Approaches
● Requirement: Collect numerical data from n parties and calculate average value
● Implemented Secure Multi-Party Computation and Differential Privacy in Python
● Analyzed run time and accuracy of each approach to gain understanding of the pros and cons
Greedy Course Scheduler
● Requirement: Find minimum number of rooms to schedule given classes
● Designed data structure minimum heap in C++ and applied greedy algorithm to solve problem
Music Preference Extraction
● Created an application on Spotify; utilized Spotify API to get insights on users’ music preferences
● Normalized collected user's data using Python and pandas and constructed a relational database
using MySQL to answer questions about streaming trends

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