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New Consumer Insights.

More Profitable
Lending Strategies.
New consumer insights. More profitable lending strategies.

Broader and deeper data on consumers Extract value from the data
Trending 30 months of historical data on a By applying analytics to these data, institutions
consumer allows institutions to see patterns can interpret, identify and act on specific
and behaviors invisible in point-in-time views behaviors or make more confident decisions

Taking advantage of credit data traditionally Insights delivered in a way customers can use
ignored, institutions have greater insights
into capacity and payment behaviors to With use cases across the account lifecycle,
make confident decisions on an even this suite has capabilities ranging from raw data
broader spectrum of consumers to sophisticated models that can be delivered in
real time or in batch, allowing for simple integration
into existing operations

The dynamic economy continues to have an impact on consumer behavior and performance. Institutions that
evaluate consumers on a holistic level will have better insight into the drivers of performance, allowing them
to improve strategies across the account lifecycle. But do you have the tools to engage in and sustain
this approach? CreditVision is a suite of solutions that enables more precise lending decisions based on the
enhanced ability to identify specific credit trends. Enriched data and analytics provide a more comprehensive
view of consumer performance, so decisions can be improved across the account lifecycle.

Gain a broader and deeper view into a consumer’s credit profile with CreditVision.

Enriched credit report and attributes

→ New data fields from traditional credit report
PREMIUM → Enhancements to existing fields
Account history
→ Up to 30 months of account history data
ENRICHED → Configurable for 12, 18, 24 or 30 months
→ Nine data fields
→ Expanded maximum number of addresses returned
→ Date reported returned on all addresses,
where available
ADDRESS Risk and Propensity scores
→ Expanded historical data including payment ratios,
directional changes in balance and shifts in
utilization levels
→ More predictive than traditional scores
Premium algorithms
→ Premium algorithms based on historical account data
→ Packaged into sets by application
Leverage CreditVision to inform strategies across the account lifecycle


Find and connect with Initiate new relationships Learn of changes that Mitigate loss with efficient
more people that match and deliver a positive may impact customer investigations and
selection criteria user experience eligibility/profitability collections
→ How can I find → How can I make the → How can I retain → How do I prioritize my
more buyers in my best decisions about customers and sell delinquent consumers —
risk profile? who I serve? more to them? balance, date of delinquency,
→ How can I reach more → What opportunities exist → How do I identify ability to pay?
and better prospects for more consistent struggling consumers → How do I separate
by expanding my acquisition processes? in my portfolio before forgetful and sloppy payers
risk profile? → How can I approve more they go delinquent? from consumers in true
→ How can I stand out “good” customers? → How do I monitor life financial distress?
in the marketplace? → How can I reduce events in my portfolio
→ How can I make my manual reviews and to identify opportunities
offers more relevant? stay compliant? for new offers?

CreditVision solutions are FCRA-compliant, available through all TransUnion delivery channels and are
adverse actionable, with limited exceptions.1
CreditVision solutions are adverse actionable, except the following: CreditVision Bankcard Behavior Segments, CreditVision
Acute Relief Attributes, CreditVision Acute Relief Recovery Attributes, CreditVision Income Estimator, CreditVision Debt-to-Income,
CreditVision Propensity Scores
Enhance decisions by leveraging a view of payments, SOLUTION DELIVERY
credit behaviors and other factors spanning up to Account history report
30 months, including data fields such as:
• TU4.0
→ Balance: Evaluate how the account is used over time
• TU4.1
→ Credit limit: Understand a consumer’s access to credit over time • TUXML—Version 2.5 or later
→ High credit: Obtain indication of creditors’ willingness to extend
more credit to a consumer, or propensity to increase use
→ Payment due amount: Evaluate cash flow commitments
→ Amount past due: Identify changes in severity of delinquency over time
→ Actual payment amount: Evaluate payment behavior over time
→ Three remarks codes: Review additional historical status information

Access to additional dimensions of consumer

behavior supports improved lending decisions

Standard tradeline information

With standard credit information, lenders will only see the consumer’s
balance at the point in time when the credit report was ordered.
→ What will the balance be in future months?
→ How will this impact a credit decision?

Past Future
Total bankcard

$12,500 ?

Enriched tradeline information with account history

With enriched credit information, obtain a much more granular view
of consumer behavior.
→ Now, what will the balance be in future months?
→ Would the decision have changed?

Past Future
Total bankcard

Enriched Credit Report SOLUTION DELIVERY
Obtain a more complete consumer view through new credit Standard credit report
report data values and enhancements to existing fields Online
• TU4.0
New data fields Existing data fields • TU4.1
• TUXML—All versions
→ Actual Payment Amount with enriched values
→ Expanded Remark Codes → Historical Counters and Maximum Enriched credit report
Delinquency Enriched Payment Pattern
→ Last Maximum Delinquency Online
→ Expanded Field Lengths • TU4.1
• TUXML—Version 2.10
For other delivery options,
Standard credit report tradeline please contact your sales
Sub Sub Open Terms delin- MOP
name code date quency

Account Loan Verified Close Payment MO 30/ High

number type date date pattern 60/90 credit

Credit Generic
Balance Past due Remarks due
limit remark amount

Enriched credit report tradeline

Max Last max
Sub Sub Open Terms deli- delin- MOP
name code date quency quency

Account Loan Verified Close Payment MO 30/ High

number type date date pattern 60/90 credit

Com- Payment
Payment Credit Generic Rating
Balance Past due pliance due
amount limit remark remark
remark amount

Enriched New field Conceptual

Premium Algorithms SOLUTION DELIVERY
Understand key consumer behavior patterns such as revolving credit, CreditVision Premium
balance build, loyalty and product preference to enhance strategies Algorithms

• Standard and enriched
Wallet Share Aggregate credit reports
• Model report
• Collections
Prioritization Engine
Usage Magnitude
• Online Batch
credit data Batch:
• Prescreen
Trade to algorithms • Cross-Sell
Consumer Payment • Portfolio Review
• Archive

Spend Revolver

Aggregate Revolver
Offers monthly aggregations Categorizes card and retail
of monetary fields trades as revolving, transacting
Magnitude or inactive each month and
Measure the direction, velocity describes related behaviors
and recency of: balances; Spend
utilizations; bankcard credit Concentration, velocity
limits; past due amounts; and seasonal measures of
monthly obligations (minimum total consumer spend
amount due); excess payments; Trade to Consumer
loan/line amount patterns Offers views into tradeline
Payment level changes
Indentifies payment-based Usage
behaviors, such as payment Assesses utilization levels and
ratios, excess payments, amount of available tradelines
prepayment frequency
Wallet Share
and amount
Captures balance shifts indicative
of consumer loyalty
to tradelines over time
Risk scores
Better predict performance, improve strategies and enhance risk management

Built from TransUnion’s own enriched consumer credit report, CreditVision Risk Scores are more predictive
than traditional risk scores. Gain the benefit of new data, including actual payment amounts, 82-month extended
account-level payment patterns and 30 months’ history for each account — to help increase approvals and
bookings and reduce losses.


Designed to provide a deeper view of existing This score consistently beats traditional scores
loan portfolios, this score can be incorporated into at assessing risk and future performance on new
portfolio reviews to better understand risk and future accounts across a range of loan product types,
performance and adjust strategies accordingly. including credit cards, retail accounts, home equity
accounts, personal loans and finance accounts.
Acute Relief Risk Score
Trended usage and payment data are strong leading Personal Loan Risk Score
indicators of risk in this score, taking the place This dynamic risk score allows you to better predict
of data that may become invisible during acute performance on new unsecured installment loans.
Personal Loan Risk to Roll Score
Auto Risk Score This score is predictive of consumers who are one
Designed for auto lenders, financing companies cycle past due on their personal loans and identifies
and dealers, this risk score helps better predict those most likely to roll to 90 days past due, or within
performance on new auto loan accounts. the next 6 months.


This unique bankruptcy score produces a more These recovery scores incorporate number of
accurate assessment of a consumer’s likelihood payments, payment recency and size of payment.
to file bankruptcy across the risk spectrum and They are proven to be more predictive than using
the customer lifecycle. traditional data in models in recovering past-due
debt and include all industry, bankcard, medical,
telco/utility scores.
CreditVision New Account Score DELIVERY OPTIONS
outperforms other scores Online
• Standard and enriched
credit reports
Comparison of Risk Score K-S Values • Model report
• Collections
Traditional Risk Score CreditVision New Account 2.0 Prioritization Engine
• Online Batch
• Portfolio reviews
• Acquisition programs
• Archives
K-S Value

81% 126%

Sub Prime NearPrime Prime Prime Plus Super Prime

Risk tier defined independently of the two scores being evaluated

Comparison of Risk Score K-S Values

Bankcard Originations
Traditional Risk Score CreditVision New Account 2.0


K-S Value


Sub Prime NearPrime Prime Prime Plus Super Prime

Risk tier defined independently of the two scores being evaluated

Gain insights into key factors of a consumer’s financial life or existing relationships that may be
helpful at multiple stages in the account lifecycle.

APR Estimators
The APR Estimators provide insights into what a consumer is likely paying for credit on other accounts.
This can be invaluable for institutions to engage, acquire and retain existing accounts.

Debt to Income Estimator

Using trended data on monthly debt service and estimated income, institutions can quickly and accurately
understand the debt service burden for any one customer or prospect. This information can improve
campaign targeting, increase the speed of underwriting, help manage line and privilege assignments
on existing accounts, and help prioritize collections efforts.

Income Estimator
The CreditVision Income Estimator goes beyond wages and salaries to predict a consumer’s total income
— factoring in additional sources such as investment income, alimony, business income, IRA distributions,
pensions and annuities, real estate income, unemployment compensation and Social Security benefits.
CreditVision Propensity Scores
These scores provide an enhanced ability to identify specific credit trends, helping to increase
the odds of acquisition by specifically targeting active consumers. By studying consumer behavior,
institutions can act more quickly and with confidence that offers will be timely and well received.

Auto Loan Propensity Score HELOC Propsenity Score

Identify consumers more likely to Identify consumers more likely to
open a new auto loan within open a new HELOC account
the next three months in the next eight months

Auto Refinance Home Equity Propensity SCORE

Propensity Score
Identify consumers more likely to
Identify consumers more likely to open a home equity line or loan in
refinance an auto loan within the the next three months
next two to four months

Bankcard Propensity SCORE Mortgage Propensity Score

Identify consumers more likely to Identify consumers more likely to
open a new bankcard within the apply for a mortgage within the
next three months next five months

Consolidation Propensity Score Personal Loan Propensity Score

Identify consumers more likely to Identify consumers more likely to
consolidiate two or more loans into a open an unsecured installment loan
new unsecured installment loan in in the next three months
the next three months


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