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Trần Minh Hà- NN13DH-SP2

Topic: How to solution of over-population in VietNam?


I. Introduce:
- Thesis statement: Overpopulation is one of the most important issues in
many countries. However, we can solved these problems in many solution.
II. Body:
a. The reasons lead to over-population:
- Vietnam is a small developing country with 331.210 square kilometer area.
Vietnam’s population is increasing to approximately 93 million people in the 2016
and this figure tends to continue rising.
- The culture of Vietnam is similar to that of China. For example, many
families prefer having a son to having a daughter.
- There is not enough land. The land is insufficient for the future generation.
b. Solution of over-population:
- Sex Education:
+ Offer age-appropriate sexuality education for all students.
+ Provide universal access to safe and effective contraceptive options for
both sexes. Providing safe contraceptive methods and effective for both sexes
- Family Planning: each family should have one or two children at the most.
- Integrate lessons on population, environment, and development into
school curricula at multiple levels.
- Government policies: Some of the organizations that are helping curb
overpopulation: UNFPA: The United Nations Population Fund, Population
Institute: The Population Institute,…
- Education and job opportunities, especially for women. These are critical
components for alleviating poverty, gender inequality and overpopulation.
III. Conclusion:
- It is clear that the problems overpopulation in Viet Nam are very serious.
- If the impulsive population increase continues, many more people will die of
hunger, the life in the cities will become more and more difficult.
- Therefore, we need to solve the situation over- population nowadays.

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