Actividad Nro.°3 Inglés Gerundio

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Gerund vs To-Infinitive

Insert a gerund or a to-infinitive as adequate. (When to forms are possible, give both).
He wants to interview (interview) a pop singer.
There are two girls coming (come) up to the road.
Gabriel does the gardening (garden).
We’re trying to sleep (sleep).
She loves eating/to eat (eat) cereals for breakfast.
I’d like to know (know) how to play the violin.
That’s all right. I’ll wait! I don’t mind waiting (wait).
Stop talking (talk)!
I’ve finishes cleaning (clean) my flat.
She enjoyed dancing (dance).
He talked about flying (fly).
Don´t you mind sleeping/to sleep (sleep) on the floor?
Jane suggested going (go) to a disco.
You should avoid working (work) so hard. You are too weak.
She wants to have (have) a cold drink.
Kate hates eating (eat) sweets.
She’d like to be (be) famous.
It isn’t worth shouting (shout). He won’t hear you.
Thanks for explaining (explain) it to me. I didn’t understand.
She doesn´t like to write (write) long letters.

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