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Steve Jiang

Email: Cell: 214-436-1525

Senior BigData Engineer/ConsultantDW Architect/BI Developer

UTSW, Dallas, TX 01/2015- Present

1). Big data: HiveQL query HADOOP and pull extract files to data lake. Data migration from
HBASE to SQL server database through Sqoop. Spark SQL to pull streaming data to data lake.
HDFS,MapReduce,YARN,Pig.Working cloud platforms include Azure (Databricks, Synapse,
ADF, AML), AWS(Glue, Redshift, Quicksight, Airflow), Snowflake, GCP.

2). Data warehouse architecture. Collected business rules and requirements. Multiple source
system identification. Data cleansing. data mapping, data dictionary, data modeling (conceptual,
logical, physical), dimensional modeling. Staging, ODS, NDS, DW, DM, ETL/ELT. Master Data
Management design and development. Cube creation. Data analysis. Data mining. Multiple data
sourcing and database experiences include  Excel, Flat file, SQL Server, Oracle, Teradata, Sybase,
Netezza, MySQL, Postgresql, Hadoop,Spark, NoSQL, MongoDB, Azure, AWS, Snowflake,

3). Maintenance and ad-hoc development related to servers, databases, tables, views, index,
cursors, triggers, user defined functions, stored procedures, SQL jobs,  batch jobs, SSIS packages,
OLAP cubes(MDX), SSRS reports(DAX). Database backup & restoration strategy, disaster
recovery, mirroring, replication, log shipping, clustering. C# scripting. C# application called stored
procedures. Built VB.NET interface to insert/delete/update back-end databases. Performance
tuning included: monitored server activities, patching, database consistency Check, DBCC, DMV,
index defragmentation, statistics updates, partitioning, shrinking. Performance improvement of
ETL packages, SSAS cubes, SSRS reports, SQL queries.

4). Report/dashboard visualization through SSRS/Power BI/Microstrategy/Tableau/Qlikview/

Crystal. Installation and configuration of web server, gateway connection. Maintenance of
metadata, system updating, security, ad-hoc troubleshooting. Created reports/dashboards and
released to end users.

5). Machine Learning, statistics modeling and prediction in Azure ML platform: Created Deep
Learning solutions includes LSTM, RNN, CNN for pattern recognition of Image, Speech, Text,
Video, Motion-capture, and other high-dimensional data. Other models and algorithms included:
Regression, SVM, Bayesian Networks, KNN, K-means, Decision Tree, Random Forest. Featured
AI projects included: COVID pandemic trend prediction, mask wearing monitoring, call center
NLP interpretation. Python coding for the datasets, ML models, training, validation, prediction.

6) Project lead/management. Proposed future project plans. Trained new team members. System
support. Maintained daily, weekly, monthly, annual reports. Managed multiple projects: payor,
provider, member, claims, plan, pharmacy, lab, billing, CRM, EMR, HL-7 messaging, ad-hoc
request of new function addition into current systems, design/development/test of applications and
web portals. Code review, code deployment, unit and stress testing. Source control using TFS.
SharePoint development/design/administration. Supported, maintained, and developed interfaces/
applications/web portals through C#/C++/JAVA/Python/R/VB.NET/Node.js/JavaScript/XML/

Data Engineer/Business Intelligence Developer/ Database Admin

HP, Plano, TX 06/2013- 12/2014

1). Created data mart from scratch to enable tracking, managing and reporting on this critical
remediation strategy. Designed and created a snowflake-schema Data Mart in SQL Server 2012
with ERWin. Master Data Management design and development.

2). SSIS packages were created to load data into the data mart from different sources. Created
SSIS packages to load the staging tables, data marts, and to run jobs. C# scripting.

3). Created Views and Table-valued Functions to provide the reporting solutions. Stored
procedures were created to load data and to log errors in ETL.

4). Created OLAP cubes to analyze the performance from different perspectives. Utilized SSAS
cubes for reporting needs. Designed and developed BI solutions using multidimensional cubes
including MOLAP and ROLAP.

5). Created SSRS Reports based on user’s requirement. Maintained reporting applications,
provided ad hoc query/reporting support as needed to meet business and customer demands.
Released to Sharepoint, or end users.

6). Analyzed, coded and troubleshot applications developed in VB.NET/C#/JAVA/VBA/HTML/

JavaScript. Design, estimation, construction, unit and integration testing of web-tier components
(IIS,VBScript, Java,JSP, JavaScript, HTML, XSLT, CSS, SOAP/REST).

7). DBA duties: Scheduled and monitored all maintenance activities including database
consistency check, index defragmentation, statistics updates, partitioning, shrinking, mirroring,
replication, log shipping, data backup & restoration strategy, disaster recovery. Deployed all the
data mart objects and SSIS packages to SQL Server 2012 production server, and jobs
were scheduled run the packages.

8). Performance tuning tools: SQL Server Profiler, Database Engine Tuning Advisor, Performance
Monitor, Activity Monitor, Dynamic management views (DMVs).

9). Big Data distribution system configuration and administration (HDFS, YARN, MapReduce,
Hive, Pig, HBASE,etc). Caching, containerization, microservices. Data streaming (Kafka,Storm).
Scripting to automate cluster operations, orchestration of jobs and deployment of codes. Capacity
planning, performance tuning, monitoring and troubleshooting of incidents to maintain service

10). Architected, designed and developed cloud infrastructure and applications. Provided
management solutions (Backup/Monitoring/Automation etc), system integration, custom scripting
technologies to support Cloud Platform.

SQL&BI Developer/ Database Administrator

UTSW, Dallas, TX 05/2010- 05/2013

1). Scheduled and monitored maintenance activities of SQL Server 2005/2008/2012 to meet
business requirements activities including database consistency check, index defragmentation, data
backup & restoration strategy, etc. Maintained SQL Jobs which refresh Data Warehouse, process
cubes, and backup databases.

2). Migrated the databases, cubes, packages from SQL 2008 to SQL 2012 based on the business

3). Designed and implemented snowflake-schema Data Warehouse in SQL Server based on the
existing data warehouse. Master Data Management design and development.

4). Modified and tuned existing SSIS packages. Created new SSIS packages to load the staging
tables, data marts. Created SSIS packages with which data from different resources were loaded
daily in order to create and maintain a centralized data warehouse. Made the package dynamic so
it fits the environment. C# scripting.

5). SSAS cube designing and construction. Maintained SSAS services. Data analysis and data
mining. Risk control.

6). Managed and developed existing and new ETL processes for SQL Server reports. Refreshed
staging tables with ETL. Scaled SSIS to make it work more reliable. Wrote enterprise reports and
stored procedures upon requests. Designed report models to meet business requirements and
allowed users to perform fast queries.

7). Created views and functions to provide the reporting solutions. Created SSRS reports to
demonstrate how they work and what reports they can provide. Created dashboards/KPI for Risk

8). Database architecture design. Data modeling using Erwin.

9). Performance tuning. Optimized databases, managed system securities, tracked logs and issues.
Troubleshot issues in jobs, reports, SSIS packages. Trained the business users to create Ad hoc
reports of their own.
10) More DBA duties: Scheduled and monitored maintenance activities of SQL Server to meet
business requirement activities including database consistency check, mirroring, replication, log
shipping, data backup & restore strategy, index defragmentation. Managed the production,
development, and test database including access controlling, high availability, performance
monitoring and tuning, capacity planning. Maintained SQL jobs which refresh Data Warehouse,
process cubes, and backup databases. Migrated the databases, cubes, packages from SQL
2005/2008 to SQL 2008/2012 based on the business requirements. Monitored the status of all
databases and servers including CPU, memory, I/O, space management, block, and dead lock.

Ph.D, Computer Science, University of Nebraska 2010

Azure Data Scientist

Softwares/languages/technologies used
SQL Server, Oracle, Netezza, MySQL, Teradata, Sybase, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, DB2, IDERA, ERWin.

SSRS, Microstrategy, Power BI,Excel, Tableau, Qlikview, Crystal reports, SSIS, Informatica Power center,
DataStage, Sharepoint.

T-SQL, PL/SQL, C++, Java, Scala,, NodeJS, jQuery, Javascript, ReactJS, AngularJS, R, Matlab, SAS,
Perl, Python, TFS, Git, JIRA, Red Gate, Rally.

Redhat, UNIX, Linux, PowerShell, Shell scripting, Hadoop, Spark SQL, Hive, Impala, Pig, Kafka, Sqoop, HBase,
Oozie, Flume, Falcon, Storm, Lucene, Docker, Elasticsearch, AWS Redshift, DynamoDB, Azure, Splunk,
ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana.

Neural network, Deep Learning, NLP, SVM, Bayesian, HMM, Regression, time-series analysis, classification
models, decision trees. Theano, Caffe, TensorFlow, Torch, NLTK, SciPy, SciKit, MLib, numpy, matplotlib,
pandas, OpenCV.

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