Getting Ready Guide - Boudoir Instructions

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Getting Ready Guide: Boudoir

By Inc.

Content may be used for personal & commercial purposes.

Fonts Used

Raleway: ​

Mermaid: ​

How To Install A Font Tutorial


How To Add Images To Your Templates in Photoshop - How to add my photos to a template


How To Create a Multi-Page .PDF in Photoshop & Adobe Acrobat

1) Save each page out in Photoshop as a separate .PDF file, numbered correctly from 1 to 8.

2) Use Adobe Acrobat to create a .PDF binder of them. Here is an excellent video on how to do this (it's
suuuuper easy!): ​


InDesign Instructions

Our editable .INDD files can only be opened with Adobe InDesign. If you have Photoshop but you do not
have InDesign, we recommend downloading the trial version here:

Indesign is very simple to use and the learning curve is quick! You can find many great tutorials online for
using InDesign.

To edit our InDesign files, follow these simple instructions:

1. Open the .INDD file in Adobe Indesign

2. Customize the InDesign file to your liking! Don’t forget to change your studio contact information and
any of the pre-written copy. We use “Galleree Studio” or “Galleree Photography” for placeholders in
the pre-written verbiage, so make sure you change that to your studio name.
Here is a great tutorial on editing text in InDesign:

All image areas in our InDesign files are depicted as grey shapes, which serve as a frame for
your image(s). Here is a great tutorial on placing an image into a frame in InDesign:

3. Saving the file as a .PDF is key to ensuring you’re outputting a file clients will be able to view on their
computer or mobile devices. To save out your .PDF, go to File > Export. This will bring up a .PDF
save dialogue box. ​Make sure the file format at the bottom is set to Adobe PDF (Print).

4. You’re all set! The file is now ready to email to your customers. Enjoy!

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