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Radio Interview

Funding for Schools and Corruptness in School System

Steve: Hello everyone! I have Rowan Daufeldt, child of Olivia Tompkins, presidential candidate.

Me: Hi! Thank you for having me!

Steve: Today I wanted to ask you about the plans Ms. Tompkins has for the schools in this nation. I heard
there were big plans.

Me: We have a bunch of things in mind mostly for the school system starting off with the school lunches
and breakfasts. Kids do need healthy meals that are edible. There needs to be an alternative because
many students have food restrictions. This also allows students to eat and not having to worry about

Steve: Did you have any problems with school lunches personally?

Me: I did in fact. I got raw chicken a couple of times, hair and plastic in my food.

Steve: eXcUsE mE!?!? That is nasty. Since this problem will affect health what will you do to make sure
kids are getting the food they need.

Me: First off, we need to make sure the food we give the schools is good quality. To get that money we
will cease unneeded renovations.

Steve: You said you guys had a lot of things in mind for schools?

Me: Oh yes, the school system has rules in place that are unfair and don’t make sense.

Steve: Can you elaborate?

Me: (topic sentence) For example if Student A attacks Student B and Student B does not fight back or
tries to get away, both will still get suspended.

Steve: Even if Student B does not engage?

Me: Yes, they still got in a ‘fight.’ I understand if Student B fought back but even then, it’s still self-
defense. They also don’t fact check and base things off what students said.

Steve: Really?

Me: Yep, it’s sad because you have a student who got attacked is innocent and just wanted to get away
from the situation is also getting punished just as much as the student who initiated the attack.

Me: We do have one more thing that needs to be addressed and that is the fact that teachers don’t get
paid enough. Since teachers are not paid enough to deal with snotty kids, there is a teacher shortage
which causes schools to have to lower their standards and hire inadequate teachers. This leads to bad
teaching which makes the kids suffer.

Steve: I didn’t realize that low pay would cause all of that.
Me: yeah, people think that the kid doesn’t pay attention or get their work done when in reality it’s the

Steve: Why doesn’t the kid ask the teacher questions?

Me: If you have a teacher and can’t understand what they are trying to stay, why ask questions when
they are either going to yell at you or explain it the same way as before. The internet can only teach
people so much. Parents don’t what kids are learning so they’re out.

Steve: An easy way to fix this is to give schools more money but how can you make sure that the money
is going towards the teachers and not sports?

Me: In order to upgrade a sports stadium or court you need permission and we didn’t grant permission
to upgrade sport’s team but for the teachers.

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