Interview Questions

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• Questions

• 1. About M.E project

2. Semaphore
3. Linked List
4. Cache memory
• 1.About B.E and M.E projects.
2. RTOS ,Deadlock, seamphore and applications
3. DSP and its application.
4. Filters-butterworth
• 1. About B.E and M.E project
2. Pointers
3. Difference between semaphore and mutex
4. Explain real time use cases of semaphore.
5. What is RTOS and how is it different from normal OS?
• 1. About ME and Btec project.
5.Firmware and hardware difference

• 1. About ME and BE project

2. About RTOS - Deadlock, interrupts, starvation
3. DSP - what is dsp, what is signal processing
• 1.About Btech and M.E projects
2.Covered almost all the topics in the RTOS
3. Interupts, Semaphores,Deadlock, Critical Secions, Semaphores, Types of
Semaphores i.e., binary and counting semaphores, Reader-Writer Problem.
• 1.what is meant by Dangle pointer,void pointer.
2.Tell me about process sections.
3.Difference between malloc and calloc.
4.Difference between timer and counter and waorking of timer.
5.RTOS concepts like scheduling algorithms .
• 1. Can an array be converted into a queue? How?
2. What is a binary tree? How to insert an element into a binary tree?
3. What are interrupts?
4. What is a constant variable?
5. Give a macro for finding the greatest among two numbers.
6. Write a function that accepts arguments of any data type.
7. Define: Dangling pointer,  Watchdog timer,  Volatile pointer.
8. Difference between malloc and calloc.
• 1. About M.E. project and questions regarding types of modues used.
2. What are interrupts, its types, how interrupts are called. Questions regarding IVT
and how it functions.
3. Pointers: Types, how pointers work, Dangling pointers with an example, Memeory
4. DMA: malloc, calloc..etc.
5. Structures.
6. Stack, Queues and Linked Lists
7. Macro for finding the greatest among two numbers.
8. What is Watchdog timer and its uses
9. RTOS concepts: Scheduling, Semaphores...etc.
• 1.How find loop in a linked list based structure
2.Check if a given number is power of 2
3.Define Process and Thread. How they are different
4. Pipeling
• 1.linked list
2.calloc,malloc,dangling pointer
3 virtual memory
4 context switch
5 deadlock
6 scheduling algorithms
7 difference between process and threads
8 to find the middle element in the linked list
9 difference between arduino and raspberry pi
• 1.About ME Project and BE Project.
2.About Work Experience.
4.Page Fault.
5.Storage Struture.
6.Difference Between Static Variable and Normal Variable.
7.Virtual Memory.

• 1. about M.E and B.Tech Projects.

2. What is context switch
3. Difference between process and threads
4. Stacks and queues
5. What is a Static variable
6. Applications of stack and queues
7. What is virtual memory
• 1.ME and BE projects. to count the number of zeros from sigle bit input reduce time complexity
3.what is bootloader
4.diffrence between class and structures.
5.sorting methods.
6.what is semaphore
7.what is diffrence between procedural and oops
8.what is diffrenec between structure and unions
9.what is context swithcing
10.opps concepts
11.what is real time operating systems complexity problems
13.diffrence betweem selection and merze sorting which taking 1 byte memory
• 1. ME project
2. Linked lists and trees
3. Sorting methods for certain problems based on time complexity
4. Bootstrapping
5. Semaphores
6. Dangling pointers
7. Effective approach to find an element in a 3x3 matrix, and its time complexity.
8. Differences between structures and classes
9. Differences between processes and threads

• 1. BE and ME projects.
2. 2D matrix where elements are in some order, an
effective method to find an element in the matrix
of higher orders.
3. bootstrap process, zombie process.
4. ATM machine case study.
5. pointers .
6. semaphores and mutual exclusion.
7. process , threads, deadlock.
8. sorting algorithms time complexity

• 1.About M.E project and its real time applications

2.Process and Threads
3.Context switch and process states
5.Stacks,queues and linked lists
6.Pageing and Virtual Memory

• 1.Virtual Memory
2.Static and Non-Static variables
3.Stacks and Queues
4.Interrupts and Interrupt Service Routine
5.File Operations
6.Reader/Writer Problem
7.Disadvantage of having more number of registers
• 1.About mini project.
2.about classes and objects
3.features of OOPs
4.pointers in function and dangling pointer
5.clear and set particular bits in lpc2148
6.about stacks and queues.
7.interrupt vs polling
8.memory management in 0S.
9.RISC VS CISC difference.
10.Steps invloved when interrupt occurs in controller

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