Sjp-E 1950

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1 Hail the Signal!

(Isaiah 11: 10)
Eg;altedly; in flowing ma1111er

As far as possible the songs --.;

1. All hail tbt! glo - rio11li Sig - nal raised I See Christ on Zi - on1s hill!
have been arranged through- 2. The 1'rom·nant11 who wit-ness bear By mak-ihg known God'll will,
8. Let lll1 who hope Par • n • dise All earth with praise to fill,
out the book in alphabetical
order according to the opening
wor:d of the first verse. For
index of aongs according to
title, rec pages 95 and 96.

See Christ on Zi • on'11 hill I By an - gels let his name bo praised;

By mak - ing known God's will, fraise him Wh06e reign you soon will eh are;
All earth with p1·a1se to fill, Je - ho • vah's Sig - nal

Ooflfrlgbt, 1950, bf
Watchtower Blble and Tract 8-0clety, Inc.
Brooklyn, N. Y. 8. bail him!
.A. Clime
r, bail• him I
o~ Zi-11t)'a Jiilll
hail him I
hail him/ Hail Christ 01\ Zi-on's hill!
T, Anil ,.fo1/ hall .............................. Mm/
B, .iu.:..o..._•.__~·:u••'•~•····•••'•· ..n.OL...... ........ ,.wi......................... , Aitn/
Prtnted tn the United Statee of Ammoa

2 Hail the Lord's Anointed! 3 The Greater Jephthah Calls!
Wifh assur1mce; flowing march tempo

1. All bail the Lord's A - noint - ed, J e - ho - vah's bless - ed Son! l. A. - rise I A - rise I You hosta of God, Gird firm your ar - mor on.
2. He brings de - liv - 'ranee speed - y To those who suf - for wrong; 2. He calls I He calls I With joy we haste To join him in the fight.
3. To him let praise un - ceas - ing And dai - ly thnnks 11s - cend; 3. No more at easa will we sit down, But in bis strength we go.

This is the day ap - point - ed, His reign he bas be - gunl The time has eome for all to llght Till vie • t't-y bas been won.
To help the poor and need - y, And urge the weak be strong. His strength will bear our spir - its up To bat - tie for the right.
His King- dom, still in - erea.s - ing, Will be with - out an end. With bold - ness, trnst - ing in his grace, We tear not an • y foe.

He comes to breat op - pres • sion, To set the cap - tives f.ree, The Great-er Jeph-tbahgoes be-fore; He leads his might-y throng.
He gives them songs for sigh - ing, Their dark-ness turns to light, W rlre will - ing in his day of pow'r To serve as he does guide;
The right - eous world will nev - er Hie love cease to pro - claim; Ob, use us, Lord, to serve for you; Shield us with your great pow'r

To take a - way trans - gres - sio.n, And l'Ule in eq - ni - ty. Then rise and join him in the ranks; liis truth will be our song-.
Whose souls, condemned and dy - ing1 Wore pre - cious in his sighl. With Ioy - al and with f.aith·fnl hearts, We la - bor on his side.
The - oc - ra - ey will ev - er Up - hold Je - ho - vah's name. A.a 1irm we stand un - to the end, Till your tri- um-phant houri

4 "Be Glad, You Nations, with His People!-.
(Romana Iii: 10. Botber:h&a) -s Hosannas for David's Son!
(PA1na U81 a2, a5)

glad, you na-tions, with liis The King-dom ia at bani!, 1. Christ, the New World'a 811?e foun-da-tion, Is the tem-ple's cor-ner-stone,
glnd1 yon na-tions, with bis This world is no&· the brink 2. Zi • OD1 that de - 1'0t • ed cit- y, Dea.r-}y loved of God on high,
glad, yon na-tions, with bia Go tell fl'om door to door
3. ID your tem • ple, where we bless you, Grant us grace to stand eneh day;

The Sig - nal ijtanda np - on ?. ount Zi - on; Re - joiee in ev - 'ry land I

Of At • ma - ged-don 1s des - o - la -t!on; It's near • er than they think f Cho· sen of the Lord, and pre • cious, Bind-ing all the church in one;
The good news of Je ·ho· vah'a king-dom; Yes, tell It moreand more, In ex -ult - ant jn - bi • la • tion Pours out heart-felt meI - o . dy,
ID the shad-ow o! yoaratronghand Keepyoursheepfromharm,wepray,

Ho • ly Zi - on'a help for - ev • er, And her con • ti • dance a - lone.

God's high praiS-es bold • ly Binr-ing In the homes and pub - lie • ly.
And in pet'·fect peace m1-taintbomWhiletbeirmindson you Lheystay.

Be glad, you 1lll-tionl!, with is peo • plel 1e • ho - vah's King hoIda nay I
Webail lhAtPrince"lrith e.i - uJ • ta-tion; He ev - u will i.n-oreaae I
Be gl111l, you na-tiollll, with his peo • ple I Serve God in faith • fal-ness I
Fer - ven• • ly OUl' loud ho • tan - nns We for Da • 'rid's Son now sing.

messed th~ People! (Concluded)
6 Blessed Are the People!
(Pealm 89: 15)

Happily; witlt. steady movement

etud - ies his Word. Heed ma King - dom mee • sage and

L Bless·ed aro the peo - pie Who know the joy-fnl soond, With whom your truth
2. Sa - tan and his l&-gions A.Te press-ing all a-round; So let your faith
3. Do not lose your coor-age Tho man - y torn a - way, Tho they tho troth

Prove your de - vo • tion eing·Uig forth his praise I

is found, Who spread it all a-round; For they will ev - er walk In the
1 J His Word Is Truth
(J ohn l 'h 17)
a - bound; ;Make eiirth with praise re-sound. Je - ho - vah has pro -vid - ed A.
gain-say; Still watch and fight and pray; For we must stand the test And in- 1'endr,rly; in a st4stai11ed nu11me1·

1. Bless - ed Bi- ble, pre-cious Word, TTuth most sa - ettd from the Lord;
2. It's a lamp of pur - osl light Guid - ing feet thru depthe of night·
3. It's a spring of wa - ter clear Of - f'ring life to all tluat bear.'
ligh& of your lace, Find-ing, as they serve, Riehsnp-pliesof your graoe.
4. God's Word is in-spired and trae; Gives re- proof, in • struc- tion too·
~ '

id-age for the meek; He will all those shield Who his righteousness seek.
teg-ri • ty dil • plly. Hav-ing GocPs ap • prov - al, Carenot men W/•

To his name let praise be giv'o For gra-cious gift from heav'n.
And the tOTcb of lib - er - ty; Y<'s, its "truth will set you free".
Free • Jy d,rink, 0 tbir.:l • y one; Who -110 - ev - er will 1nay come.
That his serv-aQts per - feet - ly For good works e-quippea will be.
Bless'd is thena-tionwhose Ood ill theLord; Bless' d is tbemanwhodai-ly

8 "Fear Them Nod" '•Fear 'Jltem Notf11 (Ctmcluded)
(Matthew 10: 28) <Jhort/.$; in a S'UStain~d mG?t-ner
Oonfukntly; with vigor/

Fear I.ham not, 0 my be - Jov - ed, Tho their boast-ing threats may ny !
1. Ev - er oo - "ard, 0 m.y peo-ple, Let the King - dom. ti • dings go I
2. Tb<> your foes be strong and man - y, Tho they thl' and I'll • vile;
3. Nev-er fear you are for-got-tAm; I am still yourstrengthandahieldl

I will keep my faith - ful serv - ant As tho ap-ple of my eye.

Trem • ble not be • fore ~your
foe! Let all men of good - will know
Tho they use fair speeeh and emileThe llll • 1fBr - y to be • guile,
Tho you <lie up • on the 6eld, E • ven death to me will yield.

Praise the King of Eternity

Majestically; with power

~ '-'
And do-sll'Oytheil.' proud op-pres-aor,Let-ting all his eap-tives go. 'Yhile hosts in beav'n your prais-es sing May we on earl your love pro - claim.
For your God pre - serves his faith - ful, Keeps them free from all restraint I I 11 epre~d your sa - ered truths a-hrond, /\nd to man-kind your love make known,
To the eod, oh, be you faith - ful I I will bring yoll to your goal. Your vm - di-ca - tion ~e'll a-wait, Till you a-gainst your foes a • rise.
May ev - '17 land, the earth a-round, Yet hear, and in your name re - joice.

10 Examine Me, 0 God 11 God's Righteous Requirements
(P..1. 26) Happily; with. flowi1tg movtment

1. Faith-ful to God, oh, let us be, Hold-ing last our in • teg- ri. ty·
Try mind and heart, 0 bod;
Will pab - lish and de - elart1,
2. If we bnt sin - gle keep oar sight Our bod-ies will be lull of tight.
S Ob, let us help our b1ot.h-ers r.rue, Love as our-selves our neigh-bore too;
Nor take a - way my lite

Fo1· your love is be - fore my eyes, Your paths of truth l'vo trod. From house to house with joy yro-claim The gfries of Je. ho-vah'a name.
And tell of all your might - y work!!, That great and won - drous att.. If 'bovo all else we guard the heart E : ter-nal life will be our part.
\Vithmllllwhosehandsar~ full ot: bribes, With men ot blood and strife. And dwell in peaee and u - ni - ty With all who serve God faith-ful- ly.

My hands in in - no - cence, 0 Lord, I'll wash and pu - ri - Cy; Ilil mi.n • is-ters, we com-fort bring To mourn-mg ones, eause them to sing·
The hab - i - ta - tion ot your house, Lord, I have loved so well; Jf wm a-lert to preach the Word Tho truth by man - y will be heard.
Bat u for me, Lord, I will keep In - teg - ri - ty al - ways, As min - is-ters, our bless-ed state We kilell-ly"°aJdap-pre. ci-ate;

Marie lD the ~heads those that 11gh; Point to the Sig - nal set ou higb.
So to your al - tar I will come, Your name to mag - ni - fy. If wemaltestraight.pathsforour feet Our King-domjoywill be oom-plete.
Ycs, in that place I do de · light Where does your hon - or dwell. Oh, may we keep it free from blame; Thus vin-di-cate Je-ho-vah'aname.
And with your peo • pie I will sing More and yet more your praiu.

12 t3
12 Forward! You Witnesses! Forward! You Witnesses! CConeluded)
(2 TUnoUay 2;3,,)

RuoluteZy: i1l moderols march ls•npo

fl''irm 4nd de - tu-mined in this time ot the end, are O<ld's
l.n,ear-less a - pin11t Sa - tan's worldcon-spir- a - ey With faith in je-
SJus - tice and truth have been pushed a· aidl' by man1 The namo of Je-
2.? 'l'here-foru the Mo~t High has i;iv - en tho OOtn·JJlj1lld To push the ad-
SSol - diers of
3· 1O<ig and his
Job do not seek a li!e of ease; The world and its
foro - es with bold-ncss U1cy de - fy; The boast-ing of

S!>erv-ants the good new:; tode-fl'nd; He taught lhem to war and to

Ibo - vah they faco the en • e - ID} Un-daunt - ed bythreats or by
Sho • vah tho de-mons seek to ban; These-mus~ be re-stored to their
lvanccof true wor-ahip in the land; His peo • pte with serv - lee he
Sru - lers they do not try to please; Un - spot - tcd at all times re-
?Sa - tan they show to be a lie; in · teg • ri • ty at - ways main·

Ho tanght tluim townr and to eon. qu;;;r-'
lran-corl Un - daunt - ed by threats or by ran - corf
'pl110-esl These must be re • atored to their plae - es I

l t.ain • ing I
His peo - pie with
Un - spot - ted at
In • teg • ri - ty
serv • ice he grao - es I
all times re • main· ing I
al - waysmain-tain • ingl

- -
t the New World is near, That the kingdom o! God is es. tab-lisbed I

13 'Forward!' Be Our Watchword
Confidently; flowing tnarcl~ -
14 Giving Jehovah the

lVith warmfh; flowingly

(1 Cortathlau •17)

-r 7'
l. 'Forward I' be our watchword, Steps and voic·es joined; Seek tho things be-fore us,
2. For-ward, flock of Je • aus, Snit of oil the earth, Till God's gracious purpose 1. Give praise to Je - ho· vahl It's his light di • vine--'
8. Glo - ries up · on glo • ries Hos our God prepared, By all those that love him 2. Set
3. Go
him e'er
forth with
be • foro you ;
re • joio • ing,
Keer. self out
Ood s serv - ico

That but to his glo • ry Should thra you e'er shine.
So will you shine for him With heav'n's ra - diant light.
Give thanks for each priv- 'lege He of • feta to you.

Who will dream of shrink:-ing, By our Cap·tain Jed 9 Forward in the scrv-ice, You have 11oth - ing wor • thy Y 011 did not re - ccive

Shed up· on the na-tions Christ's bright Kingdom rny. Forward ' gross error, Walk e'er in his pres • once, Give God the first place,
Nor of these had ut-tered Tbo't or speech a word. Forward, march straight fonvard, Give praise to Je • ho - vah; His King- doin pro - claim,

Thru the toilandflgbt; Je-sus goes be-fore us, Zi • onbcrunswithlight. -...__...
From Ood, yoar Cre a • tor; To him hon· or give.
Sent • ter gloom of night; 1''or11·ard lhN the darkness, For-wa1'd in • to light. En • deav - or • ing ol - ways His mes • sage to place.
In tho path of Jight, Till Ood'" Word fullllled is, Till our faith be sight. Till earth's teem • ing mil· lions wm hon • or his uame.

16 \!J
Living Up to the Name (Concluded)
15 Living Up to the Name
With ioitsnsity and gra«fttt flow

na - ture your glo - ry pro - claim;

Dlcst as your wit - ness • es,
proaoh should de - ttact from your fame; Be - ing your wit - ness - es,
bear - era and us we would bring; And, chief of all, there • by
1. CJlo -nous Je · ho - vah, al • might - y, e - te1· •, Per - feet in
2. Help us, 0 Lord, to use well each oo - ca • s1on Your name to
3. As we con - tin • ue in your bless · ed sen· • ice, Dwell - ing tc...

gra- cious Je - ho - vah, Oh, may we ev • er live up to the name I

great is our priv-'legel Oh, may we ev • er live up to the name!
'IV& will bring glad - ness, Joy to your heart, 0 Je - ho - vah our King I

jus - tice and match - less in love; So11rce

hon - or and yo11r sheep t-0 feed, Gifts
geth - e: in love and in peace, ..
16 Grateful Praise

1. GreatGod,wathank you for the part We have in mak-ing gladyou.rheart;

in - I! - nite wis- dom, The - o. crat rul - ing in heav - en a · hove; 2. E - ter • nal are your mer-cies, Lord; E - tcr - nal truth at-tends your Word;
al - ways im-prov • ing As your in-struc • tions we faith - £ul - ly heed. a. Let 111nl-ti-tudestbeirtrib-utebring;In songs of praise ex- ult-.i.Qg Bing;
our dill· ly por • tion, Joy fllb our hearts aa yoar prais·eii in-crease. 4. In ev - 1ry land swell loud the song; From honse to house bear it a - long;

For all your lov - ing-kind-ness shown Yolll' praise we joy-ons - ly make known,
Myr - iads of an • gels de - light in your serv · iee, Won· det"S of
Lest sotne re· Your ptaise will sound from shore to shore, World with-out end1 for ev. er - more.
We would be care • ful of our dai • ly con· duct
Bis vin - di - ca.- tion loud pro-claim, And ev-er praise Je. ho-vah's name.
Up to the n~e may we cv - er be !iv • ing; Life to our
The Sig - nal for all peo-ples taisc, And fill the earth with joy-ful praise.

17 Keeping Integrity 18 ff Love's More Excellent Wav
With delermina1i<m; flotving march. tempo c1 eortnthJ&na m
With tender warmlA; /lowi7tgly

1. Ood ha.a now com - mand - eJ That

the1~ shall be light
2. With the King - dom good news go forth to spread
3. Faith-fut in your scrv ice, Help us, Lord, to be; 1. God is love. He sets the pat-tern: "Walk in love's ex - eel-ling way,
2. We may spend much time in serv - ice, Per - se - cu· tion too en-dure;
3. Love is pa • tienL, love is gen -tlo, Not ill-man-nered doea it act;

Ot earth's a~
- long night.
the mourn • er11, Hope for e'en their dead. Love o! God and love o! neigh-bor Prompt-ing all you do and !&'f.''
llrm, un • brok • co Our in - l.t>g - ri · ty. Yet what prof. it would it bring us It our mo. tive were not pnref
la not self - ish, nor re - aent-ful, Us - es The - o - crat - ic tact.

bis ho • ly Light - nings lla.•h 1m1l shinr,

Tho we bad aU faith and knowl-edge, Oi.fta of tongues and proph-e • oy,
our strength to wit - nm Comes from God a - lone; Love is con - 1i - dent and hope • ful, In the truth it takes de - light;
your cho - sen peo pie, Will with joy pro - cl11im Lovo and f&th and hope con • tin - ue AB we se.rv& our God a • bove;

That we may be g11icl ed - By the

light di -knO\\'R.
vine. Yet it love it - 6elf were lack-ing \Ve would sim - ply noth-ing ~.
He makes our rom - mis - sion To rlenr - ly Love iastTOng, all things en - dur • ing, A.nd re - joic • es in the right.
Glo ry, praise and hon or . To your ho ly name. And the wa;v that's more ex - eel - ling Ia the way o! per-feet Jove.
19 Be Strong in Faith 20
__.., Theocracy's Increase
(IAiab 40) (laa.iah 9: 6, 7)

N obl'Y; smooth-flowing
Triumphantly; with vigor I

1. God's serv-ants, who oow seek to bring Glad ti - dings to the meek,
2. Com-J>ared with him, the One most high ~d who ere • a • ted all, 1. Hail Tho The - oe • ra - oy, ev - er io - creas-ing I lttar-v'louoi eic-
3. Let faith in God yourstreoglhre - new Hts onme to vill-di-cate; 2. Long years a - go saw the low - ly bo - gin-niog A.JJ OlD' Re-
8. Christ on his judg-ment throne sits 11nd is reign-ing; Na • tioos and
4. Won • der - ful Coun-s'lor 411d Fa-ther au - per- naJ, Might- y is

pan - sion is now Ink - ing place I Praise to Jo - ho - vah ia

deem - er his earth - ly 'VIY trod; Now a great mu! - ti- tnde
pco - pies be-fore him np-pear; Soon God'11 au • prem • a - cy
he, and the Rul - t>r of Peace. Zeal of Jo • ho - vah as-

Do yon not know, have you oot heard E - ter - nal is the Lord'
With-in hia hands he holds the seas, \Veighs mouo-1.a.ina in hia seale ;
Your song of prais - cs to the Lord Let men of good-will hear;

i.ung with-out ceus-ing; "Rt'm-nant" and "oth - <•r ohl>t>p" joy in his gmcc.
trib - ute 11ro bring-ing, Hail - ing the King, the A. noint-td of God.
He grows not faint, he does not deep; Your f.Uth he '"ill re • ward, he'll be inain·taln-ing, Crush-ing his l'D - o - mies both f1u· 11nd neal'.
The hcav - ens meas - ores with his span; His pow - er eao • not fail tmres peace e • ter - nnl, .'.\fok · ing his gov-cm - ment l'V- t>I' in ·eTease.
And nev - er fear the wrath of man; Be strong and of good oheer

21 Jehovah, Our Song! J'ehovah. Our Song! (Conc:lwled)
(lwah lZ: I)

in pow'r,

We are your wit - De$S - es benr - ing yoor news

IlniJ-ing the King-dom, they bear your com-mondj
Tho he may slay us, J,ord, help us to be 22 The Servant's Prayer

l . Heav'n-Jy Fa - ther, Sov-'rcign Lord, Be your glo • rious name dored;

11. -
2. A.s our serv-ice we pur - sue Teach us, Lord, your will to do.
3. Gin us wi.s - dom from a - bove, Pure and g1!tl • tie, full of love;
4. Let the joy to have a part In your aerv • ice fill our heart;

For your mer - cies will en - dure, Ev - er faith - fuJ, ev - er sure.

Your com - mand-ments we would keep, Bring-ing truth to "oth-er sh~p''·
Help us mer - ci - ful to be, Aud with • out par- tial - i - ty•
.trength and our song, Your name ex - tol-ling .All the day long I Aud to pray, we ne'er will eensc, That your king-dom may in • 11ttase.
23 Forward Got FoTWard Go! (Conduded)
( Isaiah 28: 6)

With Joyful confidence

bat - tie to the gat.e; Do not lin-ger, do not wait; Fol· low the Great-er

1. Have you a song t-0 aing lor Je • vah f Have you a

2. War-rion of Ood, a - rise, join the er my Un - der the
3. Not in your owu might think you to con - - quer; Not ol your-

J epb-thah, who can-not f&il."Fol-low-ing

...._. -
we will pre • vaill

song of his reign and glo - ry t

Cap- tain of bis Free Nn - tion;
selves can you win the bat. - tle ;
Have you a mes - sage clear for all
Take up the shield of faith and the
But in t.he strength of Ood will bis
24 The Dwellings of the Lord
(Pn lm 80

1. How love-ly are your dwell-ings, Lord, Theeourts where your name 1s a-dored l
2. How fa-vored those wbo come to you For help their pow • en to re. new I
men to bear, And a oom - mis - aion to tell the sto - ry f 3. A day witb:in your court& so f~r Ex - eels a thou-sand spent else-where;
Spir- it'uword, Put on the hel - met of bis sal - va - tiou. 4. Je • bo • vab 11 a sun and shield To those who r1ght-tous fruits no'v yield;
hoats pre - vail, Bring-ing to nought Ba·shan's bulls and cat - tle.

With all my heart for them l long, And there I'll sing my grat~. fut song.
And when refreshed by graceandtruth They sing your 11raise with strength of youth.
Fear - less • ly Tum tho I'd rath-er guard your door so blest Than dwell in tents of wick - ed. ness.
Yes, go l He helps them keep in - teg • ri · ty, And gives them true pros - per • i • ty.

25 I Am Jehovah! I Am Jehovah r <Conduded)
(fniab •s: 18)
C<>n.fiden.tly; wilh vigor I

And whose was the Ann that brought de - liv-'nince then,

# And set his
De - liv - 'ring his peo - pie from their dread-ed foe, AndlIIJl.g'- ni-
And who will es - tab - lisb them in right-eous-ness, And turn their


gol "1 know not Je · ho vah I Who is he, That freet

king I "Your Ood whom you serve can-not save you now; Bend your namet I am the Lord; tbe1-c ia no otb -er;
Soni Yet fear seiz • cs hold on their migbt-y men, While the mirtht

1 should let bis peo • pie got" But whose was the pow'r that o - ver-
neck to me and trib · ute bring!" But whose was the inight · y Arm that I am the Lord, Je • ho - vah is my name;
poor of earth in an • guish groan. Ah I u•ho will de-stroy tbl' proud op· I've set my King np-

per - ishetl in the depths o! the sea f

tu med the boast-er back to whence he came,
liv • er all the meek of the earth t on my ho - ly moun-tain; Bow tu his nile I My Son Ix> • gins bis reign J
26 Heaven's Army Is Advancing! 27 Courage, Press On!
Trimnphant march Confidently; wit/I deltoerotc movement

1. Hea.v'n's ar - my is ad - vano - ing;

Its ev - 'ry pow'r it bends L Re that is faith-ful, he that is loy - al, Nev - er will give way to fear;
2. Ag - gres-sive is our war - fare; In this Je • ho - vah's day, 2. Faith is the pow'r that moves us to nc-tion; Love prompts to faithfulness now;
3. Reav'n's ar - my is ad - vano - iDg; Je-ho - vttb will pre-\'llil. 3. Forward I J e-ho - v11h, might - y in bat- tie, Ez - borts us faith-fut to be,

B11t giv1:a the wit-ness of truth with all bold-ness, Showing the Kingdom is here.
Zeal for their King moves the hearts o! the Joy-111; Sel!-ish am-bi-tion must bow.
Till this world'a sys-tem.s lie shon1 of their glo-ry And be has gained vic-to-ry.

What tho the great red drag - on Wars 'gainst God's rem - nant small,
His "True and Failh • ful Wit- ness" Now bat - ties for the right;
The vie · to - ry is cer • tain; Je - ho • vs.h's sute re - ward
On-ward I press cm l Ad-vanc-ing truth be our light.

In Uie shad · ow of bis own hand God safe - ly guards them all. ~
He takes lbegrand of - fen - sive; Let's join birn in the fight.
A waits the tried lllld faith - fut, Who lay not down the sword. Thus says Je-ho-vah: "I'll strengthen and help you; Bat-tie for truth and for right!"

28 Joyous Theocratic Activity 29 Happy the Merciful!
(Matthew 5; '7)
Heartfelt; in a S'U8tained ma1tner

God's eyes tm- ly beau - ti - £ul;

Thru faith and serv-ice they have rest;
When up he-fore God's judg-ment led;

Who tell to all who 1ove thel'ight: The Lord in mer - ey take&ile-light.
They ben - e - fit by mer· cy shown Siueo Christ wns placed up - on his throne
For life he glad- ly will be-stow On all who God - like m r-c show.

With King-dom truth fill-ing our mind And love in our hearts for the "sheep", .A Cnl-v'ryruer- cy God dis-played, Pro - vi - sion for ou.r ran-som made;
In call - ing at homes we make clea.r Our mo- tive is pure and well-meant; This mer• cy they would glad-ly share By preach-ing God's Word ev-'ry. where,
By preaeh-ing the Word ev-'ry·"Where, We tru - )Y l\C • com-plishour aim: Oh, mer-ci -ful may we e'er be And show that te_n-der qnnl-i • ty

He knows our frame, that we are weak, So of -. fers mer-ey to the meek.
De - light. ing the meek ones to find, Our preach-ing com-mis-sion we keep.
By telI - ing men: Be of good cheer Be-cause the King-dom now is here.
With tact - ful-ness we per - se - vere The good news t.o a - bly pre-13cnt,

The grea~ Ii - nal wit- ness t.o share, And vin - di-cnte God's ho - ly name. ns - ing each oc - ca-sion giv'n To im - i - tate our God in heaV'o.
30 Jehovah God, Mv Shepherd Jehovah God, My Shepherd CConelttded)
(Paa!rn 2S)

T81tderly; smooth-fio11>i11g

In path-ways of ri§ht.eous-ness.
And e'er in his house I'll ~-side.

1. Je • ho - -vah Ood is my ahep-herd; So why should I WOM'Y or fret f

2. Tho in the vale of death's shad - ow I walk, I need fear no ill,
- I'll grat.e • ful-ly use each day.

3. How wise and lov-ing my shep-berd I His p-rais - es with joy I sing~

31 Let All Now Praise Jehovah!
Ma;utical'by; toith power
(Re.elation 15: 3, 4)

For he who cares for bis sheep so much Will none of his owo for - get.
For my great Shepherd is al-ways near~ Ria staff brings me com-fort still. most ho • ly, su • preme, Your glo - ri-ous
The oheer-ing news of his ten · der care, To "oth - er sheep" will I bring. your works, Ood of praise I How just, King of
Jet light now be shown; Pure wor-sbip and

By qui • et wa - ters he leads me, My soul does re-store and bless; name we high - ly es - teem. Yonr great lov - ing - ldnd-ness and
My head with oil he's a · noint • ed; My cup he bas well sup· plied;

saint.&, lllld true nre your ways I While spread-ing your truth 11J1d youz
His word l'U faitb-ful · Jy iol · low, Walk care-ful- ly in his way; llnlise will come to your throne. Oh, who will not fear you and

Ile guid~ my steps for his own name's sake, In path-ways of iigbt;,.eous-ness; man • i · fold worth Let all now ex • tol in both beav • en lllld earth.
His lov-ing-kind-ness will fol· low me, And e'er in bis house I'll re-side; judg-ments a - broad, Your saints now re - joice to eon - fess you lheil' God.
My glo-rions treas-ure of serv - ing him I'll grate· ful-ly use each clay; hon - or your namef Let all men of good·will your vir. tues pro-claim.

32 Gratitude for Divine Patience 33 Cultivating the Gift of Love
(1 Corinthians 12: 31)
l n.ten$el11; in a sustained manner

r. , - . r
L Je - ho-vah God, yonr pow'r Sllh-lime Made all things heau-teous in theil'time.
2. Great God, your WLI for rigbt-eous-ness Could end at once all -ness;
3, Your pa-tience, Lord, we would well use In aid-ing men the truth to choose;
L J r -ho - v~
grn-eious-Jy does be-stow On all his min-is-ters here be - low
2. Ourva-ried gifts for tho min - is - try Wutrive t1> cul-ti-vate pa-tient-ly;
3. And 119 we la - bodor rich in-erl!tl.SQ 'Bove a1l .let1s cber-ish lhe bond o! peace,

na • tlU'e tes - ti -ties Througlt-ont I.he earlh o:nd in the skies.

need that they tllJiY do ills sa - cred will and thus keep true.
Butthat sal • va. tion may be OU18 You have held baek d&-struc-tive pow'rs, tho, do we di-rect The gl·ent-eJ;L fa - vor to per-feetf
Show them your at. tri • di-vine Wbich in your word so clear-ly shine. willing to suf-ferwrong, Be rweakone1s~ensif we ares~1'0ng.

To all who love the truth and right, His serv-ants who ap - pre - ei - a~ Tb(!S(I bless-ed gifts 'vill cul - ti - vate
Your prais-es sing with grat -i ·tude I t's not e - nough l.C> use the mind To teach the "oth-er sheep" we find;
That they sal- ya • tion too may gain ; .And feel in e • ven lit - tie things The joy un - self - ish in-t'rest brings;

Yet still more beau • ti - ful will be The tri-umph of your sov-'reign-ty.
For pa • ti.ence shown, ancl long to see The tri-umph of your sov-11-eign-ty. Thetn all, yetc ma,ke their great-est eare l'be gift of love, be- yond com-patt.
.And then with us the beau • ty Of your tri - um-l>hant sov-'reign-ty. But we must give with all our heart To share the bless-ing we'd im-pnrt.
E'er per-feet • ing the gift of love, And thus be like onr God a - hove.

34 The Divine Pattern of Love The Divine Pattern of Love (Concluded)
{1 Sohn 4; 19)
Increasingly itttense; tuitll a swing!

his scr-vants en· deav ~ or, part, no ncv ·er, no

'gainst an - y de - flee • tion1 some should su!-ter tt·
the truth ev • er clear • er, grow still dear-er ancl


nev • er! Is that of love; For God's way is

jeo • tion; Thus show our love, Our l)i:oth • er - ly
dear • er; For that ia love; For that is true

ri tarrl

JS Jehovah's Attributes
Majestically; in measured tempo

1. Je - ho-vah God, ex • alt - ed in might, Tho foan-tain-head of life and light,
2. What wisdom, Lord, yonr mighty works tell !They wit- ness bear you made them well.
3. On jus-tioe, Lord1 is foand-ed your throne; Your righteousn~s wewould makeknown;
4. Your lov-ing--kind-ness is our great boast; To it we are in · debt - ed most.

by which ho rules ev • er, Thru wbicb he ~ • lists

that true warm af • fee • tion. Help oth - ers to guard All na -tnre speaks of your ireat pow'r; Still more will Ar - ma - ged-don1s hour.
bis name to each lwar - er, ffelp "oth • er ~beep" S4.'e And searching in your Word we see Yet great - er wis-dom, maj - es • ty.
May we fie:: have a hear - ing ear, And hum - bly walk with you in fear.
Yonr at • tri-butes, your glo - rious name, Ex • nit - ing- ly we, will pro-claim.

36 Rejoice! Jehovah Reigns! J7 Fulfilling Our Commission
(Psalm 97: 1)
Earn-atly; smooth-flowing
Jovo~ly; with 11 ateo.dy movement

1. Je. ho. vah reigns I Lift up yow: voice1 0 earth and all you heav'os, te • joioe;
2. The Lord is Kiog I Make him your trust; The Judge of all the earth is just:
3. Je - ho - vah reigns I Soon all will see The tl'i-umph of bis maj • e:i - ty;
1. Je • ho - vah's wit- ness, you must teach In homes and pub- lie - ly;
2. Thi.!l is lhe day when Sa - tan tries In ev - 'ry way to still
3. Both "ijheep" and "goats'' you now must wam, And e8li' - nei;t - Jy con • tend

To all man-kind the ti-dings bring: 'The Lord Om -nip - o - tent is Kiog I' Yes, wit - ness faith - ful - ly.
E - ter-nal truth IDm"kS au his ways i all that breathe speak foiib his praise. And do J e - bo - vah's will.
For he will make the ty-rant cease, Cause eal'th to yield her rich in-erease. The good ne\VS e'er de - fend,

Tho Sa. - tan's world may pres - su1-e hring1 You need not feel a. -
This world's al - lures you may not see, But k!!ep a sin - gle
If you would see the fi. - nal fight And in the vie - t'ry

Or doubt his Pl'Hioos prom - ill - .,.sf

His ble:;s - ed Son with King-dom 1ight.
Be-neath bis vine and fig tree's shade.
But as Je- ho - vah's praise you sing Trust in his might - y arm.
Up - on the pare The - oo - ta - cy, The King-dom that is nigh.
Con • tin - ue as a shin - ing light. God's pur • pos • es de ~ clare.
41 -
JS Joyful Service Jehovah Is Our God! (Concluded)
Happily; with a Wt

Come, let us sound his praise a - broad And psalms of glo - ry sing.
1. Let's go forth with glad-ncss now our King; All our gifts and The moun-tains too are all his own; He holds them in his hand.
2. In J e - ho - vah's serv - ice there is work for all; We are his works and not our own; He formed us by his word.
Loy - al hearts and Come, like the peo - pie of his choice, And own your gra - cious God.
3. While we share with glad-ness in his se1'V - ice sweet, Giv-ing forth the

40 Praise Him More and More

(Psalm 71)
Beseechingly; smooth-flowing

tal - en ts to his Tho but small our serv - ice, yet there-
faith-ful, heed his Sa · cred the com-mis-sion we've re-
wit - ness to all For this won-drous fa - vor to us

Be our ref - uge and up-hold us As your hon - or we pro-claim.

To the ris - ing gen-er - a- tion We will tell whatyouhave done.
Grateful-ly we ren - der serv-ice; Moreandmore we'llsingyourpraise.

39 Jehovah Is Our God!

(Psa)m 95)
'JlfajesticaZZ.y; with power

ni - ver - sal King.

and all dry land;
be - fore the Lord:
Je - ho-vah Great Je - ho-vah l We your hon - or will pro-claim.
Je-ho-vah Great Je - ho-vah!We will tell whatyou havedone.
pro-voke his rod; Lord Je - ho-vah Great -Je - ho-vah l More and more we'llsingyourpraise.
1 Sing Triumphal Praise! Sing Triumphal Praise! (Concluded)
Joyomly; in. stirring march ten\po

1. Let us siog Je - ho-vah's praise tri - um - phal, In whose strength wo

vile • i · na - Le:t 0$ sing Je - ho-vnh's praise tri-
2. Let us sing Je - ho-vnh's praise tri - um - phal, Sound the wam - iog
a. Let us aing Je - ho-vnh's praise tri - um - pbal Ai; we teach the

For to hiin all hon - 01· is doe.

!Bee tho might - y foe; Nev - er let the en · e - my dia-
loud for all to hear, That our King will soon de-stroy the
hum - ble 11nd the true, Show-ing them their priv - i - l~ge of 42 Hail Jehovah's Goodness!
(Paalm 136)

l. Let Jo - ho - vnh lJo a - llorecl; O'er

....__., ....__., 2. Ho
Ol'C • a - tion he
at - ed all things seen, lfonv'n and earth and nil
<Ire •
3. Might-y works ho did of
is Lord;
old, Brought his flock to Ca - rutan's fold .
may us; Fear them not! But ror · ward let ns go! 4. "&mn=t" nO\'I' en - joy his r<'St, "Otb - er sheep" 01·0 rich - ly blest.
wick - ed; Yes. the time is oh 60 ver - y near!
serv - ice, Help-iog nil who seek Ood's will to do.

Nov - er will bis kind-aesi; foil. IInil Je - ho -vah's good·ne&J1 bnill
Mi.tde tho SWl lo give WI Ught, Moon IUld stars lo rule by night.
He re-mem.bercd us when low, Sa".ed us from a might. y foe.
Raise on high of God's na - tion; Help men ftee Nev - er 1vill lcind-ness fail. Hail Je - ho. vah's good-nes.s, baiU

43 Arise and Shine!

Broadly, wit1t jubilance

(luiah 60)
Hail the Reigning King! ezultatwn.; majestically
(P1alm 110)

L Lift up, lift up your voice withaing-ing, With strength, 0 Zi-on, lift your voice; L Look, you serv-ants of J e - ho - vah, See the Son of Da. vid now,
2. The sun will not by day your light be, Nor moon her brightness give at night; 2. En - e- mies are made his foot-stool By com-mand-ment of his God;
3. YoursonsanddAught69,friendsandstrangeni,As clouds of doves, to you now tly.
3. In this day bi.a will- ing peo-ple Joy-ful - ly make known his fnme.

'Mid earth's gross darkness set praise ringing; The King ia at your gates, re-joiee I Crowned as King, en-throned in glo - ry; Ev - 'ry knee lo him must bow.
But God him-self will be your glo-ry, Je-ho-vah,youre - tcer-nallight. In their midst he now is rul-ing, Send-ing forth with strength his rod.
With - in your walia, aafe from all dan-gel'!, They join in prai.singGodMostHigh. Soon he'll juage a - mong the na-tions, Vin - di - oate Je • ho - vah'a name I

Chorus /"':'.

v .. .. . .. .. . .. ...~

~ .......
A- rise and shine In youth e - ter-nal, Your light has come, your King docs reign; Hail him! Hail him! Rail him I Hail Je • ho • vah's King!

I - .- ;
' I
' I
' I
'..:.,/ ""' ~
._. I I
ritartl. /"':'.

Soon he, at Ar- ma-ged-don's bat-tle, Will vin - di- cate Je - ho-vab'a name. Rail him l Rail him I Hail him I Hail the King of

'..:.I 47
45 Then They Will Know! Then They Will Know! (COncluded)
(Ezekiel 85; 15)

With intensity; flowingly

Then they will know, through - out the whole ore - a - tiotti

With their de - eeit your

Soon will beahOY.'11,and
To hold their pow'r o'er

sure - Jy dol

lto - ly place de - filed. Soon will your King your 1'igbt-eous-ne$l! make known ;
nev - er more de-nied; Soon all his host, in Ar- ma- ged-don's war,
all man-kind do seek. Your m.igbt-y hand will break the hate-fill yokel
46 Jehovah, Our Dwelling-Place
(Psalm 90)
With intensity,· b1'0adiy

L Lord, you have been our dwell-ing-place In #gen- er - a - tions
2. From ev - er - Inst - ing you nre (tod, To cnd-leE;S years lbe same,
S. Teach us to num - ber, Lord, our d1iys; True wis-dom we would learn;
4. And as we serve muy we par-take Of mer-ey ev - er new.
Sa - tan's do - ruin - ion y..j[I bo o - ver - thrown.
With him will per - ish, and de - ceive no more. Then lhey will know you
Soon they will van - iah who your wraUt pro· voke.

Be - fore yon gave the hills their spac~ Your maj - t•s - ty stood :tllSt.
And tho we bowed be - neath your 1·od You1· love diu us re- nlaim.
With un-der-stand-ing sing your p.raise, That men to you may turn.
on - ly are Je - ho- vah; Then tliey will know YOW' ways arc just and true; Es - tab-lish ror your greatnrune'ssakc The workyourse:rv-a:nts do.

48 49
47 Ministers for the Issue A Life of Praise
Vigorously; i~ march tempo With intensity; flowingly

l. Min - is - ters up - held the ill - sue For the Lord in days gone by; 1. Ob, fillmy life, Je - ho - vah God, In
ev • 'ry pa.rt with praise,
2. Now the cli-max of the is· sue Finds the hearts of men in fear, 2. Fill ev - 'ry part of me with praise; May all my pow - ers speak
3. Help me, 0 Lord, to sing your praise In kind-ness and with slr:ill,
3. Min • is - ters now for the is - sue, In the of all re - hesrse

Wit-ness ·es who, prov - ing stead· fast, Gave to Sa - tan1e boast the lie. That all my con-duct may pro-claim Your be - ing and your ways.
Ot you and of your love, 0 Lord, Poor tho I be, and weak.
A.p - pre-hen· live, yet not know - ing That the tel - ic end ia near. That oth - ers may both learn to know A.nd want to do yolD' will.
Might-y acts of God Je ·ho - vah; Tell he rules the n - ni-verse.

,,tt ' H J#d: t ~ u

Faith-fol propb-eti; and
13 ' ' ' IJijM
& • pos- ties, Aud Christ Je • sus, chief of all,
Ru!· ers mad· ly are con-tend-ing For this world's su-prem-a-cy;
the lip of praiso a - lone, Nor
you will re - ceive from me The
they dai - ly join with me In
praia- ing heart
due your name,
God is trne;
Tho men may rc-itrain and bind you, Nev - er will the truth be bound I

Min-i.s-teni who .l'or the 1e - sue Wit-nesscd to bothgreatundmall. I ask, but for a life made up Ot praise in ev - 'rt pa.rt.
As joy - fol • ly I ev - er seek To spread a - broad your fame.
Min • is- ters, now SOUDd the warn-ing J "Flee to The The - oe - ra - ey I'' Yourpraisein-crcaa-ing-ly we'll aing, In strains for • ev - er new.
Min - is- ters, op-hold the is • sue, Make it known lhe earth a-round I

50 51
Seeking First the Kingdom (Conclud~)
49 Seeking First the Kingdom
(Matthew 6: 33)

Keep on seek • ing fiNl the King-dom, Let it be your chief

1. Oh, how pre-ciowr lo J e - ho - vah, Ob - jeet of Iii:; kl'Cll de-light,

2. What a fa - vor to Ood'sscrv-antsln thnt Klrig-dom work to share !
3. Xow this wick - ed worl(l is entl - ing, Soon the New World will a - rise;

See the tri - umph of his might.

Is tho The - o - ernt - ic king-dom That will seL all mat - ters l'igbt !
.Be - ing cho - sen tor thnt serv - ioo Let us give it greaL - l'llt care.
Then nil men will p raise J e - ho - vnh, Enrth will he a pal" - a - dise.
so Equipped for Warfare
Earnestly; with mod~rate movement

1. 0 teach us, quip us for the fight,

2. And teach ns, wis - Jom to re - move
its hope were Ill . ways true; 3. With nev • er we de - clare your ways,
4. Con • trol onr tnl - en ts all en - list;

Our minds and hearts wit truth pre • pare, And guide our words a • right.
The er - rors that de· ccive the heart, And truth to cilear- ly prove.
And help the blind • ed ones to see Your truth de . t!lares your praise.
And may our ual, to judg-ment brought, Prove true be. neath your test.

The News of the Kingdom (Condudedl
51 The News of the Kingdom
OAilh 55:'1)

lViflt a gl~mne lilt

sake his un - just

1. Ob, lis- ten to the news of the King-dom to-day, Oh, hear Je - BUB say,
2. Je-ho-v11hthruh!s wit-ness-es calls men to-day, "Youwea-ry whopra.y,
3. Oh, bless-ed is the man who will heark-en to-day, .And joy - ful • ly say,

God with all their hearts And be~ will ftte • ly par - don them!

"O'er earth I boldsway; Your ad - ver-sar - y soon will be

Re - joice
11 The Lord
now you m11y;
I'll o • hey!"
For Christ has come to reign, mak-ing
For God pre-serves the fa.ith - ful; to 52 God's Mighty Arm, Awake!
(haiah 6119)
Moje&tically; wilk power

1. O might-y arm of God, a - wake I Put on your strength, the n~tion1 lhake,
2. Saytothena-tions fromyourthrone,'l nm Je • ho • vah, God a-lone';
lak - en a - wa.y; Oh, has-ten to es-cape his de - cep - tions to-day I" 3. You BODI of God, his name pro-elaim, In ev • 'ry land make known his fame;
oor-tain the day Whenwantandpainandsor-rowwill van • iSh a.-wa.y."
him trib • ute pay, And gath-er to his Sig - na1 and ne'er from it stray.

And let your faith • ful serv-anta - Your tri-umph.s Md your ~-es • ty.
Your voice their i - dola w1I1 oon-found, And cast their al· tars to the ground.
Let the wick-ed for - sake his e • vil way; Let the un-god - ly for - Let ad • verse pow'n be - fore him fall, And hail Je - ho· vah, God o'er all.

Flee to the Kingdom I (Concluded)
53 Flee to the Kingdom!
(Zephanlah 2: 2)

tee - lion and bless-ing; Has - ten to heed his Lcom • mand I )
p (his eom-mand1

l . Ob, Sl•ek the Lord, all yoQ meek ones and low. Jy; Seek righteousness and ~ek
2. Come, all that buu-ge1· for truth nnd for jus-tiee1 Why long-er sor - row and
S. Look up, yes, lift up yoQl' heads with re - joic-ing, See all tbe signs tbat the
54 Forward! Theocratic Warriors!
Co1tfiden:tly; wWi vigor!

L Ort in dan - ger, in woe, FQI! - wa.rd,
The-o - crat-io
2. .For - ward, The-o - erat-ie war - riors, go, Keep a • breast nnd
3. Let j'OU? faith • ful hearts be glad; March, in God's w!tole
meek - ness to - day; Thus it may be in the day of his an - ger, That '1. On - ward, then, in bat - tie move; More than con - qu'rors
cry out in pain f Seek now God's way to es - cape tbe op-pres. sor, Sub- _..... _.....
King - dom is bere; W el-come the light that Je - ho -nh is send - ing1 And

Will' - riors, go; Fight the fight, main - tain the strife, Streugth-ened
face the foe· Do not flee in dan-ger's hour; You well
ar • mor; Fight, nor think the bat- tle long; Vic - t•ry
you will be hid-den a - way. you will prove; Tho op • p6sed by man - ya foe, Chris • tian
mit-ting your-selves to Christ's reign. Flee to the Kingdom, God's way of escape; _....
let him a - lone be your 1ear.

with the bread o.C life, ·Strength-ened with tlie bread of life.
know your Cap-tain's po1v'r, You well know yo11r Cap-tain's poW"r.
........__ """""""" soou . will be your song, Vic - L'ry soo.n. will be your song.
Finn oll his side take your stand; sol • d\ers, on - ward g~ Cbrill - tian sol - dim, on-ward go.
(take your stand)


SS Expressing Appreciation 56 Oh, Walk with God!
(Romans 11: 33-35)
tiltin,gl-y; with warmth
H eartfelt; with <t. smooth lilt

1. Oh, walk with God and you will find How he can cheer your ;ny,
1. Oh, the depths both of the rich· rs And lbe knowl-edge of the Lord! 3. Oh, walk with God in pu - ri - ty, Re· lapse not in - to sin;
2. By Je - ho - vah's peat corn - pas-sion Let 11s grnt - i - tude ex - press, 3. Oh, walk with God in faith-ful-ness, For then you will at • tnin
3. Not to wodd- ly ways eon-fonn-ing, Let us prove what is God's will;

And lead you with a pence-fol mind Straight on to per - feet day.
How un-scareh • a · ble bis judg-ment$ ! Nol' has man his ways ex-plored ! Ad • vance to full ma - tu - ri · ty Ancl his ap - pro • val
And de - vote our liv - mg bod - ies To his cause or rjgbt-eous-ness. Con - tent-ment true, and god - li-ness, Which are the great . est
By the t.rutb's trans-form-ing po'v · er Faith-fal- ly OUT VOWS ful • fill,

His joy will strength-en you as dew Re - vives the droop-ing 11.ow'r;
Who to God has giv • en eoun • seJ, Or to him hns ren-dercd aid, And on what-ev - er thmgs are pure And love • Jy, true and just,
Hav-ing made a ded • i · ca • tion, Be to that a - grec-ment true, Oh, walk with God, be ev - er glad 1Iiil glo-noua praise to sing;
Ev • er pray· ing for God's bless • ing, Let us serve with low · ly mind,

That to us he'd be in - debt- ed

With lho pow - er of our rea -son
Ot that we should be re - pnidT
Do - ing all that we can do.
His mer • eies are each mom-ing new, And
On t.hese things think, aud to cn-dure Let
The pur - est joy that can be had His
fresh at eve - ning hour.
God be e'er your trust.
King-doin work will bring.
Sbow-ing love to one an - ot.h - er; Thus true joy and peace we'U flnd.
57 Take Sides with Jehovah! Take Sides with Jehovah t (Concluded)

Oonfrdently; witli a snwotli lilt

light. Tell, roll the glad ti - dings Of ftce-dom and peace,

His rule by Christ Je - sus Will ev - er in crease.

58 Adore and Praise the Lord

(Psalm US)
E$1dtingly; flowing smoothly

Wbenyonrswectmes t!llge I hear<l (when Iheard) I
Praise the Lord l you hcav'ns, a - dore him; Praise him, an - gels in the height;
Praise the Lord, for he bas spo - ken; Worlds hi;i migbt-y voice o - beyed;
3. PraisetbeLord, for be is glo-rious;Nev - er will hisprom-ise fail;
Prais-ing the name of my God (of my God) I TakesideswilhJe-ho- vab ; 4. Praise the God of our sal · va - tion; Hosts on high, bis pow'r pro-claim.;
God is our strength and our song (and our song) I

Sun and moon, re - joice

Laws which nev - er will
be -fore bi1u;Praise
be b~ - ken, For
him,, all yon stars of light.
their guid-ance be bas made.
Make him your de - light; He'll nev-e1· for - sake you; Walk e'er in his
He will JDJ1ke his sheep vie- to-rious; Sa - tan's hosts will not pre - vaiL
Heav'n and earth, and all ere - a - tion, Land and mag · ni - fy his name.

59 uPreach the Word!', 60 Press On in Kingdom Service!
(2 Tlmoth1 •: 2)
OonfidentLy; moderate march tempo
Confidently; with broadneu

1. Press on in K'mg · om serv • iceJ It's work your God did choose;
L 1'Pieach the Word11' the.High - er Pow- era Have eom-mand-ed in this day. 2. Let1sraise Je . ho - vah's .Sig - nal In truth and right-eous - ness,
a. "Preach the Word 111 yes, preach in sea - son, .Al - ways read - y to im - pa.rt S. It is re - (\uired of sol • diel'lJ That they shall loy - al be;
8. "Preach the Word !"yes, preaoh, un • ceas • ing ;Ob, how vi • that all . hear l

You have no time to Jose.

t a priv - i - 1lege is ours That di - vine charge to o - bey. That meets with sure sue · cess.
To each one who asks a rea - son For the hope with • in yoar heart. Must keep in • teg • ri • tf.
Wick - ed - ness is fast in • ereas-ing .And the tel - iG end draws near.

Quick I buck - le on the ar • mor, Andgrasp faith'smight-y sbield;

"Preach the Word l" the meek ones teaoh-ing1 Help - ing them to un. der. stand Oh come, Jet llS
''Preach the Word I'' tho op - po • Bi - tion Makes it out of sea-son seem;
to - geth • er Ex • alt God's ho - ly name,
"Preach the Word!" and bring saI • va.-tion To your-self and oth-01'8 too; Th~ let our ery be, 'On-wntdl' Oµr Cap - tain we'll o - bey,

King - dom trnths, and keep on preach - ing On the streets through-out the laJrd. Tho depth of love's <le - vo - tion Is test - ed 011 the field.
Faith - ful be to your 00111- mis • sion; Trust in God, who is su-preme. Till all the hosts of Sa - tan Are put to o - pen shllllle.
"Preach the Word I" for vin - di· ca - tion Of Je ~ ho - vah's Jllilllc is due. Till vfo - to • ry at - tained is .And truth bas won the day.

(61 Rejoice! the Kingdom Has Begun! Rejoicer the Kingdom Has Begun! (Conduded)
(Revelation 12: 12)

Jubilantly; tuith a lilt

T JJ New World is ·at h~

The vio - t'ry has been won!
1. Re-joice! Re - joice l For God nnd Christ are reigu-ing!Re-joice! Re- and ev-er I His King-dom will en - durel
2. Re-joicel Re - joic:e I For God and Christ are reign-ing ! Re- joice ! .Re- ~ ,.......--..,.
3. Re - joice! Re - joice t For God and Christ arc 1·eign-iug lRe- joice I Re-
~ .
,,,.--.. 0

62 Song of the Free

001&fidentliv; in march tempo

juice! The King-dom has be - gtm ! Now is the time God will ex-p1'l!ss His
joice! The Kin,g-domhas be - gun I The drag-on and his de-m011 horde WitJ
joieel The IDng-dom has be - gun! Tho Sa-tan now, be-cause he knows His to God, by free· dom
0 tho light keeps on to
pcned llre the gates in
- Jy we will ~ un-

wraih 'gainst all un-right-eous·ness, The time for him to give re-ward To
Mi - chael and his an ·gels warred;That de-mon horde was c~ to earth; Re· we DOW To tra - d1 - tion 1s yoke of bond· age
time is sbort,sendsmnn-y woos, You 0 oth-ersheep" be of goodc:heer1His per • feet With bis wise and faith - ful serv - ant
dew of Let - ter with his na • ti.on,
ceas - ing - For row of de - Jiv - 'ranee

faith • fat serv-ants of the Lotcl. Re • ~oice I RG-joicel For Sa-tau's world js
joioe, youhcav-cns, withgrontmirth!Re-Joicel Re· joicel For now bas come sal· e lay the hand, Nev - er will we lay the hand.
eer • tain end is vor • y near I For ev-cr andev-erl Je ·ho• vah God is Let us press on in the way, Let ns press on in the wey.
. ~ Bear - ing wit - ness
Gives sure bcpe of
to the tl",
vie - lo - ry,
Bear-ing wit -
Gives sure hope
uess to the
of vi - to -

63 Earth's New King! Euth's New King! (Concluded)
(Pnlm 2)

Stirrin,g marcl~

In uu - i · ty ad • vane • es I
Nor fear they for to • mor-row;
For now has come his hou r I

Serving the King

1. Serv-11.nts of the heav'n - ly King, As .ve jour - ney let us

2. W alk·ing bum-bly mth our God, In the way our Mas - ter
8. Let us with a read - y mind
4. E'en tho bit - ter foes we meet, Per -se - cu - tion

Sing Je - ho - vab1s wor-thy praise, Glo - rious in bis works and wAys.
Ed - u - ca - tion free we give, That bis "otb - er sheep" may live.
Nev - er serve for self-ish gain, But God's right-eous-ness main •
Then thru Christ, our Fa-tber's Son, We shall hear n glad "Well done".

66 67
65 Send Out Your Light! 66 Contending for the Faith
(l dde 8)
(Paalm '3: 8)
Vigorously; in march tempo

l. Send oui your light and truth, 0 Lord; Let them our ead • era be l . Since Mes· si • :ib's see· ond pres· ence Wick-ed works oo earth a· bound,
2. Send out your light and troth, 0 Lord, Where do • mon bosta hold sway; 2. Nev • er let the Dev· ii weak- en Our sure faith in things fore- told;
3. Send out your light and truth, 0 Lord, And let their bc.-ams eo bright .3. Use each av • o - nue of serv ·ice For tho true fAith to coo • tend;
J --.

..._... Cold has grown the love o~ man • y, Ver - y lit • tie faith is found .
But by stud - y, prayer aod serv- ice, To tho fnith let's firm - ly hold.
To guide WI up Lo Zi • oo's height For wor. ship pure nnd free.
Lest ig · no-ronne and self • ish • D1!$8 Black out the light of day.
Oivo a bold and1aith- ful wit- ness Till this world comes to it.a end.
TTuo eom -£ort bl'ing to those who dwell In shad. ow of death's night.

Ear - nest - ly let's be eon-tend· ing For tho faith that was N - eeived
By our stead- f11St - ly eon-tend- ing, Yicld-ing not to doubt or fear,
Send out your truth, oh may it, Lord, Help us to serYo with one oc-eord. With Jo - ho -vah's vin - di - ea - tion Wick-ed -neas will no mote be;
Send out your truth, give warn-ing clear To all that Ar. ma • ged-don's neal'.
Send out your light, oh let men see Your glo • ri . ous The • oc . ra • cy.

Bf tho saints, n - pos - Ues, proph- els, .Meo who in God's Word be-lieved.
We will strength-en one on - oth - er So that all may per - so • vere.
Send out your light, lour light ond truth, O Lol'd We'U ro - joice in full sal • va - tion Tbru the pure Tho - oo - ra - oy.
Send out your light, '

68 i..:.i
67 The New Song! The New Song! (Concluded)
( Psalm 98)
Jubilantly; with vigor!

Si11g I Sing I Sing I Loud let the New Song

l. Sing to God the Lord ~ song of glad • nesa that is

2. Make a joy - O\lS shout ~ God Je - ho • vah, all the
8. Let the might- y sea ~nd all that there • in is roar
~ .....-...

Sing! Sing! Sing! J e • ho • vah now is

uew; T~l ofall Uie greaHhings he's done and yet will do I
cal'th; Sing to God your prnis • es
with ju • bi-lance and mirth I
praise, Let those on tho earth now ex • ult • ing voic- es raise I

-68 Sing God's Praise!

Happily; with floUJitig nt01Jement

l. Sing God's praise, his glo - ries show, Saints with· in his courts be - low,
Praise his ho • ly and his right hand for vie • to- 2. Sing God1s praise, you "oth • er sheep" Who his tcs - ti • mo · ny keep;
Praise Je-ho • vah YC?Si sing a • loud be • fore the 8. Sing God's praise, his mer - cies trace; Praise his p11rtience and his grace:
Let thefloods re • and let the riv • Ol'S clap their 4. Strings and voic - cs, hands and hearts, In the coo • cert bear our port&;
J--: h

.An • gels round his throne a · l>ove, All U1at sec 1tod shal'e his love .
ry; In the sight of o.IJ men he bo.s judged right-eons • Iyl In hls tem • pie day and night, Sound his praise with all your might.
Lord, HaTp and horn and trum-pet sound praise in full u.c - cord! .All that be for us hos done; All he sends UJ1 thru bis Son.
hands, Hills nnd moun-tains al • so sing prais ·es ln all fonds! All that breathe, your Lord a • dore; Sing his praise yet more and more.
j ;I.

70 71
69 Tell It Out! Tell It Out! CCo11eladed)

J O<jfully; with vigor

Thnt the might- y King Mes.. Ii - ah is the Prince of Peace; Tell it

Tell it out a - mong the wea - l'Y ones what net he gives; Tell it
l. Tell it out a· mong the na • tions that our Lord is ~g; Spread it forth up- on the print-ed page all na-tions o'er, That the
2. Tell it out a· mong all man - kind that the Sav • ior re1~s;
3. Tell it out a· mong the peo - pie Je-sus' reign be • gms;

oat with ju - bi-la-tion; Jet the song ne'erctase; Tell it out! Tell it out!
out a-mongthesin-ners, that he all for-gives; Tell it out I Tell it out!
Tell it out! Tell it out I world's re-gen - er - a - tion is for ev - er - more; Tell it out! TelJ it out I
Tell it out a - mong the
Tell it out! Tell it out! Tell it out a • ruong the
Tell it out! Tell it out! Tell it out a • mong the


70 Stick to Your Work!

(1 TimothJ 4: 16)
Vigoro1~11; in moderate iempo

na - tions, bid them shout Md sing; Tell it out I Tell it out!

pris-'ners, bid them break their chains; Tell it out! Tell it oat! 1. Stick to your work ot preach-ing the good news ;Fol - ly prove youI' win - .is - try.
peo - pie he tbe vie - t'ry wins; Tell it out! Tell it out! 2. Stick to your work or sound-ing the warn-ing That it's high time to a - wake I
3. Stick tovourworkof ~v-mg the wit-ness;Tell tbegood nc1VB fa1· and wide;
4. Stick to jour work of serv-ing Je - ho - vah; Bo de-pend • a. - Ille and trne;

Tell it out with ex - ul - ta - tion e will in - crease,

Tell it oat a - moog the weep • ing ones that Je - sua lives; W atch yonr-self and watch yonr teach-ing, That your pro-gross all may see.
Tell it out a · mong the cit • ies and from door to door; Soon will Christ fight A:r • ma - ged ·don For Je - bo. vah's own nnme's sake.
Help • .ing all the meek Md low - ly To eome o - ver on God's side.
There. by share his vin - di • ca - t ion1 Save your-self and oth • ers too.

71 uThe Sword of Jehovah and of Gideon!" "The Sword ot lehovah and of Gldeottt•' {Concluded)
(Judges 7: 18)

~ .
1. There's a call go. ing out thiu the length of the land, To serve itt the
2. All you meek, will you join with the Lord in his work f He seeks o.ll the
B. Oh, then bas - ten a - way to the work i'orto ·day l Go forth with yonr

n The Glory of Jehovah

(Psalm 19)
Grand1:y; in stirring tempo

For ou1· Cap - tain has is • sued the

1. The heav'ns de-clare the glor - y of Je - ho· v~ The work-ingll of his
al' - my of Gid - c -on; 2. Je - ho - vah's law is per-feet, Hfe re-new-ing1 His tes - ti- ru.o-ny
will • ing and loy al. Thero ls scn·v - ice for llll ; so re- a. J e - ho - vah's .i odgOlellts, p11re U1ey 11re and rigbt-eous l By keep-ing them bis
heart ftlled with glad - nees; Com - fort all whom you meet with his

pours forth his

fl. • nal command To van - quish the co-horts orMid-ian. the heaii re-
spon<l to his call, With thanks for ~his priv - i - lege roy-111. Then up, up, my antl in - most
mes-.c;age110 sweet: Ris King-dom will ban -ish all sad-ness. ......-:

praise1 Night tells to night of knowl-edge, 1night and maj - es - ty.

soul, lin-gnr not; To-day musb the bat-tie be Let's en-cir· cle the, Pul'e his com-mllDd, which fil'lll wlll stand, makes glad our eyes.
thoughts Be found by you up - right and true, om• .Rook and Lord.

74 75
"All Things New!'' (Concluded)
73 "All Things New!"
(RenJatlon 21: 1·5)

HappUy; smooth-flowing
No more will thl!l'C be pain or cry • ing, No sor - :row-ing nor an -y

1. The signs of the ti.mes show God's king - dom be - gun, In

2. Let all men the free New Je - rn - sa - Jem see, The
3. The cit • y of God will bo all men's de-light, Wilh

Trust-wor-thy these words and true!"

glo - ry en-throned sits Je ·ho - vahls Son, The bat - tlo in heav • en he's \;,/
hl'ide of God's Lamb, shin-ing ra · diant - ly; A-dorncdnow wit.Ii most pre-cious
gates tbnt are o - pen by day ana night; All na - tions will walk in he.r 74 Dedication

1. Take my life and bring it,

2. Take my feet and take my
With your will in bu ac - cord;
Let them serve your wise eom-mands;
3. Take my mo. ments and my days, Let them tlow in eon-stant praise;
4. Take my h~rt and IllllY it Jove Tt11th and wis • dom from a - bove:
on the earth will God's will be done.
ly Je - ho - vnh her light will be.
$Orv - ants of God, now re - fleet that light.

Take my voice and let it sing uia-es al - ways to

Take my in - tel - lect and use Ev - 'cy pow'r as yoa
Take my sil - ver and my gold; Noth-ing, Lord, would I 'vith-hold.
Take my · self, may nll l do Be well-pleas - ing1 Lord, to you.
RL'-joiee ! God's dwell-ing is with men, And he him-~lr re-sides with them.

75 The Taunt..Song Against Satan 76 The Day of Jehovah
(Isaiah 14) _,,,,_. (Psalm 118: 14)
Joyously; with <i steadt!J m011ement

1. "This ia the d.ay Je - ho - vnh made," To mag - ni - fy his Son;

1. This chal-lenge Sa.- tan bold - ly hurled In - to th& face of God: 2. Blest be the Lol'd, who comes to men With King-dom truth and light,
2. Yet to the a - byss, God has de - llreed, Soon Sa - tan must ~ brought; 3. This is the day when "oth • ~ sheep" For God do take their stand,
3. 'Gainst Sa - tan let the 'taunt-song' ring, That he may hear his fate;

Let heav'n re - joice, let eaiih be glad, A.nd praise sur-round the throne.
ru rule, yes, nil the world Shall lio be - neath my rod 1
re - be! - lion and his greed, He'll su1·e -Jy come to nought. Who comes, in God Je - ho -vah's name, To rule wit.ltpow'r a1ld might.
let. all the right-eous sing, "Ood'stri - umph we a. wait I" And their in - teg - ri - ty do keep, A faith-fuJ wit- ness band.

H<1 - san • na for our reign - ing King, For Zi • on's cor. ner - stone I
Ho - san - na in the high - est strains His saints oil earth now nis11;
With - in the tem--ple night and day They serve at his com - mand;

To me the might - y sball sub-mit; I'll be like the Moat High l" Lord, send proa-per-i - ty Sal - va - ti.on to yoar Own.
Be-neath Christ's h1,1el he will be ground; De - s~·uc-tion his re - ward l The heav • ens new in which U - nite · to give God praise.
All earth will be a Par - a - disc Of joy and love se - rene. They laud and praise his King .And preach through-out the lend.

'18 79
"Lord, Here Am I; Send Met" (Conclnded)
77 "Lord, Here Am I; Send Me!"
(laalah 8: 8) t';"I

With intensity; flowi11gZ11

N great - er hon - or could there be; Lord, here am I; send me, send me I"

1. To - day men heap re-proacb and shame In man - y ways on God's fair name.
2. Men make the taunt that God ia slow; The fear of God they do not know.
3. To - day the meek ones mourn and sigh Be-cause the e - vils mul- ti - ply;
78 Progressing in Service
Ten<Urly; with iJ smootl~ liU

SomesbowGodweak,somepainthimaruel;"There is no Godl1' so says the tool. 1. There was o. lime we did not know The way a Chris - tian ought to
2. Our priv - i - lege we then could seo Of serv- ing Tho The - oc - ra-
They per - ae - cute his ae"-ants true, And man - y such-like things they do. S. We wit - ness now to all we meet, From door to door and on the
Witbhon-estheartstbey seek to find The tl' thatgivcs onopeace of mind. 4. And ns we f!l!Ck in ev - 'ry lu.od True wor-ship wide • Jy to ex-

go; And then Je - ho - vah sent the light, Showed1111 the

ey; Of mak - ing known Je - ho - vah's fame, A.nd vin • di-
street; Con - duct - ing Bi - ble stud - ics too, And al-ways
pand MA'y we serve faith - ful - ly 11.S one, Un - til God

''Lord, here am I; send me, ll sins your prais - es faith - ..Cul- ly; truth and what is right; Showed us the truth and what is right.
eat - ing his great name; And vin - di - cat - inghie grut name.
''Lord, hero am I; send me, I'll sound the warn - ing fenr-les.~ - ly; 'let - tiog God be A.nd nJ-waya 'let • ting God be trueJ.
''Lord, here am I; send me,
I'll teach the meek ones pa - ticnl-ly; i;aya the work is
done; Un - til God says the work ill dooe .

J<n.Jfully; with. vigor/
To the Work! To tlte Workl (Concluded)

on, Has· t'ning on,

Has - &'ning on, Hu - t'nini: on,
L To the work I to the work I 0 you aerv.aJlts of God I Let u.s fol - low t.h•
2, To the work I to the work I let the buu-gry be fed; To the wa - ter of
S. To ihe 111ork I to tho work I there is Hn'-ita tor all; Soon th old world ot

ns watch, And serve un - til the work is done.

and prq,

path Mu - ter has trod; With the joy of J e. ho • vah our

lifo le& tho tbirs-ty b& led, 'l'o our God and his Sig • rial our
urk • neea and or - ror will fall. Th410 the name of J e. ho • vah ex-
80 Pay What Belongs to God
(Matthew 22: 21)
Earnestly; in measi1red tempo

L Tho Cae • sar should your &eTV • ice claim Or threat • en with the woret,
2. We havebeen pur-chasedwith a prioe1 NQ more are we our own;
6t1'engtb to 1e - new, Let WI do with our ml~ht what our hands find to do. 3. u we would bring Je - ho • vah praise, Help "oth - euheep" get lif~
praia - ea will be While we her - aid tht ti - dings, Sal • va - tion is free I 4. Pay what be - longs to God Most Hjgh, Serve The The - oo - ra - oy;
alt • ed will be .At bis slo - ry ahines farth Lhru The The - oo - ra - ey.

.... . -· -· .. Your min • is. try keep free from blame, Ro • meru - be1· God comes first.
H.u. rninr on, Has • l' on, llas-t'.olng So serve at 11n - y saa - ri · flee Our God, and him a • lone.
Has - tining on, Rea • ttning on, We may not walk in world • ly ways Or join in world • ly strife.
. - Thus fear-less - ly l''er test - i · fy To bis true sov 'reign • ty.

, r I r Y I LI k:I I
81 Wake the Song of Kingdom Cheer!
(P1a1111 96)
82 The Glorious Treasure of Service

Warmly; with a smooth li1t

(2 Corinthlana ' : '1)

1. Wake the song of King-dom cheer! Let it ring out loud and cl,ar; l. We tbanlt you, Lord, for truth You ha\·c to ua made known,
2. Wake the song or King-do1n cheer! Let it ring out rar
nnd near. 2. We thank you, gra - cions God, that we May tcs - ti - mo - DY give
3. Wakc the &oog or K ing-dom cheer I Let all men of good-will hear_. S. Be • cause in earth- en ves - eels we Such beav-'nly treas - ure bear,

Tell the won-drous things he's made.

in this pres· ent e - vii world Your pre-ciou.s light hu
Praise the Judge of truth and right.
And, es-tab-lished·world, re - joioe I To those who un - der Sa-tan's rnle In earth's gross dark -ness
Help us as a - ble min - is - ters Your glo - ries to de - clare;

Feared a. bove all gods is he, Clothed with awe - some maj ·es • ty.
T:rem • bit:, earth, he-fore the Lord: He no more will he ig-nored.
Let the seas in tbu.n-der roar, Wam of Az - ma-ged-don'swa:rl

men sing, Hail Je - ho - vah as their King 1 For we no long - er sigh and mourn,
now sound the strain& That our God J e - ho - vah reigns I Thus to . be nsed, in work like this,
of right - eous-ness; Serve the King in faith-fnl - nl'tS. With fac& as bold lllld un - a-shamed

83 Rich In Good Works 84 Who Is on the Lord's Side?
(1 Timothy 6: 1'1-19)

l, Wl10 is on the Lprd's sideTWbo will servo the KiJigT Who Ifill wit - ness for him,
2. Fierce may be the con - filct, Strongmuybo the foe, But our King Christ Je-sus
Pro-vid - er Is Je - ho - vab God, olit Lordi 3. Oho. sen to be sol - diers In an a - lien land, Look-ing to our Cap-tain,
fol - ly to be spend·ing All our time in sslf. ish strife,
use our time and rich - es And our &tTength to feed the poor

King-dom ti - dings bringf Who will shun theworld1s side, Face it as his foet
Non.o can o • ver - throw; To the roy - al Sig - na1 Vio • t'ry is so - oure,
Nakcs pro • vl - s1on for thi11gs nood-fulTho by man - y he's ig • nond. Finn-ly let us stand. 'tn hia ~-doin serv - ice Let us not grow cold,
Heap-ing up mere world-ly ti-eairures Which can nev - er give us life I
And the bu.o • gry with the good news Of tho King-dom hope so sure.

__. Who is on the Lord's sidefWho for him will goT Rearthe eall to serv-ice
Re gives cloth - ing, food and ahel • ter, Seed and soil, and sun Cllld rain; For Je-ho-vah's pow - er .Makes the tri-umph sure. Joy - ful- ly en-list - ing
Why not rath - er be con-tent-ed Hav-ing things wo real - ly need, Let us be right Joy • al, No - ble, true and bold. Lord Je - ho- vah, keep us
For by ldil(l, un - self - ish serv - ica "Rich in good works" we will be,

In Je ·ho - vall's band; Come and join the Lord's aide, For him take Ylllll' stand I
Let's be thank- ful to our Fa-ther That our lives he does sus-tnin, In Je - ho· vah's fight, Now we're on the Lord's side, For the frutb and right I
And by good deeds tlnn - Jy tak - ing Hold of life that's lil'e in - aced t In your right-eous war, Al - ways on I.he right side Now and ev - er - mol'e I
There-by lay - ing up in heav-en Treas-ures for e • ter - ni - ty.

85 The Signal 'Dle Signal (Concluded)
(Isaiah 62: 10)

oa - tions with i - ron rod; Won - der - ful, Coun - s'lor, the Pri.uce of
near - ing the fi - nal hour; Soon will the Sig - nal his foes de-
1. What is that Sig - nal, men of good will, Shin-ing in mand-ment you must o - bey; 'Clear out the stones, the Sig - nal raise
2. Why do tbe na - tions fool - ish - ly rage, And in re-
S. Sons of the Most High, what will you do, With such a

splen - dor on Zi - on's hill, High-ly ex - alt; - ed for nil to
bel - lion ev - er en - gage A - glliost
the Sig - nal, Je - ho- vah's
glo - rious pros•pect in view! Will you stand i - die be-cause of

86 Cause for Gratitude

Is it the King of The The - oo - ra - 1. What~'er may be our Jot in life Of sor - row or of
Deaf to the news thet the King-dom's be - 2. Oh, mag· ni - fy Je - ho - vah God; In earth ex • alt his;
When all the signs show the is 3. The hosts of God en - camp a-round The dwell-ings of the just;
4. Oh, love the Lord, all you his sheep; The faith-ful he'll pre - serve;

Yes, it's the Sijr • nat set up by God, Rut. u of The prais- es of our God will still Our hearts and tongues em • ploy.
But their de • il • ance and clay of pow'r Swift.Jr an When in dis - tress to him we called, He to our res - cne came.
'Go thru the gates and pre • pare the way/ & the eom• De • !iv - 'ranee he af - fords to those Who in his pow - er trust.
.............. So make his serv-ice your de-Jight, And from it nev - er swerve •
Extending MeFey to Others (Coneluded)
87 Extending Mercy to Others
1Vifh a swing/
nev • er had bum boats be • ford No, but he made good use of ~d's
t?amed and am slow in my speeeh"f But il you re~ived of Qod's
bort. • Ing all men far and near: "Flee at once lo Jo • ho· vah's
1. When Je - ho - vah de-ereed that ~ dul • nge Should de. ..---.
2. Now to - day this old world too is end - ing And in
3. G1>d bas brought truth 11nd mer - cy to • getb - er, And re-

mer • 01 And he built and he prea11bed "more and inore",

mer - oy, Th® his spir • it can help you to preao~.
moun·tain, To the king • dOIJ! of God that is here I''

stroy that old world long a - go, Then to No - ah he gave e. eom-

mer - ey our God htts de - c1-eed That the news of its 1ln - isb be
joio - iog is .touna in OU1' 'lnnd'. Pleas.ant fore-taste of New World eon·
88 Oh, Bless the l..ot'd !
(Psalm 108)
Wit1• warnUA.; smoothly fl.owing

1. With songs of praise up - on my lips Ob, bless the Lord, my soul i

ma - sion: 2. J e • ho· vah is OOJD-pas - sion-ate, Our fee - ble frame well knows i
'BuJJd a boat, preach lbe Word, Jet men know;' 3. Re- moved as far as east from west Is ollt in - lq • 111 - ty1
giv • en So that wlio - ev - er will may give heed. 4. In heav - en God pre-pared bis throne, O'er all bis king-dom reigns;
di - tions We'll en - joy if we heed his eom-mand.

For ~ get not all bi.9 bell • e • tits 1 Praise him who made you whole.
Now, did No - ah re - ject that as • sign • ment 'Cause he On- suoh aa keep bis cov - e • nant His mer • C1J he be - atows.
Have you said, "I can • not preach th13 good news; rm un- And f'ath - er - like he pit - iee those Who serve him faith•fol - ly.
Now il.~s ou.r s to show mer • oy to oth • mi By ex- You min· is-tmi, bis pur•pose serveThrough-ont bis wide do-~.

90 91
89 Hear the Call! 90 Christ Is Here!
Confidently; ~t'isk march E:wltingly; i,. measured movement

l. Yon • der on fair Zi - on's moun·tain Stands her Ki.Ilg in faith - fu1 - ness; 1. Zi - oo's king now reigns vie - to - rious; Proph-e - cies prove this ia true;
2. Trust in him who is your Cap-tain;Let no heart in ter - ror quail; 2. Cen - m-ries God's saints a - wait· ed The f)ar-01i - afa of their Lord;
3. On . ward mareh-ing, firm and stead-y, Turn the bat - tie to the gate, 3. Give to "oth ·er sheep" in-strue- tion, Make them glad that Christ is here.

Vol - wi • teers he ealls for serv - ice In his fight for right-e'Ous·nesiJ. God has crowned his Son, 110 glo-rious; Sa • tan's time to rule is thru.
Je - sus leads ·his will- ing peo-ple; In his name they will pre-vail. Now their hopes are con-som-mat-ed; Now the time for tbeirre-word.
Spread the news of n:-con-struc-tjon, For the New World now is near.
Till Je - ho - vah gains the vie-t'ry And his name does vi.o- di- eate.

Ohonu Oko""8

Hear the eaU I oh buck -le your ar-mor on I Grasp the spir - it's might - y sword; Christ is here I Christ is here I Now bas come the King-dom's birth I

Bill - va - tion, Press-ing on to bat-tie for the Lord I Christ is here I Christ is here I Christ is here to rnle the earth I

91 Blessed Zion l
(P~m 122)

Index of Songs
Song No. Bong No.
1. Zi • on, most hap - "PY place, A - domed with won· droua grace, :A Lile of Praise ....... ~.-- ..-·-· 48 Forward I Theooratic W arrion I 54
2. There Ood's a • noint - ed Son Ras fixed his roy • al throne; Adore and Prallie the Lord ...- 68 Forward I You Witnease. I -·- 12
S. May peaae with • in you be; With great pros - per - i · ty Fulfilling Our Commission---· 37 •
"All Things New I" ... ~...........- 78
Ari11e and Shine I ..........- ....P"•-· 48 Giving Jehovah th Praise-·- 14 •
"Be Glad, You Nation-, God's Mighty Arm1 Awan I .•.. 52
with His People I" __ ............... 4 • God's Righteous Requirement. •• l l
Be Strong in Faith ··-·····--- 19 Grateful Praiae ·······-··········--··-· 16
BleMed Are the People! ---u- 6 Gratitude for Divine Patience .. S2
Ble81led Zion I ..........._ ...........~.. 91 Bail J ehovsh'• Goodness I _ ..... 42
Cause for Gratitude ···········--·- 86 Hail the Lord's Anointed.I --- 2
Com-pact with walls of strength a - round; In you God's sheep ap-pear, Christ 11 Here I --·--···-·-··· 90 Bail the Reigning King I -·---· 44
He lits 'With truth And judg • meot there I He mak~ hi!! sen-ants glad1 Contending for the Faith ···--- 66 Hail the Signal! .. ~--- l
May all in - bab - i - tants bo blessed. All men that seek your peace, Happy the Mucital I - - - - 29
C'A>urage, Press On I ·······-·-"· 97
Cultivating the Gifi ot Lo"f'e .•.. 8S Hear the Call I ·····---·-·---· 89
Dedication ··-·-·-···-·--- 14 Heaven'a Army Ia Advancing I .. 26
Earth'• New King! ------- 68 Ria Word Ia Truth ·· · - · - - · 7
Equipped for Warfare ---·-·· !JO Hosannas for David'• Son I - 6
Examine Me, 0 God -··-·-·- 10 I .Am Jehovah! -·-·-···-·- 25 Appreciation .......... 55 Jehovah God, My Shepherd - - SO
Extending Mercy to Othel'll _ 87 Jehovah la Our God! -··--····- 39
"Fear Them Not I" ----·-·· 8 Jehovah, Our Dwelling-Place -· 4a
To wor-ahi.p, praise, and hear Tho King-dom gos • pel's joy • ful sound.
Flee to the Kingdom! · - - - 5S Jehovah, Our Songl - - · · - 21
And eom·forta mourn-era aad, Tells them be &trong and ban· iah fear.
'Forward I' Be Our W atehword .. 18 Jehovah'• Attribute. - - - S5
And pny tor your in-crease, God's gra-clous fa • vor on them rest.
Forward Go I !&8 Joyful Service - - - - - S8

Index of Songs (Concluded)
Song No. Song No.
Joyous Theocratic ActiviL-y ........ 28. Sing Triumphal Praise! ............ 41
Keeping Integrity ........................ 17 • Song of the Free ······················- 62
Let All Now Praise J ebovab ! .... 31 Stick to Your Work! ··············-·· 70
Living Up to the Name .............. 15 Take Sides with Jehovah! ........ 57
"Lord, Here Am. I; Tell It Out ! ············-················-·· 69
Sena Mel" ···························-··· 77 The Day of Jehovah .................... 7(j
Love's More Excellent Way ·-··· 18 The Divine Pattern of Love ........ 34
Ministers for the Issue .............. 47 - The Dwellings of the Lord •....... 24
Oh, Bless the Lord! ·······-·········- 88 The Glorious Treasui-e of Service 82
Oh, Walk with God I ············-····· 56 The Glory of Jehovah ·············-· 72
Pay What Belongs to God! ........ 80 The Greater Jephthah Calls I -·· 3
. Praise Him Mo1·e and M01-e ....... 40 The New Song! ............................ 67
Praise the King of Eternity ...... 9 The News of the Kingdom ........ 51
"Preaeh the Word I" .................... 59 The Servant's Prayer ···-··········· 22
Press On in Kingdom Service I .. 60 The Signal ·································-· 85
Progressing in Service ................ 78 "The Sword of Jehovah
Rejoice I Jehovah. Reigns! -········ 36 and of Gideon I" ·········-··········· 71
Rejoice I The Kingdom The Taunt-Song Against Satan 75
Has Begun! .............................. 61 Then They Will Know! ··:···-···· 45
Rich in Good Works ...................• 83 Theocracy's Increase .................. 20 •
Seeking the Kingdom ........ 49 To the Work ! .............................. 79 #
Send 0 11t Your Light ! .........•...... 65 Wake the Song of
Serving the King ········-·············· 64 Kingdom Cheer! ...................... 81
Sing God's Praise! .............•........' 68 . Who Is on the Lor d's Side' ····- 84


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