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JAO0010.1177/03913988211027176The International Journal of Artificial OrgansCocha et al.

IJAO The International

Journal of Artificial
Original research article

The International Journal of Artificial

An algorithm mimicking pancreas

© The Author(s) 2021
pulsatile behavior improves Article reuse guidelines:

artificial pancreas performance

DOI: 10.1177/03913988211027176

Guillermo Cocha1, Victor Tedesco2,

Carlos D’Attellis2 and Carlos Amorena2,3

Background: Artificial pancreas design using subcutaneous insulin infusion without pre-meal feed-forward boluses
often induces an over-response leading to hypoglycemia due to the increase of blood insulin concentration sustained in
time. The objective of this work was to create an algorithm for controlling the function of insulin pumps in closed-loop
systems to improve blood glucose management in type 1 diabetic patients by mimicking the pulsatile behaviour of the
Methods: A controller tuned in a pulsatile way promotes damped oscillations of blood insulin concentration injected
through an insulin pump. We tested it in a simulated environment, using nine ‘in silica’ subjects. The control algorithm
is founded on feedback linearization where through a change of variables, the nonlinear system turns into an equivalent
linear system, suitable for implementing through a PID controller. We compared the results obtained ‘in silica’ with the
volume injected by an insulin pump controlled by this algorithm.
Results: The use of this algorithm resulted in a pulsatile control of postprandial blood glucose concentration, avoiding
hypoglycaemic episodes. The results obtained ‘in silica’ were replicated in a real pump ‘in vitro’.
Conclusions: With this proposed linear system, an appropriate control input can be designed. The controller works
with a damped pulsatile pattern making the insulin infusion from the pump and blood insulin concentration pulsatile. This
operational would improve the performance of an artificial pancreas.

Bergman minimal model, artificial pancreas, type 1 diabetes, control algorithm, closed-loop control

Date received: 8 March 2021; accepted: 3 June 2021

Introduction can deliver a continuous basal rate and programmed pre-

prandial bolus of insulin.4 In any case, it requires a strong
Type 1 diabetes is produced by an auto-immune condition, patient engagement to input information on carbohydrate
with the destruction of β cells. As Diabetes Control and intake and mealtime boluses. Although CSIIP and CGM
Complications Trial concluded, maintenance of blood glu- are cost-effective technologies, psychosocial and educa-
cose concentration between 4 and 8 mmol/L avoids dia- tional factors limit their broad adoption.5 The development
betic complications, such as retinopathy, kidney damage,
heart diseases, stroke, and neuropathy.1 To overcome these
harms, people with type 1 diabetes are treated with ther- 1
 ODAPLI, Departamento de Ingenieria Eléctrica, UTN FRLP, La Plata,
apy, involving multiple daily injections of insulin.2 Buenos Aires, Argentina
This therapy can be highly improved using continuous 2
ECyT, UNSAM, San Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina
subcutaneous insulin infusion pumps (CSIIP) with real- 3
CONICET National Research Council, Buenos Aires, Argentina
time continuous glucose monitoring (CGM). This approach Corresponding author:
provides information about the magnitude, duration, and Carlos Amorena, ECyT, UNSAM, 25 de Mayo y Francia, San Martin,
frequency of glucose fluctuations, offering efficient con- Buenos Aires 1650, Argentina.
trol throughout the day.3 CSIIP are reliable devices that Email:
2 The International Journal of Artificial Organs 00(0)

of efficient software algorithms would make these devices For testing the algorithm performance in the control of
more independent from the user, and it will help to over- a real insulin pump, we build a simple insulin pump with a
come these disadvantages. Such devices include a CSIIP, a controller governed by this algorithm. The rate of insulin
CGM, and a software algorithm for the automatic determi- delivery changes according to different loads of glucose
nation of insulin dose. In a closed-loop fashion, mimicking given to an ‘in silica’ individual. We simulate blood glu-
a biological pancreas is the most promissory tool to pre- cose values through a computer and compared the meas-
vent further complications triggered by diabetes.6 ured output of the pump with the simulation obtained with
Nevertheless, several aspects of security must be consid- the ‘silica model’. We understand that the validation of the
ered, particularly hypoglycaemic events.7,8 In 2016, a algorithm using a real device strengthens its applicability.
device got FDA approval, but it still requires user instruc-
tions for food intake compensation.9 This device, like Methods
many others in development, uses the subcutaneous route
for providing insulin. After a meal, blood glucose should Mathematical model
be bringing back to basal values within 50–90 min. In
Mathematically, a set of first-order nonlinear differential
usual operation, the controller ‘reads’ the blood glucose
equations in a space state domain describes the insulin-
and it delivers an amount of insulin enough to bring glu-
glucose dynamic system. The present algorithm is based
cose back to the basal value. If the physiological parame-
on the Bergman Minimal Model (BMM), a compartmental
ters, for instance, metabolic demands, change from their
physiological model used for developing several control
calibration values, the controller could turn dysfunctional,
resulting in an incorrect blood insulin concentration. This
The Bergman Minimal Model (BMM) is a compart-
is particularly relevant in a group of diabetics that have a
mental mathematical model, initially designed for the esti-
severely unstable form of diabetes called labile or brittle
mation of pancreatic responsiveness and insulin sensitivity,
diabetes.10 Despite intensive insulin therapy these patients
that satisfies this requirement.
do not reach adequate blood glucose control and have fre-
This model was modified for representing a type 1 dia-
quent hypoglycaemic episodes.
betic. It includes three state variables and describes their
Blood glucose concentration is a function of the rate of
behavior. The model also assumes that insulin (u) is
glucose entering the circulation balanced by the rate of glu-
infused exogenously, therefore modeling an insulin-
cose removal from it. From the point of view of control,
dependent diabetic patient. The injected insulin is distrib-
glycaemia dynamics can be considered as a nonlinear sys-
uted into the circulatory system (x3) and reaches the
tem. In nonlinear systems, the controller action that pro-
interstitial tissue. The remote insulin effect (x2) promotes
duces the accurate response at one operating point might
the uptake of glucose (x1) into the hepatic and extrahepatic
not produce a satisfactory response at another different
tissues acting like the inverse of a putative impedance to
operating point. Because of this nonlinear feature, it is rela-
glucose transfer across the plasma membranes of insulin-
tively easy to reduce glucose values when are high, but it
sensitive cells (representing the insulin sensitivity).
takes proportionally more insulin if glucose is low. This is
a consequence of insulin saturation effects.11,12 Another
aspect of nonlinear characteristics of the glucose regulatory Bergman minimal model equations (*)I
system is that the insulin action profile differs from person
to person and, even in the same person, along the day. x1 = − P1 x1 − x 2( x1 + Gb ) + D ( t ) (1)
Variable rates of absorption, glucose consumption due to
x 2 = − P2 x 2 + P3 x3 (2)
physical activity, stress, and so on, will lead to variable and
unpredictable peaks in insulin action and could cause unex- u (t )
pected both hypoglycaemic or hyperglycaemic events.12 x 3 = − n ( x3 + I b ) + (3)
We developed an algorithm for controlling an artificial
pancreas to deal with those above-mentioned aspects where:
resulting from the particular nonlinear glucose-insulin x1 = basal value of blood glucose concentration
dynamics behaviour. Particularly with the harmful effect x2 = insulin action on hepatic glucose and periphery tar-
of hypoglycaemic events, which are a dangerous by-prod- get tissues
uct of the artificial pancreas design. By developing this x3 = insulin concentration
algorithm, we intended to improve the functioning of an P1 = rate of glucose uptake from the extracellular space,
artificial pancreas, under the assumption that mimicking independently of the influence of insulin [1/min].
the pulsatile behaviour of the natural pancreas would result P2 = fractional rate of insulin appearance in the active
in improved performance of the device. The algorithm compartment;
relies on feedback linearization, a technique designed to P3  = fractional removal of insulin from active
find appropriate compensations that make a given nonlin- compartment;
ear system behave linearly. Gb = basal blood glucose concentration
Cocha et al. 3

Ib = basal blood insulin concentration. Table 1.  Sets of parameters obtained from Neatpisarnvanit
u(t) = infusion of external insulin. and Boston.24
n = rate constant that represents clearance of extracel- Subject# p1 [1/min] p2 [1/min] p3[(min)-1  n [1/min]
lular insulin. (µU/ml)-1]
t = time.
V = extracellular volume (12 L). 1 2.27E-02 2.65E-02 1.20E-05 2.40E-01
D(t) = meal disturbance 2 5.87E-02 1.30E-02 6.58E-06 1.82E-01
3 3.32E-04 2.85E-01 5.09E-06 1.92E-01
As equations (1), (2), and (3) show, BMM is a nonlinear
4 2.85E-07 1.78E-01 6.43E-05 1.51E-01
5 6.38E-02 1.18E-02 4.23E-06 2.00E-01
6 2.00E-03 9.53E-02 3.48E-05 2.42E-01
Feedback linearization based control 7 2.47E-03 1.00E-01 1.47E-05 1.26E-01
8 1.38E-02 3.45E-01 3.74E-04 1.64E-01
Bergman Minimal Model (BMM) is nonlinear and allows 9 8.66E-02 2.02E-02 2.63E-05 3.14E-01
exact linearization.19,20 Nonlinear differential geometric
control is a theory developed in the 1980s for dealing with Values of cases 4 and 5 are from obese people. The numbers eight and
nonlinear systems using the know-how and experience nine were dogs.
obtained with linear systems. In feedback linearization
(FL), a change of coordinates eliminates the nonlinearities
de ( t )
of the process, and it lets find suitable compensations mak- D = kD (7)
ing a given nonlinear system behave like a linear one. The dt
nonlinear change of coordinates allows us to see the origi-
Where k C , k I and k D are the gains.
nal nonlinear system as a linear one and the nonlinear
The validity of FL theory depends on the supposition
observer permits the reconstruction of the non-measurable
that the model represents exactly an actual system.
variables. After the change of coordinates, the system per-
Sensitivity to parameter variability makes it susceptible to
forms like a linear one, and the linear control theory is
lose the exact cancellation of nonlinearities resulting in a
applicable. Thus, the nonlinear transformation allows us
less robust control technique. That is why currently, this
for looking at the system as a linear and controllable one.
technique does not suit well for biological control pur-
Thus, a linear closed-loop controller can be imple-
poses. In this work, the robustness of the feedback lineari-
mented on the augmented system using blood glucose as
zation control strategy is achieved by the pulsatile
the feedback variable and insulin as the acting variable.
behaviour of the PID component. It is obtained via the
(For further details see Appendix)
transient dumped pulsatile of insulin supply.

PID control
The mechanical device
Linear controllers such as PID, an acronym for the math-
The mathematical model used for the simulation in silica
ematical terms Proportional, Integral, and Derivative, can-
was adapted for its use on a PC. Case # 4 (Table 1) was
not deal appropriately with nonlinear systems behavior
picked up for the assay and, from it, the data for simulation
and, in the case of blood glucose control, it requires an
was collected. The arrangement of the prototype consisted
additional pre-meal bolus of insulin.21
of four blocks: first, the oscillatory control; second, the
The PID controller is the most used algorithm in pro-
simulated experimental case; third, the collection of input
cess control. The output of the PID algorithm is the insu-
and output data (data-logger); and fourth, the transfer of
lin delivery rate as a function of the deviation of
data and analysis. A scheme of the implemented device is
measured blood glucose from its desired set-points. This
shown in Figure 1.
deviation or difference is the error e(t). Equation of PID
For transferring commands, a UART port of the com-
is given by
puter was used to drive the controller by a serial device
USB-UART converter CP2102. The data sent and magni-
de ( t )
v ( t ) = kce ( t ) + ∫ e ( t ) dt + k D (4) tude and signs respected.
ki 0 dt

Where: Hardware
P = k c e ( t ) (5) The speed of the insulin volume to inject is low in compari-
son with the processing speed of a standard microcontroller.
t The used board (Mbed LC1768) has a processing velocity
e ( t ) dt (6)
k I ∫0
I= of 100 MHz, enough for the present development and the
library Mbed OS V5 facilitates the control of the motor for
4 The International Journal of Artificial Organs 00(0)

We simulated four punctual meals, along 24 h, two of

80 g, and two of 40 g of carbohydrates, with a night-time
fasting period. The meal ingestion (term D(t) in the equa-
tion (1)), acts as the disturbance, changing glycaemia. We
also simulated one hypoglycemic episode, to verify that
the controller can also deal with this event. To evoke the
hypoglycaemia event, we changed the sign of the term
D(t). To evaluate our algorithm, we compare its perfor-
mance against the Cohen-Coon's (CC) PID tuning
method.25,26 The controller acts on each virtual subject
based on the response of the one single patient randomly
chose to close the loop. Figure 2(a) shows the response on
Figure 1.  Scheme of the arrangement of the insulin pump for
the blood glucose concentration resulting from using the
testing the proposed pulsatile algorithm. CC method when the cases were challenged with a meal.
UART: universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter; PWM: Pulse Width Four of nine fall into hypoglycaemia. As the controller
Modulation; Balance: analytical balance (210 g × 0.1 mg). design is based on a model with nominal parameters, a
mismatch of parameters between the nominal model and
PWM and the communication, allowing the subject simula- patient ones leads to severe hypoglycaemic events.
tion by a computer and obtaining the values of the injected When the PID controller, tuned in pulsatile mode with a
volume. The conversion from rotational to a linear dis- frequency of 2 × 10−3 Hz (8 min), was applied to the whole
placement was implemented through a threaded motor set of virtual patients, none of the subjects suffer hypogly-
shaft, with a pitch of 1 mm per revolution. We use a small caemia (Figure 2(b)).
motor (Mini Metal Gear Motor GA12-N20) weighing 10 g Figure 3 shows insulin oscillations in the blood of every
with high torque and low revolutions (100 RPM min). single patient. As the loop is closed with only one of the
We evaluate the response of the mechanical pump by patients, the rest search for an equilibrium point unique for
gravimetric procedures. Thus, the volume of liquid injected each case. This equilibrium point goes from 8 to 45 µ/UL
by the pump is proportional to the amount of insulin car- and is directly related to the parameters of each particular
ried by the device, and it will depend on insulin concentra- patient. Observe that the controller maintains the oscilla-
tion in the solution, which in the test conditions of this tory pattern in the neighbourhood of the basal value.
model can be arbitrarily varied. The whole system consists Blood glucose during fasting times is kept just around
of a virtual glucose sensor, a controller that executes the the basal value. A change of parameters would eventually
instructions of the algorithm and drives the rate of the lead to unsuited glycaemia values because of the integral
pump and the insulin pump. action of the PID control.27 For assessing the performance
We measured the response of the mechanical prototype, of the controller when faced with fluctuating conditions,
that is, the volume injected by the syringe under different that is, under conditions where parameters change in a sin-
conditions, and compared it with the Simulink® response, gle subject (because of displacement from steady-state, i.e.
obtained ‘in silica’. exercise, stress, etc.) throughout a day, we tested the con-
troller running on different individuals having different
parameters. To simulate this condition, the controller
Results switches between subjects randomly. This situation is
The model consists of glucose and insulin subsystems, equivalent to changes occurring in a single individual
where insulin in the plasma enters a remote compartment which modifies its own parameters in different circum-
where it exerts its action. The pulsatile activity of the insu- stances, that is, changes in glucose demand from the tis-
lin pump promotes pulsatile behaviour in blood insulin. sues. The superior part of Figure 4 shows the insulin
The pump’s pulsatile mode emerges from the linear trans- delivered by the controller in response to switching the
formation of the equations (1) to (3) and PID tuning. parameters, and the inferior side shows the blood glucose
We have simulated the functionality of the whole model profile resulting from this maneuver. Observe that blood
using a MATLAB® Simulink environment using a set of glucose varies no more than 0.1 mmol/L.
virtual patients. The PID transient pulsatile behaviour is Figure 5(a) shows the response obtained ‘in silica’ (dot-
achieved using the automatic tune tool of Simulink by fit- ted line) and the response of the real pump controlled by the
ting for a frequency of around 10−3 Hz.22 The PID gains present algorithm (continuous line). The lower curve shows
used are P = 4.83, D = 0.07 and I = 0.21.23 the evolution of plasma glucose after an initial load (40 g
Simulations ran on a set of nine different individuals -a-) and a larger load (80 g-b-). There was a high corre-
obtained from Neatpisarnvanit and Boston,24 each one of spondence between both outputs, that of the silica model
them with its BMM parameters exhibiting a great inter- and the real pump. Figure 5(b) shows the relationship
subject variability (Table 1). between the volume injected by the pump and the simulated
Cocha et al. 5

Figure 2.  The loop is closed in only one of the patients and the rest run in an open-loop mode founded on the input of that
patient: (a) The controller tuned with Cohen-Coon method, (a.a) insulin delivered to the set of patients, (a.b) the blood glucose
concentration in each one of the virtual patients. (b) Blood glucose changes with oscillatory insulin infusion, (b.a) The pattern
of insulin delivered to the set of patients, (b.b) The blood glucose concentration in each subject. The arrow indicates when the
hypoglycaemic event was induced.

glucose plasma level in the vicinity of normal glycaemia. supports the view that the controller can be satisfactorily
The volume injected by the real pump copies the oscillatory employed on a real insulin pump.
insulin pattern, induced by the algorithm.
Figure 5(c) shows the numerical values obtained by
simulation with the output of the pump. The volume
injected by the pump was measured by weight. The slope Algorithms for the control of insulin secretion by the artifi-
was 1.02 with a correlation coefficient of 0.68. This result cial pancreas are a cornerstone in the development of
6 The International Journal of Artificial Organs 00(0)

Figure 3.  Blood insulin concentration of the set of patients when exogenous insulin infusion is delivered in an oscillatory mode.

Figure 4.  Controller response (insulin delivered) and blood glucose level originated by a change of parameters on a single
individual. The controller adjusts insulin dose, faced with each change in glucose concentration.

efficient devices for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. Lately, pulses enhances glucose regulation and enables inter-islet
some useful algorithms were developed, able to deal with synchronization.32–34 Glucose induces insulin release from
an important issue of AP, that is, hypoglycaemia.17,28 the β-cell by repetitive oscillations of the membrane poten-
Insulin secretion during a meal has a pulsatile nature tial. The duration and frequency of each burst of electrical
and involves a series of pulses with amplitude and fre- activity are a function of glucose concentration.29,35 This
quency modulated by glucose.29–31 Insulin discharging in a pulsatile electrical activity evokes the pancreas to generate
pulsatile mode requires the electrical coordination of the pulses of insulin at a stable frequency, responding to
secretory activity between β-cells in parallel with oscilla- increased glucose loads by increasing the amplitude of the
tion of intracellular Ca2+. Phase modulation of insulin pulses.29,36 The insulin released from the β-cells results in
Cocha et al. 7

extracting insulin delivered in pulses.33,37,38 Furthermore, an

early marker of diabetes is the disruption of insulin pulsatility,
observed in pre-diabetics and relatives of patients with diabe-
tes who lack significant metabolic abnormalities. Changes in
insulin sensitivity, a characteristic feature for type 2 diabetes,
correlates with the frequency of secreted insulin.35,39,40 These
reasons support the importance of design an artificial pan-
creas mimicking as much as possible the actual one.
PID controller incorporated in artificial pancreas acts
acceptably well. However, an oscillating response in the
transfer function has led to instability of the blood glu-
cose.40 To obtain a satisfactory glucose regulation through
the Proportional-Derivative (PD)/Proportional-Integral-
Derivative (PID) control, the parameter settings for closed-
loop responses of short rise time requires steady-state error
elimination and, overshoot and setting time decrement.40
Feedback linearization is not regularly used for the con-
trol of biological systems because of its drawbacks. As the
method is based on the exact cancellation of nonlinearities,
when parameters vary in time cancellation is no longer
exact, and the performance became degraded. The addition
of the linear pulsatile PID controller improves the perfor-
mance of the FL controller making it apt to control biologi-
cal processes. In this paper, we use classical feedback
linearization and PID linear controller and introduce a new
insight for closed-loop blood glucose control. Instead of get-
ting a zero-error signal, the controller produces a pulsatile
response. The output of the controller is naturally tuned with
the glucose system of the patient. Before a meal, the control-
ler reacts in a pulsatile way, just as an actual pancreas does.
We have simulated the functionality of the whole model
using a MATLAB® Simulink environment. The novelty of
this model relies on the linear section of the controller tun-
ing. Quite contrary to classical tuning methods for PID con-
trollers, where derivative and integral components are tuned
to reduce the transient oscillations, we use pulsatile behav-
iour for mimicking the biological pancreas functionality.
Figure 5.  (a) Response to simulated loads of glucose of Our simulations show that there are no hypoglycaemic
40 g (a) and to 80 g (b) respectively. Continuous line (-), silica
simulated insulin injection; dashed line (- -), volume injected by
events, with the controller dealing efficiently with the uncer-
the real pump; dotted line (•), silica simulated blood glucose tainties of the model. The present simulations showed that
level. All values are arbitrarily normalized. (b) Changes in the the efficiency of the pulsatile control is thoroughly better
volume injected by the real pump (continuous line) and plasma than the non-pulsatile classical control alone. Variability
glucose (dotted line) near to its control value after a meal. among different diabetic patients as well as variability along
Arbitrary scale. (c) Correlation between numerical values the time in the same patient is appropriately compensated.
obtained from the model, (x) and volumes obtained from the Furthermore, we compare the results of the ‘silica
pump, (y). Volume values injected by the pump are scaled to
match with the output of the computer model.
model’ of type 1 diabetes, with the operation of a real insu-
lin pump. The real insulin pump responded fittingly to the
simulated glucose loads. We use a gravimetric procedure
insulin oscillations, one with a period of around 140 min to estimate the performance of the insulin pump as well as
(1.2E−4 Hz) and the other at a higher frequency, with a the controller and the algorithm. We were interested in
period of 5–8 min (3.3E−3 − 2.0E−3 Hz) approximately.30,31 contrast to the qualitative results obtained by the ‘silica
Consequently, the frequency chooses for the algorithm model’ and the real insulin pump. Thus, we did not scale
used in this work was 3.0E−3. the volume injected by the pump with the real ones need
Studies showed that insulin action is improved when insu- for practical purposes. One relevant aspect of this work is
lin is presented to the liver in a pulsatile fashion. The liver that the ‘silica model’ robustness is validated by the per-
rapidly responds to fluctuations in insulin secretion, formance of a real pump.
8 The International Journal of Artificial Organs 00(0)

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