10.1 3110007 ES Smart Cities

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Department of Civil Engineering

Environmental Science (3110007)

Smart Cities
Presented By
Prof. Pooja Patanwal


The Smart City
What is a Smart City?

 A Smart City has-

 basic infrastructure,
 uses ‘smart’ solutions to make
infrastructure and services better, and
 relies on Area based development.
 Provide basic infrastructure.

 Quality of life.

 Clean and sustainable environment.

 Apply Smart Solutions.

 Set examples to be replicated both within

and outside the Smart City and catalyze
the creation of similar Smart Cities.
Smart Cities Mission Strategy
 Pan-city initiative in which at least one Smart
Solution is applied city-wide.
 Develop Areas step-by-step – three models of
area-based developments –
 Retrofitting,
 Redevelopment,
 Greenfield
What is basic infrastructure?
 Basic public infrastructure is built by dovetailing
and synergizing with other Missions and Schemes
 Basic infrastructure includes,
 Assured water & electricity supply,
 Sanitation & Solid Waste Management,
 Efficient urban mobility & public transport,
 Affordable Housing,
 Robust IT connectivity,
 e-governance & citizen participation,
 Safety & security of citizens,
 Health & Education and
 Economic Activities & Livelihood Opportunities.
City wide Smart Solutions

Cities may
add any
number of
solutions to
the area
ts to make
funds cost
What are ‘smart solutions’
 Smart solutions are application of IT&C to
municipal services and infrastructure to make
them better.
 Examples –
 Smart water meters and billing systems,
 Remotely controlled automatic distribution valves,
 Real time, online systems of monitoring water
 City-wide intelligent video surveillance network,
 Using mobile phones for cyber tour of worksites,
Area based Development Models
 Retrofitting
Development of an existing built area greater than 500
acres so as to achieve the objective of smart cities
mission to make it more efficient and livable e.g. Local
Area Development (Ahmedabad)
 Redevelopment
Replace existing built environment in an area of more
than 50 acres and enable co-creation of a new layout,
especially enhanced infrastructure, mixed land use and
increased density e.g. Bhendi Bazar, Mumbai
 Greenfield
Develop a previously vacant area of more than 250
acres using innovative planning, plan financing and plan
implementation tools with provision for affordable
housing, especially for the poor e.g. New Town, Kolkotta,
Naya Raipur, GIFT City.
Components of area-based
 Holistic development of existing and new areas.
 One area catalyzes the development of other areas,
 Sets an example for other cities.

 Quality of life in Areas meets citizens expectations

and has
 Planned mixed land use,
 Housing, especially for the poor,
 Walkable localities – accessibility to parks, public
 Preservation and development of open space,
 Public transport, last mile connectivity,
 Governance is citizen friendly and cost effective.
Smart City selection Process
 The city selection process is based on the idea of
Cooperative and Competitive Federalism.
 Cities are diverse - Each city has to construct its idea
and vision of a smart city that is aligned to its local
 The city selection process follows a Challenge method
- two stages, in conjunct, to select cities.

 Stage – I : Intra-State city selection on objective

criteria to identify cities to compete in stage-II.

 Stage – II: All India competition to select smart

cities for multiple rounds of selection.
Stage-I Competition (within State)
Number of potential Smart Cities will be
intimated to each State, based on an
equitable & objective based formula.

An intra-state competition to select proposed

Smart Cities, based on the Stage – I criteria

The selected cities will be called the short

listed Smart Cities.
Proposal of Stage 2
 No particular model prescribed – each city has to develop its
own idea of a smart city, vision, and submit a Smart City
Proposal (SCP) during the All India competition.
 Convergence important.
 Proposal format is given in the Toolkit,
 The Proposal by the short listed city has to,
 Contain a retrofitting or redevelopment or greenfield or a
mix thereof plus a Pan-city feature with Smart
 Area based developments should include some essential
Area based Development
Essential Features
• Applicable to all three type of area based developments
• Adequate water supply including waste water recycling and
storm water reuse,
• Assured electricity supply - least 10% of the energy
• requirement coming from solar power,
• Sanitation, including solid waste management,
Efficient urban mobility and public transport,
Affordable Housing, especially for poor, Robust IT
connectivity and digitalization,
Area based Development
Essential Features (Cont..)
Additionally, for greenfield areas
80% buildings would be energy efficient green
15% of the building will be in the affordable housing
City Selection Criteria : Stage-II
The 100 short listed potential Smart Cities are selected
through an inter-state competition

The 100 selected cities prepare their Proposals for All India competition
with capacity assistance

Based on pre-defined Stage 2 criteria , the evaluation is done by

national and international organisations

Winners declared for Round – 1

Winners set-up SPV and

start implementation. Non-Winners prepare to
Preparation of DPRs, improve their proposal for
tenders etc. Round - 2
Capacity Assistance for SCP
 Preparing Smart City Proposals is challenging and
assistance is required. For preparation of the SCP financial
assistance will be provided – Rs. 2 crore will be released to
shortlisted 100 cities. MoUD will assist in two ways –
 Technically qualified firms and States/UTs are free to draw
upon this Panel using the RfP given in the Toolkit
– Scope is also given in Annexure 1 of Guidelines, OR
 Tying up arrangements to get Technical Assistance from
foreign Governments who have volunteered to provide such
Implementation & Financing
 Each city will have a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV).
The SPV will have complete flexibility to plan,
implement, manage & operate and will be headed by a
full time CEO. Articles of Association will be given in
 Centre will invest a total of Rs. 48,000 crore in 100
cities across the country for 5 years – each Smart city
will get Rs. 100 crore each for five years.
 State / ULBs will mobilize additional resources required
of Rs. 48,000 crore as per 50:50 funding pattern.
 These funds will act as a catalyst to attract funding from
internal and external sources.
Funds release and distribution
 Funds can be used as follows –
 Project funds – 93%,
 State/ULB (Administrative & Office Expenses) – 5%,
 MoUD (Administrative & Office Expenses) – 2%,

 Advance of Rs. 2 crore to shortlisted cities to prepare


 First year Rs. 200 crore, thereafter Rs. 100 crore

every year.

 Funds release – timely submission of Score Card,

satisfactory physical and financial progress as shown
from UC and Score Card, achievement of milestones
in the Proposal – to be certified.
Citizen collaboration
 At city level Smart City Advisory Forum will be

 The Smart City Advisory Forum will include the

District Collector, MP, MLA, Mayor, CEO of SPV,
local youths, technical experts, and representative
of Associations.

 The CEO of the SPV will be the convener of the

Smart City Forum.
Mission monitoring
National level – Apex Committee (AC) headed by

State level -State level High Powered Steering

Committee (HPSC) - chaired by the Chief

City Level - CEO of the SPV is convener of the

Smart City Forum.
 This is the first time a MoUD programme is using
the ‘Challenge’ or competition method to select
cities for funding.

 Strategy of area-based development.

 Citizen involvement is a key to the success of the

Smart Cities Mission. The involvement has to
start from beginning to the end.
Stage 1 Selection Criteria
Criteria Score

Increase over Census 2011 or Swachh Bharat baseline on

1 10
number of household sanitary latrines (whichever is less)

Making operable Online Grievance Redressal System with

2 5
response being sent back to complainant

3 At-least first monthly e-newsletter published 5

Electronically place project-wise municipal budget
4 expenditure information for the last two financial years on 5
the website
5 Levy of compensatory penalty for delays in service delivery 5

Collection of internally generated revenue (e.g. taxes, fees,

6 10
charges) during the last three FYs (2012-15)
Stage 1 Selection Criteria (Contd.)

S. Criteria Score
7 Payment of salaries by ULB up-to last month 5
8 Audit of accounts for FY 12-13 5
9 Percentage contribution of tax revenue, fees and user 10
charges, rents and other internal revenue sources
10 Percentage of establishment and maintenance cost of water 10
11 Percentage contribution of internal revenue sources (self- 10
generated) used for capital works during FY 2014-15
12 Percentage of City-level JnNURM Reforms achieved 10
13 Percentage of completion of Projects sanctioned upto 10
March, 2012 under JnNURM
Total 100
Stage 2 Selection Criteria
Challenge criteria developed after
extensive consultation
• City Level Evaluation Criteria………………………....30%
 Credibility of Implementation
 % of JnNURM projects completed;
 Number of JnNURM reforms completed;
 Property tax collection as a % of annual demand;
 Water and Sewerage user charges collected as a % of
current annual demand, etc.
 City Vision and Strategy
 How well does the vision come out of aspirations and
wishes of people;
 Does the vision show: why ? The big idea, picture of the future;
 Does the vision show the city’s true purpose and is
connected to its economic base?
Stage 2 Selection Criteria (Cont..)

• Proposal based Evaluation criteria…………………..70%

 Impact of Proposal
 Do the vision flow from vision identified through citizen
 To what extent are the goals and objectives aligned, etc.
 Cost Effectiveness
 Does the proposal have smart component i.e. doing
something in more resourceful and efficient manner,
 Are different sources of funding tapped, etc.
 Innovation & Scalability
 Have any best practices been used,
 Is the project scalable to entire city, etc.
 Process Followed
 Details of process for co creating every step through an
extensive consultation,
 Use of social media for citizen consultation, etc
Bhendi Bazaar
Bhendi Bazaar
Bhendi Bazaar
Bhendi Bazaar

Future Commercial
Master Plan - GIFT City
Visionary Skyline - GIFT City
External Connectivity - GIFT City

NH 2,










Number of Smart Cities Allocated to each
State Name No.s State Name No.s State Name No.s
A & N Islands 1 Haryana 2 Nagaland 1
Andhra Himachal
3 1 Odisha 2
Pradesh Pradesh
Arunachal Jammu &
1 1 Puducherry 1
Pradesh Kashmir
Assam 1 Jharkhand 1 Punjab 3
Bihar 3 Karnataka 6 Rajasthan 4
Chandigarh 1 Kerala 1 Sikkim 1
Chhattisgarh 2 Lakshadweep 1 Tamil Nadu 12
Daman & Diu 1 Madhya Pradesh 7 Telangana 2
Dadra & Nagar
1 Maharashtra 10 Tripura 1
Delhi 1 Manipur 1 Uttar Pradesh 13
Goa 1 Meghalaya 1 Uttarakhand 1
Gujarat 6 Mizoram 1 West Bengal 4
 Definition and Important terms.
 Types and Sources of Solid Wastes.
 Generation rates of Solid waste.
 Causes of Solid waste pollution.
 Effects of Solid waste Pollution.
 Solid waste management.
 Garbage:- All types of putrescible organic wastes obtained from kitchen,
hotels, restaurants in from of waste food etc., in from of waste food
articles, peeling of vegetables, fruits etc. It also includes animal dung,
grass and leaves etc.
 Rubbish:- All non putrescible wastes except ashes are known as rubbish.
It includes rags paper pieces of glass, paper packets, glass and plastic
bottles, broken crockery etc.
 Ashes:- Ashes are incombustible waste products obtained from,
industries, hearth and furnaces.
 Putrefaction:- Microbial decomposition of organic matter accompanied
by odour is called putrefaction.
 Leachate:- Liquid that has travelled through solid waste or other
medium and has extracted, dissolved or suspended materials from it is
called leachate.
Types and Sources of Solid waste:
 Municipal waste:-Municipal
waste are those waste which
arise from house hold activities,
public places, restaurants,
institution markets street-
sweeping etc.
 Industrial wastes:- Industrial
wastes are that waste which
arises from industrial activities. It
typically includes rubbishes,
ashes demolitionand
construction waste, special waste
and hazardous waste.
Types and Sources of Solid waste:
 Hazardous waste:- Wastes that poses a substantial danger
immediately or over a period of time to human animal or plant life
are called hazardous wastes.
Causes of Solid waste pollution
1. Over population:- As the number of people producing pollutant
increase, pollution will naturally increase. Same is true for solid waste
pollution too. Solid waste pollution increase with increase in

2. Technology:- rapidly growing technology fro most economic goods

indicates a shift in technology from the returnable packaging to non-
returnable packaging.
Causes of Solid waste pollution
3. Urbanization:- Solid waste is preliminary as urban problem,
though not exclusively urban. Solid waste pollution increases with
increase in urbanization.

4. Affluence:- With increase in the affluences there is a tendency to

declare items as being in or out fashion and promptly throw away the
ones which are out of fashion. This results in solid waste pollution
Effects of solid waste pollution:-

 Transmission of many disease due to flies breed on the

refuse/solid waste dumps.
 Rats flourishing upon the solid wastes may also cause the
 Improper disposal can cause contamination of crops and water
 Obnoxious order arising from decomposing solid waste can call air
pollution and causing problems in the surrounding areas.
 Solid waste dump also creates aesthetically unpleasing
surrounding environment.
Solid Waste Management
 The solid waste management has the following components:
 Identification of waste and its minimization at the source
 Collection, segregation and storage at the site of collection
 Transportation
 Treatment
 Energy recovery
 Disposal
Collection of Solid waste:-
 Kerbside collection: The house owner is responsible for placing
the solid waste containers at the curb on the scheduled day. The
workmen come, collect and empty the container and put back at the
curb. The house owner is required to take back the empty
containers from the curb to his house.
 Block collection:- Individuals bring the waste in containers and
hand it over to the collection staff who empties it into the waiting
vehicles and the return the container to the individuals.
 Community Storage point:-The solid waste is taken to a fixed
storage bins and stored till the waste storage agency collect it as
per the schedule of the collection.
Processing of Solid Waste
 Processing techniques are used in solid waste management systems
to (1) improve the efficiency of solid-Waste disposal systems (2)
To recover Resources and (3) To prepare materials for the recovery
of conversion products and energy.
Disposal of Solid waste:-
 Disposal on or in the earth’s mantle is, at present the only viable
method for long-term handling:
 (1) Solid Wastes that are collected and are of no further use,
 (2) The residual matter remaining after solid wastes have been
 (3) The residual matter remaining after the recovery of conversion
products and energy has been accomplished.
 Landfilling is the method of disposal used most commonly for
municipal wastes; land farming and deep-well injection have been
used for industrial wastes. Although incineration is often
considered a disposal method, it is in reality, a processing method.
Disposal of Solid waste:-
1. open dumping
2. Sanitary Land filling
3. Incineration
4. Composting
5. Pyrolysis
 Open dumping:- In this method the solid waste is dumped in to
low lying areas and outskirts of the cities. Being relative cheaper.
Disposal of Solid waste:-
 Sanitary landfill:- in this method the solid waste is disposed or
dumped either in naturally available low lying area or digging
tranches or in open areas under an engineered operation, design
and operated according to the acceptable standards not causing
any nuisance or hazard to the public health or safety.
Disposal of Solid waste:-
 Incineration:-
Disposal of Solid waste:-

 Incineration can be defined as a controlled combustion process for

burning solid, liquid and gaseous combustible wastes to gases and
residue containing non combustible material.
 Incinerators are used for the process of incineration. Following
important points should be observed carefully during incineration.
 Charging of solid waste should be continuous.
Disposal of Solid waste:-
 Composting as defined earlier is a process in which organic matter
of the solid waste is decomposed and converted to humus and
stable mineral compounds. The end product of composting process
is called compost which is rich fertilizer.
 There are three methods of composting:
 (1) Composting by Trenching
 (2) Open window composting
 (3) Mechanical Composting
Disposal of Solid waste:-
 Pyrolysis:
 It is defined as heating the solid waste at very high temperature in
absence of air.
 Pyrolysis is carried out at a temperature between 500 0 C to 1000 0C to
produce three component streams.
 Gas: It is a mixture of combustible gases such as hydrogen, carbon
dioxide, methane, carbon mono-oxide and some hydrocarbons.
 Liquid: It contains tar, pitch, light oil, and low boiling organic chemicals
like acetic acid, acetone, methanol etc.
 Char: It consists of elemental carbon along with inert material in the
waste feed.
 The char liquid and gases have high calorific values.
 It has been observed that even after supplying the heat necessary for
pyrolysis, certain amount of excess heat still remains which can be
commercially exploited.
Disposal of Solid waste:-
Urban Mass Transportation System

 Introduction to Urban Mass Transportation System

 Requirement of Mass transportation system
 Concept of travel demand for modeling
-Aspects in travel demand
 Factors affecting travel demand
 Sequential & Simultaneous models
-Aggregate & Disaggregate approach
 Types of Mass transit system
 Advantages of Mass Transportation System
 Opportunities in Mass Transportation System
Urban Mass Transportation

 Urbanization + Transport = Urban Mass Transportation

Cities (Urban Areas) play a vital role in

promoting economic growth and prosperity of a

 The development of cities largely depends upon their physical,

social, and institutional infrastructure. Transport demand in
most Indian cities has increased substantially, due to increases
in population as a result of both natural increase and migration
from rural areas and smaller towns.
Urbanization Trend : India
Parameter 1951 2001 2011

Population (million) 361 1027 1210

Urban Population 62.4 285 377

(million) (Level of (17.2%) (27.7%) (31.1%)
Metropolitan Cities 5 35 53
(Population in (11.9) (107.88) (160.70)
Metro Population 3.3% 10.5% 13.3%
(% of Total Population)
Metro Population 18.8% 37.8% 42.6%
(% of Urban Population)
Ave. Population / Metro 2.35 mill. 3.08 mill. 3.03 mill.

Source: Census of India Report

Vehicular Population: Ownership Profile
Nos . of Ve h i c l e /1000 P o p u l a t i o n

300 272 266 252

177 175
200 166 158
100 59

Transit Use by City Size




Transit Trips






50000 100000 500000 1000000

Source: VTPI, 2011

Captive Riders Choice Riders
Travel Options???

360 moped or 300 Cars or 6 Buses or 1 Metro

To solve the traffic congestion problem, the best method is encourage the use of
public transport or mass transport.
Share of Public Transport
Planning Approach….Reversal Needed….
Concept of travel demand

 Travel demand :- it refers to the amount and type of

travel people would choose under specific
conditions. considering factors such as the quality of
transport option available and their prices.

 Hidden demand:- it refers to decisions related to

creation and management of transportation and
traffic facilities.
Transportation demand :-It is concentrated at
specific times that are related to the current activity
pattern of the society for example social and
recreational trips. also in such type of demand
forecasts will be poor.
Major Aspects in travel demand

Land use :- It refers to pattern of land usage in

an area. Land use affects the transportation
demand through generation and distribution of

Trip purpose:- It refers to purpose for which

the trip is being undertaken. A trip is a
movement from origin to destination, the
distance between origin and destination is
called trip length. and the time taken is known
as trip time.
Factors affecting travel demand

 Socio-economic factors
 Location factors
 Public transport accessibility factors
 Socio-economic factors :

 Household income
 Occupation status
 Family size and composition of household
 Cultural aspects
 Number of cars per household
 Location factors

 Population
 Residential density
 Distance of household from town center( central
business district)
 Public transport accessibility

 Nearness of public transport facility

 Efficiency and reliability of public transport
 Fare structure, routing etc.

 Factors affecting choice of travel mode

 Purpose of trip
 Distance traveled
 Income of traveler
 Occupational status of the traveler
• Sequential and simultaneous models

 It consists of four descriptors.

 Trip frequency
 Destination
 Mode
 Route and other choice

Aggregate and disaggregate approaches

 Aggregate approach:- This develops relationship

between trip production and attraction with appropriate
independent variable, at zone level, using regression analysis. It
refers to grouped data & pattern but may vary from zone to
zone.(simultaneous models)

 Disaggregate approach :- This is based on

development of equations describing independent variable on the
trip making as a basic unit. Data required is based on household
characteristics.(sequential models)
Urban mass transit system

It is based on two types and they are as follows :-

1. Road based transit

2. Rail based transit
Road base transit involves

 Buses and coach

 City buses / commuter buses
Rail based transit

 Trains
 Commuter rails & suburban rails
 Metro trains
 Mono rail
 Light rail transit system
 Sky rail
Metro Train

• Rapid Rail Transit

• Very High Capacity
• Low Air Pollution
• High Noise Pollution
• 25 to 60 kmph
• High Cost

Mumbai Metro Train Ride

Mono Rail

 It comprises of a single rail track with vehicle

suspended from or straddling the guide way
World’s Longest Straddle-
type Monorail
in southwest China

MONORAIL train "Electric Elevated

in Sydney CBD, Railway (Suspension
Ausralia Railway, Germany.
Chongqing Rail
Light Rail Transit System

 Lighter vehicles & lighter track

 Exclusive ROW ,Underground or on embankments

Jakarta Light Rail


city Columbia, Canada.

LRT in Surrey, south east of England

Sky Rail

 It is modified version of LRT automatic.

 Chances of accidents are reduced due to complete
 Capital cost is high

Advantages of mass transit system

 Environmental impacts
 Social impacts
 Fuel saving
Freight impacts
 Reduces congestion
 Save time
 Cost effective
Opportunities in Mass transit system
Opportunities in Mass
transit system
 Everyday lives
are taken for
granted in
urban areas

Source: Google.com
Opportunities in Mass transit system
Opportunities in Mass transit system

Public Awareness
……….Changing people’s
choice of travel from
private vehicles to public
Opportunities in Mass transit system

 Its setup is incredible expensive

 Possibility of attacked or being robbed
 Malfunctioning of equipment as well as service
disruptions caused due to labor strikes
 Passengers may be attacked by infectious diseases
 Late night safety is not assured
 Accident may cause large casualties
 Change in time of certain buses may cause
inconvenience to passengers
Rainwater Harvesting and
Watershed Management
Some Facts about Water

• Only 2.5% of the world’s water is freshwater and most of this are
in the form of polar ice-caps.
• Water use has increased by 70%since 1970
• Arecent report by Credit Suisse stated that by 2025 18 countries
will experience water demand beyond supply capabilities
• It takes up to 5000 lt of water to produce 1kg of rice.
• Every square mile of developed land causes 16 million gallons of
rain water to directly enter the rivers on a rainy day!
• Each person uses about 150 litres of water every day. About 60
litres of this is for toilet flushing
• Toilet flushing is the single largest user of household water, 30-
40%, up to 90%for offices.
What is Water harvesting??

• Water harvesting is the capture, diversion, and

storage of water obtained from different
freshwater sources for plant irrigation,
domestic purposes, industrial purposes,
groundwater recharge and other uses.
Rainwater harvesting [RWH]

• It is a type of water harvesting.

• It can be defined as the system of collection and
concentration of rain water and its run off and
its productive use for :-
a) Irrigation of annual crops pastures and trees.
b) Domestic and livestock consumption.
c) Groundwater recharge.
Need For Rainwater Harvesting
• Major parts of our country have been facing continuous
failure of monsoon and consequent deficit of rainfall over the
last few years.
• Also, due to ever increasing population of India, the use of
ground water has increased drastically leading to constant
depletion of ground water level causing the wells and tube
wells to dry up.
• In some places, excessive heat waves during summer create a
situation similar to drought.
• It is imperative to take adequate measures to meet the
drinking water needs of the people in the country besides
irrigation and domestic needs.
• Out of 8760 hours in a year, most of the rain in India falls in
just 100 hours.
Rainwater can be harvested in a
variety of ways:
Rainwater can be harvested in a variety of ways:
• Directly from roof tops and stored in tanks.
• Monsoon run off and water in swollen streams
during the monsoon and storing it in
underground tanks.
• Water from flooded rivers can be stored in small
• Collection and transfer of rainwater into
percolation tanks so as to facilitate discharge into
Components of RWH



Models of RWH
There are two main models of rainwater
harvesting done in India:-

Rural model of RWH
• Rural areas generally use traditional methods of
rainwater harvesting.
• Main motive of rainwater harvesting in these
areas is to facilitate irrigation for agriculture and
use of water for domestic and drinking purposes.
• Nowadays practices are also been followed to as
to recharge groundwater levels.
• Many of the traditional structures include
Tankas, Nadis, Talabs, Bavdis, Rapats, Kuis, Virdas,
Kunds, Khadins, Johads etc.
Bawodi Kunds
Traditional step wells
are called vavadi in
Gujarat, or baoris or Covered underground
bavadis in Rajasthan tank, developed
and northern India. primarily for tackling
drinking water
Khadin Bund
Urban Model of RWH
• More modernized system of rainwater
• The main components of the urban model are:-
a) Roof catchment
b) Gutters
c) Down pipe
d) First flush pipe
e) Filter unit
f) Storage tank
g) Collection pit.
Components of Urban RWH models

Storage Tank Pipe System

• RWH provides a good supplement to other water sources
thus relieving pressure on other water sources.
• It can supply as a buffer and can be used in times of
emergency or breakdown of public water supply systems.
• Helps reduce the storm drainage load and flooding in the
• It is a flexible technology and can be built to require meets
of any range. Also the construction, operation and
maintenance is not very labour intensive in most systems.
• Prevents water wastage by arresting run off as well as prevents soil
erosion and mitigates flood.
• Sustains and safeguards existing water table through recharge.
• Arrests sea- water intrusion and prevents salination of ground
• Rainwater harvesting can reduce salt accumulation in the soil
which can be harmful to root growth. When rainwater percolates
into the soil, it forces the salts down and away from the root zone
area. This allows for greater root growth and water uptake, which
increases the drought tolerance of plants.
• Rain-water is a clean and pure source of drinking water which
requires minimal chemical treatment as the amount of pollutants
are not much.
• In terms of complex constructions, there is a requirement for high
costs, trained professionals.
• Maintenance costs may add to the monetary burden.
• If not maintained properly then it can cause various problems in terms of
algal or bacterial growth.
• Tanks if not constructed properly might result in leakages and
metal tanks may also lead to problems such as corrosion harming the water
• All these factors might prove harmful and result in various kinds of health
• The system is very much rainfall dependent and hence if there are problems
with the rainfall in the area, it may not be very effective.
Future of Rainwater Harvesting

• Rainwater harvesting systems serve as an

alternative decentralized water source especially
in the age when groundwater supplies are
depleting and municipal water infrastructures
are facing high replacement costs.
• The use of decentralized rainwater harvesting
systems is growing nationally and
internationally, especially in industrial countries
like Asia, Europe and the US.
RWH – Methodologies

• Roof Rain Water Harvesting

• Land based Rain Water Harvesting
• Watershed based Rain Water harvesting
• For Urban &Industrial Environment –
• Roof &Land based RWH
• Public, Private, Office &Industrial buildings
• Pavements, Lawns, Gardens &other open spaces
There are two main techniques of rain water
• Storage of rainwater on surface for future use.
• Recharge to ground water.
The storage of rain water on surface is a traditional
techniques and structures used were underground
tanks, ponds, check dams, weirs etc
Recharge to ground water is a new concept of
rain water harvesting and the structures
generally used are :-

Pits :- Recharge pits are constructed for

recharging the shallow aquifer. These are
constructed 1 to 2 m, wide and to 3 m. deep
which are back filled with boulders, gravels,
coarse sand.
• Trenches:- These are constructed when the
permeable stream is available at shallow
depth. Trench may be 0.5 to 1 m. wide, 1 to
1.5m. deep and 10 to 20 m. long
depending up availability of water. These
are back filled with filter materials.

• Dug wells:- Existing dug wells may be

utilised as recharge structure and water
should pass through filter media before
putting into dug well.
Appropriate Technology

Water conservation
and groundwater
recharge techniques

Water harvesting cum

irrigation techniques
Hand pumps :- The existing hand pumps may be
used for recharging the shallow/deep aquifers,
if the availability of water is limited. Water
should pass through filter media before
diverting it into hand pumps.
Recharge wells :- Recharge wells of 100 to 300
mm. diameter are generally constructed for
recharging the deeper aquifers and water is
passed through filter media to avoid choking of
recharge wells.
Recharge Shafts :- For recharging the shallow
aquifer which are located below clayey surface,
recharge shafts of 0.5 to 3 m. diameter and 10 to
15 m. deep are constructed and back filled with
boulders, gravels &coarse sand.
Lateral shafts with bore wells :- For recharging the
upper as well as deeper aquifers lateral shafts of
1.5 to 2 m. wide & 10 to 30 m. long depending
upon availability of water with one or two bore
wells are constructed. The lateral shafts is back
filled with boulders, gravels &coarse sand.
Spreading techniques :- When permeable strata starts from
top then this technique is used. Spread the water in
streams/Nalas by making check dams, nala bunds, cement
plugs, gabion structures or a percolation pond may be
Rain Water Harvesting?.

Rain Water Harvesting RWH- process of collecting, conveying

& storing water from rainfall in an area – for beneficial use.
• Storage – in tanks, reservoirs, underground storage-
• Hydrological Cycle
Harvesting System
Broadly rainwater can be harvested for two purposes
•Storing rainwater for ready use in containers above or
below ground
•Charged into the soil for withdrawal later (groundwater

Rain Water Harvesting?
•RWH - yield copious amounts of water. For an average rainfall
of 1,000mm, approximately four million litres of rainwater can be
collected in a year in an acre of land (4,047 m2), post-
•As RWH - neither energy-intensive nor labour-intensive
•It can be a cost-effective alternative to other water-accruing
•With the water table falling rapidly, & concrete surfaces and
landfill dumps taking the place of water bodies, RWH is the most
reliable solution for augmenting groundwater level to attain self-
The roof catchment are selectively cleaner when comparedto
theground level catchment

• Losses from roof catchment are minimum

• Built &Maintained by local communities
• No Chemical contamination & only required
• Available at door step with least cost

Rain water harvesting system
The typical roof top rain water harvesting system comprises

• Roof catchment
• Gutters
• Down pipe & first flushing pipe
• Filter Unit
• Storage Tank

Roof Catchment
The roof of the house is used as the catchment
for collecting rain water. The style construction
and material of the roof effect its suitability as a
catchment, Roofs made of corrugated iron sheet ,
asbestos sheet, Tiles or Concrete can be utilized
for harvesting the rain water

Gutters are channels fixed to the edges of roof
all around to collect & transport the rainwater
from the roof. Gutters can be made in semi-
circular and rectangular shape with cement
pipe, plain galvanized iron sheet, PVC pipes,
bamboos etc. Use of locally available material
reduce the overall cost of the system.

Down Pipe
It is the pipe which carries the rainwater from
the gutters to the filter & storage tank. Down
pipe is joined with the gutters at one end &
the other end is connected to the filter unit of
the storage tank. PVC or GI pipe of 50mm to
75mm (2 to”) are commonly used for down
pipe. Bamboo can be also used wherever
available and possible

First Flush Pipe
Debris, dust & dirt collect on the roof during
non rainy periods when the first rain arrive. A
first flush system arrangement is made to
avoid the entering unwanted material into the
Filter media & storage tank. This is a simple
manually operated arrangement or semi-
automatic system with a valve below the ‘T’

Filter Unit
The filter unit is a container or chamber filled
with filter media such as coarse sand,
charcoal, coconut fiber, pebbles & gravels to
remove the debris & dirt from water that
enters the tank. The filter unit is placed over
the storage tank or separately. It may be of
Ferro cement filter unit, Aluminum, Cement
rings or Plastic bucket etc.

Storage Tank
It is used to store the water that is collected from the roof through
filter. For small scale water storage plastic buckets, jerry cans, clay
or cement jars, ceramic jars, drums may be used. For larger
quantities of water, the system will require a bigger tank with
cylindrical or rectangular or square in shape constructed with
Ferro cement or cement rings or plain cement concrete or
reinforced cement concrete or brick or stone etc. The storage tank
is provided with a cover on the top to avoid the contamination of
water from external sources. The storage tank is provided with
pipe fixtures at appropriate places to draw the water to clean the
tank &to dispose of extra water. Aprovision for keeping the vessel
to collect the water is to be made
Size of Storage Tank

• Based on
– No. of person in the House hold
– Per capita water requirement
– No. of days for which water is required

Water available from Roof

Annual rainfall (in mm) x roof area (in sq. m) x co-

efficient of run off for roof
co-efficient of run off
GI sheet 0.9
Asbestos 0.8
Tiled 0.75
Plaster on bricks/ Concrete 0.7

Watershed Management
• What is a watershed??
• Watersheds can be defined as a geo-hydrological
• unit draining to a common point by a system of
drains. All lands on earth are part of one
watershed or other. Watershed is thus the
• and water area, which contributes runoff to a
common point.
• For example, the watershed of a lake would
include not only the streams entering that lake
• but also the land area that drains into those
streams and eventually the lake.
Water Shed
Water shed
Water Shed
Watershed Management
• The process of creating and implementing plans,
programs, and projects to sustain and enhance
watershed functions that affect the plant, animal, and
human communities within a watershed boundary.
• Watershed management is the integrated use of land,
vegetation and water in a geographically discrete
drainage area for the benefit of its residents, with the
objective of protecting or conserving the hydrologic
services that the watershed provides and of reducing
or avoiding negative downstream or groundwater
impacts. Fresh water, and freshwater ecosystems, is the
most basic components of watershed management.
Need for Watershed Management
• In spite of sufficient rainfall, people have to
depend upon tankers for their domestic water
supply in summers in most of the areas. This is
mainly due to large runoff which is responsible
for water loss as well as soil loss of the land.
• A raindrop, when flows along the slope, carries
the loose soil along it. In this case the topmost
layer of soil is lost rapidly. Due to high intensity
rainfall, it is estimated that, more than 100 tons
of soil is lost .
Objectives of Watershed management

• To control damaging runoff and degradation and thereby conservation

of soil and water.
• To manage and utilize the runoff water for useful purpose.
• To protect, conserve and improve the land of watershed for more
efficient and sustained production.
• To protect and enhance the water resource originating in the watershed.
• To check soil erosion and to reduce the effect of sediment yield on the
• To rehabilitate the deteriorating lands.
• To moderate the floods peaks at downstream areas.
• To increase infiltration of rainwater.
• To improve and increase the production of timbers, fodder and wild life
• To enhance the ground water recharge, wherever applicable.
Watershed Development
• Watershed development refers to the
conservation, regeneration and the judicious
use of all the resources (Natural and Human)
Within a watershed.
Steps Involved in Watershed
• Human Resource management
• Soil and land management
• Water management
• Crop management
• Afforestation
• Rural energy management
• Livestock management
Human Resource Management
• Training is essential to enhance the technical ,
social and managerial capacity of workers,
especially the NGO’s and VWC’s involved in
the watershed development
• The NGO staff, village watershed committee
and watershed committees have been
provided training through on field’ hands on’
structured and farmer to farmer extension
Soil and Land Management
• Soil Management: The soil Conservation
methods should be adopted in the catchment
area. The erosive power of natural agents
(Wind, Rain) and erodibility properties of the
soil combine to causes oil erosion
• The process gets accelerated with increase in
slope of the land surface and retarded by
decreasing in the slope
Soil Management
• The soil erosion can be decreased by
intercepting the erosive power of rain and
wind with vegetation cover, by increasing the
roughness of land surface by different tillage
operations by decreasing the slope of land by
adopting practices like bunds, terraces, and
other such structures.
Conserving Soil and Water
• Contour - Contour trenches trap rain water,
enable it to percolate to underground aquifers
and break the speed of fast moving water
• Gully control - Gully plugs help to control the
flow of water, sedimentation and recharge
ground water aquifers.
• Stone bunds - Building stone and nala bunds
across the slope arrest the flow of water and
control erosion in areas where soil work is not
Contour Bunds Stone Bunds
Check Dams Gully Control
Vegetation Cover
Land Management
• If the agriculture land is undulated the water is
lost by trapping, so the agricultural land should
be properly levelled to obtain uniform growth of
plants with optimum uniform quantity of water
• The deep ploughing by tractors is much efficient
to retain water and to get maximum yield with
optimum supply of water.
• Along the slops of hills area contours, bunds, or
terrace bunds should be constructed at different
levels which arrest the sediments and serve as
detention basin for heavy runoff season.
Deep Ploughing
Water Management
• Benefits may be obtained by utilizing
minimum volume of water, so the water
management is a science of proper
management of water by the cultivators
• •Methods of water management
• Reservoir management.
• Conveyance system management.
• Application of right amount of water
Reservoir Management
• The Reservoir management involves the
method of reducing evaporation losses (use of
chemicals like cethyl alcohol), absorption and
percolation losses (by making reservoir
Impervious by techniques like grouting)
Conveyance System Management

• The canals should be lined to reduce seepage

Application of right amount of water

• The right amount of water should be applied

to the land which is just sufficient to meet the
water requirement of crop.
• Eg. Different crops require different quantity of
water to come to maturity
• The amount of water required by them is
known as
• delta i.e. ht of water measured in cm required
by the crop
• Sugarcane-120 cm
• Rice -120 cm
• Cotton 50 cm
Crop Management
• The crop management should be practices for
maintaining the fertility of the lands for
obtaining maximum yield with minimum supply
of water, correct method of irrigation
• •Border strip method-for wheat, vegetables
• •Furrow methods-for cotton, sugarcanes
• •Basin methods-For orchards
• •Sprinkler methods-for groundnuts, vegetables
• •Drip method-for all types of crops.
Furrow Irrigation
Basin Method
Sprinkler Method
Drip Method
• Planned growth of trees in wasted, restricted
area is a valued aspect of greening. These
conservation measures can reduce soil erosion
Rural Energy Management
• Prevention of local environment degradation
by replacing traditional fuel sources by
renewable energy sources.
• This reduces the agony of rural women
• It mitigates the indoor air pollution
Traditional methods of cooking food
Renewable energies
• Bio gas plant
• Solar cookers
• Solar panels
Livestock management
• The live stock population in the watershed
comprises of cows, bullocks, buffaloes, sheep,
goats, and camels, the live stock owner
normally provides water to large animals
either in the home or the animals are taken to
farmwells. Water availability situation, is also
found to be affecting livestock population. So
necessary steps should be taken to grow the
population of live stock provide them food
and shelter and health.
Live stocks
• Drinking water
• Health care for live stocks
Water Shed community
Advantages/Future Of WSM
• Watershed Development program is a revolutionary program aimed at
fulfilling the water needsin the water scarce areas.
• In areas where there is inadequate water supply watershed management
offers an ideal solution.
• It helps in utilizing the primary source of water and prevents the runoff
from going into sewer or storm drains, thereby reducing the load on
treatment plants.
• If we take steps to encourage each drop of rainfall to penetrate in the
ground at the point where it strikes earth,
it will result in addition of one drop to our useful water supply and
subtraction of one drop from a potential flood.
Water Shed Community
Green Building
• The `Green Building' concept is gaining importance in
various countries, including India.
• These are buildings that ensure that waste is minimized at
every stage during the construction and operation of the
building, resulting in low costs, according to experts in the
• A Green Building is one which uses less water, optimizes
energy efficiency, conserves natural resources, generates
less waste and provides healthier space for occupants as
compared to conventional buildings.
• Green building (also known as green
construction or sustainable building)
expands and complements the building
design concerns of economy, utility,
durability, and comfort.
Objectives Of Green Building
• Green Buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact on human
health and the natural environment by the following ways:
• Using energy, water and other resources efficiently.
• By reducing waste, pollution, and environmental degradation.
• To minimize the use of energy, water and other resources
• To reduce waste, pollution and environmental degradation
• To provide advanced mechanical ventilation systems to increase air
flow and reduce occupant contact with air borne diseases
• To boost renewable energy
• To improve human health and comfort
• To select proper building materials that has low toxicity
Why is Green Building becoming such a widespread initiative?

1. It’s environmentally responsible

2. It promotes a healthier indoor environment
3. It has life cycle economic benefits
1. It’s environmentally responsible!

• Impact on the Outdoor Environment

 Global Warming – Greenhouse gases - Green Buildings

use less energy, so contribute less greenhouse gases and
by extension are considered to have less of an impact on
global warming.

 Ozone Depletion – Green Buildings reduce or eliminate

the use of substances such as CFC’s in mechanical
equipment that can harm the ozone layer.
 Pollution – Green Buildings minimize or eliminate the use of
products that can emit toxins into the air, water or land.
• They promote the use of natural building materials that require
less processing. Even the transportation of people to and from the
buildings is considered in the whole building and site design

 Fresh Water - Some Experts are concerned about our future

supply and quality of fresh water. Green buildings reduce
pollutants to help keep our water cleaner, and adopt ways to
conserve and reuse indoor and outdoor water.
 Energy – Green Buildings use less energy to operate.
They also support the use of buying local materials
to reduce transportation energy consumption ,
thereby reducing the burning of fossil fuels.

 Waste and Landfill sites - ’Waste management is an

ongoing environmental challenge. Green buildings
are designed to minimize solid waste generation and
promote recycling and reuse.
2. It promotes a healthier, more productive workplace

• Indoor Air Quality

- Green Buildings limit the use of products and materials
containing Volatile Organic Compounds and toxins
- Moisture Control is a key design strategy for the
building envelope and for operating systems to help
prevent the possibility of deterioration and mold.
• Day lighting – Diffused natural lighting is incorporated
through skylights, glazing, light shelves, to enhance the
work environment and produce energy savings.
• Ventilation - Superior high-efficiency mechanical systems
integrated with passive ventilation is promoted
• Acoustics - Noise from inside and outside the building is
Fundamental principles
• Sustainable Site Design
• Energy efficiency
• Water efficiency
• Materials efficiency
• Indoor Environment Quality
Sustainable Site Design
• One of the keys of Sustainable Architecture is resource
optimization. A conscious effort is made by architects
and planners to keep the urban area to minimum.
• Open space, green habitat, and other valuable parts of the
land are used creatively to add more beauty and
functionality to the entire construction site.
• Instead of going for sprawl, urban planners and architects
focus on developing the land more compactly as compact
constructions or high density urban planning leaves room
for more walkable, bike and transit friendly cities.
Energy efficiency:

• The layout of the construction can be strategized so that

natural light pours for additional warmth.
• Shading the roof with trees offers an eco-friendly
alternative to air conditioning.
Water efficiency:
• Water conservation is an integral part of every
sustainable construction. Popular water-saving ideas like
collecting rain-water, reusing indoor wash water and
other methods to ensure on-site supply of water are
increasingly becoming popular.
• Many residential and commercial buildings also focus on
methods to recharge ground water, recycle and reuse
• The sanitary fixtures in the apartments should be
designed to minimize water consumption.
• It is also critical to treat and reuse the sewage on-site.
Figure: Rain water harvesting model
Material efficiency:
• The choice of construction material is important in safeguarding
the health of the occupants and to make the building safe and
sturdy. The focus should be on using quality products that meet
the highest standards of safety and health.
• Many buildings utilize recycled engineered materials and
recycled construction debris to create marvellous structures,
thereby minimizing the environmental impacts.
• An example of this are solar power panels,not only they provide
lightening but they are also a useful energy source.
Figure: Reuse of waste materials
Indoor Environment Quality

• Healthy indoor environment is critical to good

health and well-being of residents.
• To maintain a healthy atmosphere, efforts
should be taken to improve the indoor air
quality and ventilation.
• Instead of depending on artificial lighting,
maximum utilization of daylight should be
Benefits of green building

• Environmental Benefits:
• Reduce wastage of water
• Conserve natural resources
• Improve air and water quality
• Protect biodiversity and ecosystems
Figure: Environmental benefits
• Economic Benefits:
• Reduce operating costs
• Improve occupant productivity
• Create market for green product and services

• Social Benefits:
• Improve quality of life
• Minimize strain on local infrastructure
• Improve occupant health and comfort
Figure: Utilization of economical materials

Figure: Benefits of green building

Examples of green building
Here are some examples of green building to understand concept of
green development:
• Shanghai tower, China:
The second tallest building in the world, the Shanghai Tower is also
Shell Platinum and LEED Core certified. The construction of the
tower was done from locally sourced materials, some of which
included recycled materials. The design of the building is 1200
curved to optimize wind load. The double skin façade further allows
additional insulation. All of this is topped with sky gardens, vertical
wind turbines, rainwater harvesting, black water treatment and
Figure: Shanghai tower
• ITC green centre, Gurgaon:
Spread across a sprawling 1,80,000 sq ft, the ITC Green Centre has set a
benchmark for green buildings in India. Located in Sector-32, Gurgaon, the
building has been awarded the Platinum Green Building rating by USGBC-
LEED (Green Building Council-Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design), making it the first corporate house in India to bag this award. The
building is designed keeping in mind the highest environmental standards.
It is made up of bricks and concrete comprising of fly-ash and is equipped
with high-efficiency equipment that reduces 53 percent energy
consumption over a conventional building and 40 percent potable water
requirements. Zero water discharge, solar thermal technology, storm water
management system, reflective high-albedo roof paint, minimal exterior
lighting and separate smoking rooms with exhaust system are some of the
other features of the building.
Figure: ITC green centre
• Olympia Tech Park, Chennai:
Located in the heart of Chennai (Guindy), the Olympia Tech Park
has become one of the biggest and most sought after IT parks in
Chennai. The tech park houses MNCs that operates day and night
which is why energy-saving features and the eco-friendly
environment becomes a necessity. Rated as one of the largest gold
LEED rating buildings in the world, the building makes use of
energy and water saving techniques (rainwater harvesting) and
recycling and to attain zero per cent discharge. The dual plumbing
line of the building which helps in treating grey water is used for
flushing or in irrigation.
Figure: Olympia Tech Park
• Waterfront is a location or part of a city
or town that is directly on a body of water.
• Any building on the waterfront should
boost activity in the public spaces around it
• There should be a mix of uses with seamless
interaction between inside and outdoors.
• They are the sites of festivals, markets, fireworks displays, concerts,
spontaneous celebrations and other high-energy gatherings
• Avoids residential development because it creates pressure to prevent
night time activity from flourishing.
• smart use of amenities can provide protection from inclement weather.
• Lighting strengthens a square’s identity and can draw attention to specific
activities, pathways or entrances.
• Access Made Easy by Boat, Bike and Foot
• Optimize public access
• Use parks to connect destinations, not as destinations unto themselves
• Support multiple modes of transportation and limit vehicular access
• A Multidimensional Environmental Improvement and Urban
Rejuvenation Project
• One of the most innovative projects to make the city liveable &
• Sabarmati has always been important to Ahmedabad;
• As a source for drinking water
• As a place for recreation
• As a place to gather
• Place for the poor to build their hutments
• Place for washing and drying clothes
• Place for holding the traditional Market

• And yet, Sabarmati was abused and neglected;

• Sabarmati became a place to dump garbage
• Storm water drains spewed untreated sewage into the river
• Nallas brought sewage into the river and abused Sabarmati
• Encroachments reduced the river’s flood carrying capacity
• The river was inaccessible to the public
• Environmental Improvement
• Creating network of public open spaces
• Providing adequate public access to the river
• Rehabilitation of the slums
• Rehabilitation of “Gujari Bazaar”
• Rehabilitation of Dhobis (Washer men)
• Creating vibrant urban neighbourhood
• Lower walkway : 23 Km Public promenades along the entire length of the
Rehabilitation of the slums Rehabilitation of Dhobis
Rehabilitation of Gujari bazaar
The Sabarmati is now accessible for public !
Sabarmati back to Ahmedabad and
Amdavadis back to the Sabarmati!
• Reinventing the Crescent, New Orleans transform six miles of unused
industrial and commercial space along the Mississippi River
• Riverfront property as a symbol of reinvention for New Orleans˗˗
• transformation into America’s boutique city.
• An old city rich in culture in a new time, attracting new people and new
ideas through a city-wide “front yard.

• Aims:
- Increase tourism
- Creates jobs and revenue for New Orleans
- Fosters a renewed quality of life among
• our local communities
- Encourages civic activity
- Cultivates energy
- Enhances the community culture
• Reinventing the Crescent Development Plan is ambitious in overall
scope and geography.
• Designated 15 locations to reinvent – providing opportunities for
recreation, relaxation, and reconnection.
• Lifetime opportunity to reconnect the City of New Orleans to its
riverfront and embrace it in new and exciting ways.
• Remove the physical barrier to
public access to the river
• Creation of continuous linear
access and network of great green
spaces along the river’s edge
• Created gathering places and
moment of district character
• New architectural icons and
landmarks to give new face to the
• Beautiful and sustainable living
areas were created along riverside.
• Enhanced huge flow of
infrastructure with expansion in
tax for economic stability.



• Showcase the river’s history
-History plays an important role in shaping a place.
-It gives any place its unique identity.
-It can also be used to educate people about the place.

• Activate the riverfront

-Tourism improves the economic wealth of the city.

• Public accessibility
-Limit obstacles and connect to the river.
-Convenient means for visitors to access the waterfront area.
-Trails, walkways, beaches, along rivers provided.
-There should be multiple entry points to the river so as to have a
successful riverfront with active use.

• Local participation
• Engage with the water
-Existing activities like fishing, boating, repair yards etc. along the
river give it a character.
-Newer development should not totally take away the existing

• Liability
-Building near water can be hazardous for people.
-With easy accessibility to water there are certain liabilities like
drowning or falling from walkways with no railing on them.

• Bank stabilization
-The accessibility factor along with bank stabilization measures.

• Employ high quality architectural materials and sustainable

engineering practices
-By selecting building materials, heights, native plants for
landscaping, reusing disturbed areas and building within the
What is Earthquake?

 They are natural disasters of a genrally unpredictable

 sudden movement - surface of the earth - may be tiny or
several feet.
 A sudden, and rapid shaking of earth caused by the
breaking and shifting of rocks beneath the earth surface.
When earthquakes occur, waves travel in Earth in form of
vibrations, such waves are called Seismic Waves.
Study of such waves - Seismology.
Instrument measuring seismic waves - Seismometer.
Graphs given by that seismometer - Seismic Graph.
 Shaking
Ground moves in the same place
 Land slides
Ground is moved to some
another place
 Liquifaction
Strength of the ground is
reduced causing buildings
to sink
Zone ofearthquake
Earthquake resistant

 Design - it is analysis of forces - buildings due to loads acting on it.

If a building is enough to resist the earthquake, then such building is called
Earthquake resistant structure.

 Such design is called Earthquake resistant designs

Popular Earthquake resistant Techniques

 Shear walls
 Bracing
 Seismic Dampers
 Isolation
 Bands
 Rollers
 Light weight material
 Others
Shear wall
 Vetically oriented wide beams
 It carries sesmic loads down to the bottom
of foundation
 Provides large strength and stiffness to
 Thickness generally varies from 150 mm to
450 mm in high rise buildings.
Link Beams

Diagonal Cross Chevron Eccentric

Cross Bracing
Types of dampers

 Viscous dampers
Reduce the vibrations by fluid action

 Friction dampers
Reduce the vibrations by rubbing action b/w

Tuned mass dampers

Reduce the vibrations by harmonic action
 Lead rubber bearing is sandwiched between two steel plates
 Base isolated by a series of bearing pads which are placed between
building and building foundation
Reduce the building acceleration
by ¼ the acceleration of fixed
base building
Acceleration decreased because
the base isolation system lengthens
the building's period of vibration.
Rubber is highly elastic so reduce the damage
Converts the kinetic energy as heat
Horizontal bands
Increase in Seismic Performance
• Quality Control in Construction.
★ The building should have a simple rectangular plan.

★ Long walls should be supported by Reinforced Concrete columns

★ Large buildings having plans with shapes like T, L, U and X should preferably be
separated into rectangular blocks by providing gaps in between.

 Urban Transportation System –Atul Prakashan By

 http://www.civil.iitb.ac.in/~dhingra/ce751.htm
 http://nptel.ac.in
 http://iihs.co.in/knowledge-gateway/wp-
 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bz4FPosKK0L

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