PBL Assignment

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PBL Unit: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Group: Kayla Feather, Jennifer Herrera

Theme: 16.7 Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory, and representative decision-making at

all levels OR 16.B: Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable

Enduring Understanding: Students will be able to understand that there are many implications
when it comes to running an equitable government. The cost of projects/laws, income for the
projects/laws, how projects/laws are maintained, and how they are created are some of the many
financial decisions that a strong government must consider before implementing any law or

Essential Questions: How do budgets and financial plans impact the quality of life, social
justice for individuals and communities, and create a strong balanced government? How are
demographics impacted by social injustices?

Product Name: Creating a Social Justice Project Proposal for a local, city, county, state, or
federal government with either a budget or who this will impact data.

Standards & Objectives

Content Standards:
● Math: 8.SP.A Investigate patterns of association in bivariate data.
● Math: 6.SP.1 Recognize a statistical question as one that anticipates variability in the data
related to the question and accounts for it in the answers. For example, “How old am I?” is not
a statistical question, but “How old are the students in my school?” is a statistical question
because one anticipates variability in students’ ages.
● History: 8.2 Students analyze the political principles underlying the U.S. Constitution and
compare the enumerated and implied powers of the federal government.

Content Objective: After completing the project, students will be able to investigate patterns in
diagrams (like bivariate data) and analyze the political principles found in the U.S. Constitution
and federal government by addressing a social justice issue of their choice at the local, state, or
federal level through a project or law proposal citing evidence to support the relevance and
budget for monetary feasibility.

ELD Standards: (Bridging) 11.a. Justifying/arguing: Justify opinions or persuade others by

providing detailed and relevant textual evidence or relevant background knowledge, with light
ELD Objective: After writing their proposal, students will be to justify and persuade others of
the importance of their social justice proposal by providing evidence and background

Social Justice Standards: Action 20.: Students will plan and carry out collective action against
bias and injustice in the world and will evaluate what strategies are most effective

Technology Standards: 1.3.a. Knowledge Contractor: Students plan and employ effective
research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative

Arts: 8.MA:Cr1: Generate ideas, goals, and solutions for original media artworks through
application of focused creative processes, such as divergent thinking and experimenting.

Social Justice, Technology, and Arts Objective: After deciding on their social justice issue,
students will be able to employ effective research strategies to generate ideas, goals, and
solutions for their social justice proposal by evaluating effective strategies to address the issue
through a creative media solution (like a video, animation, infographic, or other media artwork).

Student Friendly Instructions

For this project you will be…

● Researching a Social Justice Issue of your choice

○ Should be at the local, city, county, state, or federal level within the U.S.
● Creating a proposal to either solve or bring awareness of this issue
● Producing a media product of your choice to highlight your proposed solution and social
justice issue.
○ You can create a video, infographic, social media campaign, etc.
Rubric & Assessments

Standard Object Exceeds Meets Approaching

Content Standards: After completing the Clearly states what the Somewhat clear what Unclear what the social
project, students will be social justice issue is the social justice issue justice issue is and/or
● Math: 8.SP.A able to investigate and what level of is and what level of what level of
Investigate patterns patterns in diagrams (like government being government being government is being
bivariate data) and addressed addressed addressed
● Math: 6.SP.1 analyze the political
Recognize a principles found in the Clearly explains what Explains the social Does not explain the
statistical question U.S. Constitution and the social justice issue justice issue, but not social justice issue
federal government by is relevant. why it is relevant or and/or does not explain
● History: 8.2 addressing a social does not completely the relevance.
Students analyze justice issue of their Has 1-2 graphs (or explain the issue.
choice at the local, state, more) to support Does not have a graph
the political
or federal level through a proposal Has 1 graph to support with the proposal or
principles does not represent the
project or law proposal
citing evidence to Has a clear and feasible Has a somewhat clear issue being addressed.
support the relevance and budgetary plan and feasible budgetary
budget for monetary plan. Has an unfeasible or no
feasibility or relevance budget
and statistical groups

ELD Standard: After writing their Student justified the Student somewhat Students were not able
(Bridging) 11.a. proposal, students will be importance of the justified the to justify the importance
Justifying/arguing: to justify and persuade social justice proposal importance of the of the social justice
others of the importance social justice proposal proposal
of their social justice Provided sufficient
proposal by providing evidence and Provided somewhat Did not provide
evidence and background background knowledge sufficient evidence sufficient evidence and
knowledge. to convince the and background background knowledge
audience about the knowledge to to convince the audience
social justice issue convince the audience about the social justice
about the social justice issue

Action 20.: Students After researching on their Have 3 (or more) Has 2-3 pieces of Has only 1 piece of
will plan and carry social justice issue, pieces of trustworthy trustworthy and trustworthy and
out collective action students will be able to and scholarly evidence scholarly evidence that scholarly evidence that
research and write social that passes the passes the C.R.A.A.P. passes the C.R.A.A.P.
justice proposals with a C.R.A.A.P. test. test. test, OR has evidence
1.3.a. Knowledge
clear goal, evidence of that does not pass the
Contractor: Students currency, relevance, Clear social justice Somewhat clear social C.R.A.A.P. test
plan and employ authority, accuracy, goals/solutions. justice goals/solutions
effective research purpose, and media Does not have clear
artwork. Creative mixed media Has a somewhat social justice
8.MA:Cr1: Generate that highlight the issue, creative mixed media goals/solutions
ideas, goals, and the goal/solution, and that highlight the
why this topic is issue, the Does not have a creative
solutions for original
relevant. goal/solution, and why mixed media that
media artworks this topic is relevant. highlights the issue, the
goal/solution, and why
this topic is relevant.
Peer & Self-Assessments
Students will fill out the Peer and Self Assessment(8th grade Peer & Self Assessment) once they have
finished their proposal and final product.

Directions and Calendar

Periods are an hour-long
Calendar Materials Activities Standards

Day 1 Project Slides Lesson Title: Introducing the Project and Picking Topics Standards:
8th Grade Graphic SWBAT: Students will be able to identify a social justice issue standard 8.2,
Organizer they will be working on for this project.
-Arts standard
6th Grade Version Anticipatory Set: Students will fill out the first part of the 8.MA:Cr1
Graphic Organizer graphic organizer. They will list as many social justice issues as
they can think of. Do a minute of thinking and 2 minutes of
Resources writing before doing an all-class share-out.
Exit Ticket Activities:
● Introduce the topic with the presentation and give time
for students to explore and select their social justice
● Have students fill out the exploring graphic organizer
to begin to think about this proposal
● Introduce CRAAP test for students as they research for
their topic

Closure: Exit Ticket During the last 5 minutes of class students

will fill out the exit ticket about the issue they will be creating
their proposal for.

Assessment/s: Graphic Organizer, Exit Ticket

● ENGAGEMENT - Recruiting Interest 7.1 Optimize
individual Choice & Autonomy - Students choose the
topic of their presentation.
● REPRESENTATION- Comprehension 3.2 Highlight
patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships -
The provided graphic organizer emphasizes the big
idea of the project as well as the relationship between
the level of government and social justice issue being
● ACTION & EXPRESSION - Executive Functions 6.3
Facilitate managing information and resources -
Students are provided a graphic organizer to collect
data and organize information.

Day 2 Project Slides Lesson Title: Using C.R.A.A.P Test To Verify Our Sources Standards:
Daily Project Goals SWBAT: Students will be able to verify their sources using the standard 1.3.a.
C.R.A.A.P.. test. Knowledge
8th Grade: Scholarly Contractor
Anticipatory Set: What Does Social Justice Mean to You?
Evidence Doc Video. Have a small discussion about what social justice looks
like. Then have students fill out the Daily Project Goals form.
6th Grade: Scholarly
Evidence Doc Activities:
● Daily Project Goals
8th Grade: Proposal ● Scholarly Evidence Doc use this doc as the find
Doc sources for their proposal
● So students who have found their sources, will use 8th
6th Grade: Proposal Grade: Proposal Doc to start writing up and planning
Doc their solution
Exit Ticket Closure: Exit Ticket

Assessment/s: Scholarly Evidence Doc, Proposal Doc, Exit


● ENGAGEMENT - Recruiting Interest 7.2 Optimize
relevance, value, and authenticity - The students will
be tasked with finding at least three scholarly
articles/sources in order to support their proposal. This
activity allows students to view sources of information
that are socially and/or culturally relevant.
● REPRESENTATION- Comprehension 3.3 Guide
information processing and visualization - The
Scholarly Evidence Doc provides students with explicit
prompts to help them determine what will be
considered scholarly or not.
● ACTION & EXPRESSION - Executive Functions 6.1
Guide appropriate goal-setting- Students will see the
goal of the day on the presentation slides. Students will
also make goals for the day through the Daily Project
Goals. Students will also check off if they have
reached that goal in the Exit Ticket.

Day 3 Project Slides Lesson Title: Starting A Proposal Standards:

-Math standard
Daily Project Goals SWBAT: Students will be able to gather information to turn it 8.SP.A
into a proposal.
8th Grade: Proposal -Math standard
Doc Anticipatory Set: That Little Voice Video. Have a short 6.SP.1
discussion about the importance of using your voice to speak
6th Grade: Proposal up and out about the issue they are picking. Students will then
Doc -ELD
fill out the Daily Project Goals form. Justifying/
Exit Ticket Activities: Arguing
● Daily Project Goals Standard
● Scholarly Evidence Doc use this doc as the find
sources for their proposal
● Students will use 8th Grade: Proposal Doc or 6th
Grade: Proposal Doc to start writing up and planning
their solution

Closure: Exit Ticket

Assessment/s: Proposal Doc, Exit Ticket

● ENGAGEMENT - Recruiting Interest 7.1 Optimize
individual Choice & Autonomy - Students will now
choose their final topic of the presentation using the
Proposal Doc.
● REPRESENTATION- Comprehension 3.3 Guide
information processing and visualization- The Proposal
Doc “chunks” the project proposal into smaller
elements that students will fill out.
● ACTION & EXPRESSION - Executive Functions 6.3
Facilitate managing information and resources -
Students are provided a graphic organizer in the form
of Proposal Doc that allows students to organize all the
information collected about their proposal.

Day 4 Project Slides Lesson Title: Polishing Our Proposal Standards:

-Social Justice
Daily Project Goals SWBAT: Students will be able to create a solution for their Standard:
social justice topic by filling out their proposal and starting to Action 20
8th Grade: Proposal create the creative component of their project.
Anticipatory Set: Daily Project Goals
6th Grade: Proposal
Doc Activities:
● Students will be finishing the Proposal Doc(8th Grade
Exit Ticket & 6th Grade)
● Once finished they can start working on the creative
component of this project

Closure: Exit Ticket

Assessment/s: Proposal Doc, Exit Ticket

● ENGAGEMENT - Recruiting Interest 7.2 Optimize
relevance, value, and authenticity - Students will be
able to pick which media product their proposal will be
presented as. This allows for active participation,
exploration, and experimentation about different media
● REPRESENTATION- Comprehension 3.4 Maximize
transfer and generalization - Students will finish the
graphic organizer Proposal Doc, which supports
students' note-taking and brainstorming of their
● ACTION & EXPRESSION - Expressions &
Communication 5.1 Use multiple media for
communication - Students will produce a media
product of their choice to highlight their proposed
solution and social justice issue.

Day 5 Project Slides Lesson Title: How to Peer & Self-Assess Standards:
-Social Justice
SWBAT: Students will be able to use peer and standard
Daily Project Goals self-assessments to improve their project. Action 20

Proposal Doc Anticipatory Set: Daily Project Goals

6th Grade: Proposal Activities: Students will be given another 20 minutes to do any
Doc finishing touches for their projects. Then we will use the Self &
Peer Assessment for students to see where they are and what
Self & Peer they can improve on for this project. This will take about 5-15
Assessment minutes.
Extra Credit Option Closure: What’s My Next Step?

Assessment/s: Self & Peer Assessments, What’s My Next Step

Google Form

● ENGAGEMENT - Sustaining Effort & Persistence 8.4
Increase mastery-oriented feedback- The Self & Peer
Assessment provides feedback that is timely and
specific. This feedback will help the students improve
the final draft of their presentation.
● REPRESENTATION- Comprehension 3.3 Guide
information processing and visualization - We will be
progressively releasing information in regards to the
day’s activities to allow the students to not overwhelm
them while they finish their project with the Self &
Peer assessment and extra credit option.
● ACTION & EXPRESSION - Expressions &
Communication 5.1 Use multiple media for
communication - Students will finish producing a
media product of their choice to highlight their
proposed solution and social justice issue.
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Families,

We are ecstatic to be sharing with you the week-long project-based learning unit based on the UN
Sustainability goal of Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. According to research, project-based
learning increases students' engagement, emphasizes problem-solving and collaboration skills, while
boosting motivations to engage in learning. The goal is to comprehend a real-world problem using factual
evidence to create a clear proposal for addressing this issue. This will be guided by student inquiry with
them selecting a social justice issue of their choice within the United States. Your student will decide on
the product's issue, what level of government they will address their topic, a multimedia final product to
showcase the proposal, and who their target audience for the project is.

The unit will engage your student since it will give their voice and choice power how the project
is being implemented. Students will create a variety of written components and a creative component of
whether a photo essay, infographic, or video to represent their proposal. Their selection will be how they
will demonstrate their knowledge.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me. Thank you for supporting your students and their
learning through this project.

Jennifer Herra and Kayla Feather
Math Teaching Candidates with CSUSM

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