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6.1 Data Acquisition Applications

Within InSite Studio, there are applications that can be used to configure how the software interfaces with
the signals sent from the barrier box, or SIP. These applications can be found in the Data Acquisition tab
within InSite Studio.

Figure 6.1

Within this tab, there are only a handful of applications that the Data Engineer will use on a day to day
basis at the rig site. Many of the other applications are used by the MWD crew.

Figure 6.2

NOTE: Config Hardware is absent as it was discussed at length earlier in the manual.


6.1.1 IRIS Overrides

IRIS Overrides should only be used for testing that InSite can handle inputs in the situation where it is not
possible to fully commission a sensor setup. Once tested, the override should ALWAYS be removed. The
IRIS Override program can be found in InSite Studio in the Data Acquisition tab and then IRIS Overrides.

Figure 6.3

The Override IRIS window will pop up and it should be

blank (i.e. no overrides in place). To add an override,
click the blue plus symbol or navigate to Overrides >

This will open the Add Overrides window.

Figure 6.4

A worked example of when an IRIS override would be used is

when testing the pump configuration.

With the various attributes of the pumps entered into InSite, the
system should be able to calculate mud flow in (MFI) from the
pumps. In this case, we would choose to place an override on
each of the pumps to ensure flow in is being calculated

For this purpose, we would place the override on Pump 1 Rate at,
for example, 50 SPM (strokes per minute). Click Add. Click Done.

If the system is operating correctly, a flow rate will be calculated.

Verify the numbers generated by cross checking the Time SDL
Fast data with manual pump output calculations. Figure 6.5


Once the override is in place, it will show up in

the Override IRIS window showing the
parameter on override and the override value.

NOTE: Always ensure this window is void of

all parameters unless a specific parameter is
being tested.

If an override is in place and it is placed on an

actual sensor output (e.g. pit 1 or pump 1), it
Figure 6.6 will also show up in the channel assigned to
that sensor in Config Hardware.

Figure 6.7

Figure 6.8

In the case above, the pump test is successful as Flow In data in being written to the database – which is
calculated from the pump sensor input (our override) and the pump configuration entered into the pumps


6.1.2 IRIS Data Mapping

IRIS Data Mapping is a program within InSite that can be used to alter how IRIS items interact with records
and variables in the database. IRIS Data Mapping can be found in InSite Studio under the Data Acquisition

Figure 6.9

When sensor signals arrive at the IRIS computer, we use Config Hardware to tell the system what sensor it
is receiving the information from. We could use Standpipe pressure as an example. Without assigning the
IRIS item “Standpipe 1” to the channel that is receiving data from our Standpipe pressure transducer, the
system would not be able to distinguish the signal it is receiving from a signal from a pit sensor or a density
sensor. Of course, all the sensors are capable of is sending a basic milliamp signal; they cannot tell the
system what they are used to measure.

Click the IRIS Data Mapping button to open.

The main purposes of Iris Data Mapping are:

 View enabled SDL records

 Enable or disable records written to the ADI

 Re-map, map or unmap record variables


Figure 6.10

Once opened, a list of InSite database records can be seen on the left side of the window with associated
green lights and a plain white box on the right.

The left side of the window, with the records, represents data that is written from the IRIS computer to the
database on the ADI (Records Written to the ADI). Under normal circumstances, the green lights will be
flashing. When a green light illuminates, it signifies a piece of data being written from IRIS to that specific
record on the ADI. With the default InSite configuration, we would expect the Time SDL Fast light to
illuminate every 5 seconds with Time SDL Slow every 10 seconds.

The right side window represents any data that is being read from the ADI to the IRIS computer (Records
Read from the ADI). This box will only populate with a list of records and times if there are calculators
running or IRIS has been set up to take data from the ADI to then write to different records.

Navigate to Edit > Records Written To ADI… (or click the pen button).


It has been mentioned on numerous occasions that the

default write time to the likes of the Time SDL Fast and
Time SDL Slow records are 5 and 10 seconds,

IRIS Data Mapping can be used to change that write

frequency. Incidentally, you can also change the
frequency to depth based records like Logging (e.g.
changing from 1ft to 0.5ft).

To do this, simply scroll through the list of records at the

top of the window and change the times/depths in the
boxes below.
Figure 6.11

Click Advanced to enter the further setting within IRIS Data


We are now in the advanced settings for what IRIS writes to records
on the ADI. Ensure all of the check boxes are ticked. If any of these
boxes are un-ticked, IRIS will not write that record across to the ADI
– therefore the ADI will be missing potentially important data.

To access what is written to an individual record, select the box with

the record name written in it (e.g. Time SDL Fast).

Within the individual records you can see what IRIS items (IRIS
Name) write to what database variable (ADI Name).

This is highly important when considering how data gets into the
database from IRIS.

Figure 6.12


The figure to the right shows the mappings

for the Time SDL Fast record. It is possible to
see that the map for each variable has no
Bottom, Slips or Circulating status – this
means that no matter what the InSite activity
the data will be written to the Time SDL Fast
record at the specified interval.

The maps also contain an Interval Average.

This is how the data in averaged by IRIS
before it is written to the database:

 Mean – Average value over time


 Min – Minimum value of time

Figure 6.13
 Max – Maxiumum value over time

 First – First data point over time interval

 Last – Last data point over time interval

 St Dev – Essentially an average of the mean data points.

Mean and Last are the most common Interval Averages

used within records. Min, Max and St Dev are used
primarily in the Time SDL Stats record.

It is possible to add additional variables to records. When

this happens, we must also add the item to IRIS and the
map the two together using IRIS Data Mapping. To add a
new map, click Add.

Select the database variable and match it to the

corresponding IRIS item. Then select how the data will be
averaged prior to being written to the database and also
select any relevant activity statuses.

If you are adding to a depth based record you would need

to select a Bottom Status of On, for example, so data will
only be written to that record when the bit is on bottom
and drilling is actually taking place.
Figure 6.14


Figure 6.15

NOTE: the Bottom Status of ON for variables in the Logging record.

6.1.3 General Control Editor

The General Control Editor is a program within InSite that allows the user to configure various aspects of
the InSite system. To open the editor, navigate to the Data Acquisition tab in InSite Studio and select
General Control Editor.

Figure 6.16


Inside the editor, there are four tabs under which information can be
entered or options selected. The first tab concerns inputs for Mud
Motors. Any recording in the InSite database for downhole rotation
from a mud motor is a calculated value.

The motor revolutions calculation requires the user to select the Mud
Motor as In. This will then point InSite to the Mud Motor RV/FU value
(revolutions per gallon). This value represents how many rotations the
mud motor will be doing at its drive shaft for a given flow rate from
the rig pumps, measured in gallons per minute.

The Mud Motor Thres (gpm) option is to be entered if there is a

minimum flow rate required for the motor to provide downhole
rotations. Mud Motor Limit (rpm) is the maximum rotational speed
the mud motor is rated to and should never be exceed.
Figure 6.17
Obtain these values from the Directional Driller and enter the
numbers into the General Control Editor.

The most important information for the Data Engineer to enter

into the Trip tab is the Single Lgth Avg (ft) and the Singles/Stand.

For the Trip monitor program to work correctly, InSite must know
what the average length of each single/joint and how many singles
make up a stand. Without this information being entered
accurately InSite is not capable of tracking volumes being

Normalized gas is used to normalize the gas readings recorded at

the gas analyzers against various parameters that can affect the
gas being measured.

 Gas Normal ROP – Enter what is considered a normal ROP.

Figure 6.18
 Gas Normal Dia – Enter the bit diameter for the hole
section being drilled.

 Gas Normal Flow – Enter what is considered a normal flow


 Gas Normal Eff – Enter the trap efficiency (in decimal form
and not a percentage).

 Norm Gas Method – Enter the method of calculation InSite

is to use to calculate the normalized value.

Figure 6.19


The Miscellaneous tab is used primarily for selecting the way we

will be measuring flow in and mud density.

The standard SDL practice is to use pump stroke counters to back

calculate the flow in so under Flow In Method select Calculated. If
a sensor is being used select Measured.

For Dens Mud Method use Measured. If the mud density sensor is
particularly unreliable the mud density measurement may require
to be entered manually from mud checks from the Mud
Engineer/Derrickman. If this is the case select Operator Entered.

Figure 6.20

7.1.4 Configure Sensors

The Configure Sensors application is located under the Data Acquisition Tab in InSite Studio. This
application is a quick and easy way to map sensors to a specific IRIS Variable. Once the sensors are
mapped, an .ifc file is created and saved as a default config file. Up to four sensors can be mapped to a
single IRIS Variable. The .ifc file will average all the sensors that are mapped to a single IRIS Variable, giving
a more reliable output. If a sensor needs to be worked on, the sensor can be removed from the mapping
quickly until the sensor is fixed.

When opening the Configuration Sensors application, there are two lists available. The top
section lists all the IRIS Variables, while the bottom section lists the sensors.

The IRIS Variables can be viewed based on three


1. All IRIS Variables – User can view mapped

and unmapped variables.

2. Mapped IRIS Variables – User can only view

Mapped variables, Unmapped variables will be

3. Unmapped IRIS Variables – User can only

view Unmapped Variables, Mapped variables
will be hidden.

Figure 6.21


The Sensor Variables can be viewed based on two settings:

1. All available sensor variables – User can view all

unmapped sensors.

2. Unmapped sensor variables – User can view all

unmapped sensors.

3. Sensor variable mapped to Variable Name – Whatever

IRIS Variable is highlighted, the user can view only the Figure 6.22
sensors mapped to that specific variable.

To map one or more sensors to an IRIS Variable, the user selects the IRIS Variable from the list that they
want to map. With the IRIS Variable selected, check off up to four sensors from the bottom list. As each
sensor is checked off, the Sensor Variables appear next to the IRIS Variable being mapped and the Sensor
shows which IRIS Variable it has been mapped to. Once an IRIS Variable is mapped, a green checkmark is
displayed in the Mapped column.

Once all the IRIS Variables have been mapped with Sensors, click Save. Each IRIS Variable that is mapped
shows which sensors were mapped to it.

Figure 6.23

After running the Configure Sensors application, the user must setup Configure Hardware. Each Analog
Channel needs to be mapped with a sensor. Once the sensor is mapped, make sure that the Calibration is
correct by latching a high and low value.


Figure 6.24

Once the sensors are mapped to Configure Hardware, the IRIS

Directory should be updated. The sensors are Unitless by default and
should be updated with the correct Unit Type. IRIS Directory can be
found in the following location: C:\INSITE\BIN\IrisDirectory.exe.

When the IRIS Directory displays, scroll down to the sensors that were
mapped to Configure Hardware.

Highlight Sensor 1 and click Edit. The Edit Data Item window will be
displayed. By default, the Unit Type is Unitless.

If the sensor is monitoring Pit Volumes, use the drop down menu to
Figure 6.25
select Pit volume as the unit type. If the sensor is monitoring Flow Out,
use the drop down menu to select Flow Rate as the unit type.

Figure 6.26


NOTE: When the units are changed from Unitless to Pit Volume or Flow Rate, the sensors become
hidden in the Configure Sensors application. The sensors will show up next to the mapped variable (the
top portion), but will be hidden from the list of sensors on the bottom part of the application. If a sensor
needs to be replaced because of failure or damage, the units need to be changed back to Unitless from
IRISDirectory.exe found in the Bin Folder, in order to view the sensor in the Configure Sensors

The full Configure Sensors guidelines can be accessed via the Documents tab within InSite.


6.2 Monitor Applications

Config Hardware, as discussed, is where we assign IRIS items to sensor signals so InSite can write data to
the correct location in the database. We can also use Config Hardware to calibrate the sensor outputs to a
value so the data we write to the database is an accurate representation of drilling parameters.

For certain sensors, though, we have to use some of the other programs that are unique to the IRIS server
computer to fully calibrate and/or configure a sensor. These programs reside in the Monitor tab.

Figure 6.27

For the Data Engineer, the most common of the monitor programs to have to open would be Depth, Pits,
Pumps and Rig Floor. It is imperative the Data Engineer uses the Monitor programs to ensure the depth
tracking equipment, pump stroke counters, torque and rotary sensors are all calibrated and configured

Figure 6.28

The Depth Monitor will be discussed in the Depth Tracking segment of the course manual.


6.2.1 Configure and Monitor Pumps

A stroke counter is a very simple sensor in the sense that it will only ever measure each time the pump
piston passes the sensor. We do, however, have to configure what this actually means within InSite
concerning how much volume is moved per stroke of the pump. Entering this information accurately will
provide InSite with the necessary information to calculate lag time precisely. From the Monitor tab, select

The Configure and Monitor Pumps

window will pop up. The window
contains information on the pumps
that have been configured – in this
example no pumps have been
configured yet so the information
window is blank.

NOTE: this is one of the functions in

InSite that may take a while to load.
Be patient and wait for the window
to open instead of clicking the
Pumps icon multiple times.

There are two menu options that can

be entered via the Configure and
Monitor Pumps window:

Figure 6.29  Configure

 Edit Strokes

Click Configure. The window at left will pop up. This configure
menu is where each of the pumps will be configured, up to a
maximum of 16 pumps.

Most rigs around the world, however, will have a maximum of

4 or 5 pumps and out of the box InSite can only handle 4 fully
(limit=Time SDL RT), or up to 6 (Time SDL Fast). InSite is not
capable of storing more without customization of the records.

Figure 6.30


The first step in configuring a pump is to select where InSite will be receiving its data from. There are only
two options here, IRIS or Third Party Stroke Rates. Most jobs will be IRIS (where our own pump stroke
counters are in place and the signal arrives at the IRIS computer). Some jobs on newer rigs could have a
Totco type system when the only sensors on the pumps belong to the rig and they send the signals to us
via WITS, etc. In the case of the latter – select Third Party stroke rates.

The second step in configuring a pump is to select

how many counts will be measured by our counter
per actual stroke of the pump. In most cases, our
counters will ‘double count’ because one count will
Figure 6.31 be measured as the pump piston advances and
then a second count will be measured when the
pump piston retreats = 2 counts to 1 pump stroke.

The second part of this step is to make an assignment for the pump. If the pump is lined up to the
standpipe manifold and down the well the assignment is going to be Active & Aux. If a pump, for example,
is used as a riser booster pump like might be encountered on a semi-sub, we would select the assignment
Riser. Filling in the boxes for the pump Manufacturer and the pump description are relatively unimportant.

Figure 6.32

The third step in configuring a pump in InSite is to enter the actual pump information into the Theoretical
Pump Calculation segment of the Configuration window. Select whether the pump is Single Acting or
Double Acting. The vast majority of our jobs use Single Acting pumps, although the Technician or Data
Engineer should check with the Derrickman or Toolpusher. The rest of the information must be taken from
the Derrickman or Toolpusher and the information MUST be current as the pump configuration can change
from hole section to hole section.

We need:

 No. Of Cylinders

 Liner ID

 Stroke Length

 Efficiency
Figure 6.33


Much of the required information

can be found on the rig IADC report
that is issued by the Company
Man/Toolpusher. Once this
information is entered the volume
per stroke for the pump will be
calculated and displayed on the
bottom left.

Complete the three steps for each of

the pumps on the rig. Always click
the Save button when changes have
been made. If possible, check the
stroke rates and calculated flows
from the pumps with the rig floor
when the pumps are in use to verify
the pump configurations that have
been entered.

Figure 6.34

The Edit Strokes menu is particularly useful to the Data Engineer when
performing their job at the rig site as the application can be used to verify
the validity of pump efficiency tests via use of the Volume Pumped
counter – assuming the initial pump configuration is accurate.

We can also use the cumulative stroke counters to keep track of pumps
off events as the return to surface. A Data Engineer should always be
aware of how many strokes to expect a ‘pumps off’ event to return at. To
keep the counters accurate, the Active + Riser, Active and, depending on
the situation, Auxiliary stroke counters should be reset at every
connection or pumps off event.

To use the function, simply zero the Active Strokes, Auxiliary and Mud
Pumped boxes before any pumping takes place. When pumping
commences, our stroke counters start counting.

InSite calculates how much volume is being displaced by the pumps and a Figure 6.35
cumulative figure is displayed in the Mud Pumped box (which also writes
to the database, incidentally).

If a pump efficiency test is taking place, we can take the volume returned to a given pit and divide it by the
volume of mud pumped. Simply multiply by 100 and the pump efficiency will be revealed in %.


7.2.2 Configure and Monitor Rig Floor

The Rig Floor button in the Monitor tab allows us to configure the way we interface our torque and rotary
sensors within InSite, set block weights and create reference points between ‘sliding’ and ‘rotating’. We
can also use this option to adjust Weight on Bit, too.

The main window within Configure Rig Floor primarily shows

data from the database as it is read from some important
sensors, namely Hookload, Active Pit Volume, Flow, Standpipe
Pressure, etc.

As with most of the Monitor programs, there are two menu

options we can enter:

 Configure
 Control
Click the spanners (tools) button or navigate to Configure >
Configuration… to open the Configuration window. Within this
window, we can select the type of Torque Configuration we
want for the signal we are receiving into InSite.

In most cases, we will either receive a ‘tie-in’ from the rig or

we will use a torque clamp. In both cases, an analog signal will
be written to IRIS and we will check the box for Absolute (f-p).
Checking the absolute option will allow us to calibrate the
Figure 6.36
value coming into IRIS to a value in ft-lbs or ft- klbs (or, of
course, a metric measurement if the client requires).

Depending on whether the rig uses a top

drive or kelly system, select the
appropriate Rotary Configuration.

Finally, select which type of Rotary Sensor

is being used, either Analog (tie-in, etc.) or
Digital (proximity sensor).

If known, enter the correct Block Weight

for the combined weight of the travelling
block and top drive of the rig.

Figure 6.37


It is imperative to understand that various combinations of Torque Configurations, Rotary Configurations

and Rotary Sensors will result in different Channels for the Torque and Rotary input.

Figure 6.38

NOTE: Due to the nature of the Monitor Rig Floor application, if any changes to the configuration are
made it will be necessary to check which IRIS item has been assigned to the incoming sensor channel.

Once the signal has been

configured in Rig Floor and
assigned correctly in Config
Hardware, the sensor data
will be correctly written the
to the database variable.

Figure 6.39


7.2.3 Monitor Pits

The Pits button in the Monitor tab allows the InSite user to assign various pits to different systems. This is
of particular importance when well monitoring parameters such as the Active Pit volume. In almost every
situation, a drilling team on a rig would make efforts to keep the active system on one pit only – a closed
system. Monitoring a closed system on one pit is considerably easier because any volume changes can be
attributed to the well more easily, where surface variables are limited.

In reality, keeping the active system restricted to one pit is difficult. Rig operations may require that we
bleed in fluid from other pits to keep the mud rheology in spec; we may need to divert heavy or light
returns to a different pit so the main mud system does not become contaminated; we may even need to
pump from a different pit altogether, which will potentially be the case during a well control situation
when heavy “Kill Mud” will be pumped into the well.

Figure 6.40

This is where the Monitor Pits program is helpful.

By default, we have the Active, Reserve, Mixing, Kill Mud, Trip System, Gain System, Trip Riser System and
Gain Riser System. The most common systems the Data Engineer will use at the rig site will be the Active
and Trip System.

Fresh installs of InSite will not have pit assignments for any of the systems so it is important to find which
pits are used for the active system and trip system on the rig. In the interests of setting up some
assignments we will say that the active pit on this rig is pit 11 and the trip tank consists of two equalized
compartments that we have sensors on and these sensors are pit 16 and pit 17.


To assign pits to a system, navigate to Pits >

Configuration… or click the spanners (tools) button.

Select which system you would like to edit by selecting

it from the drop down menu under the System:
heading – in this case we will select Active.

If you require a system to be entered that is not

covered by the default systems, select the Edit
Systems… box and add a new one.

Figure 6.42

Figure 6.41

With the Active system selected, simply drag across the

pits you would like to add to the system.

In our case, we have Pit 11 as our active pit so we

simply scroll down to Pit 11 under the All Pits heading
and drag it across to the Pits In System side and now
our Active Pit variable in the database will contain the
volume of Pit 11.

If the Derrickman called the unit to say he was going to

start a bleed from Pit 7 to the Active, we would then
need to add Pit 7 to the Active System. Once this has
been done, our Active Pit variable will be the total of Pit
7 and Pit 11 volumes – allowing us to accurately track
the active pit volume even when transfers are taking

Once all pit assignments have been made click Apply,

followed by Done.

We can now see the Total Volume of the Active system

Figure 6.43
with Pits 7 & 11 added.


One problem we have is the Volume Change is

now reading 443.4 bbls – the combined volume
of the pits we just added. The problem with this
is that personnel at the rigsite pay particular
attention to the Active PVC (Pit Volume Change
in the Active Pit) and right now we are showing
a huge positive change that does not represent
possible additions from downhole; which is the
whole point of monitoring the active system.

We must set the volume change back to zero

because we know this value only represents the
additions we just made.

To Zero System Change:

 Double click the system of interest (in

this case it is the Active)

 Check you have a green tick next to

your system

 Click the Zero System Change button at

the bottom left side of the window

Now the PVC is at zero as it should be after an

addition/removal of pits from a system. Repeat
this process for any additional systems (e.g. Trip

Figure 6.44


7.2.4 Timers & Counters

The Timers & Counters function within InSite allows the user to keep track of various parameters that are
tracked by InSite, such as, circulating time on bottom, time rotating, string revolutions, etc. Timers &
Counters are used frequently to provide numbers for the various reports a Data Engineer is required to fill
out on a daily basis.

To access the program, navigate to the Monitor tab in InSite Studio and the click the Timers & Counters

Figure 6.45

Timers & Counters contains three tabs that can be utilized by the user to collect data:

1. This Run

2. Total

3. User

Each of the three tabs can be zeroed at any time to reset the data contained within that tab, however the
This Run tab tends to only be zeroed at the end of a run, the Total tab tends not to be zeroed and the User
tab tends to be zeroed every midnight to be used to provide information for the Midnight Report.


This Run

This tab contains run time and revolution values for the current run (designated in INSITE System Manager).
Values in this tab reflect actual values received from the database. Do not edit the values under this tab
unless they are known to be in error and need to be corrected manually. Changing the values may make the
displayed data inaccurate. Run times and revolution values are automatically reset to zero in This Run tab
when a new run is started. This check box is enabled by default.


This tab contains cumulative run time and revolution values for all runs in the active well. Values in this tab
reflect actual values received from the database. Do not edit the values under this tab unless they are
known to be in error and they need to be corrected manually. Changing these values may make the
displayed data inaccurate.


The User tab is useful when you need to edit data, set up What If? scenarios, and gather data over a specific
time period. Values received from the database and values in This Run tab and Total tab are not affected by
changes made in the User tab.

Run Times (hr)

Click Total to change the start date and time. The

start date and time determines total run time for
the selected tab, the total run time is displayed in
the associated box.

Click On Bot to change the on-bottom time for the

selected tab. The on-bottom time is displayed in the
associated box.

Click Off Bot to change the off-bottom time for the

selected tab. The off-bottom time is displayed in the
associated box.

Click Not Circ to change the noncirculating time for

the selected tab. The noncirculating time is
displayed in the associated box.

Click Circ On Bot to change the on-bottom

circulating time for the selected tab. The on-bottom
circulating time is displayed in the associated box.
Figure 6.46
Click Circ Off Bot to change the off-bottom
circulating time for the selected tab. The off-
bottom circulating time is displayed in the
associated box.


Bit Revolutions (krev)

Click On Bot to change the on-bottom bit

revolutions for the selected tab. The on- bottom
bit revolution value is displayed in the associated

Click Off Bot to change the bit revolutions off

bottom for the selected tab. The off- bottom bit
revolution value is displayed in the associated box.

Click Total to change the total bit revolutions for

the selected tab. The total bit revolutions value is
displayed in the associated box.

Motor Revolutions (krev)

Click On Bot to change the on-bottom motor

revolutions for the selected tab. The on-bottom
motor revolutions value is displayed in the
associated box.

Figure 6.47 Click Off Bot to change the off-bottom motor

revolutions for the selected tab. The off-bottom
motor revolutions value is displayed in the
associated box.

Click Total to change the total motor revolutions for the selected tab. The total motor revolutions value is
displayed in the associated box.

String Revolutions (krev)

Click On Bot to change the on-bottom drillstring revolutions for the selected tab. The on-bottom drillstring
revolutions value is displayed in the associated box.

Click Off Bot to change the off-bottom drillstring revolutions for the selected tab. The off bottom drillstring
revolutions value is displayed in the associated box.

Click Total to change the total drillstring revolutions for the selected tab. The total drillstring revolutions
value is displayed in the associated box.

NOTE: Do not edit any values under the This Run or Total tabs unless you are an experienced INSITE user
and need to correct a known error. Values displayed under This Run and Total reflect actual values
received from the database. To edit data or set up What If? Scenarios, use the User tab instead and
gather data over a specific time period. Values received from the database and values in This Run tab
and Total tab are not affected by changes made in the User tab.


6.2.5 Lag

IRIS calculates lag from the data input into the Geometry Editor (i.e. the dimensions of the borehole and
drill string). This data is used to run a “Lag Table” which tracks lag events as they are pumped up the
annulus – in the case of cuttings samples creating a Lag Depth.

To access the program, navigate to the Monitor tab in InSite Studio and click the Lag button.

Figure 6.48

The main Lag user interface is populated with information that relates to the Lag e.g. depths, flow rates,
etc. No changes can be made in the main interface as all of the parameters are taken from sensor data or
physical entries to the database like the Geometry, for example.

To make any changes or corrections to some selected parameters of the lag system, click Lag > Control…


Lag Control

From time to time, various hole problems may be

encountered that may cause an over or under
gauge hole. If a scenario like this is suspected
some kind of lag check should be run to
determine how early or late our lag tracer (e.g.
Calcium Carbide) returns compared to our

If the lag is indeed wrong, calculate the additional

volume in the annulus. Enter this number into the
Annulus Correction box and click Apply.

The Lag Adjustment option allows the lag depth to

catch up if for some reason pump strokes have
been lost or the unit has powered down. Calculate
how much volume has been lost during the time
in question and input that value in the box.

Figure 6.49

NOTE: Only check the Initialize Lag Tables box if serious InSite problems have been encountered and you
have been advised to do so by your local InSite support team. Re-initializing the lag completely resets
the lag tables to the inputs at the time and all lag data will be lost until the lag catches up exactly one
full circulation later. When this option is selected you must enter the lag depth at the time of reset in the
Lag Depth box.


6.2.6 Sweep Monitor

Sweep Monitor is a very useful tool that can be used when circulating various sweeps and pills down and
around the wellbore. It can be especially useful during cement jobs and well cleanups to track where each
item is in the drill string/annulus.

To access the program, navigate to the Monitor tab in InSite Studio and click Sweep Monitor.

Figure 6.50

The main user interface will be blank until the user

configures new lag items. To add a lag item, click
Configure > Configure Lag Item, or click the
spanners button.

When the window opens, click the Add Lag Item

box. Enter the lag item Number and select a Name
that will differentiate it from other lag items that
may be added to the system later.

Under the option of Type you may select:

 Sweep

 Lag Point
Figure 6.51
 Mud Weight

If a Sweep is selected, enter the volume. Next, the user must select where the Starting Point for the sweep
is going to be. If the sweep is being pumped, as the entry is made select the Location as Drill string and
enter a small depth value to have the sweep positioned just beneath the rotary table. Click Apply followed
by OK. The sweep will now show in the main program interface.


Figure 6.52

In order to enter the lag item to the

system, select Control > Run or click the
traffic light button.

With the server running, the Wellview

program can be run to track the sweep
visually. Wellview will be discussed in
more depth later in the manual.

Figure 6.53


6.3 Data Applications

When it comes to setting up, running and completing a successful job as a Surface Data Logger, utilizing
data forms a very important aspect of the service that we provide to our customers. InSite has numerous
programs imbedded that a Data Engineer must be familiar with in order to perform their job effectively.

Figure 6.54

The Data tab in InSite Studio contains the following programs that will be used frequently by the Data
Engineer at the rig site.

Figure 6.55


6.3.1 Geometry Editor

Hole and Drill String Geometry are very important for a Surface Data Logger. Lag is calculated by the
volume of fluid in the pipe and the hole. InSite is only able to calculate lag if geometry is entered. Very
strict scrutiny must be applied when entering the geometry. We want InSite to calculate volumes for us
because it is very tedious and would draw our attention away from actually monitoring the well, but the
calculated lag from InSite is only as accurate as the geometry entered by the Data Engineer. Other areas
Geometry affects include Hydraulics calculations for drillability and hole cleaning, Calculated Hookload and
Weight on Bit, and MWD Sensor Measurement Points.

To open the Geometry Application within InSite go to the Data Tab in InSite Studio and click the Geometry

Figure 6.56

Once selected, you will have the

screen in Figure 6.57 open in front
of you.

Figure 6.57


On the left hand side of your Geometry screen, you will see a drop down list of
Well Names.

Select the Well you are adding Geometry for and then select the Run you want to
edit. In this case it’s Test Well, Run 100.

Next, select the Drillstrings option under the Run you are editing.
Figure 6.58

The “New Drillstring” screen will pop

up. Select the Well name and Run
number from the drop down lists, and
name the Description as Drillstring.

NOTE: If description is anything but

“Drillstring,” it won’t be used by InSite
for your Run Geometry. So if you wish
to create a practice geometry, name it
something else (e.g. Practice
Drillstring). Another tip is if you right
click on an already existing Drillstring Figure 6.59
and click Save As, the “New Drillstring”
screen will pop up as well. You can then
select your Well name and Run number
and hit OK to copy it across to use as the

Figure 6.60

Once you’ve added your Drillstring, you will see a very similar screen as before. However, below the
Drillstrings section on the left hand side, you will now see a dropdown section with the name of your new
drillstring. With this highlighted, select the pen icon located on the toolbar at the top of the window to
begin editing.


Figure 6.61

After selecting the pen icon, several more icons will appear. We are then going to select the Add a
component icon, which is the one third from the left.

The following screen should appear:

2. Select Component Name

4. Click Add after

3. If you enter the components from each component is
the bottom up, one-by-one selected and then
(recommended), At End of List should Done after you have
1. Select be selected. entered all
Component components.

Figure 6.62

NOTE: Drill String components are entered from the “bottom up.” Start with the Bit and work your way
up the BHA, finishing with the drill pipe sections.

Under the System Catalog, you will notice a variety of Component Types. Start with the bit and work your
way up the BHA, making sure that the order matches the BHA / Pipe Tally provided by the Rig. If the exact
component on the BHA is not listed in the System Catalog, go basic and generic. For example:

 Third Party MWD tools (not Halliburton) – add “drill collar” as the component.

 Specialized Subs – add “sub” as the component.

 Specialized Stabilizers – add “stabilizer” as the component.

You can then add specific details later in Geometry. Once completed, select the Done button.


Figure 6.63

After you have entered all of the components, you will notice 2 windows in Geometry Editor – one has the
components and the other has specific information about each component.

The top window has inputs for OD, ID, Largest Gauge, Length and Weight. Fill this information out very
carefully for each component. Any errors here will result in incorrect lag calculations and InSite hydraulic
errors. All measurements will be found on the BHA sheet provided by the Rig.

NOTE: No Drillstring component can be the same size or greater than the smallest Borehole Section size.
So if drilling a 12¼” hole, the OD of the Bit should be less than 12¼”, but the Largest Gauge section
should be completed as 12¼”. This will apply to any stabilizers within the BHA as well.

The bottom window is used for entering detailed information for the Bit and pipe sections. For the Bit,
enter jet information to get a TFA (Total Flow Area). If no TFA is entered, InSite Hydraulics will not work.

When entering the drill pipe sections into the editor, ensure a pipe specification sheet that is accurate for
the pipe being used is referenced. The pipe specification will provide accurate values for tool joint lengths,
ODs, IDs and spacing. The specification will also have an accurate pipe weight value that can be used to
precisely calculate theoretical hookload in InSite.


After completing the component list, it is then important to tell InSite whether you have a Float installed in
the BHA. If so, head to the Options Menu on the toolbar and select Float Installed. It should then be ticked.
This will affect any Surge/Swab calculations within InSite, so it is important to make sure this is ticked if
running a Float.

Figure 6.64

We also need to ensure a Surface Hydraulics option is selected for

our InSite Hydraulics to function correctly. This is located under the
Tools Menu on the toolbar.

Figure 6.65

Surface Hydraulics refers to any pipes located on the

rig itself which are part of the Mud System. Ask a
member of the Rig Drilling Crew for an approximate
length of flowlines and select the appropriate System
Type from the dropdown list. For a more accurate
Type, select the Defined option and enter the values
provided by the Rig.

Figure 6.66


The final thing to do with your Drillstring is head to the General Control option under the Tools Menu. Here
you will enter the number of Joints per Stand for your Rig and also the Average Joint Length.

Figure 6.67

Once completed, hit the Save option at the top of the Geometry window, before we move on to the
Borehole section.

Next, we will be entering the Borehole Geometry data, so select the

Borehole dropdown option under the Well and Run you wish to edit.

Similarly to creating your Drillstring, select the Pen Icon at the top of the
window and then select Add a component.

A System Catalog will again appear, this time containing various Borehole
options. The Borehole components will be added in the same way as Drillstring
Figure 6.68 components were added.

Figure 6.69


Figure 6.70

NOTE: The Borehole is entered in the opposite manner of the BHA. It is entered from the Top – Down.

Once added, you will see a similar split window we saw with the Drillstring geometry. However,
this time we only need to enter ODs, IDs, Start Depths and End Depths to the components. Once
completed, select the save icon at the top of the window.

The geometry is now complete within InSite and any lag/hydraulic

calculations will start taking place. The final thing you may be asked to
do within Geometry is to create a print out of your BHA.

To do this, simply select the Drillstring in the left hand menu you wish
to print. In this case:

 Test > 100 > Drillstrings > Drillstring

Then select the File Menu along the toolbar at the top and click the
Print BHA Tally option.

Figure 6.71


You will be presented with a BHA Tally window.

Here, input the Mud Weight being used and any
comments you wish to add to the BHA Tally. If
none, simply leave blank and hit OK.

Figure 6.72

You will then be shown the print options. Here you can select to simply print out a hard copy or save it as a
.pdf file. Select whichever option you require and you should then have a copy of a document that looks
similar to the following:

Figure 6.73


6.3.2 Mud Editor

Much like the geometry editor, the Mud Editor is a program that is used within InSite by the Data Engineer
to enter certain information into the database that the system requires as a fundamental component to
various features and calculations.

To access the Mud Editor, go to the Data tab > Mud Editor.

Figure 6.74

There will be a list of the wells that are currently in the InSite database in a directory tree in the left side of
the Mud Editor window – in this case we only have a Test well.

To edit or add a new entry to the database, you first need to take the editor out of Read Only mode by
navigating to the Mode menu and unchecking the Read Only box or, alternatively, click the pen symbol in
the menu bar.

Entering the information from the latest mud report is as easy as clicking File > New Row. This will create a
new entry in the database at the date and time when the New Row button was clicked. As we discussed
earlier, InSite uses the information entered in the Mud Editor to perform various calculations; most
notably downhole ECD calculations. When a new entry is made to the database, the new entry supersedes
the previous entry for use with hydraulics calculations.


Figure 6.75

There are three tabs that are used to enter information from the drilling fluid tests:

 General

 Rheology

 Fluid Properties


Enter as much relevant information as possible into the general tab. It is useful to enter the report
number, hole depth and general mud information for the purpose of going back through the data to
potentially correct data or retrieve information for other purposes.

It is worth noting that none of the information entered under the General tab will actually affect any of the
calculations InSite performs therefore none of it is actually necessary.



This tab is the most important one to enter the data as fully and as accurately as possible.

Figure 6.76

Enter the Funnel Viscosity (FV) as it appears on the

mud report. On many reports, the temperature of the
fluid will be noted with the result of the test; 96 °F in
Figure 6.77 this case.

The Mud Editor has the capacity to enter four measurements for the gel
strength of the drilling fluid but the most common practice is for the Mud
Engineer to take three measurements. The times of the three
measurements taken should be highlighted on the mud report. If not,
contact the Mud Engineer for clarification.

Figure 6.78


InSite requires the rheometer readings entered in order to calculate the n, K and Tao values; which it will
then use to calculate its theoretical hydraulics values. With the six readings entered, click the Calculate →
button and the values on the right will populate.

Figure 6.79

Fluid Properties

The Fluid Properties tab contains more in depth information about the drilling fluid that we may be
required to collect as per customer requirements. The information may be important to the client but it
will not affect any of the fluid calculations InSite makes so, therefore, it is not critical that this tab is filled in

Once any changes have been made, click File > Save.

6.3.3 Data Manager

Data Manager is the program used in InSite to view

and edit records in the database. The files that
contain well data are contained on the drive of the
computer that InSite is stored on, but they are
encrypted and cannot be opened by any software
other than InSite (C:\ADI\DataSets).

NOTE: in some regions, InSite may be installed on

the F:\ drive. Figure 6.80

Even in their normal state, these database files and folders are fragmented. To move all of the database
data files into one file, they must be exported from the database and this can only be done using Data
Manager. Once exported, the database file will have a .adi extension and this type of file can only be used
with Data Manager. Click the Data Manager box in the Data tab to open the program.


Data Manager displays the InSite database graphically in a hierarchical tree structure. At the top of the
Data Manager window, the user is provided with a menu bar which is complemented by a shortcut bar
consisting of buttons that can be used to perform a single function.

The main section of the Data Manager interface consists of two white areas. The left side contains the
available data in the database which can be expanded upon to reveal the runs within the well followed by
the records. This, of course, depends on the primary key order, which can be changed.

To open the Primary Key Order Selection window, click the View
menu option followed by Primary Key order… or simply press

Ctrl + K. There is also a shortcut button on the toolbar

The default Primary Key order is always Well > Run > Record >
Figure 6.81

Figure 6.82

The directory tree in the left window will always be displayed as per the selected Primary Key order. When
either Database Server, Well, Record or Description is selected in the left pane, the contents of that item
will be displayed on the right pane. The figure above, for example, has the “Realtime” description
highlighted and we can see the list of variables contained within that record on the right hand window.

NOTE: Automatically created SDL records have a blank description as a default.

By simply highlighting a description and viewing its contents we cannot view or edit any actual data points.
To be able to view and edit data we need to open the General Data Editor for that particular description.
To open, double click the description.

NOTE: The database item list can be simplified by selecting View > Current Well/Run or by selecting
Active Well from the drop down menu in the shortcut bar.
The active well and run are always displayed in bold.


Importing/Exporting Database Files

As mentioned earlier, .adi files are encrypted and can only be used by InSite software and once that file
has been imported into a new InSite computer the database files become fragmented and cannot be
opened by any software other than InSite. Data Manager is the program within InSite that we use to
import and export database files.

To import an .adi file into the InSite database navigate to the File menu option followed by the Import
Dataset… option. Alternatively, click the button on the shortcut menu. A Windows Explorer window
will open in which the user must select the .adi file to be imported to the database. Select the appropriate
file and click Open.

The drop down function can be used along with the individual
check boxes to allow the user to select which datasets are to be

In this case, we want to import the entire database file so we

ensure each of the check boxes is ticked.

On the right side of the window, the user can select whether or
not to include the Data Directory along with the Complete
Database Tables.

Importing the Data Directory will bring any custom configurations

Figure 6.83 that were exported with the database file into InSite with the
database file when the import takes place.

NOTE: Importing the Data Directory will NOT

overwrite the current data directory; it will
merely save it into the InSite folder with a
new name (e.g. Well ID 6x_DATA).

Importing the Custom Database Table will add

any custom database definitions, such as
custom variables, into the database along with
the database file.

Once OK is selected, the import will begin.

Figure 6.84 Figure 6.85


Exporting data forms an important part of the job

that a Data Engineer will perform both on a daily
basis and at the end of a well. The rig team must
export the well data every shift to protect
ourselves from incidental data loss in the event of
catastrophic computer failure. In addition to this,
the rig team must also backup the entire well,
including the full data directory, and provide this
to the office reporting team as they will be
responsible for passing the data to the client in an
official capacity.

To export from the database, highlight the data

that is to be exported. This data may be the
Figure 6.86 entire well or only well based or a
numbered run. Right click the data in
question and select Export Dataset…
Alternatively, select the data and click the button
in the menu bar. The Archive ADI Data dialog box
will open.

When exporting data, we can choose what location

on the computer to export the data to. In many
cases this is going to be a NAS (Network Attached
Storage) drive, which will be the most common
destination for well backups.

The InSite user must choose to select whether or not

we would like to also export the Data Directory,
Session Log, Well Based and Complete Database Figure 6.87
Tables. Check the box to include these items or
leave blank to omit them from the export.


Figure 6.89

Custom Selection is another of the check boxes that

can be selected within the Archive ADI Data window.
When the Custom Selection box is checked it allows
the user to select specific Runs, Records and
Descriptions within a particular well.

Encryption is the final option available to the user

prior to exporting. Encryption is generally not used.
Figure 6.88

The InSite user can set their Import/Export preferences in the main Data
Manager interface by selecting Edit > Preferences… The preference
option allows the user to configure default settings for both importing
and exporting.

Under ADI Import, we can set InSite to Extend Record Definitions. This
allows InSite to add any additional variable to existing records without
having to import the full database tables. We would still have to import
the entire database tables from the file being imported if it contained
new records.

In the ADI Export option, the user can check the box for Password
Protected. This will prompt the user to enter a password then exporting
data that must be entered when then importing the data later. Figure 6.90


General Data Editor

The General Data Editor has five tabs that can be used to view different kinds of data in different ways.

Grid View

The grid view is the most common of the views that an InSite user will use the vast majority of the time.
Every data point in the record will be displayed in order, which may be sorted by time and date or depth,
depending on the type of record. The grid view allows the user to scroll through all of the data contained
within the record and also to edit or append multiple data point at one time.

 Data can be edited in Data Manager by opening

the record and selecting the Change Edit Mode

 Rows can be inserted to records by selecting

the Insert Row… button.

 Multiple rows can be added to the end of the

available data by selecting the Append
Multiple… button.

 You can change multiple values at one time by

selecting the Range Edit… button.
Figure 6.91
 Always remember to save any changes by
selecting the Save Changes option.
Record View

The record view allows the user to edit multiple values within a single data point in one easily navigated
window. The advantage of using this view for editing is that you can see each value for each variable
without having to scroll along the screen. The disadvantage is that you are only ever editing one data point
in the record and you would then need to move to the next data point.

It is possible, however, to navigate to other

data points in the record using the arrows
on the shortcut bar.

Figure 6.92


Bag Data

The Bag Data tab is used to view or edit bag data associated with the dataset, such as Distance From Bit.
Bag data variables are generally those that do not fall under other data categories, such as record data and
private data.

Audit Viewer

The Audit Viewer tab is used to view a log of changes to the selected dataset.

Figure 6.93

The audit viewer contains information on any changes to the data, which includes deletions, renames,
value changes, etc. The data within the audit viewer cannot be changed.

Private Data

The Private Data tab is used to view all private data labels in the selected dataset in ASCII or hexadecimal
format. SDL typically do not utilize private data.


Creating/Adding Datasets

The process of creating datasets is relatively straight forward. To add

a new dataset, click File > New Dataset or click the New Dataset
button in the shortcut bar.

Simply select the Well and Run you wish to insert your new record
into. Select the record and give it a description. Remember that SDL
records have a blank description.
Figure 6.94
Click OK to add the record to the database.

Creating/Adding Descriptors

Adding a descriptor is very similar to adding a dataset. Highlight the

Well Based run in the well you wish to add the descriptor to and
navigate to the File option followed by New Descriptor… or click the
New Descriptor button in the shortcut menu.

Select the type of descriptor desired under the Record menu and then
give the descriptor a description. In the case of a Record Descriptor it
could be Chromatograph, Lithology, Time/Depth, etc. Figure 6.95

Click OK to add to the database.

Copying/Renaming Datasets

Aside from looking at the data contained within the records Data Manager is used to copy, rename and
move datasets.

To copy or move a dataset, expand the data tree and select the data you want to copy/move. Select the
dataset and right click. Navigate to Rename/Move Dataset(s)… to move, and Copy Datasets(s)… to copy.

Figure 6.96

Click OK to add to database.


6.3.4 Database Admin

Database Admin is one of the most useful tools in InSite for a Data Engineer. Although Database Admin is
not used as frequently on a day to day basis as Data Manager, for example, care must be taken when using
the program as serious damage can be done to the database if it is used incorrectly. Database Admin is
typically used to check locks on datasets, to repair database problems and to add new variables and
records to the database.

Checking & Removing Locks

When a job is running at the rig site, the various computers will be used to fulfill a certain need. The IRIS
computer will, for example, acquire the sensor data and write it across to the ADI.

Figure 6.97

In the above example, MWKS322712 is the database machine, or ADI, and DKTP149057 is the data
acquisition machine, or IRIS. You can see the IRIS computer is accessing, or “Locking”, various datasets on
the ADI using the IADIProc.exe program. What is actually happening here is the IRIS computer is acquiring
data and it needs to write it to somewhere. The datasets seen above are the datasets it is writing data to.

One of the most important datasets to keep an eye on is the Time/Depth record. Only ONE program,
whether it is the IRIS computer or a WITS link, can ever access this record. Checking the locks on the
various datasets is a great way to identify what computer and what process is accessing a specific record
and this can help with quick and efficient troubleshooting i.e. two IRIS machine running on the network,


Diagnostics & Repair

From time to time, the database will begin working incorrectly and on many of these occasions it can be
attributed to a dataset becoming corrupted. In addition to this, problems can often be encountered
importing .adi files which contain corrupted database entries.

To check if any errors are present in the database, we can run a diagnostic on the database. To do this,
select the Mode menu option and click Diagnostics & Repair. Alternatively, you may click the Diagnostics
& Repair button on the shortcut bar. To begin a diagnostic select a well, run or even individual record,
click Control > Start. The diagnostic will begin.

Figure 6.98

When the diagnostic begins, there are various options in the Options menu for how InSite should proceed
without user intervention.

Figure 6.99


If “?” is selected (as it is by default), Database Admin will introduce an error dialogue box to the user,
which requires an input to instruct the system what to do. The choices given by the system are Repair, Skip
and Abort. Commonly, it is easiest for the user to select Repair All Faults or Force Repair which will make
InSite automatically repair faults without the user having to click Repair repeatedly when the error
dialogue box comes up.

Figure 6.100

Viewing & Editing Database Configuration

Database Admin can be used to change the configuration of the database, which can involve making all
kinds of changes to the database such as, adding or removing variables and records, adding variables to a
record, changing the units associated with a Variable, etc. To access this mode, click Mode and select View
& Edit Configuration. Alternatively, click the pen button in the shortcut menu.

CAUTION: InSite users must use caution when making any changes to the database via the View and Edit
Configuration mode as any undesired, or accidental, changes have the potential to damage the
database, which may lead to service quality problems for the client at the rig site. If in any doubt,
contact your regional InSite support team for guidance.

The features available to the user within the View and Edit Configuration mode are highly dependent on
which of the modes the user selects.

There are two modes that are most likely to be used at the rig site by the Data Engineer:

 Variables

 Records

The other three modes (Measurement Classes and Unit Types, Unit Options and Options Lists) are used so
infrequently at the work site we will not discuss them in this manual. If you would like to engage in further
reading on these modes, please refer to the InSite help function for further information.

When the Variables mode is engaged, the Database Admin interface will look like that of Figure 6.100.
Essentially, every variable within the database is displayed and the scroll bar allows the InSite user to scroll
through all of these variables.


Figure 6.101

With so many variables contained within the database, it is often easier for the user to utilize the Find
function. When in the Variable or Record mode, navigate to Edit > Find.

Figure 6.102

Type in the name of the variable (or record, if you are in record mode) you wish to find and select Find
Next. If you want to search down the list of variables, keep the Down box checked and if you have reached
the bottom of the list and want to search up, check the Up box. Partial variable and record names can be
searched for if you do not know the full name.


Editing Variables

Once a variable of interest is selected, the user can

choose to edit the variable by clicking Edit Variable
using the function buttons.

Many of the factors that influence a variable can be

altered using the edit variable function. To change a
value, simply select the particular field you wish to
change and then edit the value.

Figure 6.103

NOTE: Once a change is made to a database variable, that variable will effectively be replaced with the
edited version and any programs within InSite that used the old variable may stop working correctly.

Inserting Variables

If an entirely new variable is required in the database rather than editing a current one, select Insert
Variable from the main window when in variable mode. The window that will pop up is identical to that of
the edit variable option. When inserting a new variable the InSite user must enter the following;

 Name – this is a name for the variable that is used internally by the InSite system and it must be 15
characters or less. The curve label is generally the same as the Curve Label.

 Curve Label – this is a name for the variable that is used for the various plotting packages used in
InSite and it is the Curve Label that will be displayed instead of the actual Name selected for the
variable The Curve Label must be 25 characters or less and, as stated earlier, the Curve Label is
often kept the same as the variable Name.

 Mnemonic – this is a 4 character abbreviation for the variable. It is not absolutely necessary to
enter a Mnemonic.

 Unit Type – any data coming from the IRIS computer will have been assigned a unit type (selected
in IrisDirectory.exe). To ensure we store and present accurate data to the client make sure the
appropriate Unit Type is selected i.e. match the Unit Type to what has been selected in the IRIS
directory and ensure both are the units we wish to use.

 Decimal Places – select a sensible number of decimal places to store the data with. With
important data where minute changes are important, select at least 2 decimal places. It is possible
to select negative decimal places e.g. -2 for data that will normally be of a very high figure.


 Storage Format – for most of the variables contained within the database, sensor data in number
format, we would select “Float” as the storage format. Text based variables, for example, would
use a String storage format. Time & date variables can be used with a Float format but can also
utilize the Uns Int (Unsigned Integer) format. If a variable must be added but you are unsure of the
storage format to use, contact your regional InSite support team.

 # Bytes – this is the number of bytes of memory assigned to store the variable in the database:

o Numerical variables = 4 bytes

o Time/Date variables = 8 bytes with Float or 4 with Uns Int

o Text variables = number of characters + 1 (# bytes = # characters + 1)

 Mnemonic32 – is the option of a longer, 32 character abbreviation for the variable. Not required
to successfully insert a variable.

Figure 6.104

The Records mode allows the user to view a list of records contained within the database and also a list of
the variables contained within each record.


Inserting & Editing Records

Like the Variables options, inserting and editing a record are very similar processes and share identical
options menus so we will cover them together. To insert a record click Insert Record using the functions
buttons. To edit a record, find the record of interest in the record list and select it by left clicking it. With
the record selected click Edit Record using the functions buttons.

Figure 6.105

 Record Name – enter a record name if creating an entirely new record.

 Editor Type – select whatever type of data editor is most suitable for the types of variables that
will be contained within the record. In the case above, we are looking at the Time SDL Fast record
that contains time based data. Data that is stored by time, depth and activity requires access from
a General Data Editor, of which TDA is categorized. The vast majority of Editor Types in the
database are TDA.

 Group – for SDL always select Surface Logging.

 Indexing Types –in our case, we are looking at the Time SDL Fast record which must index the data
for storage using Time, Depth & Activity (TDA). Some records will only index the data based on
Time (T), some only Depth (D) and some using a combination e.g. Time and Depth (TD). Some
records, Time SDL RT for example, will have no indexing checked. This is because the data written
to the record is used for display purposes only and no data is actually stored in the database –
therefore how is it organized is irrelevant.

 Primary Keys – always check each of the boxes.

 Attributes – in SDL, we would never need to check the boxes under the attributes heading.

 PSL Types – each record within the InSite database has been assigned to a PSL. In our case, most, if
not all records, should be checked as Sperry-Sun.


Add Variable

To add a variable to a record, select the record you wish to add the variable to. Once highlighted, the
record will become black (below).

With the record highlighted, click Add Variable using

the function buttons.

Select the variable you wish to add to the record. In this

case, we will use Gas Hydrcbn In. Click OK.

The new variable has now been added to the record

(and with any changes made to any variable or record).
Click Save.

Figure 6.106

Figure 6.107


6.3.5 Data Statistics

Data statistics is a program

within InSite that gives the user
the ability to select various data
from within a given record over
a range of depth or time. With
the data and range selected, the
program will then provide
information about the data such
as maximum, mean and
minimum values recorded over
the range selected.

To use Data Stats, simply select

the well of interest followed by
the appropriate run. When in
the correct run, select the
record and description that
contain the data you wish to
look at. In this case, we have
used the Logging record, which Figure 6.108
is an example of a record
containing depth based data.

With Data Stats, it is simply a case of selecting the correct data. Generally speaking, we use the Logging
record for data that is depth based and depth based data tends to be used for things like the end of well
reports, etc. Time based data, which is generally used for daily reporting, can normally be gathered from
either the Time SDL Fast and Time SDL Slow records.

Once the correct time or depth based record has been selected, pick the appropriate range and click Get

NOTE: Data Stats is limited, somewhat, by the lack of capability to gather statistics on data that spans
multiple runs. If data over multiple runs is required, the user must run the program on each of the runs
in question and manually calculate the minimum, maximum and average values.


6.3.6 Unit Sets

As mentioned while discussing Database Admin, the variables within the database require a unit to
quantify them. If a variable had no unit to quantify it the number would be completely meaningless.

Fortunately, InSite has two built in ‘Unit Sets’ that assign a unit to variables in the database – called English
and Metric. The English unit set uses imperial unit whereas the Metric unit set uses metric. In some
circumstances, a client may request that we use certain units when we provide them with data throughout
and at the end of the well. If this is the case, we must create a ‘custom’ unit set which may, in fact, be a
hybrid unit set consisting of some English and some Metric units. Unit set files are located in the data
directory in the following location:

 C:\INSITE\Data\UnitSets

NOTE: in some regions, InSite may be installed on

the F:\ drive

If a preconfigured customer specific unit set has

been created by your InSite support team, place
the .UNT file in the correct location in the data
directory and begin using the unit set on all of the
computers at the rig site.

If no such preconfigured unit set has been provided

and you must create one yourself, or perhaps only
one or two variables require changing, the Unit Set
Editor can be used to make the required changes to
the current unit set. Figure 6.109

The main Unit Set Editor GUI contains a list of variables, list of variables contained within specific records
or a list of different measurement classes. To access either view, navigate to the View menu and select
Variables…, Record/Variable mode or Sort by measurement class.

Variable Dialog

This mode will display all of the variables in the

database that can be edited by the Unit Set
Editor, in alphabetical order. The Variables
window will pop up to provide the user with
the interface to search through the database
variables. Figure 6.110


To change the unit used for a variable, find the desired variable and left
click on it. Once clicked, the Unit Type for that variable will become
highlighted in the main Unit Set Editor window. Navigate to the
Measurement Units column. Within the Measurement Units column for
the variable in question the InSite user can select one of all the available
measurement units for the given Measurement Class associated with the
variable type. Simply select your unit of choice and click Save.

CAUTION: Be aware that changing a measurement unit actually changes it

for the unit type and, in turn, for all variables associated with that unit

Figure 6.111


This mode shows all of the

variables, much like the
Variable Dialog mode. The
difference with the
Record/Variable mode is the
user can select the desired
record in which their
variable of choice resides in.
Once the correct record is
found it allows the user to
navigate through a
considerably smaller list of Figure 6.112
variables than if they used
the Variable Dialog mode.

CAUTION: Be aware that changing a measurement unit actually changes it for the unit type and, in turn,
for all variables associated with that unit type.

Sort by measurement class

This mode provides the user with a list of measurement classes organized in alphabetical order of the
measurement classes i.e. Acceleration through to Yield Point. Changing a measurement unit in this mode is
the very same process as in the Variable Dialog mode.

CAUTION: Whenever you change the measurement unit for a particular unit type, the change affects all
variables associated with that unit type. Therefore, it is recommended to view the list of variables that
will be affected before making changes.


If any changes have been made to the current unit set in use (or a blank unit set), the user must choose
whether to save over the current unit set or to save the unit set under a different name. The best practice
is to change the name of the unit set if any changes have been made that will alter the English or Metric
unit sets from their default settings – to minimize confusion at a later date.

To overwrite an existing unit set with edits, select File > Save.

To create a new unit set, select File > Save As and choose a suitable name for the new file.

TIP: Ensure the desired unit set for drilling the well is copied to the data directory of every rig site
computer and it set correctly to be actively used within InSite.

6.3.7 Processing Monitor

The Processing Monitor is the user interface the Data Engineer uses at the rig site to monitor background
processing applications. Processing Monitor can be used to:

 Reprocess (recorrelate) data.

 Perform calculations from a pre-defined template.

 Monitor processing status.

Figure 6.113


The Processing GUI contains three main windows: Completed Tasks, Parallel Tasks and Queued Tasks.
These windows will become populated depending on what types of calculators are being run on the job.

 Completed Tasks – are tasks for which the processing has been completed.

 Parallel Tasks – are tasks that are running real-time and processing continually.

 Queued Tasks – are tasks that are in the queue, waiting for processing.

Data Engineers will only tend to use the Processing Monitor for very specific
tasks like running ROP average, average pits calculators, etc. To begin running a
calculator, click Processing > Calculators… Figure 6.114

In the CalcUI window, the user must select the calculator required.
In this case, we will use Average Pits.clc as an example – it is worth
noting that this particular calculator is not included in InSite with
the default installation and must be added. Also, an average pits
calculator is only really useful on floating offshore installations as
it will take two signals from the same mud tank and average the
value to give one value that corrects for possible inaccuracies
caused by rig heave.

All calculators in InSite reside in the data directory in the following


Figure 6.115  C:\INSITE\Data\Calculator

NOTE: in some regions, InSite may be installed on the F:\ drive

Most calculators used by SDL will be run as a Parallel task due to the fact that they will be continuously
calculating values that will be written to the database and then displayed to the client in real-time. On
occasion, we may choose to run a queued task although that function is used primarily by MWD.

Once the calculator has been selected and Parallel has been chosen, click Process. The process will now
run until it is stopped.

To aid the process of interacting with various processes in the Processing Monitor, we are provided with
the control shortcut buttons which can also be found in the Control option on the menu bar.


The three control options are Remove Active Process, Clear Completed Tasks and Rerun Completed Tasks.

 Remove Active Process – this allows the

user to stop any process that is in the

 Clear Completed Tasks – once stopped,

completed processes move to the
Completed Tasks window and from there
the Clear Completed Tasks option allows Figure 6.116
the user to remove these processes.

 Rerun Completed Tasks – the user can restart various processes from the Completed Tasks
window using this option.

6.3.8 InSite Remarks

InSite Remarks is a program within InSite that allows the user to enter, view and edit time or depth based
comments with one single program. The most common use of the program, however, is for entering real-
time comments regarding operations at the rig site.

Figure 6.117

When InSite Remarks is opened, the user is prompted to select a Category and a User Name. The category
is a classification used to identify or group remarks (e.g. SDL Remarks). We can think of the category as the
description used within the Remarks record to group certain types of comment.


Figure 6.118

New remarks can only be added to the Real-Time Remarks box within InSite Remarks. To add a remark,
select the Real-Time Remarks window followed by Edit > Add Remark. Alternatively, select the
button in the shortcut bar.

When the Add Remark window opens, the Time

& Date and Depth will automatically populate
with the current data being written to the
database at the time the add remark button was
pressed. Enter the remark and be sure to select
the correct dataset for the remark to be added
to by selecting it under the Category option. In
this case, this remark will be added to the SDL
Figure 6.119

In this case, we have chosen to add this new remark

to the PWD Remarks dataset.

Figure 6.120

When a remark is added, regardless of which dataset it was saved to, it will be recorded in the Real-Time
Records window. This is proof that a remark was entered at a certain time and it creates a trail of
information that can be used at a later date to help identify problems with rig operations, etc. Even if a
mistake is made when writing a remark and that remark is later deleted from the dataset it was sent to,
the remark that was entered will remain in the Real-Time Records dataset.


Figure 6.121

If a remark has been added to the database but it does not appear in the ‘Saved Remarks Window’ (SDL
Remarks, PWD Remarks, etc.), click the window in question, e.g. PWD Remarks, and click View > Refresh.

The Saved Remarks Window is capable of deleting remarks from their respective datasets. To delete a
remark, select the window that corresponds with the record that you would like to delete the remark from
and select the remark you wish to delete. With the correct remark selected, navigate to the Edit menu
followed by Delete Remark. Alternatively, press the Del button on your keyboard or click the button in
the shortcut bar.

6.3.9 Lith Conversions

The Lith. Conversions application is used to convert the percentage of the both cuttings lithology and
interpreted lithology percentage to decimal values, so they can be exported successfully to ASCII files. The
ability to export these values as decimals is highly useful when an Operations or Wellsite Geologist
requests data from us regarding the lithology percentages.

The Lith. Conversions interface allows for two


1. Converting to digital

2. Converting to %

To turn our InSite percentages into decimal values, click

Convert to %.

Figure 6.122


Select 1 Lithology Dataset and then use the drop down menus,
which are based on the Primary Keys, to select the correct Well,
Run, Record and Description.

In this case, we have used Well ID 1 and the Lith Cuttings record.
Click Convert.

This will create a new record in the database in the same run as
your selected record for conversion. The new record will be
named Lith Types.

Figure 6.123

The converted will display a message to confirm that the

export was successful and it will also inform the user how
many database entries have been processed.

The new record should appear within Data Manager and

should have the same descriptions within as you
converted – in this particular case just one description,
which is blank.

Figure 6.124

The Lith Types record is served by a standard general data editor,

which can be used to check the values that have been converted.
This decimal data may now be included in any ASCII or LAS exporter
template that you may wish to create.
Figure 6.125


6.4 Transfer Applications

On almost every job, getting our sensor data successfully into the database is only half the story when it
comes to the level of data services we actually provide to the customer. Normally, there is an expectation
that we incorporate the data of others’ into our own and also that we share our data with other 3rd

In addition to this, we usually must send our entire database for the purpose of having data backups and
also to provide the capability to send our data to the client in real-time. Real-time services are forming a
greater part of how our clients want to operate their assets. By using real-time services, the client is
afforded the ability to cut costs by sending fewer personnel to the rig site.

Within InSite, there are applications that allow us to fulfil our data transmission needs – in many different
ways. These applications can be found in the Transfer tab in InSite Studio.

Figure 6.126

As ever, there are some applications that are used frequently by the Data Engineer.

Figure 6.127


6.4.1 Data Exchange

Data Exchange is an application that replicates databases between one or more InSite computers. It sends
all or part of an InSite database to another InSite database across a network (LAN, WAN, or wireless).

Data Exchange provides continuous or periodic

backup. It supports data being displayed on
remote computers. It provides a way to create a
secondary or backup database. Data Exchange
also is able to perform one-time data transfers.
The Data Exchange application can transmit and
receive data over the network in real-time, at
specific times or as a one-time batch.

Figure 6.128

In order to run a Data Exchange, the InSite computers must be running Core Servers (i.e. be a database
machine). To make sure this is the case, select the Configuration menu on InSite Studio. When the Local
Servers window pops up, select Start Servers.

It is standard procedure on all jobs to run a hot backup

of the ADI database to another machine. The purpose of
this is to provide an up to the minute version of the
database that can be switched to in the event of ADI
failure and is not for data recovery.

Note that data exchange will transmit everything to the

back-up ADI, including incorrect edits and unintentional
deletes, so your daily cold back-ups are still required for
Figure 6.129
Also, if you are running a job with RTO, a second data
exchange will be run from the backup ADI to town.

Note it is preferable to use the BU ADI rather than the ADI in case the sending machine needs to be
rebooted for any reason, although these instances are now much rarer than they used to be.


Open Data Exchange by going to the Transfer tab and Data Exchange button.

There are two options for transferring data: Sending

and Receiving. With sending, the computer is either
allowed to send or not allowed to send. With
receiving, there are three options. The first option is
the computer is not allowed to receive. The second
option is the computer can receive from any
computer. The last receiving option is the computer
is allowed to receive from one computer only.

NOTE: The ADI should always be set to -LOCAL- is

not allowed to Receive.

Figure 6.130

With Data Exchange open, go to Tools > Network

Tools… > Advanced Settings. Set up the options
as seen in Figure 6.131.

Once you have your well set up on your ADI and

are acquiring data, you should begin your data
exchange to the back-up computer. Open up the
program, click the Add Component button and
put in the IP address of the computer you are
sending to in the Remote Computer box.

Figure 6.131


Figure 6.132

While it is good practice to send All Data in Active Well/Job, it is also good practice to put some restrictions
on certain records, such at BAT and XBAT sonic tool records. When MWD reads the data from the sonic
tools at surface, an enormous volume of data is queued to pass through the Data Exchange. More often
than not, this stalls the entire exchange due to bandwidth limitations. This results in the client not seeing
real-time data, which they perceive to be the result of poor service quality.

By and large, the default settings will do the

job, and it is rare that you’ll need to change
them. If you click the restrictions button next to
the Data Selection, you can not only remove
certain records from the transfer, but you can
also choose to disable your database
configuration tables.

NOTE: It is NOT recommended to do this as

otherwise custom variables will not be
transmitted by data exchange.
Figure 6.133
Click OK to start the exchange.


If not done already, check the

data exchange settings at the
bottom of the data exchange
window. These will tell you
whether or not your machine is
ready to send.

Go to Exchange > Change

Allowed Settings to amend
sending/receiving permissions.

Figure 6.134

As previously stated, it is standard practice to have a hot-backup of data in the form of a DEx (Data
Exchange) from the ADI to the Back-up ADI. In this case, the Back-Up ADI would run Core Servers and be
looking at itself for its database.

It is important to monitor your data exchanges to ensure that they are sending data. There are a couple of
ways to do this: The first is to use the minimized yellow box that shows a brief outline of the data
exchanges with a list of them and an indicator light to show the status. There are three status light colors:

 Green – Connected

 Yellow – Disabled

 Red – No Connection
Figure 6.135

NOTE: (T) denotes transfer, (R) denotes receiving.

Figure 6.136

DEX MTU Settings

Before setting up the data exchange from the rig to the ROC, please check the MTU (Maximum
Transmission Unit) to the ROC server allocated to your job.

InSite defaults to 1500 for the maximum allowed setting although this can lead to problems with the
exchange to town, therefore potentially affecting our ability to transmit data to the client. Our VPN (Virtual
Private Network) routers are configured for a maximum MTU of 1413 – as this was found to be the

Any data packets sent over 1413 bytes will be “clipped” and have to be retransmitted. Large data packets
over slow links will cause greater delays and increase the lag for received data.


NOTE: Jobs running on extended Halliburton V- LANs (i.e.

own V-sat) may find that the 1500 MTU setting will be the
optimum. Always call your local IT support team/ROC to
discuss what MTU settings should be applied to your DEX.

To test the MTU open Data Exchange and navigate to the

Tools option and select Network Tools.

Figure 6.137 After the window opens select the MTU settings button.

Figure 6.138

Select the NIC (Network Interface Card) you are

using for the Halliburton VPN (if the computer is
equipped with more than one NIC) then enter the
target host IP. Once all of the information has
been entered click the Find MTU button.

It will take a few seconds for the test to be carried

out. Once completed the recommended MTU
setting will be shown in RED (within the MTU
window for the selected NIC). A value of 1413 or
lower will be displayed. Click the Set MTU button
to apply the new setting.
Figure 6.139


6.4.2 Importing & Exporting ASCII, DLIS, LIS, and LAS Files

Importer and Exporter

Requests for copies of INSITE datasets are made quite regularly. These datasets can readily be exported in
a variety of formats to any type of portable media device (memory stick etc). More often than not, the
Geologist makes such requests, normally dictating the format and data that is required.

 Independent variable – Depth Based or Time Based

 Variables (parameters) required – any number is feasible

 The range and interval frequency of data required

 The format of the ASCII data itself – LAS or ASCII etc

 The format of the columns (number of digits, null values)

 The mode of separation between columns – delimiting, space, tab etc

 A naming convention for each data file name

Exporter is highly flexible so most customer requests should be easily met. Once a file format has been
created, a template can be saved thus facilitating further requests for the same data. In general, only the
Depth range or Time range will need editing prior to subsequent exports.

Figure 6.140


Figure 6.141

The left hand side is similar to the Data Manager. If the tree is opened, the user will see all of the available
wells and their data. This window will allow the user to choose from the available data which data is to be
exported from the INSITE database. The window on the right will eventually contain all of the data that has
been chosen to be exported.

Select the required Descriptor (in this case we are selecting the Logging Descriptor as in the example we
are exporting data from the Logging Record.). Finally, select the Logging record itself, via the Logging

If a variable is the first to be dragged across, the program will prompt you to select a Section Name,
Independent Variable Type & Units. The independent variable is what the output will be based upon.

Continue dragging selected variables across from the left

hand side – remembering it is easier for the future use of the
template if the data is taken from the descriptor rather than
the individual runs.

To select the depth range and data point frequency, click on

the Edit menu followed by Global Options. You can also click
the globe button. Navigate to the Export Range tab.

Pick how often you want the data to plot. In this case, every
data point is acceptable. If you are creating a template for
time based data from the Time SDL Fast record, for example,
selecting every data point may be undesirable. Figure 6.142

Select the data interval required. Apply ALL Values.


To select the Export File Path, click the Edit option followed by Edit
Export Configuration. In most cases in the field, LAS and ASCII files are
requested. Navigate to the tab for the desired format. Ensure you save to
a known location (e.g. the desktop).

Figure 6.143 Figure 6.144

Finally, select the Export option followed by Checked Curves in this Section. Tick the check box for the
desired file formats and then click OK. Once the file has been exported, check that the data is accurate for
the depth range selected.

Figure 6.145

Importing data is also necessary from time to time in the form of pore pressure or MWD data, for example.
When the need to import data arises the Importer should be used.


Figure 6.146

Select the source file by clicking File, followed by Open.

Figure 6.147

Then select browse and then browse for the source file in the Format File path box. In the example below,
the desired data is in a file called ‘Book2.txt,’ so select the desired file. Open and Press OK to the File
Details GUI.


Figure 6.148

You will see a display which will say “FORMAT AUTODETECTION IN PROGRESS” and then the Generic ASCII
Import Wizard Step 1 display will appear. If character delimited, select Next.

Figure 6.149


Notice (below) during step 2 of 3 that lines appear separating the data columns.

Figure 6.150

Select Next. Then inhibit or skip the columns not required (E.g. select the columns required and whichever
column is not required to be imported then highlight as “Do Not Import”). If there are a lot of columns of
data, it can be helpful to assign a curve name to help with the next step. Press Finish.

Figure 6.151


Press the Import

Checked Curves in
This Section button
– traffic lights. Once
the import
operation has
completed, a ‘Task
Normally’ message
should confirm a
successful import.

Save the template

for use later.
Figure 6.152

NOTE: Importing data overwrites any data

already in the database so care needs to be
taken to ensure that one is sure about which
data is being written and where to. Once the
act of importing has taken place there is no
going back.

Check the database for the new imported data.

Figure 6.153
Excel Import/Export

The Excel Import/Export function allows the InSite user to export ADI data and import data to the database
from a Microsoft Excel document, allowing for more flexibility than the standard Importer and Exporter. To
import from an Excel file:

 Select File > Open Excel File or click . The ‘Select File And Sheet’ dialog will open.

 Click beside the File field. The Open dialog box will open, browse to the location where the
file you wish to import is located.


With the correct file selected, click OK.

Figure 6.154

Variables from the selected Excel file

populate the upper and lower panes of the
main window. The next step of the process is
to map the Excel variables to ADI variables in
the database – essentially telling InSite where
we want to put this new data.

Click the Select Variables button and

from the pop up window select the variables
you wish to assign to the new data.

Figure 6.155

Figure 6.156

In this case, we have selected Depth, Pore Press Est and Fracture Gradient from the Overburden record.
The record you select for any data to be imported should depend entirely on the type of data that is being
imported e.g. time based drilling data should go to the Time SDL Fast record.


Figure 6.157

Drag the variables from the Data Manager type interface over to the Excel Importer interface. Once all of
the Excel variables have been mapped to the correct ADI variables, click the Process Excel Data button.
The Excel importer will then add the data to your selected dataset.

Figure 6.158


6.4.3 WITS

Wellsite Information Transfer Specification (WITS) is a communications format for the transfer of wellsite
information from one computer system to another. WITS is a multi-level format with each successively
higher level incorporating a greater degree of flexibility and complexity. Level 0 is the basic level and the
one most commonly used. Level 0 involves basic ASCII transfer. InSite WITS supports WITS levels 0, 1, 2,
and 2b, and can be used over a serial connection or over a TCP/IP connection.

InSite WITS provides the following capabilities:

 Receive data streams from one or more WITS sources.

 Store received data in an InSite database.

 Send one or more WITS data streams.

 Simultaneously Send and Receive WITS data.

 Support all standard WITS records.

 Allow creation of Custom records.

 Allow historical or real-time viewing of records sent or received.

Accessing InSite WITS

The InSite WITS User interface is accessed from the Transfer tab in InSite Studio. The application can be
run from the main InSite database server or from an InSite client machine connected to the main server.

In InSite Studio, go to the Transfer tab to display the transfer group icons. Double-click the WITS icon to
launch the application.

Figure 6.159


The main WITS user interface allows the selection of the channel or channels used and to allow access to
other screens where WITS record selections, database mappings, channel settings, etc can be configured.

Figure 6.160

WITS terminology

 Channels Numbered 1 – 10 on the front screen of WITS. These are what data is either sent or
received on.

 Records Numbered 1 – 25 and 50 – 80. These are the subdivisions of data types within a record.

 Variables Numbered 1 – 99. A discrete data item sent within a record.

Channel Setting

The channel settings define the type of connection between the connected WITS systems and it defines
the configuration and mapping files to use. All settings relate to a single WITS channel.

Select Channel Setting… from the File


Select the Communication Medium; either

Serial, Port or Network.

Figure 6.161


Serial Port

 Serial Port – Select the Serial Port to use for this channel. Use the com port the serial cable is
connected to.

 Baud Rate – Baud Rate selection must match that of the WITS system to which yours is connected.

 Flow Control – The Flow Control selection must match that of the WITS system to which this
system is connected. This should be set to None.

Figure 6.162


Either Server or Client may be selected within the Network communication type. If the local computer is
designated as the server, the remote computer is the client. Conversely, if the local computer is the client,
the remote computer is the server. It does not matter which computer is sending and which is receiving
when making the server/client selection; however, it might be helpful to think of the sender as the server
and the receiver as the client.

 Server: Port – Enter the Port number to use for this channel. Any TCP port may be used as long as
it is not used by another application. The suggested port range is from 1000 to 2000; however, if
the other WITS application to which this channel is connected requires a particular port number,
enter the port number required by that application. The port number used must be the same on
both systems.

 Client: Target Host – Enter the IP address of the other WITS system to which this system is
connected. Port – Enter the Port number to use for this channel. Any TCP port may be used as long
as it is not used by another application. The suggested port range is from 1000 to 2000 and
typically we’ll use port 1500; however, if the other WITS application to which this channel is
connected requires a particular port number, enter the port number required by that application.
The port number used must be the same on both systems.

Figure 6.163


Select the Channel, Configuration file, Map file, and Lithology Map.

 Channel [x] – Select the Channel to use for this connection. Use the Up/Down arrows to scroll
through the channel selections. Although some channels are shown as “send” or “receive” by
default, any channel can be used for either sending or receiving. The channel should be given a
descriptive name to easily identify its purpose.

 Configuration – Select the Configuration to use for this connection. Use the Edit button to edit and
save a configuration. The configuration should be given a descriptive name to easily identify its

 Map – Select the Map to use for this connection. Use the Edit button to edit and save a map. The
map should be given a descriptive name to easily identify its purpose.

 Lithology Map – Select the Lithology Map to use for this connection. Use the Edit button to create
a lithology map name. The map name can be anything.

Figure 6.164


Configurations define which WITS records will be sent or received and the trigger and timing of sent
records. The configuration also defines the Well, Units, WITS Level, and direction. The Edit WITS
Configuration dialog can be accessed from the Edit button next to the Configuration field on the Channel
Settings page, from Edit>Configuration… on the main menu bar of the WITS INSITE main interface, or from
the “pen” icon on the toolbar of the interface.

Figure 6.165


Enter the configuration name and select the Units, WITS Level, and Direction. If the Direction is receiving,
the Well field becomes activated so that the well that is to receive the data can be selected. It will always
be WITS 0.

 Configuration – Enter a name for this configuration that is descriptive of its purpose.

 Units – Select FPS or Metric units. The sender and receiver must use the same unit types.

 WITS Level – Select level Zero [0], One [1], Two [2], or Two B [2B]. The sender and the receiver
must use the same level.

o 0 – allows one-way transmission of data in ASCII format

o 1 – allows one-way transmission of data in binary format

o 2 – allows one-way transmission of data in binary format (from the sender), while also
allowing controls to be sent in the opposite direction (from the receiver)

o 2B – includes all the features of level 2, with the addition of 24 hours (or 30 MB) worth of
data buffering in case of communication line loss

 Direction – Select whether Sending or Receiving. If it is receiving, the Well field is activated.

Enable WITS records that are needed for a configuration. All the records are disabled by default so simply
clicking the traffic light icon to start WITS will result in no data coming in. If custom records (above record
25) are not required, they can be deleted, but if they are deleted they must also be deleted from the
corresponding map that is used for the same channel as the configuration.

To enable records:

 Double-click on the record line

to open the Edit Record
Attribute dialog as below.

 Check the Enable checkbox.

 Click OK.

 Continue enabling records that

are needed.

 Click Save.

Figure 6.166


If setting up a Sending configuration, the Triggers need to be configured to control when the record is
sent. WITS records are triggered only according to a time interval, depth interval, or an event. Some
records can be triggered according to both time and depth. The triggers do not have any purpose for a
Receiving configuration except when using Level 2B and receiving buffered data. Otherwise, for a
Receiving configuration, the records are received according sending setup.

NOTE: The default time trigger for time based records is 60 seconds. In most cases this should be set to a
shorter interval to provide more frequent updates of the data. For WITS Record 01 – General Time
Based, the interval should be 5 or 10 seconds or even less.

Figure 6.167

To configure the triggers:

 Double-click on the record line of the Enabled records to open the Edit Record Attribute dialog.

 Check the appropriate Depth, Time, or Event checkboxes.

 Enter a value for the Depth and/or Time.

 Click OK.

 Continue setting triggers for other enabled records.

 Save changes.

 Click OK to exit the Edit WITS Configuration interface.



Mapping files are used to link InSite database variables to WITS variables. A receiving map defines where a
particular received WITS variable is mapped to in the InSite database. A sending map defines which InSite
variable is sent to represent a particular WITS variable. The Edit Map dialog box can be accessed from the
Edit button next to the Map field on the Channel Settings page, from Edit>Map… on the main menu bar of
the WITS InSite main interface, or from an icon on the toolbar of the interface. Either a Sending Map or a
Receiving Map will need to be defined depending on the direction of the channel configuration.

Figure 6.168

 Sending Map – A Sending Map is used to define which InSite database variable will be sent for
each WITS variable that is required. There can be only one InSite variable for each WITS variable
within a given WITS record. The WITS records included in a map file must match the WITS records
included in the corresponding configuration file. The standard 25 records are always included, so it
becomes a matter of matching which custom records are included. Mapping definition is done as

1. Select the sending channel you are using and press File > Channel Settings > Map > Edit

2. On the Edit Map dialog, enter a Map File Name if it is to be different from the current one
opened. Rename it to something relevant to what it is doing, eg Send to Visean or Send to

3. Choose the Unit selection. The unit selection for the map file must match the unit selection for
the configuration.

4. Choose the WITS Record to be mapped from the drop down record selection. Custom records
that are not included in the configuration can be deleted.

5. Click on a WITS variable to edit it. Most of the variables are mapped by default and most of the
default mappings are correct to use as is.

6. To change a mapping that is already mapped, first UnMap the variable.

7. Select the desired INSITE Record and Variable from the Database.

8. Select Map. The selected InSite Record/Variable pair will be shown on the right side of the
mapping pane opposite the WITS variable selected.

Continue mapping variables within a given WITS record in this manner, and repeat for all WITS records in
the configuration. Select Save to save changes or select OK to save and exit.


2 3


Figure 6.169

 Receiving Map – A Receiving Map is used to define the InSite database location to which received
WITS variables are mapped for storage. A given WITS variable can be mapped to multiple InSite
variables. The WITS records included in a map file must match the WITS records included in the
corresponding configuration file. The standard 25 records are always included, so it becomes a
matter of matching the included custom records. Mapping definition is done as follows:

1. Select the receiving channel you are using and press File > Channel Settings > Map > Edit

2. On the Edit Map dialog, enter a Map File Name if it is to be different from the current one
opened. Rename it to something relevant to what it is doing, eg Receive from MWD

3. Choose the Unit selection. The unit selection for the map file must match the unit selection for
the configuration.

4. Choose the WITS Record to be mapped from the drop down record selection. Custom records
that are not included in the configuration can be deleted.

5. Click on a WITS variable to edit it. Most of the variables are mapped by default and most of the
default mappings are correct to use as is. However if you are using IRIS for data acquisition
then you will need to unmap Time/Depth from record 1 if you are using that record

NOTE: Date and Time mappings for each received WITS record should be un-mapped. Un-mapping the
received Date/Time will allow the data to be stored in the INSITE database at the INSITE system time
and ensure better correlation to other INSITE data acquired by the INSITE system.

6. To change a mapping that is already mapped, first UnMap the variable.

7. Select the desired InSite Record and Variable from the Database.

8. Select Map. The selected InSite Record/Variable pair will be shown on the right side of the
mapping pane opposite the WITS variable selected. A received WITS variable can be mapped
to multiple InSite variables.


Continue mapping variables within a given WITS record in this manner, and repeat for all WITS records in
the configuration. Select Save to save changes or select OK to save and exit.

2 3


Figure 6.170

Running WITS

Once the Configuration and the Mapping are done and all channel settings are correct, the transfer can be
initiated. Click the radio button to the left of the desired channel and then click the Go light.

Figure 6.171

The above example is for a Sending channel in which Sperry SDL records are sent to another third party
receiver. If all the setup is correct the main WITS window continuously shows information about the
record that is currently being sent (or received if it is a receiving channel), and the counters in the lower
part of the main window show a running total of each WITS record that has been Sent/Received while that
channel has been running. The number for the boxes corresponds to the WITS record numbers.

The WITS standard defines activities for which certain records are sent. The
most common one is WITS Record 02 Drilling Depth-Based. This record is only
sent when the activity is Drilling, so the InSite system must be generating new
Logging records before WITS Record 02 will be sent.

Figure 6.172


Another activity dependent record is WITS Record 17 – Cementing. In this case, it will likely be necessary to
over-ride the WITS activity to be Cementing in order for the Cementing record to be sent.

1. From the main WITS menu, select

Locals>Activity Code.

2. Select Rig Activity number 16 Cementing

and check the override box.

3. Click OK.

4. Don’t forget to uncheck the override when

cementing operations are complete.

Once all configurations, mappings, channel settings,

and activities are correct, WITS typically requires
little operator intervention. It is essential to take the
time in the beginning to get everything set up
Figure 6.173

Monitoring WITS Data Transfer

There are three ways in which the WITS data transfer can be viewed.

 Method 1 – Transmission Summary – The Transmission

Summary lists all of the WITS records for a given
channel whether the record is actually used or not. The
main view shows the record number (type), the
trigger(s), whether the record is enabled, settings for
the various flags, and a record of the last Time or Depth
sent. Additional information can be seen by clicking on
Figure 6.174
the View Record, View Select Type History, or View
Overall History buttons.


Figure 6.175

 Method 2 – Transmission History – The Transmission History

allows viewing of a history of the records of a selected type.
Select the record type and a listing of records of that type
will display. Select one of those records from the list to see
the details.

Figure 6.176

Figure 6.177


 Method 3 – Last Record – The Last Record

viewing option allows real-time or near
real-time viewing of the transferred data.
When the selection is first made it will
display the information for the most recent
record transferred. Click the Real Time
Refresh box to permit each record to
display in real-time as it is transferred.

Figure 6.178

Figure 6.179

Good WITS practice

Familiarize yourself with what data you are being sent, what WITS records are being used and where it is
going in the database. Use the real time data check sheet for something you can verify against. Check with
all sides that all data is being sent and received once you’ve started.

Get a T/D activity for any data you are being sent and make sure it is written to all the records you are
using. Unmap the time and date and let InSite write that itself so that your log curves all match up.
Routinely check that you are receiving all the data you should be and also set them all up on a log so you
can see if any or all the curves stop. This will also tell you if you have the right sensor depth or if you are
only being sent the hole depths instead.

Get ASCII or Las files after the end of each section as the RT data will often be of poor quality.
Keep your descriptors up to date, many records received by WITS will have different start and end depths
to the runs. Do not assume that because WITS is running that it is actually working!


Figure 6.180

While record 75 is also a custom record, we try to use that one for the azimuthal density data and it seems
to have worked well so far. Please ask the ROC for a copy of it if you need it and don’t already have it.

Note on Network WITS

When a network WITS connection is made to another 3rd party, it is preferred that the WITS computer is a
standalone (i.e. not on the unit LAN) and it then sends a serial WITS link to one of the computers on the
unit LAN.

Figure 6.181

From a networking perspective and in the interest of simplicity, serial WITS links are preferred to network


6.4.4 Hyper Terminal

HyperTerminal can be a useful tool for troubleshooting WITS

communications and set-up problems. It operates completely
outside of the WITS application by reading the input on the
selected Com port.

Often, third-party WITS providers are unsure of how to set up their

WITS to properly send the correct data. HyperTerminal may be used
to view the data that is being sent, or sometimes not sent by them,
to see if it complies with the format that INSITE requires.

HyperTerminal can be found in the start menu:

 Start > Accessories > Communications >

HyperTerminal > hypertrm.exe

Figure 6.182
However, if it is not already installed on Windows 7, it can be
installed using the following instructions:

 Make a new folder under C:\Program Files\HyperTerminal for 32-bit and for 64-bit make a new
folder C:\Program Files (x86)\HyperTerminal

 Then copy in the following 3 files to the new folder created:

o C:\Program Files\Windows NT\hypertrm.exe

o C:\WINODWS\system32\hypertrm.dll

o C:\WINODWS\Help\hypertrm.chm

Now just run hypertrm.exe and HyperTerminal will start

running. If you want to have HyperTerminal on your Start
Menu, just create a shortcut to hypertrm.exe and put it in:
Menu\Programs. When you go to All Programs under the
Start Menu, HyperTerminal will be there.

Once HyperTerminal is opened, you will be faced with the

Connection Description screen.

Here you will enter a Name for the new connection you
are setting up. The Name can be anything and doesn’t
have to match up with anything from the sender.

Figure 6.183


If the sender has WITS level selections, Level 0 should be selected. If the sender does not have the option
to select the level, the level is probably Level 0 by default as this represents the most basic form of WITS

Once you have set up your connection name you will be

prompted to select the Com Port you wish to use.

The Com Port you select should be the Com Port you are trying
to receive WITs on. It should match with the Com Port selected
by the opposing third party who is trying to send the data.

If these Com Ports do not match up, you will not connect and
won’t be able to exchange any data.

Once selected, click OK.

Once you have selected the Com Port you will be connected
via, you will have to choose the settings you wish to use.
Figure 6.184

The main property here is the Bits per second.

The selected Bits per second MUST MATCH with the

Baud Rate being used by the third party who is trying to
WITs the data.

Again, if these two parameters do not match up, data

being exchanged may not work, or it may become

The only other drop down menu to change is the Flow

control option. This should be selected as None.

The other settings will not need to be changed. Data

bits can remain as 8, Parity as None and Stop bits as 1.

Once completed, click Apply and then select OK. Figure 6.185

HyperTerminal provides a quick and easy way to test various Comm port, baud rate, and flow control
settings and to test with and without a Null Modem Adapter until data can be properly displayed. Once the
data is properly displayed in HyperTerminal, the same Comm port settings and cable configuration may be
used for WITS, and the data should transfer correctly. If it does not, investigate the WITS configuration set-
up. Also, once everything is working correctly at Level 0, the configuration may be changed to Level B if
desired. Level selection must be the same on both the sender and the receiver systems.


Figure 6.186

Once your HyperTerminal has been set up and WITs is sending and your Comm Ports and cabling are all
working, then you should be receiving data on your HyperTerminal screen. The volume of data and
frequency will depend on what has been selected to send in WITs and its triggers.

If you are seeing data in HyperTerminal, then the problem is with your WITs
configuration. If you are not seeing data, then you will need to troubleshoot
your cabling and Comm Ports.

To capture the data received in Hyperterminal into a text file, choose the
Transfer option along the taskbar at the top of the window and select the
Capture Text option.
Figure 6.187
You will then have to choose the path you wish to save your file. Once chosen,
select the Start button.

Once you are happy with the volume of data you have
received, go back to the Transfer drop down list > Capture
Text and select the Stop button. Your data will now be
saved as a .txt file in the specified location.

Figure 6.188

Figure 6.189


The example below shows a Captured WITs transmission text file. It shows
HyperTerminal receiving a WITs record 1. Note that ‘&&’ denotes the
beginning of a new record and ‘!!’ denotes the end of a record (as
indicated by the blue arrows).

The structure is that the first two numbers on a line are the record
number, the second two numbers are the item number within the record,
and the remaining numbers are the data value for the item. This is shown
in the diagram; the different sections are split up by red lines.

Notice that the WITS variable name is not displayed. The naming of the
WITS variable is not related to the transmission of data. It is up to the
Sender to properly map the correct variables so that the correct data
values are assigned to the WITS variables for sending. Likewise, it is up to
the Receiver to properly map the WITS variables to the correct database

Another point to note is that the units of measurement are not

transmitted by the WITS transfer. The sender and the receiver must be in Figure 6.190
agreement as to the proper units of measurement for each variable.

Cable Configuration

You will require a serial cable run with a 9 way D type connector at the Halliburton end and the same at
the other end although occasionally you may come across a 25 way D type connector at the other end.
Normally the cable will be configured as follows:

 Pin 2 – Receive (RX)

 Pin 3 – Transmit (TX)

 Pin 5 – Ground

Two Way WITS

Two cables are required; one for sending and one for receiving. This will change in newer versions of InSite
where one cable can used for both directions.

Extra Hardware

 Serial cable (crossed) - to connect the sending PC to the receiving PC.

 Loopback device - to check that the port selected is the local sending port.

 Null modem - to cross pin 2 to pin 3 if your cable is not pre crossed.

 Gender changer - to connect M to M or F to F terminal ends.


If running fiber optics you will need:

 TWO Adams boxes to covert to the fiber optic signal A pair of fiber optic cables

 A fiber optic test box Extra hardware

6.4.5 Running IRIS from a WITS Interface

On occasion, and especially on newer installations where the rig does not want us to run any independent
sensors, we must receive some of our signals via a Totco/NOV panel instead of our own sensors. This is
beneficial due to the fact we do not have to complete any instrument calibrations during rig ups but it
requires us to run our IRIS server in a manner which requires some work to configure.

To make this configuration work effectively, we need to receive the WITS transmission from the rig to
records that are not written to by IRIS (i.e. not Time SDL Fast, Time SDL Slow, etc.). We then map the WITS
records as data objects, which IRIS will then write to the normal database locations – as if we were running
normal sensors.

 Step one in the process is to run a serial cable between the rig system and our ADI.

 Step two is to prepare InSite for the set up that we will use. Firstly, run through the Configure >
Sperry Servers menu on the IRIS computer and ensure the configuration is as in the figure below.

Figure 6.191

If you are receiving depth off the rig system via WITS, you need to set the depth source as DataScans
otherwise IRIS won’t pick up the data correctly.


 Step three is to receive the data and map it to the database. IRIS writes to the following records:
Time SDL Fast, Time SDL Slow, Time SDL Stats, Time SDL RT, Logging, Lag, Lagged Gas, BSL GC1 Intvl
& Cycle, ROP and of course Time/Depth in the database. As a default, all SDL records (with the
exception of Time/Depth) have a blank description.

Descriptions are used on some records in some circumstances (e.g. WITS data
received to the Time SDL Fast record will be automatically provided with the
description of WITS Received). For this setup to work smoothly, we want to avoid
creating WITS Received descriptions of all of the standard records. It is recommended
Figure 6.192 to Map WITS data to different records than those used by IRIS (e.g. instead of writing
to Time SDL Fast, we would use the 3P Fast WITS maps and write the data to the 3P
Fast record instead).

Within the WITS program in InSite, select a channel to use, set it up to receive data,
and change the name of the channel to something memorable to minimize
confusion if more than one WITS channel is in use (e.g. Receive Rig System).
Navigate to Edit > Map… and the click Receive under the New Map heading in the
bottom right of the window.

The Edit Map window will pop up. Again, change the name of the map to match the Figure 6.193
channel name (e.g. Receive Rig System). Clear out all of the default mappings and
map everything you are receiving to their corresponding variables in the newly
created Time SDL1 record.

In many cases, however, it is not necessary to create a new map or configuration – this is the case
predominantly when setting up InSite in this way for MWD only jobs. When working with standard drilling
parameters we can select to use the 3P Fast configuration and map. The 3P Fast configuration will only
receive WITS records 1 & 9 and the 3P Fast map will default to send all standard drilling parameters to the
3P Fast record in the database – as seen in the figure below.

Figure 6.194


If the rig is tracking depth for us we can map bit depth to Time SDL1 as well as block position but DO NOT
map hole position as this will be auto calculated by InSite via IRIS when using the Block Position and
Hookload data (and bit depth if it is being provided).

 Step four in the process is to map the WITS data from the Time SDL1 records into IRIS – to then be
written to the correct Time SDL Fast records, etc.

Navigate to the Data Acquisition tab in InSite Studio and click the IRIS Data Mapping button.

The IRIS Data Mapping window is split into two

halves. The left side shows a series of lights that
illuminate to indicate every time IRIS writes data
into that record on the ADI.

The right side is populated with information that is

read from the ADI across to the IRIS server.

There are two menu options that can be entered

in IRIS Data Mapping:

 Records Written To ADI

 Records Read From ADI

Altering the records read from ADI is how we can

use WITS data to run normal surface data
Figure 6.195 acquisition.

Click the Records Read from ADI


There are two default records that can

be configured to read to IRIS from the
ADI: Hydraulics and Logging. We need
to add the 3P Fast record that we
mapped earlier by clicking the New
Record button.

Click Done to save the new

configuration. Figure 6.196


Figure 6.197

The final step in the process to use WITS data in IRIS is to configure IRIS via the various Monitor programs.
Because we are not using our own drawworks encoder we cannot select Depth Wheel 1 Up with Depth
Wheel 1 Down or Quadrature 1 in the depth configuration. In this WITS configuration we must select
Depth Analog 1 because that is the IRIS item we mapped to the database via IRIS Data Mapping.

Figure 6.198

If we are receiving a bit depth, we do not need to worry too much about setting an in/out transition point
for the Hookload sensor. If only receiving a block position signal, it is necessary to enter this in/out of slips
threshold value in the normal location in Depth Monitor (Control menu).

Figure 6.199


If we are receiving WOB we must configure the value as normal via the
Rig Floor Monitor.

If, however, you want to save some time and effort simply check the
Use 3rd Party WOB box at the bottom of the window and InSite will
automatically latch our WOB to what is being received via the WITS
link, instead of InSite calculating a WOB based on Hookload,
rotating/sliding Effect, etc. Once the amendments to WOB have been
made or the box at the bottom has been checked, click OK to save the

Always remember to check the Torque and RPM configuration in Rig

Floor Monitor to ensure they are writing to the correct IRIS item and,
therefore, to the correct location in the database.

Figure 6.200

Figure 6.201
In this case, Torque Abs Top Drive and Analog
Rot Top – which were the items assigned earlier when
setting up the Records Read from ADI.

The final stage in the WITS into IRIS configuration is to

select the pump configuration. The only real difference to
a normal pump configuration, if we had our own stroke
counters, is to select Third Party stroke rates (ADI, SQL,
etc.) instead of IRIS.

Always remember to check that the output from IRIS is

writing to the correct records with the correct values. If
not, check the data that is being received via WITS to
ensure it is being received and also in the correct units.
Once the WITS data has been verified check the IRIS
configuration is correct – as per this guide.

Figure 6.202


Check that the Time/Depth record has the correct depths and that IRIS is correctly toggling between on
and off bottom status. Remember that a valid geometry is needed to ensure that lag records are populated

Once the configuration has been checked and is working in a satisfactory manner backup the IRIS settings
by shutting down InSite on the IRIS computer and making a copy of the following folder in the Data

 C:\INSITE\Data\IRIS\DefaultConfig\Config

NOTE: in some regions, InSite may be installed on the F:\ drive

InSite on the IRIS computer must be shut down when copying the file because IRIS constantly writes data
to the folder (also the ADIBuffer folder) and, due to this, not all of the flles will copy across. Also be aware
of this if backing up the database with the Data Directory box checked and IRIS still running.


6.5 Display Programs

InSite includes numerous display applications that allow the user to display data contained within the
database on the InSite computers in the logging unit and around the rig site.

Displaying information has two main areas of importance:

 To provide the means to monitor the well effectively.

 To produce and QC check the logs and data that will be delivered to the client.

The display programs, rather predictably, reside under the Display tab in InSite Studio.

Figure 6.203

As with most of the tabs in InSite Studio, there are a handful of applications that will be used more
frequently by a Data Engineer. It is these frequently used applications that will be covered in this manual.

Figure 6.204


6.5.1 WellView

The WellView application is a display tool within InSite that allows the user to display the well profile in two
dimensions using the wellbore and drillstring geometry combined with the recorded depth and survey data.

The WellView application, in default view,

displays the wellbore with the drill string.
This view is particularly useful for tracking
displacement, clean ups and cement jobs.
The InSite user can utilize Sweep Monitor,
as discussed previously in the manual, to
keep track of different fluids moving
around the system. These sweeps can be
displayed on the WellView application.

To enable WellView to link to Sweep

Monitor, click View > Sweep Monitor
Mode. The Select Sweep Configuration will
pop up and the user must select the server
(the computer running the Sweep
Monitor) to receive the data from. Select
the server and click OK.

Figure 6.205

Figure 6.206

With the server selected, WellView

will display any lag items that are
being processed.

This view can be extremely useful to

Drillers and Mud Engineers when
performing certain operations at the
rig – if good communication is
possible between the Surface Data
Logger and the rest of the rig crew.

Figure 6.207


6.5.3 RT Display

RT Displays are one of the most common means of displaying information from the InSite database. The
key to understanding the difference between a RT Display and many of the display applications within
InSite is the fact that RT Displays can only ever output a numerical type value and the application is limited
to displaying purely Real-Time values. There is no capacity to look back through data displayed on a RT
Display to check trends, etc.

Much like a lot of the other programs within InSite, RT Display uses templates that are stored in the data
directory. It is also possible to create an entirely new RT Display to fit a specific function and this can be
saved into the same location in the data directory along with all of the standard templates:

 C:\INSITE\Data\RtDisplay

NOTE: in some regions, InSite may be installed on the F:\ drive

To open a RT Display Template, click File > Open… and select from the list of .ird files that are available.

Figure 6.208

RT Displays are very simple to operate; simply select the correct well using File > Select Data Server… and
then click File > Run.


6.5.4 Real-time Table

Real-time tables have their uses at the rig site, but Real-time Table is a much less popular application than
RT Display and Plot Manager, for example. The most obvious limitation of the program is the fact that it
only displays data in table format, rather than in a visual manner that can be useful for identifying trends.
The strongest asset of the Real-time Table application is its simplicity.

Click File > New to create a new template. Select the type of trigger you desire (e.g. Depth with an
Averaging Interval of 1 ft). Click OK.

The new table will open. Now we need to add variables to the table. Click Edit > Add Column and begin
adding. In this case, we will select the Logging record and some variables from the record.

Figure 6.209

The table will now contain the added columns and each data point will contain values if the depths have
already been drilled and data is present.


6.5.5 Real Time Charts

Real Time Charts are similar to Plot Manager plots in the sense that they contain traces that are applied to
a track with a scale although Real Time Charts are significantly simpler than Plot Manager plots. With a
Real Time Chart there is only one track that runs horizontally across the window and the track contains all
of the variables the user wishes to add with each of the traces having its own scale bar – rather than the
multiple track set up in Plot Manager.

Open Real Time Charts and select File > New to open a blank template.

Figure 6.210

The quickest and most effective way to configure a

Real Time Chart is to use the tabs at the bottom of
the chart area titled Chart Options, Traces and
Trace Options. Firstly, select the Chart Options tab
and select the Independent Variable (IV) that you
wish to use. See Figure 6.211.

Next, we need to get some data into our chart.

Click the Traces tab, right click the empty white
area and select Add Trace.

Figure 6.211

Figure 6.212


A data selector window will pop up for the user to

select which variables will be added to the chart. In
this particular case we added Block Position from the
Time/Depth record along with SPP Avg, Hookload
Avg and Pump In Avg from the Time SDL Fast record.

Some of the most common uses of Real Time Charts

are to create templates that the user finds easier to
monitor operations like tripping, cement jobs and
formation tests. In this case we are creating a
tripping chart.

To add a variable, pick the appropriate record and

select the variables of choice from the Available
Records box. Once the variable has been highlighted,
click Add. Once all of the desired variables have been
added, click OK.

Figure 6.213

The added traces will

now show in the Traces
tab under your chart
area. Select the correct
Unit and also select a
Low Limit and High Limit
to form what will be a
sensible scale
(remembering all of
your traces must fit in Figure 6.214
one track).

Now that the traces are in the chart, we need to select appropriate trace characteristics to differentiate
them from one another. Navigate to the Trace Options tab and select some colors for your traces.

Figure 6.215


One of the main items to check on your chart to allow for the most effective presentation of the data is the
scroll range used. One of the best functions of Real Time Charts is the capability to display both real-time
and historical data. If historical data is to be used, we must always select the most representative range of
what we want to show. To run your chart in real-time, navigate to the Real Time Updates button and
engage real-time mode.

If running the chart in historical, i.e. non real-time mode, the

user would change the scroll range by navigating to the IV
Scroll Range button in the shortcut bar. Set the scroll
range to a value that best fits your data. Your chart should now
show data for the desired IV range.
Figure 6.216

Figure 6.217

Once the chart is completed, it can be saved by clicking File > Save As… Select an appropriate name and
click OK. Like many of the other applications in InSite, the Real Time Chart files save to the data directory.
Charts will save to the following location:

 C:\INSITE\Data\Rtcharts

NOTE: in some regions, InSite may be installed on the F:\ drive.


6.5.6 Alarms

Trend monitoring forms a major

element of the SDL service and
when working at the rig site
alarms are among the most
important aspects of the
Surface Data Logger‘s job.

Appropriate alarms must be set

on all critical parameters and
must be maintained

Figure 6.218


The alarm server runs from any machine running Core Servers (i.e. an ADI). Alarms will only trigger if
predefined alarms are entered into the Alarm application. The most effective way to add alarms to the
application is to load a pre-made template that contains all of the alarms a job will require.

Alarm templates are stored in the data directory under the following location:

 C:\INSITE\Data\Alarms

NOTE: in some regions, InSite may be installed on the F:\ drive.

To load one of the templates, click Open in the menu list and select one of the files (e.g. SDL Default.alm).

Figure 6.219

The alarm list will now contain various alarms although this will depend greatly on what alarm template
file is opened. The template that was opened in this example contains a list of general parameters that
should always be monitored at the rig site. The Data Engineer will notice that the alarms here have set
High, High Threshold, Low Threshold and Low values entered.

NOTE: when creating alarms or using an alarm template, ALWAYS ensure that the limits for the alarms
are ‘tight’ and will be capable of getting the user’s attention if a potential problem is encountered. Do
not rely on the high and low limits entered by a colleague of default template.


In Figure 6.273, the only alarm that is being triggered is

the No Data Gas Chrom alarm and it is popping up in the
Missed Alarm box. The alarms application will also
produce a pop up window to notify the user of the alarm
being triggered.

If there are no suitable templates available, either an

existing template must be modified or alarms must be
added from scratch.

Figure 6.220

There are 6 types of alarms available to the user:

 Bandwidth – this type of alarm has a high and low value. Any time that high or
low value is exceeded by the parameter the alarm will move into an alarm
state. This is the most common type of alarm used at the rigsite.

 Step – this type of alarm has a high limit and also a step value. Whenever the
limit is reached the limit will increase by the step value.

 Timer – this alarm on a time limit. When the user creates the alarm, they enter
a time and date. When that time and date occurs the alarm will move into
alarm state.

 Value Change – the value change alarm uses the current value of the
parameter it is set on. Whenever that value changes, the alarm will move into
alarm state. Used for parameters that shouldn’t change value.

 Compound – this is by far the most complicated alarm. Compound uses

Compound Conditions and Logical Operators to link the relationship to
multiple conditions e.g. if SPP > MFI then the alarm will activate.

 No Data – this alarm alarms after a defined period of time has passed without
an entry being created in the database for the selected variable. Commonly
used for the gas chromatograph.

To create one of the above types of alarm, navigate to the Add button in the Menu
bar and select the desired type of alarm.

For this example we will use a Bandwidth alarm.

The Bandwidth Alarm Setup window will pop up. Click the Select Data… button at the
top of the window to find which variable will be used for the alarm.

Figure 6.221


The Variable
Selector window
will then pop up.

Select the record

and then variable
you wish to set the
alarm on. We will
use Hookload Avg
from the Time SDL
Fast record in this
instance. Click OK.

Figure 6.222

Bandwidth Properties

Enter your desired High Limit and

Low Limit values under the
Bandwidth Properties heading.
When the parameter value goes
above or below these limits, the
alarm will move into an alarm state.
The Threshold values are a ‘soft’
limit. If these are entered and then
exceeded by the parameter value,
the alarm will not move into full
alarm state but will provide a
notification that the parameter is
close to the limits.
Figure 6.223

Alarm Activation

Under the Alarm Activation heading, select whichever InSite activities you would like to apply to your
alarm. A good example of this might be a pump flow alarm. Let’s imagine you have been told the minimum
flow rate that we can use to drill and effectively clean cuttings out of the hole is 400gpm. You wouldn’t
want your alarm to be going off every time the rig performs a connection.


In this case, you might select Drilling on Bottom, Drilling off Bottom and Circulation as applicable activities
for your alarm activation.

Figure 6.224

If in doubt, select All. This way, your alarm will definitely alarm when you need it to.

Alarm Properties

Every alarm within the database requires a name, so enter something memorable that will clearly identify
the alarm when it activates (e.g. Hookload Avg in this example).

The Alarm Availability refers

to which InSite computers are
going to see the alarm
notification if the alarm
moves into alarm state: Figure 6.225
 Public – every computer on the InSite network will receive the notification

 Private – Only the local computer will receive the notification

Notification Settings

Each alarm created must have a

sound notification of some kind
attached to it. Under the
Notification Settings heading, check
the Sound box. Figure 6.226

Under normal circumstances, the simple Beep Sound should suffice as far as an audible alarm goes but the
user may select an audio file from the computer if they desire.


We now have a fully configured Bandwidth alarm on the

Hookload variable from the Time SDL Fast record.

To add the alarm to the system click OK.

Once the alarm is added, it will appear in the main alarm

window along with any other alarms that have been added to
the system.

Figure 6.227

Alarm Status
Alarm Name
Limit Settings
Alarm Type
Edit Alarm

Delete Alarm
Figure 6.228


6.6 Calculations Applications

The Calculations tab contains some very useful tools that allow the user to calculate a variety of items,
ranging from simple unit conversions to far more advanced surge/swab calculations. Each of the
applications used to perform calculations can be found in the Calculations tab.

Figure 6.229

The most common applications used by the Data Engineer are:

Figure 6.230


6.6.1 Engineering Calculations

Engineering Calculations allows the Surface Data Logger to perform quick computations using basic rig site
information. Most calculation results are for quick reference only and are not stored in the database.

Using Engineering Calculations, it is possible to calculate the following: Unit Conversions, Derived Depths,
Well Volumes and Jet Area.

NOTE: before any calculations can be made, it is important to

verify three things. Ensure that the surveys are entered, up to
date and accurate in the survey editor. Ensure that the pump
configurations are correct and finally also ensure that both
the drill string and borehole geometries are accurate.

Figure 6.231

Unit Conversions

Selecting Unit Conversions will open the window below.

 Unit Type: From the list select the unit type you wish to convert.

 Value: Type in the numerical value.

 Unit Option: From the list select the unit standard you wish to convert.

 Decimal Place: Edit the number of decimal places you wish the results to be displayed in.

Choose which format you wish the results to be displayed in: Decimal, Comma Separated or Scientific.

For example, the driller phones you

to ask for a conversion 37.35 ft to

Type 37.35 in the value box.

In order for the Results to update,

simply click on the Unit Option
window and the results will

TIP: When searching for a unit

type such as depth, select the unit
type box and start typing the
desired unit to quickly find it. Figure 6.232


Derived Depths

The derived depth application can be used to perform depth conversions, such as calculating a specific TVD
from MD. These calculations search the survey descriptor to make the conversions. It is therefore
important to remember that for accurate depth conversion calculations that, the survey editor is up to
date and surveys are accurate.

NOTE: Be aware that if drilling a deviated hole, the hole angle may well be continually changing. Be
aware of when the last survey was entered in to the database as the calculator will extrapolate a depth
from the last survey point.

The unit option at the top allows you to choose which type of unit is displayed (e.g feet, meters, etc.).

 TVD: True Vertical Depth

 VS: Vertical Section

 THD: True Horizontal Distance

 TST: True Stratigraphic


 TVT: True Vertical Thickness

 E/W & N/S: Latitude and

departure from last survey

Figure 6.233

There are two separate input options available.

If you wish to convert a measured depth, then enter the known MD into the input box, as illustrated in
Figure 6.286. An example depth of 10,000’ is entered. The calculate button is then selected. The
corresponding TVD, etc., are populated.

The second option is to convert a TVD to MD. Simply enter the known TVD, then click the calculate button.
The corresponding MD is then populated.


Well Volumes

The well volumes window allows calculations of the string, annular and hole volumes to be made.

Under the Inputs heading:

 Bit Depth: Enter the current or desired bit depth.

 Top Depth: The top depth is typically the top of the well, in which case 0ft would be entered. On
occasion it may be necessary to make calculations for specific sections of the well, for example
from a casing shoe to the bottom of the hole. In such an example the casing shoe depth would be

 Bottom Depth: The bottom depth is typically the depth of the bottom of the well. Once happy all
the inputs are correct, click the Calculate button.

The Drillstring, Annulus and Hole volumes will then be

displayed in barrels with the corresponding number of
strokes. Three other values are calculated: Mud in
Hole, Borehole Capacity and Drillstring Displacement.

In Figure 6.287, the bit depth was the same as the

bottom depth, therefore the mud in hole value
equaled that of the hole volume.

Figure 6.234

In Figure 6.288, the bit depth is above the bottom of

the hole at 10,000ft. For this reason, the mud in hole
volume increases to accommodate the void created by
the absence of drill pipe. Correspondingly, the
drillistring displacement is less in the image on the
right than the image above.

In both images, the borehole capacity remains the

Figure 6.235 same as the hole depth has not changed.


Jet Area

The Jet Area window allows calculations of the TFA (Total Flow Area) to be made.

 Nozzles to TFA

This allows for the calculation of the TFA based on a specific nozzle
size. The number and size of the nozzles in use can typically be
obtained from the Directional Driller or be found on the daily Mud
Engineer’s report.

The image to the right is from an example mud report containing

bit information. In this case it shows there are 4x13 and 2x12 jets
in use. If these values are entered in to the boxes as shown in
Figure 6.290, the Calculate button can then be selected. A value
will then populate the TFA box. The answer provided in this
example is 0.74 in2, the same as stated on the mud report.
Figure 6.236

Figure 6.237

 TFA to Nozzles

This function allows the Surface Data Logger to calculate the alternative configurations possible for a
specific TFA based on the particular nozzle sizes and count available at the rig site. Jet Area Calculations
displays the results in a table. Calculations are subject to the following restrictions: Nozzle sizes may not
vary by more than 2/32’s, nozzle configurations are sorted according to the least absolute difference with
the specified TFA.

Enter the desired TFA in the box at the top and then enter the number of nozzles available to use. Click the
Calculate button. The configurations table will then be populated with all the possible alternatives. Scroll
down to find the actual TFA values closest to the desired TFA. The number of configurations box indicates
the number of possible variations based on the parameters just entered.


6.7 Backing Up

Backing up data is one of the most important tasks a Data Engineer can carry out. This may be backing up
anything from well data to InSite configuration files to protect against loss of data or potential downtime
in the event of computer failure at the rigsite. All Data Engineers must be fully acquainted with their
regional backing up procedures.

6.7.1 Well Data

Data contained within the active well must be backed up a minimum of

once every tour (once every 12 hours), as per Halliburton data
procedures. It is important that the logging crew at the rig site agree on a
time that they will backup data in every shift to ensure a maximum of 12
hours of data will ever be lost in the event of catastrophic computer

On many jobs, a NAS (Network Attached Storage) drive will be included

on the unit network and this device will be used to backup well data. In
the event a NAS drive is not available, the team should use the backup
drive of the Backup ADI.

The folder structure in Figure 6.238 should be put in place on your rig.

The well folder contains two subfolders, one for Dayshift and one for the
Nightshift – these are to be used independently by each shift. Inside each
of the shift folders you will have folders representing day of the week,
and a folder called Archived.

To back up properly, the entire well should be backed up each shift. Figure 6.238

Open Data Manager and highlight the active well. Right

click the well in the Data Manager directory tree view and
select Export Dataset…

Click Browse and select a file location appropriate to the

day of the week and the shift.

IMPORTANT: Exports must have a logical naming

Figure 6.239 convention in order to store the backed up data safely
and effectively.

Using the convention <WELLNAME>_<DD_MM_YY>_*Shift*.adi is suggested, where *Shift* is replaced

with either D or N. For example:

 Well ID 1_110115_D.adi

 Well ID 1_110115_N.adi

Check the box for Well Based and Complete Database Tables. Click OK to export the data to your backup


Each shift has a designated “Archive Day”, for arguments sake Thursday and Sunday, to ensure further
redundancy in the system. When backing up, always back the data up to the appropriate shift and day.
When it is a normal “Non Archive Day”, save the backed up data to the appropriate folder and delete the
previous file in that folder, which will be from the previous week. This maintains the rolling aspect of the
backup by ensuring only the most up to date data is kept in the folder.

When on an “Archive Day”, save the backed up data to the appropriate folder as normal and then, instead
of deleting the previous file, move it to the Archive folder for your shift.

6.7.2 IRIS Data Backups

Backing up of IRIS and INSITE configurations should be a standard operating procedure and should be
carried out at least once a week.

The first stage of backing up IRIS computer configurations is good housekeeping. The Data Engineer should
print out the Config Hardware settings and stick it to the unit wall to help in the case of a complete loss of
all data. To print the Config Hardware settings simply click File > Print… in Config Hardware.

The next step in good housekeeping is to save screen grabs of all of the IRIS configuration programs, such
as Config Hardware, Pump Config, Drawworks Encoder Calibrations, IRIS Data Mapping, etc. If the IRIS
computer fails and all of the other backup methods fail, this will provide the user with the ability to
manually reconfigure IRIS using the previous settings. The screen grabs should all be accompanied with a
date and should be backed up to either the unit NAS drive or Backup ADI backups drive.

When it comes to backing up the actual IRIS settings, the user must backup from two separate locations:

 C:\INSITE\Data\IRIS\Default Config\Config –
These are the IRIS calibrations in use
ADIBuffer & Filemap do not need to be
backed up)

The user may also find a file called

AsHardwareConfig in the Config folder. This
file contains all of the settings of the
Alphascan modules. If your job is using the
older Datascan hardware the file will be called
Figure 6.240

NOTE: AsHardwareConfig is utilized by the UK. This format may vary in other regions.


 C:\INSITE\Programs\Iris\Master Copy\Config –
This is where the IRIS variables are stored so any
custom records or mappings are here.

Caution! IRIS configuration files should not be

copied between different InSite versions in the
case of your job receiving a software update, due
to possible problems with compatibility. Always Figure 6.241
contact your local InSite support team in this
situation to work out how to best migrate your configurations.

NOTE: The IRIS server must be shut down in order to successfully backup these items. Always close
down InSite on your IRIS computer prior to backing up – obviously this would only be done when at
surface with the well secured and also with permission from the Company Representative at the rig site.

6.7.3 Data Directory Backup

Backing up the data directory is also important as it contains the plot templates, display templates, IRIS
configurations, WITS maps, alarm templates, imported/exporter templates, etc. To back up the data
directory, navigate to the following location within Windows Explorer:


Simply copy the Data folder and back it up on the unit NAS drive or Backup ADI backups drive.

Backing up of the data directory does not need to take place on a daily basis, nor would it be acceptable to
not backup for an entire well. Effectively, backing up weekly covers many possible problems but it saves us
from needlessly backing up a group of folders that have not changed since the last time a backup was

NOTE: Some of the files that are accessed by the IRIS machine will fail to copy across if InSite is running.
This is not a problem as long as the separate IRIS backing up guidelines are being implemented.


6.7.4 ADI Database Backup

Any amendments to the ADI database must be captured and backed up at least once per week. This can
be done within Database Admin. Go to Mode, and then Save Local Database Definitions. You will then be
prompted to save a snapshot of the definitions.

Use a standard naming convention which captures the date the backup was made. The backup can then
be retrieved from the following file location:

 C:\ADI\Snapshot

Figure 6.242

If the ADI Tables become

corrupted, you can utilize
the snapshot within
Database Admin to restore
them to their last saved
point. Within Database
Admin, go to Mode> Local
Database Definitions>
Restore Database

Figure 6.243


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