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Sheila Rowbotham, Sally Alexander and Barbara Taylor THE TROUBLE WITH ‘PATRIARCHY’ riginally published in The New Statesman in December 1979, this early exchange ‘en patriarchy between the three British socialist-feminist historians, Sheila Rowbotham, Sally Alexander and Barbara Taylor, generated themes that would Continue to be debated throughout succeeding decades, notably the relationship Between gender and class conflict (patriarchy and capitalism), and the (in)Rexi- ' of patriarchal theories. For Rowbotham, patriarchy is too blunt an analytical tol to do justice to the more supportive forms af male/female relations. Because ‘tls presented in an overly universalised and ahistorical manner as the ‘single deter- ‘mining cause’ of female oppression, she argues, the concept of ‘patriarchy’ will ever provide a sufficiently historical understanding of sex/gender relations. In addi- fon, it denies historical agency to women in favour of a permanently victimised Stance of ‘fatalistic submission’. Alexander and Taylor respond to Rowbotham’s

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