Unit 5 Grammar HF

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Unit 5 Grammar

Grammar: Comparative adjectives

1. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1. The weather is colder yesterday.

2. Is it wet here than in the south of the country?

3. This exercise is difficulter than the other ones.

4. It’s cloudyer today than yesterday.

5. My new bike is exepensive than my old one.

My new Nike is More expensive Than my old one

Tom than is short than me.

Tom is shorter Than me

2. Use the words to write sentences. Use the comparative form of

the adjectives.

1. Mary / Rosie / tall

Rosie taller Than Mary

2. the Amazon / the Nile / long

The Amazon More longer Than the Nile

3. the Antarctic / Australia / cold

The Antartic colder Than Australia

4. a Ferrari / a Fiat / expensive

A Ferrari More expensive Than Fiat

5. Spain / England / sunny

Spain is More sunnier than England

6. Arabic / Spanish / difficult

Arabic is More diffucult than Spanish
3. Write the comparative form of the adjectives.

1. dry ____dried__

2. nice ____nicer__

3. wet __wetter____

4. large ___larger___

5. expensive _more expensive____

6. crowded ______

4. Underline the correct forms.

1. Spain is hoter / hotter than Britain.

2. The Himalayas are more higher / higher than the Himalayas.

3. The Italian restaurant is more expensive / expensiver than the

Indian restaurant.

4. This film is more long / longer than the one we watched last night.

5. It’s cloudier / cloudyer today than yesterday.

6. This winter is coldder / colder than last winter.

5. Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the

adjectives in brackets.

1. It’s ________hottest_______ today than yesterday. [hot]

2. Our dog is _______________ than Jon’s dog. [old]

3. I think Maths is _more difficult______________ than English. [difficult]

4. Which city is ____beautifulest___________, London or Paris? [beautiful]

5. The café over there is _______more crowded________ than this

restaurant. [crowded]

6. The weather is ________sunnier_______ in July than in June. [sunny]

Grammar: Superlative adjectives

6. Choose the correct answer.

1. The Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai is __A___ building in the world.

A. ☐ the tallest
B. ☐ most tall
C. ☐ tallest

2. What is __B___ subject?

A. ☐ most difficult
B. ☐ the most difficult
C. ☐ the difficultest

3. Lead is ____A_ metal.

A. ☐ the heaviest
B. ☐ heaviest
C. ☐ the most heaviest

4. My cat is __C___ animal I know.

A. ☐ the fatest
B. ☐ the most fat
C. ☐ the fattest

5. Where is __B___ place in the world?

A. ☐ the windiest
B. ☐ the most windy
C. ☐ windiest

6. Who is ___B__ person in your class?

A. ☐ most friendly
B. ☐ the friendliest
C. ☐ the most friendliest

7. Choose the odd one out.

A. ☐ wettest
B. ☐ largest
C. ☐ fattest
D. ☐ biggest

A. ☐ highest
B. ☐ deeper
C. ☐ lightest
D. ☐ heaviest

A. ☐ windiest
B. ☐ colder
C. ☐ cloudier
D. ☐ hotter

A. ☐ better
B. ☐ worse
C. ☐ worst
D. ☐ nicer

A. ☐ deep
B. ☐ old
C. ☐ widest
D. ☐ cheap

A. ☐ smallest
B. ☐ warmest
C. ☐ more expensive
D. ☐ most crowded

8. Write true sentences.

1. beautiful / town / my country

2. long / river / my country

3. high / mountain / my country

4. interesting / building / my town

5. sunny / place / my country

6. difficult / subject / my timetable

9. Use the words to write sentences. Use the superlative form of the

1. Holland / flat country / in Europe

2. Mount Everest / high mountain / in the world

3. the Sahara / large desert / in Africa

4. the Vatican / small city / the world

5. Venice / beautiful city / in Italy

6. Monaco / crowded city / in the world

10. Write the superlative form of the adjectives.

1. heavy ______

2. bad ______

3. fat ______

4. beautiful ______

5. expensive ______

6. good ______

Grammar: As ... as
11. Write sentences using as … as and the adjectives in

1. A cat ______________________________ an elephant. [heavy]

2. A bicycle ______________________________ a car. [fast]

3. Tom Cruise ______________________________ Johnny Depp. [tall]

4. London ______________________________ Madrid. [warm]

5. English ______________________________ Chinese. [difficult]

6. Cats ______________________________ dogs. [intelligent]

12. Complete the sentences. Use as …as and the words in


1. Are the Andes ____________ the Himalayas? [high]

2. This restaurant isn’t ____________ the Indian restaurant. [good]

3. Are you ____________ your dad? [tall]

4. Tony isn’t ____________ his sister. [friendly]

5. My bike is ____________ your bike. [fast]

6. This exercise isn’t ____________ the other ones. [difficult]

13. Underline the correct forms.

1. Cheetahs are faster as / than lions.

2. This campsite isn’t as / than bad as the one we stayed at last night.

3. My brother is worse as / than me at sport.

4. The weather isn’t as bad / worse as yesterday.

5. Julia is good / better than me at French.

6. Are you as old / older as Dan?

14. Rewrite the sentences. Use as … as.

1. Geography is more interesting than Maths.

2. French is more difficult than Spanish.

3. The Nile is longer than the Amazon.

4. The weather in Spain is better than the weather in Britain.

5. Mount Everest is higher than Mont Blanc.

6. Antarctica is colder than the Arctic.

15. Match the beginnings of the sentences 1–6 with the endings
1. My feet are as cold A. as snow.
2. His shirts are as white B. as an
3. Your bag is as heavy elephant.
4. Your new car is as big C. as a feather.
5. That cat is as fast D. as lead.
6. My new mobile phone is as E. as ice.
light F. as lightning.

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