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IEC 62351-7: Communications and Information Management

Technologies –Network and System Management in Power

System Operations
F. M. Cleveland, Member, IEEE

Abstract – Power systems operations are increasingly

reliant on information infrastructures, including
Communication protocols are one of the most critical parts
communication networks, intelligent electronic devices
of power system operations, responsible for retrieving
(IEDs), and self-defining communication protocols.
information from field equipment and, vice versa, for sending
Therefore, management of the information infrastructure
control commands. Despite their key function, to-date these
is crucial to providing the necessary high levels of security
communication protocols have rarely incorporated any
and reliability in power system operations. The IEC TC57
security measures, including security against inadvertent
WG15 is developing abstract Network and System
errors, power system equipment malfunctions,
Management (NSM) data objects for the power system
communications equipment failures, or deliberate sabotage.
operational environment, which can be translated to IEC
Since these protocols were very specialized, “Security by
61850, SNMP, Web Services, or other protocols. These
Obscurity” has been the primary approach. After all, only
NSM data objects reflect what information is needed to
operators are allowed to control breakers from highly
manage the information infrastructure as reliably as the
protected control center. Who could possibly care about the
power system infrastructure is managed.
megawatts on a line, or have the knowledge of how to read the
Index Terms – communications, information idiosyncratic bits and bytes the appropriate one-out-of-a-
management, network management, system management, hundred communication protocols. And why would anyone
power system operations, IEC, security want to disrupt power systems?
However, security by obscurity is no longer a valid
concept. In particular, the electricity market is pressuring
market participants to gain any edge they can. A tiny amount
In the power industry, the focus has been almost of information can turn a losing bid into a winning bid – or
exclusively on implementing equipment that can keep the withholding that information from your competitor can make
power system reliable. Until recently, communications and their winning bid into a losing bid. And the desire to disrupt
information flows have been considered of peripheral power system operations can stem from simple teenager
importance. However, increasingly the Information bravado to competitive game-playing in the electrical
Infrastructure that supports the monitoring and control of the marketplace to actual terrorism.
power system has come to be critical to the reliability of the It is not only the market forces that are making security
power system. With the exception of the initial power crucial. The sheer complexity of operating a power system has
equipment problems in the August 14, 2003 blackout, the on- increased over the years, making equipment failures and
going and cascading failures were almost exclusively due to operational mistakes more likely and their impact greater in
problems in providing the right information to the right place scope and cost. In addition, the older, “obscure”
within the right time. communications protocols are being replaced by standardized,
well-documented protocols that are more susceptible to
hackers and industrial spies.
As the power industry relies increasingly on information to
operate the power system, two infrastructures must now be
managed: not only the Power System Infrastructure, but
also the Information Infrastructure. The management of the
power system infrastructure has become reliant on the
information infrastructure as automation continues to replace
manual operations, as market forces demand more accurate
and timely information, and as the power system equipment
ages. The reliability of the power system is increasingly
Fig. 1. August 14, 2003 Blackout (NOAA processed affected by any problems that the information infrastructure
the data from the Defense Meteorological Satellite might suffer, and therefore the information infrastructure
Program. Please credit NOAA/DMSP) must be managed to the level of reliability needed to

978-1-4244-1904-3/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE

provide the required reliability of the power system Management (NSM) data objects for the power system
infrastructure. operational environment (currently a Working Group draft).
These NSM data objects reflect what information is needed to
manage the information infrastructure as reliably as the
power system infrastructure is managed (see Fig. 3).
The ISO CMIP and the IETF SNMP standards for Network
Management can provide some of this management. In
SNMP, Management Information Base (MIB) data is used to
monitor the health of networks and systems, but each vendor
must develop their own set of MIBs for their equipment. For
power system operations, SNMP MIBs are only available for
common networking devices, such as routers. No standard
MIBs have been developed for IEDs, so vendors use “ad hoc”
or proprietary methods for monitoring some types of
. equipment health. This standard thus provides MIB-like data
objects (termed NSM data objects) for the power industry.
The abstract SNMP client/agent model is assumed within
the standard, but SNMP is not presumed to be the protocol of
choice. Instead, the NSM data objects defined in this
document represent the set of information that is deemed
mandatory, recommended, or optional in order to support
network and system management and security problem
detection. These abstract NSM data objects are currently
represented in tables, but may possibly be represented in UML
The NSM data objects can then be mapped to any
appropriate protocol, including IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5, IEC
60870-6, SNMP, Web Services, or any other appropriate
protocol. An initial mapping to SNMP will be developed
before the document is submitted to the IEC.
Fig. 2. Two Infrastructures Must Be Managed, Not Just One
The general philosophy of this document is to document
the type and definition of the information required to perform
II. IEC 62351 PART 7: SECURITY THROUGH NETWORK AND End-to-End security detection within a TC57 environment.
SYSTEM MANAGEMENT The use/non-use of the recommended MIBs outside of the
TC57 environment is out-of-scope for this document.
A. End-to-End Security Requirements

WG15 undertook a fifth task in addition to the security

standards for the SCADA protocols when it was urged by
TC57 to work toward end-to-end security, which entails a
much larger scope than protecting communication protocols.
End-to-end security involves security policies, access control
mechanisms, key management, audit logs, and other critical
infrastructure protection issues. The first effort in this
expanded scope was to develop network and system
management data objects to help manage the information
B. Scope and Objectives of IEC 62351-7

The scope of IEC 62351-7 focuses Network and System

Management (NSM) of the information infrastructure. Power
systems operations are increasingly reliant on information Fig. 3. NSM object models are the Information Infrastructure
infrastructures, including communication networks, intelligent equivalent to the CIM and IEC 61850 object models of the
electronic devices (IEDs), and self-defining communication Power System Infrastructure
protocols. Therefore, management of the information
infrastructure is crucial to providing the necessary high levels
of security and reliability in power system operations. WG15
has therefore developed abstract Network and System
C. Information Infrastructure Security Security Monitoring Architecture, Using NSM Data Objects

The Information Infrastructure in power operations is not Control Center

Engineering TASE.2 link to

typically treated as a coherent infrastructure, but is viewed as Systems

Historical Database
and Data Interface
External Systems

a collection of individual communication channels, separate Firewall

databases, multiple systems, and different protocols. Often
SCADA systems perform some minimal communications
Security Operator User
SCADA System Interface

monitoring, such as whether communications are available to IDS

their RTUs, and then they flag data as “unavailable” if

communications are lost. However, it is up to the maintenance WAN

personnel to track down what the problem is, what equipment Legend:

is affected, where the equipment is located, and what should Clients


be done to fix the problem. All of this is a lengthy and ad hoc

process. In the mean time, the power system is not being
Substation Capacitor Bank

adequately monitored, and some control actions may be

impossible. As the analysis of the August 14, 2003 blackout Firewall
showed, the primary reason behind the blackout itself was the NSM Data Objects Circuit Automated
Breaker Protection Load Tap Switch Regulator
Intrusion Detection Relay Changer

lack of critical information made available to the right user at System (IDS) Feeders

the right time.

Fig. 4. Power system operations systems, illustrating the
Every utility is different in what information is available to security monitoring architecture
its maintenance staff. Telecommunication technicians are
generally responsible for tracking down any microwave or
fiber cable problems; telecommunication service providers E. Examples of NSM data objects
must track their networks; database administrators must
determine if data is being retrieved correctly from substation Examples of the network and system management
automation systems or from GIS databases; protocol engineers requirements that the NSM data objects fulfill include:
must correct protocol errors; application engineers must 1. Communications Network Management: Monitoring the
determine if applications have crashed, have not converged, or Networks and Protocols
are in an endless loop; and operators must filter through large a. Detecting network equipment permanent failures
amounts of data to determine if a possible “power system b. Detecting network equipment temporary failures
problem” is really an “information system problem”. and/or resets
c. Detecting network equipment failovers to backup
In the future, the problem of information management will
equipment or communication paths
become increasingly complex. SCADA systems will no longer
d. Detecting the status of backup or spare equipment
have exclusive control over the communications to the field,
e. Detecting communication protocol version and status
which may be provided by telecommunication providers, or
f. Detecting mis-matches of differing protocol versions
by the corporate networks, or by other utilities. Intelligent
and capabilities
Electronic Devices (IEDs) will have applications executing
g. Detecting tampered/malformed protocol messages
within them whose proper functioning is critical to power
h. Detecting inadequately synchronized time clocks
system reliability. Field devices will be communicating with
across networks
other field devices, using channels not monitored by any
i. Detecting resource exhaustion forms of Denial of
SCADA system. Information networks in substations will rely
Service (DOS) attacks.
on local “self-healing” procedures which will also not be
j. Detecting buffer overflow DOS attacks
explicitly monitored or controlled by today’s SCADA
k. Detecting physical access disruption
l. Detecting invalid network access
D. Network and System Management Requirements m. Detecting invalid application object access/operation
n. Ability to detect coordinated attacks across multiple
Security and reliability NSM data object requirements need systems
to be defined that are specific for the power industry. These o. Collecting statistical information from network
NSM data objects will support communications network equipment
integrity, system and application health, Intrusion Detection p. Determining average message delivery times,
Systems (IDS), firewalls, and other security/network slowest, fastest, etc.
management requirements that are unique to power system q. Counting number of messages, size of messages
operations. The basic elements of power system operations r. Providing audit logs and records
system with the addition of a security monitoring architecture
are shown in Fig. 4. 2. Communications Network Management: Controlling the
a. Manual issuing of on/off commands to network
b. Manual issuing of switching commands to network g. Change password
equipment h. Change backup or failover options
c. Setting parameters and sequences for automated i. Providing audit logs and records
network actions
d. Automated actions in response to events, such as
reconfiguration of the communications network upon F. Status of IEC 62351-7
equipment failure
IEC 62351-7 has been issued as a Committee Draft (CD) to
3. System Management: Monitoring Intelligent Electronic National Committees, for comment. Comments from non-IEC
Devices (IEDs) members are also welcome.
a. Numbers and times of all stops and starts of systems,
controllers, and applications After review and update, IEC 62351-7 will be re-issued as
b. Status of each application and/or software module: a Committee Draft for Vote (CDV), and will eventually
stopped, suspended, running, not responding, become a Technical Specification.
inadequate or inconsistent input, errors in outputs,
error state, etc.
c. Status of all network connections to an IED,
including numbers and times of temporary and
permanent failures Frances Cleveland is an IEEE
d. Status of any “keep-alive” heartbeats, including any Member, the Chairperson of the
missed heartbeats IEEE PES Power System
e. Status of backup or failover mechanisms, such as Communications Committee
numbers and times these mechanisms were (PSCC), the Chairperson of the
unavailable IEEE PSCC Wireless WG, and
f. Status of data reporting: normal, not able to keep up the Chairperson of the IEEE
with requests, missing data, etc. PSCC Security Subcommittee.
g. Status of access: numbers, times, and types of Ms. Cleveland is President &
unauthorized attempts to access data or issue controls Principal Consultant for Xanthus
h. Anomalies in data access (e.g. individual request Consulting International, and has
when normally reported periodically) managed and consulted on information and control system
4. System Management: Control Actions within Intelligent projects for electric power utilities for over 30 years, covering
Electronic Devices (IEDs) SCADA systems, distribution automation, substation
a. Start or stop reporting automation, distributed energy resources, automated metering
b. Restart IED infrastructure, and energy market operations. She was a major
c. Kill and/or restart application contributor to EPRI’s IntelliGrid Architecture, is the
d. Re-establish connection to another IED Convenor of IEC TC57 WG15 on cyber security standards,
e. Shut down another IED the Editor of the IEC 61850 data modeling standards for DER.
f. Provide event log of information events

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