Fangmingzhao2012 Secure Authenticated Key Exchange With Revocation For Smart Grid

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Secure Authenticated Key Exchange with

Revocation for Smart Grid

Fangming Zhao, Yoshikazu Hanatani, Yuichi Komano (Member IEEE),
Ben Smyth, Satoshi Ito, Tom Kambayashi
Corporate Research & Development Center, Toshiba Corporation, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki, Japan
Email: {fangming.zhao.yoshikazu.hanatani.yuichi1.komano.satoshi.ito.tooru.kamibayashi}

Abstract-Using cryptographic technologies to provide security distribution and management of keys to intelligent electronic
solutions in smart grid is extensively discussed in NISTIR 7628 devices(IEDs). In addition, we must develop secure protocols
[1] and lEe 62351 standards series [2]. Both series identify
for authentication, communication, and key revocation.
cryptographic key management for Intelligent Electronic Devices
(IEDs) communication as one of the most important issues. In
B. Challenging Issues
this paper, considering the system constraints and the security
requirements in the smart grid, we propose an authenticated As discussed in both NISTIR 7628 [1] and IEC 62351
key exchange scheme with revocation by exploiting a well-known standards series [2], cryptographic key management should
cryptographic protocol: Broadcast encryption [3], [11], [12] using considers asymmetric keys (e.g. PKI: Public key infras­
a media key block(MKB) [15]. Furthermore, we show that our
scheme is efficient in comparison with the PKI-signature based
tructure) or on symmetric keys (e.g. Pre-shared-key/secret­
Internet Key Exchange(IKE) protocol [4], [8] in terms of the key). Asymmetric key management mechanisms typically use
following points of view: (1) communication cost; (2) compuation X.509 certificates [5], [6]. However, this solution has a high
cost; (3) device revocation cost. The comparison results show that computation and communication cost for the client(electric
our scheme is efficient and cost-effective in most cases for devices
device, e.g. a smart meter). For example, in the Internet Key
and systems in smart grid.
Exchange (IKE) protocol [4], [8], the participant must verify
I. INTRODUCTION the digital signature in the public key certificate to ensure their
interlocutor's public key, check the certificate's validity period
A. Background and Motivation
and ensure the key is not on a Certificate Revocation List
Efficient and secure use and management of energy re­ (CRL) each time from a trusted Certificate Authorities (CA)
sources is becoming increasingly important in power systems. to verify the interlocutor's identification.
A smart grid, which uses intelligent transmission and distri­ By comparison, symmetric key mechanisms are more effi­
bution networks to efficiently deliver electricity and manage cient, but may assume the existence of a pre-shared key. In
energy usage, is attracting attention from both the IT industry these schemes care should be taken to protect against "break­
and electricity providers. Smart grid aims to improve the once break-everywhere", due to the use of one secret key or a
electric system's reliability, security, and efficiency through common credential across the entire infrastructure [1]. In this
two-way communication of consumption data and dynamic symmetric key based system, after any device is compromised,
optimization of power system operations, maintenance, and revoking that device and reconstructing a new secret key for
planning. In addition to the closed proprietary networks used other valid devices is the first to be undertaken by electric
by conventional power control systems, smart grid systems use power utilities. However, key revocation is not considered
the Internet to transmit commands and gather information from by NISTIR 7628 [1] and IEC 62351 standards series [2]. It
remote units. However, this shift also introduces a vulnerabil­ follows immediately that developing an efficient cryptographic
ity: attackers can read and manipulate control signals sent on key management scheme with key revocation is one of the
the Internet and potentially have the ability to cause blackouts. challenges for smart grid.
Moreover, private information from the smart devices in the
C. Our contributions
power grid may also be leaked by crackers.
To overcome this limitation, secure network communication In this paper we introduce a cryptographic key management
and secure data transmission must be achieved between any mechanism for secure and efficient key revocation and key ex­
two electrical devices in the power control system. Using change. Our scheme is based upon a well-known cryptographic
cryptographic technologies to provide security solutions for protocol: Broadcast encryption [3], [11], [12] using a media
these problems in smart grid is widely discussed in NISTIR key block(MKB) [15].
7628 [l](the foundation document for the architecture of the In comparison with the individual identification process in
US smart grid) and IEC 62351 standards series [2]. Both series the PKI-signature based IKE protocol [4], [8], our scheme is
identify cryptographic key management for substation com­ more efficient. In the IKE scheme, each device need to verify
munication as an important research topic. This requires the signatures in the certificate and CRL for each device before

978-1-4577-2159-5/12/$31.00 ©2011 IEEE

the each communication starts, whereas our proposed scheme and oversees the various substations, such as PDCsIPMUs.
only require each device to perform an MKB process to extract The MS must have reasonable computational resources and
the media key(or, shared key) which contains one signature must be deployed in the independent security area.
verification at the system's setup step. Key Distribution Center (KDC). The key distribution
Especially from the viewpoints of compliance by electric center manages cryptographic keysl of all devices in the
power utilities, the distribution of a common key material: system. The KDC is typically deployed in the independent
MKB to all devices in the same management area as we security areas and may be located with the MS. The KDC
proposed is more efficient than the PKI based scheme which is responsible for the following tasks in our scheme: key
need to distribute individual certificate for each device. In generation, key distribution, key update, and key revocation.
addition, MKB has been shown to be practical in Blu-ray Disc Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU). The phasor mea­
players [15], [16]. Finally, we give a detailed comparison of surement unit measures the electrical waves of the power
our scheme with the PKI-signature based IKE protocol [4], [8] distribution infrastructure to evaluate the system status and
mainly form the following points of view: (1) communication diagnose faults. The data measured by PMUs are collected
cost; (2) computation cost; (3) device revocation cost. The by an intermediate element, called Phasor Data Concentrator,
comparison results show that in most cases our scheme is which in tum communicates with the supervisor system-MS.
efficient and cost-effective for power devices and systems in A PMU can be a dedicated device, or the PMU function can
smart grid. be incorporated into a protective relay or other device.
Phasor Data Concentrator (PDC). The phasor data con­
OVERVIEW. This paper is structured as follows: Section centrator collects, aligns, selects, and possibly decimates data
II introduces the system models, which include system com­ from several PMUs or other PDCs. In addition, the PDC
ponents, system constrains and security requirements. Section monitors the overall measurement system and provides a
III introduces the technique preliminaries used in this paper. display and record of performance. It can provide a number
Section IV presents the details of our proposals. The perfor­ of specialized outputs, such as a direct interface to a SCADA
mance analysis and a comparison between our approach and or EMS system.
an existing protocol are provided in section V. Section VI Intelligent Electronic Device (lED). An lED is a device
concludes the paper and refers to future work. that performs electrical protection functions, advanced local
control intelligence, and process monitoring. The lED can
communicate directly with a PMU. An lED will be deployed
We describe the system models in this section which include in a public place, for example, on top of a pole. Unless
system components, system constraints and security require­ there are very strong measures to protect the data within the
ments. lED from probing, one has to assume that any lED can be
compromised. IEDs may have limited memory and processing
A. System Components
power, e.g. a smart meter.
In this paper, we consider a hierarchical power & informa­ In this system model (Figure I), communication occurs
tion control system (Fig. 1) that includes five entities: Master between MS and PDC, PDC and PMU, PMU and lED, lED
Station (MS), Key Distribution Center (KDC), Phasor Data and lED. A KDC can communicate with any party in the
Concentrator (PDC), Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU), and system for key management service. The MS can communicate
Intelligent Electronic Device (lED). with many PDCs, and a PDC communicates with at least
one MS or another PDC. A PDC communicates with one
or more PMUs by sending requests for information. PMUs
communicate with IEDs in order to send control commands
or collecting usage data.

B. System Constraints and Security Requirements

In this section, we recall system constraints and security

requirements for the power & information control system de­
picted in Fig.l. Discussions are mainly based on the standards
and the reports as mentioned in the introduction that are tightly
related to our proposed scheme.
The devices and network of smart grid are different from
those of a general PC/network environment. Some constraints
of power system's environment make it difficult to apply var­
Fig. 1. System model ious existing security technology to this system. In particular,
we must consider the following system constraints:
Master Station (MS). The master station is the brain(root) I Devices can generate session keys by using these cryptographic keys.
of the entire power & information control system. It controls Session keys are not known to the KDC.
• Computational capability: Some power utility devices, Let us review the basic idea of broadcast encryption2 from
e.g. PMUs or IEDs, have limited processing power pro­ [12]. In broadcast encryption, devices are placed as leaves of
cessors. Therefore, it is impractical to perform intense a binary tree T with depth d. For simplicity, let us consider
computation such as PKI-based EncryptioniDecryption. the case of d = 3. We denote the nodes of tree by ni where
• Communication limitation: Limited bandwidth is a key i E [0, 14] as shown in Figure 2. no is the root node and
challenge in current power networks and similar band­ =
eight ( 2 ) devices D1, ··· , DB are assigned to n7, ···, n14,
width issues are expected in smart grid. Moreover, some respectively.
communications links also charge costs per octet trans­ At the initialization, KDC randomly chooses i-bit secret
mitted. Therefore, the authentication mechanism must not keys ko, . . . , k14 and assigns them to each node, respectively.
add too much overhead to the affected protocols. KDC then securely writes the device key KDi into device Di,
• Off-line processing: Since the device management cen­ where KDi is the set of secret keys corresponding to the nodes
ter(e.g. KDC) may not always be reachable, it should from the leaf to root. For example, KD1 {ko, k1, k3, kd

be possible for secure communication to occur between and KD6 = {ko, k2, k5, k12}.
IEDs when the management center is unavailable. In broadcasting, KDC broadcasts a ciphertext from which
• Storage capability: Memory resources of most IEDs are only the compliant devices can recover KM. KDC first divides
limited. T into subtrees that cover all the compliant devices but none
• Management cost: There may exist thousands of IEDs of the revoked one. KDC then computes the ciphertext(s) by
(or even more) in each management domain. From the encrypting KM with the secret key of root node in each
viewpoint of compliance, it is important to consider the subtree. Let us consider two scenarios: (i) no device is revoked,
management cost. and (ii) three devices are revoked.
In addition to our system constraints we consider the (i) When all devices are compliant, the subtree is T
following security requirements: itself. KDC randomly generates the media key KM and
• Secure key exchange: Cryptographic key is the root encrypts it with ko (corresponding to root node in T) into
of authentication protocols. Therefore the key exchange the ciphertext Enc(ko, KM) where Enc( key, msg) represents
between two devices is extremely important. Since the the ciphertext of message msg with key key. KDF finally
overhead of PKI-based solutions is impractical for the broadcasts Enc(ko, KM) (and possibly Enc(KM, contents))
power devices due to the computational cost, we focus to all devices. Since all Di have the secret key ko, it can
on symmetric key exchange mechanisms. decrypt KM from Enc(ko, KM) with ko (and also contents
• Key revocation: When a device is compromised by at­ from Enc(KM, contents) with KM).
tackers, the system administrator need to revoke the pre­ (ii) Assume that D1, D5 and D6 are revoked(Figure
shared key of that device as soon as possible for the 3). KDC divides T into three subtrees S1, S2
security of the whole system. and S3 whose root nodes are n,7 n4 and n6,
• Efficient authentication: Entity authentication shall be respectively. KDC then computes a tuple of ciphertexts
implemented and given the aforementioned system con­ {Enc(k7, KM), Enc(k4, KM), Enc(k6, KM)} and distributes
straints, the authentication protocol must be efficient in the tuple to all devices. The compliant devices have one of
terms of both communication cost and computation cost. k7, k4 and k6 but the revoked ones have none of them, and
Other security requirements such as data integrity and non­ therefore, only the compliant devices can recover KM from
reputation are also important for power systems and other the tuple.
protocols, but we restrict our focus to the above security Using the broadcast encryption, KDC can distribute KM
properties in this paper. efficiently. Without it, KDC should compute n - m ciphertexts
for each compliant device individually, where nand m are
III. TECHNICAL PRELIMINARIES numbers of total and revoked devices, respectively. On the
Broadcast encryption [3], [11], [12] is widely used in other hand, with Naor et al. ' s approach [12], the number of
copyright protection system such as Advanced Access Content ciphertexts that KDC computes may be one as in (i) and is at
System(AACS) [15], [16]. Broadcast encryption is one of most mlog2(njm).
the cryptographic primitives that enables the key distribution
center (KDC) to securely and efficiently distribute the group IV. OUR PROPOSAL: SECURE AUTHENTICATED K EY
key, called media key KM hereafter, to the compliant devices.
The copyrighted content, such as TV programs and movies, In this section, we propose an authenticated key exchange
is encrypted with KM and its ciphertext is distributed via a scheme with revocation by implementing and exploiting a
broadcasting system or media such as Blu-ray Disc. Since well-known cryptographic protocol: broadcast encryption [3],
only a compliant device can decrypt the ciphertext with KM [11], [12] using an MKB [15]. Our scheme contains two sub­
and play the content, its copyright should be well protected. protocols: The first sub-protocol contributes to key-sharing
Broadcast encryption has a special property that revokes 2Naor et al. [12] proposed two kinds of broadcast encryption in tbe subset­
maliciously cracked devices at any time without updating the cover framework; the complete subtree method and the subset difference
initial parameters for each device. method. This section deals witb a simple case of tbe fonner metbod.


S��'--�""!"""'"" )( )(
Dl D3 D4 D7 Ds

Fig. 3. Devices Revocation

Fig. 2. Broadcast Encryption

between un-revoked devices. It allows a pair of devices to which is composed of the set of secret keys
share a key(called media key) for authentication, where a corresponding to the nodes from the T's leaf to root;
revoked device is unable to share the key. The key-sharing • I, R: the system public value, which indicate the
process contains broadcast encryption where the shared media initiator and responder during the communication. We
key can be extracted by each device with its device key. assume I i:- R.
The second sub-protocol is devoted to authentication. It uses • Enc(key, message): an encryption algorithm of a
random numbers generated during the first sub-protocol and symmetric cipher(such as AES [13]) using a secret key
thus should be preceded by the first sub-protocol. In the key;
second sub-protocol, a device is able to identify another device • Dec(key, message): a decryption algorithm using the
when their communication begins. The first sub-protocol of secret key key corresponding with Enc(key, message);
key-sharing is mandatory while the second sub-protocol of • MAC(key, message): a tag generation algorithm of a
authentication is optional though this is strongly recommended message authentication code (such as OMAC [14])
whenever identification of a device is necessary for some using a secret key key.
systems with higher security requirement.
B. Setup
A. Notations and Definitions
The KDC generates a key pair (Kp, Ks), where Kp and
The following notations are used throughout the remainder Ks are its public key and the private key respectively. Each
of this paper. device (node) shall get a secret ID, SIDi, from the KDC most
probably at the start of either the factory acceptance test or
• P: a base point on the elliptic curve. P is a public
the site acceptance test. The secret ID is confidential so that a
value for the whole system. We consider the 256 bits
device must keep it in a secure manner. The result of [SIDi]P
elliptic curve whose base point is 512 bits;
acts as the open ID of the device with secret ID SIDi. As
• [r]P: the open ID of a device. It is called the elliptic
described in Section III, each device shall be assigned a unique
scalar multiplication of the elliptic curve point P whose
leaf number li that corresponds to the binary tree of keys T
result is also 512 bits. r (1 � r < ord(P)) is a positive
as described. Also at the initialization, KDC chooses a set of
integer3. ord(P) means the order of P;
secret keys ki and assigns it to each node respectively. KDC
• KM: the media key (group key), we recommend the
then securely writes the device key KDi into each device Di,
size of a key is 128bits;
where KDi is the set of secret keys corresponding to the nodes
• HO: a one-way hash function;
from the leaf to root in the binary tree T. E.g. in Figure 1,
• h(key, message): an AES based one-way hash
KDl = {ko, kl ' k3, k7}.
function. message is hashed by the secret key key
In this paper, we still call the ciphertext containing the
whose size is also recommended as 128 bits;
media key(or, group key) KM broadcasted from the KDC,
• SID( the secret ID for device(node) i;
the MKB, like in [15]. Any compliant device can extract the
• l( the ith device's leaf number in the binary tree of
media key KM by using its corresponding device key (Figure
keys. The maximum size of a leaf number can be 64
4). If a set of device keys is compromised in a way that
threatens the integrity of the system, an updated MKB can
• k( the secret key of each node in the binary tree T. We
be released that causes a device with the compromised set of
recommend the size of a key is 128bit;
device keys to be unable to calculate the correct KM. In this
• KD( the device key for a device Di, whose
way, the compromised device keys are "revoked" by the new
corresponding secret ID is SIDi. KDi is a key set
MKB. Please refer to Section III for details of the revocation
3From the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem(ECDLP) [17], it is process. For security considerations, we make the following
infeasible to recover r with P and [r)P modification to the original MKB [11], [15]:
• Adding version information to the MKB in our scheme generates a random number r2 and calculates [r2lP and
that is managed by the KDC when it issues the MKB then sends hlP back to device I.
to each device. This information can ensure devices the 3) Device 1: Device 1 then calculates a common key
usage of the latest MKB from KDC. KCI h(KM ' [rl)(hlP)) as the shared key for secure

• Adding expiration information to the MKB in our scheme communication with device 2.
following the version field. This information tells a device 4) Device 2: Device 2 calculates KC2
not to use a KM derived from an expired MKB. h(KM ' h)([rdP)) as its shared key with device
• Adding a signature to the MKB for integrity verification. 1.
The calculation of the MKB signature includes the two
new fields described above. 1 Device 11
1 Device 21

Device Key: KDj

Media key

Media Key: KM
Fig. 5. Secure Authenticated Key Exchange: Key Sharing Scheme

Fig. 4. Media Key Extraction Process The shared key between two devices may be verified in
the conformation phase. This phase is optional and can be
After receiving the MKB, the media key KM extraction performed when additional security is required.
process executed on the device side can be summarized as 1) Device l�Device 2: Device 1 calculates a token TI for
follows (the process terminates if a check fails): key verification: TI MAC(Kcl, I II hlP). Device

1) Verify MKB Signature. 1 sends the token to device 2.

2) Check the expiration information of the MKB data. 2) Device 2�Device 1: Device 2 also calculates and sends
3) Check the version information of the MKB data. a token T2 M AC(Kc2, R II [rdP) to device 1.

4) Perform a media key extraction process described above. 3) Device 1: Device 1 checks whether MAC(KcI, R II
5) Check if the device is revoked. ([rdP)) equals to T2. If true, device 1 can confirm that
6) Verify the signature of the MKB data. KCI is shared with device 2.
7) Store the media key KM, the expiration time and the 4) Device 2: In the same way, device 2 can also confirm
version of MKB. KC2 is shared with device I.
Note: Prepending a marker (also called public value, I and
C. Secure Authenticated Key Exchange: Key Sharing Scheme
R in the Fig.5) to the plaintexts of TI and T2 generated by
In this subsection, we introduce the key sharing scheme the initiator and the responder can prevent replay attacks from
between two devices after both have received MKB from the adversaries that exist in the communication channel.
KDC respectively.
There are two phases in the key sharing scheme(Figure 5). D. Secure Authenticated Key Exchange: Authentication

The first is the key sharing phase, and the second is called Scheme

the conformation phase. Let's assume there are two devices, If two devices want to confirm the identity of the device
device 1 and device 2, that want to share a key for future with open ID as he announced, they can perform the mutual
secure data transmission. A description of the first phase is as authentication scheme after the key sharing phase. During the
follows: setup step, using Ks, SIDi, ii and P, the KDC assigns a
1) Device 1�Device 2: Device 1 first obtains KM from signature Sigi to each device: Sigi sign(Ks, ([SIDilP)llii),

the media key extraction process by its device key. Then where ([SIDilP)llii is the concatenation of [SIDilP and ii.
it generates a random number, rl. Using the public value Sigi is the ECDSA signature [17], [7] by the private key
P, device 1 calculates the [rllP and sends it to device Ks. The device keeps the signature for future's identification.
2. Figure 6 describes the whole process. A description of this
2) Device 2�Device 1: Having obtained [rdP from device scheme is as follows:
1, device 2 also obtains the media key KM from the key I) Device l�Device 2: Using the rl and hlP gener­
extraction process by its device key. Then device 2 also ated in the key sharing scheme, device 1 calculates
1 Device 11
1 Device 21
• ([x)P, x): The public/private-key pair for the ECDSA
C,=r,+H([r,l P)SID, Cz=rz+H ([r zIP)SIDz signature, where [x)P is the public key for verification,
Sig,=sign(K" ([SID,IP) 11',) Sigz=sign(K" ([SIDzIP) lI'z) x is the private key for signing.
• Gertz: The certificate for the public key. z can be i or
r for the initiator or responder respectively. This
certificate is issued by a certification authority(CA);
Verify(Kp ' Sig,. ([SID,JP) II',)? Verify(Kp, Sig,. ([SID,JP) II',)?
ITrue True I
[CzIP == [rzlP + [C,IP == [r,IP +
[H([rzIP)]([SIDzIP) ? [H([r,IP)]([SID,IP) ? [r,JP,N,
• •
Ture or False Ture or False K, = [r,]([r,]P) K, = [r,]([r,JP)
[x]P, Cert" Sign(x,N,)

� �[� � _Ce
YJ � _ �rt�r ,S�ig�n�
� ,N
� �,)
I� 'I
Fig. 6. Secure Authenticated Key Exchange: Authentication Protocol ____ ____

Verification Verification
T,= MAC(K,,N,)

G1 = r1 + h(KM, [r1)P)SID1, and sends it together _______ � _� � � � � � ______

with h, [SIDdP, Sig1 sign(Ks, ([SID1)P)llh) to

= T,==MAC(K" N,)? T,==MAC(K" N,)?
� t
device 2. (Note: the signature Sig1 is issued by the KDC True or False True or False
as described in the setup step)
2) Device 2-tDevice 1: Device 2 also calculates and sends
Fig. 7. IKE Protocol using ECDSA
G2 =r2 + h(KM, h)P)SID2, l2, [SID2)P, Sig2 =

sign(Ks, ([SID2)P) Ill2) to device 1. (The signature Sig2

The initiator and the responder first perform the elliptic
is issued by the KDC as described in the setup step)
scalar multiplication based on a public elliptic curve point P,
3) Device 1: With the public key Kp, devicel verifies the
then exchange {[r1)P, Nd and {hlP, Nr}. Both of them can
signature Sig2. If the verification is passed, using the
calculate the Ki [r1)([r2)P) and Kr [r2)([r1)P) respec­
= =

hlP received from device 2 in the key sharing phase,

tively. Using the private key x, the initiator calculate the sig­
device 1 can calculate hlP + [h(KM' h)P))(SID2P)
nature Sign(x, Nr), then he send {[x)P, Gerti' Sign(x, Nr n
and compare it with [G2)P. If equal, device 1 can
to the responder. By the same calculation, the responder
confirm that (SID2P) is surely the open ID of device 2.
calculate and send {[y)P, Gertr, Sign(y, Nin the initiator.
4) Device 2: By the same process, device 2 firstly ver­
After receiving the public key, certificate and signature, each
ifies the signature Sig1 with Kp then cryptograph­
of them can first verify the public key certificate by checking
ically identifies device 1 as the owner of open ID
the certificate revocation list (CRL) received from the CA(Note
(SID1P) by checking whether [GdP is equal to [rdP+
that the CRL carries a digital signature associated with the CA
[h(KM' [rdP))(SID1P). by which they are published), if the certificate is not revoked,
he can verify the signature. After the signature verification, the
V. COMPARISON AND DISCUSSION initiator sends a token Ti M AG(Ki' Nr) to the responder,

and also receives a token Tr M AG(Kr ' Ni) from the

In this section, we compare our proposed scheme with a

responder. Finally, both of them can verify the exchanged keys

typical PKl-based key exchange protocol, namely, a variant of
the IKE protocol [4], [8] which is based on the elliptic curve
Ki and Kr by the verification results of MAC computation.
digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) [7] scheme. We first give B. Comparison and Discussion
a simple review of the IKE scheme using ECDSA, then we In this subsection, Protocol 1 indicates our proposed manda­
discuss the result of the comparison between the IKE protocol tory key sharing scheme, Protocol 2 indicates our proposed
using ECDSA and ours. optional key authentication scheme. We estimate computa­
tional cost and communication cost in the case of 128-bit
A. IKE Protocol using ECDSA security, i.e. IKE protocol using ECDSA and our scheme are
The IKE protocol is defined by RFC 2409 [4]. RFC 4754 [8] constructed over a 256-bit elliptic curve group. Then the size
proposes a variant where the elliptic curve digital signature al­ of a point on the elliptic curve is 512 bits, and the size of an
gorithm(ECDSA) is used as the authentication method within ECDSA signature is 512 bits. Let a tag size of a MAC be 256
the original IKE. The ECDSA based IKE protocol is briefly bits respectively. Let a bits length of the leaf number be 64
summarized in Figure 7. In addition to the notation proposed bits.
TABLE I shows communication cost of Protocol I, Protocol
in section IV, we introduce the following new notation:
1 + 2, and IKE protocol, respectively. The initiator and the
• Nz: the nonce payload; z can be i or r for the initiator responder of Protocol 1 respectively send one elliptic curve
or responder respectively; point and one encrypted elliptic curve point, in total, a 1024
COMMUNICATION COST CRL which contains the generation of one ECDSA signature,
Our Protocol 1 Our Protocol 1 + 2 IKE protocol and each device verifies a CRL which contains the verification
768 bits 2112 bits 2432 bits of one ECDSA signature. From the TABLE III, we can
768 bits 2112 bits 2432 bits see that in our protocol, the computation at the KDC is a
little heavier than the computation of CA in ECDSA based
IKE. i.e. Some computation of symmetric key encryption
bits string. In the case of executing both Protocol 1 and and decryption occurs in our protocols. We think this will
Protocol 2, the initiator and the responder respectively send not become a problem for electrical systems in the smart
two elliptic curve points (lh]PI, I[SIDiJPI 512bits), a 128
grid because almost the same revocation has been practically
bits tag (Ti), a 256 bits string (Ci), the leaf number (64 bits adopted by the Blu-ray Disc players for a long time. This is
in max) and one ECDSA signature (512 bits), in total, 1984 just being an appropriate availability proof of the revocation
bits string. On the other hand, the initiator and the responder mechanism.
of IKE respectively send two elliptic curve points and one
tag, and two ECDSA signatures, in total, 2560 bits string.
Therefore, the communication cost of our protocol is more
efficient than the ECDSA based IKE protocol.
Considering the system constraints and security require­
TABLE II ments in the smart grid, we proposed an authenticated key
COMPUTATION COST exchange scheme with revocation by implementing and ex­
Our Protocol 1 Our Protocol 1 + 2 IKE protocol ploiting a well-known cryptographic protocol: Broadcast en­
2M 6M 7M
cryption [3], [11], [12] using an MKB [15].
2M 6M 7M
Our secure and efficient authenticated key exchange scheme
only need each device to perform an MKB process to extract
Next, We compare the computation cost by estimating the the media key(or, shared key) which contains one signature
numbers of the scalar multiplication which is a dominant verification after receiving the MKB data at the system's setup
computation. Let M be a computation cost of a scalar mul­ step. Then, our proposed authenticated key sharing scheme can
tiplication. The signing of ECDSA includes one scalar multi­ be efficiently performed among any valid devices by executing
plication, and the verification of ECDSA includes two scalar only a symmetric key(e.g. AES [13]) based process with the
multiplications. TABLE II shows the numbers of scalar mul­ media key. Especially from the viewpoints of compliance by
tiplications. The initiator of Protocol 1 computes two times of electric power utilities, the distribution of a common key
scalar multiplication, i.e., [rl]P and [rd(h]P). The initiator material: MKB to all devices in the same management area
of Protocol 1 + 2 computes six times of scalar multiplication, as we proposed is more efficient than the PKI based scheme
i.e., [rl]P, [rl](h]P), [C2]P, [H(h]P)]([SID2]P), and one which need to distribute individual certificate for each device.
verification of ECDSA. The initiator of IKE protocol computes Since the MKB based broadcast encryption key management
seven times of scalar multiplication, i.e., [rdP, [rl](h]P), method adopted in our scheme is practically and securely used
one signing, and two ECDSA verification. The computation in millions BIu-ray Disc players [15], [16], our protocol can
cost of the responder is also estimated by the same way. also achieve a reasonable security in the smart grid. Moreover,
Therefore, our protocol achieves more efficient communication the comparison results between our scheme and an ECDSA
cost than the ECDSA based IKE protocol. signature based IKE protocol [4], [8] show that our scheme
is more efficient and cost-effective in most cases for devices
COMPUTATION COST FOR REVOCATION and systems in smart grid.
As discussed by several existing works [9], [10], it may be
very difficult to propose a perfect key management security
solution only using mechanisms of a symmetric key or public
key for all systems or devices in the smart grid. We hope
Finally, we compare the key revocation cost. Let Costenc our work inspires researchers and engineers to design security
and Costdec be computation cost of an encryption and a protocols for the smart grid which strike a good balance
decryption of the symmetric key encryption, respectively. Let between high-efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
n be the number of all devices in the system, and let m In our complimentary work, we have successfully analyzed
be the number of revoked devices. TABLE III shows the authentication and secrecy properties of the Key Sharing
computation cost for the key revocation in the worst case. Scheme using Abadi and Fournet's applied pi calculus [18],
In our protocol, the KDC computes (mlog2 n/m) times we hope to publish these results shortly. A natural direction
encryption of the symmetric key encryption and one signing of for future work could extend this study to verify privacy
ECDSA signature, and each devise compute one decryption of and perfect forward secrecy properties of the Key Sharing
the symmetric key encryption and one verification of ECDSA Scheme and, moreover, consider security properties of the
signature. On the other hand, in IKE protocol the CA generates Authentication Protocol.

Authors would like to thank Dr.Hirofumi Muratani, from

TOSHIBA Corporation, for his valuable and suggestive dis­
cussion in the security verification of our protocols.


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