Pan2012 Research On Interlocking CILO Based On IEC 6149962351

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Research on interlocking CILO

based on IEC 61499/62351

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Jiaqi Pan , Bin Duan , Chaowu Qiu , Guojing Li
College of Information Engineering,
Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, 411105, P.R.China
Zhuzhou, 412001, P.R.China

Abstract: Function Blocks method which meets the standard IEC contains protection, monitoring, control and automation
61499 is applied to the implementation of specific details of the functions and it’s widely used in the power industry. However,
digital substation interlocking CILO in the IEC 61850, making one area was intentionally left blank: IEC 61850 does not
the static structures of CILO executable. Digital substation standardize the representation of combinatorial, sequential,
mapping architecture is established which making the designed rule-based power system control and automation logic.
function block can be compatible with both IEC 61850 and IEC Usually, different suppliers use different and incompatible
61499. The CILO interlocking communication module is given in hardware platforms. Therefore, the interoperability can not be
the paper. Moreover, safety expansion for the communication
achieved. The IEC 61499 standard can fill this gap that it can
GOOSE message and security GOOSE message is designed based
be used to define the algorithms for a wide range of control
on IEC 62351-6, which not only meets the demands of real-time
communication, but also have a high safety degree. The and automation functions [4-7].
communication of interlocking and security authentication In digital substation, the messages need to be transmitted
process is described. within 4ms and encryption or other security measures which
affect transmission rates are not acceptable. Therefore,
Index Terms: Digital Substation; IEC 61499; IEC 61850; CILO; authentication is the only security measure included, and IEC
IEC 62351; interlocking
62351-6 provides a mechanism that involves minimal compute
requirements for these profiles to digitally sign the messages
Grid network fault is a threat to the safety and stability of The interlocking security communication of real-time in
electric power system that causes the loss of economic assets digital substation needs the following properties: 1) Integrity,
and even a threat to human life. We can avoid power network transmission is not subject to any modification,
dispatching error and human error operating of substation deletion, insertion or retransmission. 2) Availability, the
through protective mechanisms. But these technologies seem information can be accessed by legitimate users and use in
not compatible with digital technology recently. Digital accordance with requirement of the order.
substation technology is to establish the uniform digital model
communication platform of substation based on IEC 61850 In this paper, we design security GOOSE message to
and implement digital communication between primary implement security interlocking communication of digital
equipment and secondary equipment to ensure interoperability substation, and propose a CILO composite function block
of IED (intelligent electronic device). In digital substation model which meets the standard IEC 61499 and IEC 61850.
following IEC 61850, it apply allowance and forbiddance of
blocking technology on device switches to prevent error II. CILO INTERLOCKING ARCHITECTURE
operation [1][2].
Figure 1 shows a basic circuit diagram of 220KV Chayuan
Applying FB function block method of distributed substation. It includes dual-bus and three bays, and each bay
industrial process measurement and control system(IPMCS) including input and output line, switching electrical device,
which meet the IEC 61499 to solve logical node problems of ground wire and connection wires among devices.
IEC 61850, and mapping logical node ,logical device of digital
From above picture, we get entire processing of substation
substation to basic and composite function block of
security interlocking function achievement which shows in
IEC61499[4-7]. Therefore, the function of logical node and
figure 2. The logical nodes it contains are: switching controller
logical device can be implemented by FB function block. But,
(CSWI), interlocking (CILO), man-machine interface (IHMI),
few studies have been done for the security of internal
isolating switch (XSWI), circuit breaker (XCBR). And the
implementation details, such as internal algorithms, data flow
specific procedures are as follows [9]:
as well as specific implementations.
• The interlocking principles are installed to prevent
IEC 61850 standard defines an intelligent architecture which

978-1-4577-0547-2/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE

maloperations of disconnectors and earthing switches, e.g. The mapping relation of substation bay level to function
disconnectors shall not be opened or closed on-load. block of IEC 61499 is shown in figure 3.

Figure 1. Single diagram of 220KV Chayuan substation

Figure 3. bay level resource model
• When IHMI need to cut the line, that is, disconnect the
circuit breaker, it send MMS(Manufacturing Message CILO function block is exchanged data with function
Specification) message(Pos.ctlVal) to CSWI. block of local resources or remote resources or physical device
I/O point through service interface function block(SIFB) and
• Start CILO interlocking module, the required switch
communication mapping and process mapping between
state data is obtained from real-time database, the
database is updated through security GOOSE resources. It subject to resource scheduling to ensure its
message, which ensures the real-time ability and function blocks coordinated operation in the correct order.
security of the data. The switch device of process level And the data exchange between CSWI or other function block
sent GOOSE message such as information flow (3,4). in the same resource is through event flow and data flow
The security conditions of interlocking rules are directly.
updated by the MMS message sent to real-time B. Establishment of CILO blocking composite function block
database (5). model
In composite function block types, the event inputs and
outputs of the component function blocks can be
interconnected with that of the composite function block to
represent the sequencing and causality of function block
invocations. As shows in figure 4, the structure of proposed
CILO composite function block is indicated.

Figure 2. Security interlocking instance flow chart

• CILO integrate interlocking module to get logical

value, sent interlocking information to control logical
node CSWI (6).
• After received interlocking information which allows
disconnecting, CSWI sent control command to XCBR
to controlling its trip by MMS message (7). When the Figure 4. FB_CILO composite function block model
circuit breaker state(XCBR.Pos.stVal) changes from There are five basic function blocks in the composite
“on” to “off”, XCBR send security GOOSE message block, corresponding to five kinds of function block types,
(8) to CILO for update real-time database each block is specified as follows:
immediately, and report new state (XCBR.Pos.stVal)
to CSWI (9) using MMS message. Then CSWI report • FB_CILO_Init function block: Provide the
its state to station level host IHMI (10). initialization command, initialize “INIT” event, and
then trigger other function blocks of composite block
to initialize when reset start and equipment of resource
• FB_Message_Deal1 function block: It is the type of
A. Application the control function block in resource function block instance to calculate processing
determine. Its major role is to identify and process
received message after the initialization. When it’s through two reserved bits and expansion PDU. Reserved1 has
running, its event output will inform FB_Data_Array two bytes, the first byte is used to record the length of the
block to receive switching device name. ExtensionPDU. The second byte is reserved for future
expansion. This arrangement makes security message and
• FB_Data_Array function block: It is the type of original message to be compatible in the communication
function block instance to storage and computing system of automation substation. Reserved2 introduces 16
processing determine. Its main role is to store all bytes CRC(Cyclic Redundancy Check) to certificate
relevant devices’ real-time value. Calculate ExtensionPDU. This is the most critical of authentication and
reachability matrix P of the entire substation full map is the core to ensure data security. Security GOOSE message
by calling for internal algorithm, according to all is responsible for the establishment of the interlocking IED
switching device names and state values. Compute authentication. It can end interlocking data to each other after
control matrix E in current running state of substation authentication.
by “mis-operation prevention” rule.
• FB_Rule_CILO function block: is a type of storage
and computing processing discriminate function block
instance. Its main role is to analysis the safety
performance of blocking request from switching
device, to generate logic blocking result after
computing and processing and produce output event
“EO_SENTEN”. It sampling and reading information
data from external block to storage or update logic
blocking rule deduced from substation’s primary
wiring diagram when initialization. After received all Figure 5. Ethernet frame structure of security GOOSE message
blocking rule parameters from FB_Data_Array, the
block calls internal algorithm to start the analysis of
B. Security certification process of GOOSE expansion
safety performance of request switching device.
• FB_Message_Deal2 function block: is a type of The extension of SCL configuration is shown as paper[11].
compute and process discriminate function block Security authentication process that calculated based on MAC
instance. Its main role is opposite to (Message Authentication Code) is proposed and shown in
FB_Message_Deal1 that it packages logic blocking Figure 6.
result outputted by FB_Rule_CILO function block
after initialization and generates a responding response 1) XCBR get the APDU value of the message to be sent,
message(such as GOOSE) event including GOOSEPDU and ExtensionPDU.
“SWITCH_SENTENCE”. And sent to other function 2) Calculating hash value to APDU with MD5 algorithm to
blocks(such as CSWI function block) within the get 128-bits message digest MD1, then take the first four
resource by the form of BYTE data type or sent to bytes of MD1 to be MAC1. One-way hash function is
other resources like remote device resource through Calculating hash value to APDU with MD5 algorithm to
service interface function block(SIFB). get 128-bits message digest MD1, then take the first four
bytes of MD1 to be MAC1. One-way hash function is
IV. DIGITAL SUBSTATIONINTERLOCKING adding secret value SV before the hash operation and
SECURITY COMMUNICATION removes it before transmission. The secret value is kept
As security standard of peer-to-peer communication by both side, and can be set and updated by the system
protocol, IEC 62351-6 recommend applying authentication to configurator.
ensure the safety of substation information exchange. The IEC
62351-6 standard[8] includes the security extension of peer-to-
peer communication protocol of IEC 61850. In this paper,
security GOOSE message of interlocking communication is
designed based on data and communication security standard
IEC 62351-6.

A. Frame structure of designed security GOOSE message

From the analysis on section I, it is clear that the integrity
and availability of information of digital substation is the key
to obtain security and stable operation and interlocking
security of power system.
Figure 6. Security certification process of interlocking information
Figure 5 is one extension frame of data link layer frame of transmission
IEC 61850 GOOSE message, it is in line with the standard
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This work is supported by National Nature Science
Foundation of China (No. 61170191), Provincial Natural
Science Foundation of Hunan (No.09JJ8004).

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