2nd Quarter Lesson 5

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English 3

Lesson 5
October 25, 2021
Ms. Princess V. Alvarez
Accidents Happen, but
They Result in Amazing
By Renee Skelton
Percy Spencer wasn’t trying to
find out a quick way to cook food. It
was in the 1940s, and he was
experimenting with radar-radio
waves used to detect objects.
But as he walked around the lab, he
happened to step in front of a magnetron
– a device in radar sets that makes short
electromagnetic waves called microwaves.
Spencer didn’t think much of it
until he reached into his pocket
to pull out a chocolate bar and
found a gooey mess.
But Spencer had to find out for himself.
First, he aimed a beam of microwaves at
some kernels of popping corn. The kernels
burst, with popcorn flying everywhere.
Spencer then zapped a raw egg, which
exploded in the face of one of his lab
partners. All this proved that
microwaves could heat food superfast,
from the inside.
This discovery led to the first microwave
oven – a gigantic 750-pound gadget
about the size of a refrigerator. Imagine
trying to put that on the kitchen counter.
This is how Spencer
invented the
microwaved after a
chocolate bar cooked
in his pocket.
Mistakes may help us
discover new things. They
lead us to appreciate
things around us.
Complete each sentence by filling in the blank
with the correct word from the box below.

gooey awesome device

gigantic discovery
1. I like _____ chocolate bars that melt
in my mouth.
2. Have you ever seen a _____ tree in
the middle of the road?
3. The _____ has a lot of new apps
that can be downloaded free.
4. The play was really _____.
5. A young scientist announces the
_____ of a new plant.
Identifying a character’s trait and feelings
are important in understanding a story. It
will help us know a character better and
understand how he or she reacted, decided,
or acted upon things the way it happened.
The character’s feelings may vary depending
on the change of events in a story.
Careful – making sure of avoiding potential
excited – you are so happy that you cannot
relax, especially because you are
thinking about something pleasant that
is going to happen to you.
responsible – having an obligation to do
something, or having control over or c
are for someone, as part of one's job or
polite – having or showing behavior
that is respectful and considerate of
other people.
afraid – worried that something
undesirable will occur or be done.
irresponsible – not showing a proper
sense of responsibility.
frustrated – you are upset or angry because
you are unable to do anything about a
confused – unable to think clearly
careless – not giving sufficient attention or
thought to avoiding harm or errors.
thankful – expressing gratitude and
thankful – expressing gratitude and
worried – anxious or troubled about
actual or potential problems.
desperate - feeling, showing, or
involving a hopeless sense that a
situation is so bad as to be
impossible to deal with.
Read each sentence in the first column
of the table below. Write a character
that best fits the given description.
Write your answer in the second
column. Choose from the word list in
the box.

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