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Akrash Sharma

Edmonton, Alberta LinkedIn

Cell: (+1) 7802987551 GitHub
akarshsharma654@gmail.com Website
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Sept 2019 - Expected May 2023
BSc Honors in Computing Science | GPA: 3.9/4.0
Relevant Courses: Software Engineering, Operating Systems, Algorithms1, Database Management (SQL,MongoDB),
Introduction to Machine Learning, Practical Programming Methodology (C language), Regression Analysis, AI Capstone
Data Scientist Intern – Royal Bank of Canada (RBC Amplify) May 2022 – Present
• Completed General Assembly (GA) Product Management training and attending technical training workshops
Teaching Assistant - University of Alberta Sept 2021 – May 2022
• CMPUT201 (C Programming) - Supervised and mentored students in labs of 90 to 100 students
Data Analytics Intern - University of Alberta May 2021 – Aug 2021
• Conducted Data Analysis and Visualizations using Python to create First Interaction Area of Donors
• Used Descriptive Analysis and Correlation Analysis to help answer questions about Donor Engagement
• Built advanced Tableau dashboards with quick/context/global filters, parameters and calculated fields to track
and improve Donor Retention and Donor Giving Levels
• Used Predictive Modelling to help identify top prospects and built Donor Model using Random Forests
AI Capstone - Predicting LVO (Large Vessel Occlusion) Likelihood [GitHub Repository] Jan 2022 – Mar 2022
• Cleaned and Preprocessed EEG Data using ICA (Independent Component Analysis) and Wavelet transform
• Implemented ML Models like Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forests (RF), Gaussian Process (GP) to
predict LVO Likelihood from EEG Data and achieved 81% accuracy and 0.2 expected loss
Research Assistant - Data Science May 2021 – Aug 2021
• Implemented linear constraints in CPlex to compute the best shopping solution and lowest price
• Performed data partitioning, processing as a foundation for numerical experiments
Google Developer Student Club - Student Lead (President) Website GitHub June 2021 – May 2022
• Led and managed a student project to create a discord bot that posts internships based on user preferences
• Held virtual hands-on workshops in collaboration with Google Developers and local companies in Edmonton
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Student Chapter – Vice President Website Aug 2020 – May 2021
• Organized club meetings, activities, distinguished speaker sessions and hackathons
• Held Kaggle competitions to prepare students for the ACM ICPC Contest
Morgan Stanley Code to Give [GitHub Repository] Sept 2021
• Tools and Technologies: HTML, CSS, NodeJS, MongoDB, JavaScript, EJS
• Designed and implemented view-business page which supports user subscription, connects to database to display
the selected business information, and uses google maps to display the location of businesses
Graph Algorithms Visualizer [GitHub Repository] July 2021
• Created a Python Package(graph-algo-vis) which takes in an adjacency matrix as an input and visualizes the edges
traversed by BFS, DFS, Topological Sort, Prim’s MST and Kruskal’s MST
Languages and Databases: Python, C, R, JavaScript, SQL, MongoDB
Technologies and frameworks: HTML, CSS, NodeJS, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, Numpy, Matplotlib, TensorFlow, Tableau

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