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Goal of the Game: Travel through Dante’s depiction of Hell, completing challenges and doing
your best to avoid Sin. Use Helper cards to eliminate your Sin Cards to reach Satan and escape
by climbing down his flank.

2-6 players

Hell of a Game Rules/ Directions:

How to start & set up:
Gently shuffle and set Sin, Helper, and Challenge decks around the game board, it doesn’t matter
where. Separate the 3 Gate Challenge Cards from the Challenge Deck.
Place the Satan figure in the center circle. Have the middle red face facing the entrance gate of
the 9th circle.
Pick a colored game piece and place the pieces at the Purple starting point
Every player must roll one of the two d-12. (the 12 sided dice)
Whoever has the highest number goes first and the person to the left goes next.
It is recommended that the die is rolled off to the side, or in a separate container rather than on
the board itself.

Turn play:
Role the two d-12 and move along the spaces. Whatever space you land on either draw the card
associated with it, or do nothing if the space is blank.
If you have to draw a card, that card needs to be played immediately.

Move your piece according to the number you rolled. If your movement is determined by a card
do not draw another card at the end of that movement.

Red Spaces: Sin Cards

Blue Spaces: Helper Cards
Gold Spaces: Challenge Cards
Purple Spaces: Challenge Gates
Card Meanings:
If you run out of cards at any point, reshuffle the deck and reuse.

Sin deck:
When you land on a Red Sin space, you must draw one Sin card from the deck that has the word
“SIN” on it. Have the card’s punishment read by the player to your left, then act it out. If it is a
single turn effect, do it immediately after you draw the card. If it is a long term effect, be sure to
enact it each turn, starting on the turn you drew it. Do not discard. Sin cards can only be removed
with Helper cards. When a Sin card is removed, put it in a discard pile. if you discard a Sin card
right after you receive it, you still take the debuff unless the card specifically says the effect lasts
until the card is removed.

Helper deck :
Draw from the “HELPER” deck when you land on a Blue space. Read out the bonus you get
yourself. If it is a one turn effect, enact it immediately. If it is a long term effect, enact it each
turn. Do not Discard. Helper cards can be sacrificed to remove Sin Cards.When you sacrifice a
Helper card, place it in a discard pile. If you get a card that allows you to remove more than one
Sin card, and you do not have that many Sin cards, you cannot save the effect for later. The card
can still be sacrificed to eliminate one Sin card.

Challenge deck:
Draw a card when you land on a Gold space from the “CHALLENGE” deck, and have it read to
you by the player to your left. Either answer the question or complete the challenge. Follow the
card instructions for consequences of success/ failures. If the card does not provide
consequences, use the following: Failure = Lose a turn, Success= Gain a Helper Card.
If a challenge says that a player who loses must repeat the challenge, that means on the next
challenge space they land on they must use the same Challenge card. This cycle only applies to
the first player that lost. Discard after the second use. When answering trivia, only the first or last
name needs to be said to get a correct answer.

Crossing through Hell;

There are 3 challenge gates separating the regions of Hell, these are the Purple spaces located
between the boundaries of the circles.(This excludes the starting space) You must stop at these
locations and complete the Gate Challenge Cards before continuing to the next section. Stop on
the space even if you have extra movement remaining. Have the player to your left read you the
card that matches the gate. If you do not succeed, you remain on the gate space until you pass a
Challenge. Once you have successfully completed the challenge, you may continue through the
next section starting on your next turn.
How to win:
Be the first to reach Satan and the final support point, and remove all of your Sin cards.

Entering the Ninth Circle;

When you enter the 9th circle, continue moving clockwise, toward Satan's black head. If you
have eliminated all Sin cards, you win as soon as you pass the final Helper space! If not,
continue circling the path in the 9th circle, completing challenges and avoiding Sins until you
remove all of your Sin cards. The first person to eliminate all Sin cards and land on the final
Helper space first wins. After all Sin cards are removed, YOU DO NOT NEED TO GET A
PERFECT ROLL TO LAND ON THE FINAL SPACE. As soon as you cross the space, even if
you have more moves left, so long as all Sin cards are removed, you are able to leave, and win
the game. If you eliminate your final Sin card on the Helper location, you must land on the
Helper space again on a separate turn.


Trivia Answer Sheet:

Do not look at before the Game
What is the derivative of sin? Answer: Cosine

I have one head of bile, always chewing on those who are deserving, who am I? Answer: Satan

I, the poet, hated this person in the real world and despite the fact they were not dead yet, I
placed them in hell. Who was this person? Answer: Branca D’Oria

I am a starver of the innocent, and my head is forever chewed on, who am I? Answer:
Archbishop Reggieri

We found our love after reading a book, and were killed for that sin, who were we? (two people)
Answer: Paolo & Francesca

I, the guide, was exiled for believing the false gods, during my time before jesus, who am I?
Answer: Virgil

I was ungrateful to my guest and killed my brother despite devoting my life to god. Who am I?
Answer: Friar Alberigo
I, the pilgrim, was blocked by three beasts, which were they and what did they represent?
Answer: Leopard, Lion, She-wolf, Lust, Pride, & Greed

Gate Challenge Cards

Q: What is unique about friar Alberigo’s Damnation?
A: He is still alive
Q: Name three of the Four Rivers in hell
A: Acheron, Sticks, Phlegethon, & Cocytus
Q: Yes or No? Has anybody left Limbo?
A: Yes
Q: What are 3 of the 10 Bolgias?
A: Pandererrs and Seducers, Flatterers, Simoniacs (those who sell church favors), Fortune
tellers and diviners, the grafters (traders politicians favors), the hypocrites, the thieves, the evil
counselor, the sower of discord, the falsifiers.
Q: The guide, was exiled for believing the false gods during my time before Jesus, Who am I?
A: Virgil
Q: I have one head of bile, always chewing on those who are deserving, who am I?
A: Satan
Q: Who is Pier Delle Vigne? What is Ironic about his story?
A: Advisor to Frerick II, if he had the same devotion to Frederick II as to God, he would
not be in this situation
Q: Why does Dante Depict Satan the way he does?
A: Being dead is boring and/or the opposite of the Holy Trinity
Q: I the poet, hated this person in the real world, and despite thr fact they were not dead yet, I
placed them in hell. Who was this person?
A: Branca D’Oria
Q: We found our love after reading a book, and were killed for that adultery sin, who were we?
A: Paolo and Francesca
Q: I am a starver of the innocent, and my head is forever chewed on, who am I?
A: Archbishop Ruggieri
Q: I was ungrateful to my guests and killed my brother despite devoting my life to god. Who am
A: Friar Alberigo
Q: I the pilgrim, was blocked by three beasts, which were they and what did they represent?
A: Leopard (panther), Lion, She-wolf, lust, pride, greed
Q: What is the derivative of sin?
A: Cosine
Q: Why does Charon object to taking Dante across the river?
A: Because he is still alive

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