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# Epic Requirement

Story Task

Struts2.5.30 upgarade

checkin Struts upgrade in 17.7 Trunk and verify the build

Look into security issue Content Security Policy

Daily Status -
Task Details

Providing my inputs to mounika, manasa for 17.1 and 17.2


k and verify the build

Learning what is Content Security Policy . Checking how that

can be fixed without breaking code
Daily Status - Date(22-04-2022)
Estimate (in
Priority JIRA# Status Start Date End Date

P2 NA 1 Completed 22/4/2022 22/4/2022

P1 NA 1 Completed 22/4/2022 22/4/2022

P2 NA 2 Completed 22/4/2022 22/4/2022

Today's Effort  (in hrs) Total Actual Effort (in hrs)

30 mins 30 mins

1 1

2 2

Generate a local Build with latest changes in VOB and Tested locally both and Weblogic and
Webpshere . No issue faced in basic testing

Gone thorugh some documents on OWASP security features. Searched for how we can address CSP
(Content-Security-Policy) in java web
Found that we can add Header in response using J2ee filter concept. But couldn't any on how to add
from weblogic application server. There are ways to handle these policies in apache servers.
S.No Details Organized
1 Daily Meeting Ajoy
2 Meeting with Mounika & Manasa Team
Time Spent
1 hr
30 mins
# Learning Topic Self Learning Item

2 Java Programming, Lambda and mor 1. Streams

Self Learning
Estimate (in Effort Total Effort on
Status Start Date End Date
hours) (22.04.2022) the course
3hr Completed 19/4/2022 26/04/2022 30 min 1 hr

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