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Cover Letter

To whom it may concern,

My name is Jarik Monge and I am writing this letter to you as a way to express
my interest in attending your college. I am especially interested in learning more about
either engineering, running a business, or different writing tropes. As well if you are
reading this letter I would like to explain a little bit about myself and as to why I would
be a good fit at your school; you see when growing up I wouldn’t really talk a lot to
other people and I really wasn’t that interested in socializing or even making friends,
but now in my senior year of high school I made friends with a lot of interesting people.
When it comes to actually talking, I would usually come off as awkward and
uninterested in the conversation that would be happening. Nevertheless, I would always
try my best to talk and make it sound like I’m interested in the conversation. I was a part
of Students Run LA during 9th and 10th grade. I wasn’t able to participate in the LA
marathon but the longest run I've done was 13.1 miles. I have taken statistics during my
senior year, but I didn’t have the best grade in that class. However, that doesn't mean I
didn't learn anything in that class. I learned how to calculate probability and make a two
way table based on real life scenarios. For example, there are two different groups of
twenty teens and if they used phones or not in group A there were 16 teens who used
their phones and the rest didn't and in group B there were 14 teens who used their
phones while 6 didn't. Calculating the statistics of something is something that will help
me in whatever career path I take. In addition, during senior year, I was a T.A. for my
school's counseling office which was able to teach me to be more organized and
efficient when it comes to working. I hope you would consider me as a candidate for
your school.

Jarik Monge

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