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Assignment 1

1. Something I learned from this assignment was getting to know what really inspired me to pursue
an education degree, I have always thought that my father was the main reason for pursuing
education but, the person who influenced me the greatest was my mom.
2. Some weaknesses I overcame were really thinking about who inspired me to become a teacher,
it was hard to choose between my mom or dad. Also, doing the Vark Questionnaire really
helped me see what kind of person I am.
3. I could turn this assignment into an activity by telling my students to write a one page essay
about what they want to be when they grow up.

Assignment 2

1. One thing I learned from this assignment was seeing what apps I could use to design my future
2. Some complications I had during this assignment were some apps that I used to try to make this
assignment were giving me a hard time, so I needed to use Canva and download the image then
upload it to a doc.
3. I can have my students draw an outline of their own house or their future home they would
want then I would have them measure out the house and see how much square feet It could be.

Assignment 2.2

1. One thing I learned about this assignment was how to work with different software's to create
the poster/certificate that I liked.
2. Some complications were that I had to see what apps worked best with making a poster, how
many stickers/fonts/colors etc. they had. Most apps you needed to pay for specific things, and it
was irritating so then I’d have to switch software's. I did find good software to help design
posters etc.
3. I can have my students create inspiring posters to put around my classroom or so they can put
on their desk/table or in their binders. I can have them create certificates so I can hand them
out when they are doing a really good job in the classroom, this can be a way to integrate
technology into the classroom.

Assignment 3

1. Something I learned from this assignment was realizing how many resources CSN has for its
2. A strength that I found was seeing all the available resources CSN has to offer for its students
and being able to see what can help me for future reference.
3. I could use this assignment as an activity for my students by having them search up community
centers to see what kind of resources they have to offer so it can help any student in need.

Assignment 4

1. Something I learned from this assignment was seeing how it is to plan lessons for my students, I
also got to compare two software's and see which one works better with what I need to do.
2. I did have a couple complications with Microsoft PowerPoint trying to download it, it wouldn’t
let me, but I ended up getting it done like on the fifth try.
3. I can have my students create slides/presentations about something we are learning in class.

Assignment 5

1. One thing I learned about this assignment was learning how to use Excel, I've never used it, so I
had to look at many YouTube videos and TikTok's to find out how to use it for what I needed it.
2. I have never used Excel, so everything was so hard! It wouldn’t let me upload a chart or it would
upload it wrong, the calculations were coming out wrong. It was a hot mess but at the end of
the day I got it done, I don’t think I would be using it again only if necessary.
3. Maybe I could have my students create different charts about things students like in the
classroom; they can see how many students like strawberry ice cream and how many like vanilla
etc. and then they’ll have a chart. I can then create math problems so they can practice their
addition or subtraction.

Assignment 6

1. I got to see different software I can use in my classroom to help with my students learning, it
was fun seeing and exploring other software's to play games and learn math etc.
2. Some strengths from this assignment were that I got to explore different options, I got to see
what I could use in the classroom once I'm a teacher. Most of the software is very fun and I
know my students would make great use of it.
3. I can have my students use these software's to increase their learning for an assignment or just
for practice when they are home. I could use this during stations so they could use technology
during class time.

Assignment 7

1. One thing I learned from this assignment was seeing what technology I can use in my classroom
to help my students with their academic learning.
2. Some complications I had with this assignment were trying to find more information regarding
the software that I chose, I wish I could've chosen another software that seemed more
3. I could use the software that I chose in the classroom, so I'll be using canvas to teach my
students and so they can access their assignments.

Assignment 8

1. One thing I learned from this assignment was seeing what technology I can use in my classroom
to help any students with disabilities.
2. I don’t think I had any complications with these assignments. In fact, I really enjoyed seeing all
the different technology there is to help students with disabilities and learning about them.
3. I can use any of the software I learned to teach my students about different disabilities or that
can help them if they are having any complications.

Assignment 9
1. Something I learned from this assignment was getting more information regarding different
technologies to help with different disabilities.
2. A strength I learned from this assignment was seeing other technology for different disabilities.
3. I could have students research different technologies for certain disabilities.

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