Awdiw Charter 2021

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2021-2022 Season

Updated 12/14/2021


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Table of Contents
Updated 8/2021 Error! Bookmark not defined.
League Calendar 3
A. League Fees 5
B. Rosters 6
C. Scoring Settings 7
D. Weekly Challenges 8
A. Keepers 9
B. Restricted Free Agents 10
C. Rookie Draft Process 11
D. Free Agent Draft Process 12
E. Player Contracts 13
A. Responsibilities 18
B. Conduct 18
C. Activity Requirements 18
D. Anti-Competitive Behavior 19
E. Other Rule Violations 20

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League Calendar
Date Description

May 15 – 22 RFA Period

TBD July Rookie Draft Broadcast

TBD August Free Agent Auction Draft

League Fees Due

Season Kick-Off.
September 9
Contracts Due and IR slots open for the season.

Waivers re-open
End of Week
12pm CST: Trade Deadline

Confirmed Changes from Last Season

- Compensatory Offseason Funds based on placement and open slots
- Reducing contract cap space to 55
- Free agent acquisitions during the year will not become RFAs
- Weekly Pickem Pool
Proposed Changes For Next Season
- Removing second Flex position
o Managing two flex positions is too complicated and creates too large of a
discrepancy in lineup setting. Removing this spot will increase accountability
in setting the weekly lineup.
- Adding 2 Bench Spots
o Allows for holding of younger and more developmental players without the
complication of a Taxi Squad.
- QB score 6pt TDs

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o QBs are typically weak in fantasy football, and even more so in PPR formats.
This change would make QBs more impactful to be more characteristic of
real life where the QB is the most important player on the team.
- Superflex
o Same reasons as above but a more drastic approach to make QBs more

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1. There will be 10 league members for the 2022-2023 season.
2. In the event a team drops out mid-season or too late to find a
replacement owner, then the commissioner will set the teams lineup
until a new owner is found based on highest projected points (the only
exception being if a player’s projections are clearly flawed. For
example: if an RB is ruled out and the handcuff’s projection has not
been updated). In the event there is no owner during the draft, the
team will immediately get the best available rookie (by ADP), and the
commissioner will then select as many keepers as possible after that
with the remaining budget. This very well may result in empty roster
spots which the new owner can fill at their discretion once they are
brought on board.
3. All interested members from the previous season only have the right
to retain their own franchise. They cannot take ownership of a
different team.
4. A banning will be issued as a result of franchise negligence, failure to
pay league fees in a timely manner, collusion, and/or for reasons
currently beyond comprehension but for which, at said time, the
league deems appropriate through majority vote. (Refer to Section XI
– Owner Conduct).

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A. League Fees
1. All league fees will be held by the League Treasurer.
2. $50 per team due at league kick off on Week 1 of the 2022 season.
3. League fees and payouts will be allocated in the following way:
● $500 total pot
● $300 to the League Champion
● $85 to the Regular Season Champion
● $50 to the Runner Up
● $65 towards Weekly Challenges ($5 per week for 13 weeks)
4. All new owners inheriting team’s midseason are exempt from league fees in their
first season.
5. If for any reason the fees are short in a given year (delinquent owners and/or new
owners), then fees will not change for remaining owners. All prizes will simply be
scaled down appropriately.
6. Failure to pay league fees will result in league suspension unless the league
unanimously votes to waive the fee (financial hardship etc.).
7. Any banned players will not be reimbursed any fees they have paid to date or
receive any winnings if their team goes on to win. In such an event, the prize
money falls to the next person in the final standings. So, for example, if first place
was banned, then second place gets the top prize and third place gets the usual
second place payout.

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B. Rosters
1. Each team will have 9 starting positions and 12 bench spots (a total of 21 roster
spots) for their main roster.
a. Starting Lineup Positions:
2 WR
12 Bench

2. In addition to their 21 main roster spots, each team will have 2 Injured Reserved
Spots that are subject to the following rules:
a. You may only place someone on IR if they are currently on IR or
suspended in real life. They remain on the IR list until the NFL Super
Bowl at which point, they must be re-added to your squad prior to the
keeper deadline.
b. In all cases a player on IR will lose a contract year and still affect the
contract cap as a normal player on the team roster.

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C. Scoring Settings

1. Offense
a. Passing Yards: 1 point per 25 yards
b. Passing Touchdowns: 6 points
c. Interceptions Thrown: -2 points
d. Rushing Yards: 1 point per 10 yards
e. Rushing Touchdowns: 6 points
f. Receiving Yards: 1 point per 10 yards
g. Receiving Touchdowns: 6 points
h. Receptions: 0.5 points
i. Fumbles Lost: -2 points
j. 2-Point Conversions: 2 points
2. Defense / Special Teams
a. Sacks: 1 point
b. Interceptions: 2 points
c. Fumbles Recovered: 2 point
d. Fumbles Forced: 1 point
e. Safeties: 2 points
f. Touchdowns: 6 points
g. Kickoff and Punt Return Touchdowns: 6 points
h. 0 Points Allowed: 10 points
i. 1-6 Points Allowed: 7 points
j. 7-13 Points Allowed: 4 points
k. 14-20 Points Allowed: 1 point
l. 21-27 Points Allowed: 0 points
m. 28-34 Points Allowed: -1 point
n. 35-45 Points Allowed: -3 points
o. 46+ Points Allowed: -5 points
3. Kicking
a. PAT Made: 1 point
b. PAT Missed: -1 points
c. FG Made: 3 points
d. FG Made 50+: 4 points
4. Other
a. Use Fractional Pts: Yes
b. Use Negative Pts: Yes

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D. Weekly Challenges
1. Each week of the regular season will feature a themed weekly challenge in
addition to regular matches.
2. The winner of each weekly challenge will receive $5 unless stated otherwise on
the challenge guidelines.
3. Additional side bets on matchups are welcome but cannot involve any league
assets (i.e. players or draft picks).
WEEK 1. Strong Start – New Season, new me! Highest scoring team this week.
WEEK 2. Social Distancing – Keep those facemasks on. Team that wins by the largest
WEEK 3. Dead Weight – I’d start anyone else, if I had anyone else... Team with the lowest
scoring starting player.
WEEK 4. Projections Slave – The computer knows best! Team that scores the closest to
their projected total.
WEEK 5. The House Always Wins – Doesn’t matter how well you do, they always do a little
better. Team that scores the most points while still losing this week.
WEEK 6. Coaching Excellence – Team playing their most optimal lineup. (In case of tie,
highest scoring team wins).
WEEK 7. Uncle Rico – He could probably throw it over them mountains…Team with the
starting QB with the longest completed pass (YAC included).
WEEK 8. Goose Egg – Sometimes that player you trusted just craps the bed… Lowest
scoring team with a starting player that scored 0 points. (If no teams had a player scoring
0, this prize goes to next week’s winner.)
WEEK 9. Home Alone – Did we forget to bring someone? Team with the highest scoring
bench player.
WEEK 10. Blackjack – Team with the starting player closest to 21 without going over wins.
(In case of tie: highest team score this week wins).
WEEK 11. Photo Finish – Check the tape! Team winning with the smallest margin of
WEEK 12. 
WEEK 13.
WEEK 14. League Champ! Good luck in the playoffs…Regular season champion wins. ($85)

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A. Keepers
1. KEEPER DEADLINE - All keepers must be officially announced by the
announced Keeper Deadline. If you miss this deadline for whatever reason,
then you will be forced to keep all players with years remaining on their
contracts. If this would result in you being over cap, then the commissioner
will cut players from your squad until you are under the contract cap under the
following criteria:
a. The commissioner will begin cutting regular rostered players starting
with your shortest remaining contract length.
b. In the event of same contract lengths, the commissioner will cut in
order of the lowest average draft position.
2. All players on your regular roster with remaining contract years are eligible to
be kept if your contract cap allows. Note: any players with years remaining on
their contracts who are not kept will be subject to contract cap penalty (refer to
Section II.D.1.d)
3. Players on IR must return to a regular roster spot if they are to be kept (you
may not keep them in your IR slot past the keeper deadline). That player will
still advance one contract year.
4. Players at the end of their contract (rookie or standard) will be released to free
agency OR restricted free agency. The owner does not need to designate the
FA status, it will be automatically done by the commissioner.
5. The total of all keeper contracts, including penalty years, must total no more
than 55 contract years.
6. Any players not being kept are added to the player pool for the next free agent
auction draft (unless given a Restricted Free Agent designation).
7. It is not required to keep any players but given the penalty for cancelling
contracts, it is strongly suggested. Dropping your whole team will likely result
in a banning for collusion/intentional tanking.
8. Kept players may be dropped during the offseason, but contract penalties will
apply for any remaining years they are under contract.
9. Once keeper deadline has passed, all teams must stay within the 55-year cap
once the season kicks off. Any trades that occur during this time frame must
keep both teams within their contract length caps.
10. Any revisions to the keeper rules will not apply retroactively unless agreed
upon unanimously by league vote.

B. Restricted Free Agents

1. At the end of a player’s contract, if the cumulative length* of the contract with the
current owner is less than 4 years, the player is automatically listed as a Restricted

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Free Agent (RFA). *Note: Cumulative length only accounts for consecutive years.
(If you release a player but sign him again in the future from the free agency
auction, his RFA timer resets. Free Agent acquisitions during the regular season
do not qualify.)
Any players signed through the waiver wire during the regular season DO NOT
qualify for RFA designation.
2. Any acquisitions with an RFA designation automatically receive a 3-year
contract. (This is to simulate big contract extensions.)
3. Restricted Free Agent Acquisition Process:
a. Contracts officially turn over at the Keeper Deadline. The commissioner
will then release a listing of RFAs to all owners.
b. Owners will submit 1 blind offer per player desired, using allotted
Offseason Funds (See section III, D, 2).
c. Teams are NOT allowed to exceed their allotted funds in total bids. (Ex: If
you are allotted $100, and you bid $60 on Player A. You cannot bid more
than $40 on Player B)
d. After the offer window has closed, the commissioner will review the
offers made and automatically submit the HIGHEST bid for each player
to their current owners. The current owner has the option to either match
the offer to retain the player, or release the player to the highest bidder.
The owner has 2 days to make a decision, if no response is given, the
player is automatically forfeited to the highest bidder.
4. In the event of the same offer being made by two bidding teams (assuming the
current owner decides not to match the offer or they cannot afford to match), the
team with the earliest offer will sign the player.

5. All RFA Acquisitions will receive a flag on the owner’s team to indicate the
player is not to be restricted at the end of the contract.

6. Owner match takes precedence over any offers made. After the matching phase
has ended, each owner will receive any RFA won contracts in chronological order
of when the offer was made (assuming they still have the funds to afford the
player). Any player unable to be paid will be moved to the auction house.

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C.Rookie Draft Process
1. Rookie drafts will be a live draft (TIME TBD). The draft will last 2
2. Draft order is determined by previous year’s final standings in
3. The draft does not snake. If you have the first pick you get the first
pick in each round (similar to NFL).
4. Rookies drafted in the first round of the rookie draft will
automatically receive a 3-year contract. Undrafted rookies will be
added to the free agency auction draft pool.
5. You may only trade rookie draft picks for the same year and next
year. All draft pick trades must be submitted to the league
commissioner before the owner’s turn to pick has expired.
6. Rookies drafted after the first round must follow player contract
guidelines (See section III, D, 1). If no contract length is announced,
the player will automatically receive a 1-year contract at the beginning
of the season.
7. Time limits for pick selection is 5 minutes, noting the long timer is to
allow owners time to propose trade offers.
8. In addition, each owner may elect to extend this period an additional
Max Timer Length once per round BUT ONLY for trade
negotiations. This can only be done by an owner not on the clock and
only once per pick as this is not meant to give someone more time to
decide who to take.

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D. Free Agent Draft Process
1. Free Agent Drafts will be done by online live auction on the third week of
NFL preseason.
2. Every team is given an allotted fund to be used on RFAs or Live Auctions at
the end of each season. Any use of the Offseason Fund on RFAs will be
deducted from live auction funds.
3. ***Allocated Funds will be granted according to the following criteria:
a. Team’s placement in the final standings.
i. The first place team will be granted $50 increasing in
increments of $5 for each next placed team up to the last
place team being granted $100. (1st place $50, 2nd place $55,
3rd place $60, etc.)
b. Empty player slots.
i. For each empty roster spot after the keeper deadline has
passed, you will be granted $10 per empty spot.
4. Anyone can make a bid and there is no maximum bid. There is no limit to
how many players a franchise bids on as long as they have contract cap space,
available funds, and enough roster spots available.
5. All bids must be in dollar increments.
6. Any owner whose roster is filled will not be allowed to nominate additional
7. The draft will continue until all rosters have been filled.
8. A franchise is not obligated to keep a specific number of, or any for that
matter, players at each position. However, all rosters must be filled by the end
of the offseason auction. You can drop players without penalty up until the
end of the offseason.
9. At the conclusion of the auction any remaining Offseason money is disposed
of and does NOT carry over to the next season.
10.Contract lengths for all new players on your roster must be set by the
beginning of the NFL regular season. Any unannounced contract will
automatically be given a 1-year contract.

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E. Player Contracts
1. It is the responsibility of the owner to submit a contract length for the signed
player by the beginning of the season. If the season begins before the contract
length is announced, it will automatically be set to 1 year. **Contracts must be
set under the following guidelines:
a. Contracts will be measured in years, with the maximum individual
contract being 3 years.
b. Each individual team’s contract “Cap” will be a total of 55 contract
years. At no time can a team have player contracts and penalties with a
cumulative contract length of over 55 total years.
c. Contracts move forward at the keeper deadline. At this point the years
remaining decreases by one. Keeper deadline will be a date
announced after the season has ended.
d. Contract Penalties - If a player with a contract extending beyond the
current year is dropped (this also applies if they are not kept), a penalty
of half of the remaining contract length will be applied to the next
year’s “Contract Cap”, with a minimum of 0.5 years. The only
exception are players dropped without contracts before the season
i. If a player is traded to another team, the team that inherits the
player will also inherit their current contract. There will be no
penalty for either team during a trade. Trades that cause either
team’s contract cap to exceed its limit are NOT ALLOWED.
2. If a contract player retires during the off season, the owner may drop them
without penalty. Cap space is refunded to the contract owner. If they retire (or
suffer career ending injury) mid-season, then they can be dropped for no
penalty. If owner elects to keep them, they do not have another chance to cut
without penalty.
3. A player that does not officially announce retirement will be considered retired
if they suffer a career ending injury, have been permanently suspended, or
have not been on an NFL roster for 12 straight games (one season).
4. If a retired player comes out of retirement and is not on a roster, that player is
treated as an undrafted free agent. The previous owner has no extra rights to


1. All waiver acquisitions will be made using the league host site
(Sleeper) portal as normally directed.

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2. All regular season free agent acquisitions are to receive 1-year
3. The order in which players are cleared from waivers is determined by
the league host site (Sleeper).
4. Waivers close at the end of the regular season, and it can only be used
until the end of the playoffs.

1. The season schedule will be generated automatically by our league service and
tweaked by the commissioner if needed.
2. All franchises are responsible for making sure their lineups are updated before
kickoff of the first game of the week on Sunday. No exceptions will be made. In
addition, any players to be used in games prior to Sunday (i.e. Thursday night)
must be submitted prior to game time.
3. In the event of a computer failure prior to the start of a given week’s games, a
franchise owner must contact the commissioner prior to kickoff of the first game
and inform him of the situation and the subsequent lineup change(s). If the
commissioner receives the lineup change(s) in a timely manner, the change(s) will
be made. The commissioner must then post notification of the manual lineup
change(s) to the league owners.
4. The regular season will end after the completion of week 13, with each team
playing every other team at least once but no more than twice.

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1. Trades will be allowed at all points during the season except the
period of time between the trade deadline and the beginning of the
2. The trade deadline is at the end of week 10.
3. Traded players will retain their contracts length owed. The new owner
will acquire their new player’s contract with no penalty to either
trading parties.
4. You are NOT allowed to trade for players that would push you over
the contract cap during the off season.
5. During the season you may trade any players or any of the same or
next year’s rookie draft picks. You may NOT trade future Offseason
Funds budget or make any conditional trades.
6. During the off season you may trade any players up to the keeper
deadline. After the keeper deadline owners may only trade keepers
and must stay within their contract cap. At all times in the off season
you can trade current and next year rookie draft picks (including
DURING the rookie draft). You may NOT trade Offseason Funds.
7. Each franchise owner has the right to vote against any trade if they
believe it to be unfair at which point it will go to league vote. Majority
wins. In the event of clear collusion both owners involved will face
banning, or some other agreed upon punishment (by league vote).
Please note that voting against a trade is not to be done lightly.
Owners are allowed to value players differently and/or may need to
clear cap space for other moves.
8. The commissioner holds the right to suspend any suspicious trades for
further discussion among league owners, during which the validity of
the trade will be reviewed. In this event, the commissioner must
provide clear reasoning as to why the trade was suspended and cannot
suspend the trade for more than one week.
9. If a trade is overturned, the teams involved in the trade have the right
to request a roll call of who voted against the trade. Those franchises
that voted against the trade will then be asked to explain the reasoning
behind their vote.

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10.If a trade involves IR players, then those players remain on IR. If the
trade would make one team have more than 2 IR players, then they
may keep them all but only 2 may retain the benefits of IR. The others
must stay on their bench and cannot be used the rest of the season and
will have their salary increase as if they were not on IR. Note in this
case the selected player may not be put onto the IR even if a space
frees up. You effectively lock out one roster spot for the year (or drop
the player and contract penalties apply as normal).
11.Fat Finger Rule. Any trade offer may be revoked within 2 minutes of
sending with no questions asked (even if it was accepted) AND any
trade acceptance can be revoked within 2 minutes of accepting with
no questions asked. This is specifically to combat mistake
offers/accepts. This does NOT apply if a verbal agreement was made
prior and it was not a simple error in inputting into the system. This
grace period is truly only meant for mis-clicks in the system… not
buyer’s remorse.

1. Playoffs will occur in weeks 14, 15 and 16.
2. The top 6 teams by regular season record make the Championship bracket with
total points scored being the tie breaker. The #1 and #2 seeds will receive a Bye
week for week 14.
3. Teams eliminated from the playoffs will retain their current standings for next
season’s draft, in order to prevent postseason tanking.

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A. All amendments proposed by league members will be reviewed by the commissioner
and then put to league vote.
B. Typically, all amendments proposed during the season will be reviewed at the end of the
current season and not be made applicable to the current season.
C. Amendments made during the off season will be approved if no more than 3 people
object and at least 4 people approve. Owners who do not respond are considered to have
abstained and do not count towards either tally.

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A. Responsibilities
1. Owners are responsible for knowing and following the rules and deadlines set out in
this charter.
2. Owners are to make their best effort to participate in all required league functions
and activities, whether they occur during the season or the offseason.
3. Owners are responsible for notifying the Commissioner if they will be away for an
extended period of time during the season. During the off-season no notification is
required unless it would occur during the drafts or free agency acquisition.
4. Owners are responsible for responding to emails and private messages from the
Commissioners and trade offer from other league members in a timely manner (refer
to section C below)

B. Conduct
1. Trash talking and shit-posting are actively encouraged - however, any personal
attacks are expressly forbidden.
2. An owner whose personal conduct is deemed by the Commissioner to be
consistently and flagrantly disrespectful to other owners or the league is subject to
Commissioner’s sanctions. Such conduct includes but is not limited to posting chat
or comments containing serious threats of violence, offensive comments regarding
race/ethnicity/religion/sexual orientation, or engaging in any kind of persistent
harassment or bullying.
3. The Commissioner will act as moderator of all chat channels.

C. Activity Requirements
1. Owners must set competitive weekly lineups. Competitive means a full lineup with
players who can reasonably be assumed to see play (no backup players) and you
cannot sit obvious studs. You are allowed to make match up calls and sit a player
you think will have a bad week… even if experts/others say otherwise. Similarly,
you can elect to not start a position if you only have one and they are on bye, but this
is only applicable if your worst roster/bench spot is not worth dropping for a flyer.
Repeated delinquency may be grounds for league suspension. Note: this includes
blatant tanking for better rookie picks.
2. Please note you will not be held accountable for any player ruled IA/O within 24
hours of game time. If you know you will be busy/on vacation for a period longer
than this window we suggest emailing commissioners and empowering them to swap
in a player if one of your starters is ruled out. Commissioners will not do this
without permission.

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D. Anti-Competitive Behavior
1. Anticompetitive conduct is defined as owners or teams engaging in conduct that
prevents, reduces or otherwise negatively affects the natural competition and well-
being of the league and is subject to commissioner sanctions.
2. The following actions are strictly prohibited:
a. Anti-Competitive Trades
i. Owners may not make trades that result in worsening their own team
in order to stock another team they want/need to win.
ii. Owners may not make trades if they do not intend to return to the
league for the next season.
iii. All trades must make sense under the assumption the league continues
on. No trades may be made to try and force a dynasty
b. Conditional Trades
i. All trades must be fair and complete at time of trade and not qualified
in any means. For example: if Player A (part of the trade) scores less
than X points this season, then you also receive a draft pick.
c. Collusion
i. Collusion is defined as two or more owners making arrangements
and/or acting in concert to influence the results of league activities
such as game outcomes, draft standing or player availability - this
includes trading a player with the condition he be traded back.
ii. Any unsportsmanlike conduct coordinated between two or more
owners is considered to be collusion, as is teams trading to consolidate
better players on one team and/or agreeing to share payouts by acting
in concert.
d. Roster Dumping
i. An owner who, without good reason, cuts players from their team who
are obviously valuable is subject to commissioner sanctions. It is
understood that teams can and will drop “borderline” players from
their rosters and/or bad contracts on good players, but dropping
obvious fantasy starters or large amounts of average players in an
attempt to increase draft position, make players available to others by
way of collusion, or sabotage the integrity of the league, shall not be

E. Other Rule Violations

1. Owners may report rule/bylaw violations to the Commissioner for investigation.
They can do so anonymously if they so choose. The Commissioner will investigate
and may assess sanctions.

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A. Punishments

As a general rule of thumb here are the punishments for infractions. These may be
waived at Commissioner discretion, but such exemptions will typically require extreme

Not setting a competitive lineup that does not negatively impact other owners. Please note
impact on other owners will be determined at end of season. For example, if you lost a
matchup due to starting an inactive player… it might not seem bad. But if that loss
changes eventual play-off seedings it could have a big impact.
● 1st infraction – Notification by League Commissioner
● 2nd infraction within 2 years – Loss of 2nd round pick
● 3rd infraction within 2 years – League vote for banning.

Not setting a competitive lineup that DOES negatively impact other owners (this includes
● 1st infraction – Loss of 2nd round draft pick
● 2nd infraction within 2 years – Loss of 1st round pick
● 3rd infraction within 2 years – League vote for banning.

Collusion – immediate suspension of all involved parties. If they feel it was not intentional,
they may request a league vote for them to remain after explaining their case.

Anti-Competitive or Conditional trades

● 1st infraction - Trade reversal and loss of 2nd round pick for all involved parties
● 2nd infraction within 3 years – League vote for banning.

Roster Dumping – Players reverted to squad and loss of 2nd round draft pick. Repeated
infractions will lead to league vote for banning.

Note in all the above cases… picks will be assessed in the next/closest draft. If you do not
have a pick, then it will be the closest (but better) pick you have.

It is the owner’s responsibility to notify the commissioner if

there are any errors that prevent information or decisions
from being received or executed.

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