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+ Level 2 Writing sample paper 1 +

Level 2 Functional Skills English Writing

Sample Paper 1 CitvE*
a Crty & Guilds Groi.p 8(*16

Candidate Name (First, Middle, Last)

Candidate enrolment number DOB (DDMMYYYY)

Candidate signature and declaration*

Assessment date (DDMMYYYY) Centre number

General information:
o The duration of this paper is t hour 20 minutes-
. The maximum mark for each question is shown.
o The total number of marks available is 5{-
General instructions:
. Read each question carefully.
. Answer both questions.
e Dictionaries, elec{ronic grammar and spell cfieckers are not permifted.

*l declare that I have no prior knowledge of the questions in this assessment and that I will
not share any information about the questions.

+ +
+ +

Functional Skills
Level 2 English Writing A C.ry & Guilds G6+ &riE

Sample Paper 1 April 201 I vcrsiorl 0.2

Question Paper

These materials relate to the Functional Skills English
assessments that will be in use from September 2019.
Materials are draft and subject to technical evaluation
by Ofqual.

O The City and Guilds of London lnstitute 2019

+ +
+ Level 2 Witing -3- sample paper 1 +
Question I

You will be assessed on:

. Communicating information, ideas and opinions clearly, coherently and effec{ively

. Communicating with appropriate detail to suit purpose and audience
. Using appropriate format and struclure for purpose and audience
. Conveying clear meaning and establishing @hesion using organisational markers
. Using appropriate language and register for purpose and audience
o Constructing crmplex sentences consistently and accurately, using paragraphs
where appropriate
. Using correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.

+ +
+ Level 2 Writing -4- Sampte paryr 1 +
Question 1

You have come to the end of your course and your tutor has asked you to write a blog for
the college website to discuss the pros and cons of possible next steps in your career
path, including finding a job, starting on a higher level course, volunteer work or to enrol on
an apprenticeship.

Your task: write the blog.

(27 marks)

Write around 5 to 8 paragraphs.

You may use the space below for planning and drafting.

+ +
+ Level 2 writing 9- Sample paper 1 +
Question 2

You will be assessed on:

. Communicating information, ideas and opinions clearly, coherently and effectively

. Communicating with appropriate detail to suit purpos and audience
. Using appropriate format and struclure for purpose and audience
. Conveying clear meaning and establishing cohesion using organisational markers
. Using appropriate language and register for purpose and audience
o Constructing complex sentences consistently and accurately, using paragraphs
where appropriate
. Using correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.

+ +
+ Level 2 Writing - 10- Sample paper 1 +
Question 2

It is well known that celebrities use the media to help their careers, but they don't seem to
like it when the media covers their private lives.

o ls it right how the media treats celebrities?

. How do celebrities benefit from the media and how does the media benefit from
o Should anything be off-limits or can the media cover everything about celebrities
and their private lives?

Your task: Write an article for a student magazine exploring the extent to which it is fair
that the private lives of celebrities are covered in the media.

(27 marks)
Suggested word count 250 - 300 words.

You may use the sP ace below for planning and drafting'

+ +
Functional Skills ^Gy&Gr&&+Efu
Level 2 English Writing

Sample paper I
Provisional marking scheme

These materials rclate to the Func{iona! Skills English asseasmenG trat will
be in use frorn September 2019. fatedals are draft and subject to technical
evaluation by Ofqual.

O The Crty and Gukls od Lrdon lnsnrrde 201 I

+ Leve! 2vming -2- sanpte papr r *

Marking guidance
The Writing mark scheme is structured as follows:

Written composition Ql Max Q2 Max Total % coverage

(content marks) marks marks composition (composition)
scs24 15 marfis 15 marks 30 marks 56v.
Spelling, punctualion and gEmma? (SPaG) Ql fax Cl2 llax Total SPaG 96 coverage
(accuracy marks) marks marks marks (SPaG)
scs20 12 marks 12 marks 24 marks 44yo
Total mark per question 27 ?7
+ Level 2,Wing -3- Sanple papert t

Writing composition
Total marks for lYriting Compooition 30154 (56% of marks)

ilarkinq instruc'tlons:

MarkeB shodd read the cardidate's response ard make a holistcindoernent abod whidr band, m balance, be3t des.ribes iL Within eadr band, marks
aae awarded for lhecardirate's o\reratr lercl of pe,furmance. Once a band has been sded, marl(ers shouH consider the des{riptors as a whole and
awad mari(s accotding to how well the candidate has met these owrall.

The following is gilen as general guidance to supporl consisterd interpretaton of the mark sdleme:

o A[ Bards: cardlratE must meel dl bulct3 forttE band lo adrbrre the mdk atfle too oflhe band rar€e.
o Band 4: Candidates must meet at least thr€e of lhe bullets to be placed within this band
o Band 1: Candidate's response must meet at lea3t one of the six bullets to be awarded 1 mark;
o il candidate's response Iaib to meel any ot the bullets award 0 marks.
+ Levet 2 Lrtftins -4- Sanple parr;r t I

Band Descriptor Coverage Q1 Q2

1i Conalttontly 12 -15
Cons lstently . Consistently communicates information, ideas and opinions dearly, coherer y and efiedivdy scs24 I

. Consister ly wites texts ot app.opriate lelel of detail to suil purpose and audience scs25
. Consistently organises writing for difierenl pu4oses using appropriate format and strudure scs26
. Consistenty cooveys dear meaning and establishes cohesim using o@anisatonal markeG rcs27
. Uses diflered hrEuage and register cdrsisteardy gited to audiance and Frpose
. Cd&uafs cornDlex seiGnces considenty ard accuratdy, usinq paraoraDhs wtEae arom0aiate
3 o6t ol thafri. scs23 I -11 a- 11
Uostly . Communicates infomation. ideas and opinions dearly, coherenty and effedir€ly, most of the SCS24
time SCS25
. V\Hes texts of mostly appropriate le\rel of d€tail to 6uit purpose and audience SCS26
. organise6 fiitinS for differeot pupo€es usirE mosdy app.opriate ,ormat and strudne sqs27
. ircoy @orreF deai meanirE eid edalrlsh6 cotE3bo u8ing oruaniraliond markers
. UBes differEnt language and rEgister mos[y suited to audience and pu]po6e
. Conslructs complex sehtences mostly consistently and accurately, uslng paragraphs where
Some ol tto llme: SCS23 4-7 4-7
Some of the . Some infomalion, ideas and opinions communicated dearly, coherently and effedi\rely SCS24
time . Some appaopriate level of d€{al to suit purpose ard audience scs25
. organises ruiting for diftrer{ p(rpo6e6 usirE sqhe appao0aiate tdmat ard stuctre scs26
. ConvEys clear meaning and establishes cohesion using organisational markers, some of the tme scs27
. Some use ol different language and register suited to audieflce and purpose
. Consfuds complex seoten@s wilh sorne acc(racy with sorne use ot paragraphs whee
l: mlh llnltld .ucc..3 SCS23 0-3 0-3
Limited . Coanmui€t6 -trcndim, lleas ard opiiorls uit| fniH colEr€nce. daily ard eftdi/E Ess scs2,.
. Umited Tg.op,iate l6d of d€daa to sfi pi pce ard adieJtce s625
. OrganBe! wfling for difierent purposes using appropriate formal and sttuature with limited scs26
suaress SCS27
Limited darity ot meaning ard cohesion
Limiled use of difierent language and register suited to audience and purpose
Conslruds complex sefitences with limited consisEnq, and acqlracy
+ Levd 2Mititq - 5- Sanpte parr;r 1 I

lndicative content for compoGition marks

Qu6tion l: Work placement

Exp€c16d torrnat and structurc: Blog
lndicative content (other valid/relevant approaches are qeditworthy)
. Their eperiences ofwork placemenb
. Encouraging peopb to seek wofi placernents in an area that is of inlerest to them
. How woik placements will benefit their career de\relopment.

Ouestlon 2: Celebrities in the media

Expected tormat and structurel Arlicle
lndicativo content (olher valid/relevant approaches are creditwo.thy)
. ls it rillht how the media treats cebbritbs?
. How do cdebrities ben€filfiqn Ole media?
. How does lhe media benefit frcm cdebffes?
. Should anything be ofi-limits or can the media cover everything aboul celebrities and their pivate lives?
+ Lgvel2l.,lfritg -6- sanp&-parretr *

Total mad(s for Spelling, Punctuation and GEmmar 2/U34 (4{% of total marks)
Sp.*rg nl. lB (Sc.3 22) QI (u
SDet cont(rry '/rrords us€d in vrErk. studv and dailv ffe. irdudino a ranoe c, locdefC wqds
/r Spelling as cdrsisiendy acdlraue, indudirE ambiliolls and /or tregular wordr wfrere us€d 1 I
3 Spdling is rno6tly drcc4 l,irl occasirnd e'rfi3. 3 3
2 Spelling is acarrate some of the tme, wilh errors for more corndex or inEgular wod' 2 2
1 Umited acaracy- acdrate spdling ol simple / regubr rrcrds
Sorne but ther€ are nifl tequeflt erors. 1 1

0 SpdlirE signifcandy imFirs meaning 0 0

Prnctr.oon m. . (SG 201 Q,1 a2
PtrEtEia [thq cfi€dy usiE a sire r-Ec oa FJnctialhr olake'B (e.g- cdoar3, cdrrrEs, arv€ated cdllrEa, +oatEFlt6 arrd quotatim rEfB)
,a A IangE d Frrdlaii,l (eg cdorE, cqrrla!. in e.led cqrBaq apGtoph6, qu<arr,| mdfs) is rrs€r, csEtlfa'ldy anady
of to ntak tE stucixB I 1
sernerce! 6nd girre dgrtly and enphasit
3 A rame of punctualidr iB us€d, nrGt y ereldy ,ndoding FrdEtion nif|in the se'|lence, e.g. cdnmas us€d cone<iy to rnark par&s€s or daus€s. 3
2 Sont€ acqracy /range in puncuation: ilosi sentence3 are cdrec y dernarcel€d wrfi s6rne use of o0r€r poncualton e.g- cornmas in lisls 2
1 Umilcd .c.ulacl /range in puncluation fu[ stops, cafiial lders, edamalion marfis and quealion marks arc us€d m6ty cdtlcfy, howev.r, thcr. ,| '1

are frE+Ent erroIs wifl .iirer typ6 ctr putctuatirn.

0 rundualtm s€miicandy impdrs meaning 0 0
G!.rnr. m.rfa €cs 2l) o,t a2
U.€ odrd grsrrnr (e.g !.n*!d-€rb {rlarEt ogIcdrd cq!ad.r{ u.. d. ratge o, tEeq d€tr -rd hrraalb ddea) td ntd*y dtt{ta
(ec lo@!3a B6*-Y dffi$
4 G6mmer B co.lsisMy actlnEb: length, f@ls and stsrrctrE of senteoce3 lre varied to add darity and erhph&h; tem€s a'rd verb foams sualr a3 1 1
rnodab (*qrld have been...) are cfifol€d.
3 GraryrrBr b nroBdy acair_ete A rd|ge ol t€rt loflrB is mody cdlccfy and a raEe of app.opriate lens€ drtce3 i* nrcdy nxi.tain€d. AtldlidEl 3
slrds and plr35€3 cntffirite to meannE, e.O. '.rced
ad\,€rE (dditordl9.
2 acoirecy in grammar SentencGs arc usually grammaticalv sound wilh occ€3ional erors; there is 9om6 valialion in verb forms and tens€ chdce 2 2
B g€.lq"ally appropriat€. I

I Limit6d accuracy in grammar simd6 connectives (e,g. and, but then) are ug€d to link claus€s; simple verb fofms and tenses are mqstly conec( 1 1
though lhere are f!€quenl mistd(e€ \Nhen attamding more comdex mes.
0 grarnfr.r srgnifcant y ,np6irB meanarE 0 0
Told mrtr p€r quedion 12 12
Total mart€ avrilablc lor SP.G 21

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