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Keeping Schools Safe
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Secure and Strong Schools

By Mark Bomber // Newsletter

Marketing Director, Core Commercial
Tyco Integrated Security
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Feb. 12, 2013 -- Behind every strong school system should be an even stronger security system.
Administrators across the nation are on the lookout for new and more cost-effective ways to enhance Email Address *
security on their campuses and provide the safest environment possible for students, faculty and staff.
The sad truth is violence and threats can happen at any school. Yet, school administrators can take
simple and effective steps to mitigate risks.  SUBMIT z *Required

Different schools face different threats, including fighting and Please see our Terms of Use .
bullying, gang activity, theft, vandalism, drugs and unwanted
visitors entering the school. An effective security strategy will
address individual needs for each school. At times, carrying out
security measures may mean installing expensive equipment.
Schools that frequently are called upon to do more with less can
Advanced Active Shooter Integrated
take steps to identify and carry out no-cost or low-cost solutions to
strengthen security. Security Solution
Accurately detect gunshots, locate and
Reviewing Risks communicate to employees, and initiate lockdown
procedures - so you can protect your most
Using cost-effective security measures may seem simple, but it is important to evaluate all risks on valuable assets, your people.
campus before taking action. Getting the most for the money while improving safety starts with good
planning. When looking at a security upgrade and before instituting new security steps on campus,
schools should consider undergoing a security risk review from an experienced security solution provider. FIND OUT MORE >
Many providers offer these reviews at no cost; they look at all areas of a campus -- from parking lots to
sports fields to gymnasiums -- to provide a comprehensive analysis of potential risks. 

Conducting a complete and objective security risk review helps administrators develop a holistic view of
all systems and technologies, identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses, debunk myths, set priorities and Webinar: Active Shooter
identify areas where a school can reduce risks. Security risk review results then can be used to put
security improvements into place. Preparedness - One School's
Prioritizing Solutions With an increase in active shooters, being
prepared is critical. Learn why active shooter
After completing a campus security risk review, education administrators should review the findings to training is important and how we implement active
set priorities and discuss budget and strategies, even for low-cost or no-cost solutions. A good security shooter training.
integrator works closely with administrators and campus security personnel to make sure addressing
security concerns is a collaborative effort, not a cookie-cutter experience. 
At St. Peter School in Geneva, Ill., principal Roseann Feldmann chose a combination of low-cost and no-
cost security solutions coupled with products and services, which have diminished campus security

Some recommended solutions for increasing indoor and outdoor security for campuses with similar
areas of concern:

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act IDOutdoor and building perimeter security:
Cut back trees and shrubbery, reduce clutter and install more lighting to significantly reduce the
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areas available hide outdoors.
Fence in specific areas on campus, especially playgrounds and sports fields, to keep unwanted
visitors off school grounds and out of isolated areas. This is especially effective for campuses
that are adjacent to other properties or high-traffic areas where unexpected visitors may be
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more likely to trespass.
Keep an open lane between parked cars and fenced areas to increase visibility on the grounds
while decreasing places available to hide.
Indoor security:
Keep hallways and stairwells free of clutter to send a message that those areas are not
abandoned, and therefore are not available as places to hide.
Ensure that doors are not propped open and that windows are locked at all times so that
campus guests use the main entrance. Make sure school officials keep a record of all visitors.
Have a security table at the main entrance where guests sign in and out of the building and
receive a visitor’s pass. This helps to properly identify visitors to and keep track of their time
and their destinations in the building.
Consider additional security solutions if appropriate:
A security risk review also may expose the need for equipping a school campus with other
security systems, including video surveillance or other physical solutions. 

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 84 percent of high schools, 73 percent of
middle schools, and 51 percent of primary schools say they use security cameras to monitor facilities.
Video surveillance cameras can provide an extra set of eyes to monitor parking lots, building and fence
perimeters, gates, gymnasiums and storage facilities. 

Some systems have software-based video analytics to trigger incident-driven alerts, as appropriate.
Whether someone is trying to climb a fence or enter a campus in an unauthorized manner, these analytics
can trigger alarms and notify local law enforcement of potential breaches.

Third-party monitoring services also can report suspicious activity to local law enforcement, either
around the clock, or only at specific times for high-risk security scenarios, such as a basketball game or
another school-related event, and can supplement the on-the-ground efforts of security officers and

In addition to video surveillance, a variety of other cost-effective solutions can be used on school
campuses. New outdoor emergency communication systems are available that use intelligible voice
technology to provide warnings and real-time information to people in endangered areas. 

The systems can use specialized speaker technology that can be heard clearly for up to a quarter mile
and can broadcast live or recorded messages to entire school campuses. If there is an emergency at an
outdoor football, soccer or lacrosse game, everyone will be notified immediately. 

Proactive Steps

In recent years, educators have become more proactive in addressing critical campus security
challenges. Working with a security solution provider may help identify high-risk areas on campus and
determine solutions catered to a school’s unique needs. 

Whether considering low-cost or no-cost solutions, security systems, or a combination of both, schools
should take appropriate steps to stay a step ahead of a security problem. 

*Bomber's article is featured in American School and University. Click here to view the article 

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