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Final Fantasy 13-3 Jump (Version 0.

“Before the storm fades to dust…”

There’s nothing to greet you as you enter the office, just a bunch of faded
dossiers on a table that looks like it is on its last legs. There isn’t a door around
either – but a letter on the table catches your eye.

“By the time you read this, we will be but dust in the wind. Still, the fact that you
are reading this is testament that the world continues to exist. Nova Chrysalia,
the world after Pulse…after Pulse and the Underworld Valhalla merged together.
The Creator, Bhunivelze has succeeded – the realms of death and life are merged
together and this world has been forever changed.”

“Perhaps we would have met before, Traveler. Perhaps we will meet again, but
regardless of that, let me remind you now, that your survival is of utmost
importance. This world will end, with or without you, but if you are to go on, you
must see to the end of ten years.”

“As my memory fades, there are some details that you must take heed of. Nova
Chrysalia is a dying world, and you will not be able to stop the influence of death
as it gnaws on the edges of the world. They call that influence – Chaos. It has
changed the people of Nova Chrysalia. Though they do not age, they have lost the
ability to create new life. And so, life’s flame dwindles and quivers in the wind.”

“There is the matter of the ancient prophecy, that a saviour will arrive to
shepherd the people to the next world as Nova Chrysalia crumbles to naught. The
last scientist, before he passed, had finished his calculations on her coming,
based on the state of her crystal.”

“In 7 years, the saviour will return, and as the prophecy foretells, it will only be a
matter of days after that before the end. Will you survive and make it to the next
world, Traveler? I would…have liked to see it, but…it’s too late now.”

The letter ends here, and it seems from the way the ink trailed erratically off the
paper that the writer died at this time as well.

There’s a box underneath the table, and the note plastered on top of it reads.

“A Last Token of My Sincerity.”

+1000 CP
Personal Details
In the span of one blink, you find yourself in a different room. At a glance, it looks
similar – white walls, no windows, a desk and a chair. Papers have been tossed
around haphazardly, but one sheet of paper pinned down by a die catches your eye.

“I didn’t want to go this way…I didn’t want to fade like this. Now that the old
man is gone, there’s nobody else left – and this is my last duty, to pen down my
lingering sentiments.”

“Traveler, you’ll have some paperwork to fill out before you enter. There’ll be a
form for you – sad to think that paperwork will last longer than I will. Your age,
your name, gender, and whatnot. The system – and of course that will survive –
won’t tolerate you deviating without paying a price first.”

“Roll the die, the system will add 15 years on top of that. Thankfully it still lets
you choose your own gender…surely you know that better than anyone.”

Age 1d8 + 15 / Gender Chosen At Will

“You may well want to check…if you already exist in our systems. Though the
information in the archive will be ancient history by now, maybe a trace still

If you’ve already completed FF13/13-2, you may use the same form as you
had there, with the appropriate age and gender.

Once you finish penning in the last details, a cold wind blows into the room.
A door has opened, but the next room over has nothing different about it
at all. Somebody was a real fan of modular architecture. Four dossiers
rest on top of this table. A card leaves a note.

“This is it huh…the chill spreading through my body. Ah…shouldn’t have

recorded that. You’ll need to choose from one of these dossiers –
something to help you fit in, so the world itself won’t reject you in its dying
throes. The default choice if you would make none is the Drop In.”
The Drop In

Walker of one’s own path, with no tie to the world but the body you inhabit.
Your body originates out of this world, and with objective eyes, you can see
the inner workings of the world better than others who may have grown
accustomed to Nova Chrysalia.

No memories, no alliances, no enemies to start with. Having nothing is

sometimes better than having everything – giving one the opportunity to
start from zero. As the world drifts towards oblivion, what will your mark
on the world be?

The Saviour

There have been many who have claimed to be the saviour, each one with
their own unique traits, each one with their own inherent desires, whether
it is for peace, or for recognition. The saviour was foretold to lead the
people out of Nova Chrysalia and towards the new world – towards

You’ll awake with an understanding of where you are, and your intended
duty to help and save others, though your memories of the world will be
vastly antiquated considering your long slumber. You’ll adapt quickly to all
manners of things in Nova Chrysalia while retaining some fragments of
knowledge from the past. However, the Children of Etro, a cult of murder
worshippers, will go out of their way to interfere with you whenever word
of you comes around.

Are you the real saviour that the world needs? Or will you stay as the
saviour that the world deserves?

The Shadow Hunter

Every bright light casts a dark shadow – and in Nova Chrysalia, shadows
are easier to find than light is. Maybe you don’t believe in the prophecy, or
maybe you don’t want to see the world accept its death in silent
resignation. Either way, you stand against the Order of Salvation, who
preaches that the Saviour will bring hope and peace to a people starved of
You’ll come into the world amongst others similar to you, the Children of
Etro. Though their methods may be a bit excessive, their hearts are in the
right place, fighting against a deity that has done nothing for the people
but harm them and deceive them. You’ll be very well informed through the
Children of Etro, and you’ll be well aware of events going on in Nova
Chrysalia. It’s not a large place and it is shrinking by the day – so it’ll only
get easier to keep things under surveillance. Unfortunately, the Order
won’t look too kindly upon you.

What will you do, when the time comes to make that final decision?

The Patron

Even if life looks bleak, for those left on Nova Chrysalia they still trudge on
– and they need to be provided for. You’ve become a part of that system,
working in the background to ensure that everything is accounted for – to
ease the pain as more and more slowly drift towards the inevitable.

It’s a necessary civic duty, and you know that if you don’t do it, that
means there’s one person less to ensure the system stays afloat until the
end. All of the various factions and cults in Nova Chrysalia understand the
role that you play – and they won’t interfere with your workings as long as
you stay out of their way.

Now the only question remains, how long can you keep the system above

With your history and your details decided, a screen lights up on the wall,
and you see a map. Four continents are all that remains of Nova Chrysalia.
Yusnaan and Luxerion to the south and east are the two remaining
population centers, with sparse camps set up in the Dead Dunes to the
west and the Wildlands to the north. There’s a die sitting below the
screen. It seems as though it is time to decide where you will find yourself
waking up.

1 – Luxerion
Luxerion, the holy city is the bastion and domain of the Order of
Salvation, a cult which worships the Creator, Bhunivelze. Though the city
seems orderly and controlled in contrast to Yusnaan’s constant
debauchery, Luxerion shifts dramatically with the passing from day to night.

The surface visage of Luxerion is but a front – as underneath

tensions run high between the Order of Salvation and the Children of Etro,
who fight in the shadows to undermine each other. Who is right, and who
is wrong? There is no concrete answer for that question.

You’ll find yourself exiting the monorail station in the northern part
of town, just overlooking the commercial district. Be careful at night!

2 – Dead Dunes Oasis Village

One of the few settlements in the Dead Dunes, under the watch of a
bandit group called Monoculus. Ruins and artefacts lay scattered
throughout the Dead Dunes, and Monoculus has been active in the area
trying to search for something specific.

The Dead Dunes spans an entire continent, and monsters have

claimed most of the land, driving back the humans to isolated pockets.
Don’t expect to see too many people wandering the sands, except
treasure hunters and raiding parties.

You’ll find yourself getting off the monorail at the Dead Dunes
Station, with the Monoculus camp not too far away.

3 – Yusnaan

Yusnaan, the famed city of pleasure, where the people have chosen
to while away the time enjoying themselves with parties and festivals – as
they have accepted that the end will come and cannot be deterred. The
city’s glamorous lifestyle is kept running by the last Fal’Cie, the last great
construct of the Creator, Pandaemonium. It rests, protected by the last
L’Cie, Snow Villiers.

As long as Pandaemonium exists, Yusnaan will continue to have its

supplies – and the party will continue on. Yusnaan is connected to the
other continents by monorail, though an old highway to the Dead Dunes
does exist. This is known as the Major Route.

You’ll find yourself at the Yusnaan Monorail Station, just before the
entrance to the city proper.

4 – Canopus Farms, Wildlands

In vivid contrast to the Dead Dunes, the Wildlands is a sprawling

forest carrying the last vestiges of the old world. Most of those who live
here do so to get away from the influence of the Fal’Cie Pandaemonium, as
well as the problematic surveillance of the Order.

Canopus Farms is still connected to the other continents by

monorail, as you’ll realize upon entering the station. However, the people
here do not have steady dealings with either Luxerion or Yusnaan.
Subsistence farming is the norm, especially at the edge of the forest
where Canopus Farms sits. Still, the forest is slowly being overrun by
Chaos, and surely the settlement will eventually fall to the same fate.

5 – Jagd Woods, Wildlands

Deeper into the Wildlands lies a solitary hunting village. Though they
risk monster attacks day in and day out, the folk here are completely free
of the influence from other continents. The forest around them provides
them with enough of both predator and prey, and besides trade with
Canopus Farms there is little they need that they cannot find in the

Still, the legends that remnants of the Old World exist deeper in the
Wildlands persist to this day, and many will come through the Jagd Woods
in search for confirmation, any trace of evidence. Very few return.

6 – Major Route, Luxerion to Wildlands

Not…good. You’ve found yourself on the Major Route between

Luxerion and the Wildlands. It’s an abandoned highway that runs between
the two continents, with a rampant forest overrun by Chaos on one end,
and a city of fanatics to the other. It’s best that you pick a direction and
head down the road, but the path will be a hindrance in itself.

The Gurangatch, a breed of bizarre monsters that resemble

armadillos with heavy armour plating, wanders the highway – ensuring that
travelers will have something to hunt them down and devour them.
Extremely aggressive, they are best avoided if you’re not confident in your
own strength.

7 – Major Route, Yusnaan to Dead Dunes

Well this isn’t pleasant. You’ve found yourself on the Major Route
between Yusnaan and the Dead Dunes. A highway that runs between the
two continents, now abandoned and left with nothing but monsters and
Chaos. It would probably be best if you picked one direction and headed
down the road, but the path won’t be an easy one.

This Major Route is notable due to the weird Earth Eater monsters
that roam the roads. As their name suggests, they have a tendency to
tear away at chunks of the road – but they’ll also eat anything that moves.
They’re rather similar to sharks on land. Thankfully, they’re usually not
aggressive at night – that’s when everything else is aggressive.

8 – Free Choice

The map points pop up, allowing you to make a choice freely.
The administrative details complete, you find yourself transported into a
slightly bigger white room. Yet the same white table again, though five
dossiers are neatly arranged on the table this time. It seems, from a quick
glance through, that the dossiers contain the optional enhancements for
each background and some general enhancements as well. A lot of the
information in the dossiers seem to have research notes stuck to them –
and a note in cursive in written on the cover indicating that the reader will
probably forget most of the irrelevant information outside of the perk

Each background has its lowest tier perk for free, and discounts on the

[Drop In]
(Overclock 100)

Whether it’s due to the Chaos or something else, there are those in
Nova Chrysalia who seem to be able to manipulate their own time. It’s as
though the AMP technology in the past, which could affect time on a
minute scale, has been integrated into some people themselves.

You’ve figured out the inner workings, to the point where you can
manifest a small field around yourself. The foes around you slow down as
they enter the field. Maybe that’s the catch – it’s not so much that you’re
speeding up, as it is the foes slowing down. Trying it out against stronger
opponents in the testing area, you weren’t as successful, but it still
slowed them down slightly.

It was good for practice at the very least. You feel that after getting
used to the hang of it; your body seems to respond exactly when you need
it to. Your reflexes are significantly improved.

(Chronostasis 200)

Reports of Fal’Cie being able to freeze time have inspired enough

essays and studies to fill a library, and after reading through the available
material, you’ve started to understand the fundamentals behind the
Fal’Cie’s time manipulation. It seems that the scientists’ original theory of
AMP being able to affect Chaos to control time, and the Fal’Cie’s ability
are related to each other.

With a bit of effort, and a little bit of tweaking on yourself, you’ve

managed to isolate a small area, where the flow of time is indeed halted.
Unfortunately at your current level of understanding, the moment your
attention strays away from the area, reality reinforces itself and time
corrects its flow.

Following some experimentation, which involved the system

generating live rabbits for testing purposes, you’ve confirmed that
whatever is inside freezes in position and cannot be affected until the field
is lifted. You’ve also confirmed that whatever enters into the zone will
freeze – like that rabbit that is now stuck in mid-air.

Right now you need to be physically present and staring at the area
to maintain your concentration – but a theory hits you, that perhaps you
could maintain a field at distance, through a camera of some sort. It is,
probably best however, if you don’t try to drop a field over yourself. If time
stopped while you were thinking about it – would you ever be able to stop
thinking about it?

(Schema 400)

The AMP technology predates Nova Chrysalia, but traces of it still

remain in the clothing and equipment that the people of Nova Chrysalia use
today. In sets, their equipment seems to exhibit strange properties.
Closer investigation – or rather, reading through the database – reveals
that equipment such as garbs, shields, and weapons were made
intentionally to work together in sets.

Reproducing that was not hard; though mimicking the effect

completely seemed a bit redundant, so you tried a bit of experimentation.
By assembling a set of five equipment pieces together, the full set seems
to share properties. You’ve identified that at the very least, elemental
properties and anything that might trigger from an action are shared
amongst each piece of equipment. Having it so that it adapted an
elemental defense and converted to an elemental attack took a lot of
rabbits to perfect, but you’ve managed to do it. The test sword in your
hand finally managed to use all the elements that your armour defended

The set however, is wildly unstable – given that you’re exposing it to

foreign equipment it’s entirely understandable – and as a result if one part
of the set is removed the effect is temporarily lost until the set is put
back together again.

You’ve proven with further experimentation that it is possible to

have multiple sets established - though only a single set is active at once.
Switching elements of the set is possible on the fly, but it requires a bit
more time as the system adapts.

(Via Abnegatio 600)

In rejection, one finds both resistance and opportunity. That was a

quotation on the book in front of you – though admittedly you still aren’t
sure what it means entirely. The book actually details a sealing technique
practiced against L’Cie. Though it requires substantial willpower and a
resolve to sacrifice on your behalf – again, that was what the book said – it
was noted to be particularly effective against fighters in general.

The technique itself has a nice visual effect though, so whoever

initially designed it at least had some aesthetic flair. Whenever you seal
away one of your own powers, a translucent chain joins you to an enemy,
and that enemy loses all skills in a similar vein to the power you sealed. Of
course, it was a bit tough to test this on rabbits, but the system did
compensate and give you some rabbits that could cast magic.

It seems to work effectively enough on things weaker than you –

such that when you locked out your ability to cast fire magic, the lone
rabbit that could cast fire magic also lost its ability. As you tried locking
out more skills, more chains reached out. You’ve confirmed one thing at
least, you can decide whether to chain a single person multiple times, or
chain multiple people at once. You can only presume that if you locked out a
weapon skill, it would prevent the chained individual from using anything
along the lines of a similar weapon. Sadly, none of the rabbits could wield a
sword for you to test that with.

By the end of all the testing, you’ve come to a different realization –

you can now sense what abilities other people have. Like that rabbit that
could cast fire magic. It seems that stronger targets also seem to have a
particular coloured aura that forms around them. It might be a good idea
to stay away from fuchsia coloured creatures.

(Via Resolutio 600)

There’s a report attached to this file in the Drop In dossier related

to this specific enhancement it seems. After careful analysis of that pink
haired girl and her tendency to hop in and out of Nova Chrysalia, we can
only conclude that it is a super-advanced form of AMP assisted

The report details the researchers’ efforts to determine specifically

how the teleportation tendency occurred, but it is the last note that
catches your eye. If ever there was a time to say that sufficiently
advanced science is no different from magic certainly now would be fitting.

It took multiple trials. More like an extreme amount of trials, but

you’ve managed to perfect the “hopping” for yourself. Opening the conduit
and moving through was one thing, but when you exited the pocket
dimension, you realized you were a ways away, even though you only took a
single step. It seems like the pocket dimension isn’t very well aligned with
the normal dimension.

The rabbits that you tried to take along with you…unfortunately

they’ve just completely disappeared. To be on the safe side, you decide
that taking living beings along with you probably isn’t the best idea.
Inanimate objects thankfully don’t seem to vanish entirely, they merely
vanish momentarily, before reappearing shortly afterwards.
Still, considering how draining it was to open the pathway, you
decide that testing further probably isn’t worth it as rigorous testing
would take far too much time.

(Release 100)

The prophecy states that the saviour bears the ability to drive back
the darkness and lead others towards the light. You suppose that being
able to emit a bright flash of light does indeed drive back the darkness, but
you’re not quite sure about the second part.

From further notes regarding the saviour, apparently in the

presence of the saviour, individuals exhibited signs of growing more
cheerful and losing pessimistic tendencies. It seems at least that you
could manipulate people’s mindsets somewhat – likely by exposing them to
the light. After being exposed to it, the rabbits seemed more inclined to
follow you about anyways.

You don’t know when exactly it happened, but somewhere along the
line of blasting rabbits with light, you’ve also learned how to convert the
light into energy to heal yourself with. Maybe with work, you could heal
others too…

(Sancrosanct 200)

As the saviour of prophecy travels, surely she will shepherd those

around her to salvation. Well, you’re not quite sure about shepherding
people to salvation, but it seems in the Order records there had been
discussion about creating a magical barrier – for use to protect specific
ritual sites.

With the magic from your background, you figure that you can
reproduce the same effect. Setting down a marker with a pillar of light,
the magic will establish a barrier zone similar to the one inside the Order’s
Cathedral. In order to keep the field manifested, you’ve had to conjure four
altars, with the altars forming the boundaries of the zone in the shape of a
diamond. One thing’s for sure, the farther you moved the altars away from
you, the more energy it started to drain from you. Attempting to move the
altars by hand once they were set was also fruitless, and after a short
while you were too drained to maintain the field. Thankfully, standing inside
the zone, you also noticed your wounds and the wounds of those around
you closing up. At least, for the rabbits that weren’t dead yet anyways.

You did notice something distinctive about the zone however.

Everything inside seemed to be pacified, and requesting the system to
generate an aggressive rabbit resulted in it being pacified as well. You
figure that it probably would not work on anything stronger than you, but
it’s still an interesting quirk regardless.

It’s also more than likely that a ranged projectile or a magical

projectile will just blow right into your zone – you can’t see it being able to
pacify a bullet or a fire spell.

(Soulhymn 400)

The Order’s Soulsong - based on what notes were available - was not
something you could reproduce down to the exact material with what you
had to work with. However, with a bit of effort and inspiration after
watching some particular videos, you’ve arrived at what you think could be
a suitable compromise.

All that practice with singing as you developed the magic has left you
with a modestly angelic singing voice - emphasis on modestly -. At least,
the rabbits seemed to like it enough to be charmed. When you lost your
voice, it seemed like the effects of the magic persisted. Well, at least you
know even if you don’t want to use the skill you can still have a very alluring
voice – hopefully it’s not just rabbits that you attract –

The magic however, seems to drive the rabbits to exhibit reckless,

suicidal tendencies when you actually activate the spell’s effect. The
weaker rabbits, those already on the edge of death, seemed to simply lie
down and pass on. You only hope that their passing was relatively painless.
At least they seemed to die with a smile…do rabbits smile? With enough
focus, you started seeing that only some of the rabbits exhibited those
dangerous tendencies, so you’re rather confident that you could control
this to specific targets.

But considering that the Soulsong itself was ineffective towards

certain strong souls, as the tales would tell, it seems very unlikely that
your mimicry will have any substantial effect on those stronger than you.

(Via Salvatio 600)

It appears from the prophecy that not only is the Saviour supposed
to lead the people to the light; she actually becomes the vessel for them
to enter the new world. As bizarre as it seems, it appears that it is
actually possible within the confines of the magic to call upon a spirit and
form it into a light construct.

The dossier indicates that the Saviour’s ability to lead others is the
key, and it appears those who have seen your light harnessing prowess –
or rather, your skill in illuminating places with bright flashes of light – are
subject to this condition. Suitably, you took a group of rabbits and flashed
them repeatedly with Release.

The spell works. But it’s not exactly what you expected. You were
expecting to conjure forth a wisp of some sort. But it seems like that isn’t
the case. The spell has shaped light into a set of rabbit constructs that
follow you around eagerly. You would presume that the construct mimics
the original form – and that you won’t get rabbits everywhere you go.

After further testing there are some things that you’ve confirmed.
Dead beings can’t be affected by the spell, since you’ve only been able to
bring forth the living rabbits thus far. Once the rabbits became aggressive,
the conjuration simply stopped working, so you suppose there’s more to be
a Saviour than just leading people with light.

It also seems apparent that these constructs pale in comparison to

their originals in terms of strength and skill – as the rabbit fire mage
casually demonstrated by incinerating its copy. Your rabbit construct fire
mage seemed to have a tier of magic that was weaker than the original –
probably a consequence of being nothing more than a replica. You also note
that the more constructs you have, the more significant the drain seems
to be just to keep them up and running.

Though presumably it would see no limit as to how many individuals

you could call upon, realistically you now understand why the Saviour would
not bother to do the same should she fight against God. The act of calling
upon so many souls at once does not simply drain one’s magic and spirit; it
also draws upon one’s stamina while the process is in place. Until you have
a substantial pool to draw form, it doesn’t seem likely to gather very large
numbers with this.

Know this; the Saviour was never intended to carry any significant
amount of souls for any substantial amount of time. The Saviour is a
shepherd, not a warehouse – and as such, souls kept inside will stagnate
over time if not released, as is their nature. Without regular exposure,
surely the quality of the constructs will decay.

After experimenting with the light enough, you’ve finally managed to

bend the light around you well enough to generate a proper invisibility veil.
At least that’s something useful out of all that experimentation!

(Via Absolvo 600)

Bhunivelze looms in the sky, and has been present for so long that it
has been mistaken for the moon. The reports indicate that at the time of
its creation, it was an artificial satellite designed to herald the return of
the Creator. Whether this is actually true is questionable considering the
reports seem to come long after Bhunivelze was apparently lifted into the

That was when you noticed something particular in the notes. The
Bhunivelze was also speculated to be the cradle from where the Saviour
would coordinate her efforts to save Nova Chrysalia. Certainly, having a
floating satellite would be helpful.

With the magic granted by the Creator, it is possible indeed to

conjure forth a mock replica of Bhunivelze. Though much smaller than the
actual satellite, it looms overhead, and before you say a word, the replica
drops a wave of thunderbolts on top of all the rabbits. Needless to say,
they all seem rather thunderstruck.

The lightning returns every several seconds in waves and strikes the
rabbits without fail, also draining you by a bit with each wave. Just as
Bhunivelze was presumably designed to be self-sufficient, your replica also
shows some flexibility. As it wields lightning to attack, so it wields light to
defend. Switching it to a defensive configuration is done with a thought – a
small blessing considering how high up in the air it floats.

In its defensive configuration it only fires small bolts of lightning

periodically rather than waves. It seems most of the energy is dedicated
into four spheres that float around you, not unlike the angelic spheres that
guard the Creator. Yours however crackle with electricity, and will rush
towards all those who come close, stunning them and draining a bit of life
force for your own use. The replica extends this protection to all of your
companions nearby. Naturally, the replica requires more energy to sustain
this sort of defence. Perhaps the nature of Bhunivelze itself was not to
defend either.

Should you fail to have enough energy to charge it or should you have
moved significantly out of its range visual range – the replica will disappear.
Just as Bhunivelze is fixed in place, unfortunately your replica has no
capacity for movement either. Even if you conjure it again in rapid
succession, the replica takes its time to recharge itself, resulting in
dramatically slower waves.

It does make you wonder though – what was Bhunivelze actually

created for? Was it there simply to remind the faithful of their God? Or
has it been there acting as God’s watchful eye since the birth of Nova
Chrysalia? Perhaps in time you’ll find out.

[Shadow Hunter]
(Encumber 100)

The effects of Chaos have been detailed and recorded extensively;

though that has does little in the face of Chaos continuing to consume
Nova Chrysalia. It is known however, that Chaos exists in everything –
albeit in small amounts. Those who can manipulate the chaos, can in doing
so manipulate others.

So far you’ve managed to manipulate this Chaos into transferring an

image from your mind into theirs. Judging from the horrified reaction of all
the rabbits nearby, it seems to be rather effective at transferring an
intended emotion as well.

You’re rather confident after having practiced this extensively that if

somebody tries to probe your mind, you can manipulate the chaos well
enough to toss images back at them. Some provocative images would help
deter potential mind probes.

(Chaotic Integration 200)

As Chaos can be used to manipulate, it can also be used to imitate.

As the Chaos was once known as the Goddess’ Gift, those blessed with it
were capable of conjuring major beasts. In the current time, those who are
capable of such feats are limited to a few.

But by controlling the Chaos within you, it is possible to emulate

those feats. Just as you can manipulate images into others, you can
manipulate others into images – calling forth shadow copies of other
people. Copies of those neutral to you seem to remain neutral, copies of
your allies seem to remain allies, but upon testing, it appears that copies
of your enemies can be manipulated to fight your enemies.

As disconcerting as creating shadow copies of people may be, these

copies are at best, mere shadows of their originals and pale in comparison
to their skills. It seems you have a long ways to go before you can conjure
up anything that could be battle worthy. How long did the people in Nova
Chrysalia have to master their skills?

(God’s Wrath 400)

Chaos is ever present in Nova Chrysalia, so much so that it even

affects the weather. Strange weather effects such as persistent
tornados have become a common sight in the Dead Dunes as the presence
of Chaos creeps forward. Harnessing the Chaos within yourself, it’s
possible to conjure forth something to a similar effect.

Certainly it drains you to conjure even a pair of tornados, and really

you’re not sure how safe it is to stand in the presence of these tornados,
but it does not seem like these tornados will spit anything out anytime
soon. The rabbits caught unfortunately in its path are tossed up into the
air, and as a trial, you try tossing a piece of paper in yourself.

The tornado, born of Chaos, reacts to the object you fed into it. You
see sheets of paper rapidly replicate inside the tornado – it isn’t just the
same sheet swirling round and round. Unfortunately the rabbit you tossed
inside doesn’t seem to replicate, it just continues to swirl around in the

When the tornado dies off a minute or so later, you realize the only
things that remains are the rabbits – both the ones sucked up and the one
you tossed in. There is no trace of the sheet of paper, or any of the
replicates. The amount of tornados will probably grow if you could gather
more energy to conjure them. Perhaps you could manipulate the Chaos
from your companions to conjure more energy for more and bigger
tornados as well…

(Via Perditio 600)

Foolish Bhunivelze slumbered, waiting for his charges to open the

door to Valhalla. By opening the door, the timeless Chaos surged forth,
destroying Gran Pulse and creating Nova Chrysalia. In his timeless sleep,
Bhunivelze lies cradled in Chaos – surely he would know of its decaying
effects, slowly, but surely.

Those touched by the Chaos are left timeless. One left timeless, yet
decaying, no doubt presents a paradox in itself. The Chaos within them
manifests as a poison, slowly stopping their bodies until they turn
completely petrified. With time, surely they will awaken, and should your
presence falter, the influence of the Chaos will lessen, and they should
return to normal shortly. Yet for as long as you can grip onto them, they
would remain petrified. To control this aspect of Chaos requires absolute
concentration – as the moment concentration breaks, the flow of nature
will attempt to correct itself.

Surely there have been those strong enough of will to resist the
Chaos – but to those individuals the degradation will damage them as any
strong poison would. Those petrified by the Chaos are at the same time
sheltered by the Chaos, such that until they return to normal, no harm will
come to their forms without it being reformed over time.

Should you force the Chaos upon another, you can manifest an aura
that erodes away at whatever it touches. This effect however, can be

(Via Corruptio 600)

In Nova Chrysalia, the chaos in the hearts of man have left them
infertile, but has also stopped their biological clock. If such a small amount
of darkness is enough to do this, then perhaps in greater concentrations,
the experimentation can go further.

Manipulating the target's emotions and by exposing them to

increasing concentrations of negative sentiments and experiences, you
begin to warp their physical appearance and mental outlook, though this
requires nothing less than your utmost dedication to ensure success.

Their features shift according to what stimuli they are exposed to,
ranging from pure emotions to specific memories. As they slowly lose their
mental stability, their form regresses into a monstrous shape. Once the
process has gone too far, and the person loses their will entirely, it may be
impossible to completely revert back. Similar to the C’ieth of yore who lost
their way and became beasts – never to become human again.

It goes without saying that there are those who can resist this
effect – and surely those stronger than you can resist your attempt to a
large degree. But Chaos corrupts like a small poison, and a small poison is
best served in doses. With enough concentrated doses over a long period
of time, even the greatest of beasts and men may fall. Take care – for
some beings have no understanding of emotions at all, and some may have
no will or sanity to begin with.

At will, your physical appearance sends people into shock, and will
drive those who are weak willed temporarily insane.

(Convert 100)

To create, one must first learn how to convert. To provide, one must
learn how to supply. Just as the Fal’Cie Pandaemonium converts Chaos
into food, you can coalesce your energy into a box of your choice in shape,
but no bigger than your hand.

Though a part of your energy is permanently dedicated to this box,

this automaton can cast spells independently of you. The more boxes you
make, the more energy you must put aside, and the spell the boxes can
cast is determined by the amount of energy dedicated to it and limited to
spells that you know. The boxes, through taking up a dedicated slot of your
energy, will recharge at a slightly reduced rate that you recharge energy

If the Fal’Cie Pandaemonium were to actually fight, surely it would be

a formidable enemy – to create resources out of nothing is a truly
fearsome feat.

(The Bountiful 200)

But if you’re to mimic what Pandaemonium has done, then surely

boxes are not enough. For in a time where resources dwindle faster with
each passing day, it is undoubtedly necessary to figure out how to make
the process of even gathering food into a task that can be done with magic.
This is exactly what the Fal’Cie Pandaemonium has done.

With three boxes, regardless of the energy dedicated to it, it is

possible to create a portal. From the portal, a steady stream of food is
shot out in a single direction until the energy in the boxes is exhausted.
While the portal is established, the boxes do not move. Naturally, smaller
food items require less energy. You may freely choose the type of food,
from your personal experiences, though it seems the food items lose a
large majority of any magical properties they may originally have had.

You don’t know for sure whether this is how the Fal’Cie controls the
flow of resources from Yusnaan, but you know that with this, it’s possible
to sustain those humans who remain at least. Anything to help them last
one more day…

(The Blissful 400)

And then eventually, even if food is plentiful, the human mind grows
bored. It grows dull, and aches to find a break from monotony. It needs the
release, and in recognition of this, Yusnaan provides with a stream of
parties, revelry, and festivities. It’d be nice if you could take part as well.

With five boxes, regardless of the energy dedicated to it, it is

possible to conjure a vivid illusion of a party that goes on all around you. it an illusion? For the time that the box is manifested, reality bends
to your whim. Dancers, bands, fireworks, parades, anything that fits a
party will become reality for as long as the boxes contain magical charge.
The more intricate the illusion the faster the drain - but the illusion will
stay real until the end, when the reality around pushes it aside. As the
illusion is based on your perception - you may shape the proceedings to
your personal experiences.

(Via Benedictio 600)

Yusnaan lives by virtue of Pandaemonium’s blessings – and in turning

towards the Fal’Cie, mankind has given up any last chances at freedom it
may have had. Certainly for one with Pandaemonium’s power, it would be a
simple leap from creating resources to creating food. Then it is but
another leap…from creating food to creating life. How long will it be before
mankind finds themselves replaced?

With eight boxes, regardless of the energy dedicated to it, it is

possible to temporarily give life to inanimate objects. While you have very
little control over what the inanimate object will do, it will stay alive for a
substantial period of time after the boxes themselves have run out of
energy. Akin to giving life where there was once none, it is possible to
temporary give a voice to the mute, hearing to the deaf with the same
power of the boxes.

Just what does the Fal’Cie’s benediction really entail?

(Via Accumulo 600)

At the end of the day, even a party can only drive the thoughts of
apocalypse away by so far. Certainly those who provide, those who make all
of the festivities possible, are the ones most aware of how close
everything is to total annihilation. When it all comes close to the
end…perhaps all that is left is to face it together?

With eight boxes, regardless of the energy dedicated to it, it

becomes possible to temporarily merge yourself with those around you.
Your skills and strengths are hybridized with everybody else dragged into
the mix, and similar strengths will amplify, though you'll have to have a
sufficiently strong mind in order to suppress the presence of everybody
else - or at least align them all with the same focus. It's also possible to
increase the size of an inanimate object by merging multiple copies of the
same object together. This second ability does not require any energy.

(Antimatter Genesis Principle 200)

Though the antimatter manipulation principle was founded long ago,

its effects continue to linger today. Sometime in the past, it was
determined that the original antimatter manipulation principle could
control the Chaos plaguing the world. With sufficient research and
development, it is possible to learn how to fabricate objects you’ve seen
before – drawing on aspects of elemental manipulation as well as
gravitational control.

While to fabricate anything properly you would need to understand

the inner workings of the item at hand – the AMP has proven efficient
enough that it can actually spawn mundane duplicates of items created.
Unfortunately, getting the magical effects to duplicate is still beyond it, as
traditionally the process of enchantment occurred after fabrication.
Nowadays, the process of fabrication has been mostly restricted to use
permitted by the Fal’Cie, so it’s best not to flaunt such talents around.

The actual process of fabrication should be an easy task. However

reverse engineering the principle of mundane duplication is probably not
one the ancient principles of AMP could do, as it seems to be inherently
tied to the Chaos. Maybe this was Pandaemonium’s secret?

(Antimatter Temporal Principle 200)

The same antimatter manipulation principle developed by the

scientists of ancient Academia was banned by the Fal’Cie Pandaemonium in
the recent years, and all its researchers – vanished. After careful research,
you’ve come to realize why. Through extensive manipulation, Chaos itself
can be controlled with AMP, and while the degree of control you can exert
on it is limited – even you can stop time for five seconds at will. However,
you also move at a reduced pace, as the sheer effort of manifesting this
unnatural phenomenon drains you in more ways than simply energy.

After trying this twice in rapid succession, you found yourself

completely drained, but if you alone could perform such a feat even
significant support from any piece of ancient AMP technology – then
perhaps the Fal’Cie banned it out of fear that it would evolve to something

Without this research available, and with most of the team lost, you
wonder if it would have been impossible otherwise to reconstruct this
technology. After all, only the significant presence of Chaos provoked the
research to begin with, long after Gran Pulse had fallen.

(Seed of Yggdrasil 300)

Far above Nova Chrysalia, a tree rests in Bhunivelze, counting off the
time until the end. Feeding off the spirits and emotions of those that the
Saviour rescues as well as the dead, it grows bigger and brighter,
simultaneously expanding the lifespan of Nova Chrysalia by a bit. With a bit
of work, you’ve figured out how to mimic it…somewhat.

Figuring out how to grow it was one thing - figuring out how to
conjure it was another. What good was a tree going to be if you couldn’t
bring it along with you? The tree can be offensively enhanced, with options
ranging from conjuring its roots out from beneath the ground to
temporarily giving the tree the capacity to move.

The tree's fruits however, which take a ridiculous amount of time and
souls to grow, can extend one's lifespan significantly. It won’t help save a
world as the original Yggdrasil’s fruits may have, but at least it’ll give
somebody a bit more time to do it.

(Invocation of Dormant Atomos 300)

You have your doubts as to how well it will work, but the notes
regarding this spell details a ritual to conjure Atomos, an ancient Fal’Cie.
As his body lies dormant in the Dead Dunes, you can only presume that
this conjures a spiritual familiar. Trying it out, you realize you indeed spawn
a simulacrum which will curl up and roll forward; attempting to smash open
a path as it moves ahead. Unfortunately the magic of the room proves to
be stronger than it.

From the notes, you figure it should be very effective at clearing

tunnels and mountains, and it is likely to also be extremely efficient at
deflecting projectiles coming at its direction. The invocation persists until
you run out of magical energy.

(Invocation of Benevolent Etro 300)

You’d presume that if Monoculus was searching for these kinds of

relics in the Dead Dunes, it’s actually a good thing that neither they nor
the Order got their hands on it. While the previous notes detailed a spell
to conjure a simulacrum of Atomos, this one concerns the Goddess Etro,
who contributed a part of herself into every human on Nova Chrysalia.

It is possible to call forth a simulacrum of the Goddess Etro, dying

yet timeless. Under her watch, your companions find themselves
empowered and her life expires slowly while contributing her life force to
your companions. Should an ally fall while she is present, the simulacrum
will vanish, contributing all of its energy into making sure your ally hangs on.

(Invocation of Lindzei’s Directive 300)

Lindzei, the Fal’Cie designated to protect Bhunivelze and his world –

yet as Nova Chrysalia stands testament, it has fallen short of its duty. To
call upon his simulacrum is to call for his protection, a fleeting, temporary
thing. A magical barrier in the shape of a serpent’s invisible coils forms a
protective barrier around a limited area. Though the wall is strong enough
to repel concentrated attacks and dissipates spells entirely, the cost to
maintain the invocation is extremely high.

(Invocation of Seeker Pulse 300)

Old Pulse, sent forth with but a command to spread the Creator’s
reach across land, sky and sea. Though the land of Gran Pulse is no more,
a vestige of this Fal’Cie remains. The great architect that had left mankind
once before, can be reformed in simulacrum once again.

A fragment of Pulse is invoked, and the invocation spreads its reach

over the land, quickly creating a map of the entire local area. In its sweep,
it reveals anything that may have been hidden through magic. Individuals,
locations, and landmarks are all demarcated on this map with details
highlighted. At will it is possible to conjure a physical copy of the map.

Unlike the other invocations, Pulse does have not have substantial
upkeep cost. But one wonders, if Pulse has indeed left, then what will
become of Nova Chrysalia – the last remnant of Gran Pulse?

(Invocation of Titan’s Shards 300)

Titan, yet another fallen Fal’Cie. So as Nova Chrysalia comes close to

its end, Fal’Cie, the former guardians of the land have fallen one by one.
Titan’s remains lay scattered across the Dead Dunes, but it is yet
possible to conjure a simulacrum of this former Fal’Cie.
In an odd twist, it seems that the conjuration needs to be done
thirteen separate times, and each time the conjuration is complete, only a
part of the giant will be conjured. This part then starts absorbing energy
from its surroundings. When all the parts are charged, the simulacrum
reforms into Titan in full. Once reformed, repeating the invocation produces
no results until the simulacrum falls apart.

Though the simulacrum is indeed worthy of its name in terms of

fighting when it comes to physical enemies, it has a hard time dealing with
magic. Perhaps this was but a failing common to all Fal’Cie, for surely Titan
is not the only one which has fallen.

(Invocation: Persistent Cactus 300]

Not so much an invocation as an infection, the shard created by this

magic needs to be planted into plant life in order to propagate. Plant life
affected by this shard are marked by a glyph, not unlike the kind an L'Cie
would bear. Any fruit or flower that the plant would otherwise bear
produces a cactuar instead. The cactuar carries properties of the plant
and is affected by what species of plant the crystal was inserted into.

While it seems odd for a Cactuar to be a Fal’Cie, it is a stark

reminder that not only do Fal’Cie come in all shapes and sizes – all save
one have fallen to the cold clutches of death. For even great beings such
as Fal’Cie, death is still an eventuality.
You’re starting to wonder just how many of these rooms you’ll need to
wander through before entering Nova Chrysalia, but a picture on the
screen catches your eye. It’s your companions! That’s right…you might as
well decide if there are others you want to bring along into the world.

Integration 100 - 300 CP

You may import a companion into the world, who will go through the
same process as you did, but with 500 CP that they can only spend on
skills. You may choose, whether they start at the same location as you or
otherwise. For each companion extra, the cost is 50 CP, or alternatively,
you may integrate 8 companions at 300 CP.

The Trickster 300

There is a dossier here, detailing an elusive figure who has been

sighted in Nova Chrysalia, and made a name for herself as a rather slippery
individual. She seems to be extensively knowledgeable on all matters
regarding Nova Chrysalia, and even those involved with the past history –
though her own origins are unknown.

She seems to be able to slip in and out of Nova Chrysalia, though

where she goes is completely unknown as the dossier indicates that
attempts to ghost her have failed completely. She has also demonstrated
the ability to take others along with her, albeit temporarily.

It does note however, that she has demonstrated extensive abilities

as a summoner, and she is proficient at manipulating illusions and
teleportation, as the people investigating her and presumably the same
ones who wrote the report have witnessed firsthand.

An addendum to the report indicates that it is possible to arrange a

meeting with her – and she’ll most likely be willing to help you out as a
companion, provided you don’t fall in line with the folks from the Order or
sell her out.
Finally, there’s a different room besides the standard white room and the
testing area. It’s an old warehouse, though from the dried skeleton in
robes, it seems that the shopkeeper has long since died. Still, the
computer system managing the warehouse is still functional, and there’s a
list of items to peruse.

Ton Berringnon 50

It's a bottle champagne with nothing on its label except a sharp knife and a
lantern. It seems rather dubious, but actually has a rather sweet taste to it. If you
peel back the label, you'll find that apparently it also has uses as a hormonal stimulant.

One too many glasses of this…might lead to a rude surprise the next morning.

Survival Knife Type 3 100

It's a survival knife, one that used to be sold commonly in Academia, in the
distant past. This variant has seen enough death that the presence of Chaos has
corrupted it. It gravitates towards divine beings and deconstructs their barriers and
constructs with greater ease than you might expect.

Pocket Watch 100 (Free for Drop In)

It’s an antiquated pocket watch to keep the time, but the hands have frozen
since the internal battery has died. It prevents the bearer from being affected by any
temporal slips, unless fate itself intervenes. It’ll protect the bearer from attempts
made by weaker individuals to slow them down or change time around them.

Canvas of Prayers 100 (Free for Savior)

It’s an old canvas that is usually rolled up and kept inside a tube container.
Though you can’t seem to write on it, it naturally updates itself, keeping a record of
individuals who you have helped or saved. It’ll probably take them a while to get to you,
but you can summon their spiritual presence for a little while for a chat.

Decrepit Oracle Drive 100 (Free for Shadow Hunter)

This old and twisted Oracle Drive was created in the distant past – and was
used to record a past event. When you play it, it plays only a single image – a woman
bleeding black tears, her eyes completely veiled in black, her mouth frozen in a scream
- before the image fades to static. The image is projected up onto a surface nearby.
While the image is playing, the magic in the oracle drive manipulates and twists the
shadows nearby, conjuring creatures from the shadow. These creatures do not fight,
but they can travel through shadow to perform normal reconnaissance tasks. They
seem to disappear after some time.

Statue of Plenty 100 (Free for Patron)

The statue of a sculpted goddess, one that you don’t recognize, as it doesn’t
resemble anything you see in Nova Chrysalia. You may change this to your own
likeness, and without a chisel either! By praying at the statue, you’ll find that after an
hour, a food item will be at the bottom of the statue. Praying more than once a day
does not seem to do anything however – guess it doesn’t help to be fanatical.

While the statue can recreate any food item you sacrifice to it, the items it
creates does not seem to have any major magical properties which the original may
have had. Perhaps you should just offer it some coffee and toffee instead.

Coffer of Souls 100

A small coffer, used to collect the souls of the dead. As it is old and damaged,
it can only capture a very limited amount of souls before it fills up. Souls stored
within the coffer are preserved through time and space, and the coffer will slowly
repair them over the span of decades.

Outerworld Camera 100

For a digital camera that otherwise looks like antiquated technology, the
pictures it takes suggests that the technology is extremely sophisticated. Rather
than producing a still photo, it produces moving portraits complete with sounds and

Though the frame of the picture fixes what can be seen - the portrait, more
like a framed painting, can be zoomed in at will. The pictures taken will appear in your

Stylists' Marker 200

In recent years, a tradition to mark and tattoo one’s equipment has been
reintroduced into society. Apparently in the distant past, people had marked and
adorned monsters instead, though the idea seems bizarre. With this felt marker, it is
possible for you to trace insignia into equipment you own. Though it does work
similarly to AMP technology, by this point the traces to its origins are so far
detached that it really can’t be considered a piece of AMP technology anymore.
Each piece of equipment can bear a single mark, which carries both a primary
and a secondary effect. A secondary mark can be placed, but this will only carry its
secondary effect. Try to put too many marks, and not only will your equipment look
absolutely ridiculous, but only the first two marks will have any effect.

Unfortunately this marker is a bit old – so it only comes with the capacity to
carry two marks as well. Any additional marks will require purchasing it separately for
50 CP per mark. You can convert garb items that you find in Nova Chrysalia into
marks, but most of these will only teach mundane magic or weapon skills. Thankfully,
it seems that least that it doesn’t take any professional training to use the marker.

[Moogle Monarchy] – A mark of a Moogle with a crown on its head. Activating its
primary effect by running any sort of magic through the item will conjure a Moogle
with a wand, which casts low level spells. You can only have one active at once –
though the secondary effect places a magic veil around you to improve your magic

[Guardian Corps] – An insignia of the Guardian Corps, an old order that used to be
active at the time of Gran Pulse. Its primary effect seems to be the generation of odd
gravity spheres in the air. When touched, they’ll explode and knock foes down. The
secondary effect however allows you to float slightly off the ground, in a fashion
similar to those who use AMP technology to negate gravity temporarily.

[Knight of Etro] – An insignia similar to what was once known as the L’Cie brand,
marks assigned by the Fal’Cie to their chosen champions. Cycling magic through an
item with this insignia will release four elemental bolts of ice, fire, thunder and earth
– mirroring the four elemental Eidolons. It passively increases your vitality somewhat,
as befitting a L’Cie’s hardiness.

[Cactuar] – It’s a cactuar emblem! Or well, an emblem of a cactuar, a restriction

symbol, and the words NO ESCAPE written across. Seems like someone wanted to
send a message…By cycling your magic through, you can fire a short burst of needles
in a fixed direction at your enemies. Oddly enough, it seems to boost your hand to
hand combat skills somewhat.

[Behemoth] – The Crest of a Behemoth, told to represent vitality, though that is from
tales long ago. Though it naturally strengthens your defence - making you wonder if
Behemoths really are that tough – its primary effect allows you to recover a
substantial portion of your health. Unfortunately this primary effect takes some time
to charge.

[Tonberry] – Well it’s not actually a tonberry, but rather a bloody knife and a lantern,
apparently inspired by a beast that used to roam Gran Pulse. Both of its primary and
secondary effects are passive, as the magic surrounding the primary ensures that
whoever strikes you suffers a minor fraction of the injuries as well, while the
secondary laces your equipment with a toxin that negates weak levels of regeneration.

[Chocobo] – An insignia of a chocobo feather, laid on a checkerboard pattern. Though

it naturally increases your speed as a secondary effect, the primary effect is
somewhat odd, as it summons a small chocobo in a pair of roller blades with rockets
attached to them. It'll jet around the enemies, mostly to confuse them. Barring
modifications to your magic, it only summons one at a time.

Holy Clavis 200

It's definitely a simulacrum of the real object, but it does have some of
the same functions, and if you own this it’s likely that people will try to steal it away
from you. Despite being called a clavis, it seems more like a small stamp.

When placed on the ground, it steadily conjures the dead as long as you feed a
substantial energy source into it - though most of the dead will be hapless, shambling
souls. Still, they have bodies and a barely functional mind, so it might be possible to
use them for something at least. It’s likely that they’ll be able to understand simple

Soul Seed 200

This seed is proof that even the dead still retain some knowledge. This packet
of seeds, when planted into the ground, will grow plants relative to the memories of
those who have died nearby. As such, in places with a concentrated amount of dead,
it can lead to an extreme amount of plant growth - with the growth of plants which
may have already gone extinct if the memories of the dead stretch back far enough.
The packet itself will regenerate over time. In places where no dead exist, the soul
seed blooms into a flower which glows bright enough to illuminate a dark room.

Perimeter Control Interface 200

A remnant of old AMP technology, used to manage and construct perimeter

defenses. The defenses it has to work with are rather rudimentary, but the control
interface is strong enough to make the system automated. Originally designed for
riot control, it'll take a bit of effort to rework it for things stronger than humans.

The system is automated and consists of three portion, the offensive

emplacements, the control system, as well as defensive emplacements such as gates
and walls. While in its initial state it is enough to protect a small village without
expansion, if expanded it'll require an adequate energy source.
Lost Hours Sandglass 300

This sandglass has no sand within it at first. However, you’ll notice that
whenever you experience effects which accelerate or decelerate time, grains of sand
start to build up within the sandglass. When the sandglass needs to be used or it is
full, it "extends" time by creating days that otherwise would not exist.

At the time when the sandglass is full, the limit of its abilities is up to thirteen
days extra - for whatever purpose you intend to use it for. It drains faster if used in
combat, but the thirteen days can be used at any time, during which most major
events seem to be put on hold. Is this a relic of the Creator’s technology, or is it a
creation of human science and AMP technology?

The Aeronite's Seal 300

It’s a tattoo marker that imparts a dragon tattoo upon a person. While it’s a
mark that was traditionally used to indicate one’s personal triumph over significant
adversity, this seal itself has been enchanted with magic over time.

Those with the tattoo can freely manipulate lightning within a substantial area,
allowing them to control the intensity and generate lightning despite atmospheric
conditions. However, in order to exercise greater control and achieve greater
intensities, the area you can affect drops. Oddly enough, the bearer of the seal also
seems to naturally attract small dragons which are friendly to them.

Etro's Forbidden Tome 300

At a glance, it’s a sealed book – described to be the annals of a goddess who

has long since passed on. Breaking the seal, it seems to tell of a time in the distant
past, when the Fal'Cie roamed the land, and their servants, the L'Cie had waged great
wars in hopes of achieving some mysterious goal. Though the goddess found what lay
beyond the gate, there was no hope for a brighter future - and casting her lot in with
the humans, she gave up herself to empower them. A last fragment of their power,
an Eidolon, remains.

Flipping through its pages, it becomes apparent that it details a list of Eidolon,
and the book will allow the reader to bear the Eidolon. Regardless of who reads
through this book, it will turn blank after each Eidolon has been assigned - each
Eidolon can only be assigned to a single person, though it is possible to swap them via
the book.

The Eidolons are as follows, as per the pages in the book, though you can’t
decipher its script.

Twin sisters, adept at the manipulation of ice. They don’t seem to be

very talkative, but perhaps it is because they communicate telepathically between one


Though he calls himself the herald of truth, this dual blade wielding
knight has served a god known for his lies for quite some time, so there’s an odd
disconnect there. Very proficient with lightning magic.


A tall woman dressed in ornate armour. She seems to wield some sort
of gun and scythe hybrid weapon, but is most proficient with fire magic. Doesn’t like
being called a freak, though her appearance can be rather intimidating.


He…looks like a dragon, until the moment when he transforms into a

more humanoid form. Yet he still looks like a dragon. His claws are wickedly sharp,
and he has a wide array of magic spells that involves copious amounts of explosions.


A hulking titan that specializes specifically in physical attacks, he moves

very slowly, a fact that seems to set him apart from the other Eidolons. However, he
proves that he can more than make up for that with long range laser beams. Perhaps
it was some sort of Eidolon magic trade?


It looks like a mass of hands, at least until you see the humanoid figure
behind the hands. Though he would have looked like a normal man, he has around
sixteen to twenty arms more than a normal person should. He is rather proficient
with earth elemental magic.
At last, you see a door open with nothing but shadows beyond it.
Presumably the entrance to Nova Chrysalia. One last screen is mounted to
the wall beside the door – so you may as well take a look. It seems that the
fabric of Nova Chrysalia’s reality is somewhat malleable – and if you are
willing, you may take some drawbacks in return for a bit more spending

Only 600 CP’s worth of drawbacks will count, though additional negative
effects from drawbacks may stack.

However, drawbacks will stack with IF Scenarios, up to maximum of 1500


Ride the Lightning 0

Perhaps you were present when Nova Chrysalia was still Gran Pulse.
Perhaps you’ve brought friends with you, people who would otherwise be
elsewhere on Nova Chrysalia. It’s been a long time since Gran Pulse was
lost, and Nova Chrysalia was born – but there are still those who
remember the legends of old.

You may choose: Should your companions resume their roles inside
Nova Chrysalia, replacing their counterparts entirely, or has Nova
Chrysalia taken history and twisted it entirely astray such that your
companions are but alternates, duplicates from a different time?

Regardless, you should keep in mind that you have been recorded
into the history – and there are those who will be well aware of you, even if
you do not remember them. Your previous relationships with characters
that are present in Nova Chrysalia will follow that as per your previous

"Real" Emotion 100

The influence of Chaos affects everyone who enters Nova Chrysalia,

and you are unfortunately, no different. Your mind is swamped with
depressing, antagonistic desires that simply return even should you act on
them. Your relationships with others is naturally, greatly affected by this –
but even if you have the will to try and figure out the source, there’s one
point to keep in mind – the Chaos will not subside until the Creator is dead.

Beware of any areas that have high concentrations of Chaos, you’ll

see large clouds of the dark matter, because it is very likely you’ll lose
control of yourself around these places.

Chronal Deprivation 100

The shifts in time from long ago are still very present now, as Chaos
scars the world. Your companions and you have not been exempt from its
effects. The inhabitants of this world seem to move very quickly regardless
of what they do – or perhaps it is you that is slow. Your weapons swing
slowly, your spells seem to crawl through the air, and even projectiles
seem to move slower than usual. It will be apparent, after seeing a bullet
miss, that the Chaos and by extension Bhunivelze is affecting you to some
degree – this temporal condition probably will not subside until he is

Halted Genesis 100

The Chaos has steadily corrupted life on Nova Chrysalia, and though
you were initially exempt from it, it now affects you in a different way as
well. The stagnation of life corrupts your ability to create things, and your
abilities related to creation are heavily restricted. Trying to conjure or
create an object results in a weakened copy, and it seems they don’t last
for very long either.

Naturally, you also become infertile as everybody else is. Perhaps the
effect will fade if you can see to an end of the Chaos, or Bhunivelze…

A Dying World 200

Life fades, and Nova Chrysalia is slowly but surely falling apart at its
edges. Expect large chaos shrouds, clouds of concentrated Chaos that
empowers monsters while weakening you, to show up everywhere. Also,
consumables, perishables, and destructible items and buildings will slowly
degrade. The Chaos will eat away at you, in such a fashion that you and
your companions will be constantly afflicted by a weak poison which drains
your vitality bit by bit. Looks like it'll be an annoying 7 years until Bhunivelze

Omegas 200

The monsters in this world have been bizarrely tainted by the Chaos.
Every single monster seems to be greatly amplified in strength, as though
they were the last of their kind. Except…they are not and as you kill more
of them – the remainders only get stronger and stronger. It isn’t enough
that they’ve deluded themselves into thinking that – they also seem to be
convinced you’re responsible for it all, and every monster in the world will
actively hunt you down. It might take them some time to get to you – but
they’ll hound you, killing whoever gets in their way.

Midnight Eternal 200

Not even the sun is safe from the influence of Chaos. The daytime
sun is replaced by a dull gray sphere, and the light it casts upon the earth
seems no brighter than faint moonlight. At night, the land is cast in
complete darkness across Nova Chrysalia, as all forms of light, magic,
technological or natural simply extinguish.

The monsters have adapted well however, as all the monsters are
completely adept at sensing in the dark and grow stronger as the hour
approaches midnight. The remaining humans of Nova Chrysalia simply
vanish when night arrives, leaving you...alone in the dark.

Equilibrium 300

All things being in balance, it follows that even as one grows weak,
they must be growing stronger elsewhere. At least, that seemed to be
the logic at work. Your foes seem to be getting much more aggressive and
performing much better the more outnumbered they are. Even as you cull
their numbers and weaken them, they still seem to be growing stronger in
proportion to their injuries.
It doesn’t make sense, but judging from the way the Chaos seems to
be clinging to all of the monsters in the world, sense no longer seems to
apply as normal. If things were minor threats before, you can expect them
to fight equally with you when they're outnumbered...and perhaps even
grow stronger than you if they're critically injured.

The Final 13 Days 300

Something’s wrong…you awaken to find that everybody around you is

clamouring about a pink haired saviour that has awoken. It’s not just that
she has awoken, but the fact that events seem to have greatly
accelerated. Rather than starting 7 years prior to the awakening as
predicted, you will start at the same moment as Lightning’s return.

In thirteen days, the conclusion of Lightning and Bhunivelze’s battle

will come to pass, and you will be dragged inside. However, Lightning, fresh
from sleep, has none of her abilities – meanwhile Bhunivelze has had
substantial time to prepare. You’ll have to ensure that she survives the
events up to facing Bhunivelze and the fight itself. It’s very likely that
should you stand aside, Lightning will die – and that leaves the New World
devoid of souls, as their shepherd has passed on.

Look on the bright side; you get to meet the Creator early!

Death Game 600

The Children of Etro has convinced the world that embracing death is
the answer. Bhunivelze is convinced that for the sake of his new race, a
purging may be effective and has decided to aid them by rewriting the
programming of humanity. An irreversible, suicidal drive possesses
humanity and everyone you meet will have strong suicidal urges, if they
haven't killed themselves off already.

A normal deity would not have promoted this, but Bhunivelze is no

normal deity. For each death, Bhunivelze only gets stronger, and the new
world will lose another soul. If too many people die, Bhunivelze's influence
will start to affect you and instil suicidal urges within you. You'll have to
find some way to forcefully prevent these people from dying before your
companions and yourself fall victim to this suicide club.

The people of Nova Chrysalia are immune to mental effects. Lightning,

in her role as a saviour can mildly counteract the effects until she faces
Bhunivelze, but she's 7 years away, and even her influence can only hold for
several days at most. At the moment of Bhunivelze's rising, all the souls of
the dead will empower him, and considering that he is naturally as strong
as you – it’ll be likely that he far surpasses you should too many die.

Army of One 600

Our calculations were wrong, and the saviour will not be arriving.
Lightning is...strangely absent. Actually, every one of your companions and
the notable figures in Nova Chrysalia are strangely absent. You may import
companions, but they won't enter Nova Chrysalia with you. You'll wake up
alone, facing an army of wild monsters, each one a viable threat to your life.
Every year, a copy of yourself made of Chaos will stalk you, and with each
death it grows stronger. You may attempt to find Bhunivelze, but he won't
surface until the majority of life on Nova Chrysalia has faded away.

Frankly he's not enamoured with you, so he won't offer for you to
become his new God of Death. Instead he'll simply try to kill you, and the
most efficient process of that is for you to fight yourself. From time to
time he may try to bend reality, and you might find yourself tossed into
strange dimensions where copies of yourself attempt to murder you. It’ll
give him some breathing room as well.

The Chaos copies will continue to get stronger, and Bhunivelze will as
far as they die. Should you win over Bhunivelze and traverse into the new
world, you'll find your companions...actually everybody seems to have made
it. Guess you were just the last one left.

IF Scenarios - Only a Single One May Be Picked. All Negative Effects from
Drawbacks *will* stack on with these.

IF Scenario: The Chosen Race 900

You enter the world in the same manner, but something is off. The
humans are restless, and their god absent. Bhunivelze has already given
birth to the new race - the Ereshkigal. It's not enough that the Ereshkigal
have prodigious intellect and nigh unlimited magical prowess, they're also
designed to wipe out the humans, something that they're more than happy
to do. You must survive ten years, and protect the humans in at least one
area of Nova Chrysalia. Lightning will awaken, but the events of Lightning
Returns will not occur as planned. Bhunivelze is determined to eradicate all
trace of humanity before paving the way to the new world, and he'll put his
life on the line to extend time as necessary.

At the end of ten years, should you survive with the people of at
least one locale alive, Bhunivelze will face off against you, having recognized
that you are the obstacle in his way. Every Ereshkigal you have not killed
yet will join him. Bhunivelze starts with fifty of the new race, and the
population doubles at the beginning of every year. If you eradicate them all
before the year is up, he'll start back with fifty. Every year, Bhunivelze will
study you a little bit more, and the next generation of Ereshkigal will mimic
some of your abilities. They'll never become you fully - but they might get
pretty damn close.

Should you pick this IF Scenario, your companions all gain an extra
300 CP to spend.

IF Scenario: Light Eternal 900

The New World is a lie, a fabrication made by a false deity, who in his
own stupidity and ignorance committed a great crime. It would be foolish
to believe that anything made by an idiot god who could kill his own mother
and then live in fear afterwards would ever be perfect. No, the answer to
the problem plaguing Nova Chrysalia lies within Nova Chrysalia itself. It's a
pity that you seem to be the only one with this sort of sense. Well, maybe
not you exactly, but the decrepit datapad you found does have enough
information to suggest that.

The Nova Chrysalia Rejuvenation Project. Bizarre.

The problem of infertility on Nova Chrysalia is an undeniable one.
Without sufficient scientific understanding, you'll never be able to get at
the root of the problem, which is, like many things, a combination of
genetic and mental mishaps. With sufficient knowledge and technology, you
may be able to reverse that. Certainly it would be the first step towards
salvation, but your first new humans will be weak and require protection.
Unfortunately, being as flawed as they are from nascence, you won't be
able to modify them much further beyond restarting their internal
reproduction processes. If you lack the expertise yourself, you may want to
look towards the Wildlands - in the old ruins of Academia there may be a
key, but you'll need to fight through hordes to get to it, and if you take too
long, Chaos may consume it all. You now have a new objective - the
protection of these hapless folk until your time is up.

Monsters will threaten your people, that is an inevitability and in

order to defend them, they'll need sufficient defenses, defenses that they
can use - because you won't be here forever. If you could rally some notable
figures to your cause, that may work all the better. Will they believe you?
They might be more tempted to if you can prove to them that the future
can change. Still, even if the matter of defense is something that you can
settle without much difficulty, there still lies the matter of the Chaos
eating away at the world. You may choose to find either Noel Kreiss, Snow
Villiers, or Sazh Katzroy, who will become your companions. With your
technology in hand, you may uplift these companions, they'll get 600 CP to
spend on skills. The others will presumably be lost to the Chaos. That's
right...the Chaos, your most obvious problem in Nova Chrysalia.

The Chaos eating away at the world is the very same which left
humanity barren. It is something that technology can manipulate, given
sufficiently advanced science. The scientists in the Wildlands had been on
the verge of a breakthrough before they found themselves...removed. The
Fal'Cie Pandaemonium holds the answers, to both their disappearance as
well as the solution, but it won't be easy to convince. After all, it's been
programmed specifically to make mankind complacent...preparation for the
Creator's arrival.
Finding the origin of the Chaos is one thing, driving it back is another
altogether. Without a sufficiently advanced population you'll find that you
must do everything yourself - and the only people you could possibly hope
to teach are the adults, since the children won't be of much help to you
now. So you have a choice - do they focus on defending what civilization
exists, or will they push out against the Chaos? Keep in mind that you
must ensure that a population capable of sustaining itself survives until
the moment you leave.

When your little colony's population hits a sustainable point, and the
Chaos is sufficiently held at bay or driven back, you'll get the attention of
Bhunivelze. What better to undermine your efforts than to find somebody
from the Old History to demoralize the people? Who better - than the two
women of legend who formed the pillar to hold up Cocoon? Oerba Dia Vanille
and Oerba Yun Fang will be awoken from their crystal sleep - their minds
washed clean to receive a new directive: Guiding the Lost Souls under your
care towards salvation...Death.

Unless you can monitor your people on an endless basis, these two
from folklore will infiltrate your people, and you'll start seeing the signs as
suicide rates climb up. It's not a simple matter to find them, as the
Creator is not a complete idiot. He'll begin a multi-pronged assault with
endless waves of monsters to distract you away from his cloaked
saboteurs. To confront them, you'll need to find a way past the Creator's
veil. Perhaps you can already see through the barriers of deities, on par
with the greatest of magic. Should you not be able to, perhaps your "buddy"
Pandaemonium will have a trick.

If you face Vanille and Fang alone, you are left with no choice but to
lay them to a final rest, with no way to connect with them. Should Snow
be present, you may yet be able to save Fang, but Vanille will be lost.
Should Sazh be present, you may yet be able to save Vanille, but Fang will
be lost. Should both be present by some odd stroke of fate, you'll be able
to save both. Free from the grip of a foolish deity, they will join you as a
companion. Whoever you save will have 600 CP to spend accordingly. It
leaves the God with two cards less to play. Hopefully your people have not
suffered too much. The monsters continue to harass you non-stop, but
hopefully with your new allies you'll stand a chance.

He'll tire eventually of sending monsters - and it'll come time to bring
out the Saviour, whose purpose should have been to shepherd the flock
into the new world.'ve thrown a wrench into his plans, forcing his
hand. The Saviour descends upon the land, with companions in tow.
Wait...those are your companions! He might not have had enough time to
copy you completely yet, but the Saviour has had enough time to copy all of
your companions, and the Saviour will be fighting with them - to kill you.
There is no negotiating with the Saviour - unless you know of what she
wants most.

Regardless of whether you can convince her, should you survive it all,
the Creator will have had enough time either way to set the final stage.
You can choose to try and wait it out, but his chosen, the Ereshkigal, will
start paying your people "visits", and it's not likely they'll survive very long.
The longer you wait, the more your people die, but the Creator will also be
weakening over time. You must fight the Creator eventually - if you leave
the world without doing so, your people will surely perish in your wake.
Looks like you'll have to make a choice.

Do you fight him when he's at his full strength, equal to you? Or do
you attempt to endure the assault of the Ereshkigal hordes and wait for
the Creator to weaken? Should you fight him at his full strength, his trump
card - is yourself. As he weakens, his copy of yourself and your companions
grows weaker, but he'll be there to try and compensate for the difference.
Perhaps if you can endure long enough, then your copies of Chaos will not
matter very much. In return however, you would put your people at great
risk as the Ereshkigal threat grows. Regardless, while you confront this
lunatic, there remains the matter of defending your people, as the
Ereshkigal will continue to massacre them. Perhaps it is best if you leave
some companions behind to defend them. If the people die, or you die, all
will be for naught.

The assault will end when Bhunivelze falls. Ensure that he dies.
Shatter his body to nothingness if you must. No trace of him should
remain to threaten the world. With his death, the "New World" will flow
back into Nova Chrysalia, and the future will look...survivable. In his wake,
he leaves behind his double headed scythe, the Double Deity. Should you
take it, its strength to control the flow of souls will be in your hands. The
strength to forcibly bar resurrection or to transfer life from one person to
another…sacrificing one to save another, just like Bhunivelze’s style. To
transfer life however, one must find willing subjects…though compliance is
a tricky matter... Though it will never affect you, perhaps it may come in
handy in your journey ahead.

But perhaps keeping a relic of a mad god is not the greatest idea. It
may yet be better to sacrifice it, and convert the power into a form that is
more suitable for yourself. Just as the Double Deity binds the powers of
both Lindzei and Pulse to one form, once broken down, the binding energies
within can allow you to conjoin two companions into one.

Should you refuse it entirely; the scythe will shatter into dust, the
lasts vestiges of Bhunivelze fading away. The realm of Cosmogenesis lies
empty - the workshop whose owner is now dead. There's nothing left in
here except a vast emptiness and the single disc upon which you stand,
but the realm is yours to claim, to bind to yourself. It won't serve very well
as a storeroom, as it seems to react negatively to foreign objects, but
things you create inside will thrive. With time and experience on your part,
this realm will expand. Perhaps you might consider renaming it?

It would not be wise however, to presume that you may use this
realm to hide away from challenges and the reality outside. For keep one
thing in mind, you still have someone to answer to unlike Bhunivelze, and
even for Bhunivelze, hiding away only led to his downfall in the end.

Your people should be safe now, until your time comes to an end.
They'll learn to stand for themselves - and they finally have a world to call
their own, free from the oppression of gods.
[Finally The Storm Ends…]
It’s finally over – be it in the New World or the Old. If you’ve
gotten this far, it means you’re still alive, and though there’s
nobody else except your companions with you – you still have a
choice to make.

1) Before the Storm… – Return home with everything you have

so far.

2) Safeguarding this World – The world is free from its careless

creator…ahead, there shouldn’t be anything to threaten your
lives here…nothing significantly anyways. Perhaps…this would
be a safe haven to rest your head.

3) Departures – Head to your next Jump!



As the second IF scenario involves many individuals who you may have
already become companions with in a previous age, some special comments
to bear in mind.

If [Ride the Lightning] was never chosen, by default any individuals

who may have the same identity as somebody else in Nova Chrysalia are
considered Duplicates. They may bear the same resemblance, but they are
not that individual.

If [Ride the Lightning] was chosen, the AU option remains the same
as above, but if you chose to replace those individuals – then they will start
off in Bhunivelze’s control – and you will have to free them from the mad

Only one of the three final choices can be taken. Do you accept the
lingering fragment of Bhunivelze and gain the power to control souls, albeit
in a slightly limited fashion? Or will you instead sacrifice his last vestige,
and empower your allies? Or further still…will you reject it entirely, and
take what’s left around you?

Some clarification on the IF scenario and the extra final choice.

Yes, sacrificing the scythe takes two companions and binds them
into one, just like a certain ambiguous pseudocouple in 13. (From Oerba).
Limited to being used once. (2 companions of your choice take up a single
companion slot, but it also means if you bring in one you must bring in the

- More changes made to Savior capstones.

- Wording shifts on the General 200s, formerly 300s.
- Yes, if you picked any IF scenario and Army of One, you will have no
companions whatsoever. You will however, have a starting population
to defend, alone. Your companions will still get CP however.
- The Final 13 Days, and any IF scenario ensures that Lightning will
join you (temporarily or as a companion). However, it also means if
Lightning dies you’ll lose, and Bhunivelze will prioritize killing her over
you, so that adds another failure condition. The IF Scenario will
override the drawback’s time factor however.
- Final 13 Days together with Death Game results in a situation
where even Lightning has strong suicidal tendencies, and basically
everybody is looking to die.

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