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Pre-Assessment: Value Tiles

Answer Key:

Assessment: Value Scale

INFORMAL: Questioning
-During class discussion ask students to identify tonal gradients within Paul Cadden’s
artwork. While students are working ask them how they are building value (layering) and
what they are creating (tonal value scale).


-Questioning throughout lesson, while students are completing their shaded form
worksheets to assess students understanding and application of vocabulary terms.
Questions used:
-Where did you place the light source in your drawing? How does that affect the
shadows and highlight?
-Where is the core shadow? Cast shadow? Highlight? How do you know?
-What area should have the darkest value? The lightest value? Why/how do you know?
-Measurement: Are the students using the vocabulary terms properly when discussing
their work? Are they able to articulate why they are putting the shadows, highlight, and
cast shadows where they are in their drawings?

Responding Session, large group discussion:

-During the group responding discussion, were the students using the vocabulary
properly when identifying areas within Paul Cadden’s artwork?
Questions used:
-Where is the light source in this image? What visual evidence is there to support that?
Where are the areas of cast shadow? Core shadow? Highlight? How do you know?
Measurement: Were the students able to articulate where the light source was coming
from in the artwork? Did they properly communicate where the areas of shadow and
highlight were?


Kahoot! Pre-Assessment questions:
Answer: Still Life

Answer: False

Answer: Netherlands, 1600s

Answer: True

Answer: Contain mostly In-animate objects

Assessment: Thumbnail Sketches:

Did the students complete three thumbnail sketches (or 2, for differentiated students)?
Did each thumbnail include at least three objects and two areas of overlap?

Still Life Identification:

Measurement: Were the students able to correctly identify which artwork was a Still Life
and which was not, within a class vote? Did they use evidence to support their opinion?
Answer: artwork on the left in the first slide = still life, artwork on the right in the second
slide = still life


Informal: Individual discussions with students
-Formative assessment, walking around and conversing with the students while they are
creating their artwork.
Questions used:
Where did you choose to put your light source? How can you show someone who is
looking at your artwork that?
Where can you incorporate a gradient into your drawing?
What could you do to make your cast shadow pop more?
How are we building up those values?
Did you get a full scale of values in your artwork?
Where is your cast shadow for this object? Core shadow? Highlight?

Measurement: Are the students using overlap, hierarchy, light source and proportion in
their artworks? Are they able to identify those areas when asked?

Critique: small group discussions

-Walking around and observing students during their small group critiques. Watch for
students use of language of the discipline, and understanding of what a critique entails.
Measurement: Did the students analyze their classmates' artwork appropriately? Did
they incorporate Still Life vocab from the previous lesson in learning Segment?
Rubric: Final summative assessment
Name Still-Life Ebony Pencil Drawing
4 3 2 1

Utilization Ebony pencil was used Ebony pencil is Pencil is used Pencil is used,
of for the entire artwork, used for the entire for the drawing, along with
Media/Tech with a full range of artwork. A range but improper additional
nique values evident. Proper of values is techniques for media. No
technique is used to shown, with at building value attempts are
darken value by building least four distinct are used. An made to
layers. Pencil work is different values attempt is made establish a
smooth and neat with no created using to incorporate variety of
smudges. Gradients are proper technique. transitions of values in the
used to transition from Artwork is clean, value. Some artwork. Pencil
areas of light to dark with subtle smudges and smudges and
accurately and with transitions in eraser markers eraser marks
impeccable detail. value. evident. are evident

Still-Life Overlapping can be Overlapping is Overlapping is Little to not

Compositio easily seen in more than easily seen in two evident in seen attempt is made
n two areas of the areas of the only in one area to demonstrate
composition. composition. of the overlapping in
Create composition. the
Illusion of Hierarchy and Some objects are composition.
Space proportion are clearly placed Most of the
through considered when higher/lower on objects are on No attempt is
Overlappin arranging composition to the picture plane the same level made to address
g create space. to use hierarchy. in the picture hierarchy or
Proportion of plane, with proportion in
Use of light A clear, singular strong objects is little attempt to the
source light source is evident, somewhat use hierarchy. composition.
with appropriate realistic, and Proportion of
highlights, core and cast minor errors do the objects is No singular
shadows shown. not affect overall not realistic. light source is
effectiveness visible, or an
composition. An attempt is inaccurate light
An indication of a made to source is
light source is indicate a light portrayed.
made, with source,
mostly accurate however many
highlights, core mistakes are
and cast shadow made when
with minor placing
mistakes in highlights, core
execution. and cast

Overall Clean, neat, and Clean Drawing is Presentation is

Craftsmanship professional presentation, with messy, with haphazard and
presentation. Thou some areas for multiple unprofessional.
Presentation of ght out and improvement smudges or Many tears,
Work intentional such as minor tears. Not wrinkles, and
composition. Paper tears or smudges. enough care smudges are
Neatness is in perfect was taken when evident. No
condition with no handling care was taken
smudges or tears. project. when working
Project was or handling
handled with care project.
and intent.


Teacher Grade:

Measurement: How did the students’ work compare to the criteria listed in the rubric?
Were the students able to accurately self-assess where their work fell on the rubric?

Exit Ticket:

Measurement: Students knowledge of what they learned, and ability to reflect upon the
creating process and identify struggles and successes.

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