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Cesar Santoyo

Period 4
August 23, 2021
Metamorphosis Notes
Chapter 1:
 Gregor Samsa wakes up from some weird dreams, and now apparently, he is a now a
monster, it's probably how he feels, and not actually a monster
o “He found himself changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin”
 From the looks of thing Gregor doesn’t like his life or how it’s going at all, he doesn’t
like his job and has to pay off some debt to his parents, and work that gruesome job
 The manager of Gregors job wants to talk to him about why he missed the morning train,
given that he seems to work at a very strict place of work.
 The manager began speaking about his working habits and how terribly Gregor was
doing at that, and then Gregor does the strangest thing and just begins blurting out stuff
about how sick he is
Chapter 2:
 Gregor wakes up again, but this time at dusk, then it explains how Gregor had gotten out
of bed, noticeably different from the first chapter where he had woken up as a monster
 Gregor had scared his sister(?)- “She did not see him right away... she became so
frightened that she lost control of herself...”
 His sister then made him a feast of food to find his likes and dislikes from the wording it
seems like Gregor doesn’t seem too fond of the food(?), after the meal Gregor returns to
the couch (Gregor was getting food in secret?)
 Gregor kept on listening to the conversations about while he hid at the house, listening to
the conversation about him, financial situations and anything else
 By hiding in the house Gregor realized that his father was in the habit of often repeating
himself in his explanations
 In the mind of Gregor, the things his sister had done for him would have been a lot better
to accept if he was just able to speak with his sister and thank her for all she had done for
 Gregor was not hiding in his room, but he was in there for what he had done towards the
end of chapter 1, now during page 30 it explained what Gregor had done in his and what
he does to keep busy, like crawling crisscrossing over the walls and ceiling and hanging
from the ceiling as well
 While hiding in his room, I guess he is hiding, book is very confusing, he hides while his
mom and sister try to move a chest, but they can't, because it was too heavy, and they
wouldn’t get it done before his dad came home
 While Gregor was hiding, he could hear his mom say, “and doesn’t it look as if by
removing his furniture we were showing him that we have given up all of his getting
better and are leaving him to his own devices without any consideration”, with these
words Gregor comes to realize the monotony of family life
 Later on, Gregor says the removing of furniture doesn't really affect him that much but
as he continues to see the removal of furniture he begins to feel as if he is being deprived
of everything that he loves
 So Gregor broke out and apparently, he actually is a beetle it wasn’t metaphorically, it
was liter in this case (having trouble understanding to things are now beginning to clear
up), Gregor tried to salvage all he could, then he was spotted
 Gregors father had come home and now he is chasing gregor, gaining himself a wound
Chapter 3
 Gregor was wounded and couldn’t do anything but just sit there, he was family and
couldn't be treated less than that even though his current state
 Gregor was irritated by how his room was in, so he yelled at his sister and now she has
gone and cried, and now she never allowed to clean Gregors room, and even so his siter
had gotten fed up with taking of Gregor as she did before
 Gregor had gotten some type of friend with the cleaning as she didn’t really have
anything to say about the fact that it was a beetle thing
 Cleaning lady comes back the next to have some fun with Gregor and tickle him, but she
notices that weirdly he isn't responding and then she finds his dead corpse

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