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Sydney Kim

Personal Statement
During my time so far at the University of Washington, I have learned not only about the
subjects my classes are about, but also about myself and my aspirations. Now, I have solidified
an interest in Chemistry and Biology, decided I want to pursue higher education in dentistry, and
chosen Biochemistry as the major I would like to achieve all this in.
Though I have had an interest in STEM subjects and careers since high school, I
solidified an interest in Chemistry and Biology while I have taken courses here at the University
of Washington. Specifically, Honors General Chemistry my freshman year presented a
combination of new challenges in course rigor and depth of material, which both challenged me
and motivated me to adapt and develop new problem-solving habits. Afterwards, other difficult
courses like CHEM 237 and BIOL 180 gave me a chance to adapt to new subjects and apply
these new skills. Being able to work to succeed in these classes gave me confidence to pursue
higher education in dentistry, where I will no doubt be challenged the same way.
My interest in pursuing dentistry was affirmed last summer, when I shadowed around ten
local dentists out of curiosity for the field. Watching them interact with their patients, solve
problems in creative ways, operate on unique cases every day, and collaborate with other
professionals was an amazing look into the daily work of a dentist that confirmed my desire to
become one myself.
After deciding on a career aspiration, I found Biochemistry to be the major that I think
will best push me and allow me to succeed in high education and beyond. In addition to being
closely aligned with the subjects I must take to pursue dental school, Biochemistry also involves
a rigorous, complete course load that will strengthen my background in the core subjects of
higher education in dentistry. Numerous research opportunities and a large support network also
suggest that in the Biochemistry major, I will be able to pursue any extracurricular activities in a
strong community with ample support.
The Biochemistry major will be an opportunity for me to excel in higher-level
coursework applicable to my career aspiration, pursue interests like research with renowned
faculty, and build a strong foundation for higher education in dentistry.

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