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Story Recap:

A ten year old child known as Druvatius had lost his parents in an invasion on
Coruscant and that day changed his life forever, abandoning his childlike ways and
taking his first step in becoming the sith knight known as Darth Scearr, and five years
later he had found out he was able to control a strange type of creature from the
unknown regions known as heartless and after that moment he had continued his
training on the planet korriban not fully embracing the ways of the sith and while
training he discovered that he could do things such as force choke, force drain, force
lightning, force rend, and as well force repulse, of course desiring more power he
looked to the sith holocrons that were around at the time until he came across the
holocron of a sith knight known as Darth Volcato, and from that holocron he learned of
abilities he wasn’t able to use such as tutaminis, and sever force, and now he plans to
find an ancient sith artifact known as a sith wayfinder (Letting you all know that this
sith wayfinder is different from the type of wayfinder that was shown in star wars
episode 9.)
Chapter 8: A Sithly Crossover-
Sometime on korriban Scearr was talking to his master about the war against the
galactic republic within his master’s own quarters “Master, it has come to my attention
that we are losing this war against the republic, we are losing sith left and right, and I
believe if we attempt to find more sith we can change the tides in our favor rather
swiftly.” Scearr had said to his master as he saw what looked to be a sith wayfinder on
his master’s desk. “I’ll inform this to the Dark Council, my apprentice and for now we
are coming up with a plan C, and to be honest it is something I am not going to be proud
of.” Scearr’s master said as he grabbed a hilt of a crossguard lightsaber and began to act
like he is walking out of his own room, and Scearr took the chance to grab the
wayfinder and put it away as he activated his own single bladed lightsaber as his master
did the same with his blade and turned toward his apprentice with his lightsaber pointed
towards Scearr and said “Drop the wayfinder apprentice.”
“Not a chance in hell you see I found knowledge of an old sith knight known as Volcato
and with this wayfinder will help me find him.”
‘Well then my young apprentice, you will die.” Scearr’s master had said to him as he
proceeded to frontflip towards Scearr and then started to strike at him multiple times as
Scearr was blocking the attacks multiple times until he had found an opening and use it
to create a powerful force repulse against his own master, and his master had been
knocked back by his apprentice’s force repulse by at least three meters causing him to
let go of his own lightsaber. Seconds after Scearr’s master had gotten up and use force
lightning against his own apprentice and suddenly Scearr had decided to act quickly
and attempted to block his master’s attack with his own blade and due to the strength of
the lightning it caused Scearr to lose his balance for a bit and tumble back by 2 feet and
after a few seconds he regained his balance and start moving towards his master slowly
with the intent on killing him within his own eyes, and each step he took the voltage of
the lightning was increased to the point that his body was beginning to give up due to
the heat of the force lightning that was being fired at his direction, when suddenly he
saw his master’s own lightsaber and without a second thought he let go of the lightsaber
with his left hand, and use the force to turn on his master’s blade and have it be fired at
his master’s direction, ultimately killing him and once the fight was over he had passed
out due to the amount of energy he had his body go through.

A few months later on the planet Balmorra Volcato who was currently frozen in
carbonite had begun to breath as he was suddenly awoken from his frozen tomb and he
had seen a man with spiky black hair wearing a black fancy long sleeve vest crouching
by his side, “Are you alright?” The man had said as he backed away from the sith
knight. “Yeah but who are you, and how did you find me?” Volcato had asked the man
as he then began to get up as Scearr says as he begins to pull out the sith wayfinder he
took from his old master’s office“My name is Scearr, a sith knight for the sith order, and
I found you using this wayfinder.”
“You claim you are a sith but I do not sense the darkside coursing through your veins as
it would be for all the others, are you sure you’re not just some type of pretender.”
Volcato had said taunting Scearr, attempting to make him angry, but had not gotten the
response he expected.
“Look I need your help with earning great power to get my revenge on the entire
“Why should I help someone like you playing dress up as a sith.”
“Because, once I get my revenge I will make sure you have your own part of the galaxy
to rule.”
“Hmmm, but why would I do that if I can rule it all for myself, and kill you where you
“Because, believe it or not you need me to even get off this hell hole of a planet.”
“Well then that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.” Volcato said as he pulled out a
simple crimson red lightsaber and attempted to strike at him, and Scearr blocked his
attack with his old master’s crossguard lightsaber, Scearr then proceeded to
counterattack against him as Volcato than backflipped two meters back as Scearr than
attempted to use his force lightning and was countered by Volcato’s Tutaminis “A force
lightning seriously you haven’t learned anything else other than the simple force
“You underestimate my power, Volcato.’ Scearr said as he put his lightsaber away and
looked around and saw a boulder nearby and used the force to levitate it and toss it
towards Volcato causing him to be knocked back on the ground with his lightsaber
being removed from his hand and seeing a chance scearr would walk towards Volcato
and use force choke against the other sith knight, and after a few seconds of this
Volcato proceeded to use force sever at him and by the time Scearr got towards his
location Scearr looked at Volcato and said “You fail to understand the true meaning of
unlimited power.”until suddenly Volcato was no longer being choked and he said to
Scearr as he force pulled his lightsaber to him “And you fail to understand what a true
sith can do.” Scearr attempted to use force drain on Volcato but it didn’t work because
of his connection to the force being severed for a couple of hours. “Figures, well I don’t
need the force to beat you.” Scearr had said as he proceeded to circle volcato looking
like he is trying to intimidate him but he wasn’t he was analyzing him looking for a
weak point in his stance to deal a stunning blow against his opponent and due to him no
longer having access to the force temporarily he has to make it count.
“You really think this intimidation tactic is gonna work, you false sith.”
“Oh I wouldn’t say it is an intimidation tactic but if you wanna call it that then it is.”
Scearr said as he noticed the back of Volcatos helmet with a holt behind and blood
dripping out of it ‘Finally my chance.’ Scearr thought to himself as he rushed towards
his opponent and he managed to strike him in his head but with the sacrifice of his own
right arm being chopped off.

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