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(Teaching vocabulary and reading)
Submitted to Assist. Prof. Dr. Selma DENEME
Submitted by Emre Kabadayı 1180502078

Teacher’s name: Emre Kabadayı

Length of Lesson: 45 minutes

Topic: Ikea’s marketing success

Age of Students: 15

Linguistic Level of Students: Intermediate

Skill Focus: Reading, speaking

Lexical Focus: Vocabulary related to the reading passage

Aims: 1. Enhancing reading comprehension by listening and speaking skills

2. Increasing students’ vocabulary guessing skills

3. Practicing skimming and scanning skills in reading

4. Reinforcing Ss’ reading comprehension skills such as skimming, scanning, and referencing

5. Teaching students to relate what they watched and read with what they made

Teaching point: Vocabulary and reading comprehension

Approaches, Methods, Techniques : CLT. Brainstorming, individual work, pair work,

Assumptions: Students have developed their reading skills and vocabulary knowledge.

Social Point: Understanding the success of one of the biggest company In the world

Syllabus: Task-based

Overall Objectives: By the end of the course students will be able to understand the success of one
of the biggest company in the world.

Objectives: - The students will be able to gain and understand the vocabulary given in the text

- The students will be asked questions about the topic

- The students will do true or false activity.
- The students will do test activity

Materials: - The handouts of reading text

- The handouts of activites

Anticipated Problems: Students may struggle in understanding the new words

Solution: Teacher gives the synoynms of the words


A- PRE-READING (15 minutes)

1-Warm-up: Greeting the class
T: Good morning class!
Ss: ……………………………
T:How are you feeling today?
Ss: ……………………………
T:I am great, thanks

2-Lead in/Motivation
T: Does anybody have Ikea in their house?
T: I love it too, I mean who doesn’t ? Am I right ? So let me ask you, did you ever wonder why
Ikea is such a successful company? Let’s Watch this video carefully
What were the advantages of the new marketing strategy of Ikea? Yes Melis.
T: Very good thank you for your answer. Now I’m going to ask you three questions. Please
discuss these with your friends.

1. How Ikea gets you to impulsively buy more?

2. What impulse buys did you regret?
3. What are ways to prevent impulse buys?

How Ikea mastered the Gruen effect

Shopping can be a feast for the senses — color, light, smells, and even taste put customers into a
state of emotional arousal. One of the retailers best known for an engaging store experience is
furniture retailer IKEA. Their stores are designed to put our emotions and senses into overdrive.

But did you know there’s a business reason to create more engaging store experiences? When
customers are emotionally aroused, they become more open to impulse buying. Why? It’s down to a
psychological principle known as the Gruen Effect.

What Is the Gruen Effect?

The Gruen Effect (also called the Gruen Transfer) describes the moment people enter a store and are
engrossed in an intentionally overwhelming experience. This causes them to forget their original
reason for going to the shop, so they tend to make more impulse purchases. Customers also lose
track of time and become engrossed in this new experience.

The effect is named after Austrian architect Victor Gruen. He spent his early life wandering the cafes
and public squares of Vienna. When Gruen later moved to America, he wanted to recreate the social
atmosphere of these public spaces.

His solution took the form of the modern mall. While it didn’t end suburban isolation the way he
intended, it did drive people to buy more. Gruen noticed that if you overwhelm customers with
sensations when they enter a store, their mindset changes. They forget why they came in and instead
consider the store as an experience to enjoy. This results in customers buying more items than they
planned because they wanted to experience the moment.

How IKEA Applies the Gruen Effect

1. Store layout

IKEA’s store layout is a “fixed path” design — there’s a designated road that you must follow, and it
guides you through the store in one direction. In most stores, customers only see about 33% of the
merchandise on offer. But IKEA’s fixed path approach means you stay in the store longer, and you get
exposed to most of the brand’s products. By using a fixed path design, IKEA can methodically apply
the Gruen Effect to their experience. Customers are overexposed to light, sound, color, texture, and
even smell in the store. And when they’ve had enough, they’ve only made it halfway through the
store. Once the Gruen Effect takes hold, customers throw things in the cart they never intended to
buy but look attractive at the moment.

2. The IKEA Food Court

At first glance, it might not seem like IKEA’s food has an effect on their furniture sales. But according
to the company’s research, 30% of its shoppers come to the stores just to eat. In 2017, the company
made $2.24 billion from food sales, and are considered the tenth-largest food retailer in the world.

The food at IKEA doesn’t only have an impact on the bottom line. It also feeds into the Gruen Effect,
and changes how customers think, feel, and act in the store. Eating and smelling food releases
dopamine and can create a state of happiness. That mood shift can affect how much customers
spend and what they buy.

As Gerd Diewald, former head of IKEA food operations told Fast Company:

“We’ve always called the meatballs ‘the best sofa-seller…

When you feed them, they stay longer, they can talk about their [potential] purchases, and they
make a decision without leaving the store.”

3. Bulla Bulla Merchandising

IKEA uses a merchandising technique called “bulla bulla” to drive attention and sales. In bulla bulla,
lots of items are jumbled and stacked in large bins to create the impression that there are lots of
items available. Often these items are intended to be impulse buys and are replaced often to grab
customers’ attention. How does bulla bulla drive the Gruen Effect? Because when people discover
something unexpected or new, our brains release dopamine — the same chemical associated with
falling in love. That means when you see a bulla bulla of new, cute, cheap plush toys your brain
makes you happy.

This one-two punch of abundance and novelty is what creates the bulla bulla appeal, drives the
release of dopamine, and feeds the Gruen Effect.

The bottom line

Emotions drive our behavior much more than we realize. And this is especially true when making
purchase decisions. As IKEA USA Creative Director Richard La Graauw put it:

“20% of our buying decisions are based on logic and needs. 80%… are actually based on emotions.”
Appealing to customers’ emotions and senses when they’re shopping might seem like the perfect
approach. If we can make the store more entertaining and customers buy more than they intended,
that’s a win for the business. But it is worth noting that the Gruen Effect could be considered a dark
pattern when taken too far. Victor Gruen himself disavowed the effect as manipulative.

Make sure that if you apply this effect, you do so responsibly. Look after the needs and desires of
your customers first, and resist the temptation to sell at all costs.


Activity 2 (skimming)
T: Now everyone, read the text quickly and answer this question What is the text about
T: You have one minute
T: Mert, answer the question please.
T: Very good!

Activity 3(scanning)

T: Now read the text quickly and answer the question. How Ikea managed to make customer
buy more ?

Activity 4(comprehensioncheck)
Read the sentences below and decide whether the statements are true or false
1. Gruen effect is an unsuccessful strategy for Ikea. T/F
2. One of the most effective ways to influence consumer behavior is through a store’s
architecture. T/F
3. Ikea hasn’t mastered the Gruen effect. T/F
4. The effect is named after Austrian architect Victor Gruen T/F

I - Circle the best answer.

1. What is the main idea of the text?
a) How Ikea gets you to impulsively buy more.
b) Clever business deals can make an ordinary product a great one
c) Ikea is used in almost every country in the world
d) Mass marketing changed Ikea from a small business into a world-wide industry

Fill in the blanks

1. IKEA’s store layout is a “______” design
2. Ikea used merchandising to advertise its product its called _____
3. Gerd Diewald said the best sofa seller is ________
4. “__% of our buying decisions are based on logic and needs. __%… are actually based on

Vocabulary check
a. Merchandise goods that are traded, or sold in shops
b. Jumbled mixed
c. Dopamine a hormone body releases when we are happy
d. Impulse a sudden strong wish to do something:
C- POST READING (10 minutes
I - Choose one of the topics below and interview 3 -5 people about the topic you choose in
English (your friends, your class mates, your teachers or your family members) to collect ideas
your topic. Record these interviews and takes notes of different ideas you can use in your

1. What are the advantages / disadvantages of this advertisement strategy in store’s

2. What are the advantages / disadvantages of this advertisement strategy in buyer’s

II - Using the ideas you have collected write a paragraph and submit it through its learning.
Please refer to the ideas from the text you have read while writing.


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