ITC Candidate Outline 10-11

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PSIA - Rocky Mountain - AASI

Rocky Mountain Ski Instructors

Educational Foundation


ITC Prerequisites:
• Registered member of PSIA-RM

Pre ITC Elective Courses:

• Learn to be a Snowsports Instructor

Full or Partial Pass:

• Candidates may pass the teaching day, the skiing day or the entire exam.
• A “retake day” may be scheduled with the RM Office.

ITC Considerations for Rocky Mountain:

• VOLUME: We will run about 20 scheduled exams this season, plus Traveling
exams. There are10-50 participants each exam. Average group size is 8.

• SKIING MANEUVERS: The following maneuvers will be scored by examiners.

o Passing candidates must attain an average score of 4 between for these
five maneuvers. A total score of 20 will pass this section:
 Wedge (green, groomed terrain)
 Wedge Christy (green, groomed terrain)
 Carved Uphill Arcs (green-blue groomed terrain)
• Alternate maneuver: Skidded Uphill Arcs
 Sideslip in fall line (blue groomed terrain)
 Step Turn into Fall Line (flat - easiest terrain)

o Passing candidates must attain an average score of 4 for these two

maneuvers. A total score of eight will pass this section:
 Free run on groomed terrain (blue groomed terrain)
 Variable terrain & snow conditions (blue ungroomed terrain)

• PERFORMANCE DESCRIBERS: Refer to IDP Skiing Standards grid and the

online skiing standards videos.

• TERRAIN SELECTION: There are specific types of runs (green, blue) and or
conditions designated for the seven skiing maneuvers. All terrain choices are
listed above and in the Pocket Summaries. The exam manager reserves the right
to change designated runs based on daily snow and weather conditions.

• FEEDBACK AT EXAM: Extensive teaching, coaching and guiding are the

hallmarks of the ITC. Examiners will work throughout the event to provide clear,
accessible, relevant feedback. If a candidate’s performance drops considerably
from run to run during the on snow days, examiners have the discretion to score
the better performance.
Day One - Indoor
Candidates check in at 8:00 -8:15
Presentation starts at 8:30
The presentation is a full day indoors. There will be breaks throughout the day
including a lunch break.
You will spend most of the day considering the questions “What is Good Skiing?”
and, ‘What is Good Teaching?”. You will learn the basics of Movement Analysis and
have opportunities to practice.
The indoor presenter will outline the following two days of the ITC and answer all
you questions. He or she will provide information on your group size, with whom
you’ll ski, where to keep your gear, lift tickets, etc.

Day Two – On Snow

8:00 - 8:30 Candidates Check In

• Meet your examiner and your group at the designated spot.
• Meet the instructors you’ll be teaching within the afternoon’s Teach Session.
• Receive your topic for the afternoon Teach Session.

Your Examiner will:

• Model:
o Safety
o Professionalism
o Guest Service
o Communication Skills
• Coach:
o Student Profiles
o Learning Styles (VAK)
o The Teaching Cycle
o “Play, Drill, Adventure, Summary” for Kids
o Teaching Progressions for Skill Development
o Basic Movement Analysis
o Basic Class Handling & Safety
o A Basic Beginner Progression

9:00 – 12:00
• Ski through the Skills Concept.
• Connect the previous day’s discussion and exercises to on-snow sensations.
• Use the MA filter to connect ski and body performance.
• Get coaching and feedback as you move around the mountain.

12:00 Lunch

12:45 – 2:00 Teaching presentation to copy

• Watch and listen as your examiner demonstrates how to teach a Level One
2:00 – 3:00 Scored Teaching Session
• You will participate in a 10 to 15 minute on snow presentation.
• Teams of two or three candidates will present a portion of a progression that
highlights the development of the previously assigned Level One Milestone.
o Boot work, one ski, two skis, straight run, step turn, wedge, etc.
• You will focus on one skill (Rotation, Edging or Pressure Control) within the
milestone. Your team mates will cover the other two.
• This is a scored session. Each member of the group must be an active participant!
o This is an important first step toward the teaching component of the Level
II exam.
• Follow up questions and coaching will center on your understanding of the
Teaching Cycle, CAP/GCT and Student Profiles.

3:00 – 3:45 MA Session

• Your group will set up in a flat or easiest green section of trail, preferably at or
near the bottom of the hill
• You will be “on stage” for 5 minutes. In that time you will observe a skier of the
age you most comfortably teach at their home area.
• The first task is to observe and describe ski performance, body performance and
ski-body performance of a beginner skier ranging from Level 1 up to Level 4.
o The focus will be on any two of:
 Fore/Aft Pressure Control
 Foot to Foot Pressure Control
 Rotation
 Edging
• Your second task is to discuss an appropriate prescription for change with the

Day Three – On Snow

8:00 – 8:30 Candidates Check In

Objectives for the Day:

• Receive coaching and feedback as you review, practice, and ski each maneuver
for a score on appropriate terrain.
• The skiing standard at the ITC is a Level 7 skier making consistent parallel turns
on green and easy blue terrain.
9:00 – 11:00
• Ski with your group.
11:00 – 1:00
• Meet a second group or a second examiner for a group scoring session and then
break for lunch
• The joint scoring session will include Wedge Turns and the Free Run on Smooth
• Due to time constraints, the lunch break will be under 45 minutes.
1:00 - 3:00
• Ski with your group through the remaining maneuvers.
• End your day at the bottom of the hill.

4:30 Results

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