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Published online: 2020-04-27

NUJHS Vol. 3, No.2, June 2013, ISSN 2249-7110

Nitte University Journal of Health Science

Review Article


Krishna Prasad D.1, B. Rajendra Prasad2, Anshul Bardia3 & Anupama Prasad D.4
Professor and H.O.D, 2 Principal/Dean and Research Guide, 3 Post Graduate student, 4 Lecturer
Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, A.B. Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences,
Nitte University, Deralakatte, Mangalore - 575 018
Krishna Prasad D.,
Professor and H.O.D, Department of Prosthodontics, A.B. Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences,
Nitte University, Deralakatte, Mangalore - 575 018
E-mail :
Abstract :
A practical approach to rehabilitate the edentulous patients to optimal occlusion is not an easy task. Complete denture prosthesis when
compared to natural teeth have relatively unstable bases and have no proprioception comparable to the periodontal ligament of the
natural tooth and acts as the single unit instead of an individual tooth. To enhance the stability of the complete dentures, the philosophy
of the balanced occlusion has been proposed. Balanced occlusion in dentures implies occlusal contacts that contribute to equilibrium of
the denture bases on their respective ridges.
The search for the ideal occlusal scheme, one which provides stability, comfort, function and esthetics is still underway. While there is
little research to support one occlusal scheme over the other, it is known that the prosthesis is less efficient than natural teeth and the
ability to chew with it varies with the individual, regardless of the occlusal schemes. Poor oral awareness makes it more difficult for a
patient to adapt to the function with the prosthesis especially one with a complicated occlusal scheme. This article reviews several
occlusal schemes, their characteristics, recommendations for usage along with their advantages and disadvantages.
Keywords : Occlusal schemes, neutrocentric occlusion, lingualized occlusion, balanced occlusion, monoplane occlusion.

Introduction : to be giving various occlusal schemes considering only

There has been search for the ideal denture occlusion in an relevant data. The key words used for the search were
effort to find out the tooth forms which provides esthetic, occlusal schemes, neutrocentric occlusion, lingualized
stability, and masticatory efficiency without compromising occlusion, balanced occlusion, monoplane occlusion.
the health of underlying hard and soft tissues of the
Numerous concepts, techniques and philosophies have
edentulous arch. The main aim of clinician is to fulfill these
been documented concerning about complete denture
objectives, regardless of posterior tooth form selected 1,2.
occlusal schemes. There are several schools of thoughts on
This article reviews literature published from 1930 to 2011 occlusal schemes in complete denture and some clinician
with various approaches in the occlusal schemes to believe there should be cusps on the teeth and must be in
enhance the stability of complete denture prosthesis complete harmony with the stomatognathic system. Some
designs. A search in the National Library of Medicine's believe that cuspless teeth create minimum horizontal
PubMed database, Google force to unseat denture. Many investigations on a scientific
Access this article online
search and Science Direct level have not proved that which occlusal schemes is
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was performed to include superior in function or that best meet the requirements of
all reviews on various biologic and physiologic concepts for each patient3.There
occlusal schemes. A total are many studies states that the merits of a given concept
of 35 articles were or pointing out the deficiencies of another4.
included for discussion in
Occlusal scheme is defined as the form and the
the review found by search

Keywords : Occlusal schemes, neutrocentric occlusion, lingualized 105

occlusion, balanced occlusion, monoplane occlusion. - Krishna Prasad D.
NUJHS Vol. 3, No.2, June 2013, ISSN 2249-7110

Nitte University Journal of Health Science

arrangement of the occlusal contacts in natural and • Pitch or inclination or tilt

artificial dentition. The pattern of occlusal contacts • There was no compensating curve and no incisal
between opposing teeth during centric relation and guidance.
functional movement of the mandible will be determined • This positioning directed forces perpendicular to the
by the occlusal schemes. The quantity and the intensity of mean osseous foundation plane.
these contacts determine the amount and the direction of l Form:
the forces that are transmitted through the bases of the • Flat teeth with no deflecting inclines•R e d u c e d
denture to the residual ridges. That is why the occlusal destructive lateral forces and helped to keep
scheme is an important factor in the design of complete masticatory forces perpendicular to the support.
denture prosthesis. • Reduced destructive lateral forces and helped to
keep masticatory forces perpendicular to the
Occlusal schemes have been classified into:
l Neutrocentric occlusion
l Number:
l Lingualized occlusion
• The posterior teeth were reduced in number from
l Non anatomic occlusion (Monoplane occlusion with
eight to six.
• This decreased the magnitude of the occlusal force
l Linear occlusion
and centralized it to the second premolar and first
l Balanced occlusion
molar area.
Neutrocentric occlusion :
Advantages :
Neutrocentric occlusion is at the far right of the occlusal
l Technique is simple and requires less precise records.
spectrum and the exact opposite of the anatomic
l Ideal for a patient who have resorbed friable ridges.
occlusion, was developed by De van.
l By removing inclines, the lateral forces, which are very
De Van coined the term neutrocentric to embody the two destructive to the residual ridges, are reduced.
key objectives of his occlusal scheme, l Because the neutrocentric technique provides an area
1. The neutralization of inclines. of closure and does not lock the mandible into a single
2. The centralization of forces which act on the basal seat position. Ideal for Geriatric patient with limited oral
when the mandible is in centric relation to the maxillae. dexterity.
l It is especially good for Class II (retrognathic), Class III
There are five elements in this occlusal scheme:
(prognathic) and crossbite cases.
l Position:
• Positioned the posterior teeth over the posterior Disadvantages
residual ridge as far lingually as the tongue would l It is the least esthetic of the five basic occlusal schemes.
allow, so that forces would be perpendicular to the l Moving the teeth lingually and altering their vertical
support areas. position may not be compatible with the tongue, lip and
l Proportion: cheek function.
• Reduction of tooth width upto 40%. l Impair mastication because of poor bolus penetration.
• Reduced vertical stress on the ridge by narrowing the l This flat type of occlusion cannot be balanced5.
occlusal table.
When using this concept of occlusion the patient is
• Forces were centralized without encroachment on
instructed not to incise the bolus, with this tooth
the tongue space.
arrangement Devan noted that “the patient will become a
l Pitch:
chopper, not a chewer or a grinder”6.

Keywords : Occlusal schemes, neutrocentric occlusion, lingualized 106

occlusion, balanced occlusion, monoplane occlusion. - Krishna Prasad D.
NUJHS Vol. 3, No.2, June 2013, ISSN 2249-7110

Nitte University Journal of Health Science

Lingualized occlusion l Can be used in Class II, Class III & cross-bite situations1.
Concept was introduced by Alfred Gysi in 1927
Disadvantages :
S.H. Payne (1941): 'cusp-to-fossa occlusion'
l Wear of maxillary lingual cusp or mandibular fossa
Pound: 'lingualized occlusion'
rapidly results in buccal and lingual contact of equal
Lingualized occlusion can be defined as, the form of intensity results in negotiation of centralization of forces
denture occlusion that where the maxillary lingual cusps on the mandibular posterior teeth and increase the like
articulate with the mandibular occlusal surfaces in centric hood of lateral displacement.
working and non-working mandibular positions .
Monoplane occlusion :
Lingualized occlusion should not be confused with Sear introduced monoplane occlusion with balancing
placement of the mandibular teeth lingual to the ridge ramps or tooth at the distal part of the mandibular arch
crest8-12. which comes in contact only in eccentric excursions13.

Indications : De Van has used the same principle without the balancing
l When patient places high priority on esthetics but oral ramp5.
conditions indicate a non-anatomic occlusal scheme
According to this concept teeth which are flat mesiodistally
such as:
and buccolingually are used, oriented as close as possible
• Severe alveolar resorption
parallel to the maxillary and mandibular mean foundation
• Class II jaw relationship
• Displaceable supporting tissues.
l When a complete denture opposes a removable partial Indication :
denture. l Abnormal closure imbalance, pathosis, trauma,
l When a more favorable stress distribution is desired in neuromuscular disturbances.
patients with parafunctional habits. l Posterior displaceable mucosa.
l Multilated, tortuous ridges with an excessive denture
Advantages :
l Lingualized occlusal concept is a simple technique
l Ridges are flat or knife edge, rendering dentures more
requiring less precise records than fully balanced
suspectible to horizontal force.
occlusion and is similar in requirements to non-
l When chewing pattern is milling type with broad
anatomic teeth set on a curve.
l Most of the advantages attributed to both anatomic &
l Maximum of vertical force and a minimum of horizontal
non-anatomic forms are retained.
stress is desired15.
l Cusp form is more natural in appearance compared to
The amount of horizontal overlap is determined by jaw
non-anatomic tooth form.
relation, ranges from 0mm (edge to edge) Class III
l Good penetration of food bolus is possible. This may
reduce the lateral chewing component. relation to as much as 12mm for severe class II relation17.

l Vertical forces are centralized on mandibular teeth & it Usually the mandibular second molar will be placed on the
provides an area of closure, allowing easier molar slope area, called 'skid row'.
accommodation to unpredictable basal seat changes.
l With lingualized occlusion, additional stability is In this the occlusal surface of the maxillary second molar
imparted to the denture during parafunctional set parallel to the occlusal surface of the mandibular
movements when balanced occlusion is used. second molar but 2 mm above the occlusal plane, well out
of occlusion.

Keywords : Occlusal schemes, neutrocentric occlusion, lingualized 107

occlusion, balanced occlusion, monoplane occlusion. - Krishna Prasad D.
NUJHS Vol. 3, No.2, June 2013, ISSN 2249-7110

Nitte University Journal of Health Science

Monoplane occlusion can be balanced by following reducing unfavourable occlusal forces18.

Linear occlusion is a one dimensional contact between two
Incline the mandibular second molar to provide contact
opposing posterior teeth. The contact occurs only in one
with the maxillary denture in all excursions, the maxillary
dimension which is the length of the contacting blade (not
second molars are similarly inclined but left out of centric
surface). This blade, being always in the form of a straight
contact. The use of customized balancing ramp placed
line, geometrically constitutes “length” without either
distal to the mandibular second molar. Ramp provides
“width” or “depth” of occlusal contacts.
tripodal effect of contacts of denture bases.In eccentric
relation, there is smooth contact anteriorly on teeth and Linear occlusion consists of following basic parameters
posteriorly on the balancing ramp. Balancing ramp Zero degree (flat plane) teeth are opposed by bladed (line
improves horizontal stability of the denture. contact) teeth in which the blade is in a precisely straight
line over the crest of the ridge.
Advantages :
One arch is set to a flat (monoplane occlusal plane).
l They are more adaptable to the unusual jaw relation
There is no anterior interference to protrusive and lateral
such as class II and class III relations, used easily in cases
of variations in the width of maxillary and mandibular
l Plane of occlusion
jaws, cross bite.
The plane is set steeper.
l These impart a sense of freedom to the patients, do not
Esthetics and phonetics determine the maxillary
lock mandible in one position.
anterior tooth position
l They eliminate horizontal forces, more damaging than
l Stabilization of mandibular denture
vertical forces.
Mandibular dentures are almost always less stable than
l Because the monoplane teeth occlude in more than one
maxillary dentures, the linear ridge is usually placed on
relationship, so centric relation developed to an area
the lower ridge.
instead of a point.
l Esthetics
l Monoplane teeth permit the use of a simplified and less
For esthetic purpose anatomic teeth are used in
time consuming technique and offer greater comfort
maxillary posterior region, which occlude with non-
and efficiency for a longer period.
anatomic mandibular teeth20, 21.
l They accommodate better to the negative changes in
the ridge height that occur with aging17. Balanced occlusion :
The bilateral, simultaneous, anterior and posterior occlusal
Disadvantages :
contact of teeth in centric and eccentric positions7.
l No vertical component to aid in shearing during
It is not seen in natural dentition.
l Patients may complain of lack of positive intercuspation Characteristic requirements of balanced occlusion:
position. • All the teeth of the working side (central incisor to
l Esthetically limited. second molar) should glide evenly against the
l Occlude only in two dimensions, but the mandible has a opposing teeth.
3D movement due to its condylar behavior. • No single tooth should produce any interference or
disocclusion of the other teeth.
Linear occlusion :
• There should be contacts in the balancing side, but
This concept advocates a straight line of points or knife
they should not interfere with the smooth gliding
edge contacts on artificial teeth in one arch occluding with
movements of the working side.
flat non-anatomic teeth in the opposing arch, thereby

Keywords : Occlusal schemes, neutrocentric occlusion, lingualized 108

occlusion, balanced occlusion, monoplane occlusion. - Krishna Prasad D.
NUJHS Vol. 3, No.2, June 2013, ISSN 2249-7110

Nitte University Journal of Health Science

• There should be simultaneous contact during helps to improve stability of the denture during centric,
protrusion. eccentric or parafunctional movements.

Importance of balanced occlusion : For minimal occlusal balance, there should be at least three
Balanced occlusion is one of the most important factors points of contact on the occlusal plane. More the number
that affect denture stability, absence of occlusal balance of contacts, better the balance. Bilateral balanced
will result in leverage of the denture during mandibular occlusion can be protrusive or lateral balance.
Protrusive balanced occlusion :
Sheppard stated that, “Enter bolus, Exit balance” according This type of balanced occlusion is present when mandible
to this statement, the balancing contact is absent when moves in a forward direction and the occlusal contacts are
food enters the oral cavity. This makes us think that smooth and simultaneous anteriorly and posteriorly. There
balanced occlusion has no function during mastication; should be at least three points of contact in the occlusal
hence, it is not essential in a complete denture, but this is plane. Two of these should be located posteriorly and one
not true. should be located in the anterior region. This is absent in
natural dentition.
On an average, a normal individual makes masticatory
tooth contact only for 10 minutes in one full day compared Lateral balanced occlusion :
to 4 hours of total tooth contact during other functions. So, In lateral balanced there will be a minimal simultaneous
for these 4 hours of tooth contact, balanced occlusion is three point contact (one anterior, two posterior) present
important to maintain the stability of the denture. during lateral moment of the mandible.

Hence, balanced occlusion is more critical during Lateral balanced occlusion is absent in normal dentition.
parafunctional movements.
Advantages of Bilateral Occlusal Balance
Types of Balanced occlusion l Bilateral simultaneous contact help to seat the denture
Occlusal balance or balanced occlusion can be classified as in a stable position during mastication, swallowing and
follows maintain retention and stability of the denture and the
• Unilateral balanced occlusion health of the oral tissues.
• Bilateral balanced occlusion l Due to cross-arch balance, as the bolus is chewed on one
• Protrusive balanced occlusion side, the balancing cusps will come close or will contact
• Lateral balanced occlusion on the other.
l Denture bases are stable even during bruxing activity.
Unilateral balanced occlusion:
This is a type of occlusion seen on occlusal surfaces of teeth Disadvantages of Balanced Occlusion :
on one side when they occlude simultaneously with a l It is difficult to achieve in mouths where an increased
smooth, uninterrupted glide. This is not followed during vertical incisor overlap is present.
complete denture construction. It is more pertained to l It may tend to encourage lateral and protrusive grinding
fixed partial dentures. habits.
l A semi adjustable or fully adjustable articulator is
Bilateral balanced occlusion :
This is a type of occlusion that is seen when simultaneous
contact occurs on both sides in centric and eccentric Occlusal schemes in class II jaw relation :
positions. Bilateral balanced occlusion helps to distribute Arrangement of anterior teeth in class II ridge relations:
the occlusal load evenly across the arch and therefore l Select lower anterior teeth of a narrower mesiodistal

Keywords : Occlusal schemes, neutrocentric occlusion, lingualized 109

occlusion, balanced occlusion, monoplane occlusion. - Krishna Prasad D.
NUJHS Vol. 3, No.2, June 2013, ISSN 2249-7110

Nitte University Journal of Health Science

width and try to achieve the normal canine relationship. Discussion :

l If esthetics permit, a little crowding of the lower anterior Numerous studies have been done which evaluate and
teeth compare occlusal concepts based on various parameters.
l Slight spaces between the upper anterior teeth to attain
In a study by Heydecke et al it was found that patient ratings
normal canine relation.
of the prosthesis were not significantly different for a
l Lower first premolar must be eliminated from dental
lingualized scheme as compared to a simple scheme with
arch, if discrepancy is more.
anatomic teeth28. Participants provided with complete
Arrangement of posterior teeth in class II ridge relations: dentures having lingualized or anatomic posterior occlusal
l Upper posterior teeth can be placed slightly palatally to forms exhibited significantly higher levels of self-perceived
provide a working occlusal contact with the lower teeth. satisfaction compared to those with 0-degree posterior
l The lower posterior teeth are placed over crest of the occlusal forms25.
ridge. The upper teeth are then set so that they occlude
Effect of occlusal scheme on vertical dimension at
with the lower teeth. Then the buccal surface are built
occlusion, results shown that increase in vertical
on the upper posterior teeth in wax is replaced by tooth-
dimension is similar to set in conventional balanced
colored acrylic resin to fulfill esthetic requirements and
occlusion and lingualized balanced occlusion29. Chewing
to provide support for the cheek22, 23.
efficiency of monoplane occlusion versus lingualized
Occlusal schemes in class III jaw relation occlusion and found that 67% of the patients preferred
Arrangement of anterior teeth in class III ridge relations: lingualized articulation26.
l If the ridges are in an edge-to-edge relation, the incisal
In a study by Ohguri to estimate which occlusion scheme
edges of the upper and lower incisors and canines will
shows best conditions of pressure distribution on
also meet in edge-to-edge relationship.
supporting structures in a complete denture prosthesis it
l In case of extreme protrusion of the mandible, a
was found that lingualized occlusion and fully balanced
negative or reverse horizontal labial overlap must be
occlusion a great occlusal force was not required for
crushing hard food, and the stress to the supporting tissues
l Select a larger lower tooth mould, to compensate for
is smaller than with monoplane occlusion30.
wider lower arch width.
l Crowding in upper anterior teeth, if esthetically In a study by Matsmaru , he evaluated the influence of
acceptable. mandibular residual ridge resorption on masticatory
l An extra lower incisor should be included to avoid the measures of lingualized and fully bilateral balanced
spaces between the lower anterior teeth so that denture articulation and he found that lingualized
denture appears esthetically better. occlusion is the preferred occlusal scheme for patients with
severe RRR32.
Arrangement of posterior teeth in class III ridge relations:
l Upper posterior teeth can be placed slightly buccal to However on the contrary it was found in a study by Kimoto
the crest of the upper ridge. et al that among patient's provided with complete
l Cuspless teeth may be used to allow freedom of dentures with lingualized occlusion and bilateral balanced
buccolingual placement and provide occlusal contact in occlusion. Those with lingualized occlusion displayed
upper and lower teeth. greater satisfaction with their denture retention33.
l In case of wider lower arch, an interchange can be done
by using upper teeth on the lower denture and lower In another study by Heydecke et al, they found that

teeth on the upper denture . 24 comprehensive methods used for fabrication of complete

Keywords : Occlusal schemes, neutrocentric occlusion, lingualized 110

occlusion, balanced occlusion, monoplane occlusion. - Krishna Prasad D.
NUJHS Vol. 3, No.2, June 2013, ISSN 2249-7110

Nitte University Journal of Health Science

dentures including semi-anatomical lingualized teeth and a Total stability is not possible because of the yielding nature
full registration did not greatly influence patients perceived of the supporting structures, but control of the physical
chewing ability, when compared with more simple factors that apply to the relationship of the teeth to each
procedures. Anatomical teeth showed better patient other and that apply to the position of the teeth in the
satisfaction with chewing ability for tough foods . denture base as related to the ridge must be understood.
Anatomic denture teeth made up of all ceramic show high
Conclusion :
average pressure transmission compared to zero degree
Differing ideas about occlusion relative to centrics,
non anatomic teeth31.
gnathology, occlusal adjustment have led to controversial
Using Linear occlusal scheme in combination syndrome in the literature. In resorbed ridges, the chances for arch
showed that it is esthetically pleasing, no problem in relationship discrepancies are increased due to greater
phonetics and ability to chew better . Effect of occlusal horizontal overlap and lack of specific interdigitation make
scheme on muscular activity shown that least activity for all neutrocentric occlusal scheme ideal. With Lingualized
occlusal schemes and external pterygoid muscle activity occlusal scheme, additional stability is imparted to the
was found to relatively constant for all occlusal schemes denture during parafunctional movements when balanced
occlusion is used. Monoplane occlusal scheme are more
When forces act on a body in such a way that no motion
adaptable to the unusual jaw relation such as class II and
results, there is balance or equilibrium. This should be a
class III malocclusions and cross bite cases. Linear occlusal
primary consideration of the dentist when considering the
scheme stabilizes the denture bases by minimizing lateral
forces that act on the teeth and the denture bases with
occlusal forces.
their resultant effect on the movement of the base. A
stable base is the ultimate goal.

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Keywords : Occlusal schemes, neutrocentric occlusion, lingualized 112

occlusion, balanced occlusion, monoplane occlusion. - Krishna Prasad D.

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