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Autonomic QoS Management Mechanism in Software

Defined Network
WANG Wendong, QI Qinglei, GONG Xiangyang, HU Yannan, QUE Xirong
State Key Laboratory of Network and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 
Beijing 100876, P.R. China

Abstract: With the increase of network ments and services, the complexity of network
complexity, the flexibility of network control control and management has risen sharply
and management becomes a nontrivial in recent years. The QoS management is an
problem. Both Software Defined Network important part of network management. Var-
(SDN) and Autonomic Network technologies ious QoS models and mechanisms have been
are sophisticated technologies for the proposed, but there is no one-fit-all algorithm.
network control and management. These two The advantages and disadvantages of the dif-
technologies could be combined together to ferent combinations of queue management and
construct a software defined self-managing scheduling, which works at different context
solution for the future network. An autonomic conditions (various workloads or transmission
QoS management mechanism in Software mediums), are analyzed [1]. Currently, differ-
Defined Network (AQSDN) is proposed ent services or applications want to obtain the
in this paper. In AQSDN, the various QoS different network resource for fulfilling their
features can be configured autonomically in requirements. So the self-configurable QoS
an OpenFlow switch through extending the models and mechanisms based on the con-
OpenFlow and OF-Config protocols. Based text-aware are highly expected.
on AQSDN, a novel packet context-aware In order to reduce the network management
QoS model (PCaQoS) is also introduced for cost and the probability of network failure,
improving the network QoS. PCaQoS takes autonomic network technologies is introduced
packet context into account when packet in network control and management, and self-
is marked and managed into forwarding * attributions with the MAPE-K [2] or similar
queues. The implementation of a video model are defined. The self-* attributions
application’s prototype which evaluates the include self-configuration, self-protecting,
self-configuration feature of the AQSDN and self-healing and self-optimization/adjusting
the enhancement ability of the PCaQoS is [3]. The autonomic function is also considered
presented in order to validate this design. as an important component in many projects
Keywords: software defined network; [4-8] which focused on future network archi-
autonomic management; context aware; tecture.
quality of service (QoS) Software Defined Network (SDN) separates
the control plane and the data plane, some
I. INTRODUCTION network control and management functions
could be implemented through the software
As the increment of various network equip- instead of updating huge numbers of network

13 China Communications • July 2014

elements. OpenFlow protocol which proposed adjusting flow routing without extending
by Open Networking Foundation (ONF) is OpenFlow protocol are proposed [11-13]. An autonomic QoS
the most popular standard for communication A novel optimization model is designed in management mech-
between controller and OpenFlow switch in [11], it distinguishes the specified QoS traffic anism in Sof tware
Defined Network
SDN. In order to support QoS management from normal best-effort traffic when services
(AQSDN) is proposed
functions, each version of OpenFlow proto- routing is selected, so that the QoS contract i n t h i s p a p e r. I n
col defines the enqueue action, but the queue of scalable video streaming could be satisfied. AQSDN, the various
configuration has not been involved. In ver- The model in [12] is an extended version of QoS features can be
sion 1.3 [9], the meter table, meter band, and [11]. It opens the API for service providers to configured autonom-
two optional band types (i.e. drop and dscp interfere the route calculation. The manage- ically in an OpenFlow
switch through ex-
remark) are defined. According to these defini- ment layer is designed by utilizing the North
tending the OpenFlow
tions, other band types for enhancing the meter Bound interface of the SDN controller[13]. and OF-Config proto-
ability of the OpenFlow switch could be add- The management layer validates and enforces cols.
ed. As an auxiliary protocol of the OpenFlow QoS policies which are one of the basements
protocol, OF-Config[10] could be exploited of the route decision in the control layer.
to configure those functionalities, which are However, these works don’t involve the con-
not supported by the OpenFlow protocol, at figuration of various QoS strategies into SDN
the lower time-scale , e.g., the minimum and switch currently.
maximum transmission rates of a queue in an An automatic and scalable QoS control
OpenFlow switch. And it is also extensible to architecture is presented in [14]. It adds
carry more QoS configurations. rate-limiters and queue mapping API to Open-
We design an Autonomic QoS management Flow. The rate-limiters API is used to map
mechanism in SDN (AQSDN) for network one or more flows to the special rate limiters,
QoS guarantee. In this mechanism, the con- while the queue mapping API is used to map
troller undertakes the function of analysis and a flow to the special priority queue. QoSFlow
decision in the autonomic control loop, while [15] extends the OpenFlow protocol 1.0 for
the switch acts as collector of the context and improving the QoS control capability (i.e.
executive of the behavior. This mechanism Shaping by using Hierarchical Token Buck-
controls adaptively the QoS rules according et, Schedulded by using Stochastic Fairness
to the context from data plane and the policy Queuing and Congestion avoidance by using
from the operator. In addition, for improving Randomly Early Detection) on OpenFlow/
the quality of multimedia service, we also SDN networking. PindSwitch [16] provides
propose the Packet Context-aware QoS model Output Queue Control message for config-
(PCaQoS), which processes packets according uration of the queue scheduling. However,
to their semantic precedence level. none of them take the consideration of packet
The remainder of the paper is organized as marking. [15, 16] integrate the configuration
follows. The related work about QoS control of queue into OpenFlow protocol rather than
and management for software defined network explore OF-config to configure the rules of
is described in section II. Then the AQSDN queue management and scheduling as we do.
architecture is outlined in section III, and
the PCaQoS is introduced in section IV. The III. AQSDN ARCHITECTURE
self-configuration feature of AQSDN and the
perfomance of PCaQoS are evaluated in Sec- The AQSDN Architecture is illustrated in
tion V. Section VI concludes the paper. Fig.1. The QoS control module which is locat-
ed in SDN controller decides or chooses QoS
II. RELATED WORK rules dynamically. The OpenFlow protocol
and OF-config protocol are extended for ac-
Several solutions for QoS guarantee through quiring the context from SDN switch or issu-

China Communications • July 2014 14

ing the QoS rules to SDN switch. For sensing operator, end user or other applications run-
context and instantiating the QoS rules, sever- ning on the controller.
al functions and components are implemented Rule DB: It stores the historical QoS rules
in OpenFlow switch. which are used for the special requirements or
in specified network environments.
3.1 QoS control module
Policy DB: It stores the QoS Polices sup-
The QoS control module, which is an applica- ported by OpenFlow switch, which can be
tion of the ONF controller, has two function provided by network operator or other appli-
models. One is QoS scheme decision model, cations.
which determines suitable queue management Context manager: context manager is
and scheduling schemes as well as their pa- responsible for aggregating, storing and
rameters. This model is activated infrequently, managing context perceived from the data
e.g., when a switch is initialized or when the plane. Generally, context could include any
operator forces it. The other one is QoS action information charactering the situation of an
decision model, which determines packets entity [17]. In AQSDN, we only focus on QoS
marking and designates the queue for each management of the network. So the entity is
flow adaptively. This model may be activat- network and service. The network context and
ed frequently. QoS schemes and actions are the Flow context are defined as Definition 1
collectively referred as QoS rules. The QoS and 2.
control module comprises Context manager, Definition 1. (Network Context): network
Analysis, Rule decision, Requirement DB, context is an information set characterizing the
Rule DB and Policy DB. The detail functions network performance, which includes the state
of these models are described as follows: information of the switch or node (e.g., uti-
Requirement DB: It stores the QoS re- lization ratio of CPU and memory on a node
quirements, which are provided by network and the length of the packet queue), and the
link information, (e.g., the Packet Loss Ratio
(PLR) delay and jitter, available bandwidth of
the link).
The controller attains the node state infor-
mation through accessing the Management
Information Base (MIB), and the link informa-
tion through analyzing the statistical informa-
tion of the flow. As we known, the statistical
information are divided into multiple granular-
ities: table level, flow level, port level, queue
level and meter level.
Definition 2. (Flow Context): Flow context
is an information set characterizing a service
flow, which includes the inherent feature (e.g.,
the service type and the QoS requirement),
and the real-time flow feature (e.g., the burst
The inherent features of the service can be
carried in the first packet of the flow, and then
be achieved by controller with Deep Packet
Inspection (DPI) technologies. The controller
can achieve the real-time feature through que-
Fig.1 The AQSDN architecture rying the switch for statistical information.

15 China Communications • July 2014

Analysis: The tasks of the analysis module Algorithm 1 QoS_Control
are to analyze whether the QoS requests can
PROCEDURE QoS_Control ( ) {
be satisfied and if there are conflicts among
1: while (TURE) {
them. If conflicts are founded or the QoS re- 2: QoS_req:=read_QR (Requirement_DB );
quests could not be satisfied, these resaults are 3: QoS_policy:=read_QP(QoS_policy_DB);
sent to the administrator. If the QoS requests 4: Context:=wait_for_context();
could be satisfied, the related contexts and 5: Result:=analysis(QoS_req,QoS_policy, Context)
requirements are forwarded to the QoS rule 6: if(Result==Conflict)
decision module. 7: exception(THERE_IS_CONFLICT);
Rule decision: T he Rule decision com- 8: else if(Result==Not_Guarantee)
9: exception (QoS_IS_NOT_SATISFIED);
ponent can chooses the appropriate QoS rule
from the QoS Rule DB if it exits. Otherwise,
10: QoS_rule:=QoS_rule_decision (QoS_req,QoS_policy, Context);
this component plans new QoS rule based on 11: store_QoS_rule(QoS_rule);
the context, QoS requirement and QoS policy }
stored in the QoS Policy DB, and stores the }
new QoS rule into the QoS Rule DB for use
To describe the control procedure clearly, field in drop band and there is not in remark-
the main process of the QoS control module is ing band. On the other hand, the number of
presented in algorithm 1. specific arguments is unpredictable for new
band. So we explore the Type-Length-Value
3.2 The enforcement of the QoS
(TLV) format to show the specific arguments
(shown in Fig. 2) instead of the predefinition
For QoS action in each flow, the packet of the structure for each meter band. In the
marking algorithms selection is configured switch, the corresponding code for creating
via OpenFlow protocol by the OpenFlow and applying each meter band is needed. we
controller. Meanwhile, the QoS schemes for add two packet marking algorithms as new
each queue, queue management and schedule meter bands, Single Rate Three Color Marker
schemes are configured through OF-config (srTCM)and Packet Context-aware Packet
protocol by the OF-config point. Marker (PCaPM), which is described in sec-
3.2.1 The enforcement of the QoS actions tion 4.1.

The existing OpenFlow protocol defines the 3.2.2 The enforcement of the QoS rules
message about the configuration of the flow OF-Config is transported using NetConf pro-
table, the group table and meter table. The en- tocol. Through choosing suitable operation
queue/set-queue action specifies which queue (e.g. <get-config>, <edit-config>), we can
attached to a port should be entered by a flow. achieve and set the configuration of the re-
And the meter table and meter band provide
the meter operation for flow. However, the
existing remarking bands, which only lower Band
Rate Counters
Spec_arg #1 Spec_arg #1
Type Type Length
the drop precedence level of the packet, does
Spec_arg #1 Value
not satisfy various QoS requirement. So it is
necessary to extend OpenFlow protocol so that

it could support diverse packet marking algo- Spec_arg #n Spec_arg #n

Type Length
rithms. Based on the definition of meter band, Spec_arg #n Value
the band type, rate, and counters fields are
fixed, while other arguments are variable with
the band type. For example, there is prec_level Fig.2 The format of meter band with variable specific argument

China Communications • July 2014 16

source in the switch. The existing OF-Config ence [1]. It could support the configurability
has provided the support of the minimum and functions of queue management and schedul-
maximum transmission rates of a queue. For ing in switch/router. This solution brings the
supporting the configuration of Queue man- bright future for automatic QoS management.
agement and Queue scheduling schemes, we
enrich the operate set of the OF-Config on the IV. PACKET CONTEXT-AWARE QoS
content layer of the NetConf. As shown in Fig. MODEL
3, we supplement the queue management and
queue scheduling schemes in the configuration Similar with the context definition of network
of OpenFlow queue. The queue management and flow, the packets also have its context,
schemes include Weighted Random Early which are defined as definition 3. Take video
Detection (WRED) and Packet Context-aware service as an example, in Group of Pictures
Queue Management (PCaQM), which is de- (GoP), the precedence level of I frame is the
scribed in section 4.2. The queue scheduling highest, and the precedence level of P frame is
schemes include Priority Queuing (PQ) and higher than B frame’s.
Weighted Round-Robin (WRR). Definition 3. (Packet Context): packet
We add OF-config channel in SDN switch. context is an information set (e.g., semantic
Similar with the OpenFlow channel, it is an- precedence level) characterizing the packet.
other interface that connects each OpenFlow The packet context can be carried by traffic
switch to controller. This interface is respon- class (TC) field in the IPv6 header or (ToS)
sible for decapsulation or encapsulation of the field in IPv4 header. In TC field, the format of
OF-config message from/to the OF-Config semantic precedence level follows the defini-
point, and instructing/receiving the configura- tion of the class selector (CS) encoded point
tion of the resource. So the switch can exact in DiffServ model. The QoS guarantee ability
the OF-config message and transform it to the would be improved if the SDN take packet
switch/router easily. In addition, A FPGA with context into account. However, it is impracti-
well-defined interfaces is proposed in refer- cal to deliver the packet context to the control-
ler because this needs the frequent communi-
cation between the switch and the controller.
So we design the Packet Context-aware QoS
Queue (PCaQoS) model enhanced from the DiffServ
model, which enables the switch to perceive
Queue Queue
the packet context and responds it locally. The
Queue property
scheduling management PCaQoS model is described in figure 3. It is
different with the DiffServ model. In addition
PQ WRR WRED PCaQM Min-Rate Max-Rate to the metering information about the flows,
the marker and the queue manager also take
the packet contexts into account. They are
Fig.3 The structure of configuration items for the OpenFlow queue
called as Packet Context-aware Packet Marker
(PCaPM) and Packet Context-aware Queue
Management (PCaQM) respectively.

4.1 Packet context-aware packet

Classifier PCaPM PCaQM marker
A kind of autonomic packet marking (APM)
algorithm is presented in [18]. It tries to ex-
ploit token reservation and token borrowing
Fig.4 The PCaQoS model for giving high probability of being marked

17 China Communications • July 2014

green to the critical packets. The packets are Table I The mapping relationships from meter results to remarking colors
divided roughly two categories: critical and The marking results The marking results by the
Semantic priority level
normal packets. And APM still uses three by the APM PCaPM
colors to mark the transmission grade, which Any network control dark green
cannot provide exact differentiation service. high Green
In this section, a new packet marking mech- Green middle light green
anism PCaPM is presented. It uses multicolor low Cyan
marking [19-21] to distinguish various pre- high Cyan
cedence levels through extending the meter- Yellow middle Yellow
ing-based marker. PCaPM initiate a multicolor low Orange
packet marker by remarking the DSCP code high Orange
based on the packet context and the marking Red middle Red
result of the metering-based marker. The mark- low dark red
ing result is mapped into the Pool 2 (xxxx11).
Fig. 5 illustrates a case of the PCaPM. In this
case, the metering-based marker is srTCM, the srTCM

packets of a service present three kinds of pri-
ority (high, middle and low) and the mapping
relationships from meter result to remarking EBS
color are listed in Table I. CBS

4.2 Packet context-aware queue Bucket C Bucket E

The PCaQM coordinates closely with the mapping
Precedence level
PCaPM. If an integrated flow is marked k col- Packet

ors or priorities by PCaPM, PCaQM derives

k virtual sub queues from the original queue. Fig.5 The PCaPM marker
All of packets with the same priority l(1≤l≤k)
in original queue Q compose sub queue sq[l].
The sequence of packets in sub queue sq[l]
is same as theirs in original queue Q. sq[l] is
a link of pointers which point to packets in
queue Q instead of requesting new memory
for storing packets’ copies. The mapping re-
lations between the real queue and the virtual
sub queues are shown in Fig. 6.
When packet p is appended into the queue
Q, its pointer pointing to it is adding the tail
Fig.6 The mapping relationships between the real queues and the virtual sup
of sub queue sq[p.PL], of which p.PL indicate queues
the precedence level of packet p. Reversely,
when packet p is moved away from queue Q, packets have different priorities. For example,
its pointer is also moved away from sq[p.PL]. in a congested route, if lots of lower priority
PCaQM algorithm is indicated as algorithm 2. packets arrive suddenly in a short time, the
In many queue management schemes, the queue length increases sharply so that the
queue length is the only parameter for comput- higher priority packets coming later will be
ing the packets loss probability. This design is dropped. So PCaQM takes packet priority as
reasonable when all the packets are in an equal another metric for the incoming packets pro-
status. However, this is unfavorable when the cessing.

China Communications • July 2014 18

Algorithm 2 PCaQM The detail dropping packet procedure of
PROCEDURE PCaQM (Packet p, Queue Q) { PCaQM is indicated by algorithm 3. If there is
1: l:= p.PL; packet that should be dropped when the pack-
2: qlen:= av_len(Q); et p arriving, PCAQM will drop the header
3: Pr:= Calc_Discard_Probability(qlen, Q.thmin[l], Q.thmax[l], Q.pmax[l]); packet p’ in sq[p.PL] that is the lowest priority
4: if ( Packet_Should_be_Discarded (Pr) ) { sub queue in all non-empty sub queues whose
5: ReplaceDiscard(p, Q); priority is lower than p.PL. If the packet satis-
fying the condition cannot be found, packet p
else {
is dropped.
6: Q. AppendPacket(p) ;
7: Q.sq[l]. AppendPacket (prep) ;

5.1 The implementation of

prototype system
Algorithm 3 ReplaceDiscard

PROCEDURE ReplaceDiscard (Packet p, Queue Q) {

The prototype system of AQSDN, which con-
1: l:= p.PL; fig QoS polices in SDN according to the poli-
2: sqlow:= null; cy of multimedia service autonomically, is il-
3: for (i:= k to l+1 step -1) do { lustrated by Fig.7. It is composed of three Dell
4: if (Q.sq[i] == null) continue; R410 and four R710 servers. One R710 server
5: sqlow:= Q.sq[i] ; acts as the controller through running NOX
6: break; platform [22], while other servers act as either
core or edge OpenFlow-enabled switches by
7: if (sqlow == null) {
running Ofsoftswitch13 [23]. These switches
8: Discard(p);
enable to support both DiffServ and PCaQoS
else { models. In addition, several PCs serve as
9: prep:= sqlow..GetQueueHeader (); source and destination hosts. The host con-
10: Q.RemovePacket(prep) ; nects the edge switch directly. The bandwidth
11: sqlow..RemovePacket (prep) ; of the bottleneck between two core nodes CS1
12: Q. AppendPacket(p) ; and CS2 is 20Mbit/s, and the delay is set to
13: Q.sq[l]. AppendPacket (prep) ; 5ms. The bandwidth and delay of any other
link are 100Mbit/s and 2-10ms respectively.
Ten different videos are explored as the ex-
periment service, each of which is transmitted
on two pairs of hosts separately (e.g., S1→D1
and S11→D11). These videos are provided by
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Com-
puter Science, Technische Universität Berlin.
Their characteristics are illustrated in Table

ES 1 S3 D1
II. These videos are coded and encoded by
D2 H.264/AVC JM 18.5 [24]. The video format is

Db6 Common Intermediate Format (CIF, 352x288
S2 D11

CS 1 CS 2
solution, 30fps). The packet semantic prece-

ES 4
dence level of video flow is known as: PI>P-
P>PB, where PI, PP and PB are the priority of I
Sb6 Medeia flow Background flow

frame packets, P frame packets and B frame

packets in one Group of Picture (GOP). The
Fig.7 The implementation of prototype system frame order of H.264 is IBPBPB…, and the

19 China Communications • July 2014

interval between two I frames is 20 frames. Table II The flow attributions after encoding of ten video services
In order to change the congestion level, we No. video frames AR1 AR2cri Burstiness
inject some background traffic flows into the 1 akiyo 300 139 86 low
network. Through adjusting the background 2 news 300 282 127 low
traffic flows, we can achieve higher congestion
3 hall 300 302 110 low
level in the bottleneck link.
4 Container 300 266 151 low
In whole process of the emulation, the vid-
5 Highway 2000 254 65 middle
eo between each pair host is transferred many
6 bridge_close 2000 446 151 low
times circularly (3~20 times based on the du-
ration of the video), and the background traffic 7 Foreman 300 488 145 high
flow is also sent to make the bottleneck link in 8 Paris 1065 535 258 high
congestion status. 9 Coastguard 300 966 192 high
10 Mobile 300 1525 407 low
5.2 The self-configuration feature of
Note: 1. AR - the average information rate of the stream (KB/s).
2. ARcri- the average information rate of critical packets (KB/s).
In order to compare PCaQoS and DiffServ,
Table III The configurations of the srTCM and PCaPM for ten video flows respec-
we derive two virtual networks from the pro-
totype system. One virtual network comprises
video CIR (Kbit/s) CBS (bytes) EBS (bytes)
the switch ES1, CS1, CS2 and ES3, and another
comprises the switch ES2, CS1, CS2 and ES4. Akiyo 140 9000 15000
We input their QoS policy into the Policy DB. News 285 15000 22000
These two virtual networks use same flow Hall 310 12500 18500
classification and queue scheduling algorithm: Container 280 17000 34000
the video flows are mapped to AF class and
Highway 270 20000 40000
the background flows are mapped to AF and
bridge_close 475 20000 30000
BE classes. Each class corresponds to one
queue. The queue scheduling algorithm ex- Foreman 490 30000 50000
ploits PQ+WRR mode: the EF queue is supe- Paris 560 45000 70000
rior to the AF queue; the AF/BE is scheduled coastguard 1000 50000 100000
by Weighted Round Robin (WRR).
mobile 1600 80000 160000
These two virtual networks explore differ-
ent packet marker and queue management. In
Table IV The configurations of WRED and PCaQM (in the case that the maximize
the first virtual network, the Single Rate Three queue length is 100)
Color Marker (srTCM) is configured on the
Color Mnimum Maximum maximum drop proba-
switch ES1, and the Weighted Random Early Threshold (thmin) Threshold (thmax) bility (pmax)
Detection (WRED) is configured on the other
dark green
switches. This virtual network is referred to green green 55 90 0.01
as DiffServ based network. In the second vir- light green
tual network, the PCaPM is configured on the cyan
yellow 35 60 0.2
ES2, and PCaQM is configured on the other yellow
switches. This virtual network is referred to as orange
PCaQoS based network. The parameter value red red 10 40 0.8
of these QoS schemes depends on the service dark red
and the network context. The parameter CIR
in the srTCM and PCaPM is set based on the threshold thmin, the maximum threshold thmax
average rate of the service during a period of and the maximum drop probability pmax are set
time, and the CBS and EBS are set based on based on the congestion on the link. The con-
the max burst of the service. The minimum figurations of the srTCM and PCaPM are set

China Communications • July 2014 20

5.3 The comparison of PCaQoS and
40 DiffServ PCaQoS
Average PSNR DiffServ
Fig. 8 presents the average PSNR of each
video after across PCaQoS and DiffServ
based network respectively. It shows that the
0 PCaQoS provides the higher video quality
video source number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(avgPSNR) than the DiffServ in general. Fur-
thermore we select 300 continuous frames
Fig.8 The average PSNR comparisons of ten pairs of video services across from three videos after across the PCaQoS and
PCaQoS and DiffServ based network respectively DiffServ based network respectively, and ana-
lyze their PSNR. Fig. 9 presents the PSNRs of
these frames. We also capture the 155th frames
40 PCaQoS_Coastguard DiffServ_Coastguard of these videos, and compare them with the
30 corresponding frames of the original files. Fig.

10 presents the snapshot of the 155th frame

of these three sets of videos. Obviously, Fig.
10 9 and 10 further support the conclusion that
the PCaQoS provides the higher video quality
Frame ID than DiffServ.
0 50 100 150 200 250

(a) Coastguard
PCaQoS_Pairs DiffServ_Pairs

30 In the traditional IP network, resource utili-


zation improvement and network QoS guar-
anteeing are very complicated for network
operators. For solving this problem, research
0 communities propose lot of ideas on it. One
0 50 100 150 200 250Frame ID of them is to upgrade the network nodes with
autonomic abilities. In addition, Software
(b) Paris
Defined Network provides the capability
50 to implement network control and manage-
PCaQoS_Foreman DiffServ_Foreman
40 ment functions by software. In this paper, the
AQSDN architecture, which combines the

advantages of the autonomic network manage-
ment and the SDN technologies, is proposed.
10 A novel QoS model which is called Packet
0 Context-aware QoS (PCaQoS) model is also
Frame ID
0 50 100 150 200 250 presented based on the AQSDN architecture.
(c) Foreman At the end, the self-configuration feature of
the AQSDN and t he enhancement of video
quality of the PCaQoS model are verified.
Fig.9 The PSNR comparisons of 300 continuous frames of three pairs videos across Although our algorithms have shown the
PCaQoS and DiffServ basded network respectively
feasibility in a simple network environment,
further verification research in more complicat-
as shown in Table III, and the configurations ed network environments and the extendibility
of the WRED and PCaQM are set as shown in evaluation of PCaQoS model in AQSDN ar-
Table IV. chitecture are our future research works.

21 China Communications • July 2014


This work was supported in part by the

National High Technology Research and
Development Program (863 Program) of
China under Grant No. 2011AA01A101, original_Coastguard DiffServ_Coastguard PCAQoS_Coastguard

No.2013AA013303, No.2013AA013301and
National Natural science foundation of China
No. 61370197 & 61271041.

original_Paris DiffServ_Paris PCAQoS_Paris
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University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT).
His research interests include network QoS, future QUE Xirong, is currently an associate professor of
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QI Qinglei, is currently a Ph.D candidate at State Key Telecommunications (BUPT). Her research interests
Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology include: IP QoS, future internet architecture and in-
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23 China Communications • July 2014

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